IT H E D A 1 L Y B R 1 Ti S H Ww H I C. THURSDAY, Noy. 7. 1021, BEEEEEEE {GRAND Tonight, Fri, Sat. | Matinee Saturday at 2.30 THE PEOPLE'S ; FOR UM ® | ym | THE REX STOCK CO., Presenting s © g i " HE "What Every Woman Wants Vaudeville Netween Actas, . PRICES: 20c-30c-30c. Gallery 10c. Saturday Matinee 10 and 23¢, ee ech ------ - . a ANA ons GRAND--NEXT MON._TUES, one insertion, 25c; three insertions, A MEDICAL BOOK. ON CON. OF BRAND NEW PRODUCTION OF THE 50 cents a nm ] JOM ; A | i, GO i" : a OF ; 2 The above rates are for cash only.| x ay ; King and Gore Eo Tach belt. Appiy box W-15, 5 f 'UN When eharged the ie. ADu, upright ass cond) PURSE, ON 4. STREET = BASS QUE PIANO LAMP, | i F i | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : WANTED GENERAL vy FOR SALE | Flist Insertion, lc a word h i a | - -- i i 1 T ALE AND FEMALE BIRDS, secutive Insertion therealier haiti, ,,y gq Gi To DU K° Ou ~ : FE) Bi cent a word. Minimum ¢ tor) LA IX IR APPLY 1 Dox | 5 F ND 421 Barrie or phone 15121 oi a Pn Ss fon whic pri # iy i ; /, containing sum with shade. Apply Box U-28. Whig. | : ] - p-- HELP WANTED. | ~~ tt 3 RE ana of money. Owner may rem =e eo SLEIGH } ---- i : a 5. | Same at 294 Quee St TWO SETS OF LIGHT BOB SLELG y i - TWO WARN FURNISHED RUGMS, IN FRONT OF PUBLIC also 5 h.p. motor. New kngiana { EP w Bukery. -- dnesday, gold bracelet GOOD MAL) FOR GENERAL ul Ste | Qeay school; Light Role keep work, Apply to Mrs. H. KE Day, 2. Ba icalirs immediately ox 412 you Ve § ; Alfred St. Brockville, ont. eh 407 King may uve TWO MUSK OX ROBES IN PRIME NIGHTS, 8.15 .. Boe. ~ $1.00, $1.50. Sale Spens Friday, " Ti: REFERENCES . TEE GOOD HEATING . IN TORONTO, HREVTURN POR- condition at Dolan's Harness Store, Special Children's "After-Schoeo Matinee Tuesday at 4.15, UENERAL SERVANT, tiliams. 1 WILL GUARANTEE 4 At fouls tion of ticket reading Toron- Frincess Street h : Children 25¢.; Adulty 50e, Unreserved. Apply Mrs. J. V Williams, 251 and give good satisfaction at luo 10 to King ie Wher sduhaiis 5 3 r . 'nace 'ires edrefui- gston Jet. Own - rg Brock Sweet -- jas, Altos furnaces. Fires edretui can secure information by FOKD TOURING CAR, IN GOOD CON- GIRL FOR GENEI'AL HOLSEWORK, Y aadled 2uply ppon applying to J. P. Hanley, Hitiua; coed 10 Jeick uel: Ap % ea. MX CC. Clark * B : 1 Grand 1runk Station. 1 Piy 4+ Victodia Street. Dap gvenings, Mrs. W. C. Clark | uooK REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT LADY'S TOE RUBBER, BLACK, -- 189 Coli : fous tet] Docs it neeu fepairing?/ | Ow ] b ; y £0 CAK FOI SALE w | Matinee h A 4 y y Lr ner may have same y AF YUL av A LSE | O ANT We use Argus Jgo!-p] of. el! calling at Whig Office. : cu. Valiuer, cor. Bagot sn ; I DAY Evening / capable and trustw ne LADY'S HAND SATCHEL, PICK- . Paone 410J. . ices CHIRO Pali: ities lobby, FUKU RUADSTRK, CULLD ALSO HK : AN ; ES 11 Apply Postmaster Stewart. | 0 VADST it, oa «SU "il . : i : -- ISN. DO FAMILY | PRACTIC. THANKSGIVING MONDAY, ON used as ugnl LUCK, A snap. J'alu- THE BIG GOLDWYN SPEC IAL A LauNDnusy, TO the University grounds, a er, Cus. Lagul and Queen, ' laundry, at home, Apply Mrs. K.| {ram MARCELIS, D.C, Pa. C, Cor- signet ring. Owner may have ¢ M. Perry, RM.C. Tel. 1115 ner Princess and barrie Streets, 2nd ae] Whig ice BSU0 BUS wuUL, CON RELL, Debi - | é 2 . x { floor, Barrie St. entrancey Kingston A LOW BROWN RUBBER, BE- Cry lieth, liewiy palited. Ladies, AT ONCE, A Svnrs EAT, Al on onsitagien fre, Teleppone] longing to a gentleman's left Cul. Dagul and Queen. £Nceu Mad 85 0.0K genera 522J. Hours ¥ to 12 aru. 0 6 p.m. foot. Owner may have same ------ -- TT ox Thrilll D f H Desi Ss th Or Mrs. R. J. Rodger, 151 Earl | { by applying 2 Division | | SHAKE IN MOVING PICTURE CON- A Thrilling ma of Human Desires, Staged on the Oce