Baily British Whig EZ LAST EDITION. ALLEN a Ralph Connor's : "The Foreigner" KINUSTON, ONTARIO. SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1021. Si Tw WILL POUR nul THEY STAGED Admiralty's lllusion That ~ During Past Ten Years Rejec~- GIVES NAMES Sockeye Is Entirely Am- INTO C AN AD A tions Amounted to Half . W ; erican Is Dispelled. of One Per Cent. 5 * Ottawa, Nov. 12.--In these days ' * ; EE -- 5 Toronto, Nov. 12. --Premier ; -. London, Nov. 13-140 Admiraity, i WHEE Deh io Delis Sad OF oe pa H D Ed A d W T Progressive Leader HeardBy 21: ve iit OF Cabinet Ministers Whe hr zac reed sonics" 6 United States Farmers Seek vii mic ciation' i" iti a Audien ce en created by his Picton address in re- terfared With of Se? rod Jo Siren Tus dicler Rel From Depession are be oot are rg: why ¢ Cross er. Milib YEAR 85; No. 332. ee r-- MR. CRERAR I" "¥*%2%%mes MURDOCK AT TORONTO "= pee = | | | ference to good roads legislation. The legislation to be introduced at the same course with Canadian salmon. few of the settlers who have some to Canada from overseas in/ the ten { 1 Good Heari | earing. | coming sesglon of the legislature, he {sald, would Pelieve the pravince from Toronto, Nov. 12.--This city heard & new political doctrine last night. Hon. T. A. Crerar, leader of the Pro- Eressives, Hon. E. C. Drury, premier of Ontarlo, and Miss Mary MacCal- lum, assistant secretary of the Can- @dian Council of Agriculture, pre- x sented their policy .and expressed ¢heir views on the problems facing | the people to an audience which fill- ed Massey hall. It was Mr. Crerar's first meeting in a big industrial cen- tre and, although there were inter- ruptions, he was warmly applauded When he regained his seat a resolu- tion was adopted favoring the plac- | ing of Progressive candidates in To- tonto, At one point Mr. Crerar was askingy 'what Canada's needs were when 2a voice replied quickly, 'Moro fac- tories," "Why do you want more fac- tories," Mr. Crerar asked, "when half of those you have are closed down?" Mr. Crerar broke some new grounds in his address. On the dis- Armament conference he took the ¥iew that Canada was not represent - ed as she should be, as a nation. Can- ada, he declared, would not occupy the same position she held at: the peace conference and a' the assembly of the League of Nations. "We shoule further cost, inasmuch as the prov- ince's contributions would be drawn | from a capitalized moter license re- venue fund. The municsmalities, he premier explained Thursday, will pay as before. J The intentions' of the provincia: government with respect te capitaliz- ing motor license feos was originally announced soon after the close of the last session of the legislature. That consideration is now being given to a proposal to increase tlie tax on motor vehicles is inferred from the statement of Deputy Minister of Highways W. A. MacLean: "The automobile industry in Ontario is not heavily taxed at au average rate of $13 per car. In Quebec the fee paid by a Ford is $26 per year. . . . The revenue from motor licenses in On- tario is susceptible to development." By capitalizing the whole of the revenue from automobile licenso fees, as proposed, it is understood that a fund of $40,000,000 could be secured "for the building of good roads in Ontario, This would be on the basis of the present revenue of three million dollars a year and 6 per cent. interest, By the end of 20 years the entire sum, with in- terest, would be paid off. Last year the province spent about $7,000,000 Commerce. Port Credit, Nov. 12.--James Mur- dock last night named several cabin- et ministers as the men who bad in- terfered with the commissioners to prevent the board of commerce do- ing work assigned to it. Leading the list he placed the names of Sir George E. Foster, and Hon. Charles J. Do- herty, minister of justice. To a less- er extent he charged Hon. James Calder 'and Hon. C. C. Ballantyne with the same tactics. He intimated there were .still more names that might be mentioned. The names came out during the course of an ad- dress delivered here by Mr. Mur- dock in the interests of W. J. Lowe, Liberal candidate in Peel county. The minister of justice was the man, Mr. Murdock declared, who spent an hour and fifteen minutes in warning him that the board must not |inter- fere in any way with established business. THREAT AGAINST PRINCE. Letter Writer Caught, Had 10 Bombs, Expressed Regret. London, Nov, 12.