Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1921, p. 12

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Ei ermal emo 1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, NOV. 22, 1921, MEADS SME ROMANIC WALS| =) 7 ; : THAT ACHE D PAIN fn Quber. Relics Are] =] box es | ood Meals It is hard to drag along with a head PY " et House ? that aches and pains all the time. Filed" at Somers In nine cases out of ten, persistent in England. headaches are due to poisoned .blood, blood bein rendered impure : Svemciiiiy a ie some Sorrel of the All English wills fa which pro- ; - \ 3 a. | Everything you could want served as you like it. stomach, Ifver or bowels, but no mat- | bate 1a granted are fled In Somerset For good meals prepared right come and try us -- y " . } 4 ¥ou will be delighted with our service, ter which organ is to blame the cause | House. must be removed before permanent relief can be obtained. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS | Almost every day the Principal | | Probate Registry Office has to deal | with wills of original construction. Dainty Restaurant 83 PRINC..5S STREET which has been on the market for the One. of the most recent was the ; 3 : : <i past forty-five years, removes the | portrait of a pretty girl upon which , ) ... i - ; cause of the headache by starting the | the testator had simply written, "I | 3 = > oe Ice Cream Bricks organs of elimination acting freely, | leave all to her." The legator, a soi- by when the impurities are carried | dior, had signed it, and affidavits of | off: from the system, purified blood | identity being forthcoming the will | circulates in the brain cells, and the | Was admitted to probate and filed in aches and pains vanish, the archives of Somerset House. Miss Clira Murphy, Centre Dum-| Thess same archives contain oth- mer, Ont., writes: --*"My system was | Os Just as fanciful and some that are greatly run down and my blood out | Femarkable for their historical in- of order. I suffered a great deal | terest. from severe pains in my head, which One, interesting from a medical THE BENEFICIARY made me feel very miserable. After | Point of view, was made by an un- "Your husband Is in business for having tried other remedies I pur- | fortunate man who died of the black himself, isn't he? rk ant a Tory tind > noi | He Ths ocr ne | Me ther CC swocke For lee Cream (hat has the quai, onde some decided improvement in my health. I 8lled with spirits and then corked, me." , ¢ © The Shimmy dance. from us in brick form, and you will be well pleas- took another bottle and it has done | 8 precaution no doubt to preserve : - ed. We have it.in the following flavors: Maple me an enormous amount of good. | His 8 Law Officers, who \ have recommend it to some of my | Would have to handle it in the course friends, who were in a similar condi. 3 Las Ruties, trom infec.ion by the ; 1 i baeillf. jen. and thepall say it 1a ¥ondertul Another will is in shorthand. Con- remedy." sidering its date--about 1700--this ud manufactured only by 1s not a little remarkable, for the The T: Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, well-known cipher invented by Mr. Pitman saw the light of day over a hundred years later. Luckily the testator had left a key, - or the authorities would have been Wonder how the boys will feel Put to no little trouble to decipher | after the game?" it, for shorthand was unknown in "Don't know, I'm sure, but from AGENCY. FOR ALL | those days. the way | feel after that big dinner, A will salvaged from the bottom . Of the sea supplies the nautical in-| Yours truly Is glad he's not under BE NOY ot tis terest. This will was recovered after that bunch." FORTHE OLD GEEZER DRED IN OCEAN STEAMSHIPS| s}pr8 period ot Immersion sod the : this Walnut, Neopolitan, Stra whberry and Vanilla, Spec. ial Fruit and Maccaroon, MASOUD'S 238 Princess St." Phone 980 Our Ice Cream will be sold all winter at J. H. Jarvis, -- . H. , cormer ES DRE FE ST Tren of Princess and Albert Streets Was made on parchment, and when fished up was found to 37) ! , ® ' | have shrunk to about a tenth of its AE 4 ee «P. H Y, Rormal size. But so beautifully had ; E A 4 IScoun : ANLE It Deen inscribed that the