BLE DRGANIST FOR CHRIS. | PR. GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENME A. | Biren a8 lo 192 : Cern. For paluCuinrs write Thrills, Romance, Action. Sep the ee onal flatdicey mt A CAPABLE "ANTS - r . tian Science Church. Apply in| Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot streei, Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists anu 4 'TOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN oN | Luuglas, 1. a 2, mallory wow, -1 | | writing to Chairman Music Com between Princess and Brock. Tele- | Owner may have same at the | |~--n -------- ! SID HOFFMAN, Directing | | A EE S 2 thy, references required IE, Princess St, Saturday night, vu | { ALLEN PREMIER ORCHESTRA "A DAY IN NAPLES" mittee, 95 Johnson Street, C phone v43w. Ho 9 to 12 am, 1 to Dom. Tax Service. FUL Sav ust BAUHANGE FOR CIT) ---- REN tt A on , and 7 to § p.m. Spinal analysis BLACK MOROCCO HYMN Jlupeily, Lalin laid Mi SaShalCuee | WORKING HOUSEKE ER WANT] and consuitation free. Residential book, Sunday. Owner may Wal rahi Crag, Ged. Leuvery,| isan sity a ic for small hotel near Kingston; mus; | calls by appointme have same at 181 Division Si, | haugston, unt Ca en | be good cook and have city refer- | . - = rte : nce. Apply Pox D-20, Whig. i J LE y sy iE STOU * AKMI BLANK- S I R A ND - A ny i R A ND ence. pPly a------ FOUND ARTICLES ADVER A LARGE STUOUK UF n=! TO D Y Tot im le mr is Np tls lol Saie al a reasviabic price MAN (EXPERIENCED) MARRIED on "TISED FREE Call at Ll. KOULDArd, 289 Eriucess single, for farm Free house, gar-| FURNISHED ROOM ON BATHROOM | i 5s ; den and fuel. Apply pers ly or flat, lignted and heated. 139 Clergy | Anyone finding anything and ur phone 17 €€ 9 phone R. M. VanLuven, Lake Shore | Street. i wishing to reach tne owner 3170 GUIS uULL UVIGILAND oun. | d Road, Portsmouth I - {] do so vy reporting the ug ieCiric 8 e Lga.s. p TK «Road, Portsmouth. | GARAGE FOR FALL AND WiNrTem| | 5) 7000 Jeborung te facts 0 lug San Ssanie septal Ros ontad The Astounding Story of a Lovely Malden Who Didn't Know Who WE WANT A RELIABLE storage. McCann Agency, 36 Brock | tisement will ve printed in this DUBUL Ald Lrueen. | : She 'W agent for each Gurepreseiited goa Street. Phone 326. Cuiumn free of charge, - | A PICTURE THAT PUZ ZLES AND PLEASES ty or territory. KExciusive selling - _--. [ BUYS A Couey ROLET TOURING rights; good pay Lo encrgetic rep: | FINST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD; "Found "articles" does not in- eh TE Bylvnbiiie res acini | CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "POLICE" resentatives. Our agency is valu. | all conveniences. Apply 378 Bar-| clude iust dogs, cattle, horses, able. Write Pelnam Nursery Co. | rie or phone 2238w. etc. These, il lost, may be ad- Toronto. Ont. EY Slailer any nguis A Slap Yaun-| £4, CULL Lagul anu Queen ols, | ---- --1 vertlsed tor in the "Lost column ---- em -- em, 10 $00 | JONED TRE hye j -- VERTICAL "GASOLINL | iE ONEY OME, 8i3 T 00 | tric light and gas. 'O88 - some -- sn : . : a 4 3 Nia MA Ly your a. time once 8 ot 21y Stuart St. C bed RE kl Punhons ed Learn to dance at the Gar- QTE writing show cards for us. No can- - LOST. Suva A a ; $2 : Naponhe yi = den Hall, 111 Brock Street, INSIEZ? ON THE BEST vascing. We instruct and supply| SINGLE ROOM, WITH BOARD IF DE. Ler Suny . + 24 x You with work. West-Angus show sired; all conveniences, Apply : GOLD WRIST WATCH, WITH INL - : intent dances in ten lessons, Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, To- King street, or phone 2257. | tials on back, in Upera tiouse un SALE OF MILLINEKY GUUS, CON i2] Waltz, One Step, Fox Trot. rento, 4 LODGE Friday night. Finder piease return SISUNE vi Mmaelues, Velllng, Siraw 3 '| Hours from 7 to 9 every Crossed Fish ON FIRST OF JANUARY, A -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Wai ice. 5 ve 4 », GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK-- | rooms now occupied by the I. 0. 