) SUPERIOR ICE CREAM PARLOR RE-OPENS NEXT WEEK DEERE EEEEEEEEEEE ECE EEE EERE 7 £403 : Theatrical 4 De Courvilla Revue 'Hullo Canada" That the life of a "King of Rev- ue' is not entirely filled with joy 3 attested to by Mr, Albert de Cour- ville, who 1s bringing his entire Lon- don company im "Hullo, Canada" to|| the Grand Opera House on Satur- day, November 12th, matinee pot | night, 8 Six months before sailing for Can- ada, Mr. de Courville started on a quiet search for the thirty most beautiful girls in the British Isles. A month later he was not so quiet about it and was running want ads. ia the papers all over the country. It seemed that the captious de Cour- ville eye for beauty could not be satisfied. Finally the entiré Gaiety Theatre Press Department was set to work to ferret out girls with the required ammount of pelchritude. A storm was raised in the press by those who 'slaimed that Mr. de Courville's Matement that he could not secure thirty girls in Britain with beauty and talent enough to work in the ohorus was an insult to English we manhood, Mr. de Courville said nothing, but still kept up his campaign, and it was not until his boat was on the eve of sailing for Canada that he is- sued the following statement: "Now FTER BEING CLOSED FOR NEARLY TWO MONTHS FOR REPAIRS and enlargement, doing extensive alterations and having new fixtures installed, we are pleased to announce to the public that we will re-open NEXT WEEK the LARGEST and FINEST ICE CREAM PARLOR BETWEEN TORONTO AND MONTREAL. The extent to which we were patronized and the demand for our Ice Cream in our former Store forced us to enlarge, so as to be able to accommodate our customers. NOW WE ARE READY WITH AMPLE ROOM FOR ALL. : We can assure you that our Ice Cream is made from nothing but the BEST sand PUR- EST of CREAM. We also specialize in HOME-MADE CANDY OF ALL KINDS, HOT DRINKS, and FANCY CHOCOLATES. WE INVITE YOU TO OUR RE-OPENING, so that you may test the "Superior Quality of our Goods and Enjoy the Surroundings of a Modern Ice Cream Parlor." that I'm on--my way with the entire company filled, I'll frankly admit that during the past few weeks I've seen more beautiful girls with talent than I thought existed in the whole world, let alone England, but I think you'll agree that my reason for get. ting in touch with so many is a good ane." "In Canada, I am told, the young men have a habit of getting what they are after. Some of these.chaps are bound to fall in love with some of my girls and, if they do, what chance have I or anyone else to stop the wedding bells' from chiming, if the young lady is willing. There fore, 1 have fortified myself with a list of far in excess of the number needed. for my revue. I am bringing fifteen extra girls with me and have reservations on every boat coming over the balance of the season, so I ~~ . DOUGLAS F AIRBANKS. In "The Three Musketeers' for threp days commencing on Thanksgiving Day matinee, : » ' at the Grand Opera House Monday, Nov. 7th, with a at the Grand Opera House, No can fill my vacancies at a fortnight's notice." We "Of course, I am not Saying that any of the girls would leave the company before the end of the sea- son, but 'Safety First'."--Advt. "A MAN HOME." To Play at the Allen Next Week-- A Fine Production. The Cast Frederick Osborne. . Harry T. Morey By Anna Steese Richardson and Edmund Breese. Sconario by Edward J. Montagne, Directed by Ralph Imce. | One of the most striking pictures of the season is coming to the Al- len theatre next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday when "A Man's Home" is presented, This picture is so charged with powerful, dramatic strokes, carries such an abundance of humanities, and intrigues the im- agination through its clash of dra- matic events that the or for- gets time and environmé®t and be- comes associated with the characters of the story. It-is a cross seetion of the ol man's home--reveals the husband snd (ither psho has succeeded in the world of affairs. attitude, though he is engrossed with business. But his wife feels the so- equals the offence of Jones stepping on Smith's sdre corns. Jar better to use "Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor. It does lift out corns in a Burry. No corn can last if "Put- 's" is applied. Refuse a substi. tite. 26c. anywhere, 5 He is not exaetly meglectful in his| Yes, providisg the provocation v. 12th, matinee and night. cial urge. She must find pleasure no matter where it may be located. This conflict precipitates a line of dramatic action which holds the spectator in a tight embrace. The characters, the dialogue--the atmos- phere--all are human. The walls are penetrated. The door is opened and the spectator becomes an attem- tive observer and listener.