Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1921, p. 14

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SCARLATINA AT ELGIN. Mice and Matches Worked Out Quite GRAND = To-night, Fri., Sat. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 TH E P EOP LE 'S F OR U M | ® fo spending x Se render THE REX STOCK CO., Presenting at Kingston attending Queen's Uni- conE Es InLE ' Y' TC M T( )NE S' versity. Mrs. C. J. Pennock has re- Vaudeville Between Acts BILLY'S BS . { turned from a week at Merrickville. PRICES: 20c-80c-l0c. Gallery 10c.--Saturday Matinee 10 and 25e. : There are a number of cases of scarl- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : ' FOR SALE |atina in the village. J) . . Each con- y EN resid ; : HE ecwiiee ia tian a ach Sal ns WANTED GENERAL { | THOROUGHBRED HUNTING HOUND.| Frank Halladay's ence had a Days cent & word, Minimum charge for AM PAYING THE HIGHEST| 'FOUND | Apply at 19 Rideau Street. Darrow esocpe from fire last wack, It] C on 1) No other om. 9 . ::rertion, ie; three tusertions, market price for fresh cat-fish, Ap- | LINEN GILL NETTING AND NETS, [Started in a cloth closet. 50 cents. i St. | V h t g Ply to A. Glazel, 168 Ontario St INN, PRIN- 3 A ; : tha and matd when chased they aro dale" | Phoss fre | A*TEpEw suo sex, rar; | Fine fa. 0vke. 319 agot Street foause than mice a DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS ek RPA Hoe Tats ruff, uwner may have same | | one: 436, given. The contents of the room, in- oUF oy by applying there. NEAR || TWO BLUE AND ONE BUFF FANTAIL blankets, underwear, otc. wero de. PRESENTS t | NTE our roof? Does it need repairing a THIET, a b HELP WANTED. Ve use Argus Roof-proof. LIvop af hort ET oan | Pigeons, alse one Ps Sohnson at | stroyed. But for the timely aid of "T H E - ig card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack . WOMAN TO OUSEWORK, Ar.f__ "0 90 Victoria Street. | three men in the yard the dwelling ve | STRAMG THEATRE LAST | rs oF BEES, CHEAP Div to Mrs. Jno. G. MacDonald, of | mmx y BROS., 56 THOMAS STREET, night, & purse containing a or quick sale; in good shape to| Would have been destroyed. Wolts Island. experts in eave-trough work, tin-| wa Oe. BNA a te tarts smith and cheap metal works in| Sum Te i at rv} inter over. Apply 619 Princess|° G. F. Warren had the homor of : AT ONCE, A MAID FOR DIET KIT-| general mending and repairing old| salaclave street, colder of Street, carrying. the U.F.0. fomination a: 1 H R E E chen of Mowat Sanitarium Apply | leaky roofs or anything pertaining \ - . : N to the Dietitian. to tingmithing. . Phone 2438w: ons Hoaan. < STREET, LAST || STORE AND DWELLING ON CORNER Delta on Oct. 2tSh, Donald Coon ac . | f Livingston Avenue and David. companied Rev, Mr, Keough to Gan- - = | 7 tario Tinsmiths. ACIS i 3 ig 3 UNCED GIRL CLE | Err -- Week, a pair of Spectacle ~ | ; val re a USINESS OPPORTUNITIES. | samest Whig Omics. + | | sooner, Lor Sono dark anoque on Sunday. Rev. D. Mick, 9% Stores, Limited, 336 Frincess St. BUSINESS RWTUNITIES. | same a Mig ce. . na © v. Mr. Keough ex- J . A SCAMF, ON COLHORNE ST, || R SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR OrTy | ananoque, and Re IRV JRDAY'S, - : - Apply 545 Albert Street. | FO \ 8 - | changed pulpits on Sunday to deliver Eo AATURDAY ind POR ham OF THE busy Gu- SURDaY-Oy SELL Br pur, Jang diy) akong the educational sermons, Ruidersin Hiroe: oon APP RY atin: generalind" simmer" trads || © & Hig Owner may Kingston, Ont | "Miss" Anna Nolan spent Sundsy a1 MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 NII de Everytning in first class order | na eningiun St | ) L . N TAXI, A FlVE 4 » LE FURNISHED FRONT | o. bu his Yetaraed eis, ity Bh "i