Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1921, p. 2

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JTHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TUESDAY, NOV. 22, 1021. EE ------ eee -- rere -- a -- HE CONCERT OVEN | CARNG FOR THE CHORE ee ome 255 | 40c and 50¢ Music 5 For $1.00 LE : £ £ 4 W nibers Before Capacity | -- | IGBARAS at eh | That the Children's Aid Society is igience at Convent. \2ying On Work that calls 107 specs TE ---- | wiwmenda vas manifested at | These big hits all this week at 25c¢., 5 for $1.00. While they last. ar ad Ain't We Got Fun, Angels, All By Myself, Birds of a Feather, Br. 4. W. Rich Bonnie Lassie, Biddy, Beautiful Annabelle Lee, Cho-Cho San, Blue pile to mas ti pening of | : :, the it ot, presided, and Jekiar bik lid | igo prosens wes Oe Jeans, Carolina Lullaby, Call of the Cosey Little Home, Chil; Bean, iced that all cou'd ¢ sturray,' 3. W. Braasaw, Dr. W. W. | Daddy Your Mama is Lonesome For You, Do Another Break, Dream sdated, and it was d 11 's, O. V. Bartels, and A. H. Muir. the Coleen eat ies Bite cyiels, 4nd a. 1. Mls. Street, Down Yonder, F rankie, Hugs and Kisses, Mornin Noon coneert was half musical th beis, that of endeay: gs g an © eon rd liga e mem , tha - 1 i ra demu, opening wih + 3.10 he membois, that of enduars Night Jean, Just Keep a Thought For Me, Just Like a Gypsy, Love U Canada," by the junior pu ociety, and th estion will be 1 1 1 1 1 3 , 2 CE hc 54. Vinteney Meader Shain} | L2Cc0, und. the susgesion will be in Lilac Time, Listening, Love Bird, Lord Byng, Love's Shi, The Last d [no wusical numbers and little tai- "tag day" conducted by the Kingston Waltz, Mississippi Cradle, | Want My Mammy, Monastery Bells, lcaux were rendered, all with ability Rotary club amounted to $438.97, Mell Cell M M i h . . a . . end precision which clearly showed | nnd the members of the society are o 0, a, ooniight Make Believe, Mimi, Main Street, Pin- | the talent of the pupils and the ei- | zrateful to the members of the Rot- ing, Sentimental Melody, Rose of M y Heart, Venetian Moon, {cellence of their instruction, jary club for the interest taken in { The main part of the programme | the work of the society. Who'll Be the Next One to Cry Over You, When Sweethearts Waltz, | was taken up by a four-act drama, All the old officers were re-elected . | "Through Darkness to Light," bean. | gs follows, _ Mail order 5c. per $1.00 extra. | titully played by girls of the school. | President, Dr. A. W. Richardson; . | pnts complete changes of scenery | secretary, Dr. W. W. Sands; treasur- Place Your Orders Now for Personal Greeting Cards, "Made in Can- ok place in the drama, all with the fer, O. V. Bartels; auditor, A. H. 39 . . S speed and efficiency of a modern | Muir; Inspector, John Pollfe. ada and Equal to the Best m America, !playhouse. The scenes themselves, | Executive for the county: Dr. G. . | the work of Sergt. W. H. Lloyd, were | W. Bell, Willlam Murray, Reeve \ yery beautifully done, | James Halliday, J. W. Bradshaw and A At the eonelusion of the concert, | the mayor. SAE Sens umelll THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE | the sisters of Notre Dame, thanked |W. H Graham, the mayor, officer in ! 3 those in attendance for their pres- |charge of the local Salvation Army | ence and cordially invited them to and J. J. Stewart. Open Nights. : 'Phone 919, | the bazaar, which, In the absence of | The work of the inspector, John ; | Mayor Nickle, he formally declared |Pollie, was very highly commended | J! | open. 