THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : : = THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 1921. a ---- Te p-- | BEEEanamE) GRAND TONIGHT and FRI. E PEOPLE'S FORUM | = || =e=== ARG mo ocr mmo svocrss "THE MAN FROM HOME" Youdotilic Be pie. Galleryl®e. Friday Matinee 10 and 25e¢. PNSED ADVERTISING RATES ; WANTED GENERAL on corer sertion, I Bac te ---- eep-- . nate} GROUND FURNISHED | FOUND LADY'S BLACK PLUSH COAT. AP- - 1, 28¢; 1liree insestion apartment small furnisied|| AT 118 UNIVERSITY AVENUE | ply 89 Lower Bagot Street. RA os Bree nsestions, | Rouse. Apply jo Box M-3 Whig after Miss Richardson's we Mle IND FENiis BIRGE ity 4 o . : ding, May 17th, a 3 WE SMALE BIRDS. k Charon mare, for cash only. { Oftice. eld Paar ay neck-piece. « ! 421 Barrie or phone 1512J. Matinee at 2.30, Evealng at 8.13 - mr ee 2 WANTED TO BUY 30 ACRE FARM; may have same at abo bre: BRASS ANTIQUE PIANO LAMP, ! ALBERT URVILLE PRESENTS i s by 1 ring 1 b moderate price; within 10 miles ess by proving p with shade. Apply Box U-28. Whig. The Famous London Revue Kingston. Apply Box N-§ } GENTLEMAN'S SMOKING pe, + Pipe. Owner may have same | 48 . ' Ofjce. by calling a I Enon Seren: LINEN GILL NETTING AND ers, €6€ "» ALD FOR KINGSTON GEN- ROOF REPAIRING -- HOW West "rank W. Cooke, 219 Bagot . | . RFR) Hospital. Appiy to the Matron your roof? Does it need r | A BIC) Phone 436. AE ay amr We use Argus Roof-proof. 1° eaim property by a : VERED, DELIV-| [i ra WITH HARRY TATE and SHIRLEY KELLOGG OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. . 3 lag > Fin of $200 BUYS GOOD, CO :D, D ; Apply evenings wt 16v Collingwood | ___©3rd to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack . RE ad 1 } ery truck; newly painted. Palmer, and Beauty Chorus of London Gaiety Girls Street. 2 . on SE ON YORK ROAD, 3% MILE FROM | cor. Bagot and Queen. | PRICES: Evg. $3-832-31.00: Matinee «+ $3-82.50-82-81.50-81, me BUSINESS OPPORTUNITI | Bath P.O, a license es : ARI | : Seats =m MAN on GIRL run GENERAL | IBI-498. Owner aay ve WHITE WicKEn Bany CARRIAGH ow om sale. OusewWurk; sicep a ome preter-§ To 2 3 F THE PF GO-! Same at Whig Office. practic F Dy ar 3 red. Apply Afternoon or evenings VOR SALE, SNE OF 4 HE DENT. EO] on AeA STREET, A BLACK | | sell cheap. Apply 323 Earl St. 8. Guy, 37 Division 3c:ret. jion; general and sumi club Bag. Owner apply tu A GENTLEMAN'S DRESS SUIT AND > b 8 i. RI ' AND Everything in first TAN Irae ve IN MANS DRE Apel : 216 front of Sydenham Street University Avenue or phone 1216m. i H * . WERKING HOUSER EEPE WANTED | OWné: reBring on ace | | church. Owner may have | FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY | | {itor small hotel near Kihgeto.a; mus; health. Apply Box Same at 350 Earl St be guod cook and have City refer- ehce. Apply Bux 1-20, Whig. ashatolier 4 A SIGAET RING ON THE UNI- property, farm land in Sas " BARGAIN MATINEE AND NIGHT YOUNG MEN FOR CANVAS. | CHIROPRACTIC. { wan. John Craig, Gen. Delivery, 5 . Sing; nea. .rd bright. If you Owner may have same at ths | | Kingston, Ont. : "See Jiggs Lose Maggie on Wall Street COON COAT -- The Tun show of the world--all new this year work dont apply. Mr.| WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C.. Ph. C.. Cor-| Whig Office. tween 4 30 and 5.30, evenings. | floor, Barrle St. entrance, Kingston, Monday night between Mont- superior quality; aiso 1 pair Ot- Ont. Consultation free. Telephone | real and Clergy streets. Own- ter Yauntiets. Apply 98 William "BRINGING UP FA I HER M. Sykes. 