--An Exchange Telegraph Agency despatch from Bombay says that an Indian typist employed in the Bombay Museym was charged at Bombay on Tuesday with sending an anonymous letter to The Admiralty signalized its new pol- fcy in the case of timber by placing & large order with a Vancouver firm. {yy eraticn into western Canada It 1s hoped 'that Canadian salmon |g, tne sagricultural pooulation of canners will benefit similarly. Strangely enough, until attention states of this country is expected to as drawn to it by F. C. Wade, Brit- |, parked in the next year or two ish Columbia's agent-general in Lon- and, perhaps, for a longer period. don, the Admiralty was "specifying | pp q is the view of officials and oth- United States saimon in contracts|ers wig are familiar with conditiors placed for supplying the navy. One aq petween the U. S. and Canada. of its officials admitted having enter- tained the conviction that the Seattle country has fallen with an especial- sockeye. | 1y heavy hand on the tena.t farmer Thies illusion has now been dispelled, and the farmer who owes a heavy and assurance has been given that mortgage. there will be a change in policy, "I am all for cementing the Em-|miqdle west some months ago and : Wade In com- now, with prices of products fallen menting upon the Admiralty's inten- | fat finds himself unable to mest tion, 'and I don't see any reason why interest and taxes. they should not article wag the only true pire," remarked Mr. Canadian ------------------ ORK CLOAK WORKERS = cc 3.7 with it as an actual fact is that many men on U.S. farms who "have goue N broke" in the after-the-war slump Union Fights Introduction of | lies to Canada. A large number ot Piece Work and Forty- Nine-Hour Week. Washington, Nov. 12.--Increase? the mjddle west and northwest The agricultural depression in his MaLy a farmer bouga high priced land in the boom in the One might suppose that the result would already be a heavy movement of migration into thie new lands or Canada. This movement is on to 3 is interfering in prices and credits, are too pocr to move themselves and their fam- Years preceding March 31st, 1921, have failed to meet all the require- ments of the immigration regula- tions, In this decade 1,064, 738 of all nationalities have entered the dom- inion via ocean ports, principally on the Atlantic coast, yet only slightly over one-half of one per cent. of 'his substantial total has been rejected. To be strictly accurate the number is 6.646, or sixty-two hundred'he of one per cent. Out of this total vf re- jections, only 1,115 were British, yet the total number of British arrivals in the ten-year period was 638,464 against 426,274 of all other nationai- ities, so that the percentage of ra- jections in the case of the British is as low as seventeen-hundreths of one per cent. It is evident from these figures that the quality of the set- tlers who have come to this country in recent years was of the highest. for, the immigration regulations not only demand the' qualification of good health, the rudiments of eda- cation, but also the elements of gooa character. It is apparent that tae very low percentage of rejections at ocean ports arises from the Canadian system of warning and inspection ot U.S. farmers and farm laborers who 4 |want farm land of their own will be found for an indefinite time to come {right to reject a settler al the Canad- | an port of entry the foregoing fig- New York, Nov. 12.--A general | Working at whatever they can, find to |yres clearly demonstrate that Bri'isn the intending settler before he sails. | { While Canada does not waive the | Peterboro, Nov, 12.-----Probably no- where in Canada was more political bitterness centred Thursday night than in the debate at Millbrdok be- tween the Hon. Dr. Edwards, minist- er of immigration and health, and W. T. R. Preston; Liberal candidate in Durham county. The genesis of verbal conflict dates back 'a _ few weeks to Dr. Edwards' appearance iu the riding in support of the candi- dature of F. W. Bowen, standard- bearer of the Conservatives. At sev- eral places the fiery minfster made certain charges of ancient origin against Mr. Preston. They were promptly met with a challenge to re- peat them on any platform in the county at which Mr. Preston would Lave the opportunity to reply. Depu- ties, or perhaps seconds, of the two parties met recently in Port Hope to arrange the details of the duel, and last night.the Armory was packed to the doors with an expectant crowd. Mr, Preston seemed to take a keen delight in calling the doughty doctor a coward, and once boldly passed the lie. Dr/ Edwards, on his part, con- {tented himself with describing Mr. Preston ag a man with "absolutely no conception of political decency or public morality, whatever he may be in private life, and he may be a saint." the Governor of Bombay, threaten- |strike of 50.000 workers in the cloak | 40 in order to accumulate effough 10 [settlers usually see 'o it before leav- ---- Ing to kill the Prince of Wales. The |and suit industry in New York city |Pay railroad fare and set out fur ing home they are well able to qua- letter was addressed to the Viceroy, [and vicinity will begin on Monday. | Canada. {lify for landing in Canada, ana Capt. Phayette Millen own right," he stated, "or we ghould | MYSTERIOUS ROBBERY OF the Governor of Bombay, apd every | By a vote said to be unprecedented in Thinking officials and authorities hence the percentage of rejections is Dies In Toronto Englishman in India, as well as to [the history of the International Laad- [on agriculture in this country regret [very small, {death of Capt. Phayette L. Millen, not be represented at all." BUT NOT THE KINKS | $160 000 IN BONDS the Prince of Wales, "who is coming | jes' Garment Workers Union, 38,672 [to see competent farmers and farm | ' to India to loot the money of India." members of the union out of 38,834 | workers leaving the U.S, but thay | Romeo, Mich., on Nov. 6th, after an EXTRACTED MONEY Joe Paquette Still Has the Old | - It declares the writer had prepared |who cast votes, decided to strike ra- declare large migration. into the Rheumatls He Was |Special Constables Recovered |ten bombs and was determined fo ther than submit to the introduction [dominion is something inevitable. INTO PRINCE'S BOX illness of several weeks. | Capt. Millen was well and favor- nn (ably known here. He was born" at kill the prince, and if they wanted to | of piecé work instead of week work, - Chloroformed. Them Before Owner Knew save the prince they should stop him [and the 49 hour week instead of a ------ of the Theft. u THE U.S. IS AGAINST World's Qreatest Spender Is |Millens Bay, seventy-four. years ago Literal Walking Diamond and resided. here until 188¢, when {coming to India, week of 44 hours. Only 162 voted CANCELLING DEBTS thef family moved to Romeo, Mich., Mine. be represented at Washington in our | good roads. Cape Vincent, N.Y., Nov, 12.--At the home of his daughter, Mrs, Frank Newton, Toronto, Ont., occurred the sMonteal,, Nov. 12.--Two middle: ene : { The second man told the magis- |against the strike. Both sides ars aged women called upon Joseph Pa- Montreal Nov. 12.--Bonds value | trate he had gone mad at the time. making immediate preparations for uette, 965 Dorchester street, and in- [at § ; were recovered in the | He promised if released to go to his | the sirike, which from indications, - Tuolte, him that they could cure his | downtown district yesterday by spe- | native place and never return. Medi- | will be the most bitter and most pro- Reginald McKenna Says Peo rheumatism by hypnotic influence." |cial constables detailed to watch for cal, evidence showed there were no |tracted in the history of the organiza- ple in America Don't Un- fw 8 g In fact, they were so sure of their [pareel thefts. The owner of the signs of insanity about the accused. | tion. derstand Question, | where Rhby have Slice yesined. ability to relieve him that they offer- (bonds, C. E. Gault, stockbroker, |The magistrate reserved his decision. Union leaders said the situation Loudon, Nov. 12---Mrs. Smith |e A : 8 ge of Fliteey he Jagan ed to demonstrate their "miraculofs { was notified of the robbery before he eventually might embrace 100,000 London, Nov. 12.--Right Hon, Wilkinson, hafled in Paris. and on ahi i v Rr pr. ver powers" for nothing. : | was aware of it. Jack Griffiths, who workers in other garment centris|Reginald McKenna, Interviewed at ine Rivera as the world's greatest oii Pg ree } ile J a a and "Accordingly Paquette, who was |Was arrested on the street with the PLEADS TO BE SENT outside of New York and Jersey City | Southampton, on his arrival from svender. transfarmod herdoit fat. toa : il be rate Sap ecount of tai willing to try anything once, per. bands, refused to tell how he came te TO PORTSMOUTH "PEN" if the manufacturers attempted 'o America, said: . -- world's greatest Anlender last night > nti 4s TC a os ok Which mitted them to make mysterious [get them, and Mr. Gault is unable_to ¥ smash the-union. "The general opinion in America, for the famous Victory bail at Albert ns he was DJs: oF o6e' of the passes before his eyes. ' explain how the robbery was comini:- A Pal of the Murrell Brothers The unions are sald already (oly ghouia say, is against the cancel | ap 1 ms t lake steamers "I smelt a funny smell," said he, |ted. have sufficient funds to carry them |jation of the war debts of the allies. | * 'Mrs. Wilkinson blazed her way fn. A ie a IgE. who before "but thought nothing of it. "When 1 Is Stricken With for some time, and are Preparing 10 [where the question fs understood... 