RITISH WHIG. EEEEEEEE EEEEEE © THE PEOPLE'S FORUM [. || ke i -- | | lf TO-NIGHT FOR SALE > GRAND yim AS. HAM THE PRINCE OF waLES i Tae CONDENSED 'ADVERTISING RATES 1 WANTED GENERAL | | | LOVE --\ OUTH-- LAUGHTER 'Fist irsertion, lc a word. Each gon, a sei se m---- APPLY . secutive insertion thereafter, hal SITTING AL MALE A} Sl LE BIRDS. Same G as 4d. Produce cent a word. Minimuny charge for LADY OR GinL To bo ¥ i Tn Whiz FOUND | 121 Bar ; 1512J a ireat Cast an oe apy d | rem eee tion that Played the Royal Al. one insertion, 25c; three insertions } Speem-- ----------. ] A # §0 cents. Bion) -- em -- -- 1 ON REDAN STREET, A VALU- [| YOUNG DELIVERY HORSE FOR xandra Th T to The above rates are for cash only. | , FURNISHED APARTMENT! able Rosary, with two ini- || | sale cheap. Phone SF exandra Theatre, Toronto. when charged they are double | central locality. State' Pars jo tials on cracifix. Ow | = PRICES : Sree a : Tr Sor f- bave same by applyi 1 OME. BRASS ANTIQUE NO LAMP, = ' \ with shade. Apply Box U-23 Whig 's 25-30-75-$1.00-81.350 8 ticulars. Apnly Box B-1§, W h g { Redan Street. HELP WANTED. fice Z ! SEATS NOW ON SALE en - WANTED TO RENT, FURNISHED OR | THANKSGIVING MONDAY, ON | TWO SETS OF LIGHT BUB SLEIGHS,| | : : "na CHAMBERMAID WANTED AT ONCL. unfurnishe" house or Hat; imme- the University grounds. a | also 5 h.p. motor. New England Mail Orders Now. x Apply at Queen's Hotel. diately. State full particuiars. A Sentleman 8 sighe: Hoe. | Bakery. { . | ox 363, N nee t { Owner may have same at (iu: {| rme--------mepra rtm we GENERAL SERVANT; REFERENCES,| DY Box 363, Napanee, Un | Whig Office. DRESS SUIT IN FIRST C1.ASY CONDI. Apply Mrs. J. V. Williams, 251 5 3 5 SNCED tion; size 37. Apply 367 Barrie St. 1v PHONE 1518 BIPERILNCE BUNCH OF KEYS NEAR FAIR | Phone 1179F. Brock Street. for attend'ng to furndces usar grounds Ow leas : - : teed, fi be handled car oun 'ner please in- ; -- - . | BIBL For cRve as HOUSRWORK. ocd es 10 be handl. . duire of John Voteary at 1. | | TWO MUSK OX ROnks IN PRIME ) GRAND Thaurs., Fri., Sat. Bh 3 FOC kK. - Chown's, a 37 Princess condition at Dolan's i * a Apply evenings. Mrs, W. C. Clark own's, or at 567 Princes < .. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 169 Collingwood Street. WILL GUARANTEE GOOD HEATING, Street. . Princess" Street. and give good satisfaction at look- | . : i. | a eR - "IRST CLASS . RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED WO- 4 Mp i ui LADY'S COAT LEFT IN THE | A BLACK OVERCOAT IN FIRST Ss 0 : "man as servant in country home; 13%, ter Jurnaces. Phat per { * Market House. Apply at the || condition. Will seil cheap. Apply THE REX STOCK C . Presenting family of three. Apply to Box E21, | Police Station. B ( Whig Office JN . Whig Office, stating particulars ; 8 ING our tere reer a" vaudeville Between Acts. - PE dit 53 oor REFLIRING nao epaning. || DIAMOND AUTO TIRE, CARr- | |iFyoU HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE: KEW YORR'S ial XES" "AT ONCE, A COMPETENT, EXPERI- 3 Dr > i! rier and license on York | see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bago d 4 : NE i 'S ; ! g Si 2 eho as 0.0K general Apply cards Argus Hoof-proof. Drops Road. Nov. 12. Owner may | Queen. Phone 410J. pete 3 smo, FUNNIEST FARCE : A PAIR 2 OF : 4 L R. J. dger, 161 Earl Street. eee eet eee ave same at Burl Gates, { - MAR] Rou . TO RENT FOR WINTER, A SET OF| Westbrook. > | FORD ROADSTER, COULD ALSO BRE WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED farm buildings or house and} 2 : im ' | used as light truck. .