Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1921, p. 5

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wEDAESGAY, SOV. ~ CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princes iret a en FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, lanos and Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. FLoue 377. 108 Wellington Street. PAVID SCOTT Plumber Piambing and Gan Work a special). is All work guaranteed. Address pac Street. Phone 1277, erent, 3, 8 DRA. WINNETT Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Btreets Phone 8638 Dr. 'Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. HEALTH MESSAGE 10 THE WORLD Take "Fruit-a-tives" And Make Yourself Well *Fruit-a-tives"', the marvellousmedi- cine made from fruit juices and tonics, is the most beneficial medicinal agent that has ever been given to mankind. Just as oranges, apples, figs and prunes are nature's own medicine, so "Fruit-a-tives"--made from these fruit Juices--but concentrated and intensified--is the greatest Stomach and Liver Medicine, the greatest Kidney and Bladder Medicine--the greatest Blood Purifier--the greatest remedy for Head. | aches, Constipation, Indigestion, Nervous | ness and Bad Complexion--in the world, To be well, take "Fruit-a-tives" 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. BUILDING? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimaces riven by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Stzeet. Phone 1670. Smoke T&B Your Granddad's favorite smoke Angrove's Repairs Sesion, Talking Machin BI Baby rringes, Lawn Mowers, ee a repair work right and guarantee 187 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res., 1187. W. R McRae & Co. EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. ree Where there is a persistent cough or general run-down condition, there © Scott's Emulsion is a positive help, Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 20-28 ---- go. Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J SB. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ------ ---- | Kingston and Vicinity ] | Died of Diphtheria, | The very sad death of Mrs. Charles | Ne ~~ [one time by the late Sir Johm A | Macdonald, Moris Spiezman found | N | registrars sitting te enroll voters in i | the coming federal election show that { Bell, Haleys Station, from diphtheria {a mammoth stuffed turtle in excel-|there is a brisk mdvement among | took place on Monday, Oct. 24th, | | A Real Pumpkin, Albert McGonigal, Flower Station, grew a pumpkin on his farm which | measured four feet, tem inches in cir- cumference. ' { Appointed C.P.R, Agent, | Mr. Smith, West Toronto, has been appointed to the position of C.PR. | |agent, Tweed, rendered vacant by the {death of F. Geraldi, Forming Troop of Scouts, Capt. T. H. Hatton, Arnprior, is | making excellent progress with the organization of a troop of Boy Scouts. Already there is @ member- ship of fifty-four. t | i | | \ People Read, The obituaries to find out who has died. They read the agvertisements to find out who is alive. The biggest retail business in the city is being built up through live advertisements in this newspaper, Hogne Your Razor, Kid! I once knew a gent from Cologne Who-was always requesting a logre. He touched me for one, Then he lef: on a run, Now he's flogne, while 1 mogne fore that bogne, Keep Warm. We carry large range of winter overcoat: for boys and men. prices for boys' range from $8.00 $15.00. Men's from $15.00 $28.00. Also children's reefers $5.00, Prevost, Brock street. to to at Urged To Register. At the services in St. Mary's cathe- {dral on Tuesday morning, a request {was read from the pulpit that all members of the congregation shoula see that their names are registered for the federal election vote. Announcement, Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Thompson, Smith's Falls,announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Meta Rei- nicke, to Gordon W. Carl, Smith's Falls, only son of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Carl North Augusta, Wedding to take place in November. Married in Smith's Falls, Ross A. Corbett, a member of the Smith's Falls post office staff and well-knawn in baseball league circles as a pitcher, was married on Wed- nesday, his bride being Miss Isobel Annis Ellwood, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ellwood, all of Smith's Falls. tpn it. A Pretty Wedding. A pretty autumn - wedding took place at the Church of the Assump- tion Erinsville, on Oct, 18th, when Helena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gaffney, became the bride of Richard Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Tay- lor, . Netted Good Sums, The rummage sale onducted in the Pembroke Armouries on the two last Saturdays netted the splendid sum of Our | lent state of preservation. The sea animal is said to have hailed from the far south and 40 have lived to ba hundred of years old. The turtle was later polished up and sold to | Stanley Wilson, of the Whig staff. | who has not as yet decided as to whe- | ther to mainttain it in his curio col- | leetion or -dispose of same. | N. Gilbert, Brockville, is Dead. | Nelson Gilbert, aged sixty-seven, | head of the N. Gilbert Boat Company, | Brockville, was found dead on Sun- | day lying ont the floor of his sleeping { quarters located at one end of'the | works. He had evidently been taken ill during the night and died'sudden- ly. Mr. Gilbert had for many years been engaged in the manufacture of motor boats. i i | Worthily Conferred. | The Presbyterian. Review . says: Turnbull, High Park church] Toron- to, and Rev. W. G. Back, Eglinton church, Toronto, who were honored with the degree of D.D.sby their alma mater, Queen's ' University, at the convocation' on Oct, 19th. The new doctors are worthy representatives of the working pastorate, honored and beloved hy their brother minis- ters as by the members of their con- gregations. 