5 fhe Prime oN hosel box, & Titer | mareag was Mi Ne brine uty Pneumonia. raise $3,000,000 to continue the |, is to say, where people .appre- al walking diamond mine. Attired [bf this place, he is survived by tour Dodge, of woke up two hours afterwards my | "SEEING CANADA" FILMS rheumatism was worse, and $35 I had in my trouser pocket was miss- fag." WIIL HANG ON WITH ITS TEETH, HANDS AND TOES To Be Shown in France, Belgium and Switzerland, Ottawa, Nov, 12.--Another link in [ the world-wide distribution of: the | "Seeing Canada' series of films be- The London Advertiser has the | following: "Feverish and without friends, Henry Jack Williams, who is charged with murder, lies on a cot in his ward {ing produced by the Exhibits and | Publicity Bureau of the Department {of Trade and Commerce, has been at the county jail stricken with pneu- monia. His frame is weak and not i built to withstand a serious attack of LOAN OF $25,000,000 RAISED IN LONDON ture of foreign debts, and it is very Is a desire either to cancel the debts or make them 'the subject of bar gaining, but there is no general un- derstanding in America of the na- doubtful whether the United States struggle if such a course becomcsl jig nat they can only be paid in , as the "Queen of Sheba' she abso-'|q hters, Miss Maude ry. 1t is estimated that about |p, 96,0, ot 200ds which the United 9 daughters, Miss 3,400 New York shops will be al- lg. (es should have to accept--there lately stopped the proceedings at London's most famous armistice cele- bration, Members of Royal Family, peers and. peeresses, and Europe's most famous fashionable stoog' aghast at | the marvelous deny 26 wast on | the gown of this, Nottingham New York; Mrs, V, LL. Hosnor, of De- troit; Miss Marion Millen, of Wash- ington, D.C., and Mrs. Frank Newton, of Toronto; &lso one sop, Roy, of Des Moines, Ia. TESTIMONY OFFERED Belfast, Nov. 12.--The Mar- quis of Dufferin, speaking here yesterday, declared that Uls- ter would follow the motto, "What I have 1 hold." "Ulster- men would hang on to Ulster " with teeth, hands and toes," he sald. {forged. Official announcement has [this nature, doctor declared. In ad- | New Zealand Goes to English (government, however willing the fn- matron, {just been made by R. S. Peck, the |dition to this he has been weakened Market for Money for dividual members might be to can- | qp, gown was manufactured by | Director of the Bureau, that an |physically by six months of anxious Public Work ce] the debts, would have the power Reville, the famous dress-maker, and : {agreement has been entered into with | waiting for® the disposition of his ubtic orks. to do sg in the teath of public opin- |. o insured in the afternoon for five | Two 8an Francisco Residents | one of the largest European distri- { case. Although he was jailed on Ap- : . ion, rillion: dollars: « Jt: contains Ore f | Wellington, N.Z., Nov. 12.--Nsw | «| should like to add that the can. eo ay a ye iors Make Swern Statement : n Case. | butors of films in Paris, France, |ril 17th, he has not been tried on | whereby the three countries of [the capital charge preferred against | Zealand has successfully floated a |cellation of debts due by the United She 'wore a surirass of fine diamonds RE eb mini { France, Belgium . and Switzerland | him, and will not face it until Jan- |l0an of twenty-five million dollars ia {Kingdom has never been under dis- over a skirt of sliver ice embroid. Civilization Safe With {will now have an opportunity of ece- : uary, when the next assizes ie held. | London for public ~works--chiefly cussion, nor has any proposal been v ing many thousands of feet of "'See.: "If his condition becomes worse, | fOr the extension of hydro-electric | made to this effect, so far as I am Britain and U.8. Joined ing Canada" films, which are pro- he may be moved out of the base-|SYStems for the chief cities of Auck-|, ware» : | duced in their entirety in Ottawa at ment apartment, where he is walled Java, eunsion, Chrisp oa Nov. 12.--"So | | ve . . un J : - Washington, Noy 1 So long as | the local film plant in by ent and iron, and placed ting electric power only from 'steam. Foreign Born in U.S. Blais ang Ive Daited States stick Spataizs, where le will at least havg Part of the money will be used to Washington, Nov. 12.