T HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1921, Spanking. There are a few things tha" I know corsideratle abou:, and there are many things that I knew little about, but my ignorance concerning the art of raising children is so complete and all-embracing as to be almost sub- lime, When I was a small boy it was the fashion to whip children before and after meals; and when I strayed from paths of righteousness I made the intimate acquaintance of trouble. My trouble was more distressing than Job's. Job sat in ashes, and I couldn't sit anywhere at all for a time. Having been raised in the faith 'that a switch in time saves nine, it 'was inevitable that I should put my faith in switches when I got a child of my own, She isn't really my own. I adopted her. She was a wee bit of a crea- ture, just learning to walk; and she didn't know how to laugh. But much bitterness had been crowded into her short life, and she knew how to fight and be sullen and yell blue murd- er, I courted her, and stuffed her with rich' milk until her ribs were no longer visible and then, when she was flatly disobedient, I spanked her, The spanking taught her to obey . exalted existence, and I scented a Story. When he had gone his way, Uncle Gus took two quick shots at a cuspidor, batted a thousand, and set- tled into his split-bottom chair. "Who was the important citizen?" I asked, ] "Trash," said he; 'po' white trash with a bunch o' money. Back befo' you was born, the' was three classes | 0' floks in this country. They was | quality folks, an" po' white trash, | afd' niggers. The war come along, | an' a lot o' the quality folks was killed off, they bein' the first ones In. After the war, ever'body was po' as dirt fo' a long time an' the two { kinds o' folks mixed up a right | smart; an' now you can't hardly | Language was invented in order that men might have somd means 'of | expressing their opinion of taxes. You will note that "opinion" is sing- uar. There is only one opinion con- cerning taxes. Jt can be expressed in two words: "Darn Taxes." Taxes and war are the beginning and the ending of a vicious circle, War makes taxes; taxes makes men mad enough to, fight; fight makes more taxes, And here, oddly enough, is the one hope of a lasting peace. In the old days, when hootch was cheap, every man drenk or let it alone according to the dictates of his own consci- ence. Now conscience has an able | ally in the person of price. No man can really enjoy wickedness that costs him sixteen hours of hard labor to the quart. So with war. It is easy to invent a sophism to prove that "Thou shalt not kill" doesn't mean what it says; but when government says, "thou shalt pay taxes," sophisme fail to relieve the resulting gloom. A con- science that doesn't function in the presence of the Ten Commandments is aroused to immediate action by a ten per cent levy on the pay envel- ope. GLAD HE TRIED THE | TONIC TREATMENT Its Use i Vigor Was Restored. | To be tired after exertion is natu- ral. Rest and food restore the body {to normal after such fatigue. But {to be tired all the time is a symptom {of an anaemic condition that will [not be cofrected until the blood is | built up. Such an anaemic condition is so | gradual in {ts approach and general- {ly so lacking in acute pains that it {1s often difficult to persuade the suf- {terer to do anything for it. But it |1s not a condition that corrects it- {self. If the blood is mot enriched the trouble will increase. The nerves will be undernourished and neuralgic pains will follow. Diges- [tive disturbances often result from i thin bloed, sleep is disturbed and a {general breakdown may occur. | Mr. Wilson Johnson, Nineveh, N. |S., says: "A few years ago my sys- {tem was in a badly run-dowa con- dition, My nerves seemed always on |edge, and I found myself so weak {that I could hardly do any work. I {suffered from headaches and from {pains in the back and under {shoulders, and was often so sleep- |less at night that when morning (came I felt as tired as when I went {to bed. I was taking medicine all |the time, but it was doing me no [good. Then I read the testimonial |of a man whose condition had been |similar to mine, and who strongly {recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "I decided to give this medi- Through Strength and the | | | & movie picture. Pray what is there | that no women knows? | People who are in want just now | do not read with any good feeling ! the reports of sumptuous banquets {and suppers. i --- |. Judging by the number of new 'doctors settling here, Kingston must | be looked upon as a sickly place. | However, competition is good in all ! trades and professions. There is one Kingston old boy Who has done the "come back" trick and that is our friend "Alfie" Pierce, That bear of "Billy" Hughes isn't in it with "Alfie" as a lucky mascot. It is announced that Kingston will {have a tax rate of about forty mills {next year. Who dares to say that things about Kingston are not grow- ing? On top of this comes a scare story {from the local Orange orators that | there is @ gunpowder plot to blow up | the Ontario schools. Lawyer Charles will have to make an enquiry into j nis story, and see if it is only a fairy tale, . A front door is not complete with- out a letter box, even if it does admit the cold air in winter. Neither is a *No Woman Knows" is the title ot | an LORD LEE OF oa RY a FAREHAM, without questioning, and I clung-to the faith of my fathers, when I had found a | Hus one day | folks is kind to niggers while the |cine a fair trial, and when I had tak-| front door an up-to-date tront door {en six boxes I felt much better, I|without a street number above it. [continued taking the pills until I had | a [taken six more boxes, and I can only | If there are eny more unnamed {say ¥ am glad I did so, as I am now | streets in Kingston, Campbell aven- tell one from t'other, "cept by the' | There are three kinds of taxes: manners an' the fact that quality | Direct taxes, indirect taxes, and tiny switch and purposed giving her | {dodged taxes. Direct taxes are very a Yar in theory that might is [other kind wants to lynch the nig- | painful, and are passed on to the ul- First lord of the British admiralty, and Lady Lee, arriv< ing in the United States on their way to Washington. PERMANENT INSCRIPTION. FOUND DEAD IN CABIN, right, she lifter her white face and |&ers in the hope o' provin' the'-selv- | {imate consumer; indirect taxes are and looked at me in silence, her blue eyes wide with pleading, and-- well, there hasn't been any more switching, She is an obedient kid with an in- | fectious laugh, and is rapidly learn- | ing that nine times seven isn't fifty- four. Yesterday she made her doll some | teddies, She doesn't need spanking any more, Or it may be that my great love for hér blinds my eyes to her faults. I still believe there is value in spanking. But how in thunder can you do it after you learn to love 'em ? Uncle Gus, I sat on the counter, with my feet on an empty pickle keg, and kept my eyes on the floor while a fussy little man gave this order to Uncle Gus. The little man was very erect and impudent and arrogant, and the tone of his voice indicated that he felt superior to his surroundings. But his grammar bore some trace of a less Aunt Het "The two most disgustin' things I knows of is to see a woman spit an' to see a man with powder on his nose." Advice For Back-ache When stooping hurts, when lifting and bending causes distress that's the time to rub in lots of 'Nervi- line." Usually a couple of applica- tions brings grateful relief. No lini- ment more soothing, more certain to kill muscular, rheumatic, or sciatic pains, Thousands of homes rely on &0od Old Nerviline for cramps, colle, dysehtry, and external muscular Pains. Large 35 cent bottles for sale everywhere, . NIN Your secretary won't really "like" shhopping for you although she can't very easity get out of it. Why nut read the ads and know what is offer- ed yourself---then, why not a shop- Ing go. It is good recreation. | Superior dce Cream Parlor --For something superior in Ice Cream, visit our modern parlor and you will be pleas- ed with the excellent quality of our goods. --HOME-MADE CANDIES of all kinds a specialty. Come and bring your friends 204 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 648. | |es superior bein's. { "That there shrunk-up boll weey- {il was what was in here is trash. I | knowed his family when nary one {of 'em knowed A from bull foot. The ! boys went around in the' ghirt tails | luntil they was half-growed, an' the | | girls used snuff an' cussed a streak. | | "This here one never went to | i school none, but he's purty sharp an' | | he got rich while the doughboys was | {in France. I reckon maybe he's | {wo'th fo'ty thousand dollars. An' he | {puts on mo' airs than a bo' pig at |a fair. Nothin' ain't good enough | for *im. An' he tries to see how hate- | | ful an' sassy he can be, so's to show folks how important he is. "I've knowed lots of folks like that. It seems life if you take a man' what ain't ever had nothin' an' give him a heap, mos' always gits the notion he is a superior kin' o' fel- ler. But he's afraid other folks won't notice it, an' so he acts biggity and sco'nful, "Us folks got to feelin' sorry fo' a one-legged men-what was blind in one eye one time, an' we elected 'im county clerk just to show we was kind hearted. An' when he got in of- fice, danged if he didn't git so cal- lin' us the common people an' git so biggity he