7 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. EEEEEEREE THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | = GRAND TO-NIGHT | | THE REX STOCK CO., Presenting x Bg :cCRYy "THE MAN FROM HOME" | | f Vaudeville Between Acts PRICE! 20c-30c-G0e. Gallery 10c. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : WANTED GENERAL FOR SALE oh Fhist insertion, 1c a word. Bach con- | ein TR ---- - TS -------------------------- ---- vei em-- . x MAP] secutive insertion rhereafter, half} " Me LADY'S BLACK FLiSH (C AT. cent a word. Minimum charge for "w ANTED " ro d BRC HaSE . Yo 1 FOUND piy 59 Lower b "8 Street one insertion, 25c¢; thiee insertions | eiVINg ang CG rR A FOUNTAIN PEN, ON PRIN -- ---- TPL) ¥ oe Broek street, or ph : BAK DS. 30 cents. insite + imma e----ceviin cesy wire Ov ay ha ; ANG VEM 1 © The above rates are for cash only GROUND FLOOR FURNISHED same at 232 Rag ad 4 421 Barrie or ppuae 15124. Matinee at 2.30, 2 ewes at 8.13 o hey | 4 * . HE er ---- when charged they are de out 3} ! ALBERT DeCOUR VILLE PRESENTS a Sa------ Ee ------ apartmen or smi 1 4 PAIR GLOVES, sari L s WlE PIANO LAMY, eo X ro ADAY, OME BRASS ANTiG | ply to Bo -3 i fon" Strest ior . with shade. Appiy sox U-28. w ig, | . The Famous London Revue HELP WANTED, i . a un may hav y =] | : Etter em em mera | 4 TO BUY 3 calling at Whig Offic | 3200 BUYS GOOL, U uy AED, ro ls ! . " » OUNG THR Budi ; . r | ery truck; newly pauited. . AOUNG WOMAN TO H IN KTH rate price; a 10 1 of A NON-SKID CHAIN 70R AUTO or. aca and Qcen. : ' ' as tire, outside : TE J 4 [ S 5 LEY KELLOG GIRL FOR GENEDAL HOUSEWORK Sie. Building. Inq COMFORTABLE DRIVING CUTTER] WITH HARRY TATE and SHIRLEY KELLOGG "i . . "lr 1 > ! 1 re © 1. "ge >. Street. your root? Does it ueed repairing * University. a Mullin, 181 Frontenac Sree | PRICES: Y $3-52-831.00° Matinee ...$3-$2.50-§2-81.50-81. -- | We use Argus Roof-proof a AT 115 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WHITE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, housework; sieep at nome p Pom - i 23 Earl St. i ply oon or evening T SALE 3 MAS ding, May 17th, 1 sell cheap. Apply 32 red. Apply afternoon or NINES. | TWO SALESMEN FOIRR XMA Benror Tos nook un en. Appiy 181 Divis St. Kingston, Apply i Rev: obo bh ! rood' © Apply J. = ; and Beauty Chorus of London Gaiety Girls Apply evenings at 169 Collingwood | "HOOF REFAIRING -- HOW ABOUT Hickey, efig.ae in good con Pp | ¥ ¥ reese ee WOMAN OR GIRL FOR card to F. Coventry, after Miss Richardson's wel- practically as good &8 new; wi 5 i Mrs. Guy, 37 Division Street } must be of good ap - . . wmbitious, e 1 v may have same, at : a. A GENTLEMAN'S DRESS sur axl - WORKING HOUSKREFIER WANTED | arvest for th 1 ¥ dress by, proving property. University Avent ys phone 1216m {| I GRAND MON N V 1 for small hotel neap Kingston, mus | ._dohnston, nce 8t A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKING > --- oy . he good cook and have city refer- _---- { Pi O ame FOI SALE OR EACHANGE FOR CIT) | ence. Apply Bux D-20, Whig. | 2 : ! DS: RL her may nave sam property, farm land in Saskatche- | $ Ton (RE AND NIG = ee . - joo CHIROPRACTIC. | by Salitng at 135 Union Street | yeity fe ap Gen. Delivery. | : J 3 BARGAIN MATINEE AND NIGHT MARE BONEY AT HoME, $i5 To S00 | Kingston, Ont A "See Jiggs Lose Maggie on Wall Street" paid wee SF Jur spare time ywa, A. MARUELIS, D.4., ra. C. Cor- « LE, 87 . OWN- : elt writing show cards for us. No can-| ner P Eres and ' Barrie Streets, 2nd | A BIY CLE 1s I we ert by GENTLEMAN'S COON COAT -- The fun show of the World 1 new this year Yascing. We instruct and supply! . gor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, | appiying te Baker, of superior quality; also 1 pair ne | Ps You with work. West-Angus show! * Oni' Consultation free. Telephone! Queens University. Gauntlets. Ap v8 William St. BRINGING UP FA I HER Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, To- | 822). Hours ¥ to 12 aru, 1tos gm.