-- TTI Spo Pompom te TTT TERETE, 5 a oq Ty THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG. v et cettpr es trae-- THE PEOPLE'S FORUM |= ONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : 11st Insertion, ic a word. Bach con- secutive insertion thereafter, hat] cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢, three iusertions, 50 cents. ' The abuve rates are for cash only, 'when c ed they are double. HELP WANTED, I ARD MAID FOR KINGSTON GEN-| eral Hospital. Apply to the Matron URAING HULBSEKEEFER WANTED for smali hotel neuer KiLgsiun; nius( be guud couk and have city refer- elice. Apply Box D-iu, Whig. A PHREE YOUNG MEN FOR CANVAS. Sing, neat and brignt 11 dont want work don't apply. M. Sykes, ¥2 Queen street, tween 4.30 and 5.30, evenings. AKE MONEY AT HOME, $15 TO $60 paid weekly tor your spare time i writing show cards for us. No canu- | va cing. We instruct and supply! { You with work, West-Angus show | } Card Service, 17 Colo-.ine £ld., To- | ronto, WE WANT aA RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepreseuted coun- } ty or territory, - Kxclusive selling rights; good pay to energetic rep- $ resentatives. Our agency is valu- i able. - Write Pelham Nursery Co, ¢ Torunto, Ung. GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK-- we need you to make socks on the fast, easily-leayned Auto Knitter;| experience unnecessary; distance immaterial; positively no canvass- ing. yarn supplied; particulars, 3c stamp. Dept. 15-C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. { POSITION WANTED, SINGLE MAN DESIRES POSITION ON farm, experienced. Apply Box O11, } Whig Uftice. FOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS apprentice in blacksmith shop Write C. Hartley, Battersea, Ont. BARRIED MAN WISHES EMPLOY- : ment tending furnaces or making himself usetul at any small jobs Apply Box J-8, Whig or pnone 237M. --- YOUNG MARRIED MAN, WITH clerical experience but anxious for work of an kind, urgently re- quires employment. Apply Box L-9, Whig Office. =X ee SITUATIONS VACANT BIG $3 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS greeting card sample beok free to workers; celebrated, inexpen- sive, Royal Series; secure orders now; deliver later; men and wo- men already making tive dollars up daily even in spare time; capital or expereince unnecessary. Garret- son Company, Brantford, Ont. Lin a AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVAS but to travel and appoint local re resentative penses chance penses. State age tions. Experience unnecessary. Also inexperienced organigers or £rew managers wanted. / Winston Co., Dept. G., Toronto. mmm qualifica- MILLINERY. MRS. MeLAUCHLIN WISHES TO AN. nounce er removal from 95 to 112 L. Willlam Street, where she wlll take orders for making, trimming and remodeling hats. PERSONAL HAIR, WOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin CANCers, scars, etc. moved permanently. Satis tory I 8 fitted and furnished after ave failed. Goitre removed. experience. Dr. Elmer J. e,-Xye, kar. Nose. Throat, Skin. 268 Bagot Street. Phone 301. FANCY GOODS. HMEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC- cordion, knife and box pleating Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. E. A. Card, 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. _ opposite Artillery Park. DENTAL. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE 258 Princess Street. Phone §52w. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 1569 Wellington street, cofner of Brock. - DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 1850. Open evenings by appoiatment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS RE- sumed practice at 9. Princess St. gues Bank of Nova tis. Phone J FINANCIAL MH, 8. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO- mobile and Casualty Insurance. 420 Ear] street. Phone 1782M. STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE ents; established In 1860; only ; he most reliable companies repre- nted. Office 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAX AND INVEST. meu ty; inco: ated 1561 President, . F. Niekle, K.C.; vice- resident, A. B. unningham oney issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and county Benentures; nor sae Shand, vestment or sale; deposits Bains i Interest allowed. = 1 Ti WANTED GENERAL ) "Ft BRNISH GROUND 50 ACRE FARM; 1 10 miles ot TO BUY ir ithi Box N-3, Whig Kingston. Office. SON'S fathers Jox F-5 MOTHERS WANTING LITTLE Buits or Coats made from discarded ones Apply Whig. or phone 2372w. REPAIRING -- 1IOW ABOUT Does it need repairing vof, Prop a Barrack S: ROOF your roof? We use Argus Roof card to F. Coventry, 3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITI FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BES _G ing business hotels: vicinity King- | ston; general and summer trade. | Everything in first class order Owner retiring on account of ili-| health. Apply Box R-7, CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Pa. C, Cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd tloor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston Ont. Consultation free. Telephone $22). Hours 8 to 12 au. 1 to 6 p.m DR. GEORGE FF. