Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1921, p. 8

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THE DA cA y jit Vy NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READE Life's Social Side Editor of Women's Page, Telephone | list includes Col. A. J. Ogilvie, Lt.- 1724; Private phono 837w. {Col. aud Mrs. F. Q. Hodgins, Lt.,Col. w= {and Mrs, Langford, .t.-Col. and Mrs, Mrs. Wilbur Francis Chown, H. J. Dawson, Miss. Mary Ogilvie, formerly Miss Jumet Douglas, was Prof. McKee and Lieut. Croeby, another bride, who received for the | « ss first time' since her marriage this | afternoon with her mother, Mrs. J. {Collingwood street, will rec Douglas, 424 West Marion street. the first time since coming to King- The bride was Wearing ear Crepe syd ston on Thursday, Nov. 24th, from 4 e with dark red roses, Mrs. ¢ .m. Mrs. W. T. Minnes will re- Douglas was in midnight blue 18h | oir re her. feta, and Mrs. Chown navy blue | * vo charmeuse with corsage houquet of | Mrs. roses, Yellow roses and yellow o A ; : ntertalned a jolly birthday party in shaded cahdles decorated the daintily|, oo % 0% 2 i iy J dug Jy arranged tea table, which was 2 Thursday evening, when thirty of her charge of Mrs. Joke onan Par of young friends motored from the city, Hani. oe Som LoMa81e, Of iy wih her many hubry Fotvros * 4 njoy elightful dance. Mrs. Oliver Chown, of {They enjoyed a deli 1tful Kingston; | . Miss Florence Weir, of Hamilton; | 4 | Mrs. J. F. Preston, Earl street, en- dn Baus Jarrieon ou Hamad: | tertainea the bridge club of the Tooker after the Znests ju the draw. younger set this afternoon, when . . three tables were in play. ing-room.--Teronto Star. . oh play T h tion ot augue flatoon the £lee os street, was the hostess of the bridge meeting of the Badminton Club. The [rab of which she 1s a member, on office of secretary-treasurer has been f° onday. divided, Major Heber Lafferty being secretary end Capt. Ronald Tortt, treasurer, The ordinary members ei- ected were: Mrs. Travers Hora, M's. Douglas Jemmett, Mrs. James Mil- ler, Miss Cecile Macnee, Prof. A. i. Prince and Prof, Roy. The military Mrs. Wiillam Gr seorge Draper, Glenburnie, Mrs. James Hamilton, Brock LJ . . Dr, and Mrs. T. H. Ren'on, King street, have returned from Yarker. Mrs. J. D. Walker who is with hes | daughter, Mrs. Harold Clark, Syden- |ham apartments, will return to To- ronto Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor, Earl street, received the congratula- | tions and best wishes of many friends on Sunday, Nov, 20th, it being the occasion of the forty-fifth annivers- ary of their marriage. Mrs. Charles McKay, Garrett street, entertained the bridge club, of which she is a member, on Monday. Miss Madeline Kingsley, Wolfe Is- land, is the guest of Miss Mary Drap- er, Glenburnie. * °° ---- a Ly BRITISH WHIGC. rr = ry ---- Nol5 Center Front Fold ~ . suit, is to ought to i small collars which are being intro- duced this year. That the Prince of Wales will spend Christmas week In Calcutta. He will open the Vietoria Memorial Hall, the most magnificent of all the buildings in this city of palaces, which has been twenty years in The new street costume, winter, alone, day set in. It can be made in mine in soft light brown duvetyn The making is very simple effective, especially for the person of slim build. The center front and back of pattern are laid on the Cut the two side pieces and set into the notched parts, gown. The belt is cut in one piece. The beading of the skirt is graduated until it is even with the The material required is three yards, 42 inches wide, I shall be glad to answer any questions that Address me at Cosmopolitan Productions, 127th Street, New York This Street Costame for Winter Can Be Made For $15 By Any Girl Smart Conta cise in Pur By MARION DAVIES, (Screen Star of "The Rest! * "Buried "Enchanrmmte™ ote, Designed Treasure", a compromise between the ordinary coat and me the most becoming garb for early winter. And not for early for it can be nicely worn under a fur coat when the coldest serge, tricotine, duvetyn or satin, | made with fringes of black. and by carefully following the pattern there be no trouble. The simple tailored lines of this dress are very lengthwise fold, thus forming the entire running around the bottom back of the skirt at the bottom, may come up in the making, City, \ HOW TO MAKE MONEY. CW women are averse to making pin money. It doesn't matter F whether they need it or not. There is special pleasure in spend- fog money one has made through nne's own initiative ang resources, Each day there will appear on this Jags one of a series of sugges. tions