THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. AT ROBERT MEEK SCHOOL BAUR NT NOTRE DANE Bl mmm i ! I ! Founded 1847 REI 7.30 O'Clock } Lan Was Held on Friday Eightieth Anniversary of |} dy : Afternoon. the Convent. (ei = on 227 Ta | § 7.30 O'Clock | The Robert Meek School held a! The sisters of the Congregation iene, S on S : { successful tea and sale of home-made |de Notre Dame will, on November | . | cooking, eandy, fruit, pickles and !21s¥, commemorate the eightieth | SHOWING | tully decorated and laden with many] One of the features of the week | 800d and beautiful things. The kid- (of rejoicing will be a bazaar, that | dies enjoyed themselves in the kin-|is to be held in the convent, begin- ; | The following ladies had charge of | Well as ornamental, will be displayed | tables: Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Mclliroy, [ahd can be purchased at yery low cakes and tarts; Mrs. Coqk and Mrs. |Prices. There are dresses of varied Special Attractions for the Saturday Night Shop- | Singleton and Mrs. Gallagher, candy; | ETeatest care by experienced and tal- pers, and everyone that takes advantage of one or | Mrs. Lowry and Mrs. Hallam, ice ©hted dressmakers, also an abund- f h b . ill k h h he : | Mra, y . , lance of beautiful "lingerie," in fact more of these bargains wi now that they have : ] | . | clothing. COA S | rawiosd, Ne ere un |are beautifully made, some plain, alt! Mrs. Ferguson, Miss Lovick and Miss Pretty and many to please the most Largest in the city-- Price the lowest. A Successful Tea and Sale In Commemoration of the! jafternooa. The tables were taste- ston. - | fish-pond and refreshing themselves Kingston are very efithusiastic over | With ice cream and candy. {the event, and have heen ndetatin J | Mrs. Rankin, Mrs. Meek and Mrs. jable. for months past, in their e orts | | Godwin received, and Mrs. McDou-|to make it a success. Quantities o:! | gant and Mrs. Dunlop poured tea. beautiful needlework, serviceable as - a if 3 . E To-night we are placing on sale a number of ad | rier, Kelley McBroom Easson, [for old and young, made with the | of Mrs. Lowry, Mrs. E. Hart and Mrs. | "he aprous of oil bor] | possible value for it. Plain and fancy sewing on Friday anniversary of their coming to King-| | dergarten room, drawing from the ning on that date. The ladies of PEE { Ferris, pickles and fruit; Misses Fer- | Materials and of different models jcream. The kitchen was in charge [°° , R , . 2 3 i entire outfits of ladies' and children's spent their money wisely, and in return got the best { McBroom helped to serve. The fish- | (2Stidious. There is a quantity of FOR THE LADIES 50 ONLY--LADIES' WHITE COMBINATIONS Ladies' fine, White Ribbed, Union and Wool Combinations, with long sleeves or short sleeves-- all are ankle length. Values from $3.50 to $6.50. To clear One-third Off . ifancywork, embroidery, exquisite pond was directed by Mrs. Cain and | - i Mrs. Horsfall. The J. M bags of rare ' designs,pretty and Greene | : . dainty articles for the ornamentation Music Company loaned a victrola for lot idl hom calendars and othar the ig one net proceeds dainty objects, artistically designed |: amounted to $139. {and executed. The dolls are very || {pretty; some are even elaborate. SELLING OF EGGS. | There are religious articles, also em-|| ' broide 1 badges, I- $18.00 up to se bei SE REE ® $40.00 lions, ete, BOYS' OVERCOATS Educating the People. All these things will make very If the Boy is to have a new Over- The interests of the people as con- {desirable Christmas gifts. {sumers demand that so important an |dies hope that the public will profit|! {article as eggs should be sold and this opportunity to purchase {paid for only upon the quality bas- | Christmas gifts. The great variety | is. This convention is forced upon all in the display will give a chance to | Who buy and pay for eggs as being |g to be pleased. {fresh or new-laid while there is no- The booths will be arranged on | thing to show that such is the case. the first floor of the convent and the | Tre shop keeper who handles the | public will have easy access at any article is not satisfied with present | time during the day and evenings. { marketing methods, for only by buy- In the gymnasium, lunch and sup- | ing from the same person upon whom {per will be daintily served at mod- | | | he can rely is he able to satisfy the | erate rates, and ice cream ard candy demands of his customers, But this | booths are lavishly provided for, source of supply is of necessity lim- | The children will be pleased to ited and the city shop keeper has to [hear that the fish pond will providel| sell crated eggs. | gifts for all, that will reward them The poultry division, live stock | tor their wait. 