THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. All the delicious aroma and flavor aref retained in air-tight tins of Rideau H Coffee LS SR Rs HOW TO MAKE MONEY. F LW women are averse to making pin money. It doesn't matter Life's Social Side | . whether they need it or mot. There is special pleasure in spend. : | "Diamond Dyes" Package tells fog money one has made through one's own initiative and resources, Each day there will appear on this page one of a series of su - Women how to Dye any tions on making money. Bach article will aire women Toagers She Old Material. Whig an idea that may be turned Into & moneymaker. A ed re pink taffeta with draperies of geor- gette; her flowers were pink rosas. Among those present were Lt -Cel. and Mrs. Scroggie, Col. and Mrs. G.|~ For fifty-one years millions of wo- H. Ogilvie, Col. and Mrs. H. E.|men have been using "Diamond Pense, Major and Mrs. W. Ennis |DYes" to add years of wear to worn, Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Lyster, Coy. | faded skirts, waists, coats, stockings, and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Capt. and Mrs, Sweaters, coverings; hangings. every- Editor of Women's Fage, Telephone 1724; Private phone 857w. *r ss Once more the cily fathers in their gold frames looked down on fair maidens and brave men dancing gafly "bn Friday evening when _ Cataraqul . No. 23--Making Children's Dresses. right length for little girls' dresses and shorter remnants which will make up into pina- fores, She is always careful The making of children's dresses and aprons, together with the remodelling of child- ren's clothes, from those of Chepter,1.0O.D.E., gave their big Armistice ball in Ontario hail. The vogue for frocks of dbrillignt hucs, deep rose, flame and yeflow, with the many sequined gowns, set oft by the soft black velvet, flash'ng with jet or silver, made the bah- room a brilliant scene. Mrs W. H. Macnee, the regent, wearing a hand- some gown of black satin and laca with touches of jet. Mrs. Norman Leslie, the vice regent, in black with gold embroidered overdress, and Mra. Norman Fraser in black satin with net and sequins, received the crowds of guests. Sympathy Six orches'ra played excellently for the dancers and Were most generous in their en- cores. During the evening Mrs. H. C. Nickle and Miss Rhoda Wurtell were busy dispensing the lemonade at the 'able arranged near the door and at + supper Mrs. R. C. Kent, Mrs. Nor- man Fraser and Mrs. C. 8. Kirkpat- rick poured coffee. Some of tne handsome gowns worn were Mrs, G. Hunter Oglivie, sequined gown with black net and lovely chrysanthe- mums. Mrs. R. E. Kent, black ne: and satin, Mrs. Sandford Calvin, George Bawden, Mr. and Mrs. R. 7. Brymner, Major and Mrs. Grant, Me. and Mrs. Hugh Ryan, Dr. and Mrs, W. A. Jones, Major and Mrs, Leach, Mrs. Douglag Anglin, Miss Gildersleeve, Mr. and Mrs. Kinear, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Keith John- Mr. and Mrs. W. Capt. and Mrs. K. Macnee, Halloway Waddell, Mr, and Mrs. Sandford Calvin, Miss Calaghan, Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Kirk- and Mrs. J. C. Mur- chie, Capt and Mrs, J. F! Prestos. Mr. and Mrs. Daunt O'Connor, Mr and Mrs. d'Esterre, Mr. and Mrs." S. M. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. warden, Col. Wotherspoon, most of the pirls and men of the younger set and a number of cadets. Abou' threes hundred people we Mrs. Arnott Minnes, reteived on | Friday for the first time since her marriage, in her pretty apartment at| to, A bright fire, shad- ed lights and lovely pink chrysanthe- drawingroom "The Winston." thing. You too can put new, rich, fadeless colors into your worn gar- ments or draperiés even if you have never dyed before. vJust buy Dia- mond Dyes--no other kind--then your material will come out right, because Diamond Dyes are guaran- teed not to streak, spot, fade, or run, Tell your druggist whether the ma- terial you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mix- ed goods. is spending a week at the Y.W.C.A., Johnson street. Miss Hill is visiting Neisk, University 'avenue Mrs. Manley Baker has returned from Toronto and Hamilton, Miss Alice W. H. Pan- 5 8 Mrs. Lappage and Mrs, Ralston; and small daukhter, Toronto, are the guests of their cousin, Mrs. Roy Men- zies, Alfred street. Mrs. H. E. Richardson, Johnson street, returned on Wednesday from a visit to Mrs, Arthur Craig, Toron- General Sir Archibald Macdonell, General King, General Hill, Colonel Beverley Brown, Col. W. P. Wilgar their elders, was the plan ad- opted by one woman who found it