Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1921, p. 11

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« IT TUESDAY, NOV. 22, 121° . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG E Ce . SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON BARRIE STREET--south side Princess; electric lights; 3-plece bath; nieely decorated. $3,600 CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE on Colborne Street--8 rooms; 2 storey and attic; electric lights; gas; 2 piece bath--8$3,700. Many city homes to choose from. Also some good farms priced right. M. B. TRUMPOUR BROCK STREET - - 111% TOP FLAT--4 rooms, hardwood floors; completely equipped. FOR RENT Apply to: ER INTERIOR TRIM * Our Baseboards, Casings and Mould- ings are manufactured from strictly num- ber one stocks of White Pine, Fir and Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 - =. Victoria Street PHONE 704 or 1461w. KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited J. 0. HUTTON. i= hil NE Students' Study Lamps, extra good value. "ELECTRIC GOODS JUST ARRIVED English Hot Plates, price $7.50. Call and ses our large assortment of Portable Lamps. Agents for Apex Vaceum Cleaner. Burke Electric Company 74 PRINCESS STREET Price $3.50 each. PHONE 423, WILLARD SERVICE This is the time of the year that your BATTERY needs a Do fot hesitates to stop at the Willard Sta tion and we will gladly look your outfit over without charge, lot of attention. STATION also starting and lighting systems. Enquire about new prices for WILLARD BATTERIES, 19 BROCK STREET. I. LESSES PHONE 1340. MA Tm By William Banks, THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE. For days alter Dad departed on [the Great Quest there was a eur- | fous brooding silences over the house. Mother and Siser Mary "went about i their duties in a quiet restrained manner, their eyes often filled with tears. Dad's favorite dog followed | you about the barn, the s'ables and the fleldds with a persistency tla | vas irritating. You could have shouted to him to begone a: times, [to take his melancholy face and his oft repeated almost whispered whine |away. What was it restrained the harsh words tha' were some times jon the tip of oyur tongue? The thought of one who had been an oh- ject of worship to the dog; at whose call or commands the horses you worked now had priced up their eyes and whinnied with pleasure; whose hear* and hand and voice had always been brimming with love, and help and wise counsel! for you. And now all that you had left of him that you could really muse over in love and understanding was Meom- ory. The soul of that kindly facea man had set out on the last and grea'est of Adventures. What would meet it on the way? Thoughts that had never had a place in your heart or mind came trooping in. You began to ask questions wonderingly, and occasion- ally half aloud. You almost plotured the Dad you had known meeting in the early part of kis journey the brother who had gone when you were a Gittle chap to meet death on a far away battle field. How often had you thrilled to the story as Dad told it, with pride and affection for the lad for whom the flag of Britain wis all in all. There would be Uncle Joe, too, merry, kindly and helpful-- Aut Mary, the beautiful and beloved who died within @ year of her marriage, and a host of other whose faces an names came before you--in fancy--- but as clearly as if they were shown on the moving picture screen. You thought of your own immediate fam- ily too. So far only Dad and the sol- dier brothe~ were gone forever, But if | excepting Mother, Mary, young Har- ry, who was getting restless too, and yourself, the rest were scattere over ll | many leagues of land and sea. Yon CLEARING SALE OF TIRES 'We will sell our entire stock of Tires at the following low jl | might mever see them again in the flesh. Then suddenly a poem ycu had often heard Dad repeating, came to mind but with a clearer, keener, understanding than you hed ever known. They grew in beauty side by side They fill'd one home with glee;-- | Their graves are sover'd far anil wide, By mount, and stream, and sea. The same fond mother bent at night O'ar each fair sleeping brow She had each folded flower in sight-- Where are those dreamers now? You remembered it and went on to the end; knowing at last that for Dad it 'was the story of the familyhis parents (vad raised and loved. He had come from the old land to to hew out {a rome in Canada. His brothers and sisters had gone to other parts of the world, only one of them, your Aunt Mary, had come to se'tle near you. | | Dad had never seen any of the others since he had left home, and he had never spoken of them except with love and affection. There would come a time when you too might feel that the poem hal been written to fit your case and you fell to brooding until your heart was nd the world seemed a dull | full 3 [ pimes in which suffering .and griet were dominant. and happiness a sha- 1 dow that was never grasped. But in the midst of your brooding you thought of how Dad was never ofie to give way to fits of gloom, even when he was repeating or musing over the poem you had just recall- ed. Yowthought of his calm belief in Divine guidance, of