Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1921, p. 6

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GEN. ROSS, AS CANDIDATE. Dr. AE. Ross was a number or years ago active in the party politics | ot Kingston. He was once elected mayor and in successful against T. F, Harrison in the provine- dal elections. He was absent from Kingston from 1915 to the close of the war, ana [served in the medical services of the | Canadian Army as A.D.MS. Upon his {return to Canada his name was im- mediately mentioned prominently in | political circles. In the provincial | elections, 4p 1919 he was elect acclamation at a member of ¢ Mam Hearst's government and he has served in the legislature as a mem- ber of the opposition. Dr. A. E. Ross had the opportunity once to reach the position of leader 1914 was Eenerd] good so far as they are able {Or are permitted to see the light | amidst the labyrinth of obstacles presented to them to detract aiten- tion from the true course. All who are sincerely desirous of seeking the true suswer must approach the sub- Jeet with unbiased mind and en- deavor to obtain the broad national view, for ft is a policy which they are called upon to pronounce and not upon what is deemed to be in the best interest of one class or by | O1€ Section of the country. A policy is all that we can reason- ably be expected to lay down, and we must have sufficient confidence in the representative men of this country to carry it out to the best of their abil- ity, having regard at all times to in- ternational exigencies that must be 'The redhaw's on the bushes, FRIDAY, NOV. 4, 1091, BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY| REWARD OF THE RIGH- FEOUS: Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright; for the end of that man is peace.--Psalm | 37: 37. , callin' "em down, she isn't any better at getting the numbers than any other exchange girl # 4 Autumn Reflections The persimmon' in its glory, The pawpaw sure is fine; "The grape 18 on the vine. But what gets me is whether, When wintry days begin . I've got to face the icy winds With pants that are thin} - Observations of Oldest Imhabitant. 1 kin remember when & man winked At a pretty girl instead of at a boet- We Aim to Have the Best For Less BIBBY'S We Aim to Have the Best For Less ALL NEW MODELS AT NEW PRICES 'Get Your New Suit and Overcoat for Thanksgiving Day ! Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear, Suspenders, Hats and Caps at WHOLESALE PRICES met and dealt with in the best inter- ests of Canada, the profitable em- ployment of her capital and work- men, her agricultural development, and the expansion of trade. We have to distinguish between the apparent and the real. We do \ Semie Ship of the Ontario Conservatives. ENR Wh PUNE This came upon the reorganization - ae LUN TIED of the panty following the defea' of Rast] Logi roves ovt plutatdent | . Wikitam Hearst, hut ho fatlod so aging-Directoc| giaplay the necessary qualities and : THLEPHONES: Hom. H. G. Ferguson, though under Bin Gn. 3| the gloud of the timber scandals, se- 0b Oifice cured endorsements' as leader. legger. Fool Questions. G. H. asks: "Why ig it so long after || night falls that day breaks?" New ULSTERETTES Needed To Hock His. "Make the most of your time, young HOSE ontreal Y oh . 'W. ThOmDSOR +... King St. w. Toront: What Dr. Ross' strength really is in Kingston fs mot known at the | present time, as he has mot been 00 | through a contest. He enjoyed some degree of popularity a number of o| Years ago, bu. the present election will be a test of bis ability to "come back." He has mot been idemtified 'with the business life of the city, but has been active in military mat- know certain things about which it is useless to argue. For instance, the country must have revenue and it is recognized that al] who enjoy the protection of laws for the preserva- tion of lite and property should, as good citizens, contribute a fair share of the taxes. Is there a more just way in determining what that shall be than by distributing the taxes man" admonished the Gray-headed Man. "Ah, can that stuff and tell me where | I can get the most on mine," replied | the Flippant Youth. Going Somes I sing this little rhyme Of a capricious she: Three times she was a widow, Nine times a divorcee. =Cincinnat! Enquirer New 1921 models -- made to sell for $37.50. Bibby's New Price $27.50 Silk and Wool Hose. Last sea- son's price $1.25. a Bibby's New Listters only over seriter. throughout the whole population, with an income tax to ensure that those who amass wealth shall pay their proportion? Thus far we are Bhe surely was erratic, If she'd not been, well say, It's likely ghe'd have made hersels Nine time a divorcee. --Newark (Ohio) Advocate. 