TORSDAY, NOV, 22, 192, = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. CANADIAN BOOKSFOR CANADIAN HOMES wv CANADIAN AUTHORS WEEK TO HIM THAT HATH by } JESS. OF THE REBEL TR RILLA OF MIRIAM OF edd AWA THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF SIR WILFRID LAU RIER \ QO. D. CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR JO EN MACDONAI *. b THE ATTIC GUE ARCADIAN AD: CANADIAN BONGS OF A f . Ralph vunnor H. A. Cody Mo tgomery x M Ey w-- Skelton : Je seph Poge FLAMING FORE Buy a C R. Uglow & Co. | ST hy Lu... sais andian Dook This Week at, SAMPLES Dr, Bell's Veterinary Wonder 60.000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemen Who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels. Kidneys, Fevers Distemper ete. Send 25c¢. for Mailing Package etc. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. DR, BELL, V.S,, KINGSTON, Ont. G. Hunter Ogilvie INSURANCE and GENERAL BROKER 281 King Street HOLD UP and BURGARLY Phones 568j and 1087 Amn SPECIAL SALE ON THIS WEEK Choice Creamery Butter 38c 1b. Choice Mince Meat ...20c. 1b. Corn Flakes ....3 boxes 28c. Sirloin Steak ........20c. Ib, Shoulden.Roasts ......10c. Jb. Rib Roasts Stewing Cuts . . Rended Dripping Quick's Grocery E want to express our gratification about the W manner in which our patrons are discussing our satisfactory service. They speak in grateful terms about the completeness of our service and about the perfect way we have relieved their sight aberration. If you are a sufferer from eye trouble you should make an effort to see us. Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office .Bc. to 10c. 1b, 10c. 1b. your "PROTECTION! BURGLARY INSURANCE C. 8. KIRKPATRICK 86 Clarence St. Telephone 56Sw: wire 207 Off Everything For Cash Sales With the exception of a féw A rticles wtih Price Restrictions ¥ An opportunity to select from the finest stock ever displayed in Kingston Diamonds Watches Jewelry Silverware China Leather Goods ,. Cut Glass Ivory Ebony Lamps This is a real genuine discount sale. FOR CASH SALES Clocks F R. J. RODGER Jeweler 132 Princess St. "WHERE THE CLOCK IS ON THE WALK" SCHOOL SHOES ' - - - - - Strong, durable Shoes for Boys in black and tan l=athers; good workmanship and unusual value. $2.99 Allan M. Reid SHOZ STORE OVE NE PERFORMANCE °° * ++ *** "== 2+, NOTIFY THE OFFICE. * "The Winnipeg Kiddies" the Grand--Final Presen= tation To=-night. at | ipecg Kiddies" are in they have with them the ! ave ever presented appeared a' the and 'captivated the' pub 'hey Grand lost ht, large audience, down their reputation of being the best juvenile entertainers on t! i road. The production is an entire new one---and of the type that | bound to pleave. There is an abund- ance of gooyl singing and dancinng, | with 2 number of features, | and there is not a dull moment from " ij | the time tho curtain goes up for the {first time, until the finish. To see a jcompany of juveniles go through | | such a perforj:ance as is given, is in- | deed wonderful. The entire prodne- tion is given with a swing and a po!- ished finish such as very few com- {panies composed of ola and season- led players present. One cannot ses | too much of "The Winnipeg Kiddies fe they well deserve the greas | praise they are receiving all along | |the line. The management of the | company and those who have had training of thé youngsters in charge are deserving of the warmest praise. Little Dorothy MacKay, well-known in Kingston ,having appeared in "Lit- i tle Red Riding Hood," and "Babes in | the Woods," is with the company, land this charming Miss won the hearts of her audience with hor songs and dances. 'Jackie' Finesilver is also in the cast and the mere mention {of his name ds sufficient for those [who have witnessed the performance of this young star. He has just as much "pep" as ever, and as a comed- ian he is firstclass. The ever favorite Holmes Twins are still with the show for it would not be complete without their sunny smiles, laughter and var- fous turns, The programme is a lengthy one, and every item is good. The first part of the programme is given over to singing and dancing. "Jackie" Finesilver won rounds of applause with his song "Kill 'em with Kindness," while Dorothy MacKay shared honors with him in her song, "Alice Blue Gown." The "Holmes Twins' made a big hit in their song. "Daddy." Other good numbers in- cluded, "Winter in Fairyland," by Dorothy MacKay, Holmes Twins ani Company; "Teach Me" by Florence Simpson, "Scandanavia" by Lillian Beck and girls; "Who Said Irish' by Geo. and Billy Howleand dance by Irene Jones, the latter also giving a very fine skipping rope dance. One does not need to be Scotch to enjoy the great "Scotch Scene." There is a regular feast of Scotch songs and dances. It kept everyone in the audi- ence in high spirits. A number of very sweet songs, of various kinds follow, in which the