Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1921, p. 14

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WHIG. { Fe or SA_.xDAY, NOV. 5, 1021. STANDARD BANK Government or sult this bank and obtain free info tion as to the particular offering best suited to your needs. Standard Service gives impartial in- vestment intelligence gla TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS ingston Branch: J. F. Rowland, Manager. dly on request. VICTORY LOAN COUPONS We will cash your Victory Loan Coupons or place them to your credit in our Savings Bank where they will draw interest at 37 per annum, oe THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL . . RESERVE FUND . . KINGSTON BRANCH--R. T. Brymner, Manager. $15,000,000 $15,000,000 == SSS NS iy) 0 br 227 The Farmer and His Needs HE needs of the farming community have always received our careful and sympathetic consideration. Many farmers with charac- ter and ability, but moderate capital, have received financial assistance from the Bank which has enabled them to achieve success in a way not otherwise possible. As we have been able to help them, we may be able to help you. We invite you to call on our Manager and discuss your plans with him. K+TORONTO Capital, $5,000,000 Reserves $6,986,000, or BRANCHES: { KINGSTON. LYNDHURST. HOLDERS OF 1322 and 1923 THE DAILY BRITISH GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Montreal. Montreal, Nov. 4.--Oats--Canad- fan, western, No. 2, 52 1-2¢ to 53c; do., No. 3 51 1-2¢ to 52c. Flour -- Man., $7.60. Rolled oats--Bag, 99 lbs, $2.90 to $3. Bran--$21.25. Shoris--$23.85. Hay--No. 2, por ton, carlots, $27 to $28. Toronto. Toronto, Nov. 4.--Manitoba wheat --No, 1 northern, $1.19; No. 2 nor- thern, $1.17; No. 3 northern, $1.12 1-4; No. 4 wheat, not quoted. Manitoba Oats--No. 2 C. WwW, 47 1-2¢; No. 3 C/W., 44 1-2¢; extra No. 1 feed, 44 1-2¢; No. 2 feed, 40 1-2¢c. Manitoba Barley--No. 3 68c. > All above track, bay ports. Quo- tations nominal. - Ontario Wheat--F.0.b. shipping points, according to freights outside. No. 2 winter, $1 to $1.05; No. 3 win- ter, 97c to $1.02; No. 1 commercial, 90c to 95¢c; No. 2 spring, 93¢ to 98c; No. 3 spring, nominal; No. 2 goose wheat, nominal. American Corn--Prompt ship- ment, No. 2 yellow, track bay ports, 59c¢c. Ontario Oats--No. 2 white, 38¢ to 40c, according to freights outside, nominal. Barley--No. 3 extra, according to freights outside, 65¢ to 58c. Ontario Flour--$5 in bags, bulk, seaboard. Manitoba Flour--Track, Toron- to; First patents, $7.60; second pat- ents, $7.10. Buckwheat--No. 2, 60c to 65c. Rye--No. 2, 80c. Millfeed--Carlots, delivered, Tor- onto: Bran, $19 to $21; shorts, per ton, $21 to $23; feed flour, $1.70 to $1.80. Cc.wW., Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Nov. 4.--Wheat--No. 1 hard, $1.11 1-2; No 1 northern, $1.10 5-8; No. 2 northern, $1.08 1-3; No. 3 northern, $1.03 5-8; No. 4, 98 7-8¢; No. 5, 92 3-8¢; No. 6, 82 3-8¢; feed, 72 3-8¢; track, $1.10 3-5. Oats--No. 2 c.w., 40 7-8¢; No. 3 c¢.w., 37 7-8¢c; extra No. 1 feed, 37 7-8¢; No. 1 feed 35 7-8¢; No. 2 feed, 37 7-8¢; rejected, 29 7-8¢, track, 39 1-4c Barley--No. 3 c¢.w., 60c; No. 2 c.w., 65¢; rejected and feed 48 1-2¢; tracks, 58 1-2¢c. Flax--No. 1 N.W.C. $1.77; No. 2 cw, $1.73; No. 3 c.w., $1.47; con- demned, $1.47; 'rack, $1.77 1-2. Rye--No. 1 W.C., 84 1-2¢; No. 2 cw, 84 1-4c; rejected, 76 A-4c. Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minn, Nov. 4--Flour unchanged to 15¢ higher; in carload lots, family patents quoted at $7.25 to $7.45 a barrel, in 98-Ib, cotton sacks; shipments, 82,323 barreis. Bran, $12.50. Whea'--Cash No, 1 northern, $1.27 7-8 . to $1.30 7-8; Dec., $1.21 7-8; May, $1.20 1-2. Corn--No. 3 yellow, 40c. Oats--No. 3 white, 27 3-4 to 28 3-4c. Flax--No, 1, $1.78 to $1.84. New York. New York, Nov. 4.--Flour-- Spring patents, $7 to $7.50; spring clears, $4.76 to $5.75; soft winter straights, $5.75 to $6; hard winter straights, $6.50 to $7. ye flour--Fair to good, $5.50 to $5.76; choice to fancy, $5.75 to $6. Buckwheat--$3.30 to $3.50° per 100 pounds, Cornmeal--Fine white and yellow granulated, $1.65 to $1.70. * Rye--No. 2 western, 91 1-4c f.0.b NeW York, and 89 3-dc cif. export. Banley--Feeding 63 to 57¢; mal:- Ing 62 to 66c c.i.f. New York. Butkwheat--Market quiet, $1.53 % $1.65 per 100 pounds. Wheat--No. 1 red and No. 1 Man-- itoba, $1.16 3-4; No. 2 hard, $1.1% 3-4 and No. 2 mixed durum, $1.04 3-4 cif. track New York to arrive. Corn--No. 2 yellow, 65 3-8¢; No. | | Markets Reports | beef steers, $5.75 to $9.25; canners, calves and stockers s.eady, bulls | steady to weak. Hogs--Top, $8.05; light lights up to $8.25; bulk, $7.40 |to $8; pigs, strong; bulk, around $8.25. Sheep--Fat native lambs top early $9, with light sorting; ci'y butchers, $9.35; best westerns, $9. | Montreal, Montreal, Nov. 4.--Cattle--Butch- er steers, choice, $5.75; good, $5 to $5.50; medium, $4.25 '0 $4.75; common, $3 to $4; butcher heifers, choice, $4.50 to $5; medium, $3.50 to $4.50; common, $2 to $3.60; but- cher cows, choice. $3.50 to $4; med- jum, $2.25 to $3.25; canners, $1.25% $1.75; cutters, $2 to $2.25; butcher bulls, common, $2.25 to $3. Good veal, none; grass, $2.50 to $3.50. Ewes, $2.50 to $3.50, lambs, good, $8; common, $6.50 to $7. Hogs--The ruling price for sel- ects was $9. Buffalo. East Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 4.--Cat- tle--Lower, shipping steers, $7.75 'o $9; butchers, $7 to $8.50; yearlings, $8.50 to $10; heifers, $4 to $7.50; cows, $1.50 to $5; bulls, $3 to $5.50; stockers and feeders, $5 to $5.59; fresh cows and springers, $50 to $135. Calves--$5 to $13. New York. New York, Nov. 4--Cattle--Steers $4.00 to $8.00; bulls, $3.00 to $4.- 00; cows, $1.25 to $4.65. Calves--Veals, $8.50 to $14.50; culls, $7.00 to $8.00; little calves, $7.00 to $9.00; grassers, $4.00 to $4.50; yearlings, $3.00- to $3.50; westerns, $6.00 to $8.00. Ewe sheep, $2.75 to $4.75; culls, $1.50 to $200; lambs, $6.00 to $9.00; culls, $4.50 to $5.50. Pigs, $9.25; light to medium weights $9.00; heavy hogs, $8.75; roughs, $6.50. GENERAL TRADE. Butter. Belleville, 50 to 52¢; Kitchener, 3 to 45c; Brantford, 45 to b50c; Cobourg, 40 to 45c; Chatham, 40c; London, 40 to 46c; and Stratford, 43 Lo 45¢ per pound. Eggs. ' Belleville, 55 to 6f0c; Kitchener, 60 to 62c; Brantford. 