Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1921, p. 5

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toch fo tr 3 5 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9, 1921, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | DON'T NEGLECT | a Fe Te Kingston and Vicinity The principal symptom of bronchi- | one years. A short while ago: he tis is a ¢ which is dry, harsh | offered to sell it for school purposes | {and hacking, accompanied with | | rapid wheezing, and a feeling of | at a materially lower figure than Mr. McLean has paid. tightness through the chest. Address and Presentation. | | | ~- "Nr a r---- - re -- + " . om | Me ---- BARGAINS IN LUMBER The used lumber from the old Skating Rink has been removed to our Rideau Street Yards. We are selling this at very low prices. For inside sheathing or out-buildings it is quite serviceable. -- | | CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS ~ McGEEINS | Phone {$150,000, in striking contrast with of last year, which &resses it becomes of a yellowish or tiement was a satisfactory one, + greenish 'color and is sometimes pn streaked with blood. In There is a raising of phlegm, es- | A Satisfactory Settl®ment, pecially in the morning after rising| The insurance underwriters were | the shipment from bed. This phlegm is at first of [in Athens in connection with the [totalled only $5,000. a light color, but as the trouble pro- | Athens high school fire and the set- On Monday. last the friends of Your Winter Holiday Plans, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Camden East, Are you planning a winter holi- gathered at their home and made a|day in California or some other Pa- cific Coast point, or at one of the | Keep Warm. large range of winter We carry ! and men. Our | DR. WOOD'S Fieight, Furatture, Safes, Pianos and 1182 282 Princess Street || to ------ rn ---- MOVING OF FOR Ha Crrtage of every description-- | ¥ou will find a remedy stimulate the weakened bronchial or- | $15.00. inflammation, | $28.00. soothe the irritated parts, loosen the $5.00. Prevost, Brock street. phlegm and mucous, and help nature morbid accu- | | brought to Renfrew what is regard- | gans, developments. NORWAY PINE SYRUP that subdue the easily dislodge the mulation. Mr. John H. Root, 40 Maple A ya., Ww. milton, Ont., writes:-- "I Kingston Transfer Co. 103 Wellington Street. ough remedies without relief. I was advised by a friend to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, so F got a bottle, and it convinced me to believe that I Fovue vai, DAVID SCOTT Plumber Piamhing and Gas Work a specia). tv. All work guaranteed. Addresg 14% Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, I used several bottles and am tically well. tc others since lowed." Be sure and get- "Dr. Wood's" when you ask for it: price 35¢. and 60c. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. prac- | I have recommended it | her , and good results fol- | Smith's Falls, with whom she mada will { prices for boys' range from $8.00 "o | to! overcoats for boys Men's from $15.00 Also children's reefers ut Raised iif Ottawa Valley. James Ryan, a Horton farmer, troubled with bronchitis and had a |°d 28 the largest turnip ever raised very bad cough. I had it so long 1]in the Ottawa Valley. It is perfect- vas beginning to get afraid of other | ly formed and weighs I tried all kinds ef | pounds. twenty-eight Died At Smith's Falls, i After a week's illness with pleuro- had at last gotten the right medicine, | "7" MmONIa, Mrs. M. J. McCann pass- |ed away on Thursday at the home of | daughter, Mrs. T. V. Egan, her home for the past eleven years. Had A Bad Accident, Mrs. Allan Carswell, Sr., Renfrew, met with a very serious accident on presentation of a purse and address before their leaving for Scotland. Mr. Cooper's purpose is to have an operation performed, owing to in- juries he received when fighting for the freedom of the world from Ger- man oppression, tyranny and bond- age. well known winter resorts in tha Southern States, Bermuda, Cuba, or the West Indies? Golf, tennis, bath- | ing, fishing, etc., await you. If you | intend to visit California you can! see the "Rockies at their best' on tha | Canadian National - Grand Trunk | Railways, and it will be to your advantage to travel at least one way through Canada. Information re- garding fares, routes, etc., will 'be | gladly given on application to 1 Pj Hanley, C.P. and LN, G. T.R., King- ston, Ont. ---- Buys 300 Acres of Pine, Three hundred acres of the finest of pine remaining from the forest A Generous Contribution. Ater the canvass of the congrega- tion of Christ Church, Belleville, the sum of $750 (with considerable more to hear from), was handed in at a social evening held in the Parish Hall on Thursday. This campaign took the place of the annual bazaar and the result is gratifying, especial- ly when it is considered that only a ' of aver | ark coun'y by W. A. Nichols, who {owns a sawmill at Carleton Place. $430. The timber is near Hopetown, about ------------ A Lifelong Resident Dead, x S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGS10N, Ofit. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14105, When Dining fow weeks ago the congregation gave | Primeval has been purchased in Lan- | {a Thanksgiving offering midway between the Kingston and | Out VE TRY KINGSTON'S LEAD- i YP ING RESTAURANT | We \ Our service is excellent. | FoR / Our cuisine unsurpassed. | y Prices reasonable, AA AA A im as A Vi ® \ INNETT The funeral took place at Egan- | Pembroke railway and the Mississip- | GRAND CAFE { Tuesday. Going down the front door ville on Tuesday of a lifelong resid- | Pl river, and logs will be hauled to : DINTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnsum and Wellington Streets Phone 363 -- Be) Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repairs Sealey, Talking Machines, Bicycles, liaby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc, We do repair work right and guarantee 'satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET WATIS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137. ' BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. Smoke fri T&B Genuine Virginia blended for particular smokers "USE SLOAN'S T0 WARD OFF PAIN ITTLE aches grow into bi pains unless Yarded of by an = fion A Sloan's, Rhcunition, uralgia, joints, lame won't ght long against Sloan's Liniment, For more than fort rs Sloan" Liniment has helped Ta rho world over, You won't be an e tion. It certainly does produce results, It penetrates without rubbing, Ki this old family ena always handy Jor = use. your neighbor, At all druggists--sc, 70c, $1.40, Sloan' Lin iment PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils, We carry a supply of parts, Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, Dr. H, A. Stewart, Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel. lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Cho'cest quality of 'Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by uv. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard o 138 } IA terns rm An ro FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good barn. Rents for $44 per month. Price $4,500. W. H. GODWIN ~ & SON Real "state anu Insurance 89 Broo!" Street. Phone 424, -- AA A --------_-- DID YOU EVER TRY Wagniall's Ginge: siarmainde, Wagstun'y Fluenppie Marmuaiade, Wagutafi's Mramble Jelly. We iso have a full line of other Vesabie makes of Marma- laues, Juin and Jellies fur sale lim Bon Marche Cer. King ang dinar) Phone 1844. Patent Bobsleigh Lighter draft and the only correct thing forepitch holes. ec ded by all who use them: It will pay vou to give them a once over befeore buying. Cor, Princess amd Alfred 'Restdence 118 Colborne. Phome 2372w. - N yal' s Creophos will build you up and protect you from the cold weather, relieves deep-seated Coughs and Bronchitis. It is easily taken and increases tne appetite, makes flesh and improves the 'general coadition. PATTON'S | DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) | Kingston's only Dyer. "Dry Cleaning a a Fucus 413. S40 Puts i. wprm---- For sale by: -- M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. PHONE 82. "Neo married man is rise and say that he derstands woman. quite ready to a thoroughly un- { ' steps she slipped and fell, breaking her leg badly at the thigh. She is doing as well as can be expected, Rev. J. C. Sycamore Il Rev. J. C. Sycamore, M.A., pas- tor Second Baptist church, Holyoke, Mass., and a former minister of the Brockville church, has undergone a successful operation for the removal of the gall bladder and is making good recovery. Cousin of Sir Archibald. Brig.-General Archibald Hayes Macdonell who has beer appointea to the senate is a cousin of Major- General Sir A. C, Macdonell, com- mandant, of the R. M. C.,, and has been for some time general officer commanding military district No. 7, St. John, N.B. . G.W.V.A. Presentation. At "a meeting of the Perth-Upon- Tay branch of the G.W.V.A., the new president Dr. E. H. Wilson, per- formed a pleasant duty in present- ing gold buttons to the retiring president, Comrade W. I. Johnson, M. P. P., and the first president Com- rade J. A. Hope. The recipients de- liver appropriate addresses, Hukrying the Work On. Cyril Knight, Ontario government geologist, is still engaged in the work of making a re-survey of the Cobalt silver area. This work was commenced early in the summer of 1920, and was suspended for the win- ter months 1920-21, to be resumad again last spring. It has been learn- ed that the department #s desirous of completing the work this year. Becomes Caretaker, Capt. Lewis J. Estes, of Alexandria Bay, N.Y., who has been for the past five years captain of W. H. Post's steam yacht, and for thirteen years caretaker of Scow Island, his sum- mer home, has resigned his position to accept a like one with Guy Carle- ton Lee, of Carlisle, Pa., who re- cently purchased the summer home of the late Senator Hawking among the islands. A Change from Last Year. Many large shipments of apples have been sent this year from Graf- ton, Colborne, Brighton and Prince Edward county to western cities of the United States in response to the heavy demand from thbse sectioas and the high prices prevailing. The total sales up to dale are around H ly : F i iy ty ppt ht vi ' £ TF ¥ 5 | gathering was held in the residence ent of Eganville, James Boland, who | the river and floated passed away ville Presbyterian church cemetery, niag for several seasons. large numbers of the late Mr. Bn- | of men have been sent to the woods land's friends and relatives attend. |!0 commence the falling of trees. ing. 