I'H ED Al L Y BRI T i S H Ww H | | G. n TUESDAY, NOV. 15, 1921. Thurs., Fri., Sat. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 THE REX STOCK CO., Presenting Steen "What Every Woman Wants" Vaudeville Between Acts, PRICES: 20¢-30c-30c. . p-- " | | ama GRAND PEOPLE'S FORUM =] FUR BALE 1 MALE AND FEMALE BIDS. APPLY 421 Barrie ne 1512 FOUND 3 LADY'S TOE RUBBER, BLACK, | HUDSON SE CoAT, be i = , UWner may have same by a SUX W-15, Whig. | RASS ANTIQUE PIANO LAMP, | ONE naan. Nox U-z3, W hig. calilng at Whig Office LADY'S AM) SA stn, PICK. t with"Shade. Apply S$ OF LIGHT BOB SLEIGHN, ed up In post office lobby. h.p New knglana Matinee 10 and 23¢. Gallery 10c. Saturday mn ALLEN TO-DAY ANOTHER DIVORCE SCANDAL CONSTANCE TALMADGE "WEDDING BELLS" The Happiest, Snappiest , Connie-Comedy Yet ! Ere a) ¥ ES 3 TWO MUSK OX ROBES IN PRIME A . N po condition at bolan s Harness Stors, : Princess Street CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES :, Flist Insertion, lc a word. Each gen. ------ | secutive insertion thereafter, half} J NITTING AT cent a word. Minimum charge for, LADY or ont 10 po XK hh Whiz] one insertion, 25c; three fngeriions, Offtcs. pis | 50 cents. : The abuve rates are for cash only. | when charged they are double WANTED GENERAL TO-DAY WILL GUARANT and give g stad ing after furnac ly handled. Apply GOOD HEATING, | , a t look- | es caretul-| Apply Posunaster Stewart LP WANTED. 2 | HELP WANTE THA Mus GAVING MONDLAY, ON | | the University grounds, a motor. signet ring. Uwner may nave Sane at wWhig Office A LOW MuOW yx ubucity WWNEINE to & Benen i loul. Uwner nay nave Ly appiying to 19: Division | | ---- | RoOw GOOD MAID FOR GENERAL HOU se. work. Apply to Mrs. H. E. Day 1! a Alfred St. | ESS SUIT IN FIRST CLASS NDI- Eide tion ze 37. Apply 387 Barrie St | S---- | GENERAL SERVAN/ v | Apply Mrs. J. V. 9 | s deft i sluze Phone 1179F CHIROPRACTIC. Brock Street. +r WORK | WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Pa. C, Col ner Princess and Barrie Streets loor, Barrie Sc. entrance, Kingston, Ont, Consultation free. Telepnone | $22). Hours ¥ to 12 aru. 1 to § p.m. | A Direc. : AUTUMUMILE TIRE CHAIN ON | 'rincess ot, dpaiuraay nigat i OUwher imay nave sale at (ne bom. Tax. Service BLACK MumsuccO HYMN buok, Sunday. uwner may have sume at 181 Luvision di, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE GIRL FOR G EI AL HOUSEWORK, Apply evenings. Mrs. W. C. Clark, | 16y Collingwood Street. | fe = Ne. CAR. IN GUO oN | FORD TOURING CAR, IN GOOD CO dition; cheap to quick buyer. Ap= ply #4 Victoria Street. ~~ ER, COULD ALSO BE | TO-DAY BETTY COMPSON "AT THE END OF THE WORLD" Orizinal--Grl pplnr--Entertnining LARRY SEMON in "THE BAKERY" HAMM ONO, BARITO a REFERENCES RE- Mrs. Hodgins, Villa Barrie St | COOK, GENERAL. quired. App St. Claire Apartments, JENNIE A, cialists and agot street, rock. Tele- olZam, to] Spinal analysis] Residential DR. GEORGE FF, LUCY, | Lucy, Chiropractic 5 WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED| ~~ (raduate Nurse. 239 for small hotel near Kingston; must! phone 943w. Hours 9 be good cook and have city refer- v, and 7 to 9 p.m. ence. Apply Box I-20, Whig. { and consultation tree. calls by appointment. FORD ROADSY used as lignt truck. A snap. Palm- er, cor. bagot and Queen. $400 Buds GOO, COVERED, DELIV- ery truck; newly painted. Palmer, Anyone finding anything and cor. Bagot and Queen, Wismng to reaca the owner may | do 80 wy reporung Lae | Ane pritisn Wig The $325 BUYS A tisemient will ve printed In ster; electric ot Colulnn Iree ol cuarge. | excellent condful i Kdwards. eee eee | MAN (EXPERIENCED) MARRIED On| __ single, for farm. Free house, gar-| den and fuel. Apply personally or] phone R. M. VanLuven, Lake Shore | Road, Portsmouth. | GARAGE FOR FALL AND WINTER sitoruge. McCann Agency, 86 Brock Street. Phone 326. | FIRST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD; ! Box | all conveniences. Apply 3i6 Bar- 1 rie or phone 2238%w. CHEVROLET