Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1921, p. 8

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£ EE * TUTETAY, NOV, 15, 1001, | Life's Social Side | Taylor, the Principal's | Queen's University. . » . Prof. and Mrs, William Nicol, Al- bert street, gave a small dinner at | the Frontenac club on Saturday ev- | ening for Mr. and Mrs. George Aw- | rey, who spent a few days Fditor of Women's Page, Telephone 1724; Private phone 837w. - . . A pleasant reception to the Angli- ean students of Queen's University was given in St. George's Hall on Monday evening, under auspices of the Welcome and Welfare Commit- tee and the Girls' Auxiliary of the Cathedral, and the Anglican Girls' Club of Queen's. The Dean of On- tario, Mrs. W, Ennis Kidd,-Mrs. Hen- Ty Wilkinson, Miss Aileen Rogers, and Miss Eileen Jandrew received the crowds of guests, who were soon introduced to each other by the re- ception committee. The hall was beautifully decorated with flags, ferns and evergreens and table where supper was served was centred with huge white and yellow chrysanthem- ums and Queen's colors. A musical programme which was interspersed by games; etc., consisted of piano numbers by R. R. F. Harvey, songs {by Mrs, Callendar, Miss Isobel Hugh- es, Miss Harriet Gardiner and Miss Marjorie Booth. The Dean gave a short address of welcome to: the guests of honor and said there was always a welcome for them at St. George's. Rev. W. E. Kidd was as usual making everything go off with a swing and was assisted by Col. P. @. C. Campbell, R. T. Brymner, George Bawden, Prof. Prince and Prof. Kelll, *. The lecture hall of Chalmers Church was gally decked on Monday evening, when the congregation wel- comed the students of Queen's and the nurses of the Kingston General hospital. Rev. Dr. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson, Prof. and Mrs. John Mathe- son received, and a merry guessing game in which everyone met every- one else, was the opening number. A programme with violin numbers from Miss Leslie Taylor. who also made wonderful music on her big saw; a monologue by Mr. Gates Answers to Correspondents: : MARY MARY---Red hands, especial- iy if they are inclined to chap, are very distressing. The best preventative I edn recommend to you is CAMPANA'S ITALIAN BALM. Rub jit thoroughly ato your hands every night and morn- ng and particularly after each wash- & of your hands, because it is the ntinuous washing incident to houso- fork that makes them chapped and get id. CAMPANA'S ITALIAN BALM will vent both chapping and redness, and u will do well to use it. You will so be well advised to massage your ® with it night and morning. You n buy CAMPANA'S ITALIAN BALM #t any Druggist. 40c. a large bottle. Will Take Off : All Excess Fat Do you know that there is a simple, harmless, effective remedy for overfat- Ness that may be used safely and sec- retly by any man or woman who is los- ing the slimness of youth? There is; &nd it is none other than the tablet form of the now famous Marmola Pre- scription, known as Marmola Prescrip- tion Tablets. You can well expect to uce steadily and easily without go- & through. long sieges of tiresome 8xercise and starvation diet. Marmola Prescription Tablets are sold by all Uggists the world over at one dollar Or & case, or you can secure them di- Fect from the Marmola Co. 1612 Wood- Ward Avenue, Detroit, Mich., on receipt of price. AI I d= which brought Yorth much applause { them, aa and numbers from a part of Queen's | orchestra were much enjoyed. Dr. | Patterson, Toronto, came in after the lecture in Cooke's church and | friends to D. Stewart Robrtson's light of his audience. Most delicious j noon, refreshments were served by a cor mittee of the ladies of the church. | def E. V. Greaza hsriaived ber Altogether the evening was an entire | S!2 at the tea hour, Tuesday even- 1 i yr - leas t i success and enjoyed by those pres- | '\"& after which a very pleasant time ent, as Chalmers affairs of this kind | W235 Spent in music and dancing. always are. The lecture hall was full to overflowing but there was always room for one more, * . . * * * Mrs. H, A. Lavell, president of the Dominion Board of the Woman's Balley, Princess street, gave a most |10TORt0, represefited the board at charming tea and shower for Miss | ) a Piyllis Devlin, the popular Kings-on | SChool of Missions, held in Wick- girl who is one of the brides of this | ¢liffe College, Toronto, last week. week. At the entrance to the pretty | The Mission Boards joining in this home, the guests passed under a big | WOTk are the Methodist, Anglican, entered the drawing room, with its | tional and they were all represented glowing grate fire, where under a |'at the large meeting in the auditor- with | Mrs. Stewart M, Robertson, Syden- | ham street, has asked a few of Mrs. | told funny stories, greatly to the de- | COM® in for a cup of tea this after- | Missionary society of the Me*hodist | On Monday afternoon Mrs. W. G | church, who has just returned from | { the inauguration of the Canadian | wedding bell twined with smilax, an1 | Presbyterian, Baptist and Congrega- | another white bell wreathed with