on making money. Each article will give women readers of The IN NE 'Got No Sleep But now the neuritis has gone, the pains have ceased, the nervous system is restored and the writer of this letter pays a grateful tribute to the medicine which made him _ Mr. John Woodward, P.T.O., Ont., writes: "Tt gives me much pleasure to recom- mend Dr} Chase's medicines, especially the Nerve Food. | was a sufferer from neuritis for several years, and tried all kinds of remedie:, yet never seemed to get any better. At last my nerves and system to give way not being able to get any rest or sleep at nights for pain, which mostly used to take me in all parts of the limbs and feet. My nerves would twitch till my whole body would seem to jerk right up as | lay in bed. Almost at the hoint of dupair, 1 decided | would yu » Chase's Nerve Food, which 1 did. and after taking twenty boxes I believe myself almost normal again. I also keep a box of Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills on hand, and for the past year | seem to enjoy my usual health." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Answers to Correspondents: i. ENGLISH GIRL--Sorry you are los Ing your good color, but that is because of our climate. If than it is in England, is ruinous to a good thing you can do is to massage your face well seach Bight and morning with CAMPANAS ITALIAN BALM and par- ticularly after each washing. [ would also recommend you to use it for your hanlls. It will keep them soft und White and prevent redness and chan- pin 'YOU Can buy CAMPANAS I'TAlL- AN BALM at any Uruggist. 40c. a large bottle. MARGARET, CA ti ti i, Miss Julia Scanlan, Westport was a guest the past week of Miss Made- line O'Connor Earl street. Mrs. Thomas Lambert, Clergy street, has returned from a visit to Mrs. Clarence Chown, Montreal. Among the out-of-town guests at Queen's medical dance on Friday will be the Misses Eileen and Olive Craig, Ottawa, Mrs. F. A. Walsh, Aberdeen aven- ue, returned on Saturday from a visit to Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Denyes, Shan- nonville, Mrs. Henry Wilkinson and her father, J. McKelvey, Bagot street, leave for California on Wednesday. . = Mrs. W. T. Sherif, Ottawa, Is spending a few days in Kingston. The Earl and Countess of Minto have taken a house in Edinburgh for the winter, Mrs, G. W, Cook, of Mon- treal, who sailed from Montreal on the Empress of France, will spand some time there with her daughter. Lady Kirkpatrick, who spent two weeks in town at the "Chateau Bel- videre," returned to Quebs¢ this week. What the Editor Hears That the graduate nurses, whose wide experience of sorrow and suffer- ing has given them understanding sympathy with its needs, have estab. Hehed a fund to meet the emergency cases which will rise during the cold weather, o> Rl That to keep the raisins in a cake from king to the bottom, set them {nto tho oven in a shallow pan and allow them to plump up and become ¢ | heated through before adding to the batter, Then stir them in lightly the last thing, That buckles have conie into vogue again and are used not only on belts but to fasten a collar. They are ad- mirable as a fastening for an even- ing wrap ,and are very chic with the An en a Fo | | Every ome of these selves and the maker. wodel, gold-tilled, plain, e dust-proof case. Six different styles of We will lny one away small deposit, . + 100 Princess Street - HIN MODEL POCKET WATCHES | | $18.00 price is now, modern, and guaranteed both by ous The ruovement is fully jeweled, fitted In a thin Just the waich tor a Christmas gift. Don't delay. Conio in at once and make your sn fection befurc the best ones are picked out. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS Watches offered at this agine turned or engraved, dials to choose from. for you on payment of a building, and which is named after his 'grandmother, Queen Victoria, That plans are being laid for the formation of a Ladies' Auxiliary to the Humane Society for the purpose of raising funds for the work of this worthy organization, An ambitious stenographer, not yet out of her teens, fs making about $60 a month sel- ling typewriters on a new and novel plan. She goes to a busi- ness in need of a machine and offers to furnish a stenograph- er a month free if the proprie- tor will purchase a machine, She has an arrangement with a business college to furnish the stenographer's, and when she sells the machine she tele- phones the school and they send down a stenographer, which costs the school nothing, the business man nothing and the girl who sells typewriters nothing. The school agrees to give all its graduates a