"FLU" ; Prevention The "FLU" weather is here, and the one real, reliable pre- paration to combat the "Flu" Is DR. HICKEY'S MIANTURE - Antiseptic and healing for Covghs and Colds. 25 cents L. T. BEST Prescription Zruggist. . PhoneB® -. - Open Sundays Yery common causes of HEADACHE We have glassss that remove these causes and give IMMEDIATE RELIEF Before consulting the physi- clan, before using medicines and drugs, come and see 'us. If your headache is caused by eye strain we cure it THROUGH PROPER GLASSES Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Optometrist and Optician, 226 Princess Street. 8 doors above the Opera House Dr. | i { wy We are showing a splendid assortment of ENGLISH STERLING PHOTO FRAMES in all sizes, from min- iature to full size por- trait These are very beau- tifully made and very reasonably priced Diamonds Watches Jewelers » Limited Established 1540, Registered Opticians 850 Kirg Street DENTAL PARLORS: 183 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- tion, Latest Treatment of Pyorrhea, X-Ray work. ---- | SMITH BROS. | THE [FARMERS CHEER THER LEADER Continued from Page One He felt that it would be to the ad- | vantage ,of Canada to have a man l!ke Hon. Mr. Crerar called upon to form a government. He felt that he | would form a government of good common sernise, Mr. Meighen had sta- ted that we, must have a high tariff. | The speaker said his remedy would ! be to raise the tariff against the United States, and lower it against Great Britain. He would low- er it fifty per cent, against Great Bri- tain, Arthur Hawkes, of Toronto, spoke | | of conditions in the northern part of | Frontenac county, and stated that it { was up to Hon. Dr. Edwards, the new minister of immigration, to solve the { problem in this county, and also stop the drain on Ontario, and fill up the | vacant spots in western Canada. | There were people living in the nor- thern parts of Frontenac county un- | der deplonable conditions. It was up | to Dr. Edwards to see that these peo- | ple were removed to another part of | the country, where they would have | a better chance of living. The speaker criticized Hon. Mr, Meighen. He declared that he was merely preaching "protection." The country was in a state of reconstruc- j ticn. He claimed that Mr. Mcighen { would not see us through with this work, but that the progressive par- ty would, The farmers had "risen on their own feet," and had selected their own candidates for Ottawa. WV. 8. Reed, U.F.0. caniidate for Frontenac county, spoke criefly, and | was greeted with much enthusiasm | Ie said he had just bacon making a tour of the nortiern part' of the coun!y of Frontenac, and tha* condi- 'is party. The rez vvel with | tions Jooked good for { anncuncement was { cheers. E J. Sexsmith, U.I".G. candidate in Lennox, said he was thoroughly { disgusted with party polities, and graft, He sounded a cal! for demo- | cracy and purity. He | fact that the smaller cities the towns and the villages were being cleaned [on of their population, as a result of people going to the larger centres, He claimed the Progressive party had a solution to meet the needs The meeting was a most repre- { sentative one ({ the countv. A largs | number of ladies were present, and a number of the fair sex occupied | seats on the platform. At the close of the meeting, rous- ing cheers were given for Hon. Mr. | Crerar, and the two candidates: Mr. | | Reed and Mr. Sexsmith, | BENNETT RAPS "OTHER PIRTES (Continued from Page 1.) than $100,000 spent in political pro- paganda. Last year they sold 700, 000 more bushels of grain than they took in." Here the speaker told of the de- mands for the grain industry end ' t| the stop put to the work of the 2.m- WHEN PLANNING YOUR HOME Considerations of health come first. sanitary fixtures and fittings in the kitchen and elsewhere. It must be spick-and-span and wholesome the bathroom must be right. a8 you would have yourselves and your Let us show you the lustrous white That means plumbing-- good Above all. hildren. celain enameled bathroom equipment we have In our store. You will find its price as satisfactory 8&8 Are its appearance and obvious convenience. McKelvey & Birch, Limited 65-71 BROCK STREET (Plumbing Department) ° PHONE 237, A tans "sn at} . BEDS AND SPRINGS mission by Mr. Crerar by means of {an injunction. But, he daclared the | inquiry is going to go on into the false bottoms, in their elevators for |a judgment has been given confirm- {ing the powers of the commission. | "We have three parties, three {leaders and the parties are but groups of men. One group a pro- | fession of faith and by it we stand ior fall. Another party has no pro- {fession of faith, and the. third ex- | presses profound continuity for con- | ditions as they exist. From {you must arrive 'at a conclusion in | the ballot box." Pu r | | i | f Making The Fountain Pure, | Verona, Nov. 4.