0. | to 8 Office fret, Livny, Ibuuis, Cu nats | What has the present Gov- 16. COHEN: Inntracts fast, eASily-IoArned Ante. Knitter] mm APY to Culiningham & Smith. | Gx whDNESDAY, BETWERY Wo ADbiy 514 Lower William Stree uv 1usruatay fast. easily-learned Auto Kaitter;| lingion street school and Public : Hall Phone .......... . se unneces /; distance | FIRST SS ROOMS AND BOARD bien \ | - bu $Xperience Yamane ¥ Rey A oon abou; Livrary a suid wi ist a ste h + HAS CIEL LU, WFR) FRUNIAGE; 147 ernment done with our Reahience Phone .....187% e : 3 : 1 ; : er : re I " 2 ; ing; yarn supplied: p ulars, 3c ed Apply 243 University Ave. 5 ble ie | lyio 100 We ngion Teer deep; tor casn ¥2%0.0u. Alsu Fr -------------------- err e Jars, 3 hy ye dcubiior, 140 eBs, ahd WO broovd- Postal | ectors' Office, | . stamp. Dept. 18-C, Auto Knitter Co., ~ lucu 08 nspec 5 sian : GE 3 ~ N JEN . ED Ee -- ---- €i3, NUL walter ucaied. unly used Toronto. i -- A ip AR, CORNER BEEN EARL STREET, BETWEEN Al once. Lawson, i485 Concession Si, ear es 1 9 oWellle AT ONCE, THREE MEN OR WOMEN | R. I, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22, i Leet, a small nip lar Vicioa street. established in Kingston, in f neat appearance. and good char- Ee -- * . ve : Be J - -- . - - . BACHER 10. ris it Kitano har NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, Wili the finder please return to ta} | TYPEWRITER FOR SALE -- L. C. Organist and Leader of Queen St. Choir 3 v ¢ Utlic Ce 4 t ie $1 a " of the best established firms | 146 Montreal St, all inprovements Jag Ultice ny receive a suitable dauth and Bro, pasiole writing, @ ov ernment buildings, America; whole or spare time. Ex-| Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April], . Wo color ribbon; back spacer au Tea I ingi and Piano Apply to L 1st. ALE F HAY. WILL T , aul latest improvements. Moderate Earl Street, 7 . gangs 1y Priced tor quick sale. Apply pox over fifty years ago + Studio: 24 Division Street. Phome 1167) Kingston. STORAGE - FOR FURNITURE AND BS, nL ale Us Jay last Whig Orice ~~ Jie chandiae; Sieen a LL Mcrariune und Wood store, kindly : - EN B WERT Y = 2 re * return same and save further EVEN « 2 SE, y. x SALESMEN--WE PAY WEEKLY AND Fhone 326. trouble. . Yu ouuED seb, Th P OLI DRS. ROBERT and EDNA offer steady employment selling 4 ! 10+ ASHCROFT our complete and exclusive lines STOHAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, ¢ I Et ba e---- cated Tn prosperous village near b of whole-root fresh-dug-to-order aiay, airy rooms; your own iock |? BROW Y ATER TAMEL, SIX hiugston; doing good wusiness; Removed to Ottawa and MEETING Sardines THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL trees and plants Best stock and n ey. 'rost's Ci Storage, 199. . . BUuu reasons ivr seuing, A pi service, We teach and equip you pnd Ln eso rag 9s59w. Td ineq POW collar. Answers BOX N-z4, Whig Office, PRY free. A money-making opportun- to hanje v aoinger Finder please located in rented buildings ity. Luke Brothers' Nurseries, | PALACE SKATING RINK, COMPLETE fouly 3 Moss, 56 Wellington st. Montreal with stock of skates, musical or-| __ Phone yy . WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF A meeting of the women St ---------------------- -- gan, skate grinder, etc. For terms A ES 800d second-hand furniture and at additional expense. " of Mr , bell supporters . p 1 204 King Street, near Earl ly John Stacsbury, 169 Raglan rh stoves. Any person having stoves WANTED SALESMAN WITH FORD Pry y . STRAYED, : and furniture to dispose of, we will ar oY yuively Jor dis- bay highest prices. J. Thompson, the