Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1921, p. 14

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n iia a Im ? ; vy a { " an ? TPE yr THE VAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, -NOV. 21, 19m, =| THE PEOPLE'S FORUM [||| 7 bia ee WINNIPEG BETTER STILL NOW PLAYING RAND NEw KIDDIES : THE DRAMA OF ALL OF US NIGHTS, 8.15--23¢., 50c., 5c. $1.00. Reserved. Special Children's Matinee Tuesday at 4.15, Children, 25¢, | Adults, Soe, Unreserved. WANTED GENERAL ---- eee FOR SALE CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES a ! | EM Flist Irsertion, lc a word. Each con- a menisci FOUND RE A ems secutive insertion thereafter, ralf a DO KNITTING 9 : i Seats Jord. Minimum ew. ve for Lanyon t RT. Box U-14, Whig HUNCH OF KEYS NEAR FAIR 421 Barrie or nhone 2J | ; one insertion, 25c; three ins rtions, ' ! Erounds Owner nleass - Sepa -- ete ei ie-- | one insertio Office ep quire of John Votears at [0M BRASS ANTIQUE PLANG LAMP, {2 The above rates are for cash only.l gy NTED FURNISHED APARTMENT, Chown's, or at 387 Princes | With shade. Apply Box U-23 Whig N I S I RODUC I TION when charged they ars double central loca » Stre Ire " ~ en RN re ; 4 3 y TWO SETS oF LIGHT BOB » 4 x ~ rn > PR r fe Te ticulars. Apnly Box B-18 hig LADY'S COAT LEN w Also 8 Bp moor New England] THE SOCIAL EV ENT OF THE.SEASON jakery. HELP WANTED. fice li Market Mouse. Apply Police Station | ( i et -- ee ts t---- mrs [TWO MUSK 0x RropES IN | | condftion at Dolan's Harness & Princess 8 t | ! ----rvegs Su > mr ee} ~--Love in a Cottage, A BLACK OVERCOAT IN FIRST CLASS --Hate in a Mansion. | condition. Will sell cheap. Apply | --Love made her choose ig PHONE 1576 EXPERIENCED HAND CHAMBERMAID WANTED AT ONCE. for a to furnaces, guard DIAMOND AUTO TIRE, CAR- Apply at Queen'y Hotel. t re So. be handled carefully; Tien and ar IRE SAR 8 re------ . -- 0 NO) 2 GENERAL SERVANT; REFFRENCES. . - eee or fiend, = v. Jz Om Apply Mrs. J. V. Williams, 25! wir Gu ARANTIIE GOOD HEATING, Nes ame t url Brock Street. and give good satisfacti t Joke 3 . | Forcition." wili sell Ing after furnaces is garelul-1l whisy WATCH, ON BR cements | one and HABIT the ® BALESYAY Fun _RING¥IOUN, PHONE ly handled. Apply hone i { day evening. © r may | | FORD TOURING CAR, Ny goon a viv other. 286 Queen Street. ! ROOF REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT has waame by applying > =i 3 son: Vieaia sis eh Am Wed., Nov. 23rd your roof? Does it need repairing? | 250 E eet after m, | Tia Str | ' : GIRL FOR GENE AL HOUSEWORK. We use Argus Roof-proof. - 1 Top al ROSARY PICKED UP IN we. [IE YOU HAYS s Lessa ran For oo THURS, FRI, SAT. : (One Night Only) Apply evenings. . Mrs. W. C. Clark, ecard to F. Coventry, § Barrae St. Kelvey & "Birch's Owner see Geo. Palmer, cor, Bagot and | WM. FOX PRODUCTION Same Great Cast and Produc- 169 Collingwood Street. RETURNED | SOLDI R, FIVE YE RS | may have same at the office, | Queen. Phone 410J ---- . iv Tn tion that Played the Royal Al. A TO NAN 10 ASIST. 1 na teveral years Sxnerience LEATHER GAUNTLET. OWNER FORD ROADSTER, COU Ln ALse un "The Virgin Paradise exandra Theatre, Toronto. . ; Rt wa : : " \ : vi y vo 2 vie used a t true As -'aim- ~ wae . Gillespie, 199 King Street. ployment of anv kind. Apply Hox | oy Daieme at 333 Diy ef. cor. Hagot and Queen | PRICES : -17, . | CE, "OMPETENT, EXPERI- cetrure ahaa ye | 5 he IT TOT ; pr Red UE | TO RENT wom WINTER RE oF Te Ie OXIAL OY | [4 BETS a Cunvuorer Tormive Mrs. R. J. Rodger, 151 Earl Street farm buildings or house and ae hive EIR a | starter and lights. A snap. Palm. | Mail Orders Now. a -- stables outside city limi Also . 