19.108 itor are published e actual name of the| "ers, sports and fraternal societies. Last year he todk over the adminis- tration of the General Hospital as medion ' @ position in New ULSTERETTES Price 75¢ $ New English models-- Attac is one of the best job ptinting bffices in Sinada superintendent, which he has done much good work. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the Audit Bureau of Clreulations. The nomination on Thursday even- ing wae a solemn affair, not one of the epeakers had a joke to relieve "Le mototony of the audience. Whether i "To the bootlegger, he is John Bar- You can also judge & 1#n-by the "| this was due to misgivings entertain- ed by the speakers or their inability to wise to dhe requirements of the occasion, the fact remains that there was a dearth of oratory such as a great patriotic occasion is expected on beaten ground, a course univer- sally recognized as just to al] classes. But In conducting a national busi- ness we must go a step farther, We must have a policy of national de- velopment, having regard to our re- sources, the profitable employment of our workingmen and our capital and the protection of our home mar- kets lest they be flooded with the products of outside labor, denying PR -- He Was a Cleat of the Bootleggers. "What caused the downfall of go prominent an attorney as Jones?" "He had too many cases." -- Can You Heat It? | According to our expressive phrases people have queer places for keeping the various parts of the body. For in- | stance, just consider these: | Nose to the grindstone { Ears to the ground, | Raglan, or Regular Sleeve; pure Wool Cheviots in new greens Heather Lovett shade. Last season $47.50 prices ENGLISH PURE WOOL INDIGO BLUE SUITS that sold last season for NEW SOFT COLLARS that sold for 35c. Bibhsy's New pours he keeps. Lips to the cup. Teeth on edge. | Bibby's New P rice Finger in the pile. i One foot in the grave. Se Price 17¢c each to jealll forth. It ds sincerely to be hoped that the people may be privil- eged to hear public questions dis- cussed in a more intelligent manner during the campaign than they were at the nom'mation. the means of living to our own, It is right here that the principle of protectionf comes in, and no country can afford to disregard a duty to protect its own people whether they be farmers or factory workers. On the other hand, possessing such varied resources, we are bound to pursue a policy that will realize the highest potentiality represented by those resources. In a word, we must become self-sustaining while striving at the same time to wipe out an ad- verse balance in trade. We cannot hope to do this without the wise ap- ,Plication of protection, It is inconceivable that any re- sponsible business men can con- selentiously advocate free trad and. the entire elimination of protection in Canada to-day. y There are evidences of conversion taking place in the ranks of Liberals, Farmers and Labor, parties that have $62.50. Bibby's New Price $40.00 OVERCOAT ELEGANCE .. Our new English Slip-on Overcoats are eal masterpieces of tailor"s art. All new colorings, expert tailoring. Last season this quality and make sold for $62.50 to $75.00, Bibby's New Price $40.00 and $45.00 . The freight rate on coal also serv- Ps as a fire prevefition. Eyes on the future, Heart on the sleeve. One of the most annoying world problems is human nature, Maybe It Ts Twins. (Washington (Arkansag) Telegrapn) Mr. and Mrs. Judge Hembree have a new .addftion to their family. This writer doesn't know the gender. ---- Kindly Forward Her Addreps. A girl I geek Is Mabel Drew; She knows just how To make home brew. --M. J, Richmond, Ky. RUSSIA'S DEPLORABLE CONDITION. - The appeal for help sent "to ail At times we suspect that there is | fovernments" by George Tohitoherin, more con than pro in prohibition. Russian soviet minister of foreign Yv affairs, confirms other reports of the deplorable condition of Russia, "a conditions which that great nation has been brought by the operation of Bolshevik rule. ¥t appears that somé- | thing like 18,000,000 persons must have immediate help # they are to be barely kept alive. And 2his in one of the greatest food producing eoun- tries on the face of the globe. This ds the result of the operation of a system which has destroyed all, individual initiative, and which Unfortunately a stiff tariff also keeps out cheap foreign buyers, The problems of the school boy serve to keep the home sires learn- Ing. . It is revealed that there are some volunteers in the army of the unem- ployed. -- Now She's Cut Ma Off Her Calling List. "Would you mind sticking out your tongue?" asked five-year Johnnie, who NEW SILK YOUNG MEN'S Was entertaining the negihbor woman : until his mother arrived. NECKWEAR 2 SUITS "What a queef request! 