ROAD- ER NEST 'ter; license; an Bawden and TO LET. INSIST ON THE BEST Crossed Fish Sardines THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL EE IY W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Building, Brock and" King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327): Geseral Insurance Agency Writing:---Automobile, ire, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. Representing Only Reliable Companies Learn to dance ut tle Gar- dem Hall, 111 Brock Street, All be le Waltz, One Step, Faux Trot, Jdours from 7 to ¥ every ight, iRS, S§, COHEN dall Phone Residence one ° Township of Kingston REVISION OF VOTERS' LIST Notice in hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant te The Ontarlo Voters' List Act by Hix Homour, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Fromntenac, at the Township ri o e 24th November, r of two o'clock in the d determine com- plaints of error d omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Kingston for 1921, CH F. ADAIR, erk of Said Court, Dated at Cataraqui, the 12th day of November, 1921 PearlA. Nesbitt LT.C.M. Organist and Leader of Queen St. Cholr Teacher in Singing and Pian Phone 1167) | | | { "Found articles" does no clude lust dogs, cattie, hor 3 etc. These, 11 lust, may be ade vertised 1or in the "Lost column | FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CIT) property, farm land in Saskatlche- wan, John Craig, Gen. Delivery, Kingston, ont CHEVROLET TOURING five good tires, Bawden and Y, TO| Qall on business men; must be ener-| getic, honest, and have se ity; reference required T-11, Whig Office MAKE MONEY pald weekly f writing show car vascing. Ww i You with w est-Angus show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bld, To- ronto. , WE WANT 50 BUYS A car; electric siarter; guod running order. rdwards. SING ROOM, WITH BOARD IF DE- $] sired; all conveniences. Apply : LOST, King street, or phone 2257 sLASSES ON FRIDAY PAIR OF NO p please leave at Whig last. Finder FIRST OF JANUARY, LODGE rooms now occupied by the 1. 0. O Apply to Cunningham & Smith 5 BUYS GOOD OVERLAND TOUR. ing car, electric starter and- hgats. . % A snap for q ck sale. Palmer, cor, Bagot and Gueen. -- Kingston Industries Locomotive Works shut down. GOLD WRIST W . tials ons vack, in Upera tivuse Friday nignt. Finder please retucn to Waig uftice. CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; improvements; centrally locat- Apply 243 ( versity Ave. RILIABLE SALES agent for each yurepresented coun- ty or territory. Exclusive selling ed. rights; good pay to energetic rep- ~ resentatives| Our agency Is valu-| GARAGE, NEAR CORNER VEEN able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. ana dagot Apply D. G. Hay, R. Toronto, Ont R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 72. St A NINE RUOMED STONE HOUSE, 148 Moutreal St, all jmprovements. Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacaut April 1st. FIRST | -- 2 | $275 BUYS A CHEVROLET TOU RING | car; overhauled; new tires; electric BLACK POCKET BOOK, CONTAINING | starter and lignts. 'A snap. Palm sum of money. Name inside, and | g t Queen Sts. registration card. Finder please re- --ce------ turn to Whig Office. Reward. ee tt, VERTICAL GASOLINE :velops $44 h.p.. Tank for CoulIng, e i guud running eor- der. Apply IF. J. Salsbury, 21 Sixth Street. 00D WAGES FOR H WORK -- we need you to make ks on t fast, easi¥y-learned Auto Knitter; experience unnecessary; distance immaterial; positively no canva ing: yarn supplied; particulars, 3c stamp. Dept. 18-C, Auto Knitter Co, Toronto. Sg SMALL BROWN PURSE, CONTAINING sum of money, on Marl Clergy or Princess streets, Friday afternoon. Reward if returned to Whig Oftice, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND merchandise; clean and dry. Mc- Cann Agency, 86 Bruck Street. Phone 326. { ONE 10 H.P, UPRIGHT STEA Ul BOIL- er and one Spring waggon; in Bouod order Will ve sold rTeason- able. Apply H. Webber, 261 Regent Street. | 07 ON THURSDAY, A LADY'S WATER-| oon, to he man Safety Fountain Pen on] University, Garrett, Brock, Division | or Queen streets. Return to or we SALESMEN--WE PAY WEEKLY AND offer steady employment selling our comy e and exclusive lines of whole-root fresh-dug-to-order trees and plants Best stock and service We teach and equip you free. A money-making opportun- ity. Luke Brothers' Nurseries, Montreal. tify 230 University Ave ONE SIX ROOM APARTMENT ON ground floor; also two houses. Ap- nly H. T. Norman, corner Patrick and Charles Street. » op op . 