oq ~<RIDAY, NOV. 11, 1920, THE 'DA ILY "BRITISH WHIG. rere CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 11¥82 282 Princess Street > FOR MUVING OF Freight, Furaiture, Safes, Pianos and | Cartage of every description-- - ston Transfer Co. ine no good. Finally I saw Dr. ! Wood's 'Norway, Pine Syrup adver-| 40s Wewnglon SUeet. | tiged; got a bottle, and at once Vivue wee. DAVID SCOTT )/! three years ago [ caught a very bad | ~ | cold accompanied with a sore throat | | NIGHT | coucHs Kingston and Vicinity Dr. Rossiter Locates, sidenca Mrs. Broadway, has been wir it Dr. Rossiter, ts sueop 1% keeps the il tubes in such an med condition that to heal. . George 3 ¢ constant T re of Jungs and bro: irritated and inf they get no c You wiil fin n DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP | a remedy without an equal, for sooth- ling the lungs, loosening the phlegm, Sau {for electricity, and ce ja residence and office. | ------ | The Things That Are Scissors. | You want and forcdfying them against serious pulmonar; disease. 3 | Tell them what you have for them. Mrs. John McKerney, Lower Mon- | tague, P. E. 1, writes:----- "About| Elected Supervisor, Claude. * L, Preston, i | and hoarseness, and was so hoarse N.Y. formerly of Brockville, fon could hardly hear 'me speak. I elected supervisor could get no rest at night with the | Oswo | terrible annoying, hacking cough. | tried several remedies, but they did joy. was it Has Returned Home. "| gave me relief, and after using four | my cough had all gone. Now I al. |Uaderwent a very serious operation ways keep "Dr. Wood's in the house, { ive' weeks ago at the Kingston gen- | | and shall recommend your wonderful | cra! hospital, has returned home ac- | | Washington, D,C., will occupy it ior | ! strengthening the breathing organs! his town Legin to clip out memor-| landa for their shopping excursions. | Heuvelton, | of the town of| gatchie by a plurality of 320 | I!oveér. his opponer:, Nathan T. Love- | Miss Rubie Bowen, Napanee, who | in welcoming Canon rbot Lake. Theres cal items rendered { such as pianofort jos, violin solus, and songs. Rev. ( . Baldwin als spoke a few suitable words. A very { pleasant and profitable evening was | spent, {ed his pleasure j FitzGerald tc were several m your advertisement here | in these columns when the folk of | * Your Winter Holiday Plans. { Are you planning a winter holi- | day in California or some other Pa- cific Coast point, or at one of the well known winter resorts in the | Southern States, Bermuda, Cuba, or the West Indies? Golf, tennis, bath- ing, fishing, etc., await you. If you inténd to visit California you can see the "Rockies at their best' on tha Canadian National - Grand Trunk Railways, and it will be to your advantage to travel at least one way { through Canada. Information re- garding fares, routes, etc, will he | gladly given on application to J. P. Hanley, C.P. and LN, G. T.R,, King- ston, Ont. evening. After a splendid supper pro- vided by the Ladies' Aid, there was a programme of music and address- | McAuley's orchestra played Mroughout the evening. J. S. John- | stone, the president, acted as chair-| man and introduced the speakers. | Prof. J. F. McFayden gave an ad-| dress on India, and Prof. John Wad- | del' gave a most interesting talk. | Solos were rendered by Dr. H. An-} grove and Mr. Saunders. A vote of | thanks-was tendered to the speakers | aad all who contributed to the enjoy- | ment of the evening, including the | Ladies' Aid on a motion of Rev. Tay- | lur Dale seconded by H. C. Newman. A short business meeting and the meeting closed with the sing- irg of the national anthem. aa, Food Prices Decreased, YVashing.on, Nov. 11.--Retail food prices decreased between September 15th and October 15th in nine of the eleven principal United States cities | from which reports were received, | THE OLD SKATING RINK is a thing of the past, but you can have a good, big souvenir of it in the shape of' Lumber by building a House or Barn for your future use. We have it, and it's cheap. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. \ When Dining Out TRY KINGSTON'S LEAD- ING RESTAURANT Our service is excellent. Plumber Piamblag and Gs« Work a special. ty. All work gusranteed. Addregy DRAW. WINNETT Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Btreets Phone 363 | remedy to others." Price 35¢. and 60c. a bottle at all dealers. Put up only by The T. Mil- burn Ce., Limited, Toronto, Ont. --------. UILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. RHEUMATIC ACHES QUICKLY RELIEVED HE racking, agonizing rheumatic ache is quickly relieved by an ap- a ; ? . plication of Sloan's Liniment. ove S e airs Der forty Fars folks all over the ld have found Sloan's to be the Seales, Talking Machimes. Bleyeles, | Ratural enemy of pains and aches. Raby Carriages, Lawn Mewers, ete. We It penetrates without rubbing. do repair work right sand guarantee You can just tell by its healthy, tafaction. : : es WELLINGTON STRENRT stimulating odor that it is going to do you good, Keep Sloan's handy for neuralgia, ee saave back, id Joints, sord People's Florist At all druggists--35c, 70c, $1.40. 