--The total together, civilization will live," (de- a wooden floor-instead of a concrete y NOV, 12. 2 clared Earl Beatty inst night at th: MAJOR HACKETT BUILDS | or ara, sauts: yuler 103 Soreiss ors Bobulition of the Uni T a " : . A , ' Sa IY i ah and, Sues) A GIGANTIC SNOWMAN Williams has pleaded on Several), snes fy the empire, and will be, bored 12 320000 romero during the war ---- Jeeas ony 4 Jo 8M to plead | electrified throughout, increase of 404,806, or three per Be t| / Glennoms~statement said the gir; 2 : : Officer From India Creates a er pv harge of r Boer a The price o: the loan was 96, ana |cent, since 1910, according (o Cen- | draped from the epds of t ° ap on {made direct denial to him that Ar mM te 132 guilty to 2 charge of ro y the rate of interest six per cemt., igus Bureau figures made public. Of |the ears and falling below the ch n. i lo. inflicted the injuries: whic onster at University |viotence in connection with the Mel- figures which indicate that New Zei- the total '6,493,088 were naturalized: | From the top of the diamond cap jue ed RB Be ae Avenue. bourne aftair last April when, it is re ssa ahds d oli : t [stood three white peacock feathers | resulted subse iishs dtiistes who Hiny Wetome con. = alleged, thie Murrell . brothers and -- wn RiR Landon. 1325419 2 Sr ner het studded with diamonds, These were | he aetente yas! sad. by fall aE a x a fo enone: Major Harold Hackett, of ihe 5th | Williams attempted to rob the Home |, =) 0" market. Status of the remaining 805,509 was | guarded on either side by wonderful fai La gos ih] is Eo aa : t .., (Gurkha Rifles ti .| Bank branch there. = yn : . birds of paradise. ' defeated world's champion lights peg iy Vt Yuet wt Abbatia- "It is argued that if Williams was GERALDINE FARRAR CHUSL. not ascertained by the enmumerators. Na. vo adise. also wore long dia- | She gave te Glennon of her injuries Weight boxer, left today for Ireiand. ly iy, ut the, ome bf her parents, Mr. | sent to Portsmouth that he could be NE er -------------- ONT SATE aa EE counsel said bro to t3ar v2 Hom : 3 ity h tal there and bi a ; > The Washington Conference, aug Mrs , 3 i. Dugus, 138 DRivara:ts jCoutined in the esp) here & ® | But She Persuades the Court That sails of T4mpndy uivasd ¥ ack day on a charge of manslaughter London, Nov. 12.--In'erest in the snowlail. built a a a S| She's Not, ' a pping to . - {growing out of Miss Rappe's death, : ; ey New York, Nov. 12.--The divorce : opening of the Washington confer A « - : noe if abet bv a grea amount (Lo 00 POUCRLOD, DUbIY OF bt | py cna super, [ation thrdiened Jun Sptomber oy SMUGGLED INTO CANADA rizscm; xis dismend, seat sa of - space. devoted. to it. in. this motn- ensteln"s monster the creation ex.| Washington, D.C., Nov. 13.-Af.|Geraldine Farrar, grand opera sin- pleted the astounding oriental cos- MURRELLS HEADING fng's papers. Most of them give firs: ceeded his expectations and required ter welcoming the delegates to the !8er, against Lou Tellegemy her actor time. which It Is safe ts descr t. thot TOWARDS FLORIDA Place to it in their editorial columns. | "00 0 FERRO spade to keep it|Armament conference this morning, | husband, actually has been institut- (Most of These Were Stolen the 'Queen of Sneha Dover aw Lhe ib er | within bounds President Harding in ais address de- [¢d, it Was learned through proceed- at Places in United like of in her paimiest days London Police Have Pi Canadian Pacific Railway earn- Queen's students and staft apa |clered that it was no unseemly boast, i igs before Supreme Court Justice States I am 3} ye dasiul on ce \ Ings for the week ending Nov. 7th, | yy;0ns vonerally are today So no disparagement of other nations, | Guy. Counsel, for Miss Farrar and " dress." declared Reville "The Me 2 Up Clue Regarding, Bank $4,843,000; decrease, $880,000, {of their way to admire a gigantic | though not represented, to declars | her husband appeared before Justice ee It Was never seer Delors 15" Sor Bandits. For the first time since the war |... figure on the front lawn of the | that the conclusions of this body wil} | Guy to argue Miss Farrar's claim | Winnipeg, Nov. 12.--Smuggling ot | it was the most "magnificently -- there Is a surplus of domestics In | og3ance named, reminiscent in | have a signal influence on all human | that certain allegations in the nature | approximately 17,000 automobiles Une were outshone like a | London, Ont, Nov, 12.