Liberal candidate, in Fron Telephone 447 trict from Trenton to Brockville, | 3 NINE ROOMED HOUSE, HOT WA-| YEARLING HEIFER, STRAYED ONTO $34 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. . "Mallory Timer patented ignition ter furnace and all improvements; the premises of Damon Smith, Cat- | == ee tenac and Cataraqui Wards, Qevice for Fords. This - 3 quick corner of Colborne 224 Sydenham arsqul. Owner may have same by MUSIC. h i r Latent drugless treatment. seller with gooa profits. rite w treets. Apply Number 2, Colborne rovin roperty an ayin 1 N trical ea be Tull particulars as to present ve- rat PRiy pros Ee barty d paying for Meighen's Motto: Kings= will be held at the res dence o! ew electrical cabinet gupation and experience as 'sales- ee =m | KURRINNE A. MADDLZY 13 PREPAR. Mrs. Davies, corner of Cherry Twelve years' success 1. Kingston man and driver of Iord car. The APARTMENTS, ESPECIALLY FURN- d to, accept a limited b to ro ro Ford-Smith Machine Co., Ltd., Ham- ished for light housekeeping, mod- FOR SALE, piano PubLs. Studio; $9 kur st n grows, grows back- and Pine Streets, on FRIDAY - " EVENING, NOV. 18th, at 3 KENT AM AAA Br : : : W. KENT MACNEE ilton, Ontario ern improvements, at the Pioneer -- none 133s. EE R= Apartments, 212-214 Division street. A HALL HEATER. APPLY 225 EARL | = a mE wards. Street. o'clock. Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and All are welcome. King Streets. Phone 701 or 13274. 2 > " Phone 1434w, POSITION WANTED. 2 LEGAL eee HI-DETACHED BRICK DWELLING, | DRESS SUIT IN FIRST CLASS CONDI. ere. mn mt ma --------a YOUNG MARRIED MAN, RETURN 100 Bagot street, electric light and | tion; size 31. Apply 367 Barrie St. | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. EEE = = EE ee et ert - General Insurance Agency i 6 i i i pe ET oer SNe avidier, with EXperience in diving 2 arpiovements; in good Sonal Phone 1179F. ers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Some men think it is better to have Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Accident either horse or truc delivery, ; es . Street, Kingston. A. 8. Cunning- loved and married than never io have | Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. wants work. Apply Box No. v.14 Queen's Hotel | po rn g Joke Whig Office. ru. | (ENGINE. GRAPHONOLA AND TEN | jam, Lyru Mu. Smith. = = EE = = = = [loved at all Representing Only Reliable Gompanies = . A sce --_-- rrr TS Led RET = | TWO HOUSES, NUMBERS 255 AND 237 Selections; your own choice, $41.75. | » be 4 SITUATIONS VACANT Rideau street, near Cataraqui St, rerms 37 cash, $5 per Pept. C. W. | AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER Eskimos never eat seal ané cari The sun is 93,000,000 miles from 2 Al seven rooms each; modern improve. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. and solicitor. Law office, corner of bou on the same day. the earth. ments. Rents reasanable. Apply! ome" | King and Brock. aver Koyal Bank. oun 0 ron eénac 5 uee r n 9 . ! Latte Money to loan. hone v9. RIG $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS 135 Sueen stiest or Phone '38sW. "|W, comin ROADSTER, COST Fay -- 0¢Y to oh | greeting card sample book free 260; only run 4,000 miles; good as ARCHITECT to workers, celebrated, inexpen- | TWO NEWLY DECORATED FURNISH- new; quick sale. Palmer, corner | * T sive, Royal Series, secure orders »d rooms, on bathroom flat; imme- Bagot and Queen streets. : TENDERS ] new; deliver later; men and wo- diate possession with board if de- SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- { men already making five dollars up sired; terms reasonable; gentlemen wr 4 : 2 . p Merchants Bank Chambers, daily even in spare time; capital or Delores. Apply Apt. het + King PEREECE COLUMBIA AND HYSLon sor