Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Nov 1921, p. 12

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Oi are A edad . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ON RETAIL SALESMANSHP | |= Rotarian M. 8. Grace Delivered Able Address to Rotary Club. . FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1921, i ie temas eer -- I~ FOR SALE SOLID BRICK HOUSE-- newly decorated; 3 piece bath; i furnace; electric lights; gas; 2ood location. No information i given over phone. Please call at office. Price . . .. $4,600 i Many city homes to choose from. Also some first class | § farms priced right. - M. B. TRUMPOUR PHONE 704 or 1461w. McINTOSH BROTHERS DO NOT FAIL TO COME ON SATURDAY, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR NUMEROUS OFFERINGS | "Retail Salesmanship," formed the | | subject of a forceful address, deliver- | {ed before the members of the King- {ston Rotary Club, at their weekly | luncheon on Thursday, by Rotarian | [M. 8. Grace. Rotarian "Syl" dealt | | with his subject in an interesting | manner. It was more of a "heart- | | - 11134 BROCK STREET - - np ¥ A Banking by Mail Those living at a distance can do their nking . By Mail just as gately and conveniently as though done in person. Man Farmers save themselves special trips to town by Mopting our system of Banking By Mail. The Manager will explain this helpful plan. Write or see him, the next time you are ~ to-heart talk," and made.a great im- 4 pression on. his, hearers, and was | voted by all as one of the best ad- dresses given to the club, . DRY GOODS Unbleached Cotton, 8 yds $1.00 Rolirien Grains sas bis mane 4, > White Cotton . . .6 yds. for 98e¢. ject was one that a the members i £25 A Prints--Striped--for Shirt. 'Waists--reg. 45c., for . . 28c. were familiar with, and pointed out | REV. 7. G. WIDDIFIELD that every walk of life required sales- Eldest son of Judge Widdifield, York . r Turkish Towelling--reg. 35c. 23c. yard HOSIERY and GLOVES Ladies' Cashmere Hose--reg. 50c. Ladies' Fleeced Hose--regular ++ 35¢. Children's Hose--all sizes-- reg. 30c, ........ «eo... 25¢, » CIERE - "a dee en NEE 1 s | county judge, who has been appointed manship as each one was selling his | archdeacon of Detroit. "he young Cana- services in the occupation in whieh | gian in his 34th year is in charge of| for he was engaged. The speaker said | 81i\he mission work in Wayne county} nie > 4 chigan. that the conditions of selling today, | | Tw ----i---- as compared with a few years ago {hard. Ro Grace al inted | were very far apart. tazian 3 20 Do | SPECIAL THe MERCHANTS BANK quired earnest work of the "stick to it" type of men and women. Evefy- one had this in his make-up if he would but bring it out, and make use av i Bat Today, it re |out that a salesman must be agree- | |able and above everything else, he | | must be honest, | Rotarian Harry Miller moved a | Bath Towels--reg. $4.25, $2.75 pair Bath Towels--reg. $2.75, Ladies' Wool Gauntlet Gloves --regular $1.50 Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, 1 IN BRANCH, - nagee, ERIN aang AND ARDEN BRANCHES, i") W. MeCLYMOR Manager Selatan ountain Gro Pa rh. { hearty vote of thanks to Rotarian of it. Business during the past five |. 4 2 3 years, reminded the speaker of a man i Grace, for his splendid address. In going out with a shotgun into a place [doing so, he stated that he had list- for. .... $1.90 pair HOUSE FURNISHINGS Bed Comforters--reg. $4.50, : .. $3.25 LADIES' WEAR Ladies' Skating -Sets--reg. $3.30, for ..... .}. 31.98 | ened to reat many talks on sales- where there was plenty of game, and ag y | . ov { manship but that he had never, in Just shooting here 04 theta 10 get {such a short talk, heard one with so his JUDDIY. | to be ever on the alert | WUCh of importance in it than that DON'T TAKE YEAST WITHOUT IRON! Both Are Necessary for Best Results -- Thousands Now Take Ironized Yeast in Con- venient Tablet Form - : Run-down, weak and thin people, Who were eating yeast for health, i. have found that yeast brings far bet- 'ter and quicker results when it is f taken with iron. § Through this splendid combination of tonics, now embodied in Ironized Yeast, folks who for years suffered with loss of strength, nervousness, Anaemia, thinness and other "run- down" conditiong, are regaining | glorious health and strength almost as if by magic. This is because Ironized Yeast sup- { Plies run-down bodies with just the elements iron. These two substances have been found absolutely essential to good health. Yet the modern diet, AAA re rn cmon, they need--vitamines and- in many cases, is almost entirely lack- ing in them. No wonder so many thousands of men and women