| ee Err || nme sven. : | | IN WALL STREET" . acy, Chiropractic. Specialists and Anyone Luding auytuing and | ing car, electric starter and lights. { i WE WANT a RILIABLE SALES Graduate Bago WISNINg lu reucn the owner ma | A 82 oT ck sal Palmer, cor. | : agent for each Lurepresented coun- bot gust Fl age Sago! siren x el oes Se or may { Znkp tu rv . | PRICES: Evening 25-30-73-8$1.00. Matinee ..00c. Kiddies . 25ec. ty or territory. Exclusive selling] phone 343w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to The Dritish Wag 'The adverse -- - rights; good pay to energetic rep 6, and 7 to 9 p.m. Spihal analysis tisement will ve printed in this OATS, SEED OR FEED: 0,A.C. 72 CROP resentatives. Our agehcy is Vaiu-| and consultation free. Residential column free of coarge. Trot 18 ; s bushel R. M i | "er------ Nn er ------ able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. | all ' i van Luven La Shore oad. | Toronto. Ont. a = "Found articles" does not in- Portsmouth. Phone 1108 R 1-3. . THURS. FRL Matinee 2.30 : : clude lost wogs, cattle, horses, SAT. Evening 7.30 | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING etc. 'These, il lost, may be ad- | GENUINE GRAPHOUNOLA AND = GOOD WAGES FOR HOME Sy oRiC| Nv FY vertised tor in the "Lost" culumn selections; your own choice, 32 we need yo 0 make socks on WHEN NG PAINTING OR | Terms §i casn, §5 per moulin. . 66 YY" fast, easily-learned Auto Knitter;| Parerhanging done, drop a ca v + rincess St 2 S S O S C experience unnecessary; distance | A anging a Arch pas a4 5 = mms = Lindsay. Liunited. 17] Prince HAM F Oo IET immaterial; positively no eanvass- 5 BUYS A CHEVROLET TOURING with i yarn supplied; particulary, 3c. | i. SCOTT & CO. 53 BEVERLY ST. LOST. Car; overhauled; new tires; electric BARBARA CASTLETON, MONTAGU LOVE, MACEY HARLAM stamp. Dept. 18-C, Auto Knitter Co., Painters, Paperhangers and Deco-| starter and lignts. A snap. P alm- | AND AN Al TAR CAS Toronto. rators. No Job too small, no con-| GOLD TIE Y.M.CAA, DIRIESS-| er, cor. Bagot and Queen Sts. - ee === = tract too large. Storm windows re- ng re i Salely caten; initial © PARAMOUNT-MACK mim-------- ® €c ' » aa paintea, putted, gikzed and | put on | Vaiued us Keepsake. binde nu- | 50 AC FARM, WITH OR WITHOUT RAE . E umm S Da POSITION WANTED. All work done at shortest LI rein Te Ta oa titer snd 0 ACRE FARM, WITH OR WIT mite | SENNETT COMEDY, Ona S er y : | ree | from city on y loot road, Ap-| > | y + TUESD AY NIGHT, WHILE MOVING ply Mrs. Snook sath Hoad, P. . nN -------- St a a SA THIRD CLASS gp NEER WISHES | UPHOLSTEKING. $, on Juan or Montreal streets. | : " SP --~ I Nr st position as engineer or fireman -- -- EN J Br please notity 230 Welling-! ONE I. H. C. VERTICAL SS, rm Ea either day or night duty. Apply| ALL OR: DROUF A CAND TO WwW. J. ton street, or phone 1492w. | Eugine, develops 53 h.p. I Box 0-9, Whig. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. -- ree couling, ete; guud running © TO-DAY TO-DAY | BLACK POCKET BOOK, CO TAINING | der. Apply ¥. J. Salsbury, MARRIED MAN WISHES EMPLOY-| F. W. HAROLD FUR 10UR Sum of money. Name inside, and | Sixih- Street. -- =- ment tending furnaces or making bolstering 2nd general repairing registration card. Finder picase re- Hon. W. S. Fielding, Finance Min- c himself usetul at any small jobs. | Leave orders at ur drop a card iv turn to Whig Office. tteward 5 ADDIY Box J-8, Whig or Pe 104 Clergy eel. | -- ee {ONE 10 HP. UPRIGHT STEAM BOIL-| ister in Laurier Government, says: -- | 2373M. ' emt ~~ | ON WELLINGTON STREET, #E- er and one spring Waggon; in 3 y COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR! tween brock and Gore, parcel con- good order. Will pe soid reason- "By their fruits the public shall | é 9 der in all poplilar shapes and sizes. | taining collar and pair of gloves able. Appiy H. Webber, 261 Regent | i a YOUNG MARRIED MAN, wIirnu Uphoistering #na repairing dune | Finder rejurn to Mrs. Moss, 56 We!- Street j know the policies of the two political clerical experience but anxious for E. J. Goodridge, 244 University | lington, or phone 1704w. Pier elas CROC ERY. WEhLL LO. | parties. The Kiberals took office at « irgently o Avenue, em -------- mm | FIRST SS x a - y work of any kind, urgently r | loing »d business. Will | a time of depression in 1896. Under quires employment. Apply Box | . . i cated and doing L-9, Whig Office 7 FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN | FOR SALE. | sell at to-day s prices. Terms on | their tariff policy, which was not the os ished, guns, gramaphones, etc. re | application by idetter to Box R-10 ; paired promptly and guaranteed | BRUSSELS RUG, 43 4x8 YDS; NEARLY Wnig | National Policy, as is now claimed By RALPH CONNOR SITUATIONS VACANT Stanton & Sieeth, 35 Princess St. new. Apply 5¥ uueen st. | ENSILAGE CORN CUTTER For | by Conservatives, but a reformed and TO LET. TWO SETS OF LIGHT BOB SLEIGHS, power; set double harness; set of | (except as to a few luxuries) a re- DANCING TO-NIGHT (IN THE THEATRE LOBBY 4 'ATE © T also 5 h.p. motor. New kngiana| single harn open buggy, cut- - S% MEDIUMSSIZED FURNISHED HOUSE p 4 Apply 66 Victoria Pt deg : to workers, celebrated, inexpen as never before. The period from ME a SN Ngee a et sive, Royal Series; secure orders io let; goud locality. Phone 325w EARTH FOR FILLING IN PURPOSES -- now; deliver later; and wo- or the cartage. Apply 425 Brock a - . " 1897 to 1911, was one !of the full : : LAKGE STONE HOUSE, 63 RIDEAU Street. e SEVEN - ROOMED HOUSE, win |® ' SAY carn Tn sos ee up Sues, Apply to Mrs. Bajus, 47 Ri- | wood-working shop attached; lo-| dinner pail to the workingman. INSIST ON THE BEST Seay Sires HF YOU HAVE A USED ©'AR FOR SALY | at P aarerods vilage Dearly orkmen: wio read ihe hysterical ereince unn¥cessary i & . Son Company, Brantford, ont. see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagot and hingston; doing good business; GARAGE FOR FALL AND WINTER Queen. Phone 410J. i whi gio 800d reasons for selling. Apply ce p RE pe aun rok FAL Agency, i Box N-24, Whig Office. newspaper advertisements and street MILLINERY. Street. Fhone 326 A LARGE STOCK OF ARMY BLANK. === posters of the Government party will Euchre i Da r0SsSe IS A ------------------ ets for sale at a reasonable price Ta > FIRST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD; Call at'L. Routbard, 238 Lrincess| remember that, substantially the x a in all conveniences. Apply | 376 bar- or phone 1723. sa wer loy y ¥ + > MRS. Melaul Huy or MAES TO AN. rie or phone 2235w. KURRINAK A. MALDEN 1S PREPAR.