58 to 60c; Cobourg, 55 to 60c; Chatham, 48 to 50c; Hamilton, 65 to 80c; London, 50 to 602; and Stratford, 60 to 65c per dozen, Chickens, Belleville, 23 to 25¢; Kitchener, 35 to 38¢; Cobourg, 20 to 25¢c; Ham- ilton, 30 to 35¢; London 22 to isc; and Stratford, 25 to 30c¢ per Ib. Potatoes, Belleville, $1.50 to $1.75; Kitch= ener, $1.50; Brantford, $2.25; Co- bourg, $1.25 to $1.50; Chatham, $1.90 to $2; Hamilton, $1.75 to $2: London, $1.90 to $2; and Stratford, $2 to $2.25 per bag. ' ---- Hay, Belleville, baled $28 to $29, loose $28 to $30; Kitchener, baled $18 to $20, loose $15 to $17.50; Brantford, baled $12 to $14, loose $11.50 to $12.50; Cobourg, baled $35, loose $25 to $28; Hamilton, baled and fosc $20 to $22; London, loose $18 to $22; and Stratford, baled $18 to $20, loose $12.50 to $14 per ton. . Beef. Belleville, 10¢c; Kitchener, 14 to Hamilton, 12 to 14c; London, 17¢; afid Stratford, 13 to 15¢ per pound. Lambs, Belleville, 18¢c; Kitchener, 33 to 35¢; Brantford, 15 to 26¢; Cobourg and London, 18 to 20c; Chatham, 0c; Hamilton, 15 to 18¢; Stratford 20 to 25¢ per pound, 16¢; Brantford, l4c; Cobourg, 12c; | { Mutton, vee et 18 | Sansage meat Ib, ......00 a Cod, Id. .. Bels, Ib. . Flets. 1b .. .. .. .. .. Finnan haddle, Ib .. .. .. Maddock, fresh, 1p .... Halibut, Ih... .. .. .... Kippers, pair . Pereh, 1b .. .. . Pike, 1b, . Salmon, Ib ... Steak. cod, 1b Trout, salmon, 1b . .. White fish Rerring Fresh, Ih. ...... Hides and Wool. Beef hides, No, 1, 1b. .. .04 to .0% 35 Horse hides ... Tallow, No. 1 be per Ib. Wool, per 1b., unwashed ...8 to 10¢ Bananas, doz. Grape fruit .'. Lemons, dozen Oranges, doz. ... 20 to 242 .20 78 $24 to 328 $26 to $23 Buckwheat, bush, .... .30 Hay, baled, ton ..$28.00 to $29.00 Hay, loose, ton $28.00 Cort, yellow tead, bush. 85 30 Flour, standard (Gov't) Wt... aa $4 to $4.20 Oats, local 45 50 Straw, baled, ton Straw, loose, tn $12 Wheat, local $1.00 to $1.10 i $12 to SH} Robertson's Lie: THIS WEEK we are offering a very Special Price on a Handsome Hand Painted Nip- pon China Dinner Set--97 pieces, with gold line and spray of roses. No better value in Canada. Price $38.90 Brick House, all improvements, Montreal street . Brick House, all improvements, Brock Brick Semi-Bungalow, all improvements, Victoria .. «« . $5000 Brick House, all improvements, Division . Leni +8 eee. $5000 Brick House on Bagot. :......cveve tai sve ems vee. 81900 . Three Minute Journeys i Where to Look at a Grocodile | "Brings Luck." | Undoubtedly, handed down for thousands upon thousands of years, the bilief in the divinity of the cro- | codile is still strong in Egypt. Par- | ticularly is the crocddile reverenced | by the mothers of babes. | Among the very first things the | Egyptian baby is told to do is to | watch for a crocodile, and whenever | he sees one, to stare at the crocodile | as long as the beast can be seen in | | The Mother Rejoices, the turgid waters of the Nile or other streams. Every moment the crocodile is in view baby must keep his eyes intently fixed on him. Not once is the watchful gaze to be relax- ed. For the Egyptians still believe that the crocodile brings good luck, {and the more crocodiles seen, the more good luck to the one who sees them. Indeed so deep is the belief in the good luck the