Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1921, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TIRE, NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READER mes . a f th a -- ' | 0 © great Mpublic that gave their . Se + To-morrow 8 lives in 4 kL Fe of 21 How to Make Hair Grow Strong, 120 SONTYA rage, J e agrance Ce on - | Life's Social Side | Thick sud 1 HOROSCOPE {| 7 } Cree ga an Lustrous, . That the W.A.A.C.'s living in 'To-| the charm of its hillside ens, the glint of tropi | | 31 Jou hair 30 thinning out, don't ronto, will teigbrate; Arror ree. Py pnt ewer i i Se go the Si of sop dried and labelled Wait another day, but go to McLeod's By Genevieve Kemble | | Drug Store and get a bottle of Parise W! bt 2 Taney at the Walker House at come to you © {1an sage, the truly efficient hair grow. oh L .Over one hundred of these Editor of Women's Page, Telephone [be the gues: of hono= at a joint Jun- [oF es FRIDAY, NOV. 11TH. girls, who did such splendid work 1724; Private phope 857w. cheon held under the auspices'of the Don't say: "It's the same old story: hte ' during the war, will dine together 24; Pp . under the auspices ® [I'v : ' } The planetary operations for this i . . Canad} . rat eimti q | 1'¥e heard it before," but try a bottle "Swearing their uniforms and medals. . anadian Authors' Association an {at their risk. They guarantee Paris.|daY must beinterpreted as making = : , On Tuesday afternoon a branch of the Montreal Ww omen'c Sh, ; On {ian sage to stop falling hair and stim- | for delays, obs'ructions and disap- -- lever awaiting only the. bol cer par howl the Canadjan-giris-in-Training was Sunday she is speaking in several of | ulate a pew growth, banish all dan-|pointments. The outlook for progs | That velvet dresses with loose Sberate all the joys they hold--to give you a ery formed at Sydenham street church |the churches in Montreal. On Nov. {druff and almost instantly 'stop scalp, | ress or achievement is not propitious, [panels deeply horded in fur are il banish shissts seats your atwegy, for the "teen age girls of the congre- | 8th, Mrs, McClung will be the guest | itch, OF money back. and although some opportunity for |smart. a 5 {pound cartons. gation. Miss Anna Parrot! superin- | of .the Toronto branch of the Cane Parisian sage contains just the ele- change maye present itself, it can| That the men in the military hospi. » 'tendent of girls' work in the Sun-|adian- Authors' Association at the Menta heeded to proper, vigorate | hardly be expected to be embracea tals should be especially remembered day school, Mrs. F. B. Pense, Mrs. | Arts and Letters Club. iehalr roots. It's a prime favorits With satisfactory results under the [on Armistice Day. ats ate with discriminating women because i H. W. Elliott, representative on the . 0. " makes the hair Dy Ma one lt prevailing Saturnian rule -- which city hoard and Miss Marion Arckly, Brig -General King and Mrs. W. B. and appear twice as abundant makes for interferences, setbacks or , Bre the teachers in charge. The girl [Shuttleworth King, are entertaining | Parisian sage is. inexpensive and | Postponements. The health, may presidents are Mies Roberta Vince, Jat dinner this evening, for General | easily obtainable at all drug stores, | prove to be the chief obstalce. Protect Miss Kathleen Bell, Miss Anna Prag-) Sir Richard and Lady Taraey fis the moneys and shun contention ana ete RSIS So Os SO Hr 0 A 0 wn 300 er and Miss Geraldine Scott. The girl fare their guests, reed sirife, say the stellar seers. president of the department is Miss . 8» ' L : r . | Those whose birthday it is have Gladys Horsfal; the treasurer, Miss| Prof. and Mrs. W. &. McNeill are | ETT 1 Nora Bisbeck; secretary, Miss Jessie [the host and' hostess of the Shake- a ING INTO RUTS. Ihe presage ot Jow ini Willams. The presidents of the |speare reading in the Red Room on ig possibly by ill physical conditions of froups are vice-presidents of the de- | Friday evening. their own or for the family They pariment. ' A.B" 3 Ne an ot | tunately just as di ot should guard their monex and not Irs The ladies of the Sydenham street y] $ dificult to break es contribute to the unsatisfactory con- Mrs, F. W. Hill, West street, en- | church gave a handkerchief shower [800d ones. The spelling book of cur Yin oh : tertained at bridge on Wednesday af- jin the church parlors gn Wednesday | children stated the case for both tious py ot at pais lernoon, in her charming rooms | afternoon. kinds of habit when it taught us, Ive tetined to be impetuous ill-tam- lovely with mauve chrysanthemums, >. J14bit