his cons'ant cheerfulness in the face of ditficul- ties, and perplexities, of his tender ness toward mother, of the Tespect and trust the neighbors had always shown him. Then and there you re- solved tha: you would be as like to him as you could, a manly man, a clean man, a helpful man, With that thought there came an appre- ciation of the glory of the day. Blue sky, flecked with tiny racing clouds, a breath in the wind that whispered of the spring that was on the way, the songs of birds, the good rich earth, all with thelr meaning and message to the heart tha: could un- derstand. It was not well you thought to dwell too long with the darker view of life. There was so much after all that was bright and true. The Dad who had gone before woulda not want you to close your eyes Lo all because he was no longer with yom in the body, to exchange a merry jest bo suggest a course of action from the knowldge he had gained by much experience, to discuss ways and means for a new undertaking. was something else too. Ever since the day when his soul had fled mother and the rest of them had looked to you to do everything that was required. Even your elder bro- ther Jim, a big man in the éndustries of a great city had commended your arrangements and plans with genuine heartiness. You thought that he looked at you very often with eyes that seemed to be appraising you. And when he was going back to the big business that needed him, he had said quietly, "I'll come as Gften as [ can to see Mother. If you need help in the meatnime wire me. But you'll hardly need tc do tha'--you"re a lot like Dad, a born manager." You glowed at the words, they im- plied more than you had hoped, for you had been a little nervous about letting Jim know what you had done so far and what you had planned for tho future. And only that very morn- ing something had beew said at howe that had impressed upon you "he thought that you had sensed, Jim wished to convey. Mother had insist- ed upon you sitting at Dad's place at dhe table in the chair that had been his favorite. Her lps had trembled a } as she urged it with gentle insistende. Sister Mary too had joined her re- quests with those of Mother. It was not easy to comply with them. Some- how jit seemed to be a usurpation. You almost felt that Dad migh* ap- pear at any minute, and give you that old time thrill that always came with his lif" of the eye brows and his pleasant jest. Mother read the thought that was running through your mind and you could see that she was strugglify with emotion. How brave she was; how true. You can feel yet the patting of her hand on your shoulder. You can cee her gen- tle, furrowed face and you can hear again the words that had decided you to carry out her wish '"'Please John-- you are the head of the house now." Do you Remember? (Copyrighted by British & Colon- ial Press Limited.) -- Another of these imteresting articles describing the "Good, 01d Days Thnt Ex-Scldier Problems' ! Neglected mentary Committees on Pens G. MacNeil, domimion Secretary treasurer, G.W.V.A., presented employment statisties whieh lished a very serious maticnal prob- lem. Official records show a shrink- age of 100,000 employment positions {as compared with this time last year, Mr. MacNeil asserted 'hat $5,000 ex- members of the C. E. F. are not re- esjablished and advised the commit- {tee that unless there is a remarkable revival of business, between ten and twenty million dollars will be re- quired to provide relief 'for ex-service {men in Canada during next winter, | Approximately $6,000,000 was spent fon reliet last winter and many of those who were forced to a::ept help were men who lost a percentage of their physical effectiveness in France. "It is folly to suggest immigration |as a remedy for present ills Lix-ser- vice men will not tamely submit to {starvation begause the political pro- digality of the past and present has denuded the National Treasury, Nor { will it suffice to explain that the fin- aacial cupboard is bare because Rou- mania defaulted or because of the twenty-three mi!li'a dollir washout on the Hudson Bay Railway, The problem demands a policy of con- structive preparadeness against the immediate future, "To this end the Great War Vets ges a comprehensive scheme of loans | {or homebuilding, education, and im- mediately productive industrial en- terprises. A building boem would start the wheels of industry in Can- Don't Neglect mir COUGH ! Persistent coughs lead to chronic bronchitis, asthma and permanent chest weakness. Swallowing druggy mix- tures nto the stomach is useless in bronchial trouble. kk needs Peps the breatheable remedy which goes direct to the root of your cough. As Peps tablets dissolve in the mouth, they give off powerful medicinal fumes which soothe® and heal the inflamed breathing, tubes, and destroy all disease germs. Peps speedily pi | chest sore- ness, clear the bronchials of phlegm and mucus, stop the wheeziness and cough- ing, and make breathing easy. Remember, i far be: i Jredmonia snd oer ats ams re lurion, lected coughs and colds, than to cx: - fore take Peps a: the first sign has phe 4 Share and steres, H erans' Association advocates and ur- | ada as nothing else. House owning and