Holmes Twins. Dorothy MacKay, Edna Patrick and Vera Montgomery and chorus take part. "The Vamping Rose," directed by '"Jackieé'" Finesilver is a very in- teresting feature, and one must not forget the very fine musical numbers given by tho Holmes Twins. The song hits come thick and fast, ana space would no' permit a mention of them all, but "Where Flies Go," rendered by Dorothy MacKay, and "Ain't We Got Fun," by Dorothy ana the Holmes Twins are perhaps the | top notchers. The fairy dances hy the girls and the burlesque dances by the boys should not be overlooked. The Big Four cracked jokes just like old timers in the business, and put over some good ones. The perform- anc closes with a cabaret scene, and it is a dandy. Taken altogether, it is one of the best treats of the sea- son, and everyone should see these young artists. Tho final presentation will be given at the Grand tonight. A big audience of.childrn and grown up folk enjoyed a special matinee given this afternoon. BANQUET AT BETHHL Tendered by C.E.S. to the Calvary Y.P. Society. The Christian Endeavor Society of Bethel church tendered a banquet on Monday evening, in the school- room of that church, to the members of the Young People's Society of Cal- | vary church. About sixty sat down { to supper shortly after seven c'clock. | Afterwards a programme was carried { out under the direction of R. H. Tre- | neer, president of Bethe! society, | who occupied the chair. Solos were {rendered by Miss Mildred Filtz and | Aubrey Williams, and a recitation {by William Treneer. Short papers were given by Miss Margaret Lesage, president of Calvary, dealing with he social life of a society, while William Bruce and Mark Veale dealt with the missionary and look-out work of a society. Rev. A. F. Brown and Rev. A. 8. Duncan also address- ed the young people. Mrs. W. H. Godwin and Mrs, J. Lyttle assisted in the preparation of the supper. Stole Flowers From Grave, That there are people in this neighborhood to whom even death and sorrow are mot sacred, was shown when Mr. and Mrs. Earl Par- kin, Division street, found that the beautiful crescont of wax roses and the wreath of everlastings.- left among the lovely flowers sa the grave of their daughter in Cataraqui cemetery, had been stolen when they visited the grave om Bunday after- noon. They intended to keep the everlasting wreaths in memory of their child. People who would be guilty of such act are beneath von- tempt. Ancestors all Dead. Jiggs--1I doa't believe this rot about vitamines. My ancestors never knew ing about them. Giggs--Yes, but look wha* has happened to your ancestors. Every last one of them is dead. --New York Sun, and more than held | is § of Queen street % has sent in his cheque for a + + year's subscription to the Whig # delivered in the city (five dol- ® lars in advance, six dollars oth- + erwise) and with jt the com- ment that cannot get satis- faction from the independent carrier boys. Several complaints of this nature have reached the Whig office lately, and we will be very glad if those Whig readers who are not receiving good delivery will notify us at once, and address, le {® A resident | ® "service giving name PE PD SSP ede ddd + | EERIE EIA EE IES) Letters to the Editor After Death. Verona, Nov. 18.--(To ,the Edi'- or): I regret, after seeing so many editorials in the Whig so thoroughly in harmony with scripture, to see the one under the heading above, in your issue of yesterday. Its sentiments are BLUE, PINK, LADIES' BEDROOM SLIPPERS, IN ALL --IN KID AND FELT-- GREY, BLUE, PINK, GREY, BROWN, PURPLE, ROSE, LAVENDER. SLIPPERS THE FANCY COLORS PRICES, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 BROWN; PURPLE, ROSE, LAVENDER. Abernethy's Shoe Store by no means scriptural, What do we know about the life after death except what we learn from the bible? 1 think, Mr. }dit- | or, I may safely venture to hope and to believe that both you and praeti- cally all your readers believe in the bible as the inspired word of God. And if it be then it is in that word we are to find out what God intends us to know about the future world while we are in this world. We do not require any "spirit-rapping' so-call- ed or moving tables, seances, atc. to teach us truth or give us information regarding the unseen world. You call them 'spiritualists" Perhaps you mean spiritists, as we have no reason to assume that they are any more spiritual than those who seek for their jastruction in spiritual things from the word ot God. As saith the prophet Isaiah, Zo IN Special for This Week NOV. 21st to 26th. English Breakfast Tea 33c. 1b. Egg-O Baking Powder ...25c. Old Dutch Cleanser. .2 for 23c. Gold Bond Soup ....8 for 22c. AT THE UNIQUE GROCERY C. H. Pickering 490 and 492 Princess St. Phone 530. "To the law and to the testimony; it they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." And the same prophet