green, Mrs, Bailey received them Lovely ferns were here and in thas dining room, where long white streamers were caught to the centre bell at the chandelier with a big bow and maiden hair fern. The table was centered with a silver basket or mauve mums and unshaded candles were on the buffet shedding a soft light. Miss Frances Devlin poured tea and Miss Lorreita O'Reilly cnt the ices assisted by Miss Flora Mec- Donald, Mrs. S. O. Urquhart, Ot- linen for the bride-elect, which was a huge bow of ribbon, and presentea by little Miss Margaret Balley, adain- ty maiden in a charming frock or white point d'esprit over white sill. who said to the bride, "I am re- quested to present this box of linen to you which conveys many gooa wishes for a happy future." The guests included Miss Irene Nicholson. Miss Mamie Tierney, Miss Ethelmay Sutherland, Miss May Mills, Miss Anna Corrigan, the Misses Millan, Miss Kane, Miss Marie McDonald, Miss Rose Simpson, Miss Helen Bu®- ler, Miss Mollie Cosgrove, Miss Anita Walsh, Miss Myrtle Spencer, Miss Lovatt and Miss Florence Boyce. * * * Mrs. I. G. Bogart was hostess at a delightful tea on Monday after- noon, in honor of Mrs. J. F. Mac- Donald, who until her recent resig- nation as Girl Guide Commissioner, had always been such a generous, en- | thusiastic, and untiring worker am- ong the Guides since they were or- ganized. With much pleasure, Mrs. I. .G. Bogart, the president of the Girl Guide local committee, presented ercome, expressed her grateful ap- preciation for their beautiful gift and regretted that she was unable to remain with the Guides. The draw- ing room Was tastefully decorated with roses and chrysanthemums, and at the pretty tea table Mrs. MacDon- ald poured tea, Mrs. Savary assist- ing. The guests were the Local Com- mittee, * * » Mrs. Bruce Taylor, the Principal's Residence, is entertaining tonight at- ter the lecture in Convocation hall, for the chorus of cadets who will sing the Folk Songs, the executive of the Levana Society and the presiden's of the several years. Mrs, Bruce Taylor, 'the Principal's Residence, entertained at supper on Monday evening after Dr. Sapir's de: lightful lecture in Convocation hall, for Dr. Sapir and J. Murray Gibbon, who were her house guests, * - - J. Murray Gibbon, who has been visiting Principal and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, left for Toronto today. Dr. Edward Sapir, Ottawa, is the guest of Principal and Mrs. Bruce te Gentlemen's Watch Sale tawa, and Miss Minnie Doyle. Each guest had brought a piece of dainty | put in a white crepe paper box wih | Mrs. MacDonald with a handsome | chatelaine on behalf of the ladies | present, Mrs. MacDonald, quite ov- | 75 Gentlemen's Gold-Filled Watches 18 Jeweled--with White or Gold Digls-«in Plain, Engine Turned or Engraved Cases. These are our reg.' ular Watches which sell from $21.00 to $24.00. Specially priced at ------ a . While They Last. $18.00 Kinnear & d'Esterre {ium, Br. J. Lovell Murry has been | appointed Director of the School. { Miss Gollack, London, Eng. assist- { ant-editor of the International Re- | view of Missions, gave an inspiring | ! address, | x ® | Miss Elma Lake of the Bank of | | Nova Scotia is spending the week in Toronto, Mrs. Earnst Cunningham left Montreal to-day. geles to-day t¢ spend the months. Miss Nan Skinner, in town with Mrs. and Mrs. Donald MacPhail, will go up to Toronto on Wednesday. Miss Perceval, Brock street, and. * = * stallation of Canon Seager as Pro- vost of Trinity Colleze, Mr. and Mrs, George Awrey have taken rooms at 309 University aven- ue. Miss Margaret Parker, who spent a week at the Y. W. C. A., Johnson day. Mrs. E. J. Court," will leave Thursday. Douglas Elliott, Belleville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. | H, Fair, West street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Livingston, | Barrie street, Mrs. Henry Wilkin- |son and her father, John McKelvey, | leave for California next week. * = * Dr. A. E. Freeman, Inverary, Ont. announces the engagement of his eld- est daughter, Ada Myrtle, to Hugh Melvyn Williams, eldest son of Thom- | as Williams, of Balcarrus, Sask., the | marriage to take place quietly in December, Bidwell, "Bishop's for Halifax on Dr. Edward Sapir, Dominion aa- thropologist, will give a free lecture in Convocation hall on Tuesday even- ing, Nov. 15th, at 8.15 pm. on | by the permission of the Command- | ant of the Royal will be illustrated by a chorus of cadets. The St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas, of Montreal distriet, (No. 4), of which Mrs. J. A. Henderson ia district superintendent, sent = two wreaths of maple leaves to England, one to be placed on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Abbey, and the other on the Cenotaph. "The wreaths were paraffined so that the leaves would keep their color and form. The former Miss Gladys Deacon, now the Duchess of @ Marlborofigh, is having movies taken of Blenheim palace for family records. Besides appearing in many Scenes taken, she has taken many shots herself, | STROUD'S TEA 12 and 1 pound cartons. Seld by all grocers. 