/ WEDNESDAY, NOV, 9, 1921, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. DOWN THE ROAD "i Xz _ SNE RN Re nm. Across Canada Travel--- Standard Train cf Quality The Last Word ia) Travel Comfort All Steel Cars . Fully Equipped | Everyone Invited ~ Free Exhibit q Courteous attendants in charge to demonstrate the comforts of day and night travel. Stewards, Chefs, Waiters and Porters on duty. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to:-- J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & TA, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Furnitdre--Frelght TRANSFER Phone 1776J S. WHITEMAN 210. QUEEN STREET Automotive Eqipument Tourists' Burean Manufact urers' Agents Accessories " We Can Get It" ' Phone S1SW - - - - 100 Breck St, Kimgstos, Ont. G. V. DREDGE B. R. EYRES T + LEAD THEM ALL--6,000 MILE GUARANTER You Get Value For Your Money ! EAGLE TIRES--80x3 }§ --guaranteed 4,000 miles . . «.. $13.73 ATTWOOD & DINE Phone 410w. . A persistent taxi driver can certainly make one uncomfortable. Standard For The World Moffats Electric Ranges are the standard for the world--the models from which others try to build. There areimitations of which you must beware. Insist on a Moffat. 24,000 in daily use. Write for booklet to Moffats, Limited,of Weston, Ontario. Morrats ELECTRIC RANGES , UNKNOWN. CANADIAN SHOULD BE HONORED Remains Should Be Re=inter= red in Ottawa, Says Halifax Herald. Halifax, N.8., Nov. 8---Discussing the act of the United States in bring- ing from France the body of an un- known soldier, the Halifax Herald, in a leading editorial says: "Sixty-two. thousand four hundred and ninety-six Canadians lie dead in Europe; the forests of crosses that force themselves upon the vision in Flanders, in Artois and Picardy, tes- tity mutely to this overwhelming sacrifice. The story of Canada's ach- fevements is inscribed upon these wooden memorials. But it is a por- tion only of that story. The rest is written in the rags that adhere to the plough of the Flemish farmer, in SOLID BRICK HOUSE--newly decorated; 3 piece bath; furnace; electric lights; gas; good location. No information given over phone. Please call at office. Price Many city homes to choosé from. Also some first class farms priced right. M. B. TRUMPOUR 111% BROCK STREET '- - PHONE 704 or 1461w. "A Safe in Your House is a standing invit- ation to burglars. How gf] much better B Jee ; | Bonds Insurance 0! es, f Jewellery and other valu. i ) *" ables in a Safety it: "7 Boxin this where they will be ¢ properly: The yearly rental THE MERCHANTS BANK A . nw CITI, Manages " A CNT, Ty " Boy, x 7 ~ "TODAY" 'Requires the most careful considera- tion. You may also require expert ad- vice as to wearing a of certain Cloth. After over 35 years in the busi- ness, we claim to be able to advise in -this direction. It cos* nothing to call _ and have a talk with us on woollens. Drop in to-morrow! CRAWFORD & WALSH BAGOT and BROCK STREETS the shattered fragments of humanity protruding through the earth, in the strained and broken relics gathered in the fields by little children, relics that may in after years serve no lof- tier purpose than to be exhibited to the vulgar and flippant gaze of the curious. , "Why should not Canada do what has been done in Great Britain, in France, in Italy and in the United States? Why should not this coun- try endeavor to bring a gleam of {hope into the barren lives of those to whom it means so much? To bring to Canada on a Canadian war- ship all that fs morta] of some name- less hero, to re-inter him in Ottawa, the capital city of the country, would be an ect of grace that would express all that is felt regarding these thousands of Canadians whose graves have not been and will ng be identified." . VILLAGE OF WELLINGTON, Hunters Go After Deer--The Late Alexander Stewart. Wellington, Nov. 4.--Jack Shur- ie and William Boyle took their guns and proceeded to North Hastings to seek deer, but failed to shoot any. Alexander Tait, with his wife and Arthur McDonald accompanying, mo- tored to Belleville, Arthur McDonald has arrived to take a business course at the O, B. C. Gilbert Goodmurphy, Wallace Goodmurphy, Seburndrook, Frank Harris and W. J. Mcrrison left for a deer hunt. Miss M. Archer spent a month with her uncle and aunt, Rev, and Mrs, O. W. Robbins, Dr, A. B. Archer and wife, Lamont, Alberts, have been spending a few days with Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Robbins! The doc- tor is a prominent surgeon. ~ Rev. W. R. Archer and wife, Stir- ling, joined the family gathering at Rev. Mr. Robbins' on Monday last. ! The death occurred of 0 ' New York, New Stewart on Sunday morning in his seventy-seventh year, His sister, Mrs. Morgan, Independence, Missouri, has been in attendance upon him. Mr. Stewart's family came from