ALLEN | TO-DAY Thunderclap The Bail YEAR 88; No. 324. : KINGSTON, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2, 1921. y British Wh ig ALLEN Thunderclap _. LAST EDJTION, -- i c, EASY PLACE FOR ROBBERS Former Burglar Tells Whig Any Dub Could (lean City Out. "Xingston is an easy place to burg- ' Why you're wide open, and eny dub could clean the city out.' This was not the statement of w Police inspector or of a detective, bu. it 'was the statement of a man about Oity-4wo years, dressed in shabby clothes, a week's growth of beard, . Wiho walked with a slouch wearing his cap pulled down over his eyes. He knew what he was talking about, but. declared that he was not one of the burglars. He had served nearly all of the pas' twenty-five years in Penitentiaries and prisons for burg- lary, robbery, etc. He came to town only two days before and left Tues- day by the noon tréiin for the west on a ticket furnished him by the mayor because bé was hard up and there Was not work obtainable in King- ston. He had tried his hand at burglary in many places and knew what he 'was talking about. "Anyone can take a chance in this place from what I have been dble to earn during & very short visit. I wasn't in that Job last night, though," said he, re- ferring to the robbery of Mahood Bros.' store. "I got out of prison down east last July and have been in the United States since. There Is no work there for anyone, for con- ditions in business there are fur woree than in Canada." The party was referred to the mayor who did the best he could for fim, after satisfying himself that he was not involved in the burglary of Mahood Bros.' store. Men Chased From Laneway. 'There were no new developments reported on Wednesday morning in the big jewelry robbery at Mahooa Bros." store. On Tuesday afternoon, after fin- ishing @ checking up of the e'ock. gave to the police a let of the differ- ont pleces of jewelry stolen, and tha police in the various centres will be notified and a close watch kept "0 see it any of it turns up. _ From information given the Whig on Wednesday morning, it appears -Jate on Monday afternoon, two i were discovered loafing in Ma- # 's Janeway and also in the lane- way ot the rear of Abernethy's shoe store, and that the men we rderaa out. It is recalled that one niin was standing up against the fence, as it taking a survey of the surroundings, and it is believed that he might have been one member of the gang who went into the laneway to give it "the once over" in preparation . for the robbery early in the morning, The robbery at Mahood Bros.' stors has created quite a sensation in the down down business section, and merchants are putting forth every ef- fort possible to have their shops pro- tected. spn. A Mysterious Man. Information secured by a Whig representative on Wednesday shows that for several days a mysterious man has been loafing around Queen street, between Wellington and Bagot streets, and that late on Monday afternoon, a citizen Hving in that block, . ordered the man sway. The man was given something to eat at one of. the houses in this vicinity. One citizen recalled to the Whig that the man stood around in the block mentioned one day in a pour- ing; rain, and the citizen thought he must be up to something to stay out in a heavy rain like this, This fellow is, no doubt, the same one who was ordered out of Mahood's faneway and the laneway in rear of Abernsthy's store late Monday aftef- noon. Toronto Minister Sued By Wife For Alimony Toronto, Nov. 2.--Ada M. Walk- er, a former Toronto school teacher, in the assize court before Justice Rose at Osgoode Hall, is suing Har- ry Walker, a Presbyterian minister in the city, but at present without a charge, for $20 a week alimony. Mrs. Walker swore that he hus- band was constantly fault-finding and was a "continuous scold." They were married on May 12th, 1917, and she declared that the trouble began on the honeymoon, when he told her one Sunday morning that she would have to use less gas when she was frying an egg. British Empire Flowers In Wreath to U.8. Unknown London, Nov. 2.