FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1921. WHIG. RHEUMATIC JOINTS Rub Pain Right Out- Try This! RY, Rheumatism is "pain only." - Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" directly into your sore, stiff joints and muscles and reMef comes ingantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a hafmless rheumatism remedy which never disappoints and cannot burn or discolor the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! 4 A Get a small trial bottle of old-time "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store and In just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic \pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. 'St. Jacob's Oil" has relieved millions of rheumatism sufferers in the 'last half century, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains and swellings. A AA PA At eee IP srl tt et Pa ee tic Sr CLEARING SALE OF TIRES We will sell our entire stock of Tires at the following low prices: -- . \ 80x33 MALTESE CROSS, NON-SKID 80x83 DUNLOP TRACTION 8ix4 DUNLOP TRACTION 82x4 DUNLOP TRACTION 38x4 DUNLOP TRACTION oa Also TUBES at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINC ESS STREET internal and Externa Pains are CECLE relieved by : p= THoMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL AND Ta RRC EARLY FIFTY A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR I NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES. WILL OPEN Saturday, October 22nd We are now ready to serve the public in a first. class manner. Good meals cooked right, served to your liking is our motto. Our Restaurant has just been newly decorated --our tables and table linen all that you could desire. Come and have a meal with us and you will be well satisfied. 191 PRINCESS STREET JOE LEE, PROPRIETOR Open from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. (ORDERING SUITS "TODAY" Requires the most careful considera- tion. You may also require expert ad- vice as to wearing qualities of certain Cloth. After over 35 years in the busi- ness, we claim to 'be able to advise in this direction. It cos* nothing to call and have a talk with us on woollens. Drop in 'to-morrow! CRAWFORD & WALSH TAILORS BAGOT and BROCK STREETS ORD SEDAN R COUPE ' Drivea FORD SEDAN or COUPE this winter. It will give you a new con- ception of motoring comfort. You will not worry whether it rains, blows or snows--all kinds of weather are alike. And won't your wife and children appreciate it? ; We are equipped to give you prompt and skilled service at any hour. Pe & VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609. 34-38 Princess Sticet. I ---------------- Sinn Feiners are .carrying out the exist any sort of mitfitary or nav-| terms of the tfuce. understanding be'ween Japan. ' : gee You can't convince a girl that any man she admires isn't in the hero | have the hot will shorten the warmin driven away quicker ir | with unburned gasoline. manifold, heated air for of these through piping, flexible gases temperature is becoming low. DOPE ESCAPES FROM TRANS- MISSION CASE C. C. W. writes: I have a ter- rible noise in the transmission of my ----------- car when running on first, second and reverse. Have had it taken down, but the bearings and gears seem perfect. What causes the noise? Another thing, I cannot keep "dope" in the case, as it runs out along the shafts. There are no felt washers in this transmission. How is the lubricant prevented from escaping? er: 'If this transmission ever ran quietly, nolsy operation can hardly arise from anything but bearing trouble or from the chip- ping or otherwise deforming of the gear teeth, assuming that the right lubricant is used. And unless you are absolutely sure there is nothing wrorig with the bearings, especially those of the countershaft, we should attribute the noise to play at these points, which throws the gears out of perfect mesh. The through shafts of this transmission are provided with throw-off rings, which direct excess lubricant into catch pockets, from which it is re- turned through passages to the case. The lubricant to be used is héavy fluid oll not grease and if the latter is used it sometimes stops up the return passages, caus- ing the catch pockets to overfill snd the grease to leak out. i ------ DRIVING GEAR REPLACE- MENTS J. F. R. writes: I have broken one tooth of the ring-gear of my car, but find that it is otherwise all right. The pinion, however, ALBERT L. CLOUGH | Starting The Hot-Alr Stove URING HOT WEATHER, some motorists disconnect the hot-air supply for the carburetor, although this is not so commonly done now as formerly, on account of the low grade fuel used in recent 'years. With the advent of cold weather it is very advantageous to -air connestion in gervice, not only because this will insure better vaporization of the fuel under running conditions, but because It up period of the engine, enable the car to be reduce the tendency to dilute the engine oil Unless an engine is provided with a hot-spot the mixture is practically necessary in severe weather if the warming up period is to be made reasonably short and It 1s almost hopeless to try to run an engine