4 a ; 1 pe | RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED Wo0- Want a farm to rent, any sin same at Whig Office. oy SM Bugniand Quesn Sts. | EE = = = = EE HT SIX] man as servant In country home; Have my own stock and imple- | > a . . . | ONE » re, k I£ t x ; Of-1 A i WN ER. Se | ONE 3 LAUGHLIN * 8 family of three. Apply to Box E21 nents. Apply Box I-21, Whig Of-| A LON Brows SUBIR, BL. touring car, model K-83; mechani- | EEE =] = = = Whig Office. fice. a cn | foot. Owner may have same cal econditon is excellel 3 equipped P TR ND ST ND 1 KEEPER WANTED -- a We ing J rision wit Ww 1on-skid tires. Apply S A | 4 A WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Rl, applying to 192 Division Sey lo d pply for small hotel near Kingston; Just se T p ar. y ~ op 9 " , a Bol Whig | GARAGE FOR FALL AND WwW AUTOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN oN | | PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND HYSLOP PAI ILINE FREI JERICK ence, pply b ' . storage. McCany Agency, 36 . Princess St, Saturday night. Bley es. iso bicycle t repair 8 : 4 2 2 Street. Phone 326. Owner ma ave same at the aby carriage Lares put on while MAN (RXPERJENC ED) MARRIED ON { Dom. Tax. Service Yop walt, Muller's Bicycle Works, "THE STING OF THE LASH" den and fuel. Apply personally or| FIRST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD; : 2 Ga 371-373 King street. Phone 1032w. phone R. M. VanLuven, Lake Shore all Sonteniencen Apply 376 Bar-| 4 BL 3 ® aoRocCe _OYMN -_-- Rioh Heart Iiilerent, Bonulitu i Scenes rd A , 2238 w. | 00 Sunday v . 2 ihe & " . CO ' Read. Portsmouth. Ef hone 23tw ---- have same at 181 Duvision St: SALE OF MILLINERY Goons, CON. Staggering, Stupe ndous Climax! WE WANT 1 RILIABLE SALKS| SINGLE ROOM, WITH BOARD IF D va sisting of Mahnes, Sling. Suaw T AY " TO-DAY agent for each wurepresented coun- sired; all conveniences. Apply 212 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- Braids, Flow ers, Rb uns, a few ty or territory. Exciusive selling King street, br phone 2257 TISED FREE Saw fhanes and thilirens huis, + da p tic rep- EE -- o i - . - Fd PO or ana E ee rep STONE HOUSE, 85 ROOM Anyone finding anything and | A RL Ge ------ 1 he . o ro arn vishing to reach the owner may { | able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. piece bathroom, fur ace, gas; r wi 1d BC ep PY Ara Learn to dance at the Gar. Toronto, Ont. 330. Apply 47 Rideau Street, a Jo by reporting the facta') ary Lom Fin FRONTAGE: 17 yi W. KENT MACNEE! i a rs, dance 51 the Gar ' i ON FIRST OF JANUARY, LODGE tisemegt will be printed in this incubator, 140 egg, and twa brood- Bank of Commerce Building. Brock anu unraieed 1e learn all the 2 MONEY AT HOME $15 TO $60 rooms now occupled by the I. O. 0). column free of charge. er hot water heated. Only used King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327) atest dancen in tem exnony MAKE D0 ly f your Apare time F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith. | "Found articles" does not in- once. Cawson. 