wits Par or canes Fishes Poous Sy a cen. | hom Sourse Ma M nd Mrs PRICES: Evg., 25-50-75. Matinee: Adults 50c.; Chilliren 23c, | tral locality. Price $2.50 per week |to Springfield, Mass., Mr. a A e | Apply to Box D-3, Whig. | | WORKING HO SEKEEPER WANTED health. Apply Box R-17, for small hotel near Klugston; must Err be guod cook and have city refer- Apply Box D-20, Whig. CHIROPRACTIC. ¥OCND ARTICLES ADVER- | OATS, SEED OR FEED» 0.A.C, 72 CRop | companied Rev, D. Mick here on Sun- ence. | " - Be { TISKD FHEE. : Te PR. Coy © f 1920. Sixty cents bushel. R. M./day and spent the day with relatives. SALESLADIES FOR DRY GOODS AND| WM. A. MARCELILS, D.C, a. C., Cor | Anyone Luuivg shyisiig and [© Ca piven fake" Dponel Rook ve D. Mick presented the educa- TO-DAY | ZANE GREY'S | Mates ya po tO . lene ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd Wishing lo reacu the uwner may a Sarr oy rend a pes. oer Bartle St entrance, Kingston. | | uo Dail courting the tects te | |__ Portsmenth. Phone 1108 R 1-3. tional question in a mdst impressive ol nt. Consult on free. elephone The ritisa ig. * + ha : ge 2 TEN a r Piter. APPLY to J. Rubenstein, 822). Hours 9 to 12 ar. 1 to § pm. tsement will ve printed ia this NE anarnosULA shy $4350 | manner on Sunday morning 'o a POPULAR STORY Perth, Ont. ry : --_-- ot | Slums dee of canrge. Terms $7 cash; 45 per manth. C. W |large congregatior making it clear | En TE CY ENN { - cles" in- Lindsay. Limited. 121 Princess that the schools and churches were AKE MONEY AT HOME, $15 TO | DR, GEORGE F. LUCY DR. JENNIE A, Found articles" does not al . me , orien the things that made our future gem- 5 \ tic i ! tile : a paid weekly for your pare time! Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and | clude lust dugs, ca a Aoraea, ONE I. H. C. VERTICAL GASOLINE writing show cards for us. No can-| traduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street, | ele. 'These, ii iust, may be Engine, develops 3% h.p. Tank for/ . hand in v : . Cin the Lost" cuiumu, | | . p *| erat reat; they went ha ascing. We "instruct and supply | Phone Tite. Hous and Brock Tele-| vertised tos v cooling 'ete; §ood Tonning or rations great; A Picture Which Combines in a Rare Degree Artistic Beauty and eh apply PF. J. $ . Absorbing Action. " u with work. West-Angus show | 6, and 7 to 9 pam Seinel analysis Sor ORY . Sglections From Fara Service, }1 Colborne Hid, Tosf and consultation free, Residential) . ee Le li2 DY 8PpOIntment. Ee SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, CON. ALLEN CONCERT N | > sisting of Malines, Veiling, Straw . ur Al . " " INSURANCE AGENT TO WORK WITH | ,, NTING AND PAPER HANGING aS one rE, Straw NEW YORK MILK STRIKE. ORCHESTRA TAKE IT FROM ME established agency in Kingston and | PAI s a ANGI Gi TURDAY, BETWEEN KINGSTON Straw shapes, and fhildren'a Jats vicinity, experience preferred but! . { a ON SA A = Se NG Apply 112 Lower William Street, . not essent'al; good proposition with | WR rly ING = PALNTING Ou | and beeley s Lay, &n auto tire and | PPly C The Drivers Are Preparing For a o Ho done, drop a card tv 5 pr ; ave Ml prospect of partnership. Give full & rim, 3x4. Finder kinaiy le i Finish Fight. A. Mounteer, ¥4 Arch sireet. ! 2 articula 4 «1, | wv Office. > CIS 3 ) . - T Y T Whig Office, >t letter. Box B-1, or i DHSS, ne oy | or Tor ons $255.90 alr | New York, Nov. 3.