--Advt. The -reason why a woman never can get home from the card club in time enough to have supper ready is because she hasn't the nerve to leave before the rest of tie bunch and give them the chance to talk about her. Harry Tate and his well known boys with the De Courville Ravue in "Hullo Canaaa,"' IN EXPORT CHEESE Statement by Belleville Bank- er in Banquetting Cheese Board. Belleville, Nov. &.--At Hotel Quinte yesterday afternoon the fit teenth annual complimentary ban- quet tendered to the members of the Belleville Cheese Board and others interested in the industry, by John Elliott, manager of the Standard Bank, took place and was largely at- GEN. PERSHInG | Here is the American com ied by the Duke of Cannaught compgsed of Royal Marines in the toiab of Britain's unknown warrior with the ' fiongres- : sional Medal of Honor, r-in-chief, accompan- inspecting a guard of honor London when he decorated - COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS 204 PRINCESS STREET EEE EE EEE EEE EERE EEEEEEDDDEEEEDEEEEEEEREEEE EE OF TAR & COD - VER Colds, when neglected or oon: of not risk using 'JH. F. Ketcheson for i Jucha grave character that you should J IEEE EEEEREEEERE YroorEpoEEEEEE =} wT ------ ~ LIVER OIL Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchi i Bras rt ie iti MATHIEU'S SYRUP is a sovereign tonic I the curative properti TER aad te nchening badly treated give tise | a Spm St Lt Sh (rats SS A NN NEN NT fi tended. F. BE. O'Flynn presided over the function. The toast to the Ontarie govers- ment was responded to by Hon. Man- ming Doherty, Minister of Agricul ture, who spoke generally on the cheese industry of Camada and its worth to the country. He also spoke of the work in connection with the department and the encouragement the government was giving to agri- culturalists. R. M. Mitchell, president of the | Belleville Cheese Board, gave an ad- dress, detailing the working of the|kt board, R. J. Graham responding on behalf of the manufacturing indus tries, and Mayor Hanna, J. Bone and the city and Chamber of Commerce. reds Mr. Elliott in responding to the toast of our bost stated that 1,438, 834 boxes of cheese had been re- celved at Montrdal from May 1st te October 30th, 1921, as against 1,309,332 for the same period last year, an increase of 129.502 boxes Of this number, 1,355,355 boxes had been exported to the Old Country Mr. Elliott also spoke on financial matters gemerally and showed that the reserves in chartered -- banks showed an increase of $998,000,000, as compared with 1914, Of the cheese manufactured in Canada, 53 per cent. js produced in Ontario and 34 per cent. In Quebec. Minister Labor Candidate. Hamilton, Nov. 5.--Rev, B- J. . formerly rector of the Anglican Church of St. Thomas here will probably be mominatéd as the labor candidate in East Hamilton, where Hon. 8. C. Mewburn is the government candidate. A lot of women spend all thelr spare time trying to figure out what they ever saw in the poor beod they have married that"Thduced them to tie up for life to him, CASCARETS 10¢ . For- Constipated Bowels-- Bilious' Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative to phy- sic your howels when you have Headache Biliousness "Colds Sour Stomach Dizziness Ind zestion tonight will empty your bowels come pletely by morning and you will feel splendid. "They work while you sléep." Casecarets nover stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Off and they cost only ten conts a ¢ is candy-like Cascarets. Ome ar twa! pax. Children love Cascarets 100.