\ snap. 'alm- for small hotel near Kiugston; must stables outside city limits. Also WRIST WATCH, ON BROCK ST. i er, cor. Bagot and Queen. be gobd cook and have city refer- want a farm to rent, any size Sunday evening. Owner may ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig. Have my own stock and imple- have same by applying at ments. Apply Box F-21, Whig Of- 259 Earl Street alter ¢ p,m. car; overhauled; new tires; electric starter and lights. A snap. Palm-| | © YOUNG WOMAN TO LOOK AFTER fice. ; | s : an I AoE AFTER 8: ' ee { A LOW BROWN RUBBER, BE- | | er, cor. Bagot and Queen Sts. { ri | longing to a gentleman's left I | work, Three in family, Refegences | 2) = io oa s required. Apply Box H-23 Whig fool. Owner may have same ! | = Tr : $ ; bs by applying 'to 192 Division ONE "McLAUGHLIN LIGHT SIX] > ! : Ao . * WANTED SEWING, PLAIN SKIRTS, FIRST CLass ROOM WITH BOARD; Street. | touring del K-61; mechani i " - 2 / Blouses, Lingerie, . also croche: all convenlences. Apply 376 Bac- . ; ! eal cond xceilent; equipped I . > - Y ) ' work; dainty ribbon; Camisoles] rie or phone 2238w. AUTOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN ON | wth ne n td tires. Apply I, . 'ay pe made for Christmas; prices reason | ~-------- eee Princers St, Saturday night. | Boyd's Garage : | | Fe . Mrs. M. Rupert, 104 Queen; SINGLE ROOM, WITH BOARD IF DE- Owner may have same at the | Sa 3 f gr 9 n 5 , . THE DAILY B aaa i | | | PRICES: 20-30c=50¢c. Galler, 10c. Saturday Matineé 10 and 2%e, $275 BUYS A CHEVROLET TOURING able. re Street. sired; all convéniences. Apply 21: Dom. Taz Service. , King street, or phone 2257. { PERFECT, COLUMBIA AND HYSLOP TWO MATINEES WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES i FOUND ARTICLES ADYVER- | Bicycles, also bicycle repairing; agent for each unrepresented coun-| ON FIRST OF JANUARY, LOUDGK baby carriage ti put on while a ty oe territory. Exclusive Joliing jooms now De Supien by ihe tO 3 | TISED FREE You a Muller's Bicycle Works, COMMENCING MONDAY NIGHT ri ts; goo ay to energetic rep- fe, ply to Cunning m Smith 471-373 King street. hone 1032w. . . I ver. Por agency is valu- | Anyone finding anything and F EVENINGS AT 8.15. MATINEES Tues. and Wed. Afternons at 2.00 able. Write Pelham Nursery Co.| FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD;| wishing t ach the owaer may incen te Blasce Ibanes' Intermatiomally Toronto, Ont. all improvements; centrally locat- | ) 50 by reporting the facts to CITY LOT. 8 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 The Metre Presentation of Aten te J a | tisement will be printed in this iacubator, 140 egg, and twa brood- | MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $15 TO $00) GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN column free of charge. ers; hot water heated. Only used! ® , pald weekly for your Spare time and Bagot Apply D. G. Hay, R | 'iI"'ound articles" does not in- once. Cawson. 248 Concession St. | 1] writing show cards for us. No can- R. 1, Kingston." Phone 1100 r 22. | clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, near Victoria Street | « " vascing. We instruct and supply SS es Sets ------_-------- etc. These, If lost, may be ad- | ? Zou,ath Norks Syeat-Angus RoW A MM ROVUED Frosu HOUSE, | vertised for in the "Lost column | FARM. 100 ACRES REE" M oe) Car rvice, 'olborne Bld. To- onirea .