wouldn't hardly speak to folks, "I reckon the' ain't no way of abolishin' human nature, but it giv- es me a pain once in a while, Deacon Hardtop. Deacon Hardtop says a preacher | doesn't possess the Spirit unless he is meek. Meekness consists in showing a profound respect for the Deac- on, PAID DEARLY FOR ESCAPE Eight Years for Jail Breaking and Assault, Guelph, Nov, 12--Samuel McArdle and Joseph Hobson, the two men who, with an&ther, got away from the county jail on Thanksgiving day, but were recaptured before they got far, were brought before the police magistrate on three charges, assaul- ting Jailer McNab, assaulting Turn- key Everson and for escaping from jail They pleaded guilty to -the latter charge, but denied that it was they' who had committed the assaults, The magistrate found them guilty on all counts, however, and gave each of designed to be slipped over on the consumer when he isn't looking; ana dodged taxes cause great consterna- tion among law makers and inspire them to think up something else to tay. It is frequently said that any pri- vate business would go broke in a This is a mistake. Any private busi- ness would flourish in spite of waste and bad management if privileged | to soak the stockholders to make up the annual deficit, The business would flourish, but the stockholders might get a little peeved after a few years. -- Willie Willis Little Willie WiNfs "heard this week that warts will leave if you spit on a mule's hind leg. The doc- tor says it is only a plain fracture and wil heal in two weeks. (Copyright, 1921, by Robert Quil- ler. and Associated Editors.) nh them three years on each of the as- sault charges and two years for es- caping, or eight years in all in Portsmouth penitentiary. This is on top of two years they were given a week ago for escaping from the re- formatory, to serve which term they were in the county jail when they broke out. Bedard has not been heard of since his escape. AT G. T. R. INNER STATION. Houswives Will Be Interested in Ex- hibit Train on Monday. In order that the people of Canada may be informed of the exteat of their own road--the Canadian Nat- great amount of equipment required service and other interesting facts about railway travel, officials have prepared a most interesting and in- formative souvenir booklet which will be given to every visitor at the exhibit train. This train which was built in Can- ada by 'Canadian labor is a veritable travelling hotel and the pulfic are entirely welcome to go through the express car, cplonist car, tourist car, day coach, standard sleeping coach, and dining car. often wondered just what the differ- ence was between the standard and tourist sleeping car other than the cost and now they can see for them- selves. The ladies Will be particular- lently equipped kitchen in the din- ing car and attendants will be glad to answer any questions regarding the train, its equipment and travel fn general. The train will be at the G.T.R. inner station, and will be open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. a EE ------------------ Too Lively for Robbers. : { Bryan, N.Y., Nov. 12.--W. J. Car ri a grocer, whose eighty years ot life in this little city had been more or less peaceful, was confronted by two bandits and instead of raising his hands, raised his fis's. The resist ance discharged the spokesman's re- volver and sent a bullet crashing into the leg of his accomplice and Vane Bowersox, twenty-five, and his wound. brother, eighteen, both of Elkhart, Ind., are locked up on the charge of ct'empted robbery, : © The best.stores always advertise. Don't fail to read what they have tg say, ional-Grand Trunk Railways-- the! to keep up a daily transcontinental! Many people have |: ly interested in the compact excel- : lenjoying the best of health, and I {advise all men who feel run down fe give these pills a good trial." { Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- |tained from any dealer in medicine, |or by mail at 50 cents a box or six {boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- {llams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -- Washington, Nov. 12.