Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1921, p. 16

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TE -- CUSTOM MADE SUITS NOW REDUCED OUR SPECIAL OFFERING Imported Scotch Tweeds and Worsteds $45.00, $50.00, $55.00 Indigo Blue Fast Dye Worsteds and Cheviots $45.00, $50.00 and $55.00 NEW OVERCOATINGS Built to measure. "SERVICE" IS OUR SLOGAN and making Good Clothes bur "HOBBY" SPECIAL SHIRT SALE! $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Shirts--all sizes-- for.... "vive ve $1.50 ® - 9 Livingston's Founded 1847. 75-77 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route it Pays to Walk Had "No Funds" For It. There was much ado in police court on Thursday morning, over a CASEOVERA BOGUS CHEQUE 1 IN MARIN: CIRCLES | | Merchant Oashed It, But Bank | * | - The steamer Buena Vista was in | port Thursday morning with a ear- [go of apples from Bay of Quinte | ports and cleared for Ottawa, The steamer Cecil Robinson, after { discharging a cargo of corn at Rich- * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY cheque some person jssued to Mrs. |ardson's elevator, cleared on Thurs- Rose Drake, for the sum of $19 and |day morning for Sodus, to load coal a few odd cents, Said cheque was [for Ogdensburg. marked "no funds," when it reached The steamer City of New York the bank, after being cashed at the [cleared on Thursday morning for United Grocery store, Princess street, | Oswego, As a result, Mrs, Drake charged one | The City of Ottawa arrived up Richard Joyce with false pretences. | this morning from Montreal with She declared that Joyce had given | package freight for Toronto and Ha- her the cheque, but the accused de- | milton. nied the charge most emphatically. The steamer Brockville arrived He had rented a room for a couple [down yesterday afternoon from Bay of nights at Mrs. Drake's home, with | ports with canned goods, and return- another young man, but he declared. ed to reload, She is expected down that he had not given her the cheq- (again to-night. ue, He noticed the other roomer wri- | erin een ting out a cheque, and he presumed | WOULDN'T WEAR FALSE that this was the cheque that Mrs. FACE MADE IN GERMANY! Drake had received. On Saturday evening a little eight- Mrs. Drake purchased some gro- year-old lad, living in the north side ceries at the United Grocery and pre- | of the city, went "0 a nearby shop to sented the cheque, which was hon- buy a false face in preparation for ored, but when the cheque reached | Hallowe'en. Coming home and ex- a local bank there were no funds to | amining his purchase he found a dis- meet it. The case was enlarged for {figuring black mark. His mother a day. {saw him scritching it off but as he George D. Kennedy, a stranger in said nothing, paid no attention to the city, is troubled with a weak (him. However, bright and early on heart, and according to his evidence, | Monday he went ont and coming gave him an order for a quart of |fifteen cents back for that old falss whiskey. He took an overdose of !face." 'What was the matter with his medieine, and landed in the pol- [it?' asked his mother. "When I ice cells, He was not only intoxica- | scratched off the mark I found ted, according to the police, but also |'Made in Germany' underneath; do had a bottle "on hid hip." He was | you think I'd wear it and my daddy fined $200 and costs for having lig- | out in Sydenham hospital where they uor in a place other than a private {say he will nover be better? Well, I dwelling, and on the charge of be- | guess not." ing intoxicated he was given the | ee eeneeene usua] fine of $10 and costs. St. Paul's A.Y.P.A. Social. St. Paul's A.Y.P.A. held a Hallow- Drake's Misfortune. e'en social Wednesday evening. The To come to police court, to give [school room was beautifully decorat- evidence in a case, and then to beled and it was decided to leave lhe held on a charge of drunkenness, decorations up until after the tea was the misfortune of one, James |to be held on Monday next. The at« Drake, on Thursday morning. Drake | tendance was especially large, sev- was giving evidence in behalf of his|enty young people being present, dna wife, Rose Drake, plaintiff in a case [partaking of games, ec. There was Magistrate Farrell noticed that the a splendid orchestra of six pieces Drake was "under the weather," and | from the R.C.H.A. which contributed when the case was over, Constable |a number of very fine selections. Re Fitzgerald escorted Drake to the | freshments were provided by tha cells. |A.Y.P.A. The programme included -------------------- | solos from Mr, Pilgrim and Mr. Busi. To The Ministers. | The unanimous opinion was that The arrival of copy for church was one of the finest évenings hela notices on Saturday morning makes | a' St. Paul's in many years. Miss publication almost impossible. If|Athurs, president, Mr. Bush, vice ministers will oblige with copy Fri-| president, and Canon and Mrs. Fitz- day insertion can be guaranteed. | Gerald received the young people. Otherwise they run the risk of omis- sion. New President Appointed, At a meeting of the United Farm- a local doctor examined him and back presently said, "Well, I go' my |; TO SAVE ON SEASONABLE UNDERWEAR This is an Underwear occasion that speaks for itself. --for these garments are of those weights and styles that you will use right now, and they are so reasonably priced that their savings will be instantly apparent. LADIES' Separate Garments, ranging from the Cotton to the All- wool mixtures. A full range of styles and sizes. 