writing re- " SO MUCH PER LEG 0 CP. & T.A, GT. Ry., Kingston, Ont. | mains as clear as print to this day. ) Dance: Artiste: Ain't it a shame PROBABLY WAS : Another quaint, though cumber. that trained jackass act gets twice Some, record is the leg of a four- the money | do? Sunday School Teacher: Can ' on all in a recess at the ITS PROPER USE Acrobat: Sure, it is girlie. But, you tell me, Mary, why Lot's wife $op of this leg, and as there was a you know, the donk's got twice as was turned into salt? Li oges and Nippon China dispute over the grant of probate the Mrs. Bunker: Winning that golf many legs as you've got. Mary: No, ma'am--'less she was FOR ONE WEEK ONLY For particulars apply toi oy al leg and its large wooden castor had | match will be quite a feather in : LAL 5 v to be filed and kept as efidence. your husband's a i "hla? i | S Shakespeare's will with its pe- Mra. Foozle: If it's a nice one I'l t LHOR AAT! Ah markable signature, Nelson's will make him give it to me. Men written in an ordinary exercise-book shouldn't wear such fantastic mil- XMAS SAILINGS on the eve of Trafalgar, and which Hnery, GLASGOW towards the conclusion contains From Halifax | | tpege words, "The enemy are now in sight ,"' a soldier's will made in a black-covered note-book through which a bullet has Passed without MONTREAL--GLASGOW making it illegible--these and nfany POR LAND HALIFAX Gi sandre more go to make a SollecHion that ye many a curio-hunter wou d give Dec Tol Keb 16 Saturnia--prom Halifax mueh to possess. Rss 28| Mar 2--Cassandra--Dee 3 |Mar 4 -- H LIFAX--PLYMOUTH--CHERBOURG * LIFELONG TRAINING HAMBOURG Dorsetshire Folk Lore. r : Dec. 10|Jan. 23|Mar. 18 ,.,..... xon R, Thurston Hopkins has been 3 A Boss: ' You've balled u our N.Y.-GLASGOW (vi givi iat and B nm' P N.Y. 1 Og some quaint an umorous 4 : ds terribly. And id Dee 10... ... ... ..s 3 Columbia . records y you sa . Dec. 21|Jan. 21|Feb. 25 'Algeria | €Xamples in the London Bookman's == you'd had experience in filing, Houten to eh foeliveryoul & Gisnpuw Journal and Print Collector in re- AS THANKSGIVING \ hd if Now Clerk: wn oh ec. . Sesevusvas xual Tl to Dorset Folks and Dorset i Na ------ Pc Y, sure ave. Dee. 1 Jo RReLaY OL aaa ays. He says the rustics of to-day APPROACHES 2 = That's the way | always shape my Dec. 24|Jan. 28(Feb, 25 ... Scythia | &e not quite so simple as those in : fingernails. What's that Moda Cherbuarg, 'Shipion ~The Return of the Native" and "Far Turkey: | dreamed a dark wom- ho del an wde Dec. 3IDec. 31 viv vey way oh Carmania| From tie Madding Crowd," yet they | an was after me. ; With reco, Pee IF Pirmonth, 'OherbonAtulana Are simple still, and show their ro. Duck: Probably the colored Ducky: These rubbers are just Hamboir bust spirit in their proverb, "1 will! coo) Fe thing, Dec. 8Jan. 21|Mar. 1 ........Saxonta Rot want when I have, nor, by God, the things for wet feet so they say. when I han't, too!" rovmiRs Frume omy Sates, Dub- Mr. Hopkins {ells the following ---- eB Italia || story of an old b ksmith at whose eR RANEAN CRUISES lonely forge he applied for food and To MARKET | WENT See our Window for the Special 0 Piece Dinner Set 12.49 There are two patterns in a good English Semi-porcelain, and both are open stock. This means you can add to your set any time, a Robertson's Lie 73 Princesst St. FROM NEW lodging, not knowing that the black- A TURKEY TO Buy, Madetra, Naples dna Gre, Menace, Smith's wife had just died: The old Bur WHEN | Gor There Nov. 19(Jan. 10 . Cameronia || fellow opened the door to me and I THE Turkey ' 2s 3 Carona || gyegseq that he was in trouble by YVERE Hig the fresh crepe band round his soft So HigH Por rates of freight sad further | D&E, Which is the week-day mourning Ei Particulars apply bo te hand fur of the rustic. However, the old fel- WERE THe THEROBERT REFORD CO. Lines low was quite pleased to have me Fan TURKEYS, . for company, and I stayed at hig | Dio nr Know # KING STREGY SasT forge for some days, TORONTO, ONT. "Her was a clever woman; hes P A 5 " y ere __.