Ireland to Canada in 1860 and located in Hillier. He was a staunch mémber of the Masonic Order of Wellington and Belleville lodges. Eliwood Garratt, Toronto, former- ly of Winnipeg, and who has been recorded as a Quaker minister and resides at Newmarket, visited a num- ber of friends and relatives here re- cently, i The boys of the town were busy | on hallowe'en night, moving build- Briscoe Model 4-34 Regular Touring Car, Five Passenger This car is bigger, stronger, more pow: erful and better in every way than the form- er old model. Price F.O.B. Brockville $1,550.00 'Plus Sales Tax . , Canadian Briscoe Motor Car Co., Ltd. Brockville ANGLIN BROS., Bay St. ings and everything else that was movable, to the different parts of the town, which caused a general com- motion the following day. Mrs. Richard Best, who for a cou- ple of weeks was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Madden, Napanee, re- turned home on Saturday last. Miss Mabe] Hubbs left on Monday for New York, Mrs. Danie] Bush has gone to To- ronto to be the guest of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Gilmore, A large congregation was at the M. E. church on Sunday evening to hear a very noted and capable prea- cher, Rev. Mr. Minzo Ainsworth, Gas City , Indiana. Prof. Staples, Belle- ville, sang a solo, "Nearer My God to Thee." Rev. Mr. Ainsworth is a na- tive of Prince Edward county, Rev, E. N, Baker, Belleville, a for- mer pastor of this village, called on some of his old parishioners, Mrs. Rebecca Jenkins, accompan- fed by her niece, Miss Doolittle, Belleville, are visiting friends in To- ronto and Syracuse, N.Y, . 'WEDDED AT BROCKVILLE, Marriage of Donald E. VanLauven and Miss Muriel Gilmoure, Donald E. VanLuven, son of Earl F. VanLuven, and a member of the firm of VanLuven Bros. San Bernar- dino, California, left this city on Tuesday last, where he has been vis- iting his cousins, BE. Ronald and BE. Wray VanLuven, of the firm of Van- Luven Bros; Kingston, Mr. Van- Luven left California on Sept. 23rd on an extended trip up the Pacific coast es far as VancouVer; then through the Canadian West, calling at Edmonton, Calgary, Moosejaw and Winnipeg. From here he again cross- Drive a FORD SEDAN or COUPE this winter. It will give you a new con- ception of motoring comfort. You will not worry whether it rains, blows or snows--all kinds of weather are alike. And won't your wife and children appreciate it? : We are equipped to give you prompt and skilled service at any hour. VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609, 34-38 Princess Street. ed the border into the state of Michi- gan, where hé stopped at Kalamazoo and Detroit, arriving in Kingston on | to Oct. 23rd. Leaving Kingston on Nov. 1st, he motored as far as Brockville with coal for Port Huron went down in Lake St, Olair, The crew were res- cued. Japanese politicians are arranging select a premier. The wooden barge Richard Burns - 5 | GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Ph ha, pin Re EvIing Jes TARE arts supp lo wa scissors and edge --, ground. Locks repaired. Keys fitted to all kinds of locks. All makes of Lawn Mowers 3 paired. 1 that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK J49 Sydea Street, Kingston Phone ,2036J . Hunter Ogilvie 281 King Street HOLD UP and BURGLARY Phones 568) and 1087 Johnson's . . .. 78c. per Ib. tin Old Enslish ...75c. per Ib. tin Johnsor's Liquid Wax, Johnson's Powdered Dancing Wax. Waxing Brushes at: . W. I. COCKBURN "PHONE 21 6. A Reminder This Company rejected over 700 applicants last year for no less than two million dollars of insurance because they waited ~ too long. This Company would have been only tro glad to issue this insurance had these appli- cants been medically fit. The lesson is apply for insurance when you can get it. S. Roughton District Manager The Mutual Life of Canada - 80 Brock Stree KINGSTON Phone 610. where he was married to Miss Mur- fel Glimoure, a very popular King- \ston young lady, by the Rev. G. W. McCall, at the Methodist parsonage. After a luncheon at the Grand Cem- otel there, the party .left for tral their Southern home on the 3.45 p.m. train as far as Montreal, The return trip. will be by way of Boston, LES Bante ever, the expert Are You Not Taking a.Big * Chance Parking Your Car at the 'Curb? Yon City Folk---and You-Out-of-Town-People ~when you are attending a show, dance or some similar éntertainment, would you not en- joy. yourselves much more ff you knew that your car was being properly taken care of ? : Even ft you have taken what seems to you "(to be every possible precaution against loss by by locking the ignition switch or gear- thief can overcome i Yiculties in a few minutes. . a 'When your car is left on the street what pro- tection have you against loss of such articles