Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1921, p. 18

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1921, ET ee -------- eer -- -- CE ---- = R_ | Kingston Curling RAN D-TO-NIGHT ALBERT DeCOUR VILLE PRESENTS THE PEOPLE'S FOR UM | =| ity ff OF "HULLG CANADA" 'n's Cafeteria, i p i « ras NOY rastead of Nini, on and Beauty Chorus of London Gaiety Girls P. D. LYMAN, | PRICES Sec.-Treas. | - NSED ADVERTISING RATES : WANTED GENERAL FOR SALE EE -- | . Snsertion, Jc a word. Each con- | | nr r eke TS el C 1 to hereatt BA eee ttn mae te 3 DY'S BLACK PLUSH COAT. AP- i {ce Bo we Biostar. for, WANTED 70 PURCHASE : FOUND LADY'S DLAUR FLUSH Cos . AUCTION SALE ; ] > Wed ¥, Nev. 16th, 213 Froateaac | s oy . } . 5 hie rawers. y . ¢ : i oars, £3% tute agrtonnl Brock sree or "phon ios. A aL uy, OX ru. MALE ANU FEMALE BIRDS. APPLY | Street, 1 p.m. | Ch, above Xates are I rash only woo REFALIUNG -- Dow Spots sane at 252 Raglan Road. | 4:1 Barrie ur phone dbizd. | _ Carpets, rugs, linoleum, oilcloth, bed-| BARGAIN MATINEE AND NIGHT Siafsed they Ale goubla, War root: Does it need repairing PAIR GLOVES, SATURDAY, AT ONE BRASS ANTIQUE PIANO LA b s oS Sole a ad rather "See Jiggs Lose Maggie on, Wall Street" : : ¥ We use Argus Roof-proof Lrop a Union street car junction Wilh shade. Apply Box U ---- | others, screens, pictures, oi] heater; The fun show of the world--all new this year - HELP WANTED, ___ tard to I Coventry, 5 Barrack St Owner may have same by TH ne ls, glass crockery ang chimaware, | a Earl ELC LE ETE EL ee t: i "BRINGING UP FATHER NT ELE IN KITCH- a ' ; WOMAN TO HELL | x) { AGENTS WANTED A NON-SKID cua vom Auto | cor. Bagot and Queei. | chest jth drawers gas range, ! IN WwW STREET" « | tire, outside o o r.'s re -- . : rs utensils, and other articles Al I . le FOR GENEL AL HOUSEWORK. | PURITY "WASHING TABLETS NEw Building. Inquire of ©. J COMFORTABLE, DRIVING U7 : BEDFORD, Auctioneer. i ly evemngs' Mrs. Wi O Clark, | discovery; sells 23c. package. Quick liickey, engineer, Queen's f in good condition.' Apply J. Phone 1721. . Coliing wood Street. | Seller. Positive repeater. 2sc. cur- University, Mun, 161 £ Funtende surest. | - i PRICES: Evening 23-30-75-31.00. Matinee . 30. Kiddies . .28e. - i tain rod free to nougewives wi , d rie reivg mre | ain 0 ves a Cs, oa. uy PPI S S SLIT AND IK, GENERAL. REFERENCES Rb. every sale. 200% profit. Exclus AT 118 UNIVERSITY AVENUE A GENTLEMAN'S _DRESS Arply 313) 2 i : fla} territory. Free samples. B. & L after Miss Michardson's werd- Tuxedo coat. bizg Bb ERY | 1 Eire Lpiy Mis. Hedging. 5 i Mfg. Co. London, Canada ding, May 17th, a lady's University Avenue or phone i2lem : 4 - eee - bea fur neck- ce. Owner = Ts | . = en aL Deck-pidos. Own FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CIT) | Xi eis ZR wa #IN-| MEN AND WOMEN NOT TO CANVASS, may have same at above a.d- 3 she- ) Fide Lalor Yo Cum pon: | Fesopiat yes) and appoint oom rep- dress by proving property. a ana, alg In BusAuiShe Kingston Poor Relfef Association v IWayY resentalives, 521 a week and ex- wal, ohn Craig, en. 3 ' > F. Bt) Write Kaliway, care Hritish belises guaranteed, with 800d | A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKING Kingston, unt. in the ' | chance to make $60 a week ana ex- Pipe. Uwner may have same - - . . i City Council Chamber, at 3 -. G HOUSEKEEPER WANTED | penses. Stute age and -quaiifica- by calling at 125 Unjon