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A. | Lucy, Chiropractic Upecialists andl Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street. | | | | between Princess and Brock. Tele- | === phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to| 6. and 7 to 9 pm. Spinal analysis | and consultation free. Residential! calls by appointment. ee | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING! WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR i Pajerhangiug done. drop a card tv | A. Mounteer. 84 Arch street. { { SCOTT & Painters, CO.,, 53 BEVERLY ST. | Paperhangers and Deco-| rators. No Job too smal, no con- tract too large. Storm windows re-| paintea, putted, glazed and put on All work done at shortest notice. HM. | | UPHOLSTERING. ------------------------------ CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J, | Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP- holstering and general repairing Leave orders at ur drop a card to 104 Clergy rireet. COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- der in all popnlar shapes and sizes. Upholstering and repairing done E. J. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. : FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN- ished, guns, gramaphones, etc. re- paired promptly and® guaranteed. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess h | Hd manager, 37 Clar ¥ Tr. ence street. Kipxston. = mr aeseag sa MEDIUM-SIZED FURNISHED HOUSE | to let; good locality. Phone 825w. LARGE STONE HOUSE, 63 RIDEAU Street. Apply to Mrs. Bajus, 47 Ri- deau Street. GARAGE FOR FALL AND WINTER storage. McCanu Agency, 86 Brock Street. Phone 3286. CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD; conveniences. Apply 376 Bar- or phone 2238w. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave. --- GARAGE, NEAR CORNER VEEN and Bagot Apply 'D. G. Hay, R. R. 1, Kingston. Phoue 1100 r 22. A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, 146 Montreal St, all linprovements, Phone 1099 ring 3. 4 vacant April 1st. FIRST all rie ONE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE OR two, in private family, Ladies preferred. Apply Box J-8, Whig Office. ---------- BEDROOMS TO LET, SINGLE OR double by week or day; all conven- fences; near trains. Apply Box G-5, Whig. ------------ %. S------t STORAGE FOR FURNITURE "AND merchandise; clean and dry. Mec- Cann Agency, 86 Brock Street Phone 326. STORAGE FUR FURNITURE, CLEAN, aray, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 305 Queen St, Phone 526; res. 939w. MEWLY DECORATED FURNISHED rooms to let; gentlemen preferred Board if desired. Apply at 338 King street East, Apt. No. 1. A FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH OR without board for business gent- leman; all conveniences; superior home; close to trains. Apply Box H-5, Whig. APARTMENTS, ESPECIALLY FURN- ished for light housskerning, mod- ern improvements, at the Pioneer Apartments, 212-214 Division street. Phone 1434w. NEW @¢ ROOM BRICK HOUSE; FINE condition; half block from car; re- duced rent; immediate possession. Phone 951w or call 202 Upper Bagot before 7.30. AUVARTMENT ON CORNER OF PRIN. cess-Barrie Stréets, 4 rooms 'and bath; all conveniences; heated, im- mediate possession; rent reason- able. Apply I. Cohen & Co., 275 On- tario Street. ONCE, A NEW SEVEN ROOM house and barn on North Alfred; al- 80 on North Alfred street, a good brick house and eight acres of land, A to J. D. Boyd, 332 Universit AVS qpptions 108901. sty PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING = work uaranteed. Peter D. Brown, 12 Markland Street, Phone 2397m. streets. ANTHRACITE COAL BRIQUETTES BEST ON THE MARKET Bove COMl SHEE ....scxsvs vuvvs resins sings s $14.25 per ton Orders booked for 10-days' delivery. See sample at our office. | James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Street, be learned In ten Tomson . Waits, One Step, Fox Trot, Hours 7 to ® every ¥ | MRS. 8. COHEN, Instructor Mall Phone ...........357 