100 Princess S.reet Phone S49 vs AA AA AA nay DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS R WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delayed and rsiniul Menstruation. Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co, 71 E. Front St, To- anada. | ronto, C: for | Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Berming- | ham, Barrie street, leave for Los An- | winter | who has been | William Skinner | has | been visiting Miss Grant, Wolfe Isl- | The Dean of Ontario left for To- | ronto to-day, to be present at the in- | street, returned to Montreal on Mon- | French Canadian Folk songs, whiecn | Military College, | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. HOW TO MAKE MONEY. F whether they need it or not. There is special pleasure in spend- Ing money one has made through ane's own initiative and resources. Each day there will appear on this page one of a series of SUgRes- Each article will give women readers of The tions on making money. nto a.moneymaker. Whig an !dea that may Le turned | No. 25--The Pop-Corn Store. tention and draw customers and, of course, the sales grew steadily. From the first there was unusual interest on the part of the public in the line o? nut-meats which showed that there was an opportunity' to expand this phase of the busi- ness still further. So the line was added to un- til it was made to comprise ev- ery edible nut known A long display 'counter was used to display them to advantage and keep them protected from the dust. From this they 'are sold in bulk. But they are also put up in convenient and popular half-pound boxes. Peanut but- ter manufactured right in the store is another late addition to the stock, To-day every nook and corner of the store, which is perhaps twenty feet wide and thirty feet in length, is fully utilized, and the pro- prietors declare that it is limi- "tation of space alone which prevents them from branching out further. The sign over the store reads: "Avenue Pop-corn and Nut Shop," to indicate the ex- tended scope of the stock car- ried, Pop corn, however, start- ed the business, -and is still one of the most important fea- tures in its success, Running a pop-corn store seems a strange vocation for college girls to take up, and yet two young women who went into the business several years ago, more at first in a spirit of adventure than any- thing else, found it to be such a good paying enterprise that they enlarged and improved their equipment and started in in dead earnest to make mon- ey--angd they have succeeded beyond their most sanguine ex- pectaticns, Their first ventdre was a small stall on the board-walk of a famous seaside resort-- frequented at all seasons of the year, They had only a boy to help them sell the pop-corn and at that time sacked pop- corn and pop-corn balls con- stituted the sole output of the place. There was such a de mand for it that the girl pro- prietors saw almost at once that there were other lines which logically belonged with it, and they proceeded to add them, One line at a time -- nuts, crispets and molasses candy were added, and improv- ed devices for their making were installed as the business grew and prospered, most of them right in the windows where they would attract aj 3 NN iggy oay The Little Indian Boys Stat Three bright eyed, intelligent looking little Indian boys have be- | s Some familiar figures on the streets | of Kingston durin 8 as WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16. months, running A pe last oy The planetary rule for this day is|]aden with baskets in the gay hues [most auspicious, encouraging to all| beloved by the people of their race sorts of initiative and progressive|p response to an invitation from | movements, provided these do not in-| them to come and see them making volve journeys or removals or unpre-| their pretty wares, they were found mediated changes, which are not un-|on Ontario street at the top of one ot der friendly sways. New and bold|the old brick houses opposite the ventures may be assayed, with the|j,comotive works, Two flights of prospect of enduring success and €X-|parrow stairs were climbed and there | cellent financial return. The mind were (he three boys, Arnold, Russell should be found steady, and the Judsg-|,54 Freeman Farmer with their ment safe and ready to cope with baf-| 00 ana aunt, W. H. Martin and fling problems. New friends may ap-| yi q. Martin, an elderly squaw and pear {o assist and inspire. her son, Mrs. David and Louis Davia Those whose birthday it is have|qp, rooms were as neat as a work- the forecast of a year of initiative! non and home combined could be and of successful enterprise, with In-|,, 4 the visitor received a smiling crease of money, credit and valuable | yoluone from Mrs, Martin, who bag friendships. It may be advisable for |. told of the invitation given by them, however, to avoid radical, . boys. Baskets were in every change, removal or travel. A child {gia 00 of construction and the visitor | born on this day should prove to be was told of the process from the time Sere, Snergetie: bold and adventur-| pg yack ash was cut in the swamps, hia To, i bc | pra foment Te 8 : {of different