--Red roses from England, shamrocks from Ireland, heather from Scotland, forget-me- nots from Wales and maple leaves from Canada, will have their place in the wreath which Mrs. Julia Me- Cudden, mother of the famous aviat- THE PREMIER MAY RESIGN If Ulster Blocks His Plan to Secure Peace in Ire- land. London, Nov. Conference It Ulster 2,--Lloyd George has definitely and regretfully aban- doned all hope of attending the in- augural sessions of the Washington Conference, and yesterday he cancel- led his passage on the Acquitania. The next few days may "ring about his resignation as prime minister. Everything depends on the which the Irish take. Lloyd George believes that a set- tlement of the Irish question may be brought about by 'a "beau geste" on the part of Ulster. turn may will {ORDERED FROM HOUSE TWICE IN THE WEEK John Jones, British "M. P., Grumbles, But Leaves at Speaker's Order. London, Nov, 2.--After the Prime Minister sat down, on concluding his speech in the Commohs Monday, John Jones, Labor M.P., was ordered out of the House by the deputy speaker for making an interruption. "I am leaving when I like," re- torted the rebellious member, who did not move. "I must ask the honorable mem- speaker, "Why don't you pull up the other bounders?" argued the rebel, but amid loud shouts of order he got up and left the chamber. "This isthe second time he has been ordered out within a week. Austin Chamberlain closed the de- bate, and the vote was taken. ber to leave," repeated the deputy erat Georgia, that Ul 1 or, who fell place on the tomb States "unknown" tery on November 11th. of the ROBERT E. TOD during the war,* will United at Arlington ceme- Retired banker and former commo- dore of the Atlantic Yacht Club, who has just become commissioner of immi- give up Tyrone and Fermanagh, the two northern counties which have a Roman Cathclic majority of popu- lation, the Sinn Fein will recognize allegiance to the British Crown, and everywuing will be well with the Ir- ish world. That is the compromise view which, so far, is not welcomed by either Ulster's representatives or by those English Unionists who be- lieve it their political need and pai- riotic duty to back Ulster's claims. Equivalent to Coercion. Lord Birkenhead, once dubbed "Galloper Smith," insists that tha demands upon Ulster to make a "beau geste" of abandoning Tyrone and Fermanagh are equivalent to the coercion of Ulster, which is one of the things which have been ruled out of order in the question of an Irish settlement. Lloyd George, in his speech Mon- day, laid little emphasis on the point of the coercion of Ulster, He dwelt chiefly on the points of Irish allegince to the British Crown and the security of the British Empire. Four Ulstermen hold that to make a bargain with the Sinn Fein in which Tyrone and Fermanagh will be pawns would be to play a losing game, the end of which would be Lloyd George's Son May Coalition Liberal M.P, for Pembroke- shire, has intimated he will not seek re-election after the end of the pre- sent parliament. the county Liberal approaching George, son of the premier, yith a request that he stand in the Coali- tion-Liberal interest. Hon. A. 7 Balfour Leaves four will leave Liverpool today on the S.S. Empress of France for tha Washington Quebec. He is accompanied by the Earl of Cavan, Vice-Alr States Ambassador Harvey and Jap- anese Ambassador Hayashi bade the party farewell. EN DORSES § V.C. Heroes To Carry Wreath to en, Contest Pembroke Seat | London, Nov. 2.--Sir Evan Jones, | It is understood Association are | Dr. . Gwileen Lloyd niet London For Washington London, Nov. 2,--Hon. A, J. Bal- conference by way of Sir Jolfn Jordan ana larshal H'ggins. Unit2q SENDING OF VETS Washington Ceremonial. Toronto, Nov. 2.--Premier Meigh- according to Secretary J. FF. gration at the port of New York } THE POLITICAL ARENA. ANSI, Ee Liberal 'Women Pembroke, Nov. 2.--The Liberal women of Pembroke are not asleep. A representative gathering of wom- en met in the 'offices of Dr, M. Me- Kay, Liberal candidate. Commit- tees for helping in regiitration and other work in conngction with the election were formed. It is expected that Miss Murphy, of Ottawa, niece of Hon. Charles Murphy, will ad- dress the women of Pembroke Fri- day evening. Won't Give Drayton Seat. Owen Sound, Nov. 2.