Residence Phone vou ASTS CARPENTERING Whig. |! y | | ON YORK ROAD, 3 MILE FROM Bath P.O, a license numbe 151-498. Owner may have same at Whig « i BROUK STHROET, club Bag. Owner 464 Brock Street SUM OF MONEY ON Uwner may have by Property at 34 Clergy ce. A BLACK ON appiy LU SUNDAY. proving Street West. TAN LEATHER GLOVE IN front of Sydenham Street chureh. Owner may I Same at 350 lar] St A SIGNET RING ON THE UNI- versity grounds on Monday Owner Nay have same at the Whig Office : A LADY'S WKIST WATCH, ON Monday nignt, between Mont- real and Ciergy streets. Own- €r may have same oy apply- ing at 236 Barrie Street, SATURDAY MORNING, A leather mitt. Owner ve same by calling at Whig Office. ve Il soup ADVER. Th Fan Anyone uuulug suything and Wishing lo redwcu tng uwher may Wu Su by reporung the tacts te lhe British Whig. 'The advers Ltisement will ve printed in thie Column lice ol Charge. "Found articies" dues not in- clude lust dougs, callie, hurses, ete. These, il (ost, may be ad- vertised for in the Lost' column RT ee LOST, | A BLACK CLUB BAG, ON CORNER OF] and Nelson. Finger at Whig Office and please elye Mack leave rec GOLD TIE ing room; satety Vaiued as keepsake ly return to Y.M.CA, DRIESS- initial 1B kind- catch; rinder ollice BLACK POCKRE sum of money i registration card. Finder ple turn to Whig Office. Reward, A STRING OF CUT JET BEADS BE tween William, Barrie, Johnson a Divigion streets. Finder please re- turn to 179 Division or phone No 1122m LARGE PARCEL OF DRY GOODS, AND smaller parcel of foolwear, be- tween Cataraqui and tiolleford Finder return to ./hig Office Mrs. Geo. Amey, Haru ( FOR BALE. IF YOU HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagot anc Queen. Phone 410J SALE OF APPLES AT 239 BAGOT ST.| on Tuesday and Wednesday, »§ and 9th winter supply. MeLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, COST $2,- 250; only run 4,000 miles; guod as new; quick sale. Palmer, corner Bagot and Queen streets. GURNEY-OXFORD KITCHEN RANGE ---splendid cooker; hot water front First twenty-five dollars takes it. Apply 29 Hickson Avenue. Wh SKLL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF musical instruments, also cioth- ing and furniture. Gail and get our prices... L. Routbard, ¥ Princess street. Phone 1723. COKE FOR SUMMER a3; CHEAPEST fuel on the market. We are de- livering 1-4 tons ag $2.50; % tons at $4.75, or a full ton wut $9 00 Phone 161lm. W. C. Bruton. -- | -------- ee m------ 193 ACRE FARM, BREWER"S MILLS, situated on provincial highway; well watered; good buildings. Ap- ply F. J. Rochefort, or J. A. Rocheford, on premises. PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND Bicycles, also bicycle baby carriage tires put on while You wait. Muller's. Bicycle Wor 371-373 King street. Phone 1032w. SALE OF MILLINERY GOONS, CON- sisting of Malines, Velling, Straw Braids, Flowers, 'Ribbons, a few Straw shapes, and chiidren's hats Apply 112 Lower William Street. CITY LOT. #9 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also Incubator, 149 egg, and two brood- ers; hot water heated. Only used once. Cawson, 248 Concession St near Victocia Streer. . SEVEN - ROOMED HOUSE, wath wood-working shop attached; lo- cated in prosperous village near Kingston; doing good business; 00d reasons for selling. Apply ox N-24, Whig Office. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, gTC, A Piano, small size, $75.00. Quebec Heaters and others, to $12.00. A few parlor suites $15.00 each. $4.00 up Sideboards in oak, al] prices. Oak dinner Wagon, $5.00. Oak hall seat, $5.00. We buy all kinds of Furniture. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP : ' Phoue 104Cw. 007 Princess Street. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF 800d second-hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose or, we will pay hignest prices. J. 'Thompson, $38 Princess street, Phone l6vuw, NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA--1 "COZY home and steady income for mod- £sL Investment in glorious climate with woenderful resources. No pro- position ever oltered compares with ours. Write to-day, full par ticulars free. nharrison & Mecas- kell, Debunhak Springs, Florida. BATEMAN'S REAL ENTATK, FOUR SALK R. C, SEMI-DETACHED; rooms; B. and U.; down town, ROOMS; LATES) central. SIX RICK; improvements; $1,500--FRAME HOUSK; NORTH END; five rooms; large lot, room fur one or two more huuses. -- ~-- SEMI-DETACHED FRAME house, § rooms, B. and C, and gas; deep lot and good cellar, -- $2600 THE MATE TO THE ABOVE With electric ig is: both well built ¥ % ee -- IE BUNGA rooms; goog ond ya Path; sicetiletty; barn and stable: C! " ork Road, just outside city Limits. 