of Brock and Wellington, Skpeteince unbecessary. osiarret. Street East. pick St icyele ea ring; a SEALED TENDERS, marked tender There will be a Reception a nd Tea for MRS. MEIGHEN erm Der J you wait. Muller's Bicycle Works, PIANO TUNING. oh he Javelope Will be feceived At el on AT ONCE, A NEW SEVEN ROOM 471-373 King street. Phone 1032w. hens County Clerk, Cotn H. Sat. : AT GARDEN HALL, ON MILLINERY. house and barn on North Alfred; al- urday, November 19th, 1921, fox the un- | 80 on North red street, a good| _ . PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING dermentioned supplies for the County | . . : NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA--A COZY eo grown. 1 G ve { es a - j brick house And sight acres of land. | ? home and steady sana 7A COZY work guaranteed. Peter Db, Brown, | Gaol, from Dece inber 31st, 1921, to De-| Friday, Nov. 18th, at 4.30 P-Im. MRS. McLAUCHLIN WISHES TO AN- pply to J. D. Boyd, 322 University " 12 Markland Street. Pnone 397m. | cember 31st. 19227 both day. inclusive nounce h removal from 95 Avenue. phone 1083M hn vestment in glorious climate streets. iy Bread, Barley, Oatmeal, Cornmeal : "William Where with wonderful resources. No pra: Sugar, Salt, Depper. Beef. Pork. Mat: | ALL WOMEN ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. will 'tak TF t Mars, Position ever ordered compares ton, at per 1b Milk Molasses at per . trimming and remodeling has. © UPHOLSTEKING. Yan ours W Hr iray full pac. gal'; Peas, Beans. Carrots, Potatoes, aro -- 3 . S00 clas. Turnips, per bushel, CALL OR DROP A CARD To W. J. ken DeFunnak Springs, Florida. S, WANTS, siRTH.| Brown Family Soap and Electric Soap | MEDICAL. Gavine, -upholsterer; 216 -Hagot St. marks, skin cancers, Scars, etc. re. at per Ib.; hand threshed Straw at per eee eee eee eee eee. moved permanently. Satist: tory : C.K. ROBINSON, MD, 365 BARRIE| . Ww HARbLD. FOR.' YOUR up.| PARGAINS IN FURNITVRE, ETC. lasses Died und Furnished afier of on iy The Shove supplies to be ee urn Se-1y am 2-1 holstering and general repatring. A Plano, small size, $75.00. oS lave Inlied. vite I neved. the Gaol when required, subject to the * leave orders at or drop a _.card to Lake, ye, Lar, Nose Throat, Skin approval of Governor of te Gaol or < i at ---- 104 Clergy stree Quebec Heaters and others, $4.00 u 9a da. ' 3 3 . ounty Clerk, to $12.00. ' P 25% Bagot Street. Phone 301. Tenders will be receive2 for parts of | o the above supplies, and security will b ' NE! NTENAC Pp! PALMISTRY COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR-{ A few parlor suites $15.00 each. required for fulfilment of contract, Tie NEAR FRONTENAC PARK birnionisn he eee der in all popular shapes and sizes, y S FINANCIAL lowest or any Tender not necessaril r ven roo ch, f 0 » ¢ PROF. ARMENDO TELLS PAST AND Upholsterihg and repairing Hood: Sideboards In oax, all prices. wen 2 y y Double, Solid Brick, seven rooms ea our bedrooms, electric future and SiYes advice; S150: E. J. Goodridge, 244 University MRS. H. 5. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO- J. W. BRADSHAW, light and other improvements. Immediate possession. Priced jun street. Hours 3 am. to 10 p.m Avenue. Oak dinner Wagon, $5.00. mobile and Casualty insurance, 429 County Clerk. 5 n Oak hill sent Sort Ear] street. Phone 1782M. \ Kingston, Ont. Nov. 12th. 1021. l at $5760. Revenue pays 10 per cent on investment. a seat, 00. y THOSE WHO HAVE NOT HAD THEIR FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ¥y gt NSU ; hands read by Madame Lillian ished, guns, gramaphones, etc. re- We buy all kinds of Furniture, pr 74 A Me LTT THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY NOW have an opportunity.