248 Concession St. oN | Gemeral Insurance Agency i Waltz, One Step, Fox Trot pald weekly for your Spare : Jingham & [| clude fost dogs, cattle; horses near Victorla Street. vid ; : " Hours from 7 te 9 every writing show cards for us. No can- = = - Eo Thee Es av De 3 I : Writing: -- Automobile, Fire, Accident night yascing, We instruct and supply] ON° FIRST OF pe hy donall | ete, These Ee PLL ey ree ACRES, THREE MILES Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary. etc. COHEN you with work, West-Angus show feoms Sow Sesupied SRR | Vert sed for inthe "Lut A "from Kingston, on Lake Shore Hepresenting Only Reliable Companies MRS. S. COHEN, Tustructor sar Service, 17 Colborne Bld, To- : pply to Cunning I ee . ru lowing done. With or without A ee Ane Hall Phone ronto. ' . ( i tock and implements. Apply R. : a-- ------------ jp! Ph FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, . stock ar plen A Residence home GOOD "WAGES FOR HOME WORK. all improvements; eentrally jocat- 10ST, Steno aves, "owner, "Portsmouth , A NSIEf ON THE BEST oe TRO Co ed. Apply 243 University Ave. ntario. 1 I we need you to make socks on the - GOLD WRIST WATCH, WITH IN - =u : fast, easily-learned Auto Knitter; GARAGE, NEAR CORNER Qk - ROOMED HOUSE, wi EE -- experience unnecessary; distance Bagot Apply D. G. Hay. R rida ght. Finder please reture shop attached; lo- /4 i tively no canvass- and gO Apply . . Y. . Fric ay nigh in please return a rosperou villag near { ® ® immaterial; pos ¥ BR R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22. to Whig Office. 3 prosperous ge ! Ing; yarn supplied; particulars, 3c rr teeter ere £2 Kingston; doing good business; 4 | 1 stamp. Dept. 18-C, Auto Knitter Co, A NIME ROOMED STONE HOUSE good reasons for selling. Apply rosse IS Toronto. . 146 Moutreal St., all improvements | IN KINGSTON, ON NOVEMBER 3rd Box N-24, Whig Office. ' Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April on street, in store, or at Eye 1 LLKINDS OF e e A NTE FCA V 1st. Specialists, a twenty dollar bill | Wi HAVE FOR SALE ALL NDS . > X1 SALESMAN WANTED BY CANADIAN ------------------ ae please leave at Whig Office. | good second-hand furniture and dal mes | firm to handle best line of store STORAGE KOR FURNITURE AND eee mere | stoves. Any person having stoves | tials on back, in Opera House Equipment on the market for merchandise; clean and dry . furniture to dispose of, we will . n > B } y Mc and furniture to dispose , e ¢ ® EA cher and oooSiscton- Pann Agency, $6 Brock "Stigel.| PAIR OF MEN'S BLACK GAUNT. pay highest prices. J. Thompson, rvice ers; ngs on any sul A. . Phone 326. or lets from Pringess Street School | 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. hai . a . That wil orn Cor oh a esmAn down Albert to Earl. Finder please | ------ ee THE FINEST QUALITY IN | iti Box A-18, Whig Offie ON DEC, 1st, A FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE return to 605 Princess Street, | RUBBER TIRE, FIVE-PASSENGER | position. Box . & q on West Clergy street. Apply oj | hack, in first class running order, PURE OLIVE OIL PHONE 1 16 R. Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence 3 | at a bargain. Two ton trucks, good | 1 k | | sole agent; easy and lucrative. ¢ SL BIG MONEY CAN BE EARNED RIGHT 9 ur . y rOVered NE energetic party taking or- Phone 100zw. | stravED OR STOLEN, AROUy Sov. TELE {aner; mit, SoYsred . ders for the last Parisian Novelty ay 7th, Airedale dog, answering to t 1e | nee. Paul & Sh : : re. i " 4 H D S for ladies; wonderful. Sold at] ONE SIX ROOM APARTMENT ox name of "Rags." Notify 75 Queen | na % Smith, Ford Garage: | di e -- our ay ervice Phone 1614. SMALL HOUSE, FOUR ROOMS; ELI. NOVEMBER 11¢h, NEAR SLIDE LAKE, | home and steady income for mod- tric lights; toilet and cellar; im-|' . and Charles Street. | NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA--A COZY ground floor; also two houses. Street