92 Queen street, be- | ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd | A LADY'S WKIST WATCH, ON A GENTLEMAN'S E MONEY AT HOME, $i5 TO sou | $22J. Hours 9 to 12 aru. 1 to 6 p.m. | er may have same oy apply- St. West. 3 id weekly for your kpare time] in 236 Barrie Street. ' fe pare | DR. GEORGE ¥. LUCY HE 21 230 partis Stres $175 BUYS GOOD OVERLAND TOUR. IN WALL S11 REET" e rr versity grounds on Monday. A 'e instruct and supply | Lucey, Chiropractic SLs FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- ing car, electric starter and lights, You with work. West-Angus snow ~ Graduate Nurse, 2 5 | TISKD FHKE. | A snap for quick sale. Palmer, cor. Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, To-| | ronto, No can- between Princess and Brock." Tele Anyone Luding auything and PRICES: Evening 25-50-75-31.00. Matinee ..50c. Kiddies ..25e. phone 943w. Hours § to 12 a.m.,, 1 to! Wishing Lo reaca the owner may { . S ! S. and 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal analysis | uv so by reporting the tacts tg | $160 BUYS AN ENGLISH UBRIGHT and consultation Lree. Resaenve] The British Whig. The adver- ! Piano; in good ndition. Apply WE WANT a RELIABLE SALES calls by appointment. tisement will bg printed in this | between 7 and 9. pa. G. Coup- . agent for each uurepreseuted coun Er] culumn ree of cuarge. | er, 415 Johnson St 5 I RAND STRAND | Bagot dnd Queen. { TN A A A Ne At A A var -- rw Ly or territory. Iixciusive sellin i" 5 . . Setar ss "Found articles" aves not In- rights; good pay to energetic rep. | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING! | clude 1ost augs, cattle, horses, | | OATS, SEED OR FEED: 0.A.C. 72 CROP ete. These, If lost, may be ad- | of 1920. Sixty cents bushel. R. M. resentatives. UUr agency is valu- Hb > } able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. NE rerhanan ond STING on) vertised for tu the "Lost €uiumn | Van Luven, Lake Shore gltoad, " 5 99 ; . < 0] Mer | > : > -3. T Toronto. Ont. A. Mounteer, $4 Arch street. a. - " Portsmouth. Phone 3 SHAMS i SO IE Y he Cl , VE ey rs | GEaUINE GRAPHONULA aND TEN GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK--| U. SCOTT & CO. 83 BEVERLY 5 LOST. | selections; your own choice, $42.50 The Story of a Wife With UnltmitedCredtt ana No Cosi Vit We need you to make socks on the Painters, Paperhangers and -Deco 'Terms $i casi; $5 per month, C. W ast, easily-learned Auto Kmitter;! ators. No job two smal. no con-| JD TIE PIN © TESS. | Lindsay. Laumited. 121 Frincees St : experience unnecessary: distance | Lact coo large. Storm windows re-| "01 2 Grand LG Yo Cs. Dans, { BARBARA CASTLETON, MONTAGU LOVE AND AN ---- immaterial; positively no Canvass. paintea, putted, glazed and put on. | 4 3 keepsake "fader -| $275 BUYS A CHEVROLET TOURING ! L-STAR CAST ing; yarn subpited, particulars, 3c. | All work done at shortest notice. | ly ives to EM CA. aT find |= car; overhauled; new tires; electric stamp. Dept. 13-C, Auto Kaitter © ol | starter and lights. A snap. Palm- Toronto. - UPHOLSTERING. | BLACK POCKET BOOK, CONTAINING er, cor. Bagot and Queen Sts | T > TO-DAY rr ere = sum of money. Name inside, and ay O-DAY o By o. smalle arcel of footwear, be- RES = A' Fl farm, experienced. Apply Mox 0-11, holstering and general repairing REL Contents: soy wear, be | OME LH. C. VERTICAL GASOLINE| Hon. W. §. Fielding, Finance Min- | k ine, develops 53 h.p. Tank for a YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS . Apply F. J. Salsbury 21 , Apprentice in blacksmith shop.| COVERED BUTTONS MADE 10 OR. N WELLINGTON STREET. an.| ohn S02 : There are many reasons why the | Write C. Hartley, Battersea, Ont. der in all poplar shapes and sizes. tween Brock and Gore, parcel cor Meighen Government, should not re- | 3. J. Goodridge, 244 Unjversity | Finder . N "a rel er and one spring waggon; in|ceive the confidence of the people. | THIRD CLASS ENGINEER WISHES Avenue. ton. Suen to Mrs. Mow, 54 Wel- good 'order. Will De sold ~eason oe) position as engineer or Areman, | m------------ gion or phone 1704w, + ee able ADDIY H. Webber, 261 Regent Not the least among them is the sys- | a : either ay ht duty. Apply FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. Street. tematic misrepresentation of the tar- = . ished, guns, gramapnones, 'ete. re-| if " t R stion, which Mr. Meighen says : > a - paired promptly and guaranteed. | ____ que . X MARRIED MAN WISHES EMPLOY. : ;. 