--With negoti 0-DA S 1 R A N D 0-DAY Whig Office - - -- ning H. SCOTT & CO. 53 BEVERLY st. |A BROWN BRINDLE DOG. ANSWERS incubator, 140 egg, and two broad. ations for a settlement of the milk > - 10 name © H : ers; water heated, nly use Painters, Paperhangers and Deco- | nnding same pleuse notify 313, Yoh water 248 Concession St, Strike at a standstill following the WI I I IA M S. H ART 17601, or call at 243 Bruck. Cook, and Mr. and Mrs. Stevens ac- ~~. WE WANT A RSLIARLE SALES C : : agent for gach Guteproseuted Soup a0 Nop Job $20, 2maks. Bo son Bros, Princess Street. near Victoria Street. refusal of the milk conference board, In or territory. Exclusive selling painteq, putted, glazed and put on ING | = ---- EE ---- 1 ' organization, to accept : rights: §ood Pay to energetic rep. I ">, bE Ea BLACK POCKET BOOK, CONTAINING | employers' org ' "O'M H M UN " resentatives. Our agency is valu-|__ All Work done at shortest notice. sum of money. Name inside, and| SEVEN - ROOMED HOUSE, WITH | Mayor Hylan's proposal of arbitra- 0 ALLEY OF T E 0 TED @ble. Write Pelham Nursery Co, registration card. Finder please re-| wood-working shop attached: lo- ti officials of the milk drivers' EVA NOVAK IS LEADING WOMAN Toronto. Ont. UPHOLSTELRING. turn to Whig Office. Reward. cated In prosperous village near|tion, i Bill Hart Excels Himself in This Virile Play. Great Round-up Scemes. o ltt ---------------------------------- { Kingston; doing good busimess; {union are perfecting piars for a fin- eT Phriliing Cowhey Exploits GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK-- CALL OR DROF A CARD TO J.| PROBABLY AT THE OUTER STA- Bo nL ppelling. "APPIY (iopi fight which they predicted may We need you to make socks on the t tion, one ear-ring, jet stud with] Box N-24, Whig Office. . ele igarhed aur, Knitter; avine, upliolsterer, 216 Bagot st. two black rings, pendant from it. | last for months. Sr ---- nd # ; 3 y 4 1 - * r please return to 256 King "yt ing. Yarn subositively fo canvass. | F. W. HAROLD IR Finder Plekze ns "| TWo FULL SETS oF CIRCLLAR SAW! More than one hundred alle: 3d 20 = - . sto: 3c. Em =z Machinery: ohe is a Henry ood [strike sympathisers today attacked wily. Dep bbiied; barticulars, Co., Leave oH ers al ur Wop 4 card 10] ---- -- inserted tooth. Also four = 1oronto. 0 = 104 Clerdy : i saws. Also a good shingle ma- three men loading trucks with milk | chine." All in good condition for at a downtown distributing statin, = me = COVERED HUTTONS MADE TO: OR- > V V n : | work. Come and see. Apply Hugh POSITION WANTED. er in M1 poprilar shapes and sizes. | Sos AND FEMALE BIRDS. APPLY | Cameron, cananto oo kplY and the police arrested nine after a PPhpietering aud ibaininy yan. 421 Barrie or phone 15124. FR a * | chase. MATERNITY NURSE OPEN FOR EN. Avenue} | OME BRASS ANTIQUE PIANO LAME, | 9 gagements. Phone 1554W. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. with shade. Apply Box U-2 & | SINGLE MAN DESIRES POSITION ON ished; guns, gramaphones, etc. re- IF YOU HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE| A GOOD GARAGE. APPLY 133 RAG. - ' farm, experienced. Apply Box 0-11, aired promptly and guaranteed 5 >, cor, B 1! lan Road. . Whig Office. Pry Sleeth, 35 Princess "St. ee pi mer, Sor agot and ee Free Public @ ------ sm z y | ™Q UNFURNISHED ROOMS, APPLY Lectur : l » i - 4 etl. | econ BUYS GOOD, COVERED, DELIV-| tet OD National Liberal and | ery truck; newly painted. Palmer, RS ie good weatty. Phamesema | eo 8 . Conservative Meeting to : 0 . o | Christian Science YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS apprentice in blacksmith shop MUSI10. Write C. Hartley, Battersea, Ont. BY ror TperkABY,, Win FOUR | KORGINNE A MARDEY Is pmuran.| Cor. Bago: and Glcen | » pee, e 0 " 9 + 3 ~ , a Dest of rperience as stenographer, plano pupils. Studios 30 en St. A CHILD'S FOLDING GO-CART AND| GARAGE FOR alu ann WINTER best of references. Reply to Box Phone "1838, also a sleigh with top; both new. storage. ] h Agency, roe =DY or the purpose o C-2, Whig Office. 