Anyone holding this dog | N | I T C M est investment in glorious climate sight; big comrhission. Don't miss by ; Bs : Fp ii, chance. Bé the first and rly H. T. Norman, corner -#atrick after this notice will be prosecuted rhite hound, with large round : 0 een St. Chol mediate possession. Rent $12.00. Pan nite Bound, wi black and tan | With wonderful resources. No pro- raAniat and Leader of Queen $1 oe Apply 488 Johnson street. ears. Finder please communicate position ever ordered JSpmpates - . . . SEVEN MOOMED MOUSE, IN Goon| Bib HL L Balder, Descri Lake, ith ours Write to-day; Fon nec: Teacher in Singing and Piano SEVEN ROOMED HOU SE, IN GooD Ont ticulars free Harrison & McCas- . n Spri condition, North Victoria, near ken. D rings, Florida. S002 4049200009 waren © Number of Boys, over 14 years of age, after 4 o'clock. Wages j200 per week. Apply YMCA. tween 7 and 8 p.m. to-night. Dbl ® ee ee ---- Princess. Garden and modern con- Studio: 24 Division Street. Phone 11679 * veniences. Apply 194 Division. A BROWN WATER SPANIEL, SIX MUSI 0 S on dal STOMAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN months old, white breast, wears a 0. hd AN, -lined br colla Answers ? @iay, airy rooms; your own logk Ted ined, "Ginger Finder please | KORRINNE A. MADDEN Js PREPAR- 394409494940 00es dia" SC Fhone 5207 Teh supw | Botly BM Moss: 56 Wellington St Plano Dupita. * Studies yTiwer, of . ue e 526; res. w. > 7 plano pupils. udio: arl St . ; 'Re Rs Phone 1704V ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th. 0 Snot tte eet aos i Phone 1838, rn PALACE SKATING RINK, COMPLETE "| Emm COMMERCIAL HOTEL, LANSDOW NE, SITUATIONS VACANT with stock of skates, musical or- FOR SALE. Smith-Cotman S-Plece Orchestra _At the request of many Liberals and gah, skate grinder, etc. For terms FINANCIAL ol Co tives, d b electi S nj m---- ee J with Bells and Xylophone, Snseryatives, an ¥ Neleetio, ME 8B PavATE CHRISTMAS apply John Stansbury, 169 Raglan A HALL HEATER, IN GOOD CONDI { $1.00 per couple. Extra lady, 25e | very large convention, I have - 4 . y h . 3 . ry » a . * - sig greeting card sample book free tion. Apply 1 Pine street. uns. RS TRunLEy, FIRE. AL Ho ~~ - | tency. Sx ¥Audiduic dor thin vy to 'gectlebrated, inexpen-{ A NINE ROOMED HOUSE HOT WA. | Tn { FIRST © ONDE BS D1'e aN 3 [hsurance. 42 nd for a protective policy, which sive, Royal 'Series; secure ter furnace and all improvements: DRESS sult n gh vik hy Tg REL Ear] street. Phone 1782M. | I vl for our workingmen Row; Beliver agers fen and wWOo- corner of Colborne and Sydenham Phone 1179F e St. ' and keep our money nt home; for nupe n alre: m ve dollars up streets. Apply Number 2, Colborne : ¢ 0 a t t | port of mem who have stood by our dally even tn spare ime: capital or Street. ST ents: Senap mean TSUBA NCE What has the present Gov= S eopa y country in ime of need; for aupport H ) rret- TR » ~~ ¢ ' ' f und leadership as we have t In son Company, Brantford, Ont. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, NO, %0p PRIv. | A LARGE. ¥rook OF aR MY BLANK. the most reliable companies repre- is treatment by natural and ra- Might il irr ee -- aaa cess street; water and gas in Call at L. Routbard, 289 Princess sented: Oxice 3 fatence Streat, ernment done with our Sonal gletugas Hoan hid ioopicit Your vote and influence, and BIGNS house; large garden adjoining. Ap- or phone 1723. : IPposite the post office. PE oS Ajustmient of the | '3 ||] it elected my whole time wilj be at your bly @. M. Macdonnell, 38 Clarence ------------ eee