35 : st. | SSELS RUG. fan are oem | sptian's ROOMED HOUSE, wiITn ment tending furnaces or making ts Tones su. BRUSSELS RUG, 4x8 IDS. NEARLY | wood-working shop attached; lo-|18 the great issue of the campaign. | i Apply B -8, Wh . ang © US) 27a U2 4'% Whig or pause TWO SETS OF LIGHT BOB SLEIGHS, Kingston; doing good business; never will be, free trade in this Dom- | IN ADDITION TO REGULAR ME M-SIZED FURNISHED HOUSE 8 ps GE . YOUNG MARRIED MAN, wiTn -- | - 5 = his party proposes free trade. No poli- clerical experience but iou iE STONE HOUSE . 2Ay | EARTH FOR FILLING IN PU REOSES 'S be Xipus for| LARGE ST SE, 63. RIDEAU for the cartage. Apply 425 Brock - Music. tical leader of any party proposes | ; Be Whiy aenent. Ply Box Jeaj Street - | MonRINAE a, MALDEN Fa ran. free trade. In the face of these in- | is alps 9, . ; cg > . a . : accept a limited number i . ema | GANAGE. FOR FALL AND WINTER JF10U HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE! S840 Aueell 8 Jinited ny Earl st | disputable facts, Mr. Meighen, in, his | INSIST ON THE BEST SITUATIONS VACANT ~ Street. Fhone 326. Queen. Phone 410 = SSS : FIRST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD; RAFELES AT 230 BAGOT ST LEGAL tee, in its advertisements, repfesent g © Stor BIG 83 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS all conveniences. Apply 376 Bar- bh. Call early and oor you that free trade is the issue, and ask | ; of a Strangers §reeting vary apie ook Ires Tie 9: phone 2335w. winter supply. | CUNNINGHAM a SMITH, BARRIST. the electors to vote against free] 2 Gobet, Serngie. IGSSe IS 's ' . erg and Soliciturs, % .Clarence ) new; deliver later; men and WO- all improvements; centrally Jocat- 250; only r 4,900 les: ON s ; 5 i . men already making five dollars up ed. Apply 243 University Ave. pew: adie ha Bas, 59a as ham, Cyril A. Smjth. man holding the position of Prime | RALPH CONNOR'S Sar nes son Company, Brantford, Ont. and Hagot Apply D. G. Hay, R. GURNEY-0XFORD KITCHEN RANGE | Kin such palpable misrepresentation, but aan llord. < N ' NE 2) A) 2 & and |Brock, over Royal Bank. : ' we === | _ RL Kingston. Phoue 1100 r 72. -- splendid cooker; hot water front Money to/loan. Fhane 1999. he and his authorized committee ara Pirst twenty-five dollars takes it. | ezarey 00 : doing this for the undisguised pur- THE FINEST QUALITY IN MRS. McLAUCHLIN WISHES TO AN. musical. instruments, also cioth- | POWER, sON AND OREVER, ARCHI. FF a TTA ny pi nounce her removal from 95 Ey B 3A ing and furniture. Call and t our | tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers, ~ * ' CPR OATEREN IE to 112 L. William Street, where| ONE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE OR prices. L. Routbard, 259 Erincens corner of Brock and Wellingtoo Unveiling of Soldiers Ps 3 ree eC TY EINE -- | ii > . 9 i ors Stet: teemmionttan registration card. Finder please re- | 50 ACRE FARM, WITH OR WITHOUT | I CALL OR DROP A CARD TO w Je r t se. Rew stock and implements; one mile POSITION WANTED. y Gavine, upholsterer, 21s Bagot st. turn to Whig Otfice. Reward -- from city on torty foot road. Ap- -- ~~ . o T V iE CE » Ff G ; ly Mrs. Snook, Bath Koad, P. O. ze wr - ~ - . SINGLE MAN DESIRES POSITION ON F. W. HAROLD FUR YOUR up. | "ARGE PARCEL OF DRY GOODS, AND | Ply Mrs. UG 4, | ' Wiig Utfice. Leave orders at or drop a card to Finder return to . hig Office or! ALLEN nan To-Day CELEBRATE ARMISTICE 104 Clergy street. Mrs. Geo. Amey, Hartington, Ont. | ing, etc.; in good running or-| ister in Laurier