-- (To the Editor): | Some time ago the Christian Guard- | ian published a letter in defence of {the modern dance. I sent a reply | which the editor kept several weeks, and then, on my writing him, he ra- { turned it, pleadihg Hmited space. But | he found space for the anonymous | letter which called forth my reply. Following is the letter: -- deplored the | these | Letters to the Editor} tion on every circuit to which I have ' ve been appointed. But it would no {require many such le'ters as that to | make me hesitate in aiding its cir- culation. Our church paper should {be a safe one to place in the hands | {of our young people. | | I very much wish all our confer- | ences were as loyal to the spirit, | principles and traditions of Methoud- ism as the London conference, whosa | noble stand your unknown corres | pondent deprecates. The dance craze {seems to be rapidly spreading, ani parents may well tremble in view of ahmost certain awful consequences. Your correspondent who speaks sneeringly of being brought up in al "'straiglit-laced"--probably meaning | "strait-laced"--""Me*hodist home," | {is guilty of breaking the fifth com- {mandment. Dancers very often show | scant respsct for their parents, 1 suppose your correspondent consid- ters himself or hersell "'clean-mind- ed." If so, had not the strait-laced | {Methodist 'home something to do with that cle.n mind's formation? i Does any one in his senses for a m«- jment imagine that the modern mixed dance is calcula'ed to promote ani | conserve clean-mindedness? Pre- | | posterous! Your correspondent states an aw- | ful truth in saying, 'The young peo | i ple who dance have formed the hahi: {of mixing with all in the party," ava | etc. Just so; "hey have; and younz | girls are thus brought into vary close land dangerous contact with disrep 1:- | i i {able young men who do not deserve | the recognition of any decent girl | on the street or elsc where. Once tha | dance habit is formed no one knows | where it will lead, any more than te | Who has not known ot | drink habit, very sad cases of infatuated young people dancing themselves into tin grave, and sometimes worse than that? A who dances. Whatever anyone my ers on the average are as minded' as the dancers. Your co-respcndent's insult about 'forfeits' and { dancing, cated forfeits and kissing as a subssi- {tute, nor seen that sort of thing prac- tised during all my years in the min- | istry, and I don't believe anyone elsa has. People are not compelled to do either one or the other. I have hea:d | people say that talking about your neighbors is worse But why do either? { well apologize {asserting that it is not as bad as {horse stealing. Such arguments are | too silly for sensible people to use, and betray the weakness of their in- | tention. No comparison with other evils, {evil thing good. | It is a slur and slander London conference to ask, "Why pass | judgment on things you know noth- | {ing about?" It did no'. I never danc- {ed and I never drank, but I knew a | great deal about both dancing aad | drinking, and I know them both to be corrupt trees bringing forth cor ! | rupt fruit. It is supremely silly to say that "If | the dance were what the London | conference' says it is, it would have | been mentioned in the Sermon on tha | Mount." It would require a much larger sermon to "mention all the |evils then existing, but we have no | reason for believing that dancing did exist at that time. Indeel | | there is strong evidence to the con- | ttrary. Perhaps the same reason ac- |counts for the non-mentiop of deler- | tum tremens trousers. | It is very certain that if the sexes | were kept apart as in olden time tne dance craze would never have grown to its preseal alarming proportions. "A Guardian, Reader" is right in saying, "Make your young people pure inh heart and spiritually mind- ed"----about tke last thing the modern | dance will ever accomplish. Yours respectfully, ~--JAMES LAWSON. NAPANEE TIDINGS. Town, | (From our own correspondent) Napanee, Nov. 9.