| C2 1@ methods were employed by the SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 12th Spon Lurene reat os = Room SALE OF APPLES AT 239 BAGOT ST. ed to accept a limited humber ot| Same party in 1896. The Liberal . i al nes ow FIRST (CLASS RO 8S AND BOARD; on Tuesday and Wednesday, Stn piano pupuis. tudio: 50 rl St i 7 ¥ she wili take oriela dar making, all improvements; centrally locat. and 9th. Call early and get your 1'none 1388. party has given the country abundant 8.00 to 12.00. EUDINNG and remydeling huis ed. Apply 243 University Ave. winter supply. RE RE = proof of the moderation and wisdom Four Prizes. Eight-piece Orchestra. PERSONAL GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN| McLALGHLIN MOADSTER, COST $2. LEGAL with which it treats tariff questions Admission, 75 cents per couple; 30 THE FINEST QUALITY IN ang Bagot Apply D. G. Hay, R 2560; only run 4,000 miies; good ass and there i t th . en ewan K. 1, Kingston. Phoue 1100 r 72. new; quick sale. Falmer, corner| .. INNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. ere is no reason to suppose that . . : PURE OLIVE OIL MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, DIRTH.| -- -------- Bagot and Queen streets. CU IN AN CIT, BARRIST. i aps ain placed in power it will not, | "ts single; 25 cents- extra lady. Mai Ks, shih CAND wes, SCArS, ele, ro- A NIAE RUOMED STONE HOUSE, - 'moved perinaued'ly, Satistactory 146 Montreal St, all hoprovements | GURNEY-OXFORD KITCHEN RANGE Bee INN, aia Cusine fore, frame its economic policy io (Miasses Altes ary turnistsa after Phone 1099 ring 3 Vacaus Apri Fb lendid cooker; hot water front he with due regard to the needs of all Iuihars nave tallen ville removed, 1st. "irst twenty-five dollars takes it. : B.a classes of the Canadian le." - - $6 yudrs experiiate. br. miner Apply 28 Hickson Avenue. AMBRUSE SHEA, Tan BARRISTER people Lane, tye, Lar, 'ose. Throut, skis | SMALL HOUSE FURNISHED OR UN- ning and Brock, over Royal Baak ominion 258 Bagot Street. Phone vi. furnished, on north side of Prin- ACRE FARM, BREWER"S MI 8 Money to loan. Pivine 1999. aia - RR sets St. Apply Box Q-1v or phone situsted purr provincial high sm Sem SERS =] " * % 36J. w watered od buildi - CEE EEE FANCY GOODS. 3 e e! Bood u ings. Ap ARCHITECT ! axl ee ply F. J. Rochefort, Bre wer's Mills X a A BRICK HOUSE, ON BAGOT STREET, or J. A. Rochetord, on premises. © HEMSTIICHING, FICOT EDGING, AC. dewiy decorated, eleciric light. --Ap- - POWER, SON AND ODREVER, ARCH)- EE EE = = =E $ Seordion, Knile 4nd box plealing ply M. P. Trampour, 111% Brock | PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND HYSLC tects, Merchants Bank .ChAMDErs | an aa er a= ' Hours §-to 0.30, Mrs. £. A. Card, Street. Bicycles, also bicycle repairing; corner of Brock and Wellington ervice | 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St, I RRISBED PEDRO: corer baby SATEMSY res but ea wild ht. etd | opposite Artillery Park. FURNISHED BEDROOMS; CENTRAL. You wal Muller's Bicycle orks, ES Tass Be A ly located; all improvements, with 371-373 King street. Phone 1032w SIGNS PHONE 1 16 W. KeNnNI MACNCE 3 ward. Apply to Box 8-10, Whig SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, , DENTAL. Office. SALE OF MILLINERY GOOIS, CON- large or small, Posters, Showcards. Bank of Commerce Building. Brock and sisting of Malines, Veiling. Straw displays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 treats. Ph rm -------------------------------------------- ® / ------ . : Vd King e 701 or 1327) DR, A. &. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND Sisting Sh Mislines veil Glaplays a» spec) 24 H D Se General Insurance Agency : 258 Princess Street. [I'home 652w. merchandise, ciean and dry. Me- v ag N yo tony Stree our ay Tvice Writing: --Automdbile, Fire; Accident, - et Cann Agency, 86 Brock Street 3 3 " SAL Ra " Sickness, Plate Glas a ERAN AN AN AAA AAA AAA A Ar A A APA A Ar AA Arran et Pena "GOD'S CRUCIBLE" ADAPTED FROM THE FAMOUS NOVEL DRS Phone 326. m Street. \ v A NE NG. EY RAI AN ar ARS DEN. CIVIL ENGINEERING Hepresenting Only of Brock. STORAGE FUR FURNITURE, CLEAN.