1 { May Be Made Sheriff. { JDeputy Sheriff. B. F. Watter- | worth, London, Ont., who is well | known in Kingston, 'is likely to be appointed to the position of sherifr of Middlesex county, made vacant by the resignation of Sheriff Cameron, who is also known in Kingston. Mr. Watterworth has served as deputy sheriff for several years, and - has made many trips to Kingston with prisoners for the penitentiary. He is an able and efficient official, and his many friends here would be glad to hear of his being appointed to the position 8 sheriff. Women Registering. Reports from the offices of the {a single sporlsman in one day, Congratulations are due tg Rev. J: H. | the women voters to have their names placed on the lists. There are | three women to every two men regis: | tering. The names of all person on | Parts I. 11. and IIL of the municipal voters' lists are already regisiered. Others, however, should take no chances, but should apply in person to be enrolied. that the head of a family can do it. but this is not so. All not on the municipal lists must appear in per- son before the registrar. Partridge and Deer Season. When the partridge season opens on Nov. 5th, only ten birds may be shot by any one hunter during the season, which lasts to Nov. 20th, and not more than five may be killed by In the deer season, which is the same as that for partridge, only one animal may be killed by each hunter, but in addition to this, a club may kill one deer for the consumption of its mem- bers while in camp. A license to shoot deer costs $3. A hunter may slaughter 200 ducks in a season which lasts from Sept. lst- to Dec. 15th. me Arabian. Explorer Here, A distinguished visitor to King- ston is Rev. Samuel Marinus Zwem- er, M. A, DD, LLD., who enjoys unique distinction among savants as one of few Americans to have explor- ed the Arabian desert and to have de- voted a life-time of study to Moham- medanism, its past, present and pos- siblg future. Of Michigan birth, he was sent when twenty-four years of age to Busrah, as a missionary of the Reform church ot America, Bahrien and other ancient cities of Arabia being in turn his posts of duty, and his marriage having been solemmized in centuries-old Bagdad. The visiting Orientalist twice visited Yemen dur- ing the Arab rebellion of 1892, and fourteen years later organized and was chairman of the Mohammedan Missionary conference held in Cairo. Dr. Zwemer gives two addresses here this evening. Some people think | | LUMBER We have lately received several car loads of New Hemlock, Spruce and Pine Lumber. It is from the big mills, was bought right, and we can afford to sell it at interesting , prices. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay aad Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 435. F actory Phone 14185. Take Lunch Here Next time you are in this vicinity. Then, like other lads ies, you'll find it so good in every way and the prices so reasonable &nd you'll think it worth a considerabl: trip to take lunch here as <ften as possible. nty dishes and choice eatables can be served on the shortest notice. GRAND CAFE PETER LE E, PROP. 222 Princess Street . - Two Doors Above Opera House Open from § a.m. to = a.m. Phone 1843, VULCANIZING Done our way insures long service. Try o trea h work guaranteed. Tour Thtieeding: AN JBASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBLCER CO. A. NEAL, Manager ~~ 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and--- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE" 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--MeGALL'S CIGAR STORK PHONE 811. : SOWARDS COAL COMPANY. ne WINTER OVERCOATS MEN and 'YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES - $25.00, $28.00 $1,152. The articles offered for sale | were many and of great variety, and | JAPANESE DELEGATES ARRIVE FOR CONFERENCE. ready buyers were found. Thgjadies | The J : : are pleased With the success achiev- | 11¢ Japanese are expected to occupy a central place in the ed. conference on disarmament and far eastern problems. Most ' of the delegates are now in the States and here are three of the principals. From left to right: Baron Kijuro Shidehara, $35.00, $38.00 -- Sold at Low Price, Limited, COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by oy ; "BOOTH & CO. 'Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 forty years Sloan's Liniment has been the qui relief for Seth The Quickest vel PATTON'S DYE WORKS | Laie Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyen i BC! ti " > en ism, tired muscles, lame backs, sprains Sloan's handy and apply freely, witod aed at the first fier. ya Yori aad it clean and The O'Brien Munitions, plant and buildings, and those of the Energite Explosives Company, Limit- ed, which meant so much to Renfrew when operating, cost $1,200,000, and were sold to Mr. Freedman for re- moval for $81,000. Visited Smith's Falls, Mrs. D. T. Cummings, Kingston, was a visitor in Smith's Falls to ad- dress the W.M.§. meeting in the Methodist church on Wednesday. Her husband, the late Rev. D. T. Cum- mings, was once s'ationed in the town, and later died in Ottawa, The daughter, Miss Beatrice Cummings, is a student at Queen's university, » A BrotheMy Act, - Rev. J. D. Ellis, Smith's Falls, down on Sunday for the preaching of missionary sermons for Rev. Mr. San- derson at Merrickville and at Bur- ritt's Rapids, drove to the Rapids in Rev. Mr. Dowdell's automobile, the rector of Trinity church having kind- ly given the visiting clergyman trans- portation, ---------- Residence Totally Destroyed. . . On Sunday evening the residence of Fred Green, Addison, was totally destroyed by fire, together with the Major Tanaka and Admiral Kato. longer!" + %, speaking from?" came the familiar 3 A - 1 just Aad to hear your voice to-night-- mother an daughter, separated by many miles, had & virtoal night the : TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) RECEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF FRENCH CLUNY LACE . PIECES Doylies, Trays, Runners, Centre .. Pieces and Table Covers Prices run from . .25¢. to $25.00 Very suitable for Wedding snd 'Xmas. Gifts, 1% civ 7 ' N. Linton & Co. I _.S . - Dowrt (hink becwuie a" ang When & poor gil who ia long pictars of 'innocence it is {lanky suddenly acquires ¥ .to leave it alone with the can- 41 once. besomes divinely tall | graceful, : St. Peter's church, Rome, is the largest in the world, FoR E York state has 146 dally pa-

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