without one or the other vaporizing expedients, during the cold season. number ol makes of ears in which hot exhaust gas is applied to the carburetor body or elsewhere in the intake system to assist vaporigation, metallic tubing or drilled passages, which some- times become obstructed with burned ofl and soot so that the heated cannot pass through them. Care should be taken that the exhaust gas has a free passage around these heating jackets, now that the air ) There are a tooth repaired by welding and to use these same gears or would it be better to replace the pinion, now that I have the parts disas- sembled ? Answer: eration, we advise you to replace both ring-gear and pinion. It would be possible to have the broken ring-gear tooth built up and cut to true form, but the job would cost quite a little and we fear it would prove noisy. It is not advisable to replace a pinion and not replace its ring-gear, as quiet running is seldom obtained in this way. Sopa dering that your pinion is worn considerably and would.perhaps have to bs replaced in the near future, we should rec- ommend you to make a thorough Job of it by renewing both gears. If you desire quiet op- --l-- MAGNETO INQUIRY G. M. writes: 1 am thinking of etting a magneto and hav. ng the fan run it, using both this and the regular Ford magneto. Will the coils stand it and what kind of bulbs should be used in the headlights? Please tell me how this can be arranged. Answer: The magnéto which you mention cannot be used for light- ing, being Intéhded for ignition only. It cannot be run from the fan belt, for ignition purposes, but must be gear-driven from the en- gine. It should not be connected to the Ford ignition coils, but can be used as the sole ignition source, leaving the flywheel magneto for lighting. Instead of thé magneto, whith you propose to buy, you can obtain a combined generator and fan, that is driven from the fan belt seems noticeably worn, Would ft be advisable to have the broken Mr. Clough in this column, space MANY ARE DEER HUNTING. Various Camps. Maberly, Nov. 7--The white flakes of snow have spread a beautiful cov- Buchanan, away on Oct. 30th. Mrs. J. James, Smith's Falls, visited with Mrs, M. J. Strong, Miss Myra Munroe, Perth collegiate, spent Sunday at home, Westport high school, here. C. Vantrin, Perth, spent Sun- day at his home here. Elwood Duffy spent the week-end at home. A large number have gone deer hunting. A quiet but pretty wedding was performed on Wednesday, Nov, 2nd, at 4 pm., by the Rev, B. Pierce, at 88 Victoria street, Kingston, of Miss Eliza Hamilton, second oldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sytvester Hamil- ton, Oconto, to Austin Strong, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Strong, Maberly. The bride looked lovely in a gown of rich silk messaline with Lat to match, and carried a boupuet of pink carnations. Tke bride was attended by her cousi:. Miss E. R. Robinson, Kingston, and 'he groom was asssisted by B. C. Brighton, aleo Questions of general interest to the motorist will be ahsivered permitting. If an immediate answer io desired, enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope The Maberly Gunmen Are at Their | Peter Hillebrand entertained a num- ering over the ground, which makes [as the Wright farm, it: very appropriate for the hunters, | Moulton for 1922. Regardless of wed- Who aré wishing for it to continue [ther conditions a number of Wagh- throughotit the season. Sad indeed |burn"s Corners' old Was the death of the late George | home for Thanksgi who peacefully passed | Preston has leased the Judd farm for Alton Briggs, Perth, spen: Sunday | Port at his home here. Miss Edna Strong, | Flood is convalescing, having return- spent her | Thanksgiving holidays at her home | and which will charge a battery te supply lights, horn, ete, bw Ss Leasing of Farms, Washburn's Corners, Nov. 9. -- ber ~.f young people at his home here last week. Edward Arnold, Frank- ville, has leased the property, known from Joshua friends came ving. Richard 1922, A number from here attended the musical comedy, "Some 'GInl", in Brockville, on Friday night, and re- it very pleasing. Thomas ed from the Brodkville hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bland Webster, Warburton, visited the hom® of thair parents, recently. The farmers ploughing was impeded by the snow and cold weather for the pas: couple of days. A number from here attended the sale at E.' Maxety's, Plug Hollow, Joshua Moulton had the misfortune to lose by theft about 1,000 feet of lumber, which was taken from an un- occupied house where it was stored. Mrs. W. Madill, Lakefield, was visit- burn, recently, » ---------------------- Thanksgiving Events, Hartington, Nov. 8. -- At the ing Miss Muriel Sigsworth sang a solo in fine voice, Monday evening a of Kingston. After the ceremony the hoppy young couple left amid show- ers of confetti and rice on their hon- éymoon to Shannonville, Napanee, Belleville and Westport, where they were accompanied home by Miss Ed- na"Strong, sister of the groorh. While at the groom's home, a very appro- priate and appealing reception was held and supper was served