t / WEDAESNAY, YOAV 2 (nay, THE D AIT Y PRITISH WHIG. REE i - CHOICE WES 1eRN VMIEATS COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 The Leeming Miles Co. Limited, Montreal 282 Princess Street eee ' FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every deseription-- Kingston Transfer Co. 1048 W canuglon Street. 4 Faun woe, DAVID-5COTT Plumber Piamblag and Gas Work a special. 11 work gusrsateed. Addrey, » ne Street. Phone 1277, 0 277. 8 DRAW. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnsum and Wellington Streets Phone 364 - Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. 148% 21 M 4 fl Pp This light, dry eecy wadding er aie at its source, and gives quick and sure relief. It Kingston and Vicinity | The School List. Carleton Place hag 181 students enrolled at the high and 661 at the public schools, Bear Carried Off Sheep. A large bear carried off a sheep last week from thheé flock of Joseph McGonigal, Flower Station. Given Three Months, Bandmaster H. B. Barrow, Pem- broke, has been allowed three months iin which to reorganize the Board of 4 | Trade band. Organizes More Branches, During the past week Mrs. Fergus |0'Connor, Kingston, has organized {the Catholic Women's League in | Madoc, Queensboro and Chesterville. | Have You Ever Been Huagry, } For a home of your own? Satisfy that hunger by using the classified advertisements. You can fird a pet- | ty home in a substantial and refined | 4 | locality. BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Phone 1670. ain Street. ng Angrove's Repairs Seal Talking Machines, Bicycles, rrisges, Lawa Mowers, ete. We repalr work right and guarantee satisfaction. 3 197 WELLINGTON STRERT [WATTS People's Florist 477 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding to order, Phone 1763. bouquets Res, 1187, tism, witho It At $164; Liniment SLOAN'S RELIEVES NEURALGIC ACHES OR forty years Sloan's Liniment has been the neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma. uickest relief for tired muscles, lame backs, sprains and strains, aches and pains. Keep Sloan's handy and apply freely, rubbing, at the first twinge. eases and brings comfort surely clean and readily. You'll find it non-skin-staining. Sloan's Liniment fs pains enemy. Ask your neighbor, ade in all druggists--35¢c, 70c, $1.40. 9, W. R McRae & Co. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Wenn For particulars apply to:--= J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & T.A, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. RH. JONES ---- -- COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton ed cu - Auto Tops repaired, recover. ; slip covers; all kinds of shions repaired. BOAT CUS) IONS made all sizes with KAPOK filling. 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1053. Coal. No other kind sold by BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phono 138 FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three . storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good barn, Rents for $44 per month. Price $4,500. W. H. GODWIN & SON 41 J. EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils We carry a supply of parts. Prom pt service. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Clarence Street, Kingston. Real Estate and insurance 89 Brock Street. Phone 424, DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafl's Ginger Mar:aalade. © Wagstaf's Pineapple Marmalade. Wagstafi's Bramble ely, We also have a full ling uf Mab reliable keg of Pima fades. Jam an Jeit: £ : sale 70 Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets License No. 3-27140 Phone 1844. x --- Tm ny Sewing Machines, Phonegraphs, Guns, Kifles repaire and refitted. Parts suppiied. Saws filed, knives, scisaors nad edge vols grou:l Locks repaired. Keyan fitted in all ian > lock, "an maken of paired. We Sun FOpAIE SRihing x . Pant In repairable. i + been only too glad this insurance had these appli- cants been medically fit. lesson is apply for insurance . when you can ge* it. S. Roughton District Manager The Mutual A Reminder This Company rejected over 0 applicants last year for no Jess than two million dollars ot insurances because they waited too long. This Company would have to issue The . Life of Canada 60 Brock Street KINGSTON Phone 610. * a J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydewham 'treet, iingsten iia i Phone 036J. ak or - ee ------ With a great many men something { more than a soft answer is needed to -.l; bo effective, Your Offer. | Will be read and discussed by hun- dreds of prospective car owners. If your ad is clear and convincing you'll | find a buyer. Leave your ad at this newspaper's office and wait watchful for results." | Visited Their Brother. | Dr. P. J. Kingsley, Dr. Frederick { Kingsley and Dr. Tyrode, Boston, were the guests of Rev. Dr. W. T. Kingsley, Kingston Mills, for the past two weeks. Cold on Wednesday. Wednesday was the coldest day experienced this fall, the thermome- ter dropping to fifteen degrees above zero, after nearly a week of mild weather. Newman Club "At Home." The Newman Club is holding an "At Home" Thursday