--It can be definitely stated that North Grey will not be the refuge of Sir Henry Drayton in the coming election. In speaking to a correspéndent M, R. Duncan, the government candidate, stated definitely that he would not back out for any outsider, and that he would be in the fight until the last vote was 'polled. London Tories Name White. ' London, Ont, Nov. 2.--The Meighen government followers, at a convention held in the .Masodic Temple, nominated ex-Ald. J. Frank White of the London Rolling Mills Company to oppose C. R. Somerville, the Liberal candidate and, possibly, a Labor nomnee. Opposes Ballantyne. Montreal, Nov. 2.=---Mrs. Rose Henderson has announced herself as Labor. candidate in St. Lawrence-St. George division, this city, for the forthcoming Federal elections. The other candidates are Hon. C. C. Bal- what remains? disastrous for loyalist interests, Alternative of Rejection. Lloyd George, if people in close touch with him read his mind cor- : rectly, holds that the Sinn Fein can pho won over and. made a friend of Greif" Britain by sion of the two Catholic counties of Northeast Ulster nor Ulster's backers in Great Britain will make such a concession, and, at the same time, th. Sinn Fein remains adamant in regard to the recognition of allegiance to the Brit- ish Crown unless concession is made, Nothing except to make war upon Sinn Fein Ireland or to abandon Ulster. Those are the alternatives before Lloyd George and between according to reports, he will choose the outlet of resignation. Ireland. It Plan of Settlement. London, Nov, 2.--There was rea- son to believe that the plan of set tlement of the Irish question, draft- ed and discussed in detail by the com- mittee 'of four delegates representing the government and the Sinn Fein, is {now the chief subject being consider- ed by the two delegations, FIRE IN PERTH. Bakery amd Confectionery Store Is Dam Perth, Ont, Ross Moore, the baker, in a a Sa neither them Nov. 2.--Fire broke out Tuesday morning at four o'clock in the Lauri& Block, situated in the heart of the business portion of the town, and although a dificult blase to fight the firemen prevented the fire from spreading. arose about four o'clock and discovered fire burning fiercely small Marsh, G.A.U.V.' has endorsed the sending of Sergt. W. L. Rayfield, V.C., and George Richardsen, the nonogenarian V.C. holder, to, Wash- ington to represent Canada in the Armistice day ceremonies. 'They will lay ar wreath of Jdeaves on the tomb of the American unknown sol detr. Sir Edward Kemp, Senator. Toronto, Nov. 2.--The Toronto Telegram, in a news item, forecasts the appointmet* of Sir 'Edward Kemp to the senate to fill the vac- ancy caused by the death of Senat- or Frederic Nicholls. In that event the East Toronto constituency, where Sir Edward hhs already beef nominated by the Conservatives, would be re-opened. The name of E. B. Ryckman, K.C., is suggested for the possible vacancy in East Tor- onto. Ulster Premier Needed. here this morning that negotiation§ had progressed to the point that the presence in London of the Ulster premier, Sir James Craig, is regard- ed as necessary. It would appear that the day when Ulster must be associated with the Sinn Fein is near at hand, declares the London Times But the manner apd time .of Sir James Craig's coming are among the obscurities of the situation. New York Milk Strike. New York, Nov. 2. --There is a small prospect in sight for an early settlement of the milk drivers' strike, Mhough little hope for an adjust- nt was expressed by both sides to the dispute when they emtered into conference in Mayor Hylen's office this morning. London, Nov. 2.<It was declared A HORRIBLE CHARGE MADE U. .S. Senator Says Soldiers Shot And Hanged With- out Trial. Washington, Nov. 2.--Investiga- tion by a special ocommittee into charges by Senator Waison, Demo- S. soldiers in France were hanged without court- martial' or other trial was ordered yesteday by the senate by unanimous vote. The committee will be ap- pointed by the president of senate, land Senator Watson will be invited before it to produce proof. Senator Watson's charges precipi- tated a heated debate in the senate. '"'How many senators know," Sena- tor Watson asked, "that a privata soldier was frequently shot by his officers because of some complaint against officers' insolence; and that they had gallows upon which men were hanged, day after day, without court-martial or any other form ol trial? 