550 BUYS A 1920 CHEVROLET TOUR- WELLINGTON STRE s INE CRF, thetocsns Uvernaiig ana tween Brock and Gore, pare 2 in first ciass condition; ive good | taining collar and pair of gloy tires and license; terms. Bawden Finder return to Mrs. Moss, 5 and kdwards. A lington, or phone 1704w. ------ -------- ES ---------------- MILLINERY GOONS, CON. A BROWN WATER SPANIEL, [ Malines, Veiling. Straw months oll, white breas', wea Ribbons, a red-lined brown co to name of "Ginger." notify M. Moss, 56 Wellington St Phone 1704w. ON mm Ee DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT OSTEOPATHS 204 King Street, far Earl Telephone 447, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, aray, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's Clty Storage, 199- 305 Queen St. Phone 526. res. 939w. PPALACE SKATING RINK, COMPLETE with stock of skates, musical or- gan, skate grinder, etc. For terms apply John Stansbury, 169 Raglan Koad. SALE OF sisting of Braids, lowers, few § Slraw shapes, ana chidren's hats. Finder please | Apply 112 Lower William Street. Shipyard and Dry Dock | CITY LOT. 6 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 dl | feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also 1ale, i A BALE OF HAY. WILL THE PER-| lucubator, 140 egg, and {wo brooa- Montreal Transportation EXPERIENCED wishes work on Ontario Street. YOUNG MARRIED MAN, wirn clerical experience but anxious for work of any kind, urgently res quires employment. Apply Box L-9, Whig Office. FARM HAND rm. Apply 234 AN | Studio: 24 Division Street. CONGRESS PARTY TO VISIT CANADA | APARTMENTS, ESPECIALLY FURN- ished for light Joygekerping, mod- ern improvements, at the loneer Apartments, 212-214 Division street. and Wood store, kindly | near Victosia Street. return { Phone 1434w. same and save further . SS py trouble, SEVEN - ROOMED HOUSE, with ONCE, A NEW SEVEN ROOM | wood-working shop attached; lo- house and barn on North Alfred; al- cated in prosperous village near 80 on North Alfred street, a good Kingston; doing good wusiness; brick house and eight acres of land. guva reasons tof selling. Apply Apply to J. D. Hoydnses University ox N-Z4, Whig Office. Avenue, phone 1083M. son who took the bale of hay last | ers; hot water neated. Only used saturday night from in front of | once. Cawson, z48-Concession St. Mcharlane Latent drugless treatment. New electrical cabinet. Forty Members to Study Tax- ation Methods in Ottawa and Montreal. YOUNG MARRIED MAN, RETURNED soldier, with experience in <iving either hurse or truck delivery, wants work. Apply Box No. V-14, Whig Office. . Company Elevator dis- mantled. Twelve years' success i. Kingston NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name after # | this date. EARL STREET, BETWEEN A fred an Albert, a small nicke vanity case and a long silver chain Will the finder please return to tae! Whie Office and receive a suitable reward? mmm STRAYED, YEARLING HEIFER, STRAYED ONTO the premises of Damon Smith, Cat- araqul. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. ne Samra oy NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA--A COZY home and steady income for mod- est investment in giorious climate with wonderful resources. No pro- position ever ordered compares with ours. Write to-day; full par- ticulars free. Harrison & McCas- ken, DeFunnak Sprir Florida, MUSLO. KORRINNE A. MAVDEN IS PREPAR- ed to accept a limited number of plano pupils. Studio: 69 Earl St Photie 1848. Ottawa, Nov. 15.