is a cable; we weave a thread | pered, headstrong and Wiltul® with where the hostess made the tea her- | The Community dance at the Ar-|Of It every day until it becomes 80 |... Tegard for the opinions of oth. self at the tea hour. The guests in- | nouries was the social event of Wed- Strone We cannot break it." House-| unless wisely trained from the luded Mrs, W. H. Macnee, Mrs. W. | nesday evening. tod habia ate deems i {first in the judicious use of advertis- Bermingham, Mrs. W. P. Wilgar, a. R. Meloin, King street, was oD Fils In nie I 2d | ing. \ Hl HH i "Thi . ora, Mrs. James Rigney, Mrs. | the hostess of a small tea on Wednes- © the turning o © household . i A A d inh es Mrs. Ernest Cun- | day. wheels just as difficult as the trip to | 8 18 sure one gran asingham, Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. Estrup, St. Catharines, is the | toWn in bad weather, It is possible | ¢ - cakel Mrs. W. H, Craig, Mrs. Douglas Ang- | guest of Mra, Carr-Harris, Mack to have the household habits more . : ll fill . lin, Montreal, Mrs. Hansord Hora, |street [like a good road well-built, well- What the Editor Hears ! J "] $ 11 b th . Mrs, W. A. Mitchell, Mrs. Alexander | .-. . {traveled but smooth and even, A | ! HH can te y ec way it Mrs. Kenneth Perry, Royal Mili- (Woman has made a bad rut when | Snes HHP cuts y it . Macphail, Mrs, A. F. Macnee, Mrs. : ' Hugh Ryan, Mrs. W. Bartlett Dalton, | tary College, is in Ottawa with her |Sickness throws her entire household | That the various charitable socie- Mrs, R. E. Kent, Miss Frances Sulli- | mother, Mrs. Denis Murphy. {out of gear: she is mistress of a good | (jes are beginning to think of Christ- ! van and Miss Florence Cunningham. | Miss Eleanor Reynolds, secretary | routine when ghe is able quickly and | mas trees and treats for the poorer HH ; ! Cream of the West I lour * . = of the Babies Branch of the Women's | With-out nervous stress to make the | children in the city. There will be Ih ] z k l | | also makes loaves of extra- On her arrival at Montreal from | Auxiliary was in town for the month- { necessary adjustments for sickness, | more than usual o. them this win- : Cl i oti > s {adapting herself and her household |. hi rorv 3 i HE . ingland, Mrs. Nellie McClung will | ly meeting of the diocesan board on | a ter, and while every little maidan AH Hi v ing ~~~ Tuesday evening. She has returned | intelligently to the new condition. | should have a.doll and her little bro- : HH ordinary whiteness and | thers a toy beloved by small boys, the { | it HU cream flavor Hit THI y : Miss Frances Walker, R.N., |the usual work must be eliminated, | more substantial gifts should this Ba BS Sy y > TEA Rochester, N.Y., is visiting her sister, |some of it postponed, some of it de- | year out number the playthings, Mrs. Pappas, Alma street. legated. Her mind is not so deeply | --- HHH li ) : ate Mrs, J. G. Elliott, Barrie street, |set on her old order that she cannot | That every woman should see that Ha RH HIN Maple Leaf Milling Co | 3 . ' d enrt ' Ta rE LR rs po left on Wednesday for Armprior, to |see and make these adjustments. | | her name is on the voters list. It is } } RII Limi 109 Princess Sireet Phone 849 yisic Bor daughior, Mrs. Howard Box | Again, a women 1s in a bad rut | nos enough to suppose it is, if you ; Hi . imited and Dr. Box. Vertis ; st vy v . Hi | Hi ad . " r . va when she is blind to the advertise- | want to cast your vote on election i HIE Toronto, Winnipeg, Brandon, Halifax PR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS ments of labor-gaving devices, to new | day. H i FOR WOMEN'3 AILMENTS | Mrs. Tyrell and her daughter, Miss recipes and food suggestions from | That Britain's war mother has ar- 25 years Standard for Delayed and | Mary Tyrell, of Toronto, are the | ype magazines, her neighbors and her | rived in Washington, to lay a wreath Painful Menstruation. Sealed Tin |guests of the former's brother-in-law family, system of management and [on the tomb of the United States package ouly, all Druggists or direct | and sister, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gib- meals should be the best she knows, [ "unknown soldier," on Armistice by mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker [son Ottawa. a i dy Co, 11 E. Prout St. To- , but the beauty of a good routine, as | Day. ' The wreath contains roses Rema Cab oils. : % Mrs. W. M. Lyall and her son, compared with a deep, half-instific- [from England, heather from Scot- AIA AA nine | DORAN, have returned to their home | ive ryt of habit, is that it can always |land, shamrocks from Ireland, blue in Toronto, after spending two |p, improved, that it is kept in good |forget-me-nots from Wales, lillies All Fat People |. : : ; good | , |months with the former's parents, repair. Let us not be so proud of |and chrysanthemums to represent the Should Know This Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shangrow, Elgin our systematic housekeeping that a [overseas dominions, and at Montreal x street, new idea jars and jolts and maybe |the maple leaf of Canada was added Fat people owe a debt of gratitude to| A: B. Shangrow who spent Thanks- | o.iie upsets us, to this floral tribute from the great- the author of the now famous Marmola | 51ViNg With Mrs, Shangrow and Mas- . Prescription, and are still more indeb:- | tér Lawrence has returned to Belle- ed for the reduction of this harmless] ville, . effective obesity roemedf to tablet form, * » "You can secure Cream of the West Flour from C. Donoghue and W. F. Marmola Prescription Tablets can be Mrs: W. J. Wurtell, Sydenham ' 9! obtained at all drug stores the world apartments, has returned from Ot- HOW 1 0 MAKE MONEY » McBroom, Kingston, Ontario." Over at the meagonable price of one dol- tawa. " lar for a case, or you can secure them Cadet Henry Gill, Royal Military F CW women are averseito making pin money. It doesn't matter direct on receipt of price from the Coll h t od f Ott whether they need it br not. There is special pleasure in spend- Marmola Co., 4612 Woodward Ave. De- - ese. as re are Tiina i ae Ing money one has made through ane's own Initiative and resources. t ; | wher e spent the holiday with Mr. Each day there will appear on this page one of a series of su ges- troit. Mich. This now leaves hg excuse 2 P ¥ toes Sa making money. Each article will give women readers o The | . for dieting or violent exercise for the and Mrs. Robert Gill. Whig an idea that may be turned futo & moneymaker '3 reduction of the overfat body to nor-| Miss Agnes Maule Machar, Syden- gan Id ", The Iron Food mal. ham street, has returfied from "Fern- No. 21--How Women Make a Living at Home. f Ale for Vitality re Bad habits once formed are unfor- to Brockville, She recognizes at once that some of SI FERN RE TNL no" cliff," Gananoque, Mrs. J. M. Hazlett who has been Two girls with their own liv and tinted gloves of an expen- visiting her mother, Mrs, J. M. Fair, ing to make began a glove- ~ sive make which had ripped in Aberdeen avenue, has- returned to mending industry by inserting the first trying on and had Creemore, Ont. a small advertisement in the ~ been thrown aside by the shop- Miss Williamson, Kingston, is the daily papers. Once a week, the. keepers for their special sale guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 8. Derry, notice appeared stating taa¥ of damaged goods. Some gloves Napanee, €loves would be mended Were picked up for a mere song promptly, neatly and reason. because of a grimy spot on Will Welcome Overseas, ably at an epartment up in their otherwise flawless sur- From Oxford comes news that spe- Harlem, face. Others were even torn cial, interest is being evinced in the In their little flat the girls but the sisters knew their busi- studerits from overseas dominions. awaited encouragement in the ness and their customers and i f A scheme is now bejhg discussed, way of torn and goiled gloves the torn ones were also pur- R ¢ | C : for reserving rooms in one of the sent in to be made whole. They chased. ! rient:z d:-F: Oxford's women's colleges for such came in doubtfully at first: = £9 AL AE ream :Students. : There is no place where one pair at a time, with The gloves with the spots People of very different experience holes and much soil, as thougy Vere thoroughly cleaned. The and outlook can so easily come to- ,to defy-the ability of the mend- OMS With the rips and rents gether as in a university, and there "er. \ Were mended with unbeliev- is probably no 'way in which théy The gloves were first mend- 20le skill, and the result was a ' can give so much to each other as by ed so neatly that such a thing large stock of well made glov- , sharing college life for two or three as a rip or. rent would never es whose flaws only a close ob- years, be sus : server would detect and which nerg . pected and then cleaned y St. Hilda's Hall, Oxford, is there- with a cleansing fluid that could be bought by aétresses ; - fore proposing to set aside a certain worked wonders. Promptly the and others for much less than rr 0s --i f 0 Busha iin a . number of rooms for students from they would -have to pay at the f ; the dominions. Already