3: Apply 74 Sydenham Street. Street. Phone 326. PAUL STARK SEELEY, C.S.B, he Se L DAISY W. JOHNSON, A.T.CM,, TEACH- | ---- . : ' /R.| FIRST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD, | of portland, Oregon, member of the y | $175 DUYS GOOD OVERLAND. TOUR. | FIRST CL! 1 1] Bodra of Lectureship of the Mother NOMINATING A CANDIDATE, ' > f Violin a Piano. Pupils pre- { " 7 3 SITUATIONS VACANT rd lin nn Bn: ing car, electric starter and lights, al Somvenlences Apply 376 Bar-| Church, the First Church of Christ fA onap for quick sale. Palmer, cor. P . Scientists, in Boston, Mass., will be ™ . - 307 Collingwood Street, near John- 3 "1 . Coling card" sumplel LISTMAN| son. Prone 232sw. Bagot and Yuees, LARGE STONE HOUSE, 63 RIDEAU|| 8iven in the To contest the next General Election. ro TT street. Apply after November 7th | Church Edifice, 95 Johnson Street ' --On-- greeting carg Sample ok free = 0 Ww i celebrate nexpen- " d t t sive, Royal Series; WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF at 47 Rideau street, : : on ial Juries; Heoure LEGAL fusical instruments. 150 cloth. | = TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. Sth All National Liberals and Conservatives Sly rT ar LU NNINGRAN 8 pare wammE| GF MRL LY gol | Piney CLs Bowws ave moran At 3a O'clock dally wel daily even in spare time; capital or ers y prices. Routbard, tincess : "|] You ana your friends are cordially expereince unnecessary. Garret- hia elte .. 3 {oArence street. Phone 1723. ed. Apply 243 University Ave. J} You You ited. are cordially welcome. son Company, Brautford, Ont. ham, C er oR ampany, ] Sd, ont. , Cyril M. Smith. " "RFECTLY NEW VIO' ET RAY| GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN 1 0 PRY: BRantn rem ONE PERFECTLY NE and Bagot A Hay. R.|-- nea Orchestra in attendance, enerator, model F.. with three Pply D. G. AGENTS WANTED AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. SARRISTER Electradds; all isteustions for R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22, use. Apply R. aldwin, 3 OIL | ee ------ TT -- essen -- and Solicitor. Law office, corner of i Stns of praoy ik King and Brock, over Royal Bank rea e rr * A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE ® AR MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS, Money to loan. Phone 1999. 146 Montreal St., all USE, LADIES but to travel and appoint local rep- 7 =; CHE. S! Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant Apri) resentatives, $21 a week and ex. x - CONE FoR SUMMER DIS oH SAPESY 1st. Pp penses guaranteed, with good FANCY GOODS. Hvering 1-4 tons at $2.50: 3%. tons er reas ee------ tions. Experience unnecessary Christmas gifts, crochet work, em- Fent $15.00. Apply 46 L. Rideau it You walt. Muller's Bicycle Works, mobile amd Casualty Insurance. 420 opposite Artillery Park. celsior and Side Car, 1 Single Ex-| EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE AT 495 BAR-| wagon on the tracks of the Company PERSONAL Lower Bagot Street, City. sented. Office 85 Clarence street, city; gas; furnace: large kitchen- moved permanently. Satisfactory vy: Bi & board if desived. AS oa annce to make §50 a week and ex- Phobbis. or a full ton ut "§900.