to about Thanksgiving supper was given by the Ladies" Aid at Edley Campsall's. Abundance of provision were provid- ed and an enjoyable ime was spelt, Mrs. Fred Derison was in Toronto for the pest week. Mr, Gardiner is able to be around again. Benjamin ow Many Women with sensitive other Canadian winter? hands, chilblains, cold-sores and frost- bites are readily overcome by Zam-Buk. This famous balm keeps the skin smooth, healthy and flexible under most try: conditions. essences are so highly refined that the pores and tissues absorb them readily. o£ PTREI IR FIR ie 2 on veue H. APPLETON 417 PRINCESS STR 2 skins, but what dread an- E : = Phone $78w, Yet chapped . Automotive Eqipument . Tourists' Bureau Masufaci urers' Agents ° Accessories Phone S18W ~ Ne Oo Bross St, Kingston, Ont. G. V. DREDGE B. R. NYRES i Zam-Buk's pure herbal hey take out smarting pain and irrita- tion poisoning. Miss bands were th Miss A. Lepard, of Beaverdale, Ont., writes: -- *" Where other remedies all failed, Zam-Buk soon rid me of chilblains. It speedily ea: drew out the perfectly" ulcers, abscesses, piles, poisoned wounds, cute, burns and scalds, 50c., all dealers, "Smoke T&B A u When a man tries to get something | grow it. smn, Fashionable Fall New beauty of design and ney, our new Shoes for Fall wear. The newest in Brown and Black Calf Oxfords -- Brown or Bl instantly, soreness, and prevent eczema and blood- --cool smoking heal roughness aad eq B. Strojsa, of East Hansford, N.S., writes :--" My hands bled and be- came so painfully chapped that I dare not put them in water. smarting pain and soreness to quickly dis- appear and I continued to use it until my Le Briscoe Model 4-34 Regular Touring Car, Five Passenger This car is bigger, stronger, more pow erful and better in every way than the form- er old model. \** Price F.O.B. Brockville $1,550.00 Plus Sales Tax Canadian Briscoe Motor Car Co., Ltd. Brockville ANGLIN BROS., Bay St. oroughly healed." ded. the itching irritation, inflammation and healed Also splendid in eczema, ~ - TT University of New Brunswick has established a bursary for an annual scholarship for boys of Stottish descent. for nothing he succeeds in acquiring experience. The good either dle young or out- rich Virginia blend rir Footwear 1 and 2 Strap Slippers in Grey Suede, Black Suede and Kid=high or low heels. ; Many of the newest designs to choose from. beauty of line distinguish, ack Kid @xfords, The Sawyer Shoe Store | 184 Princess St. [i You ~when some si theft, b these di ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wash- Thanksgiving service Sunday even-| Campsall attended the funeral of his sister, Nancy Martin, on Wednesday, at Wilton. J. EB. Freeman and party fifty of the friends and relatives, The table was tastefully decorated and was centred by the bride's cake which looked marvellous and was made by Mrs. J. James, Smith's Falls, A most enjoyable evening was spent in dancing, but the wee small hours for home-going came all too soon. The bride received numerous and costly gifts which testified to the. high esteem in which the young cou- ple i After good wishes were extended to the young couple, have gone deer hunting. Mrs. Wal- lace, Harrowsmi'h, is with Mrs. Free- man for a couple of weeks. Mrs. S. Woodman and daughter, Wolfe Is- land, returned home on Saturday. Hazel Huffman is sick. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Moscow, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Shellington, Mr. and Mrs. M. Trousdale at Bert Patter- the many friends departed to their homes. The happy young couple, af- ter another reception at Tichbourne, will reside at Maberly where the groom is &|prosperous young farm- er. S-------------- The man who looks straight ahead misses a lot on the aide. joy yourselves much more if you knew that your car was being properly taken care of ? Even if you have taken what seems to you to be every possible precaution against loss by shift lever, the expert auto thief can overcome Are You Not Taking a Big ~ Chance Parking Your Car at the Curb? DO YOU KNOW THAT AN ABSOLUTELY THEFT-PROOF LOCKING DEVICE HAS YET TO BE DEVISED ? When your car is left on the street what pro. tection have you against loss of such articles left in it, such as rugs, wraps or parcels, or any accessory which is easily removed--your Spars Tires for instance. We have a conveniently located, clean, spac. ious fire-proof Garage, always open, and our storage rates are so reasonable that every motor car owner should take advantgae of them. City Folk--and You-Out-of-Town-People you are attending a show, dance or milar entertainment, would you not en- y locking the ignition switch or gear- ficulties in a few minutes. BOYD'S GARAGE YOU ARE WRONG ABOUT FIBRE FURNITURE It is net "Wicker." It is not a "Vetcraft" Product. It is not only for the Verandah. It is not expensive. It is not "made of paper." ! ----BUT-.- - It is Waterproof Fibre. It is manufactured by Kingston ston ory. ae It is suitable for any room in any house. It is very inexpensive and durable. A VISIT TO OUR SHOWROOMS COSTS NOTHING Labor in a King- ORDER NOW FOR: XMAS. E. WARBURTON | Uptown Post Office .