65c¢. to $3.75 COMBINATIONS of fine rib Cotton or wool mixtures, low or high neck, ankle length, short or long sleeves. ... $2.00 up Priced BLOOMERS Ladies' Winter Weight Jer-- sey Knit Bloomers; elastic/ waist and knees; all sizes. Oy GIRLS' Fine rib undergarments in natural or white; all styles and sizes. Priced . . .. . COMBINATIONS Fine natural or white, ribbed Combinations -- products of the best known manufactur- ers. A full range of sizes to choose from. BLOOMERS Children's Jersey - knit Bloomers; elastic waist and LADIES' HOSIERY Ladies' fine black Cashmere Stockings--full fashion- At the Methodist parsonage, Brock- ville, on Tuesday, Rev; G. W. McCall united in marriage Miss Muriel Bea- trice Gilmour, Kingston, to Donald Earl Van Luven, a resident of San ers executive committee appointed t> |carry on the campaign during the | clection, the president Mrs, Graham, | Portsmouth, tendered her resigna- tion, and James Bell, Glenburnie, was elected president in her stead. Bernadino, Cal. Friday Your Lucky Day. Cut this list out for reference ! fl 2 bay When you can buy a Big Basket of Keiffer Pears for 45¢ at Carnov- i sky's. Voting of returned soldiers to de- termine the disposal of the army canteen funds, held in trust by the government, will commence Novem- ber 15th, and conclude February 1st. Arrangements are complete for the reception of Fharles and Zita, Hungarian exiles, on the island of Madeira. Mayor Nickle went to Ottawa on Thursday to attend a meeting of the Canadian Patriotic Fund commit- [ tee. | Mayor Nickle went to Otthwa on| wool were clipped from sheep in'the year. DAILY MEMORANDUM. Market, Nov. 4th, Friday morning at TABLE SUPPLIES Hp ROR SILT A! ui) George's Cathedral will hold their tea and sale; Sth Nomination meeting, National Lib- ' eral and Conservative party, Ontario Hall, 8 o'clock to-night. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR CANDIES, GURD'S CELEBRATED GINGER ALE | PRINTERS EGGS! EVERY EGG GUARANTEED 1 | TURKEYS, DUCKS, CHICKENS, FOWL, FRUITS, NUTS, | | LARD kettle rendered--pure and sweet--800 Ibs, per Ib. . . . 16. || BEEF | Best Shoulder Roast . 10c. Ib. Round Steaks Sirloin Steak 18¢. Ib. 20c. Ib. : : PORK Ralf or Loin Roasts, trimmed whole 32¢. Ib. 22¢. Ib. 17¢. Ib. Loin Chops, trimmed 35c¢. Ib. : LAMB Loin Chops Shoulder Chops 22¢. 1b. EGGS !! EGGS !!! 5 5 d ; Use them for table ~and cookin ur- MARRIED. dC OZ. § PU BF sramxs whicym_on Neemver ist Stew and Boil Cuts 6c. Ib. Porterhouse Steaks 25c¢. Ib. Shoulder Roasts 17¢. Jb. Bulk €hops 22¢. Ib. JAMESREID Fronts, pound MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. poses. by Rev. R. Newton Powell, Mrs. Etta A. Wright, Toronto, to Pr. R. E. Sparks, Kingston, Ont. 'DIED | FORD--At La Grange, Ills, on October Best Cut Blade Roast 29th. 1931, Frederick D. Ford, son| . of the late William Ford, Kingston, 12¢. 1b. aged 68 years. Re ns Jere interred on Wednestay Hamburg Steak n the family plot in ataraqu) 10c. Ib. Cemetery. MONKS---In Kingston, on November 3, 1921, Margaret Nevin, widow of the late Peter Mon Fune 1 ke pi Po SPECIALTIES ! § Tenderloins, Spare 2nd, 1921, i Be Ribs, Hearts, of Brewer's Jills. Funeral notice later. The Old Firm of Undertakers, ROBERT J. REID x 28c. lo he : POTA § Two cars "Delawares." Now is the time to put in Fkeopors ........ . Aransas Aways vie ++ Full 15 Ib. Ares ane Ch Peck $5 Bushel fives 130 | Thursday to attend a meeting of the || Canadian Patriotic Fund committees. More than 2,000,000 pounds of}. Y W.C.A. rummage sale at Island] ed; double toes and heels; wide garter tops; all sizes. Priced 75c¢. up. Girls' fine rib Black Cashmere Stockings; reinforced, fast black. Priced according to size .. .45¢. up. MEN'S Men's separate garments in { Boys' garments, ranging all Cotton and Wool and cot- { from the Merino to the heav- ton mixtures -- all sizes -- } ier ribbed winter garments, many having double breasts. | Priced according to size ~. 90¢c. up COMBINATIONS COMBINATIONS Ranging from Watson's Mer- | Products of Turnbull's, Tiger ino to the Ceetee; all wool} brand ard many other well- garments. known makes. Prices accord- $2.25 to $9.50 | ing to size $1.75 up MEN'S HOSIERY Men's Socks--developed in silk and wool, all wool and wool mixtures. . A full range of colors to choose from . io. De. up. Boys' heavy-ribbed School Stockings--reinforced -- fast dyes--all sizes. Priced according to size . . .45¢. up Priced * ohn Laidlaw & Son, Limited Big Sale Men's Boots Friday and Saturday _ Good Shoes All Reduced. Hundreds of pairs on tables. Regal Shoes-- at $6.00, $6.75, $7.50, $8.25 Midco Shoes-- at $3.95, $4.50, $5.25, $5.95 Long Life Boots -- ~ at...... $4.25, $5.95, $6.95 Good Boots at less than to- day's price of the poor ones. LOCKETT'S

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