'by all the members. Mr. Pollie is | In the older part of the convent, ' doing good work, and is regarded by 3 on Bagot street, many rooms had | all engaged in the work of the society been fitted up with great care and jas being "the right man in the right | these now present a pretty sight. Place." Mr. Pollie well deserves all CADE fl Booths of all kinds, gay in bunting | 'Be praise given him by the society, 42 i aud flowers, appear to view on every | 3 he is a.most efficient official, {8 side, and each booth is loaded down | Mr. Pollie gave a most interesting ; Cntanie * | | with wares. Many of them present {account of the work during the year. fine offerings for dainty Christmas |He pointed out that aotwithetanding | : = sewed {| 61fts; others have home-made work | the fact that there was a great deal | Tamme | tor cale; flowers are on sale In still | Of unemployment, and a good deal of | rr others, and, bf course, thers are | juventie crime, only one city child | ; *om-ses=? {very many loaded with good things | Under sixteen years of age, had been | ¢ tn eat, without which a bazaar would | COmmitted to the Industrial school | '© no bazaar at all for the young- | 9Uring the year, and not one coun- ters. The festivities will continue all | t¥ child had been committed. | his week, The Rotary and Kiwanis | In the industria) google of the | Regular $8.50 and $10.00 Skirts for *'e'e"ele 0 00 einen! feTaTe Te] 0 er $3.95 iubs are taking lunch at the con- | Province there are at the present lime, : it during eek, and the New- | °B1Y tWo hii from this Sty or Soun- ; holding a benefit d | ty, committed since . WO city EN . - (00 ies he bagaar promises to be Joi ow oe arn vt wall 20 Taffeta Silk and All-wool Serge Skirts -- this season's best - ' 'The following took part: Choruess, |coctety during the yaar, ail "being styles, including all around belt, inset pockets, and fine pin tucks. - pupils of 8t. Vincent's, Solfeg. | p aoe iu Ussit ble fester gInes. ot . 4 of St. Vincent's, primary 'he 117 children E8uer the guarding. Colors Black or Navy; nearly all sizes for Women and Misses. Regu- ae i$ of St, Vincent's, [°F Ren a, Arg *rotesl- ley | 20is and 19 Roman Catholics. There { . : . ing Misti Hoke re 53 boys and 64 girls. Seven of | lar $8.50 and $10.00 lines, On Wednesday, your choice Seren $3.95 iy Ww : n * 277 {the wards have been treated for ail- | ster F. Waugh, | ments at the K ieneral Hospi- : / ry. ry, Eien or al One Vor ssn lesan peace, was COAT BARGAIN $25.00 na Not ne of HELIA taetivtio A big range of Women's and Misses' Coats--good, warm gar- EE a SA » Mary O'Conner, D, | smmitted to the society's car ce : A Ee Carty, 3. Beall: |, upust jst; 191 v the meaning 8) ments for winter--all the new cloths. Popular colors and your size. Nourry, RE Se Ly | he children's aig we x. T Wednesday Special, .. 3 gE ay .. $25.00 BE De La| BATH ROBES as her ex- he ee] Just received a big range of Ladies' Eiderdown Bath Robes -- abule, Hi : ia anpalnted to §) pretty patterns that will delight the eye. Satin trimmings with Cord o Gr: ¢ | satlati ry ser |}] Girdle to match. All sizes cates crererere ye $6.50 up, mor at lacs vender iss Et} n : 3 1, la ' For Piles phy; Franees, maid to lady | 54505 orn FMENT is a guaranteed Miss Clare Cooper; vi age ly for Itching, Blind, Bleeding r gatherers: Missea P. Sowards; .» protry 1g Plies. Instantly re. | 'elow, H. Lumb, I. Driscoll, H. 3 Itching Piles. 60c. Made in! e, 1. Ingles, B. Kana, A, Lovett, Janada, | } K. McGrath, H. Grace, H, Bajas, H. tts | . i Smith, M. Sharpe, C. Lamoureaux, A, | {It appears the d 7y laws have mada | . sd! JT088. | the thivaty citizen as willing to give | i | oP bis liquor as bis right eye, | Wa have 'noticed that a breexy | The Always Busy Store iuend Black [Ji story is a great hel i ; is ip to an author in| : Ibs. $1.00 INCIDENTS OF THE DAY raging the wind | ! S-- 9 Wateh for the opening next week | Aha a {of P, Jesse's new store selling toys, ~ 1 S Racy Local News and Items of fancy goods and gifts, 112 Poses ry General Public Interest. | ro: . } IN MARINE OIROLES { $3,500 BUYS { A. 0. H. euchre to-night. Refresh- . BROCK STREET--8 rooms and bahtroom: electrio lights and gas; ments