crocodile betows that a mother watches her baby eag- [erly to see whether or not he of his [own accord will stare at the first beast he sees. If baby gazes at the crocodile from the instant he ap- pears, the mother rejoices, for she is sure that baby has an auspicious Several others to choose from, also some good farma. M. B. TRUMPOUR PHONE 704 or 1461w. 11114 BROCK STREET REAL ESTATE BONDS AND INSURANCE KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited J. 0. HUTTON. B G. ROBERTSON Phone 703 67 Clarence Street. NEW ELECTRIC GOODS JUST ARRIVED Students' Study Lamps, extra good value. Price $3.50 each. English Hot Plates, price $7.50. Call and see our large assortment of Portable Lamps, Agents for Apex Vaccum Cleaner, Burke Electric Company 74 PRINCESS STREET . PHONE 423, Always Ready to Serve You Morning, Noon or Night Come in any time and you will find us ready with good meals prepared under the supervision of arst-class cook. The surroundings and our table linen are always kept clean and in Al condition, : CROWN CAFE OPEN FROM 7.30 AM. TILL 2 AM. 203 Princess Street. te: Phone 1398 PHILIP TOY, Prop. VICTORY BONDS 2 while, 86 3-8c and No. 2 mixed. Hogs Exchange these now for Ontario 6% Bonds of a longer 68 1-2¢ c.if., New York, lake ana oo lewills, 38 Sherer, oy > maturity. Increase your interest return and extend your invest- rail, $14.50; Brantford, . 0 ure. ment now, BECAUSE you can make only 90c. per hundred on to $8.50; Chatham, 7.50; London, 1922 Victories, by holding for face value next year, while if Chicago. $7.75; and Stratford $10.76 to $11 you delay changing until that time you may have to pay $3.00 Chicago, Nov. 4.--Wheat--No. 1] per cwt, per hundred more for Ontario 6% Bonds than the present prices, hard, $1.11 1-2. We could exchange for you right now ! Corn--No. 2 mixed, 48 to 48 1-4c: PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 6% 1930 or 1936 bonds for No. 3 ellow. 48 1-4 'o 49¢ Te 1922 Victories without charge to you and allow interest to date o ! : Oats--No. 2 whi'e, 34 to 36¢c; No. on your Victory Bonds. 3 white, 30 to 32 1-4c. THE KINGSTON MARKET Bongard, Ryerson & Co. : Rye--No. 2, 82 1-2c. Barley--Market nominal. Kingston, Nov. 4. "Ibe Home of Good Investments." * Timothy seed--$4.50 to $5.50. : 287 BAGOT STRERT. : PHONE 1728. Clover seed--$12.00 to $18.50. 85 Bay Street, Toronto. start in life, | Sad is the Egyptian mother who at last is forced to realize that her babe takes no interest in the crocodiles. But she makes it a point to train the baby so that his first error shall be his last. What would the Egypt- | ian child do if he had none of the {luck while gazing at the sacred | i beasts brings along the Nile? | Tt is possible that the strange su- | persitition had its birth in the very | rea] danger the crocodiles present at | Dairy ford, and even where the wa- es dip their containers full Creimaty Jatter, Bio to 8 at the river's edge. To watch for the Whey butter ...... ... '3; | beasts was a necessity, then, azd to Eggs, tresh, 403, . «.... 