Street A G MAN'S . Coon : « 9a = -- : ci ». MON., TUES, WED. or small hotel near Kingston: must tions. Experience unnecessary West. Supe Fy : quant ; 2lso Wes rv TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th . " : De t Gar 18s. piy i" i od cook and have city reter- | Also Inexperienced organizers or A BICYCLE, LAST WEEK. OWN- dinunte id {| Mayer Nickie will preside, | wali The public cordially invited to at- BETTY nd. § Apply Box 1-20, Whig. Crew managers wanted. Winston | = applying to J. J. Baker, of os BUYS GOOD OVERLAND TOUR. | 0 l | i, ; * -- EE IE SA i Co, Dept. G., Toronto. er may claim property by RED SALESMAN FOR CITY, TO Queen's University. 1g car, electric starier and ligats Sn busiiiess men, must be she 1 ? CHIROPRACTIC. A snap for quick sale. Palmer, cor. Bagot and Queen. | rs om Ar cin -- | . OATS, SEED OR FEED: 0.A.C. 72 CROP | P IA. N b it LT C M ear es I 9 *Wellile * [@8tic, honest, and have selling abii-| FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- iY; reference required. Appiy Box TISKD FREE. 11, Whig Ofice | wa, a NAktuLla, Dc, a. C., Cor. | Anyone Luding anylhing and A -------------------------- ner Princess an arrie Streets. 2nd | : 4 9 s Lushe t. MM SALESMEN FOR XMAS. RU SH; | oor, Hurtle 8c. entrunce, Kingston a Irate velar, Wa Yn vay ons ans Roar m o d a arance; hon- Unt. Consultation free. Telephone T lr yer fur ith P 1-3 : onl jEce rr ht money 22d Hote y to 2 a.ro. HS ephutie | Zhe Sridsn WARIS aie, udver Portsmouth. Phoue 1108 R 1-3. Or ist and Leader of Queen St. Cholr in p ena he right men sc?) DR, GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A. Gulu ive of caurge. | CEN LE Shaul AD " EY | T h : Si : d Pi | : "AT THE | >t . 3 " elions; yu own ov ys Yq ONY AT BONE. 353 oN be fupratt a ponies and | "Found articles does not ia- Seris §/ casa, §5 per munis, LC, i eac er m mging an 1ane | 4 . 9 our re ! betv Princess and Brock. Tele. hide lust dugs cattle, juries, Lindsay. Lamiied. 121 Princess S Studio: 24 Division Street. Phone 11674 | * ?y BRIG Weekly for your spa ] d Br ele. Tnese, if lost, may be ag | ! ing show cards for us. No can-| . "iw. Hours 9 to 12 d.m., 1 to | Vertised tor In the Lost" column, $275 BUYS CHEVROLET TOURING | rr O00 LO : v : | - > eing. We instruc: and supply « WY pm. Spina] analysis r; overhauled; new Lires. clectric 3 With work. West-Angus show and consultation free. Residentia} | car) theh] alms > d Service, 17 Colborne Bld, To- calls by appointment, . . | State; aid lights. A snaj a A Paramount Picture . reonto. | A AER reese emt - | we A Tale of Love and Life in the TO wrT. [50 ACRE FARM, W1 | "Paris of the Bats ak ES araatry, RELY Ee ---------------- - a . po | stock and mpi e > SANT A RELIABLE SALES, MEDIUM-SIZED FURNISHED HOUSE | BLACK POCKET BOOK, CONTAININ | from city on ic i | ont Beery. [pebreatuted coun. io let; good locality. Phone sZiw.-| sum of ouney. Nuide dngide, aud ply Mrs. Snook, th Koad, P. ---- Ds cout k LARRY. SEMON Reneniac os Our agunes a vail: LARG STONE HOUSE, 63 RIDEAU | tlh to' WIE Office. Newbee iv | OxE 1. un. SevSiRTICAL GASOLINE WARWICK BROS, in oronto. io. "liam Nurgery Co, deny tread to Mrs. Bajus, "47 Hl rwo ee THE MAN WHO Wis ouling. etc; i Buvd run ng or | "THE BAKERY" . h - { seen taking them will Kindly r Apply F. J. Salisbury, ; A Feast of Comicality AY / FOR FALL AND WinTER | turn same (0 40u Division sirvet, or Sixth