articles, made by these herent good qualities. | descendants of the original inhabi- An auspicious day for the use of | ants of this land. After the bark is classified 'advertising. taken from the black ash, the trunk of the tree is pounded with the back of an axe till it will tear off in lohg strips three or four inches wide call- ed withs, these are cured and then when the wood is soft and pliable, cut inte smaller strips, some of them like baby ribbon, The long strips To-morrow's HOROSCOPE Kemble By Genevieve TO-DAYS FASHION By Vera Winston. Dr.Chase's L118 . Wrap of Turquoise Blue Chiffon Velvet and Brocade. Evening wraps are distinguished by their loveliness of color as weil as the beauty of the fabties from which they are fashioned. This charming model is cut from turquoise blue chiffon velvet, which falls in soft folds from neck to hem. The very sleeves are shirred 'along the upper side to form innumerabdie fine folds. Panels of metallic bro- cade appear on the front of the wrap. A handsome coliar of white fox fur adds to the rich appearance of this wrap. ~ . : ------ One woman in England earns a livelihood as a tuner of church bells. : a -------- Fr blood condition. harmless. mentioned above. about an inch wide are coiled and | fastened in place, dye is prepared on the tiny stove and the coils are plac- jed in the dye bath to come out even- {1y dyed orange, purple, green or red. {Moulds of wood are used to shape the baskets on and every one weaves them, the old squaw, the young one, the men and the little boys all work rapidly with an inherited skill, for they are Iroquois Indians, Mowhawks of the Six Nation tribe, and speak the Mowhawk. tongue in conversation with each other, but when talking {to their visitor they spoke excellent | English. Martin and his wife are {from Deseronto and the. boys, the children of Martin's sister, are from Brantford. Louis David described the process of making the baskets of sweet Indian hay, now getting more rare as the difficulty of getting the hay increases, for it has to be pulled in June and only grows where the mareh has never been cut down, even | then each spear has to be pulled sep- | arately for the sweet hay grows {among the rest and only those well versed in the lore of the wild, can differentiate between the several kinds of grasses, A special process Lof curing is required to kesp the de- dicious fragrance and only the ac- |customed fingers of the squaws can Before each meal eat a Royal Yeast Cake, or take a cake dissolved in water or fruit juices. ' The scientific investigators say that the curative elements in the vitamines and nuclein which it con- tains. It is certainly well worth a fair trial by those who suffer from any of the ailments 'give her presidential A little shaken into the toilet bowl renders it Free From odors and snow-white. fe LYEASY OYA AS)! wiica KES in. Product of Canada It was known many years ago that yeast is an excellent thing for the many ills that result from disordered stomach or rundown Lately eminent scientists have been investigating the matter thor- oughly and their conclusions point to the fact that the beneficial effect of yeast has not been overrated. The yeast treatment is very signple and economical - and altogether Royal Yeast are Send name and address for free booklet "Royal Yeast Cakes for Better Health." EWGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED wanirge. TORONTO, CANADA. MonTREAL. make these highly prized baskets. A doll's cradle of the wood, gaily colored and handsome bags and chil- dren's moccasins of doe skin, took one back in fancy to the tepee in the forests, where the ancestors of these people made such pretty things for centuries before Columbus found this fair land wherein the peoples of over-crowded Europe, might find a home. WOMEN'S INSTITUTES. The twentieth annual convention of the Women's Institutes of Ontario opens its sessions next Tuesday :n the Foresters' Hall, Toronto, and an unusually interesting programme has been prepared. There is to be an in« novation this year, in that individ. ual Institute reports are not being asked for, leaving more time for fresh discussion. Ipstitutes work- ing along special lines have been asX- ed to report on results achieved, but the omission of the somewhat dreary routine of report reading is a happy decision, Lady Falconer will give the ad- dress of welcome, Mrs. William Todd, Orillia, president of the Federaiea Women's Institutes of Ontario, owill address and many speakers of interest will foliow them, where known as the graph because of its Popular Hits on a Modern Phonograph The Columbia Grafonola is every- modern phono- many exclusive improvements, which make all of its reproductions so real. Near Me--Fox Trot Columbia Records are everywhere recognized as absolutely up-to-date because they give you all the popular hits while they are still piping hot. Have You Heard These ? Happiness--Fox Trot ......... AS428--85c. 5 seseess. ABSOO--85c, Hortense--Tenor Solo. ....... AB407--85c. © Bweet lady--Fox Tret.. ..... C. W. LINJSAY, 121 Princess Street . AB4O7. Ld

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