--Greater Protection for the Amffrican Len against for€ign competitors than | chat carried on in the Fordney tar- [iff bill was sought. yesterday by spokesmen who appeared before the senate finance committee to ask an import tax of eight cents a dozen on her product in the shell. The bill tax- es such imports six cents a dozen. Tt Works Wonders, On Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Weak Throat When your throat: rattles, your lungs and chest are sore, your throat is stuffed with cold----don't fear con- suniption--use Catarrhozone and get well. It clears the throat, stops hacking, relieves tight chest and soreness in the bronchial tubes. To clear away Catarrh of the nose noth- ing could be better. Catarrhozone is Nature's own remedy--it heals and soothes--removes every form of throat, lung and bronchial © trouble. | Prescribed by many specialists and used by thousands every day. Get the dollar outfit; it lasts two months. Small' size, 50c.; trial size 25c.; at all dealers or the Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. Plead for American Hen. | x Y | WA A S GIVEN has FREE. startle FREE P ' v SUIT OR OVERCOAT An Extra Pair of Pants Opening Day. Please do not misunderstand this offer. your measure for $24.00, and Trousers, absolutely fice our own profits, but we hopeto sec We consider this the most remar been made in Canada this Fall. | other offer you ever had, because price, $24.00, and e knew it would be nec fotriet House is sold at Included in the selected and are valued up tc $50.00. We guarantee to fit and put us to ue and Ross avenue would sound well, The good ladies of the W. C. T. U. | should be told that prohibition is not lan issue in the federal election, and that if it was there might be a dif- ferent story to tell next month, | Let the wedding writers come out | with the straight truth and not say | that the couple were "quietly" mar- ried, but were "stealthily" joined in matrimony, Why all this talk about Mackenzie King not going to war. Why, when his old grand-dad, William Lyon Mackenzie, went to war, the govern- ment ordered that he be arrested and he had to fly from the country, So it is no wonder that Mackenzie King kept out of war, Perhaps Canada's new parliament will have the courage to permanent- ly fix- Nover.ber 11th as Thanksgiv- ing day. Why so much monkeying with the matter? The peoplg~want Armistice day as the annualjday of Thanksgiving, so let them have it. Preacher W. T. G. Brown of Ot- tawa would strike the word "obey" from the marriage service. The Lampman would go further and strike out also "love and honor," and put in their place the little phrase "try and be good." --THE TOWN WATCHMAN On the Stone at Grave of Britain's Unknown Warrior. London, Nov. 12.--The permanent inscription on the new stone erected at the grave of Great Britain's un- known warrior in Westminster Ab- bey was revealed yesterday. It is in part as follows: "Beneath this stone rests the body of a British warrior {unknown by name or rank, brought from France to lie among the illus- trious of the land, and buried here on Armistice day, November 11th, 1920, in the presence of his majesty King George V, his ministers of state, the. chief of his forces, and a vast concourse of the nation. They buried him among kings because he had done good toward his house.' a For Constipated The nicest cathartic-laxative in the world to physic your liver and howels when you have Dizzy Meadache, Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid Stomach is candy-like '"'Cascarets." One or two to-night will empty your bowels completely by TAILOR 291 PRINCESS STREET Has secured the Agency for the ARROW TAILORS Leading Made-to-Measure Tailors, and will have their Grand Opening --O0N-- MONDAY and TUESDAY, NOV. 14th & 15th 24.00 We Guarantee to fit and satisfy. a FREE PANTS! the test. "ARROW FREE PANTS Will Be Given Free Only One Suit to Each Custome without charge. va with it you receive a pair In making this offer we sacri- ure your further business. kable Men's Clothing offer that t means much more than any every piece of suit material in the extra trcusers are given away essary to do something that would materials there are Best English makes, and satisfy. 'Come Monday or 'Tuesday, TAILORS Represented in Kingston by J. B. KING, Tailor, 291 Princess Street GIVEN AWAY MADE- TO- . MEASURE * FREE PANTS! With Suit Ordered on Our . None Sold to Dealers You get a Suit made to Master of Canadian Steamships Ves sel Now in Port. Montreal, Nov, 12. --Capt. Wik liam Mudd, master of the steamer Wisley, of the Canada Steamship Lines, was found dead in his cabin when called by the ship's!steward at 7.30 a.m., Thursday, Captain Mudd had been suffering from heart trouble for the last two years, but had appeared rather better than usual when his ship arrived in port last Tuesday from Newcastle. He was well known in this port. A cable was despatched to Capt. Mudd's widow fn England asking instrucs tions regarding burial, If might doesn't mako right, ii seldom gets left. always CASCARETS I0* Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver morning, and you will feel splendid "They work while you sleep." Casca rets never stir you up or gripe lik: Salts, Pills, Caloniel, or Oit and the; cost only ten cents a box. Childre: love Cascarets too. ~ EREE PANTS GIVEN AWAY J. B. KING, 5 of extra - ~ - > we! ~ i H