--Hector K. Car- ruthers, secretary of the Ottawa Board of Trade, has received a wire from Lester D. Volk, representative of the 10th district of New York, in the Washington House, that a con- gressional delegation is now being arranged to visit Ottawa and Mont- real with the object of studying Can- adian methode of taxation and pai- Grain traffic diverted to other ports. SITUATIONS VACANT FURNISHED ROOMS, WARM AND comfortable, with hot and cold runnipg water in each room and every convenience. Reasonable rates by the week or month. Phone 997J or apply 406 Johnson street. RIG 83 PRIVATE greeting card to workers, CHRISTMAS sample book free celebrated, inexpen- sive, Royal Series, secure orders new, deliver later; men and wo- men already making five dollars up daily even in spare time; capital or expereince unnecessary. Garret- son Company, Brantford, Ont. MILLINERY. F. What is the Reason ? UPHOLSTERING. ------------------ ------------ CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, J. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP- P. J. NORRIS. nn as-------- ONTO PREMISES OF F. G. COMPTON, R. R. 2, Kingston, blu; and white J . It is time for a change. holstering and general repairing. heifer calf. Owner may have same| -- ticularly the sales tax. , by proving propertly and paying MRS. MeLAUCHLIN WISHES TO AN- Leave orders at or drop a card to ap EEE = = == The visit to Ottawa ig proposed to nounce her removal ee from 95 104 Clergy street === Ee ---- = = =EE = = EE be made during the forthcoming re- | to 112 L. William Street, where : : Xo | cess of- Congress, which is expected | : A An "OV : ; 3 5 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- 3 n | ghe i ond remeqs) for making. | COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR 4 x to be from November 26 to Decem- n remodeling hats der in all popular shapes and sizes. \ers and Solicitors, 79. Clarence -- Upholstering and repairing done. Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- ber 5. ARCHITECT WOLFE ISLAND. i | N HC 0 i POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- Nov. 7. Municipal Cougeil met at| = E. J. Goodridge, 244 University ham, Cyril M. Smith. FANCY GOODS. tects, Merchants bank Chambers, | 11 a.m, Members present: The reeve | Avenue. | AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER] and Solicitor. Law office, corner oi King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999. =torher of Brock and Wellington. | and. councillors Alarie, Keyes and | Wallace English, aged nine, Kin- McAdoo. Minutes of last meeting |. . ; : SIGNS Dror as a Ing Sn | mount, accidentally through ' - - { . al ccounts Ja 4: lungs, The Dublin police have given back SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS ly: 411s McDonald, $90; John Gray, Attempt made to assassinate Sov- | the plant to the Sinn Fein publish- re Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service ---- -- on eee IF YOU HAVE A USED (CCAR FOR SALE see Geog Palmer, cor. Bagot and Queen. Phone 410J. A LARGE STOCK OF ARMY BLANK- ets for sale at a reasonable price, Call at Ls Routbard, 259 Princess or phone 1723. Hamilton, Nov. 15.--Bread went own another cent a loaf yesterday. | A majority of the bakers are selling at eight cents a loaf, while some are | down to seven. | HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC. cordion. knife and box pleating Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. E. A. Card, 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. opposite Artillery Park pr whl bo DENTAL. DR, A, E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w. A. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock. I -------------------------- DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phoue 1850. Open evenings by appoiatment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. sumed practice at 92 Princess St. * over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone ¢ oy FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. / ished; guns, gramaphones, etc. re- paired promptly and guaranteed. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St. { Bread at Seven Cents. | i { | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop a card to Mounteer, 84 Arch Street. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA DT selections; your own choice $41 Terms $7 cash, $5 per month Lindsay, Limited, h, CW 121 Princess St. MeLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, COST shou 250; only run 4,000 miles; new; quick sale. Palmer, Bagot and Queen streets, 82,« good as corner HH. SCOTT & CO, 33 BEVERLY ST, Painters, I'aperhangers and Deco- rators. No Job too small, no con- tract too large. Storm windows re- paintea, putted, glazed and put oan All work done at shortest aotice, large or small, Pusters, Showcards a0 + r . a displays a specially, by Shaw at 213 | 300: Wm. Armstrong, $60; H. Mar-| Minister Tchitcherin, ers. Princess Street. {low, $55; M. Weir, $40; C. Kenna, baby carriage tires put on while y $40; R. Spoon, $300; W. B. Dalton CIVIL ENGINEERING. ' s iret You walt. Muller's Bicycle Works, & Sons, $22.89; MeKelvey &: Birch, . 371-373 King street, Phone 1032w. | FLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES -- 7. $4:05; Canadian Ol Co, -- $39.54, FINANCIAL ee eee ES eo ED TATE aT ---------------------------- as . Inst. 123 King Street. Phone 1634. SL osulY. Soa iI: Ste: y TO ; NE RENLEY, DIRE AVY; hess So 30.98: B. Crwiond, eon. kar] street. Phone 1782M, 78; Pyke Towing and Salvage Co., coal, $486; Weir and Rattray, ac- count, $23.34; Kingston Laundry, $3.21; R. McGregor, $8; S. Anglin & Co., $49.05. Township acocunts paid: Wm. Al- lison Jr., gravel, $20; A. Berry, re- pairing culvert, $2; Weir & Rattray, account, $13.28; Sawyer-Massey Co., note, $1,150; G. A. Rattray, selecting Jurors, $3; J. D. Cosgrove, selecting Jurors, $3; H. C. Hogan, selecting Jurors, $3; Standard Pub. Co., $6; Dritish Whig Pub. Co., $6; County of Frontenac, tile, $228.64; Geo. Mc- Donell, stone, $700; R. Berry, $2: Moved McAdoo Alarie, and resolved that By-Law 501 be passed appoint- ing following Township officers: D. R.0. No. 1 Robert Grimshaw Clerk Sam Taggart, D.R.0. No. 2 George Whitmarsh Clerk Herb Dawson, No. 3 D.R.O. T. J. Couley Clerk .H. C. Hogan, No. 4 D.R.O. Martin O'Brien Clerk Joseph Murphy, D.R.0O. No. 5 ; of James Keogh Clerk John . Niles, $).500--FRAML HOUSE; NORTH END; Council adjourned teiDec. 1661 at nve rooms; large lot, room fur one 10.30. Or two nore huuses. 3 ' ne Br-- er. ose" P-DETACHED FRAME , § rooms, and C. and gas. Two More Memorial Windows, deep lot and good cellar, T#o more windows will be in place in the City Memorial Hall on Wed- $2600 FOR THE MATE TO THE ABOVE nesday evening. One represents an aviator and the other a nursing sis- with electric lights; both well built ter. The last of the windows will be in place by Nov. 30th, PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND HYSLOP Bicycles, also bicycle repairing; BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETO, A Plano, small size, $75.00. NEAR FRONTENAC PARK Double, Solid Brick, seven rooms each, four bedrooms, electric light and other improvements. Immediate possession. Priced at $5750. Revenue pays 10 per cent on investment, THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones 68 and 2240m. 56 Brock Street. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING = work guaranteed. Peter D. Brown, 12 Markland Street. Phone 2397m. streets. PALMISTRY PROF. ARMENDO TELLS PAST AND future and gives advice; 87 John- son street. Hourg a.m. to 10 p.m. Eman eee cm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO- ing business hotels: vicinity King- ston; general and summer trade Everything in first class order. Owner retiring on account of ili- health. Apply Box R-7, Whig Quebec Heaters and others, $4.00 up STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE to $12.00 $0 2.00, agents; established in 1860; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, upposite the post office. A few parlor suites $15.00 each. Sideboards in oax, all prices. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. | O%K dinner Wagon, $5.00, ment Society, incorporated 1881. President WF. Jionio, KC. ice: Oak hall seat, $5.00. president, . . Cunningham. We buy all kinds of I i Money issued on city and farm y 3 of Furniture, properties, municipal and county, debentures; mortgages purchased, investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed R. C. Captwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence¥street, Kingston LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP PERSONAL MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, marks. skin cancers, r% etc. re- moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses nNtted and furmished after others have failed. ' Goitre removed. 85 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J | ©, Lake, Bye. Ear, Nose: Throat, Skin 268 Bagot Street. Phone 201. Phone 1045w. . 507 Princesy, Street. teeters. stn tet eae ee, BIRTH. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF good second-h lurniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we will Pay highest prices. J. Tnompsun, 333 Princess Stree Phone levow, ANNOUNCING A New Chevrolet Model "The 490 Special" Combining all the good points of the "490," this model will in addition have Gasoline Tank on rear, Vacuum Feed Sys- tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain light, nickle-plated radiator, nickle-plated bumper, spiral bevel- led' pinion and gear In rear axle, and cord tires all round. This car is the sensation at the Toronto Exhibition. The price is even more sensational --8$893.00, : "490 Touring Regular" "490 Roadster Regular" $785 $785 "490 Light Delivery" $785 MEDICAL. K. ROBINSON, M.D, 3¢3 BARRIE Street Hours 10.30-12 am, 2.4 pm, 7-830 Phone 1646 p.m. ce EBONY CUBE"... CANNEL COAL For Open Grate Fires just received. LBATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. \ FOR SALu C, SEMI-DETACHED; ruoms: B. and C.; down town. $6,500--BRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATES) lmprovedicuts; central. SIX MISS HELEN YTRasno - ttor 'tn Canada, who is cepirant for seat in British commons. She is an ficial lecturer for the British govern- en MED CEMENT BLOCK and electric Ii a hardw igors : 0 will handle ft. 9 oF less Hotel Rates Are Too High. Montreal, Nov, 15.--Hotel prices are still at the peak reached during the war, and the time has come -- -- FRAME BUNGALOW; 4 rooms; good condition; 3 plece Wesley Buen, a G.T.R. foreman, STOVES Ean ey TURK Phone 705 a SRG) A A A AA A seman WHEN YOU WANT THE CARP 3x J Selby, Contractor, 312 Iversity Avene. Phone 1598w. bata; Slcetrichty; vasy and stable; acre land, Un York Koa vutside city limits. % Just TO LET, ME DWELLING WEST END; large lot and stable. FRAME HOUSE, NORTH END, FIVE rooms, no improvements, large lot. REAL ESTATE BATEMANS 150 Wellington Strest, Kingston, for a general reduction, J. M. S. Car- roll, past president of the Commer- cial Travellers' Association, told the annual meeting of that body in the Board of Trade Building on Satur- day. . Delicious wild strawberries and 1il- aes in bud, found on Manitoulin Isl- ads, 1 was through a fire at St. Albany on Saturday and had a close call. The bunkhouse caught fire and Be was forced to beat a hasty retreat from the building. He was painfully bruised about the legs through fall- ing down a stairway bu: was other- wise uninjured. His watch, valued at $67, was lost In the flames. His home is in Brockville, All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--Sales Tax Extra BAWDEN & EDWARDS /CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 80 MONTREAL STREET . PHONE 400,