month's experience in a business office and it often happens that the That the housewives a@ga.rejoicing at the drop in the price of bread. That Saskatchewan has to-day 1,- 000 junior Red Cross branches with an enrolment of 50,000 children of all nationalities and creeds, the re-' sult of work begun in 1915 in North- gate with a handful of school chiild- ren, . President of Women's Institutes Mrs, George Edwards, of Komoka, newly elected president of the Fed- erated Women's Institutes of Ontario gave her presidential address at the closing session of the Women's In- stitutes convention, asking for the Co-operation nqt only of the young Whig an idea that may Eta turned In No.31-- Selling Typewriters. to &8 moneymaker, stenographer is permanently engaged, It makes a good drawing card for the school, it helps the young lady sell type- writers and it assists many graduates to permanent and well paying positions, She also hag an arrangement with the business. college to in- struct any of her purchasers who may wish to learn to op- erate the typewriter, It often occurs that a man needs a type- writer but his business is so small that he cannot afford' to employ a stenographer. The school instructs them free of charge, as the proprietor of the school has the general agency for the machine, so gets a com- mission wherever a sale is R makes the bath One to two tablespoonsful delightfully refreshing. 21 Wider Skirt Is Feature of Chi- cago Style Review. Coats to Be Short, Suits Have Neo Pockets or Cuffs and Mutfs Are Barred. According to the association nearly everything in suits aud coats and dresses will be brown or moose, heayl- ly embroidered and beaded. Gold And silver thread embroideries especially will be shown. "Beads will be used on everything except the most strictly tailored garments. As for the suits, the coats will he fairly stort, and the skipts peftectly plain. The jackets will have big fur collars and fur about the bottom of beaver, seal, dark squirrel, or taupe nutria. , Nothing will keep warm the hands of the fashionably gowned. There are no cuffs or pockets on the sult, and mulls are quite out. The bodices of these Jackets will be quite close fitting, as milady has signified that she has had enough of loosely fitting things, but skirts will have a decided flare. Tas- sels will be found every place a tassel can be. Quantities of elaborate buttons of rich shades will be used. Silk bo- Uvia, chiffon velvet, duvetyn, duvette, made, girls, but of the older women. She pointed out that much of the great work of\the world had been accom- plished by those who had passed the three score and ten mark. " Mrs. Pankhurst gave a much ap- preciated talk on Social Hygiene, and other addresses on health matters were given by Dr. McClenahan, who spoke in place of Dr. Middleton and Dr, Margaret Patterson, i st chica ' Probably the oldest "school girl" in America is Mrs. Amy Davis Win- 6hip, who at ninety years of age com- pleted the recent summer course at the University of Wisconsin, Mrs. Winship, who is the mother of one of the faculty members of the Wiscon- sin university, has been a student at various institutions of learning since 1909, when she entered college at the age of seventy-nine, MOTHER ! Clean Chliid's Bowels With "California Fig Syrup" ) SHE'S IN THE SWIM Alice Brady, movie star, is seeking a divorce from her husband, James L. Crane, son of Dr. Frank IL. Crane, noted editorial writer. To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble WEDNESDAY, Nov. 23. Even a sick child loves the "fruity" The astral testimonies for this day taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child fs listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a nful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the con- stipation poison, sour bile and wastes from the tender, little bowels and €ives yon a well, playtul child again. Millions of mothers keep "Califor. nia FigSyrup" handy. They know a teaspoonful to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for Senuine "California Fig - "uy which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" Or you may get an imitation fig EyTUp, leresting state of affairs. All mer- cantile, industrial, professional and literary pursuits are particularly un- 'der fortunate planetary rule, with all sorts of encouragement for new pro- Jeets and dealings with trusts, 'closed corporations and secret societies. Under the benign reign of Jupiter, assisted by the favorable positibn of Mercury, there should be increase of business and financial gain. A similar flourishing and happy condi- mestic affairs. Those whose birthday