Government, says:-- | | Upholstering and repairing done. taining collar and pair of gloves | ONE 10 H.P. UPRIGHT STEAM BOIL. Box 0-9, FOR SALE. Sear Ebniges tS himselr usciul at any small jobs, TO Lact dis new. Apply 89 Queen st. | cated In prosperous village 'near| There never has been, and probably | ; Box , Whig Office. I OW TO-MORROW to let; good locality. Phone $25w. Bakery. : mmm a Inlon. No platform of any political goss NIGHT work of any kind, ar ently re- Street. Apply to Mrs. Bajus, 47 Ri- sterage. McCany Agency, 86 Brock See Geo. Palmer, Tih Bagot and Phone 1338. speeches, and his Publicity Co! mit- | esda and Wednesday, sth . . | " sive, Royal Series, secure orders| FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; MeLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, COST gz. | street, Kingston. A. B Cunning- | trade. It is amazing that a gentic- | From daily even in spare time: capital or Sf 4 pI Bagot and Queen streets. BROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER | Minister of Canada shoul rsist in REAT N expereince unnecessary. Garret-| GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN e | AM any SE Sux oa ARRISTLR | M d persist i GREAT NOVEL MILLINER A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, i " - SS X. 146 Montreal St, ull inprovements Apply 29 Hickson Avenue. ARCHITEOT lose of misleading manufacturers Taone 19399 ring 3. Vacant April wo SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF | and workingmen. PURE OLIVE OIL She will take orders for making, two Bg Private family. "Ladies street. Phone 1723. ee 8D . Apply Box J-8, Whi . trimming and remodeling nats, Pfeterred, Apply , & EEE I=1 = EE ACT Lflice. ACRE FARM, BREWER'S MILLS. | S1iNs Memorial Tablet 8 Ton cose SU amy tor U8 OF ne BET SU RoRheROR, Brewee wt | arnt a Shoat sre Ah MARS TREE MAIR, LoLES, wAwrs, BIRTH. 36d or J. A. Rocheford, on premises. Princess Street. | { Sunday Morning, November 13th, 1921, Pa marks, skin cancers, scars, etc. re- ee ----| PERFECT, COLUMD | === == -- 4 ¥ Biaases fies and Farnssnos sir! iucorate, electric lun nal], Dlevelés. also bleycle repairing PALMISTRY i Cy AC Buin yas -- DS -- newiy decorated, electric light. Ap-] , baby carriage tires put on while | Address by Brig.-General C. H. Mit- Se ya have falled. Guitre removed. biy M. P. Trumpour, 11135 Brock Yop walt. Mulier's Bicycle Works, | Comic AND HAVE YOUR HAND READ | chell, C.B, om G. DSO. CE. LL.D WARWICK BROS, yuar Xperience. Dr. Kilmer J. Street. 871-373 Kin p 31 | ! . =37d & street. Phone 1032w © Mad tl , W ven | kar, Nose. Throat, Skin, --ys x atime Lil Ty IO pas BION he Bathte of George Charles Mil-| Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sel. e, Kye, 388 Bagot Street. Phone 10]. BEDRUDMS week oT a SINGLE OR SALE OF MILLINERY GOONS, CON- ®an. t, & pm. 338 King Street lard, Bankrupt. ence, Universtly of Toronto, The man who takes an umbrells Tone rain All conven. Sisting Yonalines, Veiling. Straw East. Notice is hereby given that George| Unveiling by Lt.-Col Harry E. Pense,) to church and leaves it out in the FANCY GOODS. G-5, Whig. Straw shapes, ana children's higy -- | Gharies Millard, of the city of King-| DSc. MC vestibule has true Christian faith - Apply 112 Lower Willan a relats CIVIL ENGINEERING. ston, in the Province of Ontario, did on . MEMSTITCHING, PICOT KDUGING, AC. | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND - : » tt tena ta at rm ---- the 3rd day of November, 1921, make fordion, knife and box pleating fr Shandise; sieay and Arye © | PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES dorsinshaorized assignment to the un- ours 9 to 5.3 ra. E. Ad Card, ; gency, ve FECL] CIBY LOT. @ FERT FRONTAGE; 117 8. Scott, BA. B.Se. Mem. signed. : ora Serrace, Montreal St. Phone 326. ot deep; Jor cash $225.00. 'Alsy 123 King Street. 