be- come sickly, run-down, and old be- fore their time. Ironized Yeast is performing what seem like actual miracles every- where, In many cases it brings a noticeable improvement in two or three days. Enjoy the clear skin, sparkling eyes, rugged strength and and it was the best marksman who succeeded, The salesman must also be deter- mined. He must make every pro- visionl for his work. He must at ail times be obliging, with a willingness to serve. Another most important phase of the work was that of work- ing on a schedule, and here the speaker cited the case of a great cor- poration, that of the Canadian Paci- fic Railway, which had to be operated on a schedule, to avoid confusion. health of youth! Get Ironized Yeast to-day! Sold at all druggists in pat- ented sani-tape packages. Each con- tains 10 days' treatment and costs only a dollar-- (just 10c. a day), or no more per dose than ordinary yeast. Special directions for children in cach package. IRONIZED YEAST TABLETS Highly Concentrated Vitamine Tonic Another most important matter was that the salesman should discipline himself. He must also concentrate on his work. His plans must be proper- ly arranged. The art of public speak- ing was also essential. John D. Rochefeller once stated that all oc- cupations were on a par. The most important matter was that the per- son following an occupation should cess. A man could reach the goal he was aiming at, if he would but work NN PAA it and he had to be a good rifle shot, | stick to it in order to make it a suc- | | given by Rotarian Grace, | The motion was seconded by Ro- | tarian Harry Day, and carried by a | unanimous vote. | President "Joe" Stewart presided | [at the luncheon, and Rotary songs | were sung in fine style. | Rotarian M, 8. Grace was appoint- | ed chairman of the entertainment | {committee It was announced that R, J. C. | Stead, well-known Canadian author, | {would address the club at next | | week's luncheon. , Mr. Stead is the | [author of "Cowpuncher' and "Home- | lateader," and is connected with. the immigration department at Ottawa. | In his address he will probably deal { | with Canadian books and authors. ! | An announcement that was re-! |ceived with great enthusiasm was | that the club would have as theirs guest and special speaker on Decem- [ber 1st, Sir Harry Lauder. Sir Harry is one of the most outstanding Ro- | tarians in the world. He is a mem- | {ber of the Rotary Club of London, | | BEng. The members of the local club | |are looking forward with a great | {deal of interest to his visit to King- ; or es isis Blankets--12-4--in Grey and White, reg. $4.50 . . .. $3.25 MEN'S WEAR Socks--Heathers--all wool-- regular $1.75 75c¢. Shirts and Drawers--all wool--- regular $2.50, for . . .. $1.50 Combinations in White and Grey; reg. $4.50 . ... $2.75 Trousers--in Tweed and Cot- tonette; value $3.25 .. $1.75 Corsets-- all sizes--reg. $3.50 Camisoles--Silk--in Pink and White at the following prices: Regular $2.25 ...... $1.20 Regular $175 .......$1.00 Regular $1.25 a5 LADIES' UNDERWEAR At Greatly Reduced Prices! . eter oh CHILDREN'S WEAR Toques--all shades--reg. 85c. for ..... «sus B5c, Suits--Teddy Bear--reg. $5.50 ABRAMSON'S BARGAIN OFFE The verdict was sion was made by the Sale" was acclaimed BARGAINS! BARGAINS! passed and by overwhelming odds. The deci- people, and "Abramson's Smashing Price as the greatest Bargain Sale in years. The sale that has been the leading topic for the past week. BARGAINS!!! | ston, and he will be given a royal welcome, for the Rotarians on the night of { November 28th, when they will have (a visit from District Governor Hart v | J. Seely, Waverly, N.Y. The mem- | bors will hold a dinner at 6.30 p.m. w» ]in his honor, The club's meeting on November | 24th, will be held in the evening in- {stead of at noon, and at this meeting business will be transacted. A most important matter to be taken up at | this meeting is a notice of motion {given some time ago, to have | the weekly luncheon held on Friday instead of Thursday. ecretary Roy Ward read a letter MEN'S SUITS * An assortment of Tweeds, Worst- eds and Serges that deserve your attention. Prices for Saturday: Afewleftat .... ... .. .$12.95 Grey Worsteds and Serges $16.45 All-wool Worsteds and Serges -- reg. up to $45. Saturday .