Street. | T WAGES FOR HOME WORK storage. McCany Agency, 86 Brock | 33% Princess and avoid trouble, ! { i a Jat, easily ios, make sucks on the| Street. Phone Phohe $26. © | SMALL MHOWN PURSE, CONTAINING | ONE 10 HP. UPRIGHT STEAM BOIL- bs THIS EVENING f= nL C - . ,l . ai wo | " - yr 4 ER puric oy learned Auto Knitter; FIRST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD, | gum of money, on Earl. Ciergy or | er and one Sprig wasgon, | . " . ° "SHAMS OF SOCIETY" Xperience unnecessary; distance Foiy aye a pr . av 2 y order Mill ve soi Teas in all conveniences, Appl 376 Bar- Princess streeds, Friday atteruo 8uod order vill ve sold , ihe ALL-STAR CAST ai] : 2. . N . uglL g | application by letter to Box K- 4 oF steady employment selling | GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEKN) ____lUELUR, ur phone 1ivew a oy NE - NT Rey ane eampicte Aub exclusive lines | alu Uagot Apply D. G. Ray, ee W aig SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 12th a ! | Ee Whole-root fresn-dug-to-order | ti. Kiugston. Fhoue 1100 r 73, | FOUND. - ; | -- SEVEN - ROOMED HOUSE, with! 8.00 to 12.00 €8 and plants. Hest stock anu | ---- ba re oh g A MAE ROOMED STONE HOUSE. | 1 ¥ » | ; shoy ac o- | : 2 Fvice. We teach and €quip you 'RAY ED ONTO) THE PREMISES OF wood-working shop attached; 19° | Four Prizes. Eight-piece Orchestra. V. Ploulte, $9 Queen Street, & cated lu prosperous vilage near ®. A money-making opportun- 146 Montreal St.{ all unprovements | 84d spot on nose. Uwner can have | guvy | | Bre Nurserie Puone 1vey Flug 3. Vacant apr! b 5 g u 3 C | Luke Brothers Nurseries, Pp | bay horse, White siar on Iurehea hiugston; doing good business; | ADMISSION 35c. | ¥ | reasons ior selling. Apply | | | | sulne by calling at abuve address | Box N-z4, Whig Oftice. | THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL eM bomtively no canvass rie or phone 2235w. Reward If returned to Whig Uilic able. Apply H. Webber, Zul Regent | 3 foronio. oP": 13-C: Auto Kaitter Co, | Joier improvemoons AND BOARD; ON WELLINGTON ~ STREET, BE.|- --o w Loe. EN--WE FAY WEEKLY AND f---- ---- Finder return to mrs Moss, So We! at to-day s prices : 2s INSIST ON THE BEST ee AR | Sym HOUSE FURNISHED OR UN. i SOMETHIN EVERYBODY Irian ' : x - i Sued, on north side of Prin. and paying all expenses. THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY = ON | ~~~ O00 = and note tndt we sald mus:) i6d he d IL is unique U. 5. protected article -------- FOR SALE. limits, newn ar thp' Murdock | positive necessity because of) 4 BRICK HOUSE, oN BAGOT STREGT. | . Farm, containing forty-three acres ent ruling, with yearly re newly decorated, electric light Ap. | BRUSSELS HUG, 425 YDS; NEARLY Resin a flow ow hed by. the Pp erg, lled by us. if you are an order Btrees : | her Fu should mak: $20 to $30 : | TWO SETS OF LIGHT BOB SLEIGHS, a rmnlbuLy to ne Aidernign. M.D CM | ® g J p x A ed svilcitor ur le company. v . oy . . | wi 8 wpaard of ly located; ail improvements, with Bakery, 5 m. -- | ' y . for thon: omrd Apply to Box\S-10, Whig = | 883 BARRIE STREET Aras ice. : v o FILLING > POSE "0 Qualify. Jerome Laadt, Pres, A rs LLING 13 rinreses MUSIO0. . * Dearborn St, Chicago. i _| STORAGE FOR FURNITURE aa: AND reat neces that he will be in 4 RAE Cann Agency, 3¢ Brock Street ed to accept a limited number of } POSITION WANTED, Phone 326. IF YOU HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE Plane puplis. Studie: 59 Earl St noons 1-3, and evenings 7-8 for $ | . y ONE SIX ROOM APARTMENT ON ueen. Phone 410J. I consultation. CLASS ENGINEER WISHES ground floor; also two houses. Ap-| 2 yr Q i Mi aQzaar tion. as 'engines: ar nas HES Ana Chasis Soman, COrBer Patrick | FAY YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN ACCOUNTS PHONE 12117. Hon. W. S. Fielding, Finance Min- ' ; si re ister in Laurier Government, says: -- at ox 0-9, W ders. uive dollars costs three CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. | - B h . f h oli . 1 : . : - : cents. and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence 1 ir frui t ¢ sha MAN WISHES EMPLOY- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, of Kingston, A. B. Cunning- | Ye is S hu Notre Damie Convent If usetul at any small jobs, and key. Frost's City Storage, 199- els for sale at a reasonable pric : - n i i ovember 2s , 3 A 5 3 a > t to Ith RLY Box J-8, Whig or phone 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. S39w 3 . Routbard, 289 Princess AMBROSE SHEA, D.a., BARRISTER parties, The Liberals took office. 4 Plain and Famcy Sewl - Christ | PART OF COMFORTABLE FURNISH. ing and Broc ver Hoyal bank i i ed flat; heated and electricity; al- ner, to Nearer 1999. their tariff policy, which was not the Lunch 12-2 p.m. Supper 6-S p.m. ut anxious for sonable rent. No children prefer- 250; unly run 4,000 mies; good as rE r : National Policy, as is now claimed Concert, Nov. 21st, § o'clock , urgently re- red. Apply evenipgs. 13¢ Clarence new; quick sade. Falmer, corner NO I 1( E by Conservatives, but a reformed and employment. Apply Box Street. Upstairs. Bagot and Queen streets. | i : - : | real PERFECY, COLUMKIA AND HYSLOP tects. Merchants Bank .Chambers. Take Notice that the Municipal | o i AN. NEW BRICK DWELLING, Bicycles, also bicycle repairing: | Sarat Brock and Wellington] Council of the Corpratin? of lun City (duced tariff, the country prospered -- furnace, ee You wait. Muller's Bicycle Works STLIN widening King Street from George | , 3 S80Y- 871-373 King street. Phone 1032w SIGNS atre westerly to the westerly lim,¢ | 1897 to 1911, was one of the full ASHCROFT » ting card sample book free rates. Apply 276 University Ave. - - i S Works and belonging to the estate of | ve. pers, celebrated, inexpen. | = "TTA Ave ALE OF MILLINER y Juons, SOX. large or smail, Posters, Showcards, |p o7 y Spencer, 80 as to make the (Workmen who read the hysterical sive, Royal Series, secure orders APARTMENTS, ESPEC Ce. sisting yi Foe Rite ing. yaw dispiays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 Street a uniform width of 60 feet, and Hews r adverti t d st 8 deliv A ENTS, ESPECIALLY FURN- 8, 5 , a few Princess Streel. take notice that sald proposed By-law |leWspaper adver sements and street ; ready making tive dollars up ' 5 Yarn supplied; particulars, 3c Street. --- ---- § Ser---------- \ oronto. 