14 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : : FRIDAY, NOV. 4, 1om, Fe [|THE ALUMNI CONFERENCE |g | To Ir THE PEOPLE'S FORUM [ o | [ts situs ave f| GBCRAND - Tesictzsiss THE REX STOCK CO., Presenting | Se Spthar cogran foment SORT 'BILLY'S TOMBSTONES' | | | Vaudeville Between Acts S------ Rev. Mr, Watts spoke in Convocea- PRICES: 20c-30c-30¢c. Gallery 10c.--Saturday Matinee 10 and 25e¢. a y | tion hall on Thursday evening on 3 " i CONDENSED ADVERIISING RATES : 1 FOR SALE | the First Days of British Rule in ~~ secutive Inser.in thereafter, ati | -------- THOROUGHBRED HUNTING HOUND. | She metry, inmum charge tor] Fo ee Toner] FOUND ; Apply at 19 Rideau Street. Jam Smith, of the Ottawa Historical | Days one Insertion, 250; three inser tions, | market price for fresh cat-fish. J GOLD BRACELET. OWNER | Sociey, who was unable to be pres- Com. 9 . he above rates aye for cash only { 3 t dition, Apply 177 Sydenham St. When charged they are dou j Tone joi ------ || A PAR OF WOOLLEN GLOVES || dition Apply 177 Sydenham St. {entertaining throughout. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Emre Ee Noor 3 ING -- MOW ABOUT on the Bath road, just o h U2 hi The speaker referred to the kind- PRESENT | yourwol: Does it need repairing' | Side of the city. Owner may | with shade. Apply Box U-28 & | } PRESENTS WOMAN TO DO HOUSEWORK, AP. | BRACELET SECTION OF GOLD Frank W. Cooke, bly to Mrs. Juv. G. MacDonald, of| gra~ BROS., 56 THOMAS STREET, wrist- watch. Owner may | | Phone 436. lation of Quebec, and remarked that We ! im-- ato et ---- sr it r heap metal works in! erty at this office. : . » : AT ONCE, A MAID FOR DIET KIT- A PDL heap me repairing old | A BOAT, AT COLLIN'S BAY. see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagot and|ireat the captured people fairly, and chen of Mowat Sanitarium, Apply ieaky roofs or anything pertaining | UN ner ay huve Jame by Queen. Phone 410J. | requested the French to reciprocate o € e s » dh " n » tario Tinsmiths. | Road. : $200 BUYS GOOD, COVERED, DELIV. in this feeling. This friendliness be. ! MAID, GENERAL, ONE IN FamiLy; Smmmiiomeer een | AT THE DEW DROP INN, PRIN. ery trek newly Donte Pa os: jCamte 80 developed, that a great deal || a references required. Apply irs. | . mas a a Coss street, a lady's feather cor. got an een. Wilmot, $1 Clergy Street west. ! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. | ruff. Owner may have same ! ena w= jot inter-marriage occurred, resulting ; | | by applying there. [TWO BLUE AND ONE BUFF FANTA in MacDonalds, McLeods, Ryans, and - First insertion, 1c a word, Each con- WANTED GENERAL Canada." taking the place of Wil- , p ; ACE sar Johns IBC HEATE ¥ GOOD CON-/ 50 cents ply to A. Glazel 168 Ontario St may have same at 267 John | A QUEBEC HEATER; IN GO jent. The lecture was interesting and os ----e it= OME BRASS ANTIQUE PIANO LAMP, HELP WANTED. I We use Argus Roof-proof. Drop a have same at 605 Princess | - os j Ross of the British troops to 'he | card to F. Coventry, 6 Barrack St. | Street. | MN rama, SETI Bagot Street | French inhabitants, after the capitu- €¢ 1 ! H F. lle Isiand. sxperts | re- v ~ v / FiRg: props |] : siand Xperts in eave-trough work, tin Baye 2s by proving pre |1¥ YOU MAVE A UseD cA Fon sALk | Goneral Amherst ordered his men to i } | to the Dietitian. { to tinsmithing. Phone 2238w., On- i . ; ING = rar o BES -- 10 TH EE NEAR > : ne black cochin ban-/ MAID FOR COOKING AND | FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO-| VICTORIA STREET, | Pigeons, alse one 429 Johnson St. [other old Scotch and Irish families at Stairs Work," no laundry. PP ly Ing business hotels; vicinity Kiag-/}~ Earl, wool motor rug. Apply Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, 240 king | aoa; "general and summer trade] 90 Victoria Street. ne --------------s. i (JuGher being unable today ta MATINEE DAILY AT 12 30 | Kverything in first class order. | ) STRAND THEATRE LAST | FIV PURE BRED Ww ITE LEGHORN | eek even broken English 11 eome # i Owner reurirn n account of f{li- might, a purde conta ning a | Cockerels; also one y p= 8 : HO ran TURDAY'S, FROVI.