'What do ou wank me to do that forr she daked Imported Silk Ties, [Hand-tailored by ex: etc. Last season's|perrs. Suits of this price $1.50. quality <old last tongue and I just wanted to see what > Sharp tongue eked like," replied Bibby's New Price fesse for $40.00 95¢. and $45.00. MEN'S Bibby's Special UNDERWEAR $30.00 Medium weight; STANFIELD'S very popular at this| Pure Wool Cashmere season. Something UNDERWEAR pecial Cream or natural $2.00 per Suit RIE ae" | shades; last season's price $11 and $12. NEW CAPS Bibby's New Price $7.50 When money talks now, it is ask- {ig the way to the nearest tax-free ' segurity, -- Daily Semtence Sermon. Before you start Something .be gure your brakes are workifig properly. -- Mostly Nothing. You talk of funpy motions, / Some folks don's seem to care; New York wore her New Jersey, But what did Delaware? Rj M.. Cincinnati, There is not much need of arms limitation extending to individuals than to nations. Motors knock most when climbing pills. Men knock most when they are going down hill, ar s-------------- Fable: Once 'upon: a time there Was a man who didn't think his beard unusually tough, ULSTERETTES Smart style, Winter Coats for Boys in the new fabrics. Last season's price $22.50 and $25.00. Bibby's New Price $12.50 and $15.00 7 Sizes 30 to 35. NEW HATS The $7.00 quality Bibby's New Price $4.75 ------ oe -- --- Robin Hood always attended mass each morning, when possible. THO, s COPLEY Telephone 987. Want! anything 4 in ry hs. Estimates given os od WARNING Tosa vars ot SI" Kinde ke hard: THE . The road turned sharply to the Quest. Prompt attentinun. - Shop right, and, as my fliver rolled, my startled eyes beheld a sight that made my blood 'run cold. rand F ARMS FOR SALE new sign, with message there perused, aghast: "Beware! A 1-50 acres, 6 miles out; frame dwelling and barn; 25 acres un- man was killed Just: here, because he drove too fast."" I had been.ripping| J] der cultivation. Price ...$1800 off the miles at quite 'a reckless 2___25 acres, Glenburnie, pace; my fliver scorched, in many bulldings; orchard, styles, as though' 'twere In a race. But I was startled by that rede, that 3--60 acres, 7 miles message stark and dour, and so I res tillable. Price theu reduced my speed to fourteen 4--200 acres, miles. an ,hour, . And it so affected Kingston, about 125 acres un- § der cultivation; 3 ple] | me, I wager that it jars a hundred ma, others when théy see that warning bush and a lot of valuable tim- ber. Pri oe eeees $0000 from their cars. You say it would 3 T. J. Lockhart be wise, indeed, to place such monu- ments wherever mania for speed has We have removed our office to Kingston "Cherokee weds in war Paint," Mga a headline. Probably reasoned, entually, why not now?" Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER 'Well, it may not be go hard a win- OF as was at first predicted. An singer has taken poison. Polo Cloths -- beau- ties for ..... $2.50 BIBBYS hi McClary's Quebec Heater with Oven Also supplied with water back. Best and lowest priced heater sold anywhere. BUNT'S Hardware, King St E . --WALT MASON. : - ~~ A ---------------- : ln ---- $e Es | : ARRIVING DAILY i . New Sweet Cider, New Tabls Lumber, Cement and Corrugated Iron. * " L Cohen & Co. TER FR a 1¢ ana 1s, both. BE fe 275 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 vs | J] Brerstning tor che. En -- lilt Jas. REDDEN & Co. Kallem is a teleph operator up oom, / The lotusily, or yellow waterily, Phone 20 and 990. | there, but says w sbe iv fine acl has a food value. : on TIVIRRSEREE £5 > gl $ : r pill . The United States suffered little : from the bruise of war, but she gets 5 share from the brews of peace. ac- $8750 Township of It isn't difficult to believe in in- ant damnation if there are about } E In your neighborhood that howl #il night. ------------ dn time of war the problem 1s to the big guns. In time of peace the problem is to silence the small. ore fellows, PAONE YOUR ORDER IN BUY YOUR COAL WITHOUT DELAY? 