'go | Pe The first to see a crocodile was Oleomargarine avd in 'gg | hus accounted good fortune. LIVE SPOEHK-MARKET. Cheese 25 Now every ome in Egypt %nows Lire *"" | that to look upon the ugly face of & crocodile is a sure cure for iliness, no le Vegetables. © Toronta, Nov. 4. ttle--Heavy | pegts, 2 bunches ...... particularly' sickness in a child, The 5 to 8 very sight of a crocodile is believed beef steers, $6 to $6.50; butcher Cabbage, head .......... steers, choice, $5.76 to $6; good, $5 | Lettuce, bunch ...... = | .6| to increase the appetite of an ailing to S518 melim, 3¢ to 15; eam Carrots, 2 bunches .... : 5 | babe. mon, to $4; toher ers, | Potatoes, siaeea $0.95 to 32} : choice, $5.50 to $6; medium, $4.50 | gwest as 2 Ibs, 3 If a man is careful] in scraping ac- to $5; common, $3 to $4; butcher pone quaintances he might avoid many of cows, $4 '0 $4.75; medium, Meats. the. scrapes that acquaintances get §3 to $4; canners and cutters, $1.75 | Beef: him into. . to $2.50; butcher bulls, good, $3.50 | Porterhouse steak, 1b. ... 30 -- . to 34.50; commom, $2.50 to $3: |Round steak, Ib. ..... 25 | Cramps! Cramps ! feeding steers, good, $5 to $6.50; | Boiling cuts, 1b. ...... .10 to .12 -50 to $6; stockers, good, $4 | Western carcase, owt. .. 121 to $4.50; Tair, §3 40 34. Western hinds, cwt. .... 15 - $10.50 to $12; | Pork: 2 medium, $8 to $10; common, $2.50 [Loin roasts, 1b ........ .32 to $6; miich cows, choice, $80 to [RID routs, Ib. .......... 25 to 36 $100; springers, choice, $30 to $110. | Pork chops, 1g. ...... .25 to .36 'Ewes, $1.50 to $4.50; lambs $8 to | Hogs, live weight, cwt . . $14 i $8.25. or ' + | Hoge, dressed, owt. ..., $16 EERERREES : ! Jogs--ed 384 wa'sred basis, sel-| «32 -" : z to $9.25; lights, $7 to $7.25; : * I? you have 2 mah's past record [| Love Is a chain that holds two oy to nas: Nanun Fronts, 1 ,......es 20 Jou can predict his future with reas- [heart stogether, but it doesn't al- $5.50. 2a i Hinds, 1, ......is.. «28 onable accuracy. \ways hold the dog. -- BARI ee ii sens od The cement plant at Azul, Argan: | Don't argue with a wasp; it alk Chicago, ~~ Tolns am... . 0. " tine, produces 1,000 barrels a day.lways carries its point, Chicago, Nov. 4.--Cattle--Bulk Chops, Ib. .......... .30 ts .40 ~ ORDERING SUITS "TODAY" Pork--Market nominal. Lard--$9.55 to $9.60. Ribs--$5.50 to $7.00, ---------------- NANA AA er te arty, at x PARIS CAFE WILL OPEN Saturday, Octo 22nd We are now ready to serve the public in a'first- ou eed meals cooked risht, served to your liking Our Restaurant has just been newly decorated ~--our tables and table linen all that you comid : Come and have a meal with us and yoii will be well satisfied. : 191 PRINCESS STREET JOE LEE, PROPRIETOR Requires the most careful considera- tion. You may also require expert ad- vice as to wearing qualities of certain Cloth. After over 35 years in the buisi- ness, we claim to be able to advise in this direction. It cost nothing to call and have a talk with us on woollens. Drop in to-morrow! CRAWFORD & WALSH | 'TAILORS BAGOT and BROCK STREETS A ndw process for making syn-| Lord Darnley, husband of Mary thetic stone indistinguishable from [Queen of Scots for a time, stabbed 4 the finest Parian marble has beeh [to death his wife's private secretary « Rizzio, ;

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