| health. | Aupiy Dox Ret. Wale | have same by cating ac sy || I¥ Mrs & W. Fry, Gananoque No: | cases. Shortly after the fall of Qua- PRICES: Evg., 25-50-75. Matinee: Adglts 50c.; Children 25c. siun salesman, grocery salesman; | ema rm = -- | have same by caliing at ¥# . | bec the French governor remarked ai | | street, caperienced preterred. Apply at = Balaclava street, corner | * . A Anderson Bros CHIROPRACTIC tedan. r | | ONE MAXWELL CAR, MODEL 285, IN(that the French people enjoyed _-. -. Ann at a etree semen i : BAGOT STREET, LAST first class shape; Sisotrie 350 Beri greater privileges under British rule ---- VWORKING HOLS \EEFER WANTED hr ve y - | week a pair of Spectacles sm | newly painted; bargain; a 2 | © b | WM. xX. MARCELIS, D.C., Pa. C., Cor-| a case. Owner may have || Street." {than formerly, as in the three courts TO-DAY | ZANE GREY' Matinee Daily 2.15 { Evening .- - 7.830 tor small hotel near Kingston, mus; | $ | 4 . ty . ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd 'hig Office -------- a ------------------------ : F Coch') suak sus puve Wier ioor, Barrie St, entrance, Kingston, | | TAXL A Me vic GOLD | | OR SALE OR XCHANGE FOR CITY | established at Montreal, Three Rivers i : Unt. Consultation free. Telephone chain. Owner please phone property, farm land in Saskatche-|and Quebec, French judges were al- POPULAR STORY SALESLADIES FOR DRY GOODS AND | $22J. Hours 3 to 12 are. 1 to § p.m. | 17601, or call at 243 Brock. i Nel agnD Craig, den. Delvery.lisged ts retain - their place. The Feuay to wear; a eo crience,| FHORGE ¥. LUCY, DR. JENNIE Ad - | - - treaty of Paris, 1863, cemented this | Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and | FOUND 2 SICLES ADVER. | $176 BUYS GOOD OVERLAND TOUR. unfon between the two peoples, but A OF THE ttter. A 1 t . HRubenst | 5 : t Perih, oilPivite J benstein Graduate Nurse. 235 Bagot street. | SED ¥ ing car, electric starter and lights. etween Princess and Brock. Tele- | Anyone lndiug anything and A snap for quick sale. Palmer, cor.|down until the present day, minor A Picture Which Combines in a Rare Degree Artistic Beauty and , Absorbing Action. ALLEN CONCERT Selections From ORCHESTRA ALLEN | "TAKE IT FROM ME" RLS mre: MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $15 $60 Phone y43w. Hours § to 12 a.m, 10] Wishing to reach the owner may Bagot and Queen. | problems are etill in existence, show- pald weekly for your 3 , b and 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal Analysis | uo $0 by reporting the facts to - -- | P yoins ale t st ao JH Writing Show cards for us. and consultation free. Residentia The British Whig. The adver: | | pURE BRED EXHIBITION STOC K,|ing the gap between the two races. calls by appointment. tisement will be ptinted in this De Eoncherel mud. three Blach| After much dissension, mostly Vascing. We instruct and supply! You with work. West-Angus show | = - bid -- TT a be seen| Card Secvice, 17 Colborne Bld, To-| | from the British settlers, the Que- ronto. column free of charge. Langshang Pullets. Can "Found articles" dues not in- at 119 Earl Street int . FA Ne 'tx ne ete. 