2 v Kg iore reel con-| F ASS GROCERY L LO- all improvemer c ate tween brock and Gore, parcel con-| FIRS ASS Gi ' ae rrr ome] ag) Mi etagele: setrauy Tocati| © Teen roti ana cues pu groves | cated dha ading Koo usigess' Wo uchre and Dance --_ = WH - <-10, : TW S---- p-- a a---- ° hav (Read this line over "8 ' = i = ' | i fess SL. Apply Box Q-10 or soi] - -- Lbivision Streel, within, the city | v | FOR Sardines lusively owned 'and con- ly Tr y ps Ply al. P. Trumpour, 1113 Brock | new. Apply 8% Queen st. pany. Lor particulars as to price an ambitious | yp IS HED BEDROOMS; CENTRAL also 5 bh motor. New kn | . NS A " 3 2 i also 5 h.p. . New glang BH. Walken 83 Clarence Street. | SEE merchandise; clean and dry. "Mo KORRINNE A. MAUDEN 1S PREPAR- his office morning 9-10, after. Grand see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagot and rhone 1538. ther day Ka night duty. Apply and Charles Street. by Dominfon Expres oney Or- g. 2D | : i ot tending furnaces or making ARS ken Tp 00S; YOUr Wh lock | A LARGI STOCK OF ARNT BLANK- nam, Cyril M. Smith. s| know the policies of the two political 723 S c ba i J or phone 1723. and Sulleitor. Law oXice, corner ot A a time of depression in 1896. Under mas Noveltics. MAN, wiITu so large furnished hedrodm; 'rea- MeLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, COST $2 TL 3, Whig Office. | Pow, sos ann OREVER, ARCHI- | (except as to a few luxuries) a re- ~~ BITUATIONS VACANT street; seven r i ghts, baby carriage tires put on While, eee ne a | of Kingston purpose. to pass a By-law [as never before. The period from DRS. ROBERT and EDNA : a 5 Rent $52, Inclu » g r i Erste LUVATE cHRiSTMAS 5 er SIGNS OF, ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, | 3f, (he Property Known 'as the W '¢| dinner pail to. the workingman. C iver later; men and wo- he rh \ pe ---- mai y m ished for light DI mod- Slraw shapes, ana chiidren's hats) me will be taken up by the Council and f | posters of the Government party will ern improvements, at the Ploneer Apply 112 Lower William Street. CIVIL ENGINEERING. deemed proper, passed at a meeting of ly even In spare time: capital or . 239 \ : Apartments, 212-214 Division Street. | eee sald Council, to be held on the 5th day | remember that substantially _ the XP rsince Bittiecesbury, yarret- Phone 1434w PLANS SUR VI To pone. | S814 bi 204 King Street Earl ompany rantford, Oat. ' . > Anas - gl oo)» a BE . slo ecember next. 3 4 ng Street, near meer. | araneve ox conven or nen] SHS onset | PAC pga | Enc Bod oto He AL | omember hat subwaniaty" wef we : 3 : est deep; 225.00. Also 8. Scott, BA. B.Sc. shone 1634, | Will be heard at said meeting. same party in 1896. The Liberal Telephone 447. MILLINERY. AFARTMENT ON CORNER OF PRIN- incubator, 140 e88. and two brood- inst. 133 King Street. Phone 1634. Dated thls 5th day of November, 1921 e party in e vera s cess-Barrie Streets, 4 rooms » rs; hot water heated. Only used|-=---- W. W. SANDS, party has given the country abundant | Latest drugless treatment. « bath; all conveniences; heated, once. Cawsun, 248 Concession St. : C1 mediate - possession; rent reqs... ucar Victocia Street, g MEDICAL. ty Clerk, proof of the moderation and wisdom 4 New electrical cabinet. MeLAUCHLIN WISHES TO AN- able aprUssass § rea AAA 2 ¢ ice - her removal from 95 tario Stony 1. Cohen & Co., 25 On C. I, RORINSON, MDe 36s BARmIR With which it treats tariff questions Twelve years' success i. Kingstes Hk iliiam Street. meer ' BARGAINS IN ¥ URNITURE, ETC. Street. Hours 10.30-12 a m,, 2. and there is no reason to suppose that MINE and remodeling hats ONCE, A' NEw sivas? ROOM| A Plano, small size, $75.00. 