| A SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE; NEWLY penses. State age and qualifica- FANCY GOODS MADE TO ORDER, at dba, or W. C. Bruton. decorated; toilet; excellent cellar, The Kingston Portsmouth and ! y Also inexperienced organizers or broidery, table covers, scarfs etc oy , . Tu . ) , s 5 "| PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND HYSLOF > Yo! . + o ® ew, managers wanted. Winton Some on' hand. Apply Box 83, R. I. Bicycles, also bicycle repairing: Cataraqui Electric Railway Company DRS. ROBERT and EDNA | Dom . Dept. G. Toronto. No. 1, Bath, Ont. bby carriage tires put on, while STORAGE ¥OR FURNITURE AND will give $100.00 REWARD for in- ASHCROFT ANCIAL HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC- 371-373 King street. Phone 1032w. * Werchandise; clean and ary. = Mc. | formation which will lead to the ap- > , FIN gordion, knife and box pleating. ~~ Cann Agency, , 86 Brock. Street. prehension and eomviction of the - Hours 9 to 5.30, Mrs. B. A. Card, FOUR MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE, \ Phone 326, MRS. H. S. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. 1 Indian Power Plus, 1 twin Ex- party or parties who placed the stone a x ® Earl street. Phone 1752M, RR I] celsior, 1 Indian Twin, 1 Wicker rie Street; all conveniences; nicely W - : Side Car--all can be seen at 52 Lg decorated. Apply by phone to| © Montreal street on Monday even > ervice STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE | 1708w or at 15 Quebec Street. ing, October 81st. 204 King Street, near Earl i agents; established in 1860; only MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, nIRTH-| FOR SALE OR TO LET NEARLY NEW Telephone 447, . the most reliable companies repre- marks, skin tancers, Scars, etc. re. brick house; eight rooms; eleetri-| NEWLY DECORATED, FURNISHED THE ANNUAL MEETING opposite the post office: X a ¥ boar rooms to let; Fehtieman preferred; Latest drugless treatment. lasses fitted and furnished after ette; three piece bath; large ver- 1 trical cabinet. - 3 Eiht have failed. Goitre removed. andah; immediate possession. Sna King Street East, Apartment No. 1. Ha Bo. Kingston Banh, Sinaia New eicetrien 24 Hour Da Service : - Twelve years' success lu Kingston FRONTENAC LOAX AND INVEST. Cars' 4 X Owner leaving city. Apply 141 a A A ment Soclety; incorporated 1861. FR re arlene. Trost ard: Pine Street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | Council Chamber, Friday, November . F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301. Gray, airy rooms; your own lock | 4th at 3 pom. A full attendance o A.B orniogham. | oo 00 REO! Street, Phone 301. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC, and fey. Sora Clty Storage, 299. | memberg is Toque] NES 3 ueen s . - . A oney issued on city and farm one 5268; res. 989w. Hou, Secretary. 4 ruperties, 1 and count CHITEQTY Bebancures; mortgiges purchases, AR A Plano, small size, $75.00. oe + ee investment Sends for e PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES , Quebec Heaters and oth $4.00 A nod toe Hel pECIALLY FURS. : OA BRI UETTES LAY $ ES 1] eater: x + ) C L fecelved and interest Scott, B.A. B.Sc. Mem. Eng | i, $12.00. styers, up ern improvements, at the Pioneer INSIST ON THE BEST low: 4 C. Cartwright, maaager, §-8 thy Bf Bs A & Str ' Apartments, 212-214 Division street. ' ence street, Kingston, A few parior suites $15.00 each. Phone 14341. : Anthracite, table for Furnsdee, Bangs oe! ea lade-in-Canada" POWER, SON AND DRE ARCHI. : aL DENTAL. tects, Merohants. Dann HARCHL. | gideboards in Sax, all prices. ON DEC, 1a, Eren-ROOMED HOUSE Cr ossed Fish C. W, NEVILL: Phone 230m, 140 COLLINGWOOD sr. eet. Phone 163J. -- Sorner of Brock and Wellington | oak asnner Wagon, $8.00. light, 'modern improve~ DR, A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE 158 Pris DEN Phone ie. MILLINERY. Oak hall seat, $5.00. 670 Princess St ° We buy all' kinds of Furniture. AVARTMENT ON CORNER OF PRIN. nes ULBS X U "BU tists, a Weaxt or street, corner nounce her removal from 95 bath; all conveniences: heated, im- H L 1 ; Lh B LBS be LESSE'S ANTIQUE sHOP mediate possession; rent reason- . 