'These, if lost, may be ad- C % » i W WHEN WANTING PALNVIING OM | vertised for in the *Lost" culumn of 1920. Sixty cents bushel R. M.|the "Canadiens" their own com. INSURANCE AGENT T0 WORK WITH IN | estabiished agenc ¥ in Kingston and | ga 3Srhang, Faolie, drop 3 card to] ---- -- A | Van Luven, Lake Shore Road, | mercial laws and retaining the Eng- vicinity, experience preferred but| . n IIIS m= Portsmouth. Phone 1108 R 1-3. |lish criminal law, with mutual sat- not essent'al; geod proposition with +O . 'ERLY # - | > y ol prospect of partneiship. Give full MW Joo: PeourioniEY unl YT LOST. GRNUIVE GRAPHUNULA RAY Hao | isfaction to all, This was the final particulars nrst letter. Box B-1.| Pp 'N v CON = selections; your own cho JLo ¢ rators. No Job too smal, no con | SMALL BROWN AND BLACK AIR. | Terms §7 cash; §5 per month. C. W | solution, at least as far ag statesmen 5 Whig Office. | > y $ 0 - | JAS Large, Stor windows ve dale pup. Finder please leave at Lindsay. Limited. 12] Princess St. (of the day could devise it, and has TY STRAND Toa EL A os ---------- paintea, putted, glazed and put on aa . ra 262 Queen Stree Reward. | $275 BUYS A CHEVROLET TOURING | done much to relieve | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING | siude k attle, h - a v clude lost aogs, cattle, horses, SATS. 3EBD OR FEED. OAC TS Crow | bec act, was put into force, on | | : : WILLIAM S. HART WE WANT a RILIABLE SALES | All work done at shortest notice. ch the internal . agent for each ulirepresested coun- | -- --- | 1 in ty or territory. Exclusive selling WEDNESDAY AFT! OON, A BLACK car; overhauled; new tires; electric gtrife being jus and generous to all. | "my "» rights; good pay to energetic rep- UPHOLSTERING. Water Spaniel Dog. Answers name | starter and lights. A snap. Palm- | The jons of the = theological | 0 MALLEY OF THE MOUNTED Jsaentatives. Qur agency is valu- "Mickey." Reward at 1 Division | er, cor. Bagot and Queen Sts. Leconte ing Were Brought 1 a owe | & Red Tiooded Theor the Nortwert' t able, rite Felhawm Nursery Co, EL III al as ------------ Street. | eg -- a] rem 2 . - - Taronte, Ont "AL Gavine, Uplolsierer, sis Bagot ui. > J ONE © YERICAL. GASOLINE oiday morning by the final address CHAS. DORETY WITH BABY PEGGY IN "A WEEK OFF" See Qavine, uphioisteter, 216 Bagot st. | ~ BROWN BRINDLE DOG. ANSWERS | Engine, develops 3% h.p. Tank for| y ! J AROLD FUR YOUR UP to name of "Brownie." Anyone cooling, etc.; in good running orlot the chancellor's lectureship by Dr. POSITION WANTED. ¥, Yalan and general repairing finding same please notify Elliott Sor. 4rbly ¥. J. Salsbury, 2 | BE. F. Scott, who is recognized as one MATERNITY NURSE Of Leave Jraery at or diop 8 'card to Brug TTincess Stee . 2 i {of the leading authorities on his | RNY RSL 4 F "OR EN- 104 Clergy street. BLACK POCKET BOOK, CONTAINING | saLE Sv MILLINERY ious, SON; [subject in she world. This year's re------ ) SE TTONS MADE 1 OR. Sum of money. Name inside, and| Ss of 2 3 A | e. SINGLE MAN DESIRES POSITION ON covRIuED JUTIONS shapes any JR. registration card. Finder please re- | Braids. Flowers, Ribbons, a plow | conference has been a splendid suc ; : 1 turn to Whig Office. Reward. | straw shapes, and chiidren's hats cess, and many active ministers who arm, experienced Apply Box 0-11, Upholstering and repairing done ---- y 2 Lower William Street, --ee ee Apply 112 Lower [attended expressed the hope tha: Whig Office. S roodrs 2 I irocery Store of the late P. A, Haffner, corner hig ce kJ. Goodr dge, 244 Unlversity PARCEL CONTAINING HOSIERY | -- . -- D The Groc