| ciry LOT. #0 FEET FRONTAGE 117] PLANS--SURVEY S--ESTIMATES -- T. p---------- i airy rooms; your own lock fest deep; for cash $225.00 ni 8. Scott, B.A, BSc. Mem. Eng ; . DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 and key. Frosts City Storage, 299. acubator, 140 1 twa . Inst. 12 3 Phone 163J. Princess Street. Phonv 1850. Open en St. Phone 526: res. 939w a at Wats SE, an red se 2 Here you will find a complete dis- EVENT No. 5 b olatment. RR RR Ri Ee pm ------------ | ' k a evenings by appolatmer PART OF COMFORTABLE FURNISH. once. Cawson, 248 Concession St. MEDICAL. - | play of choice Beef, Pérk and Lamb, DR AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS = RE- "ed fad heated and electricity; al- Bear Victoria Street. ! : J8umed practice at 92 Princess St. so large furnished bedroom: rea- C. K. ROBINSON, M.D, 363 BARRIE| vially , 5 » Over Hank of Nova Scotia. Fhone sonable rent. No children prefer. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC. Street, Hours 10 30- 12 am, 2-4 specialy priced for Saturday's 802]. red. Apply evenings. 130 Clarence p.m 8 ad 0 p.m. 'hone 1646 = = : Street. Upstairs. A Piano, small size, $75.00. Emr market, : PIANO TUNING. ' Intercollegiate Series NEW BRICK DWELLING, ALBE uebec Heaters a FINANCIAL, street; seven rooms; electric ligh to . 29 others, $4.00 up Ls, - RUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO furnace . thie: plece bath, good & PIANO mn sia AND REPAIRING -- x ° MRS, H. 5. C iY, ¥ Sy - yard and cellar; immediate possc«- arl work guarantee: Peter Brown, obile and Casually insurance. 420 sion. Rent § includes "weer | A feY Parlor suites 315.00 each. 12 Markland Street. Phone 2397m. 0Ceries on € Vs. rl street. Phone 1782M rates., Apply 278 University As« Sideboards in eax, all priceg streets. STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE| APARTMENTS, ESPECIALLY rFuns.| OC0K dinner Wagon, 35.00, The George Richardson Memorial Stadium Agents; estallisled in 1860; only ished for light housekeeping, mod Oak hall seat. $5.00. 2 tins Standard Quality Corn ..23c. EE aii of] SSRI] See nn h H g SATURDAY, NOVEMBER sent Ullice 95 ence eet, parunents, 212-3 ivision street. v uy all kinds of F i - 12th pro e the pust office. Phone 1434w. 8, uy 3 9) Furniture, Pp . s tins Vegetable Soup .........25¢. ° = LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP M MM 8 lbs. White Beans ...........25¢. 2.80 p.m. Fe Soe MAR AD I3VETS AV ARTMLNT ON CORNER OF PRIN- .D., C. . % urs Leaundrr Bom Pp ment e neorpurate. . eess-Barrie Streets, 4 rooms and Cw. oui BP 4 Law seas utenan A N : re JEN : . dent, Wor Nickie, Ki Vices : bath, ail conveniences; heated, [eal houe 10MGW, vi Princess Street. 883 BARRIE STREET : ry P 35e GRAND STAND 9 am Bc. GENERAL ADMISSION . .B50c. . A "unningham mediate possession; rent reason- 5 J REN ... Pa V. TAX EXTR. oney issued on city and farm able. Apply I Cohen & Co. 275 On-| wit HAVE FOR SALE-ALL KINDS OF ahboulces "be Ibe sn New Seedless Raisins ......80c. Ib. : A roperties, municipal and county tario Sgreet. | Sud SECUlG-BALA lurliture And 's_that wil : | od Nuts 1 Tickets on sale at Uglow"s Book Store. Debentures Row eal bi osits BLUVES, ALY PUIiSUR O8VILE Stoves his office morning 9-10, after- Mix UES ....cevvvenses 25¢c Ib. feceived and interest allowed. iL] AT ONCE, A NEW SEVEN ROOM Sav. apuse uns i noons 1-3, and evenings 7-8 for Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar-, house and barn on North Alfred; al- 3s Frid treed. 