8 TO LET, FRAME DWELLING WEST END; large lot and stable. Call early and get your | Brewer's Mills. | f FOR SALE MALE AND FEMALE BIRDS. APPLY | 421 Barrie or phone 1312]. | -------- ee ee eres ! Pp > | ONE BRASS ANTIQUE PIANO LAMP, | with shade. Apply Box U-23, Whig. | LINEN GILL NETTING AND NETS. Frank W. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. | Phone 436. 200 BUYS GOOD, COVERED, DELIV. 5 ery truck; newly painted. Palmer, cor. Bagot and Queen. WHITE WICKER BARY CARRIAG practically as good &s new; sell cheap. Appiy 333 Earl St. | FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY property, farm land in Saskatche- wan. John Craig, Gen. Delivery, Kingston, Ont. { | | $175 BUYS GOOD OVERLAND TOUR. ing car, electric starter and lights, i Palmer, cor. A snap for quick sale. Bagot and Queen. TWO DRIVING HORSES; GOOD ROAD- sters. Will sell reasonable to quick yer. Apply Roscoe Gardiner, of Cataraqui, Ont. UPRIGHT Apply Coop- $160 BUYS AN ENGLISH Piano; in good condition. between 7 and 9.30 pm. G. er, 415 Johnson St | OATS, SEED OR FEED: 0.A.C, 72 CROP | of 1920. Sixty cents bushel. R. M. Van Luven, lake Shore Hoad, Portsmouth. Phone 1108 R 1-3. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, $42.50 Terms $7 cash; §5 per month. C. W, Lindsay. Lamited. 121 Princess St $275 BUYS A CHEVROLET TOURING car; overhauled; new tires; electric starter and lights. A snap. Palm- er, cor. Bagot and Queen Sts. fer------ --e------------------ 350 ACRE FARM, WITH OR WITHOUT stock and implements; one mile from city on forty foot road. Ap- ply Mrs. Snook, Bath Road, P. O. AL GASOLINE Tank for running or- Salsbury, 21 « C, VEN >, develops etc.; in 8 ro J Sixth Street, ONE 10 H.P. UPRIGHT STEAM BOIL- er and one wing waggon; In 800d order Il ve sold reason- able. Apply li. Webber, 261 Regent Street. MUSIO. KORRINNE A. MADDEN 1S PREPAR- ed to accept a limited number of plano pupils. Studio: §0 Earl St Phone 1538. = | | { LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- ers and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence street, Kingston. A. B Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, D.a., BARRISTER and Svulicitor. Law olXice, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. P e 1999. a i === ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH). tects, Merchants Bank ,Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington eee ST CARLO SIGNs KINDS, GLASS WORK, large or small, Posters, Showcards, displays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 Princess Street. SIGNS OF ALL PALMISTRY | COMIE AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ by Madame Lillian, who has given to many. Hours 10 satisfaction | $ pm. 338 King Street am- ty East CIVIL ENGINEERING. PE AE " nr ---- -- , PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES -. ™ S. Scott, B.A, B.Sc. .S¢. Mem. En Inst. 123 King Street. ---- ® Phone 163) Semin AT CROW LAKE, {Sh and Sunday School Kept Go- ing under Difficulties, Crow Lake, Nov. 7.--The opening of the deer hunting season has been welcomed and some local hun'ers bave already taken advantage of the opportunity. The residents of Crow Lake are glad to know that Harvey Hagan has at last decided to bring his saw mill back to Crow Lake. A number of the boys have returned from their trip west and were wel- comed back. A party was held at Mrs. R! Reynolds' on Wednesday evening. All had a nice time. There was also a party at J. Bedore"s Hal- lowe'en. Snow has made its appearance and the weather looks wintry. A baby boy has come to brighten the home jot Mr. and Mrs. Boyd. J. R. Norris has left for Brockville where his fa- ther, Thomas Norris, is going through a serious operation. The friends of Duncan McGregor are sor- ry to hear that he is in a very serious condition in the Hotel Dieu, King- ston. Alfred Patterson, drover, re- ports very poor prices for cattle on Toronto market. K. McCann and wife are at Crow Lake. Mr. McCaun is relieving J. E. Boyd while the lat- ter is taking his holidays. Mrs, E!N- wood Harris has left for her home in Copper CHff. The people here are pre- paring for a box social on Nov. 11th. Mr. Cantrell, church of England min- ister from Sharbot Lake, is to held services on Wednesday evening here in the Union church. All are proud to know that Miss B. Rickaby, the teacher, is going to stay. The Meth- odist service here last Sunday was well attended. N. B. Topping ve- cpled the pulpit. Sunday school is progressing favorably under the able superinendent,, J. R. Norris, Crow Lake. People