*All read- paired promptly and guaranteed. the most reliable companies' repre-| | ings, 50¢, for two weeks only. Ap- Stant & Sleeth, 35 Prin - C J. o ' H ply 338 King Street East. Smeanaen & Dlseth. 35 Princess St LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Ao a3 Gasence street, Tr | Phones 68 and 2240m. 88 Brock Street. SIGNS PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Phone 1045w. 507 Princes: Street. \ FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- ™ * *e * ment § ty, p rat 1861. ENS OF Aun KINDS, SLaSY WORK, WHEN WANTING PAINTING onl rr teeeeevey . President W, F. Nese, Koos vice: " . " aperhanging done, drop a card to Th resident, A. B. Cunningham. y lalty, by Sha 1 at desirable property on Bar- president, Bg! ! $i3plays a avechs by Wats A. Mounteer, §4 Arch Street. # rie Street now in the pecupatiog, of + Money issued on city and farm! - T~ wp - 3 ® - - . % His Honour, Judge Laveil properties, municipal and couniy SCOTT & CO. 53 BEVERLY ST % ticulars may be nad on applica- debentures; mortgages purchased, rvice ANNOUNCING CIVIL ENGINEERING. Painters, Paperhangers and Decor | ¥ 198 tv NICKLE, FARRELL & - Investment bonds for sale; deposits No a -| ® DAY, 194 Ontario St. received and interest allowed R. : : Pages | td ee Shien 3 UL LT snes wireet, ingen > "|| PHONE 116 . A New Chevrolet Model Mem. Eng painted, putted, glazed and put on. DENTAL. ES Sons soar Inst. 123 King Street. Phone 163J. All work done at shortest notice. | ee. | Rama "The 490 Special" a $2800--R. C. SEMI-DETACHED; SIX t Y ( 1 IBE, rooms; K. and C.; down tows. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. " * tl 159 111 " » EBON -- br ged We neon street, corner UNIVERSITY MAN IS Combining all the good points of the 490," this model 4 95,500-BRICK; 10 ROOMS; LAT! ---------------- will in addition have Gasoline Tank on rear, Yacuum Feed Bys- C ANNEL COAL : Hmpreemuits; central = am, ingens, Berens tasar LrIST. 84 A RED SEDITION ST tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain $1500--FRAME HOUSE; NORTH END; svenings by appoigtment. S-- ; light, nickle-piated radiator, nickle-plated bumper, spiral bevel " av OTA Saree luc, room fur one : 'led pinion and gear in rear axle, and cord tires all round. This RA aD: DENTIST, WAS RE. car is the sensation at tbe Torouto Exhibition. The price is even Se sumed practice at $2 cess St. . $2500 -- SEMI-DETACHED FRAME ores Bank of Nova Scotir. Phone more sensational---$893.00. For Open Grate Fires just received. ho! § rooms, B. and C. and gas; ° s 2 P 10t and good cellar. --n James Swift & Co., Limited re yom vam ware v0 rm amo ist idon, Nov. (17.--Two sedition. (f}. "490 Touring Regular" "480 Roadster Regular" of Jo St. with electric lights; bot well built $785 $785 Fook of Iohnsan Sti Inamen coxyr, mock a" "OE "490 Light Delivery" and electric. lights; $1500 or gor Che of the men declared that the. ~ WII haddie t.. ¥ = | ime was approaching when the mun $788 : ; Da = rns = mura > wi o of the arm: . hy 4 ? + Th - : 4 STOVES ING en a os Tok ee 8) priss ¥.0.8. Sehawa---Saler: Tar Exive ONE ¥ limits, 8 jaotel A This mas Wau educated at : While they last, you gray have y - AS A 5 R 4 TO LET, Oval reliring on aesouat sei: William Appleton, secretary of (he BAWDEN & EDWARDS ono reasonable, as that is my : Wi AR DWELLING WEST Exp, ita. Apply Box R-1, W Trades Union Federation, declares = thal the rank and file of the workers CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE vse, NORTH The man who knows enongh to verywhere are ro" i FRAME HO END, Fv) e ; J. TURK Phone 705 rooms; no improvements, large lot. keep his mouth shut generally draws ta 80 MONTREAL STREET « + PHONE 40, WHEN YOU W. ; " CARPENTER TH Se healthful breath as well as a good fou fy tTACtOr BATEMANS REAL ESTATE : AE ssew T 180 Welllagton Street, Kingston. salary, Univarmits Aven