8.30 "hone if again placed in power it will not, = FE ---- house and barn on North Alfred: al- . as before, frame its economi lic iC North A : Quebec Heaters and others, $4.00 u » *conomic policy 80 on North Alfred street, a .good $ Pp with due regard to the needs of all . FANCY GOODS. brick house nd elght acres af land. | to $12.00, 1 f the O di 1 3 4 a Rly to J. D. Boyd, 333 University PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Flasses of the Canadiah people." ominion COT EDGING, AC- Avenue, phone 1053M. \ A few parlor suites $15.00 eachy work guaranteed. Peter D. Brown, P R 2. 3 > 2397 RE -- Sideboards in ous, ail prices. Lhrammand street. Phone HHT . '4' Vietorfa Terrace, Montreal St, | FU ED OOMS, WARM AND memos | EE ra park. © griable, With hot and cold Oak dinner Wagon, $8.00. P N CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK EEE EE =E 1 Beene running water in each room and Oak hall t $5.00 ERSONAL NOVEMBER 13.9 = ' every . convenience, Reasonable ak hi seat, $5.00. . o rates by A display of the best books for child DENTAL. rates by the week or month. Phone We buy. all kinds of Furniture, REMIT BY DOMINION EXPRESS ren Sa be seen in the Library. Ask | = = BEE = = = ervice able books for! 97 997J or apply 106 Johnson street. money order. If lost or stolen, you | for list of the most suit - - ------------------------ » BAAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE , t your money back. rhildre f th pi i 380 Princes Siresc: Paine veins UPHOLSTERING, < < UESSES ANTIQUM SHOP sol ---- Foes ne ce So Jeu. ws tates) W. KENT MACNEE et se. ti CATHOLICS, WISHING TO~ MARRY, GIVE THE CHILDREN BOOKS FOR . PH NE 1 16 SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. TAL OR Daue A CARD 70 Phose 1040w, oui Princess Street, booklet free. Address Home Sen Christmas and choose the best. Bank of Commerce Bullding. Brock ang y 159 gllingion street, corner ) WwW. 4 L-Box 23, rand Kapids, Mich. King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327 of\Brock. ' Uavine, uphialsterer, 216 Bagot st. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL hisus up rr 2 EAT RADI MICH, | x Guueral Hisurdncs Agency : 24 Hour Day Service p.m \ - wr Buvd seCuuu-uend léruiure auy 2 "IAL yr PUR ny ME BT ern, DENTISE. 34 ripen Salo BT | SA LAA re vou wave Bo le njane Sickel He Bate Baa cia " . x « . thy, lovi wife, writ e a n 'on Ky by suporatment. Bs Firevr. MUP SGMG cy) QU Lite lu wepuse acipavis] Derininon Ont oni RAYS, | ro EXPRESS MONEY OR.| Kepresentiug Only Reliable Companies. |) . KRUYD, DENTIST, UAS RE. ATs ey ren 223 Yricess stivet. rhois ievuw.'| Hg A rouEBout Canes ousAG ed practice at ya Princess St, | COVERED BUTTONS MADR TO OR. { RICH, YOUNG WIDOW; PRETTY AND 6r Bank of Nova Scotiv. Phone A der in all poptilar shapes And sizes | ; : -- affectionate; would marry. Suite 3 Upholsteriag and "repairing 'done NORTHW RITERN X1LOMIDA To Suzy Jileven 10801 Saint Clair, Cleve-| MRS. H. S. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. -- . Goodridge, 244 University land, Ohio, mobile and Casualty Insurance. 429 ESL IVESULENT 10 KI0CIVUS climate h h 3 i has : PALMISTRY onl cup Avenue, Mii Wonderiul Fesurces © No pros oo karl street. Phone 1752). "ic ANNOUNCING 3 . . - i buaition ever uitered COMpares ~ " ? : 5 FURNMTURE REPA 1a ours." write ered -| MARRY THOUSANDS: WORTH $5. . hs ARMENDO TELLS PAST AND Ished, pea ty ree. eat un pus J00 to $400,000; wililng to marry;| STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE y Bure and gives advice; 87 Johne ; Kei, es uunak springs, #loriam. list free. Ralph Hyde, 1v, San i'ran- esiablished in i A N Ch BOfl street. Hours $ a.m. to 10 p.m. cisco, Cal > . ew evro 0 op BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, TARRY--FOR SPLEDY MARRIAGE, 6 : 3. rFult Sabu absolutely the best, largest in tire e ecia -- country: established 16 years;| FRONTENAC LOAX AND INVEST. Pp #2,500-R. C. SEMI-DETACHE hn ds wealtny Ders., bu. eur' Soclety, wcorpurated L381, ANTHRACITE COAL | ms twormseen w| SEGAL etiam. sv ential; Criplions ree. hn " : $6500--BRICK; 16 ROOMS, 'LATES: Old Reliable Club, Mrs, Wrabel, bos oney issued OR city and farm Combining all the good points of the "490," this model Buick a uN ES) 26, Oskiand, Calif. v ; brupsccies, al and county will in addition have Gasoline Tank on redr, Yacuum Feed Sys- ita; o = investment bonds hes sale oe a tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain $1300--FRAML HOUSE; NORTH END; : {eodlved and interest allow. ™ light, nickle-plated radiator. nickle-plated bumper, spiral bevel- n : dar most successf, C. Cartwrignt, mansger, 33 (Clar- 3 , per, BEST oN THE MARKET . = dare lu Pum (oF vy "Howne Maker;" hundreds rich. wish chive surpel. Kingston. > led pinion and gear in rear axle, and cord tires all round. This Stove Coal size ..... .... Resisaa is iiih 0 814.25 per ton ; -- Marriage Boon; strictly a = car is the sensation at the Torouto Exhibition. The price is even Orders booked for 10-dhys" delivery "See sample at our office. $2500 -- SEMI-DETACHED FRAME sal descriptiuy tree ine Bue. | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING more sensational --$893.00, house, § rooms, 55. and C. and gas, 3 deep (ot and good vellar, 8 Sa ol s Nash, Box M0 HES WANTING PAINTING OR y Unk dene, { -- ' Payernangiug had a card tv #2000 FOR THE MATE TO THE ABOVE HA WORE ART TT A. Mountest. 34 Arch street "490 Touring Regular" %490 Roadster Regular" With electric lignts; both weil buil: marks. akin cancers scars, etc., re- $785 $785 -- moved manentiy, Satisfactory . Ha mir sock | Se BUSAN rates Sr) 4 00m 0 Co. 3 mevemuy ur «480 tory? u. je 3 ie 0 Ny H - . Nd pee IL RE RTA Nat Eimer J 0 large, Storm mide on: Light Del EN ------------ on w handle 4 3 " Learn te dance ut the Gar. - r 258 Bagot Street. Phone 30 Slazed na but oa, $785 Son Mall, 111 Broek Streer.| $2725.00 -- FRAME BUNGALOW; 4] = : 1 rooms; good condition; 3 3 v beet" sar ind atbule;| BUSINESS QPPORTUNITIES. On No.. 2nd, at the parsonage, Mel- All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--Sales Tax Extra ae dand., un 3 d, just on - ALE, ONE OF T BEST GO- Hie, he DAlriags Naz sclemnized oy « : Hou so omy : hi assistant cheesemaker at Al- y : they last, you may have | | | SFIR 10 LET, very Sinn | Lisonville, and Mise Cassie Baton, of BAWDEN & EDWARDS reasonable, as that is my . : . ..257| FRAME DWELLING WEST Exp, & on Mecount of Hi-|3rq Concession Hillier, . 3 1878 large lot and stab health. Apply Hox R-1, Whig Mrs. Moore Knowles. leton CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE FRAME HOUSE, Nomrn EXD. wryg| FIRST CHANCE Place, 'after registering as a oter, - rooms, no improvements, large lot. obile a ies. slipped on the steps of the town hall 80 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 400. WHEN Yau A DY TIR ANS REAL "rE to represent us. on leaving the building and broke || : : University Aven"s. Phone 138§w. 159 Neil nrton Nr anATE , Roar Cus, si . I her hip, : ~ i. AEE a -

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