1 had and have the pho'o- | graph of one of those gallows, upon which twenty-one white boys had ai- ready been executed at sunrise when the photograph was taken; and there were others-waiting in the camp jails to be hanged morning after morn- ing." Senator Wadsworth declared that this ,charge could not be 'lightly brushed aside," nor "excused on the ground of excitability in debate." He demanded _that Senator Watson pro- duce the proof. Senator Watson replied that he as- sumed full responsibility for his charges. to go before any commitiee with his evidence, or to produce his witnesses unless they were guaranteed im- munity. "1 mean every word I said,' added, "and did not overpaint the picture. gallows upon which white soldiers ! were hanged, and I can produce wi- nesses who saw it, if it is safe for them to appear. "1 can produce men, safe, who saw men shot without trial. it it were I cannot compel men to come here | and incur the danger." ------ree-- SWEAR BY CHILD HEALER. Cr oe. The Lewiston Poeple Calm Miracul- ous Cares. Nov. 2.--Practically the whole "city of "Lewiston, Maine, swears by three-year-old Charlotte Lariver, the child healer, as she is called. They insist that the child drives away pain and cures wounds by simply touching her fingers to the afflicted spot atid listing a short prayéf. They say that by the lay- ing on of her hand and murmuring "Saint Anne, cure you," she can cure and has cured toothaches, head- aches, rheumatism, colds, coughs, sore throats, and that in the same way she has healed burns, secalds, bruises, scratches, injures 'of every descrip- tion. They cite the case of Grandma Thibalt, who had been doubled up | with rheumatism for twenty years, and® today is as straight as any wo- man of her years, all because of the child's laying on of hands. The child's mother firmly believes that the girl has the gift of healing, and ascribes it to pre-natal influ- ence. "She is the seventh daughter," she said. "Always I prayed that that child might have the gift of healing, and now my prayer is answered. I had been suffering great pain for some 'days with the toothache. There was an abscess in tH® tooth, but I did not know it. I had tried medi- eine, everything, but I could get no relief, 1 happened to take up my baby and she put her little hand on my mouth, The pain immediately lef: Boston, NEWS OFF THE WIRES IN CONDENSED FORM mde Tidings From Places Far and Near Are Briefly Ré¢counted. The Prince of "Wales opened the Maltese parliament. Atlantic, storm takes big toll on Newfoundland coast. Richard McArdle, known hotel-keeper dead. ' The loss by the gale in Nova Sco- tia is estimated at half a million dollars. The former Chancellor of the Bri- tish exchequer says the financial horizon seems clear. ' One hundred and seventy return- ed men have been dismissed from the Toronto post office. The funeral of Lady Laurier takes plate on Friday morning to Notre Dame cemetery, Ottawa. . A cable from Geneva says no eight hour day for the farmers. The jtem is struck from the agenda. Another daring attempt at escape on the part of prisoners at the jail was discovered at London, Ont. Dr. O. C. 8. Wallace, pastor of the Westmount Baptist Church, is leav- ing to become pastor of the Utah Place Church, Baltimore. gen., well- of Stratford, He said he would refuse | | he | 1 have a photograph of t he | and other afflictions,. | | | | | | { | MISS HESSELGREN A factory, in inspector of Gothenburg. who wi Le elected to the Sned ment. ing. the first SNE ET N rs feney of Manitoba, R: John M. Wallace Collapses .in Post. Office and Dies in Few Minutes. Napanee, Nov. wv. 3. Terribly deri was the call that came to} | M. Wallace yesterday ' afternoon. | Deceased was in the post office about {5 p.m., and collapsed. He was con- veyed to his home but died before anything could be done. Deceased was well and favorably known te every person in Napanee and sur-| rounding country, having lived here upwards of fifty years. On Monday he celebrated his seventy- eighth {birthday at