+» &ll Unprovements. | FA . "RES, THREE MILE 3 onto. i | from Kingston, on l.ake Shore 4 i. Po) OF THE APOC VN YY | = Ss E i | ed. Apply 243 Unlversity Ave, | 'he British Whig The adver- | feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also | 'hone 109% ring 3. Vacant April st. Plowing done With or without GOOD WAGES FOR HOM WORK --- - stock and implements. Apply 12 we WAL Be to make IB 3 OR the STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND M. VanLuven, owner, Portsmouth, The Clnema Sensatiom of the Century = ere po: Mc- « i re yds! ciean ang ge, . niarie. { Make your reservations FRIDAY and avoid disappointment, All fast, easily-learned Auto Knitter; : 4 + . experience unnecessary; distance phon Agency, 38 Brock Stree. | Corn WRIST WATCH, WITH INI- | seats are reserved. immaterial: positively no canvass- Phone 326. tials on back, in Opera House on| go... ..o . A " ¥ y 1 a "1nd CR > n | SEVEN « ROOMED HODSE, wiTn upplied; part lars, - ; » ret N . Hy BEC alte Knitter Co. | ONE SIX ROOM APARTMENT ON Friday RIED vo infler please return | wood-working shop attached; lo- . MATS ......23c, 50c, 70c., 1.00, EVENINGS 208c, 50e-, Te, 81, $1.50 1 : ' ground floor; also two houses. Ap- to ib cated in pr erous village near : Toronto. rly H. T. Norman, corner Patrigk ° Kingston, doing good business: : b 1] and Chailes Street. . io 'ROM MOSQUITO OR | good reasons for ~ selling. Apply | ( ive J. M ( 'am Ie BIG MONEY CAN BE EARNED RIGHT {ox NOV. 7th, FROW * Box N-24. Whig Office. . poe | A Er ------------ mts t---- | pr . a { G Grindstone Lake, a red and white . now by energetic party takin or- VEN ROOMED HOUSE, IN GOOD - oy f ro now by Rergetic party a RE spotted bitch (hound), two years five years at Ottawa condition, North Victoria, near 3 v hy a uNp rH. LG ron wm P CIN > for ladies; wonderful. Sold at Princess Gajden and modern con- NS catatr pisase Duly : Black | Wa day ESE A As 0 : : Thursday, Matinee; Friday and veniences. Apply 194 Division. Rapids Station, Ontario. stoves. Any person having stoves and he will make King- | Saturday; Matinee and Evening EE, | | ' Augmented Urcuestra SR, sight; big commission. Don't miss a splendid chance. Be the first and and furniture t rose of, we will sole agent; easy and lucrative. V FRIDAY. LAST, BLACK AND TANA pg ighes NE A Them : : hh wn TRNTT'U T i LAST, LAC 2 A pa highest prices. J Thompson; Phone 1614. STORAGE SOR FURNITURE, EAN, rat terrier bitch; answers t 3 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. ston the grain terminal k C "Tiny." White buckskin collar with SIX SALESLADIES FOR CITY T0 and key. Erost's City Storage, 1yy- 35 An » harboring . 3 : | . ake subscriptions for McCall's 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 35yw aie aie date will be pros::| RUBBER TIRE, FIVE-PASSENGE that will bring here and OX osenle Magazine at $1.25°78r 'one year. A . cuted. A. B. Aylsworth, Westbrook, | hack, in first class running o h h t §00d saleswoman can make four| GARAGE FOR ABOUT EIGHT nt. at a bargain. Two ton trucks, good eep ere the grea fo = oy to five dollars per day. For par- autos or buggies; all under lock, at] a EE rere Mt order: one with govered & Goods "store Mh Corrigans Dry( Palace Skating, 'Rink. Apply ' to hOS% gi anep it sold ail grain trans - shipping Bd 2 : if A HAE ne » Goods store. Also salesladies 19 John Stansbury, 169 Raglan Road. O LE. snee. Paul roid ford G take subscriptions In fhe surround- FOR SALE nad & Smith, Ford Garage, . ing Counties. A NINE ROOMED HOUSE, HOT WA- en ---- | DUSINGSS, . e 7 - ter furnace and all improvements; A LARGE STOCK OF ARMY BLANK- MEN AND WOMEN TO SELL T0 