'They can a'so pro- branch, of the dominion department {cure all that "dollies" need for of agriculture, has for some years | Christmas--pretty dresses, elaborate been endeavoring to educate the peo- { bats and other articles of atcire, ple and producers alike to the need | Cigars will be provided for the gen- for a change in the marketing of |tlemen, who will be cordially wel- eggs and, as a part of this effort, E. |comed, F. Montgomery of the department | The committee for 20 DOZEN PAIRS WHITE CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 20 dozen pairs, Ladies' White Washable Cha. moisette Gloves--Kayser make--in sizes 51, 6, 63. Regular value 90c. a pair. To clear 50c pair coat see ours! $7.50 up to $16.50 8 DOZEN PAIRS LADIES' HEATHER HOSE amusements ®e eo % Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route it Pays to Walk lati -- A -- i -------------------- a 'Anderson Bros. SATURDAY BEEF--PRIME QUALITY ROASTS Short cut Rib 17c¢. Ib. Tender Shoulder Round, Ib. . .... 18c. cuts... 10c. Thick Rib Roasts Sirloin, Ib. ....25¢. ss. +123. Minced, Ib. .. ..15¢c. Meaty Chuck ..9¢. Hamburg, Ib. . .10c. uts-- ; STEAKS Roasts . . . . Stewing and Boiling C 800 Ibs. Stewing Cuts 600 lbs. Boiling Cuts . . MINCE MEAT : Riv English 20c! 1b. Sterling 30c. Ib. No matter what Tea you have been drinking, we believe that if you will try derson's. Hersley Blend you will be more than delighted with its rich flavor. 35¢c. Ib., 3 Ibs. $1.00, 5 Ibs. for $1.60 COFFEE -- Chase & Sanborn's; expert blending and properly roasted, gives our Coffee that fragrant aroma and delicious flavor that is so acteristic in our well-known blends. FE ; 'Home Blend . ... .35c. Ib., 3 Ibs. $1.10 Quality Blend S's wwe ns usmw snide, EVERYDAY GROCERIES sburg Corn Syrup, 5s, each . .42¢. : Freshly Milled Rolled Oats . . .6 Ibs. 25c. Baker's or Fry's Cocoa, } Ib. tins . . . .25¢. tracts (all flavors) . . . .. .3 bottles 25¢. een's Mustard, } Ib. tins ..........49¢. acaroni, hetti or Vermicelli-- 160z. Ph ir jp Nn Dreakrast Cocoa, aa A - Canned Corn--choice quality . . . 3 for 35e¢. Canned Tomatoes--choice quality . . . 15¢. Canned Pumpkin--choice quality . - 15e. Phones 458--459. Wholesale 1767. has an exhibit in the store window of James Redden and Company, Prin- cess street. Here, eggs are shown in the four grades which it is proposed 'to establish in the trade by law, but it is up to the people to démand that properly defined trade grades shall | be fairly fixed so as to distinguish | the packed eggs from the fresh eggs and require a dealer to state whe- ther the eggs he sells are of one cr the other. But this has to go farther | back to the farmers and poultry | raisers who pack the eggs for the market. The grades proposed are: Specials, eggs of uniform size, weighing 25 | ounces to the dozen and over, or 47 pounds net to the 30 dozen case, clean and free from stain, white, firm and clear, yolk dimly visible. Extras: Eggs of good size weighing 24 ounces to the dozen, or 45 pounds to the case, air cell 3-8-inch, white, firm yolk, slightly visible. Pullet ex- tras, firsts, eggs weighing 23 ounces to the dozen, air cell less than 1-2 inch, yolk may be distinctly visible | but moving freely. Seconds: Eggs sound in shell, may be watery, with heavy yolks, and all other eggs fit for food. | -- | THANKOFFERING MEETING | Rev. T. W. Savary's Timely Address == Upon **The Home." The annual thank offering meeting | of the mothers' council, boys' divis- | fon, was held in the Y.M.C.A. parlors | on Friday afternoon, with the presi- | dent, Mrs. George Bateman, in the | chair. Secretary F. J. Wilson con-! ducted the bible reading and prayer, | and Rev. T. W. Savary gave a help- ful address on the "Home." The | speaker showed what a comfortable! 