1. down," we'd read, upon our way. "Three perished where ride;"™ "Take care!" another sith! would say, "twas here two speedsters died." And thus you'd keep our thoughts intent on doom and bie; and shrouds, and spread a whole- some sentiment among the whizzing crowds. But soom the signs would overlap, and what would then be- fall? You can't expect the ing chap to pause to read them If warnings would abolish one warning would suffice; der as the first we read, the cuts no fee." killed poor dippy gents. "Slow 88 Brock Street, that day, lA I OAL QUARTETTE GAIN we post a notice to the effect that cold . weather is coming, We want to call your attention to two things. One is that you'll need a bountiful sup- ply of coal this winter and the other is that we've got the very cos! article you're in need of. Craw ford Scranton Coal Phone 9. Foot of Queen St. as despot of Fiume. be marriage was first declared a failyre by some man who had ted to borrow back some. of y from his-wite, Who Says Prices Are Not Coming (Classified Ad. In St. Louis Post Dis- patch) : Gre- | Filberts, '| Popping noble Walnuts, Sicily in worse degree than they were ever | Of 8 tariff. But, it must be said for parative figures of the products ot |Dboleths that promised all things to of Europe, and nearly as much as the mated one-third of the world's total. Put of the movies? They are popu- survey of the cotton industry, as of and petroleum, and they starve in a of the present election' campaign is not fail to be beneficial to the farm- fAnnunalo. Is now busily SAgAE national wealth and increase the vals in the mind of the demagogue bent and except for some features such as ; Corp. hed Raailn shmply lives on the accumulated capi- | P68 Preaching free trade doctrine tal of previous years, discouraging and the substitution of other production and euslaving the people methods of taxation than by means enslaved in the days of serfdom. |tBe Right Hon, Arthur Meighen that Showing the utterly destruciive eof.|D® has consistently pursued a fect of the theories which have pre- | Straight course before the people, and vatled in Russia in recent years, the |t0 his leadership must be attributed Wail Street Journal gives some com- | thé abandonment of the false ehib- that country and of other nations. |&ll men, : In 1913 Russia produced 950,000,- 000 bushels of wheat. Its oat crop * Was 1,325,000,000 bushels, It pro- duced more barley than all the res: | : entire outside world. Its Tye crop |? was 1,000,000,000 bushels, while the | = rest of the world raised about 800,-| * 000,000 bushels. In the same year Russia raised potatoes that approxi- It was a large producer and exporter of beet sugar. It was one of the greatest livestock countries in the ; ---- world. Russia was once the fourth * Well, why not take the wickedness largest spinner of cotton. A world id enough now to survive without Jam, 1st, showed 570,000 Russian - spindles running and 6,530,000 idle. The proportion holds true in all in. dusiry and transportation. The peo- ple freeze in a and of forests, coal land of boundless agricultural and | grazing territory. ------ ELECTIONS AN EDUCATION, One of the most notable features its educative value. Seldom have the people had the privilage of reading and hearing discussed in so thorough a manner fundamentaj prineiples of government. The effect of this can- Rs - two 'classes of puble er, to labor, to consumers, and to ose who have nothing to § 5 * I, and those who think the |' OmOters of Industrial enterprises 3 : designed to meet the needs of the pss should be curbed. : . Ry People generally, ' develop our own 5 ay natural resources, contribute to the Licompilin, . 7 itty an Laiisn Jiotfonury. ume of our trade. Al] of this works © words said about him while | {0%ard one end, the contentment and - happiness of the people, Whether it began in discontent, or upon attaining some degree of politi- cal prominence, or whether it' was but a symptom of that hysterical un- rest following the war, it matters {not. I: has set the people thinking, the attempt to inflame class hatred, cannot fail to be productive of good results. One thing we might dwell such sx'reme masa- {upon, and that is the apparent de- Fn Sire 'of all classes §o work for the ------ ¥ : Cy | News of the Names Club. B. LK, 'of Chicago, tells us Mary take

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