WO- corner of Colborne and Sydenham ets for sale at a reasonable price. | NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA--A COZY . ' en in homes, 7: er-lined Ging- sireets. Apply Number 2, Colborne Call at L. Routbard, 259 Princess home and steady income for mod- T h en Kingston Ss ham Kitchen Aprgns with Hats to Street. or phone 1723. est investment in glorious climate match; also white/ waterproof baby with wonderful resources. N - 3 3 3 bed sheets. Can/earn $15.00 daily { A GROCERY AND FIXTURES, ON position ever ordered COMP population will mn- Send $1.75 for the three samples RIDEAU STREET; SEVEN i Fri : " 2 8 4 DO} Ph good business corner,.pn one of with ours. Write to-day; full par- . . and full particulars. Money refund- rooms; rent reason ole; corner Col- the main streets. Appi to Box ticulars free. Harrison & Mote. crease, business will provements. Apply 1856 Queen St, ed if samples returned. British borne and Sydenham streets; nine J-23, Whig Office. ken, DeFundwk Springs, Florida, i : : flourish and working- R or phore 988w, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND. TEN wt Rubber Company, 231 McGill St. : rate ce; he Montreal. 4 rooms; hot water furnace; all im ' selections; your own choice, $41. 4 FIN JIAL m wi -- lay of primitive pas- SITUATIONS VACANT A poNCE, a NEW SEVEN, ROOM \ Tertns $7 Cash, $5 per 1 w ANC en 11 no longer be A. play 1 P " y ouse an arn on Nor red; al. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. : . - : X sion and appealing ro- N MRS. H. 5. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO- 80 on North Alfred street, a good a-------------- mobile and Casualty Insurance 5 idle, ance, RIG 83 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS brick house and eight acres of land. 9 : 3 greeting card sample book free Apply to J. D. Boyd, 332 University | MeLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, COST $2./ karl street. Phone 1782M. to workers; celebrated, Inexpen- Avenue, phone 1033M 250; only Jun 4.000 miles; good as| : ve. Roy Bee re ow; quic Ye. P : : < sive, Royal Series; secure orders Benet ick Tale. ialmer, corner| qpnanar & STRANGE, INSURANCE ~The dramatic story of a new; deliver later; men and wo- . Bagot and Queen streets. ' » agents; established 1%60; on i i " th a wu aking ve Goljare "w CAR REPAIRING. the most jelinpie So repre- =EE = = == fair Bar| n in which a : ay sented. Office $5 Clarence street le 5 "| = maid of the wilderness be- Oppusitle the post oifice. i Unnecessary. Garret. | Tr on . I. . -- Company, Brantford, Ont. GENERAL CAR REPAIRS AT 69 : 2 Queen Street; just below " "elling BARGANVS IN FURNITURE, ETC. come: a Rebel in Society. SIGNS Hr Ag all Shes Hine A Plano, ymall size, $75.00. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- | = rp SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, et Quebec Hejters and others, $4.00 up new ri Nomorteed . Ha ~-1001 thrills large or small, Posters, Showcards. to $12.00. president, A. B. Cunningham, $apiays a speciaiiy, by Shaw at Mn a> A few parlor suites $15.00 each. Dari Tzued on uity PY SO My wife, Mra. Edith P, Northmeore, op INGHAM, 8 SWATH, DARRIST | gideboards in oax, ail prices IE veRmient bons Tor Sails Gepns| aan eneneS, oard: and Twit CIVIL ENGINEERING. Sureet, Kingston, Jk B. Cunning: | ony digpesewagon, gu.00. AT El Ned etd hy iiple tur wu7 deyts Suus ham, Cyril M. Smith. ne a b 2: Oak "hall seat, $5.00. nee sireel) Kingston. LAWRENCE NORTHMORE, PLANS SURVEY S--KSTIMATES -T, : 8. Scott, B.A. B.Sc. Mem, Eng [| AMDROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER B Inst. 123 Kin tr Pi q and Solicitor. Law office, corner of We buy all kinds of Furnit e in ThE bi & Street. Phone 163J. King re Brock, over Royal Bank. ure UI'HULSTEIING. Money to loan. *hone 1999, -- -- -------------- ---- WwW FANCY GOODS. al na act mmr LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, J. . KENT MACNEE MILLINERY. . = uavine, upavisterer, 218 Bagot Si. Bank of Commerce Building, Brock ang HEMSTITCHING PICOT EDGING, AC- . ' Fusne 1045, 50: Crineen: Street, (2 Wo HAROLD. FUR YOUR ur. Bing, EY rons 0} or 1350). -- on, knife and ox pleating.| J, --" os a olstering an general repairing. » . . MRS. McLAUGHLIN, 112 LOWER 2 4 . to! Writlug:--Automobile; Fire, Accide NOTE YES Fi CT Tous a Le Fas BA Lard, Willlam Street, will take orders | ¢ 9 2 0 + 000 6% 2 000400 en it arop a card to] giokness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. at NOTE PRIC FOR THIS PRODU JON opposite - Artillery Park. - for making trimming and remodel- | 4 * . Representing Only Reliable Companies. EVENING MATINEES ing hats. w That desirable property on Bar- we Ry : A NINENN-------------------- Adults wees ash 400, AOUMKS ...:0v000 0000.5 150, # rie Strec' now in tne vecupation of 4 COVEREW 'BUTTONS MADE TO OR- a' : 13¢ Children 10¢, i8 fovlhour, Judge Lavell. Par- - der in ali popular shapes and sizes. «sees 100 SE I . Land ~ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MEDICAL. » bys : Nabors . Children . 5...) .. ¥ fun to NC EARL Bf EPO aE and fepairing done. | FAQ es itt, : TAX INCLUDED. Attend the Matinees. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE HEST, GO- : AY, 194 unturio St. 3 . C. K. ROBINSON, M.D. 365 BARRIER! ¥ ' 9 Avenue. . Ing Business hotels: vicinity King- Street, Hours 10.30-12 am, 2-4 aad Leader of Queen St. Cholr > L 8 ra al and summer frags. p.m, 71-8.30 p.m. Phone 1646 PHEI4LI40490 400 FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FI a QL . cs Owner retiring on account of il- ished guns, sramapnones, etc. T cher Sin and Piano TRAN fil a FE health. Apply Box R-7, Whig. AUENES 'WANTED BATEMAN'S ial SSTATE. Bred roma lute ste. ve ea in Jinging S D THUR, , SAL; STRAND FUR SALn Stantun & Sieeth. 35 Princess St. | Studie: 24 Division Street. Phone 11674 i Fitom EUGENE WALTER'S BRILLIANT PLAY DENTAL. ph AN OMEN, NOT TO CANVAS . i a hide 3 '2 ge : v BRA E KNAPE, DENTIST. OFFICE WE i tava ana appoint iocal Tey: | saseem. ©. SEMI-DETACHED; sia | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING! ff t t : 6 T wn 258 Princess Street. I*hone €52w. ' resentative 21 a week an ex- i oh ds " ! Os eopa hy JUS A WIFE penses guaranteed, with ood es -- . HE WANTIN SPARKS AND SPARKS, DREN. ¢hance to make $50 & week and ex- | $6,500--BRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATES) ra Sone' MNTING on is treatment by natural and ra- yg ex. Wellington street, corner), penses. State Age and quaiifica- Lmproveweats, central, A. Mounteer, $4 Arch Street hd " ! r , ot: ona. ixberiviice ieee 18aLY. -- 3 anal gr hI gl ha One Man, Two Women, un Falmist and Cupid ! : v 7 a i a $1,500--FRAML HOUSE; NORTH END;| Il. SCOTT & CO, 33 BEVERLY ST. man machine. Give Nature 1 ET rene Serene Phos Taal. 8¢ Srew, managers wanted, ' Winstom "ove rounia; ierge lus fuer Sor wns i Ir rE YY Te will cure even KATHLYN WILLIS HS, ROY STEWART, LEATRICE JOY Fay sels b oT 2 .. Upen 0, Mept. G., he OF two mure huuses. rators. No Job too smal. no con-| as she heals the wound and