ry S he lai y rn of YR MAN WANTS POSITION As with owner's name and address on| W HITE IRON HED » TH STRINGS they would be able to be present Johnson and Frontenac Streets will rg-open for business-- JL ANT * N J " y . Re- an mattress, nah or | x Prrentice Jn blacksmith shop. | FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. Inside, on shuren Ane. table, banjo, all nearly naw: mov- | again next year. The conference is | Write C. Hartley, Battersea, Ont. ished; guns, amaphones, etc. re- ing; apply not later than Satar- really a refresher course for those SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th. 29 " Cc 2 224 - Frontenso 3b ministers who are more or less isola- paired promptly and guaranteed. PROBABLY AT THE OUTER STA.| day night to [OUN OU t & Sleeth, 35 Princess St. Te - : sith | >orner Princess, or phone 1575J. . YOUNG LADY, WITH FOUR Aton Slee tion, one ear-ring. jet stud with corner ce or p ed in their own parishes throughout | We solicit the patronage of all former customers and new ears' experience. as #tenographer, | Se two black rings, pendant from it.| _ , TH > ¢ » 256 King | CITY LOT. 69 FEET FRONTAGY; 117 ' . >, " des Fats rehoes Reply to Box MUSIO. Finder Please return to 256 Rug feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also|the year, and it gives them a chance ones. 'Our motto will be "Quality and Perfect Service, ET = 2 - | incubator, 140 egg, and two droog. to obtain ideas and compare notes, P H B A K E R 5 5 NNE A. MADDEN 1S PREPAR-| BETWEEN MACDONALD SCHOOL | ers; hot water heated. nly use be very helpful in their | SITUATIONS VACANT RORRINNE 3.1 a limited number of and Frontenac Street North, on | once. Cawson, 248.Concession St. | Which will y Pp . . é plano pupils. Studio: 50 Earl St Thursday, a little girly gold wrist] near Victoria Street. work. . PHONE 1003. VATE y " > 3 1838. watch, with black si Strap, inl. = om i ArT ---- J ne us nl Sople SRINTHAS Phone tialled "ET. Valued as a gift | SEVEN - ROOMED Ld hbk to workers; celebrated, inexpen- | DAISY W. JOHNSON, A.T.C.M., TEACH- Reward. Finder please leave at 14] wood-working shop atiae ad; Joc sive, Royal Series, secure orders er of Violin and Plano. Pupils pre- Frontenac Street N. or Macdonald | iL, Pisaperous vi | now; deliver later; men and wo- pared for examinations. Studio: School, or phone 56a. | good reasons for selling. Apply] AN | men already making five dollars up 307 Collingwood Street, near John- | s=------- mE Fe ape Hox Ni21, Whig Office, DRS. ROBERT and EDNA P dally even in spare time; capital . expereince a apy == ---- = ' FOR BALE. FOR SALE OR TO LET NEARLY NEW | ASHCROFT sow Company, Brantfor t. c v brick house; eight rooms; electri- | nouncemen i En Cn tal ee = MALE AND FEMALE BIRDS, APPLY ony . ng i J city; gas; furnace; large kitchen i cme 421 Barrie or phone 1512J. tte; three piece bath; large ver- AGENTS WANTED CUNNING RRIST: | S---- eo ette; t p i 0 ; Wl CUNNINGHAM omy, BARRIST:! 2 CHILD'S FOLDING GO-CART AND andah; #minediate possesion. Sua i DR. C.K. ROBINSON, formerly x axl MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS, street. Kingston. A. B. Cunning- so a_slelg ; w. Pine Street. of ersea, - in local rep- ham, Cyril M. Smith, Apply 74 Sydenham Street, 5 1 nounce that he has opened an Ser y *® but to Havel and appoint e tative 21 a week - 'G . ee resen Ss, § Week and ex AMBROSE SHEA, DA, SARRISTER| McLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, COST $2, 263-Acre Farm 'Only $5500 office at 204 King Street, near Earl penses guaranteed, with ood ' v T R- licitor, Law office, corner of 250; only run 4,000 miles: good as . Ponnen. as an ange a ed Brock. over Royal Bank. new; quick sale. Palmer, corner| Horses, 85 Sheep, 7 Cows 865 BARRIE ST., KINGSTON Telephone 447. tions, Experience unnecessary. Money to loan. Phone 1999, Bagot and Queen streets. Foultry. 