--Mrs, Sneath and Miss Helen Herrington, Toronte, , holiday. Mrs. Roy C. Root spent DAILY BRITISH WHIG ei irl who does not dance, ic, i to say the least, no more likely to be | "sitting away in a shady nook," or | doing other shady (things, than one ! say everybody knows that non-dane- | "clean- gratuitons | kissinz | games" is quite uncalled for, and has { nothing to do with the question of | For many years I have op- | posed dancing but have never advo- | than drinking. | One might as | for hen stealing by | even if greater, can make an | on the | mixed | Personals Regarding Visitors in the | were the guests of their parents, Mr. | and Mrs. W. 8S, Herrington, for the | ee -- ¥ THURSDAY From 9to 1 O'clock Treble Discount Stamps ~ Shop in the Morning--Save 15%, This great feature attraction should crowd the store with thrifty, bargain-wise women -- 85c¢. has the purchasing power of $1.00 at Steacy's to-morrow morning. UNDERWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY With Jack Frost in our midst, now is the opportune time for selecting your' needs in warm, health-protecting winter weight Underwear, FOR WOMEN: VESTS--winter weights in white and natural; priced at 45c., 67c., 75¢c. on up to $3.75 each DRAWERS--ALII styles in Grey and White. Priced from FLEECE-LIN ED us . ++ =: ...15c. up to $3.75 a garment GARMENTS--in natural or white. Priced COMBINATIONS--White or natural: priced from $2.00 on up to $7.50; in fine, pure wool Jacger combinations. Penman's 95 line--from FOR MEN Penman's 150 line--from Caan se dee wees an SOeaD Penman's Fleece--from ............ ass daira eve aes S00. Penman"s 95 Combinations--from _ .. .... dears wna $3.08 Penman's Preferred Combinations--from . . . creenes4' $3.00 Penman"s Preferred Shirts and Drawers---from . ee... 31.50 Penman's Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers at .. $1.69 each Watson Underwear--from ... ... .$1.50 to MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS Dear Sir:--I exceedingly regrot | Thanksgiving in Toronto. Mrs. Earl | the insertion in the Guardian of a | Abell and two children, Toronto, are | { letter under the heading given above, | Visiting her mother, Mrs, John Coat- {I am not surprised that the writer ©8. John M. Black, Montreal, and Mr. |of thal letter kept his or her name [and Mrs. James Ralph, Stirling, | {in the dark. I respectfully submit | Spent Sunday and Thanksgiving visit- | that an anorymous letter of tha:|ing their brothers, Messrs. C. D. and | character ought not to have been giv- | B. M. Black, Mrs. Manley Jones left en a place in our church paper. As on Monday to spend the winter with | Is had no editorial footnote (quite |kher son at Ontario, California. Miss | usual in the Guardian) it looks as | Bessie Sherwood, Ottawa, spent | { though it had the editor's approval. | Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. | As you are aware, Mr. Editor, I have | and Mrs, H. Bs Sherwood. always been one of the Guardian's ------------ very strongest supporters, and hava| Hylan wes elected mayor of New = always vastly increased its oircula- | York on Tuesday by a big majority. , ro 'S SPATS n't fail to see our display of Men's ---- Tus, Ustrestes 41 Flew of Spats. - Made in Canada from English Spat A test of our Ostermoor Mattress and Banner Spring will Cloth, with leather straps, facings and bind- ings. The kind for which you usually pay $3.50 convince you of their comfort and durability. Brass, Wood, Iron and Steel Beds--a well-selected stock to $4.50 or $5.00. Our price ........ Other linesaslowas ............ $1.75 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE , FURNITURE, CARPETS, CURTAINS, LINOLEUMS, PIANOS and PHONOGRAPHS. 70 BROCK STREET . - . .. . . . KINGSTON, ONT. PHONE 2312. : ' , $6.50 a garment In sizes 34 to 46. : FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Shirts, Drawers and Combinations in infant sizes up to 16 years; in heavy Union, all Wool and fleeced-lined garments; in prices ranging from 25c. in the cotton ribbed garments to $2.50 each in the finest wools. hd THESE GARMENTS in the following best-known Canadian and British * makes as Jaeger, Watson, Mercury, Peerless, Zerfith, Hy- giene and Harvey brands. & . .