knits evenings by app n -- tract too large, Storm windows re- ne Sioken Jose. ik TONIGHT: PAULINE FREDERICK in "THE STING OF THE LASH" © DR, AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS RB. PERSONAL $2500 -- SEMI-DETACHED FRAME Rica, Pulled, glazed and put on eehAne-TheraRy = Eleetres : sumed practice at 932 Princess St. oS : All work done at shortest notice. Therapy house, § roums, H. ana C. and gas; > over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone - deep 10 anu gvud cellar. Twelve ind Ruetedn in . fi 16033. MAIR, WOLES, WARTS, minTH. -- PIANO TUNING. DRS. ROBERT and' EDNA = ---- REFS we ai marks, skin caneets, a $2600 FOR THE MATE TO THE ABOVE, : ; . a d , permangn ye oh Yi with electric bunts; both well built | pIANG TUNING AND REPAIRING -- ASHCROFT * JINSIEX ON THE BEST SiN3rs have failed. oltre temoved.| Loo , nooMED CENENT HLOCK 12 Markland Street. Paoae 2397m gorner of Brock and Wellington. will handle ft. ! Joma EA ON Crumpets and sds _. bath; electricity; barn and stable: * Anthracite COAL BRIQUETTES 3 cre ana. Un York Road, just M * es Your Warmest Friend---- va e ¢ mits, . - uffins olunteers ii J Clad ete Tr LE THE FINEST QUALITY IN Fasuace, Range or Grate, : ¥ = urge otany santa, : Row oR ME PURE OLIVE OL taken for delivery from car. Cheaper than Coal. . . FRAME HOUSE, NORTH END, FIVE : * 9 F OR PRICES: Per ton, $15.00; de- Delivered from car $14.50 per ton. See them at our yard. Toms, no lmprovementa. Jarge lot. S y '% || livered; $14.00, at car. " p | oe ---- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th. : \ * Foot of Johnson St. . Ba. 1° 146 coLLINGWOOD STREET oh ARCHES: Bie de === : = COMMERCIAL MOTEL, LAN SE, dasa) J x Otted and ished after work guaranteed. Peter D. Brown, 204 Kg St. piri] Earl. ; : ne 4 SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- 36 years' exbarighce. house, all modern, hardwood i rownn. ON AND UBER, . Lake, Jye. iat, Noss, Thival Skin aad electric LgALS; $A500 or Fi po EE Crossed Fish rooms; gogd cundition; 3 plece eC! FRAME DWELLING WEST END; Fresh cars in weekly, Orders \ ° eT 5 BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE : i : i od - - . 158 Welty, ~ : : Z 3 C Ww ames Swift & Co., Limited rua3e 3 [ # A aly GIRS en . Representative 3 iti . otman 5-Plece Orchestra Will citizens who have gman S-Plece & o ® * i . floor, Barrie St. entrance, K Dominio 51 i A Pon VIS. Hours 3 1012 Are. Tore war I || Automobiles which can su per Sengle. Extra lady, oe. To Form Association : ---- PR POE ery. Ph RATER. s be placed at the disposal| ____ Leng ir ame St He Gar] New York, Nov, 23--Repredentss Luc iropractic. Lpecialists and of Mr Campbell, kindl { (iuarantecd to bears nil the | tives of all the amateur athletic as- S O / A | de son Princess snd Brick. "Fale. : c yo 3 iE El Ne ra tn ten lemons | sociations are to meet here on Fri- So . / . A Kicsasl 943w. Hours § to 12 a.m., . send their names and aga- i5| Hours from 7 te ® every [day to adopt a constitution for the 5 sight. Olympic Association of the United dresses to the : | MRS. S. COHEN, lsstructor | States. , ele nd 7 9 pm. Ana) ankinar Bed "Ree: 57 . acaatie; as that to my || mana oe PHONE 116 CARPENTERING MUSIO. "© © 143 Pr. Secretary ? " ? ISL One attractive thing about a sii- a MADD) 1 rincess Street ent maf is that the world is always ROBRINNE A ited ButABre 5 24 Hour Day Service % "Idle curiosity?" The blame thing {expecting him to make a big noises - FF RE SAL TUL LATENT | ohio nil 8 et TR a pb UE | | +: 437 534 gt somo dey.