the home of his grand- daughter, Mrs. E. J. Roy, Dundas street, where he made his home since the death of his wife a- couple of years ago. He leaves to mours a kind and ldving father, two soms, J. B. Walllace, of the Merchants' Bank, Meaford, and T. B. Wallac, | druggist, Napanee, and one daught- er, Mrs. Roy, Napanee. Mrs, Fraser, and daughter, Mrs. Holland, and little daugliter, Betty, left this week to spend the winter in New York. Adrian Teel and little daughter, Houston, Texas, and - the Misses Edith and Dora Smith, Houston, Texas, and Mrs. Appleyard, Chicago, acfompanied the body of the late Mrs, Teel to Napanee for burial in THER POLICY IS PUZZLING Dificalt to Tell Wih Whom Progressives . Will Co- operate. Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 2.--A curi= ous difference of policy is marking convention delegates of the Progres- sive party on the prairies. At a meet. ing of Progressives at Fort Qu'Ap- pelle to select delogates to the nom- inating con/eation at Wolseley, a resolutioh was unaimously adoptea condemning, the Progressives of Re- gina county for putting a Farmer candidate in the field to opopse Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Liberal nominee. . Another singular feature being widely commented on in the west is the activity of James Weir, ex-Farm- er M.L.A. of Alberta and ex-vice« president of the U.F.A., now support ing the Meighen povernment. Weir lef: Winninay tonight for Calgary, where he will take the platform for the government candidate. Unite With Labor, While many Farmer conventions have refused to combine with or en- dorse Labor candidstes, Progressives and Labor divided the delegates Sa - urday for the Springfield constitu- L. Richara- son's old seat, and placed a fusioniat in the field. And yet is officiali, stated tha' the Dominion Labor party will not take part as an organisa- tion' in Manitoba, though James '| Simpson, of Toronto, spent some time in Winnipeg and the west organizing "his branch of the Labor movement this summer with the avowed pur pose of having a candidate in each seat. Differences of the leaders in this province as to policy are assigned as a reason for this new attitude. in some rural seats the Liberals are of« ficially refusing to name candidates against the Farmer nominees, whila in other constituenties there are twn Liberal candidates representing the two Manitoba factions of the par'y. . Want Disability Removed. An illustration of this mixed pois fey appears in Crérar's homé eeai, Marquette, where General Dyer, the government candida'e and a mems T of @ Grain Growers, is conduct ov , while a 14d making convens tions in the west is disclosed in the introduction and adoption of resolus tions pledging candidates to" work for 'the withdrawal of the Hanna or: ting employees of the Na- ways being candidates for cal honors. On this policy Jou leaders are a unit on 'he prairs but np railway men are attempts "So Long," Dearie," Farewell! of Woman Bandit New York, Nov. 2.--Max Berger told the police of the West Sixty eighth Street station that three men and two well-dressed women had robbed him of $31 at the corner of Seventieth street and Columbus aves pue, and driven away with his taxis cab. "So long, dearie," is one of the. sweet phrases - one woman tossed back to Berger as they sped easts ward into Central Park West and disappeared. Bishop Chides Vicar For Speech By Doyle London, Nov. 2.---Because he al- Jowed Sir. A, Conan Doyle to occupy the pulpit of Oxford church, Rev, G. Vale Owen, vicar of the church, has been sharply rebuked by the Bishop of Liverpool. Although Conan Doyle did not actually speak on Spiritual fsm, the Bishop thinks he used words directly bearing on it when he sald that he and those of the sane faith who desired to restore the spirit life in England regarded Ox ford church as the lighthouse to lead them to higher and purer planes, 23 Years Imprisonment. North Battleford, Sask. Nov, 2. -- Twenty-five years' imprisonment was the sentence imposed hove on Isaiah Mitchell for the mansiaughter last June of his father-in-law, lien Arwm- strong at the trial at Fa.t Pitt store-room adjoining his bedroom thé family plot, Napanee. on the third floor but It was too