'Besides his wife, the late Mr. | This splendid grove was one of a Boland left three daughters, Mrs, |Mumber saved in Lanark county from Nolan, New York; Mre. J. Plaun-, |*he early lumbermen by men with Renfrew, and Miss Cecil Boland To. | Whom sentiment outweighed the uthi- ronto. ? jtarian. -------- Social] at Woodburn, An enjoyable Sunday school social Married At Merrickville, A stir was created in Merrickville {social circles on Wednesday. by the of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell, Wood. | Marriage of Norman Harold Lang burn, on Monday evening. There | 30d Miss Edna May James, one of were sixty-five present and Mr. Cra- | the most popular couples ever form- mer presided. The evening's enter- | ing a life alliance there. There were ttendants, but official witnesses tainment consisted of games and mu- | no & 4 , sic. A splendid supper was served at| "c'° Miss Sadie Hughes and A. L. Lang. The bride wore a travelling 11.30 p.m., and Rev. A. S. Doggett, | the pastor, in a very appropriate ad- | Suit of navy-blue serge, a black ba { with ostrich trimmings and dress on behalf of the young folks, | : ie thanked the good host and hostass | 8T00M S Eift of sable furs. They rs | ceived many nice gifts, among them for the pleaseure of the evening. a string of pearls from the Methodist choir whose organist the bride has | been for some time past. School trus- | tees personally presented Mr. Larg| with a case pipe, he being secretary of the board. Wedded At Centreville, The marriage was solemnized on Monday, Oct. 24th of Mrs. Margare: MacCaul, Camden East, to William Caigh, Picton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father McCarthy, St. Anthony's church, Cen'revills. The bride was becomingly attired in a costume of navy tricolette with navy over-wrap and hat of navy vel- vet. The attendan's were Mr. and Mrs, James C. Doyle, Camden East. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Caigh motored to Picton, where they will reside. ---------- A Successful Year. The Smith's Falls public hospital board has had its annual meeting. Total cost of operating last year was $32,733, of which wages and salaries absorbed $6,776. On capital aceount $915 was expended. Mr. McKimm stated tha: on the year's operations the hospital was one thousand doi- Mrs. Sarah E. Ham, Belleville, died | on Saturday. She was born in Thur- low township, lars to the good. There is no debt and an endowment of $28,000. The ada is to last two years. He is a whole hospital property was worn $120,000 or more. It is owned by the people, is a valuable asset, and is doing a great work in the community. Endorses Missionary Work. Edward Ty Chian, B.Sc.,.sent to '0 Carleton | in his seventy-sixth | Place. There will be enough logs, it | year. Interment was made in Mel. | 18 52id, to keup the Nichols mill run- | A number | PETER LE E, PROP. Two Doors Above Opera House Phone 1843, 222 Princess Street Open from 8 a.m. te = a.m. A FEW TIRES AT COST 4,000 miles guaranteed, 80x38 14 --while they last «+ $14.95 EASTERN CANADA MAX A NEAL, Manager OTIRE & RUBDER CO. 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL . --and--- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155, UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STOR. PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY ---- Sam ee -- WINTER OVERCOATS | MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 . M. C. SEN) Conservative candidate for Commons in Haldimand county. He resides rear! Caledonia, Ontario, | DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. Canada by the Chinese government to make a study of Canadian railway methods with a view 'to applying them to the Peking-Mukden railway, has completed a five months' stay in Smith's Falls, and from there went to Montreal, After a further inves- tigation of a few months there he will go to Toronto. His stay in Can-- Chinese citizen whose command of English is good, and he was in de- mand by local church societies for addresses upon the work of mission- aries in Indie, which work has h's cordial endorsation, Sale of Fine Old Home. William H. Postlewait has sold his big stone residence at the head of St. Lawrence s"reet, Merrickvilie. along with about twenty-five acres of land, to Harry McLean, Montreal. who is interested in the stone quarry at Deitz. Mr. McLean ge's what 's the largest dwelling in Merrickville. It is a well built stone house erected about senty-five years ago by the late Aaron Merrick. The new owner will get possession abou' April 1st, and meanwhile Mr, Postlethwait will fix up for his own occupation the old Dr. Merrick home. The property he has sold was in his possession for twenty- 35-cents buys a bottle of "Danfer- ire" 'at any drug store. After one application you can not find a par- ticle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. A A A ne Relieves Rheumatism Mousterole loosens up stiff joints and drives out pain. A clean, white ointe made with oil of mustard, it Ssuaally beingatelief asaoon as you stan 1t does all the good work of the blister. Doctors and nurses often rec. ommend its use, Mastercle today at your drug 5S nun o Mvstano pssten TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) WHITE SCOTCH BLANKETS for ceeeenein.... $10.00 a pair BED COMFORTERS Good, large sizes; filled with sani- tary down and covered with pretty 'Chintz in a variety of patterns at ' ceen....$3.00, $3.75 and $4.50 W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. "The Waldron Store. George Booth, ' Addon has number of meén assisting him bifid an up-to-date blacksmith shop on the farm that he vurchased James Brown. : At Alexandria Bay, N.Y. a few days ago the death took place at the age of sixty-five years of George Ii. Wright, who succumbed to an at- tack of paralysis

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