necessary to become a bread-winner., When she began this work she knew nothing about dress-making, but was'a good, plain seamstress, She bought a dozen paper patterns to fit children of various ages and put in a small advertise- ment in a lpcal newspaper; soon she had all the work she could do. It is not difficult to make little girls' dresses as they do.not require as careful fitting as women's clothes, It soon developed that the trade all came in a -rush during the spring end autumn months, while in mid-summer and mid- winter the work would be slack. But, by a little thought, she evolved a plan by which her income would be equalized, Whenever a sale of dress goods is advertised, she is on hand early and often gets bargains in remnants which are just the never to buy ugly patterns and also to choose materials which while pretty and dainty, will wash and wear well. Some of the prettiest cotton fabrics are now made in absolutely fast dyes. Odds and ends of laces, insertions and other trimmings can also be picked up at sales. When there are no orders on hand, she busies herself in making up materials into dres- ses and pianofores for girls from four to ten years old, and they find a ready sale. She charges the same prices as those asked by the shops and makes a good profit. Rem- nants of gingham and other cheap weaves are made up in- to women's kitchen aprons and house dresses. Kitchen ap- rons sell readily and can be made in less than an hour, the wgrk being all done on a sew- ing machine. Dressing sac- ques made from muslin rem- nants also find ready sale, NOTHING ADDED NOTHING TAKEN AWAY soLB IN TINS ONLY--BY ALL GOOD GROCERS AA, A large proportion of the hospi- tals and many of the schools and re- lief organizations in France are op= erated by women. With the exception' of royal eifi- 'q gies there are only four statues of women erected in London. With no real authority to make arrests, London's women police force costs that city $150,000 a vear, Cosinecticut has a woman examiner.® bank a Making shoes is the Intermix task of Chinese women from v to old age. They make their tiny shoés in the seclusion of uarters, even the husband bi forbidden to watch their man ture, # It is claimed that Amerlean men get more fun out of: life Enflish women, . The sexes in Japan are eq ivided as to numbers, S-------- 7 5 re dmmonia KY 17 el de It softens the water in the washing machine and makes the clothes so white and clean. ,, are among the Kingston officers who went to Montreal for the Armistice / + dinner. ., = * Mrs. L. T. Best, Lower Alfred | has returned from Newmarket where street, has asked a few old friends | she was the guest of Hon. E. J. Dav- i ¢ is a Mrs. Davis. of Mri. A. C. Courtice, Toronto, to [is and } 8 : o meet her at the t&& hour this after- Mrs. Redmond Code, who has been noon 7 visiting sister, Mrs, Amott Mip- Mrs. Shaw, Kingston, was the |nts returffed to Ditawa to-day. guest of Dr, and Mrs. Gunn, Lancas- | J * ter, this week - Miss Alice McCaig, Johnson street, Mrs. Garnet Lockett returned from Toronto where she was Mrs. Loc > 3 silver vases among the soft white] vanyd, is in Montreal. the guest of Dr, and Mrs. BE. Naruse. tulle. The assistants, who were most Mrs. Harold Davis, King Mrs. T. C. Jackson is spen Be 3 | daintily frocked, were Mrs. Richmond | ga. woek-end in New York, the guest © | Code; Ottaia, Miss Nora Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beaupre. . Fe FO OO PPO P Getty APIO ny . i | Miss Nores.and Miss Minnes. Crowds 9 Mrs. Sidney Kirby has Yotiened | ot visitors took thie opportunity of TROUD S TEA from Ottawa and is with Mrs. Fran | welcoming this popular Ottawa girl Phillips, Johnson street. Mrs. C. J. Mitchell, who has been In % and 1 pound cartons. , . Sold by all grocers. {to her husband's boyhood"s home. visiting Mrs. A. E. Knapp, Johnson 109 Princess S.reet Phone 849 street, returned to Toronto on Thurs- $ 4 To Prevent Baldness day. Baldness can be prevented easier than cured. Stop falling hair and dandruff by using Parisian sage; best for the hair. We guarantee money back if not satisfactory.--McLeod's Drug Store. black and silver, Mrs. H. C. Nickle, black net jet and satin, Miss Wur!