evening. The patronessés are Mrs. F. O'Connor, Mrs. R. Millan, Mrs, W. Sowards and Mrs, Ambrose Shea. Called to Nova Scotia. Rev. F. Heffler, rector of St George's Anglican Church, Grafton, and St. John's Anglican Church, Cen- treton, has accepted a call to Stellar- ton, a large town near Halifax, N.S, Mills Still Operating. Pembroke sawmills are still oper- CATARRH OF THE STOMACH FOR EIGHT YEARS The cause of this trouble is the fermentatioh of food in the stomach which generates a gas that is very frequently beiched up. There is also a rumbling of the bowels and a dis- charge of gas therefrom, there is constant retching, and the meals are frequently vomited. There is a burn- ing pain in the stomach, the appetite is fickle, the tongue coated, the breath bad, constipation is generally present and the sufferer becomes weak, nervous, depressed and ex- ceedingly miserable. The blame, lies with a sluggish liver, as it holds back the bile which is 80 necessary to promote the move- ment of the bowels, and when the bile gets into the blood a badly dis- ordered condition of the stomach, liver and bowels will surely follow. Keep your liver active and you will always enjoy good health. Mrs. Agnes Gallant, Reserve Mines, N. S,, writes: --"I had been a | great sufferer for eight years, from catarrh of the stomach. I tried sev- eral, so-called, catarrh remedies without relief until a friend advised me to try Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, which I did, and four vials complete- ly relleved me. That was six years ago, and I have had no return of my old trouble." Price, 25c. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. jating will coptinue sawing as long |as weather conditions permit. The Pembroke Lumber Co. have steam pipes run into the lake to keep the ice from forming near the mill. Engagement And Wedding. Dr. and Mrs. Irwin, Pembroke, an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter, Edna Mae, to J. Ewart McMullen, L.D.S.,, D.D.S., elder son of Mr. and Mrs The wedding took place on Nov. 23rd. Was With Her Aunt, Mrs. Parrish, who has been shut in some weeks with whooping-cough, is tting better. Her niece, Lilian Nicholson, King- ston, spent some time with her and has just returned home, . Canadian Club, Rev. D. M. Solandt, B.D., will be 'and will speak on " Civilization of Public Opinion in Community Dis- putes." Supper will be seved at the British American Hotel at 6.15 p.m. Tickets on sale there 75 cents each. Save What You Can. Money is very scarce, so if you want to save from $3 to $5 on Boys' {and Men's Overcoats see cur range. je have a large stock to choose from; we guarantee to save you mon- | Prevost Clothing House, Brock r ey. street. Golden Wedding Day. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Twiddy and two children, Napanee, were Smithfield on Sunday to attend the ents. The marriage took place in Newburgh, by the Rev. Mr. Bull, in 1871. a Presented Their Patents. At Osgoode Hpll, Toronto, on Mon- N. Davis, Toronto, presented thelr patents, appointing them king's | counsel, and were called within 'the {bar. Both are graduates of Queen's university, To Hold Convention Here. At a meeting of the Catholic Wo- men's League in Notre Dame Hall, Miss Frances Sullivan presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. Keenan. A committee was formed to arrange for a diocesan convention to be held in Kingston in the near future. Must Buy Soon. As long as the river tlows penple must buy. Every merchant knows that. Right now he also kn)ws that people are not buying proniiscuously so he is advertising his wares, they are good and he wants to sell them, so he will tell you about them jn the store ad. Died In Kingston, Mrs. F. W. Carey, . (nce Emma Kairns) Toronto, formerly of Brock- ville, passed away on Saturday night in Kingston. The deceased spent the past summer with MiSs Alexancer Andrews, Prescott road. She way a daughter of the late Thomas Kairns. Two children survive. Cheese Factory Remains Open. The rising market for cheese has prompted O. E, Anderson, proprietor of the Wilstead factory, near Ganan+ oque, to equip his plant for manufac- turing throughout the coming winter. As a general rule all cheese factories In this section are closed during the winter months, 0.C.1. Defeats Perth. The basketball team of the Perth Collegiate Institute held the fast Ot- tawa Collegiate quintette down to 20 points on Saturday. The final score was 20 to 12 in favor of Ottawa. This is the first outside game the P.C.I. have played this season. Coach Virginia Warwick, a form ty, as Chichi, in the Four Hors ing to the Grand, for three da Nov. 28th, er Max Sennett bathing beau- emen of the Apocalypse, com- ys commencing Mon. night, F. A. McMullen. | bad case of i there fifty-one years ago. Edward Code is very pleased at the | |showing made by his team in fast | | company. The brand of basketball | throughout was good, and but for a | little nervousness on the part of the | bome team, the result might have | been different. Mrs. Charles W. Murphy Dead. On Saturday night the deat occur- red in the Brockyillz 3encral Lospit- | al of Mrs. Charles W. Murphy, Oak | Leaf. She had been Iii for a couple of weeks. Before her marriage she ¥as Miss David Ena G)dkin, a daugh- | LUMBER SOME RECENT ARRIVALS: One car of Clear Yellow Pine. One carload of first quality dry Red Oak and White Oak Boards. ™ One car Fir Joists. One car M: ple and Birch Clear Flooring, Several cars T. and G. Spruce. Several cars 1" and 2" Hemlock. All new Lumber and of really good quality, Prices are dowh. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington. Strects, KINGS10N, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14105. ter of the late Mr. and Mrs John --- Godkin, Oak Leaf. She was burn To Create Suburbin Road.' The counties council of Leeds and Grenville has decided to petition the Ontario government to create a sub- urban road in the yicinity of Brock- the guest of the club this evening! | Smith's Falle has been designated by in | golden wedding of Mr. Twiddy's par-| ville, It is also announced that the main road connecting Brockville and the Departement of Public Highways | as a provincial county road. Re-Unign of Sisters. + A pleasant re-union was held at the home of Mrs. George W. New, | Renfrew, when six of her sisters were | her guests, They were, Mrs. D. Reevy- | es and Mrs. PD. J. Young, Kingston; Mrs. J. Melley, Horton; Mrs. D. R. McLeod, Douglas; Mrs. J. Whiteside, Metcalfe; Mrs. W. J. Leavons, Hor-| LEADING RESTAURANT The quality of their food is so excellent and their waiters so courteous and obliging, that it's just like dining at home... More expensive? Oh, no! IJUCES HAVE BEEN REDUCED to thes lowest possible level consistent with quality and you'll be sur- prised at the small amount of your check when you have finish- ed your repast. Come and be convinced. THE GRAND CAFE ton. Mrs. A. Turner of town was | present to represent her mother. |" Mrs. T. Clarke, Sarnia, another sis- ter. The Late Rena Reddick. On Friday, Nov. 18th, Lena Red- dick, beloved wife of Percy Demille passed away at her.home in Trenton Mrs. Demille was in her twenty-third 'BIG CUT IN PRICES on Maxotfres and Tubes, for 10 Days 20% reduction on all sizes of Maxotires and Tubes, A few Tires at cost. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBIER Co. A. NEAL Mapiger 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. year. She Jeaves to mourn her loss, day T. J. Rigney, Kingston, and B. | |namly: Rev. C. S. Reddick, husband and infant son, Charles Gor- don and three brothers, two sisters, Janet- ville; B.._ Reddick, Cornwall; Lorne R , Napanee; Mrs. W. 8. | Morey, Belleville; and Mrs. J. H. Corniel, Brighton, Crowded to Capacity. Evidence of the popularity of the "Winnipeg Kiddies" was produced when the Grand was crowded to ca- SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 158. UPTOWN OFFICE--dicGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY Tuesday night. This company, with their numerous and original skits, have taken the country by storm, 7 probably because they are such a | change from the usual type of show. | The show is "chuck full" of laughs, and with the delightful music, the | rich and pretty costumes and scenes, | and the clever dancing, one experi- ences the same pleasure as at a first- class revue. It was a case of one thing after another with something doing every minute, By this last visit to Kingston, the "Kiddies" have gained ea host of new friends. | | pacity for the final performance on | | Burglary and Theft, Four Trenton youths of an average age of twenty years, conspired and | broke into the Grand Trunk station, ransacking the place and trying the safe, but without success. Later on Monday morning they broke into the flour and feed store of John M. Hennessey, stealing from the 'safe $350. They took about twenty minutes to get the safe open. The following are under arrest, Ed- | gar Wilson, Albert Kellog, Edward | Richmond and Jack Dixon. Richmond knew the combination, having worked in the store about two | years previous. The police deserve | credit in rounding them up, captur- | ing them while they were yet in bed. | $296 was recovered. The money | wag divided as follows, Wilson got | got $137 and the other three $71 ~~ a Z Vreven PNR = TABLETS = I Better than Pills | GET A BET JST HE (OUNG WOMEN AVOID PAIN This One Tells How She Was Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. .--*'For two years I puf - pains and nausea iver 4 G3 WINTER OVERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. : (One door below Randolph Hotel) ae That Means Blankets We have a big stock of All Pure Wool Blankets in ite, Grey and colors. Best Scotch and Canadian 'makes -- that are most attractively priced from $5.50 A PAIR UP W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. write Co., L t, experience is at your service. New Poft, Nov. 23.--Babe Ruth, home run king, was the proud pos- sespor of the brick which will be the first one laid in the new Knights of Columbus headquarters' ; received it Sunday from the hands of Marshal Foch, of France, under ¢ whose direction the allied armies sent the German forces on their "home run."