1001s, i vehicles, implements, Office Hours ..10-30 to 12.00 a.m. , ete, Included; in flourishing section; " to 8.30 p.m. e Also Inexperienced organizers or Wi SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF| close advantages: 156 acres tillage, Fh bi. Beg 1646 » Latent aaa saan, 24 H D Se i rew ed. Le phistagers, wanted Winston FANCY GOODS. musical instruments, also cloth-| rich hay grain fruit land; 40-cow pas- | | me Ing.and furniture. Call and get our ture, woodland, apple orchard, 100 plum | Twelve year success luiinguton FANCY GOODS MADE TO ORDER, prices Lo hoUtPird. 289 Princess| trees; good 7-room house; 20-cow base- | TIAL Ai pa - Street. hone he ment barn, tenant house, garage, poul- | AISAN Christmas gifts, erchet work, cm ry house. To close out only. $5,500; | ) t broidery, table covers, scarfs, ete. PERFECTLY NEW VIOLET RAY | part cash. eas 24 | a ---- - b ' it 2 NE JE sh; y terms. Details page 24 | MRS. H. s. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO- Some on hand. Apply Box 53, R. R. Generator, model F. with three Be Big Catalog Canadian dng . {obile and Casualty Insurance, 429 No. 1, Bath, Ont. electrodds; all instructions for | Pree. Strout Farm Agency, 206 BJ | ree C e street. e 17 . - a use. Apply R. Baldwin, 362 Mont- y 3 y .. Can. | HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC- Teal Sthoet ox JBalawin, Manning Chambers, Toronto, Ont. Can. | on COAI BRIQUETTES Agents; established in 1860; only Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. E. A. Card, COKE FOR SUMMER ©'55; CHEAPEST - | the most reliable companies repre- 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St, fuel on the market. We are EST : sented. Office 96 Clarence street, opposite Artillery Park. livering 1-4 tons at $2.50; 3% tons TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS APPLY Phone 151m. wil, Be y | Dyan C. W. NEVILLE - - 149 COLLINGWOOD ST. h - C. Bruton. | . : Ly Phone 2362 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- PERSONAL mere - - MEDIUM-SIZED FURNISHED HOUSE|| . PAUL STARK SEELEY, C.S.B. . m, ment Soclety; incorporated 1861, PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND HY sLow| to let; good localit hone 825w. || of Portland, Otegon, member of the resident, A. B., Cunningham marks, skin cancers, scars, gte., re- baby carriage tires put on while| © RAGE FOR FAL AN WINTER ||] Church, the First Church of Christ oney issued on city and farm moved permanently. Satisfactory You walt. Muller's Bicycle Works, GA rag actin AND wren Scientists, 5 Boston, Mass, will be || BULBS BUL properties, municipal and county glasses fitted and furnished after 371-373 King street. Phone 1032w, Street. Phone 326. y | given in the-- Mvestment bonds for sale; deposits 35 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J.! FOUR MOTORCYCLES FOR SALLE, | ermine . * recelved and interest allowed. R. Lane, Xye, Ear, Nose. Throat, Skin. 1 Indian Power Plus, 1 twin Ex- FIRSY SLAYS hoon ith 376 art] FIN V C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar. 268 Bagot Street. Phone 3 celsior and Side Car, 1 Single KEx- rie or phone 2238w. TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 8th For the beat in Bulbs, Shrubs, Rose Trees, hardy Perennials, ete. == EE mE At 8.15 O'clock | Store, Wellington and Brock Conservatories, Nights ana Sundays, STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE cordion, knife and box pleating. ------ TO LET. e go * | A | nthracite, suitable for Furnace, Range or Grate--"Made-in-Canada," an Clence | Orders booked. $15.50 per ton delivered. Upposite the post office. al $4.75, or a full ton at $900 No. 24 Fifth Street. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. Bicycles, also bicycle repairing; = _ || Board of Lectureship of the Mother debentures; mortgages purchased; others have failed. Goitre rémoved. -- | " } Church Edifi 85 Johnson Street 54 LAWSON & COLLINS ence street, Kingston. me awe = celsior, 1 Indian Twin, 1 Wicker Phone 667W. DENTAL. ARCHITECT Lower Bagot Street, City. Breet ALDIY after November 7t invited. | "WE ARE GROWERS" s y v u et. ANS--SURVEYS--ESTIN -- 7, BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC, DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE | F! A Boot, BA. B.Se. | om Eng. A Plano, small size, $75.00 FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; 258 Princess Street. Phone §53w. Inst. 123 King Street.. Phone 163J. » » $19.00, all improvements; central] locat- YSIST ON. THE BE Quebec Heaters and others, $4.00 up ed. Apply 243 University Ave. INSK A ST DRS, SPARKS AND 'SPARKS, DEN-| mown SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- tists, 59 Wellington street, corner tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers | tO $12.00. 'GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN 0 Tr v corner of Brock and Wellington A few parlor suites $15.00 each. and ot lrely D. 8 ALR DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 E rdeboard atic onic oc : Princess fireet hous 1850, Open MILLINERY. Sideboards in oak, all prices. A ABE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, rosse IS NEAR FRONTENAC PARK y 146 ontreal St, al Improvements. DR, AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS RE-| MRS. McLAUCHLIN WISHES TO AN- Oak dinner Wagon, 15.90, : Phones 1099 ring % Vacant April ° | Double, Solid Brick, seven rooms each, four bedrooms, electris sumed practice at 93 Princess St. Hout pre niSnoval from 35 Oak hall seat, $5.00. 1st. Sardines light and other improvements. Immediate Possession. Priced A PT : Thier ---------- A , k of Nova Scotia. Phone she will take orders for making.| We buy all kinds of Furniture, A SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE; NEWLY at $6750. Revenue pays 10 per cent on investment. trimming and remodeling hats, Rent $1apololets excellent ear, | } LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP St. : : . | PIANO TUNING. SIGNS | THE FINEST QuaLrey- iv. Sl... THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING a Fhoue 104%w. 507 Primceas Street. . STORAGE X90 big] AND PURE OLIVE TUNIN -- A ' rchandise; clean an ry. c= JhoLk guaranised. Peter D: Brown, | SIGNS OF ALL LAN Yon, WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF Gann Agency, '36 Brock Street URE. OLIVE O11, i Phones 88 and 2240m. kland Street. Phone 2397m. ge or amall, 4 . 3 Phone 326. 12 Mar displays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 Favd sicony hand furniture and Pri Street. stoves. ny person havin, stoves iar CC 38 and furniture to dispose of, we will CN dr oom Lic, FURNISHED FRONT pay highest prices. J. Thompson, tral Tocaiit P POS The JE 3 PALMISTRY 433 Princess street. Phone 1600w. Apply To ax igs Fin rer ee "| PROF. ARMENDO TELLS PAST AND Ne en dy LORD AA Co | STONAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN. To The Electors of ANNOUNCING future and gives advice: 87 John- est investment in glorious climate ay Alry rooms; your own lock son street. lfours 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. with wonderful resou ey. Frost's City Storage, 199- rces. No pro- i ya Ee, . .