1 feeling the word "home" gives to! people, and remarked that it should | be a place where love is manifested, | and comforts and fine thoughts ap- preciated. Mention was made of the eternal criticizing of the children, | Mr. Savary explaining that fault- ! finding and scolding were very often | the means of driving the yduwg peo- ple from home. He emphasized the | 01a home scene, the family fireplace, living room and plano, where the children could not only enjoy the company of their parents; but are privileged to bring their own young friends into the circle. The place of the family altar, representing Christ in the home, the Unseen Guest, was set forth. : 8. T. Lilley gave a short address, explaining what thd Y.M.C.A. is do- ing for the boys. At (he present time | hall, on the evening of the 21st. Lo- |a year and a half. | place on Wednesday, Nov. 9th, to 'he | have provided a very fine concert to be given by the school children in the cal artists have painted some very artistic scenery, which will add! |much to the appearance of the fine | {hall, as well as to the guality of | [§ the performance. The public will] have the opportunity of seeing this for the first time on that evening. Card parties will be a feature of! the entertainments. These will also | be held in the hall. The ladies hope | to please all who may patronize the! | bazaar and take this opportunity to}! |extend to them a most hearty wel- |! come, I ---------------- Death of A Minister, The d- th occurred on November | 7th at Gienora Methodist parsonage, | | of Rev. Clifford G. Renouf, following | an illness due to typhoid pneumonia. | Deceased was thirty years of age, | and was pastor on the Cressy circui-. 1 He is survived by his wife and two | small children. Deceased had been | ill but a short time. He had been ca- |. gaged on the Cressy circuit for about The funeral took Methodist church et Glenora, intor- ment being made at Cressy cemet-|! ery. Rev. Dr. Brown, Picton, offic- lated, assisted by J. U. Robbins, Waj- || lingion, and A. E; Bloomfield. Two sisters of the deceased attend- ed the funeral, one coming from Win- uipeg, and the other from tae States, McCutcheon, The Whig has on view a most un. usual growth of fruit in several bunches of raspberries with tae blossoms and berries on the stem. These were picked in the garden of |J. M. Sharman, 27% University ave- nue on Friday, Nov. 11th. There was no session of the police court on Saturday morning. DAILY MEMORANDUM, } | i | { Curling Club annual meeting. Queen's Cafeteria, § p.m. Monday, Nov. 14th. Tea and Sale by Home and School Club, Central School, Friday, Nov. 18th, | 3.30 p.m. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR ) ci 10 risber Abramson, son of Abralusun, of New Bedford, Mass. there -are 275 members in the boys division, with an average attendance Of 50 a day; 200 in the gym classes; 41 boys taught to swim; and 40 boys Or more attend the meeting every unday morning in the *"y*. Miss Christine Diack and Mrs. Patterson gave several solos, O. Lun- dell, accompaning them on the piano. ments were served by Mrs. F. Hambrook and Mrs Lilley of the social committes. The proceeds of the thank-offering amounted to $33. ---------- China Sale. Annie E. McRae will hold a sale of hand-painted china, Wednesday afternoon and evening, at her studio, 94 Earl street. : -- A great many au'omobiles that also need nou- JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET. Pucne 147 for Ambul nce. ~ ROBERT J.REID The Leading Undert. ker, | Regular value $1.00 pair To-night 75c¢ pair 8 dozen Ladies' fine Green Heather Stockings --an exceller: Stocking for Fall and Winter weas. All sizes, , FOR THE MEN GREY FLANNEL SHIRTS | Regular value $2.50. To-night $1.50 Men's Grey Flannel Shirts--made of a heavy, all-wool 'Grey F lannel--strongly made, in large, roomy sizes. An excellent working Shirt that will give the best of wear. To clear to-night at a very low figure. SIZES 14, 16, 17. MEN'S NIGHTGOWNS Made of heavy Canadian Flannelette--strongly made, and come in a range of pretty stripes or plain white. Sizes 15, 16, 17, 18. To-night $1.50 each I We ca have Snug-fitting Spats to wear X\ with your Low Shoes, rry a very fine stock of Spats. We sizes to fit all and widths to make a perfect fit. Light and Dark Fawns, Maple Grey Beaver and a nice Black Broadcloth -- $1.90 to $3.50 SS -- ren, HC ---------------- pense oT ----