3J. ke is Sor iyon, that the frat} EVE T o 5 opposite Fy o FR , URN " incubator, 140 egg, and two brood- | = = mE 4 tate will be held at the office of the | N N . STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, ers; hot water heated. Only used AL understaned; tient, Street, King. Gray, airy rooms; your own lock once. Cawsun, 248 Concession § i$ > : pg 3 TY 2 . 2 n St. nn. t Ni N DENTAL br bony, Borage, T30. usar Victocia Street. C.K; ROBINSON. M.D. 363 BARRIE isi, At ten Cloak Tn the form ouem ber, -- Street, ours 30-12 a.m, _2- To entitle you to vote thereat proof KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE + 1-8.30 p.m. Phone 1646 of your claim must be lodged with me A. BE. ' - - } MEWLY DECORATED FURNISHED GAIN { F U 288 Princess Street. Phone 653w. rooms to-let; gentlemen preéferrc: BARGAINS IN FI RNITURE, 'ire, prior thereto. Intercollegiate Series 1 DRS, SN. Doard if desired. App at 3u8 A Plano, small size, $75.00: PIANO TUNING. And further take notice that if you tats, 13> Wellaxt ST ARKS, JES. King street East, Api. . 8 $15 . have any claim against the debtor for | S led to rank, proof of Brock. - Ee ere. which you are entit 3 J g NEw B K DWELL 3 ALBERT | to $12.00. work guaranteed Peter D. Brow pets ; : electric lghts g . . n, hirty days from the date of this! DR. UPERT §. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Street; seven rooms; electric lights 12 Markland Street. Phone 2397m. within t is! furnace, three-piece = bath, ood ew parl 5 notice, for from and after the expira- Or: Street. Phone Juso. Open 80O« A few parlor suites $15.00 each, streets tion of the time fixed by subsection § 0 bec Heate r p > 9 U 4 : Quebec Heaters and others, $4.00 up| PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING of such claim must be filed with me a yard and cellar; immediate posses- svenings by dpralatment = =" sion. Rea ne pasludes water Sideboards in coax, al prices. tani 91, ection 37 of the sal As 1 ghal} dis- | DR. AVIROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. rates. Apply 276 University Ave. tatolte the proceeds of the debtor's es- Ae practice at 92 Princess St, | ------------------_ _TTCTSLY AV Oak @inner Wagon, $8.00. fate among the parties entitled thereto, The George Richardson Memorial Stadium having regard only to the claims of * ® ® ® : 3 FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH OR Bank of Nova Scotir. Phone which I have then notice. Fit Ge we wlll SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th / 1921 9 Saas. without beard for business gent- Oak hall seat, $5.00. leman; all conveniences; superior : home; close to trains. Apply Box We buy all kinds of Furniture, November, . ANC H-5, Whig. R. EASTON BURNS, FIN. IAL Authorized Trustee 2.30 p.m. . ' LESSE'S ANTIQUE Suop u e an (KJ Nr er srs MRS. u. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. APARTMENTS, ESPECIALLY FURN-. : GRAND STAND .. .$1.00 and 75¢. GENERAL ADMISSION ..B nd Casualty Insurance. 420 ished for light housekeeping, mod- » 1045w, Sus Pp 3 e Ear] street. Phone 1782M. ern improvements, at the Ploneer ThOLe_104EW, 207 Princeas Stree, SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 12th - CHILDREN . ..10c. WAR TAX EXTRA Apartments, 212-214 Division Street. ' wi: HAVE FOR SALE ALL KIaus oF z Book Store. & STRANGE, INSURANCE Phone 1434w. Sud SeCulu-dand Iurniiure any 8.00 to 12.00. red, Tickets on sale at Uglow's : B ts; established in 1360; SLUVES. ALY PerSul Daviug Stoyes the most reliable companies repre- & . "nd lurniture . S soa, wil sented. Office 96 Glarence street, Ararruf INT. ON CORNER oF PRIN. Phy ea use Ee hau] Four Prizes. Eight-piece Orchestra. SS eets, n ada > , Opposite the post office. bath: all conventenoes; rama and S33 Friucess street. Phone iwwuw, | Admission, 75 cents per couple; 50 