177 Wellington street, $1 ade in Canada. 9 Fresh flowers and plants daily | hPa Liniment Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. [Phone 1763. Res, 1137. Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 250. oo EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. A Reminder This Company rejected over 700 applicants last year for no less than two million dollars of insurance because they waited too long. This Company would have been only too glad to issue this insurance had these appli- cants been medically fit. The lesson is apply for insurance when you can get it. S. Roughton District Manager The Mutual Life of Canada 00 Brock Street KINGSTON Phone €10. W. R McRae & Co. ER, COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. 'No other kind sold by uy BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard ~~ Phono 138 ) Phone 1670. | companied by her nurse, Miss Olive Todd i -- Kicked By a Horse, | Ceeil King, Moscow North, met | with a bad accident on Thursday last. | While taking his team out to work, | one of the horses wheeled and kick- ed him, breaking his leg. He is doing | nicely under Dr. Oldham's care, | | Dance at Grant Hall. A Tea Dance will be held in Grant Hall on Saturday, November 12th, from five to seven, in honor of the Queen's and McGill Senior Rugby Teams under the auspices of the L. A. A, Admission: single, 40c; double, 75e. A Store Will Grow. To the stature of its owner's big- gest ideas--no more. Every store in { this town is growing up to its owner's | ideas. The natural merchant is a | big advertiser. He has big ideas for | his store. His ads are growing--he's growing--and his store is growing. Reports Good Luck. George Nobes has returned from a successful hunting trip to the Mata- watchan, where he was one of the first to secure a deer this season. It netted him 175 pounds of clear ven- ison, He reports hunters and deer very plentiful and the shooting good. Made Huge Catch. Fishing in the Trenton sectioa of tue Bay of Quinte has been remark- ernment men are there now with pond nets. One of these large nets was hauled on Tuesday, and the weight of the catch exceeded six tons, mostly trout and white fish. Adding To Its Strength, At the regular monthly meeting ot the Cape Vincent Improvement lea- gue held at Mrs. C. L. Sacket's howe, ported enrolled. The meeting was | rather of a social natu.e, and a wel- |come to the new members. | i ------ Diphtheria Halted at T.I. Park | Miss Margar.. Brown, health 'nurse, devoted two days to cultare | sand' Island Park, | check the outbreak of diphtheria, | which has appeared-there. It is be- | lieved that no further cases will re- | sult, Sale of Underwear, Stanfield's Heavy Ribbed Shirts aad Drawers, sizes 36 to 44, regular $3.50 for $2.50 a suit. Penman's Boys' fleeced Shirts and Drawers, regular $1.50 for $1.25 a suit, also Penman's fleeced lined, regular $2.00 for $1.80 a suit. Prevost. Brock treet. Scott-Imerson Wedding. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Methodist parsonage, Lyn, on Ost. 27th, with Rev. George Mossop officiating, when Rachael Irene Imer- |son, youngest daughter of C. J. ITmerson, Lyn, was united in matri- -- .. FOR SALE { Double stone dwelling. three ! storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. | Good barn. Rents for $44 per : wonth. Price $4,500. W. H. GOOWIN & SON Real Lsiate and Insurance 89 Broo!: Street. Phone 424, DID YOU EVER TRY | Wagstaf's Glager Alarmalade, | Wusaau'y Fineappie Marmuinde, : Wugstal's Bramble Jelly. We aise bave a full ume of other reliubiv wakes of Marma- aves, Jun wud Jeikes tur sale wii Bon Marche Cor. King and Earl Stree License 5-27149 it. a PATTON'S | s+ DYE WORKS (Late*Nontgomery's) MEN! YOU CAN SAVE MONEY HERE-- By getting Winter Overcoat or Suit from us. Winter Overcoate, choice so. lection, prices $18.00, $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00. Men's Suits, latest styles, all shades, prices to suit all, $15.00, $18.00, $25.00 up to $40.00. 1.ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET your ------ Extensive deposits of gypsum have been discovered in two locations in Ireland and a plaster of Paris factory will 'be established. A portable sanding machine in- vented by a Texas man can be oper- ated from a light socket and used on curved as well as flay surfaces. "Ot Swiss invention is a concrete mixer iu which the cement is sprayed by air over a wet mixture of sand and stone while it is in motion. Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning » Specialty ,« Phose Rid 349 Princess Su mony to Samuel Scott, youngest soa of Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott, Athens. Divide Up Province, Hon. W, E. Raney stated that the { provines had been divided into eight | divisions under the provincial police under the organization scheme that is now before the premier for his sanction. © An inspector will be ap- | pointed to cover each new district, while two others will be selected for i travelling duty. «+ Injured in Motor Crash. George Mayhee, Belleville, wae on Tnesday night severely injure®, when the vehicle in which he was riding was struck by a commercial motor ca~, driven by Samuel Colden. Mr. Maybee was thrown violently to the ground, breaking his shoulder blade | 20d injuring some ribs. He wis also | severely Bruisd about the body. Visited the Patients. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown, Mos- euw, spent Sunday at the General hospital, Kingston, with thei- daugh- rer, Frances, who underwent an op- sration for appendicitis. At time of writing she is improving. i Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Degroft, Moscow, spent Sunday at the Gener- a! hospital, Kingston, with their granddaughter, Mrs. Degroff remain- irg a few days with her. Sharbot Lake News. On Monday, Nov. 7th, Canon Fit. Gerald, Kingston, visited Sharbot Lake and delivered his most inter esting and humorous lecture, "Irish Wit and Humor," before an apprec,~ ative and attentive audience. Rev. J. E. Caairell presided and express- ably good this season, and the gov-| over seventy new members were re- | work of the nose and throat at Thou- | in an efforte ts | the Department of Labor announces. | Among the cities reporting decreases | The regular monthly meeting of | were: Detroit, two per cent., and Cooke's church Men's Club was held, Minneapolis, a decrease of four- in the church hall on Wednesday |tenths of one per cent, Cooke's Men's Club, a . : "n Harry Tate and his famous motor in 'Hullo, Canada ! Albert deCourville"s big London revue, which comes to the Grand for matinee and evening performances Saturday, Nov. PETER LE E, PROP, 222 Princess Street Open from S a.m. to = a.m. Our cuisine unsurpassed, Prices reasonable, GRAND CAFE Two Doors Above Opera House Phone 1843. A FEW A. NEAL, Manager 284 TIRES AT COST 4,000 miles guaranteed, 30x8 14 --while they last .,.. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RY BIER co. On tario Street. $14.93 Phone 2050. bomen, mn, mr Ann, 12th. ED -- SOWARDS KEEPS COAL ~and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PUTRI Li lop CIGAR STORK PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY 1535. E. LUCKIN VETERAN'S MEAT MARKET Corner Princess and Clergy Sts. Choice Western Beef| Farm Fed Poile Roasts, oven ...12¢. Legs ..... 'es .22c¢. Roasts, pot . ... . 10. Shoulders .. .. 15c. Chops .. .....25¢, Hamburg Steak 10c. Sausage, Cam- Beef Dripping ..10c.| bridge . . ....20c. 1,000 Ibs. Finest SMOKED BACON-- Breakfast, sliced by machine ....34c. Breakfast, by the piece ...... Wiltshire, 2 to 4 1b. cuts . Windsor, boneless, sliced Windsor, by the piece . . . 1,000 lbs. BLACK TEA ..... 500 Ibs. SALADA TEA >... PORK and BEANS .........5 for 24c¢. LAUNDRY SOAP ........10 bars 59. SARDINES . ...... JAMS, 4 Ib. tins . . . ee i} LARD--(3 Ib. pails) SHORTENING, 3 Ib. pails - FRESH EGGS, dozen ... CHEESE . ...... POTATOES, peck . ..... L530, CORN FLAKES .3 for 28c. GRAPE NUTS ...... seis Xle SHREDDED WHEAT Lovie CAMPBELL"S SOUPS ii 18s CARNATION MILK ........... 17. 1,000 Ibs" CREAMERY BUTTER 42 Ib. Why Pay More? "aan . ' PHONE 153 WINTER OVERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $35.00, $28.00 $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Saturday WARM UNDERWEAR For Men, Women and Children All the best makes in Combina- tions and Separate garments -- heavy Cotton, Fleece-lined, Union and all pure Wool in different weights. All the popular styles-- no sleeves, short sleeves, long sleeves--at the new low prices. 'W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. Deserts Her Bebe, Ottawa, Nov. 11.--~The second case of child-desertion withi= four days was reported to the local police by he nuns of St. Patrick's Home, who had discovered a three-weeks-old baby boy at the back door, The mother of the child, who was arrest- ed shortly after, told a story of be trayal and hardship,