must surely appreciato the efforts*made mere by some of the less| ness of Mr. Cantrell to come here and Were Within the next five years the new Wel- land Canal will be completed, Will ready to receive the Kingston b e flood of business from the Upper Lakes? This depends on our member at Ot- tawa, EEEaaEEE SE EE 0 The Electors of Kingston and Portsmouth many Liberals by selection at a Ke convention, I have consented as candidate for this consti- a protective policy, which rovide work for our workingmen home; for sup- m whe ve stood by our country in time of meed; for support of sound leadership an we have it In Right Hon. Arthur Meighen. d solicit your vote and influence, and it Siected my whole time will be at your nervy : --A. E. ROSS. AUCTION SALE Furniture, Sleighs, ete, 30 » Friday, very to stand tuency. Robes, Main St, mear Division, Nov. 11th, 10 a.m. Oak cabinet Sonora and records, oak leatherette easy chair and rockers, oak hall tree, quarter cut oak table, dining chairs, oak china cabinet, oak writing desks, Peerless Peninsular range (nearly new), oflcioth, Jewel and Quebec heaters, handsome oak and enamelled dressers, iron bed, springs, mattresses, walnut bureaus, oll heaters, crockery, glassware, ple~ yg hob sleighs, auto roves, garden ete. I beg to announce that I have accepted the nomination of the Liberal Part this City nd . an the coming election the If you think favora ca; ture hty of and lect . IPE oN" an 1h oN SIERO ms tates my about d t ability 1 pos- sess to bring 2 Da riaens ad extension | GRAND AST TIME TO-NI DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS PRESENTS Ein "THE THREE MUSKETEERS" Prices--Eve. 25-50-75. GRAND THE REX STOCK CO., Presenting "THE MAN FROM HOME" THE COMEDY SUCCESS Vaudeville Between Acts PRICES: 20¢-30¢-30c, GRAND--SAT, NOV. 12th Matinee at 2.30, ALBERT DeCOUR VILLE PRESENTS The Famous London Revue "HULLO CANADA" WITH HARRY TATE and SHIRLEY KELLOGG AND BEAUTY CHORUS LONDON GAIETY 2-82-8100. Matinee Seats now om sale. or PRICES: Gallery 10e. a A THURS. and FRI. Matinee Friday at 2.30 Friday Matinee 10 and 25e. ------ Evening at 8.15 GIRLS ++. $3-82.50-92-81.50-891, Br or 4 a ar 2+ apr erer ra raa LAST? TIME TO-DAY A Domestic Taunderhoit With a Real, All-Star Cast "A Man's Home' "A NIGHT IN JA? AND" Allen Concert Orchestra and FREDDIE TRENEER and his sAXornone AlIEN -- GOD'S CRUCIBLE Taken from Ralph Connor's Famous Novel "Ihe FOREIGNER" Romance -- Action -- Thrills THURS, FRI, SAT, WI BARBARA CASTLETON, MONTAGU AST TIME 1 STRAND A Strong Story of Galety and Grief "SHAMS 0 SOCIETY" H LOVE AND AN ALL-STAR CAST THURS, FRI, SAT. 1 W. KENT MACNEE! Bank of Commerce Bullding. Brock and | King Streets Phone 701 or 13274 | General Insurance Agency | Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Accident, | Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. | tepresenting Only Reliable Companies ! PearlA. Nesbitt L T.CH. Organist and Leader of Queen St. Choly : ie oi] Teacher in Singing and Pian Siudio: 24 Division Street. Phone 1167) a i DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT OSTEOPATHS 204 King Street, near Earl Telephone 447. Latest drugless treatment. New electrical cabinet. Twelve years' gyuccess i. Kingston Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service GRIFFINS THURS., FRI, SAT. The Big Super Special Production "NO WOMAN KNOWS" A story of a woman who thought she knew what she wanted---went after it, only to find it was not what she wantrd at all. Shown Twice Daily, NO INCREASE IN PRICES INSIST ON THE BEST Crossed Fish Sardines THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL ANNOUNCING ~A New Chevrolet Model "The 490 Special" Combining all the good points of the "490," this model will in addition have Gasoline Tank on rear, Yacuum Feed Sys- tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain light, nickle-plated radiator, nickle-plated bumper, spiral bevel- led pinion and gear in rear axle, and cord tires all round. This ©ar is the sensation at the Torouto Exhibition. The price is even more sensational---$895.00, "490 Touring Regular" #490 Roadster Reg $785 $785 #490 Light Delivery" $785 All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--S8ales Tax Extra BAWDEN & EDWARDS CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVION a9 MONTBEAL STREET PRONE 400. v "The only definite purpose in life Always have good grounds tor" i some birds have is to slide out ot | your objections before you make WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTRE, see James Selby, Contractor, iy . University Avene. Phone 1508 w,