INTENAC LOAX AND INVEST mediate possession; rent reason- . ment Society; incorporated 1¥61. able. Apply IL Cohen & Co., 275 On- NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA-- Coz) | CCS Single; 25 cents extra lady. Preside ar Nickle, K.C.; vice- tario Street. Bome and steady income Top Go ie at, B. Calor -- esl INVesUuent in glorious of a AUCTION SALE ie ANNOUNCING oney Issued on city and far Wilh wWollueriul resuurces. No plus bentures; mortgages purchased. house 4nd barn on North Alfred; al- Furniture, Sleighs, Robes, ete, 30 roperties, municipal and count ONCE, NEW SEVEN ROOM Pusition ever ouered comphpes : B With ours. Write to- . § freahed tnd nteren tional | BESOIN ATRO SS Bend] UAE fd SN REL Toe en, ni ) ceived an nte T res of land Keil, > " . & Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar Apply to J. D. Boyd, 332 University Keil Lerunnak springs, riwida. lee sk cabinet Sonora and records, oak Jrem 14.49 pn New Chevrolet Model ence street, Kingston. Avenue, phone 10830. Jeat eéreite easy chair and rockers, oak : das Rat . Baia rab Quarter_cut oak extension . i NT ----- BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, table, dining chairs, oak china cabin 1, 111 . » FUR SAL Oak writing desks, Peerless Peninsular . -m. am. in ecia -- Jenke (nearly new), oileloth. modern | memoration of "Armistice Day x : we r . a 4 der that all may renew the great out. Pens, Gn SEPUTICUER sx folk nd Suances, Brciors, Handsome | der that, all may renew The Ereat" out | Tooms; UL. and C.; down town. Springs, mattresses walnut bureaus, | Which followed on that great " " -- oil beaters, crockery, ilassware, pic. | ended the wogld's war. > roi G8 all re. _ Combining all the good points of the 490," this model : : WSN maniCI: 10 Roulss LATES) tures, bob sleighs, auto roves, garden furan a Sain wh oa will in addition have Gasoline Tank on rear, Vacuum Feed Sys- BRIQ1 JE | | ES 3 SOR, SAALEN, the Auctioneer ternational affairs of the tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain ; $1300--FRAME HOUSE; NORTH Exp; | Televhane 353. A he_sont ee vn Dania pi light, pickle-plated radiator, nickle-plated bumper, spirai bevel- BEST ON THE MARKET Ive Soom; lage 50 room for ome 774 KENT M. A CAN EE Assemble at pale Cricke Ni led pinion and gear in rear axle, and cord tires all round. This Stove Coal size sesesssisenasianeasessas ens $14.25 per ton -- . , manifestations of great joy. car is the sensation at the Toronto Exhibition. The price is even for 1 deli See sample at our offi $2300 SEMI-D) Bank of Commerce Buflding, Brock and forget. 3 y Orders bouked for 10uays' delivery. - Router rooms, B and C. and sa| King Streets, Phone Sor corer) . HUGH C. NICKLE, Tore sensational $808.00. deep lot and good cellar. General lusursnce Agemey : Ma -- Writing: --Aut bile, Fire, Accld Ki Nov. 10th, 1921. $2600 FOR THE MATE TO THE Anovy:| Sickness. Plate Glass Bursars oro: a "490 Touring Regular" "490 Roadster Regular" b Hepresenting Only Keliable Companies i with electric lights; both well buiit $785 $7856 $-ROOMED CEMENT BLOCK 25 " house, all modern, hard "490 Del ory" and electric lights; 31500" Ag DRS. ROBERT and EDNA Light Iv will handle jt. ASHCROFT $785 tion; Nace \ ' . + MRS, S. COHEN, Instructor : ad BA & w Hall Phone .......... FRAME DWELLING WEST END; large lot and stable. ; CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE a. : : FRAME HOUSE, NORTH END, FIVE .Tooms, no improvements, latge lot i » ' 89 MONTREAL STREET + PHONE 400. WHEN YOU WANT aE CARPENTER -- See James Selby, ntractor, 3) E University Avene. Phone 1998 w, : Wana | ry aT: » : a a-- situated on provincial highway 1G . INDS, GLASS WORK PERSON SMALL HOUSE FURNISHED OR UN. well watered; good buildings 1GNS OF ALL KINDS, GLA i Queen Street Methodist Church EVERY THING AL @ Quadra Princess 9