served. hot air furnace; back entrance. In first class condition. Ime Planos tuned. Phone 1544, 0. W, i The steamer Nevada has gone mediate posscasion if desired, Lindsay, Limited. into winter quarters at the cause- HOUSES TO RENT I CE Spend this evening in Wonderland way. $ 8.00--42 York Street; 4 rooms. | aud Fairyland in Grant hall, 8 p.m. " The dredge St. Lawrence arrived | $14.00--34¢ Cherry street; 5 rooms, Mr. Swaine, piano tuner, orders from Belleville on Tuesday, towed ! $14.00---144 Pine Street: 5 rooms. $14.00--94 Barrack Street; 4 reoms. received at 100 Clergy street w. . by the tug Davis. 8 { Phoze 66 4w. Persian Lamb Jr. 505 in wus cues $14 00132 stephen Scpeet; 0 vooms 2a bathroom, A lone drunk was the only offender passed down Tuesday worning, on 22 00 oR - 442.00--132 Chatham ¢ 3 : ¢ n in the police court on Tuesday morn- Coats {thelr last trip of the season, wf 2 BT ov. Juntsiow; § Teoma and ing. He paid the usual fine of $10 A | Montreal. The vessels wil be laid up| AT PRE-WAR PRICES iat call, . RO lh tax-payers save 2 perf : P re ir Mapleheath attired] E. Ww. MULLIN & SON cent. by paying taxes on or before {2p Monday night and cleared for To- EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 26th November. ledo to load freight for Montreal, am : co Don't miss our $1.89 aluminum The steamer Maplehil] passed up|| CO'@er Johnson and Division Streets - - Phones 839w and 339). sale Friday. W. H. Cockburn & Com- | : 5 j Monday afternoon from Montreal to _ pany, A N ¢ AR load grain at Port Colborpe. nym, : The Toronto Telegram says: W.|B ) The steamer Oafland passed up ; | F. Nickle, K.C,, ex-M.P., Kingston, ; ! at midnight Monday from Montreal {1s at 'the Queen's for s few days' to load grain at Port Colborne. han The steamer City of Oitawa arriv- | stay. "I am no longer in politics," } y Ri ' he dellares. "and Bree nothing to | ESUEIEEE i jed Bp from Montreal Monday after contribute to campaign discussion i ' - {Room, and = cleared with package : of affalts™ > freight for Toronto and Hamilton, For toys, fancy 'goods and gil's 4 q ; { : : one's naw store which opene QRH Dr. Edwards at Wreieficld. Dainty Two Strap Style--Covered Heels--Shorter Vampa week with a cholce stock 'a " TL I 4 | Hon. Dr. J. W. Edwards had a \ o * lines. . t rf {packed Rall at Barriefleld on Mon- 81 Our Big Special $6 00 41 11.41 p.m. Monday, the firemen 4y night, fully 390 persons beirg . ¥en a coll to the new home Present to hear his speak on tha i. B. Crowley, on Bagot street, : issues in the present election. J. 8. rence, wheré a fire occurred ibbett, reeve of Pittsburg, presided, A refined, two strap Slipper in Grey Suede, with the new io rubbish in the cellar. and, although the meeting was c:ny. shorter vamps--light weight soles and Louis covered ¢ will amount to about osed of a large number of U.F.0. heels--one of the mew shoes being featured at this idsmbers, the doctor was given 1 popular price. All sizes and widths, Cy Kingston Amateur Athletic hearty reception. . / sscoidtion has engaged Gunner Our Big Special ........... $6.00 f the riding establishment! i Foch at Baltimore, . . A " ¢ Poyal Military College; as box-| J Baltimore, Nov. 22.--Among the "See this Shoe in our window" ructor. The KAA, 1s being 7 Teatures 6f Marshal Foch's visit here : > : by Ray Marchand, and to-day will be the breaking of ground + Murray, of the Frontendk, 5 dor a war. memorial building and the : ent, - conferring upon him of the honor- - A RE - If ary degree of doctor of laws by John in J MARTIN ik 8 from which a deg Ras oat- | OA Hopkins hospi ret ; 3 ® $ - : IRY | VUKSS BTS, i N TESS ------ : I Lever again be used fdr 'the |B : ~ 2 fiepssation of human food among B Britain is going ahead with Imper- . 180 PRINCESS STREET te _zm1 PHONE 2310. fL0 gypsies, ns fal radio chain. : , u

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