- COME AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ ton fered compares 208 Jusen St hone ss; res Savw {1}, by Madame Lillian, who has given ticulars free Horo dar. full par. | orca ESPECIALLY FURN- 3 0 on atistaction to many. gious 10 kell, DeFunhak A on & MoLay- ished for light housekeeping, mod- {Hf Ml ew Uro t odel : am. to p.m, 8 ern improvements, he Ploneer ANb'ruE VILLAGE OF PORTS. at t BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, Apartments, 212-214 Division Street. Ty BY OUTH FOR SALE Phone 1434w. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN:-- 6 I he 490 Special" -- SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE AT 114 to announce that I have $2,800--R. CO. SEMI-DETACHED; SIX Stephen street; all im rovements; #ccepted the -nomination of the ® rooms; B. and C.; down town, Sletirie lehts; Jossess on at tice, Liberal Party of this = - / BLY tal 2 Wrprise: Bore; 33 gpectfully solicit your votes and Combining all the good points of the "490," 'this modet -- Pri influence at th 1 lect: UETTES Se eamICKs 1a. ROOMS; LATEST Rr BOORED Roc for the Houge RS Sang Slect on will in addition have Gasoline Tank on rear, Yacuum Feel Sys- » . i Aatushink favorably of m tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain Side Car--all can be geen at 52 L. LARGE STONE HOUSE, 63 re) You ard your friends are cordially || phone 770. 68 Centre, Phone 1174J. h| | -- " NE fend = a on pr inet. near Prices St, eandl re nd elect me 3 500---F'R USE; NORTH END; e 1 ern improve- 0 nterests FIRST CON- light, nickle-plated radiator, nickle-plated bumper, spiral bevel. fa : 1a ments, $25. . Apply T. R. Carnovsky, : hat dar BEST ON THE MARKET S425 po sou ot coma; § 80 ok room for one $10 Prircess Street. sr araty TION, led pinion and gear in rear axle, and cord tires aii round. This Stove Coal size ........ciuess nh vic as 0 25 ---- i - - car is the sensation at the Torouto Exhibition, The price is even r ivery. See sample - 4 AFVARTMENT ON CORNER OF PRIN- . price Ordcrs booked for 10-days' delivery ple at our office. 0 = SEL DETACHED Shans cess-Ba. x more sensational--$8985.00, _ - ~ . ° deep fot and good cellar. : reason- j 5 James Swift & Co. Limited $2000 FOR THE MATE To THE ABOVE] I 1 Cohen 4 Co. 24 on "490 Touring: Regular" 490 Roadster Regular" F ¢ of Johnson St. with electric lights; both well built TURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED $785 $785 for light housekeeping: gas and cooking ROOMED. CEMENT LOCK puGms . ? oo Sheer ome paid hr Sates | -- "490 Light 'Delivery" house, Jnoderd, hardwood floors water, by Ter Se Re Will handle ye 1% $1500 or less Handy to car line. Apply at 17] oo Sn) re) . 5 Hall, 111 Broek Street, roy . 3 : : ee 0 aad, duncen will] © Sar 8 fect] AT JONCR BN noon : ; Be learned th tem lessonn-- bath; & : barn and stable; : street, a fo ! All " i 7: ba j prices F.0.B. Oshawa--S8ales Tax Extra STOVES Baa trom The aeen| J acrsiama' Bo York Road usd ANE cres of fund: ces Wide they last, you may have §|§ | Jn. 5. comm, Instructor BAWDEN & EDWARDS TO LET, : ) reasonable, as that fs my ed Fhoie ...........357| FRAME DWELLING WEST END; corations on Otho. y ET large lot and stabi. ol . CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE TURK . Phone 105 WHEN YOU WANT PEt room, no provement Marge jot, arise Aen a : 89 MONTREAL STREET PHONE «00, iy Fda iy . La Pla » 4 wi FEET amen | Ean