thers is a sloves were returned to the shops. & ER iy he'll crave because of its I i us fl owners by one of the girls who * Se lomund from kin rbd collected a small fee and soli A long glove with the rip Sin if some foundation like the Rhod refed uiore trade, 35ved casatully could be pick- T3% on for wham you choose 59 hia pis p Meal desgurt for. che odes Before long they were do- ©d up for a dollar and a half the food, madam, depends hard-worked, tired man at night. twice as Mon are quickly refreshed at largely on you to keep him fit for Make accordin scholarships for men could be made . ing a flourishing business. which would cost 3 : it would widen the possibilities of Their charge was a trifle less = Much down. town, The sisters wight by a dessert like this the modern business grind. \ Hh Jaume 19 4 Nety grea; exe: v than that of the professional Sold them for a. slight advance : % cups Sun-Maid Seeded He needs foods that give him raisin pie, nor does he, Canada the LO.D.E. have lod the cleaners and the careful men- Over the purchase price. There ainthg : luscious flavor to enjoy, and energy tried this kind. You way in sending a Quebec woman stu- ding which almost amounted is no deception with regard to % . and iron to refresh and vitalize least once a dent over with a memorial scholar- to an art, so neat was it, ap- the stock. Every customer 1 Dayne Jems Juice Bm... ae a 3 You'll please 3 ship. pealed to women who were ac- KDows exactly what she is get- 1 teaspoon Raisin pie is prime food in both and you'll enjoy A girl from St, Hilda's College, customed to having their gloy- ting. Wash the raisins, put in respects. Ea Delicious raisin Toronto, writes: "The Canadians. es returned from the cleaners There are the good as new aan iw Sup Sola Raisins are rich in iron. Men need bread are sold 45 one might expect, perhaps--seem with bigger rents in than when articles for the conservative a boll. Add sugar, salt and buta small bit of iron daily, yet that groceries everyw corn starch, which has been need is vital, "Raising furnish 1,560 to save baking at to have a special aptitude for the they were sent. An extras customer who buys all her ha ms . | river; more than ome has quickly charge was made for the mend- gloves there because they cost water. Boil 8 minutes; add CAIOFies of energizing nutriment per Real raisin pie -is become "a good waterman"--to ing according to the work re- less and last as long as those lemon juice. Pour In pie pound--in practically pre-digested of raising. Insist on quote a coveted descrption by our Quired. They secured a num- obtained down town. For the eh am ned form bakers do not stint. rowing coach--and they taught us ber of regular customers who actress who requires a fresh brush tép with cold milk -\ how to paddle a canoe with scarcely sent in. their gloves just as. pair of gloves esery night or i Wodsrate oven a sound of splash or ripple." i men send their collars to the for every performance, there AN Beasurements for this - 3 1 S : ------ are less substantial ones which recipe are level. . - -------------------- 4 Keep Talking Machine Needles, They discontipued their ad- . woud not stand general wear, : Maid Rite: Don't throw away discarded vertisoment in the papers be- which do perfectly for one eyv- : Cobra Maid Raisins, Hage Jom les {mows stem), vv fine, needles from talking machines, You cause there was no longer need ening and the cost is often less American raisins, processed and ever-ready dessert. - to clean any of soliciting business, Well than one-half the price of the packed immaculately in a great Raisins are -chedper by 30 per ; : : - modern California plant. cent than formerly -- see that you (seeds removed); Seed- get plenty in your foods. their flat is transformed into a f : shop indeed. The front rooms Free We'll send 100 are lined with shelves, glass i gd "™ Luscious Raisin covered, like so many book- by Recipes in a free book to any- cases and these are filled with X ' one who mails : : gloves of undoubted Sali, ¢ . undamaged and impo from England has more woman medi- ! Paris for their special trade. cal students than any other coun- : 8. They now have a regular clien- try. - 3 They bought up long, white = tele and several assistants. - Women exceed the men in Dep. fa iS 2 Long taark by more (ham 84.000, ncaa ; ' Cut This Out and Send It California Associated Raisin Oo, Dept. P.247-29, Fresno, Onlit. Please send me coby of v_ free book Falains for Hoalib and Bomury £0% Eefing ~ Ssensenssssnend mmewn EmmaTEeeeosy 1

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