| ReDt my things straight," he said te ah LOOK Pr THE END ' Ine one night at supper, as he looked Y There was an oid fellow named HOW ABOUT wistfully at his old jacket full of sime Buy A Mott, NEARLY BORED HIM TO DEATH YOUR STOMACH ? Dl rents from heigervy briass. "But For a black-headed vamp he once Prairie Pete: Well, what does 8 Do manner of use of grum ng-- ; fiepped, I Acid, So Gossy: nd You Bloat I never was a bull-sowerings (me- Her fa was quite falp Wie Sendariont | snot think of me Acid, Sour, aoa: Eating | 70% fellow). And thank the Lord = And h= admired her hale a0 argument? ol uffed Afeer Ea "8 | she was took quick. I went off for h -- = Till a hairpin came loose #nd ft Friend: Not much; he Says you Try Stuart's Dyspepsia ets the doctor four miles away, and when drannad. Nearly bored him to death The stomach may be rather slug-| gy gets there he was gone oft sonie- in digesting the fried eggs you | where else; s0 I turned, and ia {ramping back alone remembered I had a bottle of medicine which 'he did give me last year, so, says I, 'that. will do for the ol' woman'; go I gave it to her and she died." The old blacksmith drank his beer and dealt with his ham and bread In ten minutes in silence. Then he looked into the amber depths of his ale and said, "Say, mister, wasn't it & good job I didn't take that bottle of physic myself?" -- Greenwich, The meridian of Greenwich fg generally accepied as the starting line from which to reckon longitude and time all over the earth. But ob, are, from time to time, inst the universal adoption @ Greenwich meridian for such Recently Italian asized these objections by i Juinting gut that on the meridian of e Happiness en a Good | Ureenwich clouds and bad weather Yon Ratinie Well in Al Mo. Braqucat, jtertaring Winn Astro- eat for breakfast and the delicious eivilineg ons. They suggest Croquette and salad for lunch. On Sat he wivilited orld should agree. idian of Jerusalem top. of this a soda confection is apt mer to add to the indigestion. It fs Si aman, telercuce lus, because 800d rule _to follow each meal with the posaibilft - y of making Palestine a Stuart's Byspepsia Tablet to avoid neutral territory would eliminate dyspeptic results due to eating and drinking. Should the stomach sour, | Political objections. with water-brash, biliousness, and the peculiar gassiness due to indiges- tion these tablets bring relief because Mary Smith, they supply the alkaline effect to the | whom she had récommended to a stomach and thus offset the acidity | neighbor for a situation. of such dyspeptic conditions. "How are you getting on at your It is well to kn Bew lace?" asked Mrs. Bliffking "Very well, thank You," was the reply. : . : 4 E p ; : fear of indigestion. You will find Stu- "1 am glad to hear it," remarked ; a E : ABS? art's Dyspepsia Tablets on sale in all Mrs. Bliffkins. "y . + A . drug stores at 60 cents a box. -- a Bi ou vu icra is C WwW. Lindsay, Lin t 121 Princess Street HARD AS A STONE But isn't he a hard. bird ™ they say he's a Plymouth for her." s - sodon, Nov. 31.--The Prince otf 1 don't mean to, ma'am," replied = SN 'Wales Taaclied Poca, Bombay : -- ZZ ' ' ry mr * province, to-iay an received a The average height of wom 5 24 : - | i : N : Breat reception, according to official Lapland is only 4 feet § inches. : 15 A LONG WAY OFF LA rx 1 a To a Tr ---- cables. . en ay ! Tt y 7 Teacher: Tomm: A is the Hr er Ariss tr Ee irae ar rcsr---- , . Richmond, Que., man fatally hurt ; island of Corsica? iy vraag. Hartley Dewart 111. ment from the leadership of the Libe Edmund Meredith, K.C., brother| when struck by train at St Hya- =~ 7 Tommy: Off the Coast of Africa, 7 Toronto, Nov. 21.--Hartley Dew- |eral party in the province, 'of Chief Justice Sir William Mere- | cinthe. iS a ! Pll fly with you, but aint it ma'm? 3 NN art, K.C,, M.L.A., who has been far -- dith, died at his home in London | It's only when the story is com- feathers sprout.» Teacher: Yes--a long way off! "I can't see how us birds ever from well lately, has gone to a west-| Col. Cecil Williams will not be 3 Monday morning, in his Sey-| mendable that we ike to be the cem- Take your seatl 9ot along without airebips." candidate for the federal riding on Ont., ern Ontario eanitarium. His health Antv-seventh year, tral figure ia it East Toronto. has been much worse since his rétire-

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