it is are jus- tified in looking for a'year\of growth pressage an unusually active and in- tion should prevail in social and do- | and prosperity in business, with do-| mestic affairs under happy and flour- | ishing conditions. A child born on | this day may be active, clever, ac- | complished, popular, and will make | a name for himself, Use the classified advertisements to beat a bad augury. Use them to play a good one to the limit, S---------------- The Real Censor of Plays, London Daily Express Doubtless a censor who was om- niscient and omnipotent would be a blessing both to managers and audi- ences, Failing these qualifications, it is difficult to be certain of his use- fulness. Under modern conditions there can only be one censor of pub- lic entertainments -- the publie. If the public wants a certain kind of entertainment it will eventually have it, ban the censor never so wisely, It is public opinion, nourished by an en- lightened press, that must judge the fitness or unfitness of a play.. And public opinion is, in the long run, a sound and wholesome referee. Skiria shown in the recent style reo. view of the Chicago Manufacturers' association are wider than have been worn for some time. They were not much shorter, however, twelve Inches from the ground being de- clared to be the correct length. and duvet de lalne are the materials from which the winter suits will be fashioned. . Cloth eoats will be forty-eight inches In length, embroidered In gold or sil- ver thread, with huge eapular collars of fur and with fur cuffs and pockets. But the fur coats will be shorter, They will be thirty-six inches and have large collars and cuffs, and fur but- tons and belt. No fur combinations at all will be used this season. The evening wraps will be fairly plain, witk big fur collars, wide at the bottom, and lapping over 20 inches where they fasten. 4 Shoestring belts and buckles of self material, silver and goid embroidery, and either high choker collars, or a neck line cut only three Inches from the base of the throat, one pocket next to the seam, and tight three-quarter sleeves, with white cuffs to the wrist are the new features of the tallleur and aftern will have deep hems, buttons all the way down the back, and white lace yokes. Duvetyn and velvet In moose and brown, with an occasional Copen- hagen blue will be tke material most in vogue. For the fluffy young person, eve ning dresses of binck lace over char meuse, with French flowers will be shown, and for the woman given to se verer lines; gowns headed from top to bottom in all sorts of gorgeous colors. Both straps will be used. , Gowns wiil be somewhat higher eut '| this year, both In front and in hack, and some of them will even Fave little sleeves. -- rrinted plaited chiffon hioures are extremely good with platted matin or taffeta skirts, and the combinations of colors are ton numerons to mention, Light colored dresses In silk crepe or in organdie are shown with wide sash of black taffeta ribbon bowed at the side or the front. Jade and blue, mikado, red and taupe, mahogany and bronze are fa. frocks. Many of them Safest Plan, "Robert! Robert! car rounding the corner. How shall I steer?" / "Try to hit it, mother; try to hit ft» ---- Admiral and Lady eatty will spena next Monday {n Torouto. STROUD'S TEA | Delietous, healthful refreshing 3 100 Princess St. Phone 840, a NENA AAA traning) UR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS FOk WOMEN'3 AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delayed and Paintul Menstruation, Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct i by mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co. 71 E: Front St., To« ronto, Canada. Are You Fat? iy Just Try This -------- Thousands of overfat people have ba. come slim by following the advice of doctors who recommend Marmola Pro: scription Tablets, those harmless lMttle fat reducers that simplify the dose of the famous Marmolr Prescription. 1) too fat, don't wait--go now to yout druggist and for one dollar which iz the price the world over, procure a case ol tablets If preferable you ean secure them direct by sending price ta the Marmoela Co, 4613 Woodward Ava, Detroit, Mich. They reduce steadily and easily without tiresome exercige ot starvation diet, and leave no unplea- sant effect. NP on thene Se "aw > A pure fall-flavored Salt for every Table and Cooking use. Made in Canada by The Western Salt Co., Lad Courtright, Ontario Send 15 c. for Trial Sire FERD. T. HOPKINS & SON Montreal Gouraud"s Oriental Cream = lr sT.CHARLES LH HH i \» HEHE Here's another ~

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