Postal Inspectors' Office, * chance and she will cure. even ||| service. --A: E. ROSS, SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, eel. i FIVE PASSENGER STUDER rs FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- as ghe heals the wound and knits A ------------ large or small, Posters, Showecards, SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE AT 114 In ss tid ph "BAKER ment Society, incorporated 1861. the broken bone Sesser sie displays a specialty, by Shaw at 515] 1X ROOME BRI SE AT car In splendid condition, 1) President W. F. Nickle, K.C.: vice. established in Kingston, in Mechano-Therapy -- Electro Pri St t - Stephen street; all improvements; to M. G. Johnston, cor, Union St president A B Cunningham ' T . yincess Streel. + electric lights; possession at once and Alwington Ave. PRone 1476. 1 Money issued on city and farm . Twelve ¥ aSrany e 1 ; PEbly at the Surprise Store, 352 --a------------------ Properties, municipal and. county Qover n ment buildings, . Ri eon In 0 @ ectors 0 CIVIL ENGINEERING. -- -- | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND may investment. bond, Fas on, Purchased, DRS. ROBERT and EDNA PAE ae TWO HOUSES, NU MBERS 253 AND 23 Selections; your own choice. $41.75. CoElved and interest allowed R.| Over fifty years ago ? ASHCROFT th Ci y AD SURVEY 2 2 08 wT, eet, ol, erms 37 cash, $5 r month. C, w C. Cartwright, mana er, 37 Clar- . t t A. B.S B ge { mear Earl, e I 0 S on Scott, ce. Mem, Ei Seven rooms each; modern improve- Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princes t. 'e C nst. oN King Street. Phone 1683 ments. Rents reasonable. Apply -- eC TTeess § ence street, Kingston. Phone 447 ee 185 Queen street or phone 98s5w, AN VILL 2a * PORTS : - - | MELAUGHLIN ROADSTER, coST $2. UPHOLSTERING. AND THE VIL LAGE OF - FANCY . GOODS. FURNISHED BuDRONS, HOT AND 250; oniy Fon 4,000 Jolies; good as -- | LADIES AND GENTLEMEN co running water in each room new; quick sale. PAIMEL, Corner | -------- ET ---- 5 N EN ON jo > ces: ely . J) a CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, J, HEMSTITCHING, PICOT KDGING, AC- and Foi Pho Henees; Ricely Jura. Bagot and Queen streets. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St, Removed to Ottawa and Notes From Picton, 1 beg to announce that I have cordion. knife and box pleating. ny sone 3 Ir Fron id Picton, Nov. 17.5-Mr. and Mre accepted the nomination of the Hours 9 to 8.30. Mra B A. Card, J Insel SL. rormer Prontenio §i, ¥. W. HAROLD ron JOUR lr-| located in rented buildings |r. Anderson have returned to Toron- | hei taly Sl ha. City, and re. 4 Victoria errace, ontreal Se, a " ~ AVN holstering an general repairing x spec olie Sppasite Artillery Park. Bl oerAY, reasonable; corner Cri\| BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC. Tavs iders at or drop a card to t additional ex to after visiting Miss Lizzie Ferris. | Jiltucice ai the Soming election am : eas : 'lergy stree y, - y NESS OPPORTUNITIES. rosin: hn ater Truce atin A Piano. amai sis, 475.00, = D > DEVS. a. Ty. a ciitidature and Secabl. Of my BUSINESS ] : ° COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- 3 i ci nd © et provements. Apply 186 Queen St, Quebec Heaters and others, $4.00 up der in all popular shapes ana sizes, meeting in Brantford this week. C. E Eloupdierests ¥ingp CoN. SHA N, RN be - or phene 938w. t 0 y te e i EO rb ra oope TALE BEY. GO. ONCE, A NEW SEVEN Room P 112.400. : ei LR fepaiing done. -- Bedford has returned from a hunt- Energle and what Ability 1 pos- : - NOE, | o A . { + a . ston; general and summer trade. house and barn gn North Alfred; al- A few parlor suites $15.00 each. Avenue. ' : ing trip to the north. Mrs. A. Des- Eso ring a bh hus ness ad. Swirl iru rg LL BrICK house smd Hane ros at fool] Sideboards in oak, all prices. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND rin.| Meighen's Motto: Kings= |marchais, Calgary, has come to Pic- el Seuir homes town a. bigger . Ws e . ished; guns, gramaphones, ete. re. ton to live. W. Cole has bought 'the | J] "td better Kingston, health Apply Box R Whig. Apply te J. D. Boyd, 332 University Oak dinner Wa . mas rl Radnl am q gon, $5.00, baired promptly and guaranteed . . JOHN M. CAMPBELL, jig 3 ivelive. phone 10830. Stanton & Sleeth. 35 Princess St. ton grows, grows back= residence of the late S. Woodrow ou | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING CAR REPAIRING, | 03k hall seat, $5.00, sn Words Talbot street. Inspector F. P. Smith Ss LAG AND PAPER HANGING . -- We buy all kinds of Furniture, CHIROPRACTIC, visited Bis two remaining schools this : WHEN WANTING PAINTING On| GENERAL g SAR jREPAIRS. AT 00 week. Bristol's annual odd sale | turned from a visit to Toronto, Dr. Paperhanging done, drop a card to Queen Street; just below Yel ing- LESSE'S ANTIQUE s WM. A. MARC 18, D.C, Ph. C, Cor- > few ] P w Vv A PB SIoATeh Shr s ton: Fords a. speclatty; winx- E Q HOP eo CHL Bit er, Ca commences this week aud dante a ew | and Mrs. Silo have returned fron. forage for all makes. J. D. Pe-| paone 1045w. 507 Princes: Street floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, EEE EEE days. Mrs. Alva Williamson has re-' a trip north. il. SCOTT & CO, 53 BEVERLY ST, low. a : . Ont. Consultation free. Telephone Painters, erhangers and Deco- | === 822). Hours § io 12 ado. 1 to pm. ~ A rators. No Job tor ermal Aol: $0020 040000 00000 EEE EEE ! tract too large. Storm windows re- LEGAL Rijniea, patted, glazed and put on. * DR. GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A. v All work doge at shortest notice, CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIsT.| ¥* That desirable property on Bar- Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and ers an SoMcitors, 79 Clarence | Tle Strec: now in the vccupation of Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street, Street, ®Ringston. A. B. Cunning-| # is Honour, Judge Laveil. Par between Princess and Brock. Tele- "The 490 Special" \ PIANO TUNING. ham, Cyril M. Smith % ticulars may be nad on applica- phone 943w. Hours § to 12 a.m., 1 to Combining all the good points of the "490," this model % tion to NICKLE, FARRELL & <> 6. and 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal analysis will in addition have Gasoline Tank on rear, Yacuum Feed Sys- * + +» +» >» +> * +> > * + + +» * * * "* REGION DEVASTATED BY CLOUDBURSTS + + * -- J Messina, Sicily, Nov. 21, -- + Cloudbursts have devastated + the whole country side in the + region of this city, entire vile + * J + * + > + lages being swept by floods and lines of communication broken, Hundreds of persons are home- less and several are reported dead, PEPE PPS EPI N rE P NJ #2,800-R. C. SEMI-DETACHED; SIX corner of Brock and Wellington, X EBONY CUB Tfuoms; U. and C.; down towa. =e ~ For Open Grate Fires just received, $2600 FOR THE MATE TO THE ABOVE glasses fitted and furnished after | the action threatened by Mrs. Edith $785 $785 MEDICAL. Foot of Johnson St. With electric lights; both well built Others have failed. Goitre removed, Perry against the corporation of the S-- experience. Dr. Elmer J. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- | AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. BARRISTER | * DAY, 194 Ontario st. and consultation tree. Residential 12 Markland Street. Phone 2397m. King and Brock, over Royal Bank, Smee streets. Money to loan. Phone 1999, Al RCHITECT -- FOR SALE POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- > tects, Merchants Bank Chambers : $6,500--BRICK 10 ROOMS; LATTES) 'ANNEL ( OAL inprevements; central, C. K. ROBINSON, M.D, 305 BDARRIE tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain Street. Hours 10.20-12 am, 2.4 five rooms; large lut, room (ur one led pinion and gear in rear axle, and cord tires all round. This OF two more huuses. PEP 4P 202000000 8 car is the sensation at the Toronto Exhibition, The 'price is even : house, § rooms, HB. and C. : ° & Co . it aeep lot and ---- ar ang a9 HAIR, wx NOLES, ants, BIRTH. A he City to Settle, n ' ---- 1 NCers, Scars, ete. re- 5 James Swift -» Lithited moved, parmanentiy. Sotiatisiary | A settlement has been eftected 1m [1] 4490 Touring Regular" #480 Roadster Regular' $4400--6-ROOMED CEMENT BLOCK Lae Re Var oss. Turoni Skis. | city of Kingston. Mrs. Perry, repre- "490 Light Delivery" and lectric ij hts; Will handle 1 50%: $1500 or leas 7 asked damages for injuries sustained $785 Fa " Na ' i - " n wo - a J ; Elgin street. City Solicitor Whitin rooms; good condition: DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE 8 STOVES [A A THING bath: electricity paon 3 Wd 5 Fre ni Phone 832w. | advised a settlement, and the sum All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--8ales Tax Extra \ vutside city limits RKs WwW : 5 S fr D-- . tists, 159 Wellington street. corner ---------------- z 3 While they last, yon may have - -- TO LET. : of Broek. ---------- The Catholic party im Beigium BAWDEN & ED ARDS age loang aie evenings pd gio. opey Jority in the legislative elections, Walter Newton won thé Toronto WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER sumed practice at 2 Priocess St, The NO.H.A. has voted to admit i See James Selby, Contractor, 213 RATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE Sier Bank of Nova Scotia. Ph the American Soo team. work guaranteed. 'Peter D. Brown,| . and Solicitor. Law office, corner of retreat reset es FU 2 =="211s by appointment. mm BATEMAN'S RiaL ESTATE, $1,500--FRAML HOUSE; NORTH END; p.m. 7-830 p.m. Phone 1646 Hight, nickle-plated radiator, Jickle-plated bumper, spiral bevel. py PERSONAL 500 -- SEMI-DETACHED FRAWE more sensational--8$895.00. : ye. house, ail modern, hardwood foors 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301. sented by Cunningham and Smith, eS ss ae 4 -- ' DENTAL. by falling on a defective sidewalk on TZ 23.00 -- FRAME BUNGALOW; 4 bd ¥% acre land. Ly York Huag, Just DRS, SPA AND SPARKS, DEX. |0f $1000 had been agreed upon. - : " -------------------- ! "| FRAME DWELLING wi PERT PF. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 | appea - / one Tensonable.. as Sat is my ; BSE END; DR. RU TFN Ppears to have maintained its ma CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE {mote FRAME HOUSE, NORTH Exp, FIVE ; J TURK Phone 705 rooms, no improvements, large jot DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, WAS RE. amateur middleweight title, 89 MONTREAL STREE . PHONE Uaiversity Avene. Phone 1898w, A Welllagton Strees, ningaton, 1802 §

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