3 she will take orders for making, . able. Apply I. Cohen & Co., 275 On- : DR. RUPERT FP. MILLAN DENTIST, 84 trimming and remodeling hats, Phoue 1045w. 507 Princess Street. tario Street. THE FINEST QUALITY IN For the best in Bulbs, Shrubs, Rose Trees, hardy Perennials, ete, i b. fatment. Store, Wellington and Brock Conservatories, Nights and Sundays, enin @ S¥onings by appola n SIGNS &ood second-hand furniture and Tooms for light housekeeping: gas "WE ARE WEI DR, AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. stoves. rson having stoves for light and coo! ing; hot and cold sumed practice at 92 Princess St, | SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, of, over Bank of Nova Scotis. Phone large or small, Posters, Showeards. Pay highest prices. J. Thompson, dy to car line. Apply at 17 16027. . displays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 433 Princess street. Phone 1600w. Stephen Street. " SS ments, $25. A pl¥ T. R. Carnovsky, reet. DRS, SPA AND SPARKS, DEN.| MRS, McLAUCHLIN WISHES TO AN- cess-Barrie Streets, 4 rooms and to 112 L Willlam Street, LAWSON & COLLINS . Incess Street. Phone 1850. Open | === . : pe WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF "URNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PURE OLIVE OIL! phone 770. 68 Centre, Phone 1174J. Phone 6871W, y pe and furniture to dispose Mater. Rooms heat: by furnace. gern a Princess Street. AT. ONCE, A NEW SEVEN Ri NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA COZY house and barn on North eon PIANO TUNING, home and steady income for mod- S50 on North Al EL] ood ANNOUNCING AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ | : u No'proc| Auick Bouse and e ame an, who has given! PIANO. TUNING AND REPAIRING red Avenue, phone 10833. : faction to many. Hours 10 work guaranteed. Peter D. Brown, 5 : 8 pm, 338 King Street 12 Markland Street. Phone 2397m. tle W. KENT MACNEE A New Chevrolet Model streets. rr To AND THE viLLAGe OF PORTS- Bank of Commerce Bufid} Brock {| BATEMANS REAL ESTATE, King Streets. Fhove 101 or 13373 LADIES AND. GENTLEMEN "The 490 S / | id ) : + FOR SALR General Insurance Agency 1 beg to announce that I have Pp ecia -- Writing: --Auatomobile, Fire, Accident, accepted the n - ) $2.500-R. C. SEMI-DETACHED, SIX | Sickness, Plate Sjaus Burglary, ete. 4 . 4 rooms; B. and Ca down town. Representing Only Reliable Companies. ic! Combining all the good points of the "490," this model BRIQI JET T SICK; To ma; La An use of Commons. will in addition have Gasoline Tank on rear, Yacuam Feed Sys- improvements; central. * [C0 i ndidature Bk favors me, 1 wi tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain FIRST cON- JI light, nickle-plated radiator, nickle-plated bumper, spirai bevel- BEST ON THE MARKET ~~ Cam your interests $4300 BRICK; 7 Rooms . 4 TION, and de | $k vkeiyy tesireis.. 814.25 per ton piece bath; hot air furnace: HR EVERY | enerzics ana what ability | pos. wd pinion and gear in rear axle, and cord tires all round. This right of way. Hhor Bp & about um a car is the sensation at the Toronto Exhibition. The price is even or 10-days' delivery, Seo Sample at. oo office. and | sess to ess ad ---- y VT : ministration 'at Ottawa, and to wsea--rnauE Jouss, xomrs xv: ose. S.COL make our. home town & bigger more sensational--$895.00. or two more houses. Mee . JOHN M. CAMPBELL. - a, a a ---- "490 Touring Regular" "490 Roadster Regular" $2000 -- SEMI-DETACHED AT ; ------ . a Light Delivery" § All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--Sales Tax Extra BAWDEN & EDWARDS CHEVROLET SALES Axp sEnvic RR ; | y 8% MONIREAL STREET. ., - ° PHONE wo. University ivente. Phone 1aiew | . -- i f

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