--A report Watertaws, N.Y. varying degrees of the grace and |Drogress. SL.a counter -cipio Jor Separation be hg ae Nuiied Sais ihe Cunats I, robes in a poorhouse." was cirfulated in police circles 'ha beauty of the Elgin marbles, the to her action. These allegations, re- [toms department, and the Canadian] Mrs. Wilkinson is staying at the 3 sue had oun Micked wp Indicating HUSBAND AND WIFE. brute force of the Roman arena, and! Russian Soviet's idea of the disar- y ] ; authori! re be isted b Ritz for the season and wears a : - x : the calm repose cf a Buddhist idol in | mament conference is that it will jerring to srueity = Jism i. A oF o . das avis ) ye different gown every evening. She |¢aped from jail while awaiting trisi TO CLEAR ARBUCKLE San Francisco, Nov. 12.--Counsel for Roscoe Arbuckle declares that | sworn statements by Dr. Arthur | Beardslee and George Glennon, house detective of the Hotel St. Francis, which tend to clear Arbuckle of crim- inal responsibility in connection with the death of Virginia Rappe, 'motion picture actress, are In the hands ol ered in pearls. Her shoes were of silver cloth with high Louis XV. heels covered with tiny yellow diamonds. A The most startling feature of the whole bizarre costume was the head- dress, which was thirty-six inches high. It was a loose cap laced with diamonds, with three ropes of won- ik derful pearls of graduated length | District Attorney Matthew F. Brady Seeks Irish Boxers. New York, Nov. 12.--In search for derful rings, each worth a king's on a charge of committing murilet whose ears the temple bells are ring- Ing. The key to the artist's ultimate idea lies in a mugby football of snow on the giant's knee. Which ever team may find a lucky omen in this, and we have no doubt ourselves as '6 only be a new inter-grouping of world powers for further division of war spoils, nx At Rochester, Minn., Fred Fallon on Friday night knocked .out Jack Heinen, Chicago, in two rounds. Thermometer at White River, Finance Minister Mentioned - For Japanese Premiership | ...: to coast. It is understood tha: here tracing stolen Js. Practicai- ly all these cars havé been stolen ox the American side and smuggled into various parts of the dominion from the investigation has developed as a Tokio, Nov. 12.--The name of the [result of checking up the provincial is planning to go to the United States soon, with her gold bath tub and other conveniencies. : An Advance in Price. Brockville, Nov. 12.--THe meeting and bank robbery at Melbourne, have headed in the direction of Florida. The whole territory of the southern states, along the better-known rouies to the gulf states, is being flooded with police cirrulars giving the prie- ones' descriptions and efting govern- the artist's sympathy, the vanquished | Ont., Saturday morning registered 18 Minister of Finance, Taka- automobile lists, which showed that of the Brockville Dairymen's Board may console themselves in gazing |below zero. hashi, figures prominently to-night|a considerable number of cars hac |of Trade was featured by spirited bid- ment ad munisipal': offers ol Tee again tonight or tomorrow at the| Grapd Trunk Railway earnings for in the regardng the entered Canada without paying cos- ding, all of the cheese registered-- a. - oS seated gian: and finding it its cold [the week ending Nov. 7th were $2.- | premiership. Some of the evening |tom duties. 895 boxes, made up of 539 colored Toronto Man Sentenced. stillness the very personification of Fate. At Toronto Saturday morning Er- nest Howard was sentenced to one year and Bruce Card to three years imprisonment , for manslaughter, Their autos killed a milk wagon driv- 273,914; decrease, $11,690. The Penny Bank savings system will not be re-introduced in the Brantford public schools. : Yale and Princeton rugby teams meet at New Haven Saturday after noon. Eighty per cent. of New York's er and a night laborer. milk supply is heing delivered. * officer' for the customs department, has charge of this investigation. - customs department has found in many instances au'omoblies ith duplicate numbers, and in one and 365 white--selling at 16 5-8c., an advance of 2 1-2¢ over the price paid a week ago. y 3 --- Parnell Remains Mayor of "Peg Winnipeg, Nov. 12.--At the civic nominations yesterday Edward Par- Bell was returned as mayor by ac- clamation, Montreal," Nov. 12.---Rabert Dor- land, of Toronto, who received a two- year sentence for the theft of an au- tomobile by Chief Justice Decarie yesterday, was yesterday sentenced to an additional month by Judge Lest for being in possession of a revolver at the time of his arrest.