- ell, black with touches of pink, Miss Hora, black lace over crimson, Mrs. H. E. Pense, smart pink taffeta frocks Miss Mary Ogilvie, the debutante ct the evening, was frocked in palest CORNS Lift Off with Fingers charmingly home-like. Here Mrs. Minnes received, wearing a lovely frock of white embroidered crepe and a corsage bouquet of ophelia roses. Mrs, James Minnes received with her daughter-in-law, gowned in grey can- ton crepe, with embroideries of steel and jet. In the tea room Mrs. Her- bert Steacy poured coffee, and Mrs. W. G. Minnes tea, at the polished table with its exquisite flowers, mauve and yellow 'mums, in a huge silver basket and smaller cnes in tiny To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble Kensington SUNDAY AND MONDAY, NOV. 18-14TH. street, Snuday's horoscope is not to he read as encouraging any manner (? worldly pursuits, The mind may te disposed toward metaphysical or oe- cult preoccupation--which should be a sustaining force to offset threaten ed physical and domestic dangers. Soak the clothes--the dirt rinses away RINSO is 'not a cake sosp, not a chip soap, not a washing powder, but fine granules of wonderful cleansing power that soak the dirt out of your clothes. | Dirt is so thoroughly dissolved that it floats away in | cither warm or cold rinsing water. This does away with the boiler and wash board--it makes wash-day work truly easy and simple. If You Have a Washing Machine-- Soak the clothes oversight in the usual Risse way. The cleansing suds loosen every bit of dirt. Ia the morning operate fhe machine for & few minutes snd the clothes am perfect- ly clean -- even the most soiled spots. The students of Queen's are being {well enfertained by the various {church organizations next week. On | Monday evening a committee of the | workers of St. George's Cathedral {and the Anglican Girls' Club of Queen's entertain the students in St. George's Hall, On Tuesday, St. James entertains them in St. James' Parish Hall; on Wednesday, St. And- rew's holds its annual reception in St. Andrew's Hall, and on Thursday Chalmer's will entertain the student body of the university in the lecture Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little | "all Of the church. "Fréesone" on an aching corn, in- . i Philip Harrison, Napanee, is also stantly that corn stops hurting, then Mrs. John Waddell, Earl street, en- r with Mrs, Trumpour for a short vis- shortly you lift it right off with fing- | tertained at the tea hour on Friday in it. ers. Truly! honor of Mrs, R. Hamilton Macker- 7 Your druggist sclls a tiny bottle . MG a of "Freezone" for a few cents, sum ['2% Pasedena, Cal, and Miss Nan Skinner, Montreal. Miss Lucy Wad- clent to remove every hard corn. soft 1M 4 corn, or corn between the toes, and [dell made the tea in the drawing.' APORATED MILK room and the guests included Mrs. Neale the calluses, without soreness or fir- W. Skinner, Mrs. Donald: MacPhail, ritation, Mrs. W. H. Cralg, Mrs. W. Bartiett Miss Lillian Carter and friends, the Dalton, Miss Gorman, Ottawa, Miss [Misses McKinnon and Mortgomery, Jula Lyman and the Misses Waldron. |of Queen's University, epent the ni thanksgiving week-end in Picton, the guests of Miss Carter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Carter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyd and son, El- don, Kingston, spent the last week- end the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Vine, Napane. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waite, King- ston, have been visiting in Renfrew far Thanksgiving, at the home of Mrs. Waite's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Coombs, Renfrew. Charles Ryan has returned to the dental college, Toronto, after visit- Those whose birthday it is have not an auspicious outlook, They Major John Aird and Dr. Kenneth | should be careful to guard against Mundell, Montreal, will spend thejaccident. A child born on this day week-end witli Dr, and Mrs. D. E.|should be given very early training Mundell, Brock street. in self-government, ) Miss Gorman, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. Baillett Dalton, West street, will return to Ottawa on Monday. Mrs. H. A. Xavell, Barrie street, returned frosi Toronto on Friday. Mrs. Edward Wilson, Napanee, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Mark Trumpour, Lower Union street. Mrs. { | | * * * Monday's astrological chart holds a promise of an important change, removal or journey ,which: should bring good fortune and success. Ex- cellent opportunity may present It- self quite unexpectedly, and it may be embraced with confidence of ulti- mate satisfaction if only a degree of caution be exericsed as to the signe ing of letters, contracts and agree- men:s, Those whose birthday {it is have the promise of a successful year with unexpected change or travel. A child born on.ghis day may be rest- less; fond of change, and given to pleasure, unless well-trained early m life, in the fundamental principles of good advertising. Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away They make new reversible "Velvetex" Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder R. CANADA RUG COMPANY, London, Ontario. eh, DR. MARTEL'S FKMALE PILLS FORK WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delayed and Paintul Menstruation. Sealed - Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co., 71 E. Front St, To. ronto, Cahada. man * . * Mrs. W. L. Goodwin is to spend the winter with her daughtergy Miss Alice and Miss Chrissie Goodwin, in Tor- onto, and has taken the flat formerly occupied by T. W. Brown, at 518 Ont- |ario street. At your grocers LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO Brig.-General King and Mrs. W. B. Shuttleworth King asked a few of the officers who had been in France with Lieut.-General Sir Richard Tur- ner, to come in at the tea hour on Thursday, when those present were: Col. A. T. Ogilvie, Col. H. E. Pense, Col. F. O. Hodgins, Col. Beverly Brown, Lieut.-Col. A. W. Winnett, Major Garnet Greer and Capt, Lee. . . . A number of the staff of the uni- versity and their wives met in the Red Room of Queen's on Friday ing his parents Dr: and Mrs. E. Ryan, evening for the weekly Shakespeare "Rockwood House." reading. 'Twelfth Night", was the J play chosen. Dr. and Mrs, W. E. Me- a> Nefll were the hosts of the evening: Miss Sadie McClelland has return- ss ed home having spent Thanksgiving with Rev. R. N. and Mrs. Stout, Raw- don, and then a few days. with her sister, Miss A. McClelland, Picton, 'Mrs. James Holland has returned home from visiting her sister, Miss A. McClelland, Picton. : J. Courtland Elliott, who is at present in Paris, spent the last week of October in London, with Dr, Reg- inald Third. Miss Helefi Anglin, who spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anglin, Queen street, has returned to Whitby College." Mise Efa Denison, iho spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Denison, "| Sydenham street, will return to St. Agnes College, Belleville, on Sunday. . -. Mr, and Mrs, B. A. McGorray, De- catur, Ill, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Catherine Helen, to James Fairlie, Springteld, 11L., president and actuary of the Mu- tual Life Insurance Co., Illinois, and 'Sweet and His Honor, the Lieutenant Govern- or and Mrs. Harry Cockshutt, attend- ed the New York Symphony Concert in Massey Hall on Nov. 9th, at which Miss Bertha Crawford made her first 9 --that's the way appearance since her return to her you t hI . want your ome town renle : pe Crockery and Mrs. Hansord Hora gave a birth- day party for her liitle daughter, Stoneware. Old Miss Valerie Hora at the Park View Dutch will make tea rooms on Friday afternoon. The : . . little people had a glorious time them hygieni- cally so; it does ne Baa d Popular Hitson a | Modern Phonograph | The Columbia Grafonola is every. where known as the modern phono- graph. because of its many exclusioe improvements, which make all of its reproductions so real. rs Columbia Records are everywhere recognized as absolutely up-to-date because they give you all the popular hits while they are still: piping hot. romping in the spacious rooms, - . a Mrs.G. Hunter Ogilvie entertained at dinner on Friday evening for Miss Mary Ogilvie, who made her debut in Kingston society at the Armistice ball last night. > * ° 0» oats Mrs. W. G. Bailey, Pringess stret, will give a linen shower on Monday afternoon, in honor of Miss Phyllis Devlin, the bride of next week. . ' - - - - "ne | Mrs. A. C. Courtice #ifiga sec- son of Mrs. John Fairlle, Kingston, Ont. The marriage to take place Quietly in the spring. 'Near Me--Fox Trot Have You Heard These? Happiness--Fox Trot ........ AS428--81.00 retary of the Home': and * School Clubs, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. L. T. Beat, Albert street. \ Reginald Garett, Kitchener, is with Dr. and Mrs. RW. Johnson street. oJortense--Tenor Bolo....... AS407--8$1.00 Sweet Lady--Fox Trot...... AS467--8§1.00 C. W. LINDSAY, Lid Miss Jean Chown will give a re-| cital in the Memorial Hall on Dee. KE | 15th, . ~ Garrett, 2 : ) -- Ay Don't forget to hear Mrs A. C. treal, are spendiig the week-end with Mr. and who has many friends in Kingston, Mr. and Mrs, J W Hazlett, Mon- Mrs. W. Haslet, Clergy treet. Z Miss Margaret Parker, Montreal, Courtice, Toronto, organising secre- tary, "Ontario F tion Home and School Clube, in St. James' Sunday school hall, Monday, Noy, 14th; at & p.m. on "Home and School Work". Everybody yelooms, 121 Princess Street