industrial opportunities would, | in effect, salvage many a returned man and restore him to his proper place in the community, as a pro- ductive, contented kitizen." "Upon parliament rests the sole responsibility of solving the national obligation." A i. \ GRAHAM VELSEY Coming in the comedy romance of love, truth and laughter, "Just Sup- pose," at the Grand on Wednesday, Nov. 23rd. FILM ables THE MONKEY AND THE CAT- Absolute Evidence in Favor of Ground Cylinders All high grade automobile engines manufactured in this country as well as in Europe have their cylinder bores finish- ed by grinding. Some of the American cars that might be mentioned are: Apperson Brewster Cadillac Cunningham Dorris Franklin Haynes Mercer Templar Holmes ° Packard Winton In fact, 84% of all the m anufasturers of pleasure cars use engines with ground cylinder bores, and 919% of the com- mercial motors are ground. Heald Machines are used ex- clusively. Automobile owners we have one of these Heald Cylinder Grinding Machines, and can guarantee first class work. tGround Cylinders is a selling point with many ears. Automotive Grinders R. M. CAMPBELL, Corner of Queen and Wellington Streets. Peerless Pierce Arrow Rolls Royce Standard Stevens Duryea Stutz Hudson Kissel LaFayette Lincoln Locomobile Marmon COLD 'WEATHER will soon be here and open cars will be put away until Speing. Do not store your car in a little outbullding--it is bad for it. It is hard on your varnish, upholstering and tires. Store it with us, in a bullding which is fireproot- with an even temperature all the time. We will take care of your Battery without extra charge. A small monthly charge will pay for this service. CANADA'S STANDARD CAR McLAUGHLIN'S MASTER SIXES AND FOURS PREST-O-LITE BATTERY SERVICE STATION 7 ' BLUE GARAGES prices; 80x83 MALTESE CROSS, NON-SKID ... 80x83; DUNLOP TRACTION. ..... .... 8ix4 DUNLOP TRACTION Sesemasniie $25.00 82x4 DUNLOP TRACTION sass en ssrsscrs mess +$82.00 83x4 DUNLOP TRACTION ....... .....) ... ...834.00 Also TUBES at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINC ESS STRIET Are Gone," will appear next Tuesday, 2 nd for a time one each Tuesday there- after, - .$17.50 crema e .$17.50 sesens teasraneae Clothes Should Beautify Body Blue Garages,Limited Cor. Bagot & Queen Sts. BLUE Cat complied--and burned his paws, Meunwisie the Moskey's Buty a ore nuts; The Cat got meting but the shatter Moral; avoid those who Would make a Ca out of yon. Lsop, Jr. ---------------- In its Journey the foreign heather dollar passes by a lot of the home- grown variety. per Capital NECESSITIES Gas, Indigestion, hy 'Stomach Misery Ng fg | ci --"Diapepsin" | Eel Covers. "Pape's Diapepsin" "really does" : sizes, put bad stomachs in order--*really ----Anti-Freeze, does" Svelome indigestion, dyspep- sia, gas, heartburn and sourness in ~----Exhaust Heaters, ~--Electric Heaters, five minutes -- that -- just that -- A Great Bargain in 30x34 Tires at makes Pape's Diapepsin the largest $13.50 --From an investment in a security uncondi- tionally » both as to interest, Government of ji? Re of Canada. / Courtesy Fashion Art Magazine, By SAN LUIS UMANTTY wears clothes," wisely asserted the Rev. H Lawy Johhson. In an article combating the tendency me 0 Wear dresses exposing too much of thelr Sr aArgely because bumanity realizes the need of beau- Meantime each $1,000 invested returns in : . Iberert S370 » in two half yearly re te payments --better than Victory Bonds at ne . present prices. ; It is a forty year security easily negotiable at any time. Legal investment for Trust Funds in On. Write us for full particulars. : Before you invest, consult us. I have seen a thoughiess miss ruin » ZEmilius Jarvis & Co EERE I LL met LIMITED 3s Avr i Ottawa, INVES that oufts the flash so hideously. TMENT BANKERS I 1 bave seen ab hia, Ad' moment's reflection will remind ¥ou that you purpose of the corset. The other that of atthining-and retaining health, minds of those whe consider the wei- corsetry is threefold-=to enhance the natural man, 16 subdue and veil her and| 10 create by a blended whole the reality of beauty.' Sorset does less than this, it has missed its purpose ay selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments in- to stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and . ered acid; head is dizzy and aches, re- : \ Bemba the moment "Pape's Diapep- obody ' n" comes in comtact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly --almost mar- velous--and the its harmless- ness. A large , Y a nLuvenBros. ways be kept handy in case of a sick, scur, upset stomach daring the day oF ah rahe. Smeh furiug the day Phone 1609, 34-38 Princess Street. antacid and stomach regulator in the world. , -- woman of ail-toormmpile Propo: - made her seem too wide to entér the ordinary ures acquire positive regulated. It belongs in your home---should al- ot have seen it 100. And why? Just a lack or the apprec ] » mtion true Ui and proportions: just hecmuse theses Women were wearing a pani rare syle. regardless of its becomingness Style. when accepted without a carefu; Rogues, Jor SUItALINLY, becomes a jade who mocks sod makes ridiculous be. |

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