$24.95 MEN'S OVERCOATS In conservative and Young Men's models. A smart range of fabrics to choose from. Sale Price $14.95 to $24.95 The Season's Best | A vv' | of thanks from Mrs. Rex. Snellgrove ' | for the gifts bestowed upon herself . "~N 'and members of the Rex Stock Com- | pany, on Rotary night, at the Gfand PE Opera House last week, 7 . i Pp | Harry Lauder, a copy of his book, "Between You and Me." Sir Harry | In | Harry also | | wished the members the compliments | { will be thanked for his kin" gift. | sending the book Sir of the season. tt. ISCUSING Hs PROSPECTS |W. 8. Reed, U.F.0. Candidate { in Frontenac, Thinks | He Will Win, W. 8S. Reed, Harrowsmith, United Farmer candidate for Frontenac | | county, was in the city on Thursday. | Discussing his prospects of election | be said: "Things are looking bright. | 1 have spent the greater part of Nye | week in the north and am greatly encouraged by the attivide' '6f the people everywhere. They are look- ing for more efficiency in the govern- ment of Canada and desire to see business methods adopted in public affairs and less politics, This is what | is at the bottom of the farmers' or- | ganization. TI am laying thé matter BOYS' OVERCOATS A smart range of Coats in heavy Tweed materials. All lined. $10.45t0 $12.98 39c¢., Extra all-wool, in Grey, Black and Heather. | before my fellow farmers with the { object of enlisting their hearty sup- (port. We are convinced that in the {fairs has been dedicated by financial, railway and other groups, and we are j out ta break that thing and give Can- | ada once and for all time a people's Prices-- 49c. and 59. H UNDERWEAR eavy wool, ribbed; ext i cial; all sizes . = $115 In assorted FINE 'SHIRTS | government, Once this is started the | people will not be satisfied to allow Lthings to slip back into the old condi- | tions that denied them a voice. If | ve can do this I feel that we have ! done something worth while. Why | should we not do it? You see today stripes and patterns. SE aaa aise ue v Heavy fleece-lined--regular To clear at $ 1.00. Sale Price . . > 73¢ BOYS' SUITS An exceptional variety of styles and materials. Sizes 26 to 35. ES Sale Price voi... $445 10 $8.45 | duced. ~~ FOOTWEAR Remarkable sale of Boots for the entire family. All greatly re- L. Abramson : Next to the Royal Hotel. | v | There is also a big treat in store | The club{has received from Sir | | past the management of public af- |. for .......... | .... $3.00 Vests--Fleeced-lined--sizes 26 to 28--reg. 75¢. ........ 50c. Drawers--Fleeced-lined--in sizes 24, 26, 28, 32. Reg. 75c. . .50c. Babies' Blankets, reg. $2.50 $1.75 Babies' Blankets, reg. $1.75 $1.25 | | | Go to the DOMINION rubber dealer-and you will get | the best service, because he gets the best service from Every reason of economy, health and comfort says "Wear Rubbers this Fall and Winter." Rubbers cost far less than shoes. When you are wearing rubbers, you are not wearing out shoes. Rubbers mean warm, dry feet-- Fall and Winter protection against rain and snow -- slippery sidewalks. | Domsirion Rubbers Present Styles and Shapes to Fit Every Shoe --and properly fitted rubbers mean 50% extra wear. the Dominion Rubber System. Don't ask for "A Pair of Rubbers," Say: "I Want Dominion Rubbers." + and safety on An, the farmers denied representation the Meighen cabinet. There arc eleven lawyers, most of whom are, or have been, corporation solicitors. While we recognize the need for abil- ity, we do not concede that any par- ticular profession is infallible and that lawyers and doctors make the best business men. As a matter of fact they are not practical business men and this is the very reason why the farming interests of this country are ignored. If the farmers will not do something in their own behalf, who will?" Mr, Reed is'known for his pleas- ing, affable manner, and he is mak- ing friends rapidly wherever he goes. Some of his supporters are not so sanguine of success, but his organiza- tion is the strongest political organi- zation the farmers have ever had. There were 108 delegates at the con- vention. They represented 1,080 club members. Multiplying this by" four gives the U.F.0. a voting k strength direct of 4,320, og The Bria war minister has de- cided to I its exhumation troops. a stating that all batilefields have been searched, . Canadian National- Grand Trunk . Across Canada Travel--- Standard Train cf Quality The Last Word in Travel Comfort § Courteous attendants in charge All Steel Cars * Fully Equipped Everyone Invited Free Exhibit to demonstrate the comforts of day and night travel. Stewards, Chefs, Waiters aad Porters on duty. " @ Housewives will be specially interested in culinary arrangement. Ald. James W. Harrington was el- | thrown through the windshield of | : ected mayor of Chatham 1922-23 by a majority Mayor Frederick H. Brisco. 4 younx boy at Welland was | cally unburt for the year | Ford sedan and landed on the fend of 278 oyer |er of a street car, which, fortunately {was slowing down, He was practi

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