says, "Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks; walk" in, the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have at mine hand: ye shall lle down in sorrow." Surely men would do wall to heed this prophetic warning and ie! the "sparks" business alone. The only "true light" comes from (od, and His Som, Jesus Christ, said, "I am the light of the world; he that fol- loweth Me shall not walk in dark- ness, but shall have the light of life." I am sorry, Mr. Editor, that you should take the ground that we owe a great deal to those men, who. through mediums, seances, etc. "have attempted to reveal to us many things concerning the life hereafter, which all Christians believe we are to inherit." One would think tha: a Christian, that 18, a belléyer in Christ, would accept His teaching rather than the "attempted" revela- tions of men who leave the book of revelations for spiritism. You very guardedly and prudently use the word "attempted." I'm glad you do not assert that they have succeeded. Reading the 'stuff they hand out as something "revealed" is about the dreariest mess of nonsense one could be called upon to wade through. 1 have seen pages of it in the London newspapers sent to me, but I confess a very little of it was suffielent; there was absolutely nothing to be learned from it. If people would read their bibles they would show more intelligence and would get a great deal more reliable information. What God has not seen fit to reveal no man can know. You say, Mr, Bditor, that "'astron- omists tell us about the conditions of -the moon, etc." To me that looks very far fetched. (Some 238,000 miles!) and not at all to the point. Astronomy and spiritism are by no means alike, though possibly some of those spiritists may be more or less under the influence of the moon: It is not very complimentary to Christianity to intimate that spirit- ism so called affords more comfort than it does to those who are nearing the end of lite here and whose lot has been hard. I submit, Mr. Edi:- or, that your concluding paragraph gavors of Universalism. 1 see yous paragraphist has an appropriate jok on the subjéct in' the first column, while in your editorial you appear to be in earnest. I thank you for kind indulgence in giving me space In your columns even when we differ in our views. it I faithfully, Yours falth tally ES LAWSON. ------------ Was Well Known. The late Sir Frederick Orr Lew- rr en Farewell, Appointments. Ottawa, Nov. 21.--Important ap- pointments to 'the senate and the bench are expected to be made at a meeting of the cabinet council Wed- nesday when Premier Meighen will preside, The Ontario government asks for the resignation of the Toronto-Ham- ilton highway commission, Don't miss our $1.89 aluminum sale Friday. W. H. Cockburn & Com- pany. In The Letter to There are sure to be a Kiddie Kar, Shoo Fly, Rocking Horses, Three Piece Toy Set, Child's Desk and Chair, Dolls, Bed, Doll's Carriage, Walker, Child's High Chair and Rocker--gifts that make Christmas morning brighter, Brass a Baby ._ PATENTS Peneing JAMES REID PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE New Overcoats Men's and Boys' All Reduced RONEY'S, Princess St. teed for 20 years, is, who died in France, was a resi- dent of Kingston, and left here in manhood for Montreal where he en- tered into the hardware business, having been trained here under Mon- tague Strange, His parents lived on Parl street in the house now occu- pied by W. H, Wormwith. His father was a merchant on Ontario street, handling ship supplies, Sir Frederick had many warm friends here, He is survived by hi: wife, one son. iuncan, two daughters, Miss Helen and Miss Mary Graham, and four brothers, James Graham Lewis, Howard L. Lewis, T. G. Lewis and W. J. Lewis, residing in Montreal and district; also four sisters, Miss Agres, Miss Adelaide, and Mrs Me- ole. all of Montreal, and a married sister, Mrs. J. J. Velland, residing at Hewghton, Mich, Don't miss our $1.89 aluminum sale Friday. W. H. Cockburn & Com- pany. Briand declares France will bring is army to half i's former strength. $4.50. It must be $1.89-Big Aluminum Sale-$1.89 At 9 o'clock, we will place on sale 500 of the most staple pieces of Quality Brand Aluminum Ware. Every piece perfect and guaran- Aluminum is sanitary. Will not rust, curl or crack. Values up to Our price for this sales... ed, IRST COME FIRST SERVED. No tele fionie or mail orders. CASH and CARRY. SEE OUR WINDOW. A Factory Representative Will Conduct This Sele ,W. H. COCKBURN & CO. $1.89 v- 'When people say it with flowers it too often is in the form of a wreath. Before that they say it with brick bata A Dike o port halt plece of human bone will sup- the best oak of the same ing but bloodshed in Ireland, Toronto police are working on & 8 rum weight again as a {new clue in the Ambrose Small case. Brig.-General Decle can see noth