far advanced to be fought by the in- mates and the alarm was turned in. The room where the fire started is seldom used and the origin of thi fire is a mystery. But for the fact that Mr. Moore, of necessity, must begin work early the result would likely have been more serious. Tha third flat was badly gutted and the entire large building and contents were badly damaged by water, sy Mrs. Laurie, one of Perth's most| respected, and its oldest business lady, is well over eighty years old, and has conducted a lakery and] confectivnery store in a building un} the same promises for almost sixty] lantyne, Government, and H. M. Marler, Liberal. Mrs. Henderson, who was former ly probation officer in: the Juvenile Court here, is well known in the city and throughout Canada as as- sociated with Labor movements. me, and I went to bed. In the night the abscess broke, and the tooth got "Leaders of the Amalgamated Meat well." Cutters and Butcher Workmen or North America are said to be prepar- fog for a walkout on Novemher 15th, following a ballot which show- od 35,354 men employed in Chisago plants were for a strike comparea with 3,490 against. The funeral pyres of a summer blazed hikh in the heavens last night. In the west the sun went down in 8 fury of scarlet and rose, which deepened to crimson as the dusk crept over the city. WASN'T ALONE WITH GIRL. Mayor MacBride, Brantford, to|smdavit Declares Arbuckle and Miss support Premier Meighen. { Rappe Were New York, Nov, 2.--Lowell Sher- man, motion pieture actor, and a guest at the party in the San Fran- cisco hotel of 'Roscoe (Fatty) Ar- buckle, which preceded the death of Miss Virginnia Rappe, another guest. yesterday made a sworn statement denying that Arbuckle at any 'time was in a room alone with the girl. Sherman declared that Miss Rappe complained of being ill and was carried into Arbuckie's bed- Bennett to Speak in Ontario. London, Ont.,, Nov. 2.--It is an- nounced that Hon. R. B. Bennett will speak in Ontario on behalf of Government candidates. His West- ern Ontario meetings next week will likely be in London, Chatham, and Windsor. Sir Henry Drayton will speak in Watford and Petrolia on Thursday in the interests of J. HB. Halton Jail Kept Prisoners Safe. Mijton, Nov. 2.--The statistics of the Halton county fail for the year completed by Governor MeGi and are as follows:--NMumber prisoners, 101; mernied, I¥; single, 84; temperate, 41; daily average cost of feeding There Armstrong, East Lambton. years. J. A. Laurie, Ottawa, is her Judge = Anderson's injunction against the United Mine Workers of America in the Willamson coal fiela of West Virginia and Kentucky, was denounced at Washington hy Samuel Gompers, president of the Americay Federeation of Labor. COND--- #% #4¢ #cythiddne "1040 Letters are to be sent to brewers advising them that beer already man- ufactured and held in stock may be sold for medical purposes under the new U.S. treasury regulations. Questioned at Stratford this morn- ing regarding the Statement that he had submitted a bill {gr services on the Hydro commission, W. A. Amos declared that he had been paid, $6,000 by the government, # only son. thrae storey one. PPP HPP OPPO IP24 rT Tesessvies The present store is . Paris, Nov. 2--It was stated at the foreign office today that Marshal Joffe ex- pected to visit several points fa Canada on his tour round the world. He sails from Marseilles November 11th, and will probably reach Seattle, ' Washington, . sometime in March, esses rsrece a P0004 40000004 jroom, and that Arbuckle was in the room oaly when others were pres- ent. 4 Chief Defers Resigning. Hamilton, Nov. 2.--Chief Tey k, of the Hamilton Fire Depart- it, who announced that hg was & to resign, stated today that he decided to postpone his resign- indefinitely. Viscount of Sandhurst Dead. : Loudon, Nov. 2 ~--~Willlam Maas- 3 rst Viscount of Sandhurst, is at the age of sixty-sif. The hei: jo his. brother, John Wii- prisoner, 19.36 eents, no female prisoners, those sentenced to Portsmouth tentiary and the Ontario ref tories" were non-residents of county. "Not a single one made His escape. $9984 094040900090 0 : i i , and their exile from & ungary will likely be perma- & es | 43 1 0060000000000 00