1 ence street, Kingston, t 80 on North Alfred streel, a good 34 J 1i0cha ses. Phoue cvvew. consultation. brick house and eight acres of land. E : BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, Apply gone 1083 32 University | xORTHWESTERN FLORA, C041 _ PHONE 19113. ege es hone and steady income for ou -- a 1 investi i Iv . FoR SALE, UNE OF THE BEST GO-| FURNISHED ROOMS, WARM AND at one AR irivus a ANNOUNCING 1 business hotels: vicinity King- comfortable, with hot and cold v : at Mey a, Fa tern hot and. con Brel Sr Soinpares BEATTY PAYS TRIBUTE Cabbage Caulifiower Everything in fiist class order every convenience. Reasonable u ars iree, CANA T™ WwW, + Owner retiring on account of Mi- rates by the week or month. Phone! Kel, Der unnak' Spies Ea To DA IN E AR Carrots A New Chevrolet Model health. Apply Box R-7, Whig. $97J cr apply 406 Johnson street. ee BATLAAN'S REAL ESTATE, Says Dominion's Patriotism Ig| Citron Parsuips ANTHRACITE COAL |lomss storm: wa * 0 van copie ow Ml "The 490 Special" . vonis; Si down twa, ity Wickham | Br 0S. "Combining all the good points of the "490," this model | $6,500---BRICK; 10 /MOOMS; LATESS Toronto, Nov. 11.--In a message will in addition bave Gasoline Tank on rear, Yacuum Feed Sys- BRIQL IE, | i ES | mproveaients; Sentral, from Admral Beatty to Water J. tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain | $1500--FRAML HOUSE; NORTH END: Franses. resident he asmear light, nickle-plated radiator, nickle-plated bumper, spiral bevel- BEST ON THE MARKET i hve rugs; large lui, room fur one | 08 \ . led pinion and gear In rear axle, and cord tires all round This | oS ut two wire hulises, versty of Toront ressing regre! Stove Coal size . . . eves. $14.25 per ton 3 y of Bio, WKpressing regre PHONE 46, car is the sensation at the Toronto Exhibition. The price is even Orders 'that Be could not acebpt an invitation + See al , -- -D) = pooked for 10-deys' "delivery, sample at our office oe Ea ETacuen SAME fo visit Toronto in connection with more sensational --8$895.00. } ° % ., deep iot and good celiar. his present visit to the United States, = James Swift & Co., Limited | i Sars vo +15 Ange HS Ten wa SY | "490 Touring Regular" "490 Roadster Regular" $2600 FOR « o . « 4 : with electric lgats: both well bulls It would have been a : Foot of Johnson St. pA . duty to pay' publicly a humble trib- . $785 $785 0 CEMENT BLOCK ute to the wonderful work of Cana- |B "4390 " ima vert, Midwood hootslgiyyy yehore and. afloat: during the DRS. ROBERT and EDNA Light Delivery will hasale it." Great War, and to testify to the af- ASHCROFT $785 fectionate admiration with which |sarases RANE BUNGALOW; 4 Coun Me Touma; Sud, condition; 3° ples they To ne Da, Do of OSTEOP ATHS All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--Sales Tax Extra A I inst Koad, Just the eons of Canada have added a MRS. S. COHEN, Instructor 10 LET. Bote ree 0 She Nury Me 204 King Street, near Earl BAWDEN & EDWARDS "Hall Phowe ...........357) FRAME DWELLING WEST END; - large lot wad stable Walter Gal Foss. Fran ; Delephone 447. . CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE FRA Hou NORTH E I Growers' Association, was killed near trentment. - : Cee RL. ot. Winona Friday morning when his Satie date ett 89 MONTREAL STREET . PHOXE 400. eee wHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER automobile was strack by & G.T.R. A er train. gre CoRtretor 3 2 ifersity le Fhoce 1