~ 7 - ; NS > _ , TT \ : oF THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SEA STORY, The International Sunday School Lesson for Nov. 27th Is: "Paul's Voyage and Shipwreck."--Acts 27:1-44, By William T. Kills. Co TITRSDAY, NOV. 24, .10%1, G5 [REPORTER \ Free _ Too Tired for Anything Of all the myriads who, sinew the days of Phoenicia, have sailed the blue Mediterranean, none bas le't 80 clear and compelling a story of its winds and waters and ways as Dr the weak and the strong, the noble and the contemptible, to move along on an even plane, indistinguishable. It takes storms and strain to test character. 'As the war revealed es- { | This week only Your dealer will give you a 10- Day Tube of Pepsodent if you Present -the named coupon at any store sential worth, and drew a deep and | froradicable line between the slack- ers and the servers, so the calamities | Luke's narrative of the voyage and shipwréek which he shared wi the Apostle Paul and their companion, Do this for your own sake -- for TEE best remedy for exhaus- your family's sake. Watch how tion and lasgitud Winearaje. A short course of Wald Energy -- mew iife -- pew i Dr. H. A. Stewart, Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed il his practice, cor. Wel- ington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Mrs. Lilian Sashr Tells How Cuticura Healed Her Baby "Our baby was two weeks old when his face became very red and terribly itchy, and he was fairly crazy rub- till the skin broke a. bled. He could not sleep, and did nothing | butcry. His face looked as though he might be disfigured for life. *'I thought 1 would give Cuticura Sanp and Ointment a tal, 1 found the sample so good that [ bought more and two cakes of Cuticura Soap and a fifty cent box of Cuticura Oint- ment healed him." (Signed) Mrs. Lilian M. Taylor, Box 99, Brace. bridge, Muskoka, Ont., Dec. 30, '18. Cuticura Soap to cleanse and pu. Cuticura Ointment to tohen and t br from ih Cuticura Talcum to powder perfume are Is Grandmother's Recipo to Re- + store Color, Gloss and Attractiveness. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly coms pounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when ' faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by ask- ing at any drug store fer "Wyeth's Bage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this fam- d ous old recipe, improved by the ad- dition of other ingredients, at a small cost. Don't stay gray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it 80 naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or Soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by' morning the gray hair disappears, and after an- other application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. a : ST gi compady, new yeux crrv. Aristarchus, of Thessalonica. It has often been declared that this drams- tic tale gives us the best picture -of ancient maritime methods that has come down from the period of classi- cal history, which all centers in the Mediterreanean. So the next best thing to a Mediterranean voyage -- perheps a better experience for mot of us--is a careful, intelligent read- ing of the greatest marine story of all time, . Dr. Luke was a "star" reporter. Let us pause to honor this brilllant veracious chrondeler to whom Christ- fanity and 'history are so immeasnur- ably indebted. He wro'e the thing 18s he saw it. And he had seeing eyes. {Catinling persons- often speak dis- it paragingly of the newspaper report- {ers; forgetting that the daily opinion and action of the world is based lafgely upon the painstaking fidelity fi | and veracity of the men who find out || facts and present them fearlesaly. | There is a place for the philosopher, {of course; but he only follows after {the humble mpn who, day after day, | | In season and out, despite obs'acles |of which the world knows nothing, dig out the significant facts of tfe world's changeful life. Dr. Luke be. longed to a goodly fellowship ana to;an honorable profession. "Human Interest" Touche One clear difference betwee what &re .called "learned publications' and daily newspapers 1s that the former are dry and stupid with small sense of proportion. One periodleal | that comes to me devo'es pages to the use of a diacritical mark in the extant manuscripts-of a dead oriental language. It is never readable bs- cause i is never human. The news- paper, the eon'rary, with all its faults, throbs with the red blood of real life. This journalistic quality of importing the "human interest" touch was possessed by Dr. Luke in a rare degree. SN In this one chap'er he portrays, in a luminous word or line, Julian, the centurian--even giving his reg- iment, like a painstaking reporter; Aristarchus, who was dncluded in the narrator's "we"; the thrifty ana incompetent masier of the boat; the clacker sailors, who tried to aban- don ship under the pretext of sery- ice; the Roman soldiers, men of ac tion, cutting away the sailor's means of escape; and, most of all, Paul, de- picted in quotation and in action, ih.' hero of the great adventure. With all of a good reporter's pas- sion for detail, Dr, Luke so wrote his story that any reader can checa it up on the map in the back of the bible; if it were ap ng today in & newspaper 1t would be accompa- nied by a map or chart. He did not digress into [Mon-essentialg, else he would have done some flowery writ- Ing upon the rock harbor and the vaul'ed st:eets and bazaars of pic- turesque old Sidon; and he would have reminisced about Cyprus as the home of Barnabas and John Mark, But he restrained himself, even, in ealing with Crete, a place the apos- tolic party did not love. The same restraint appears in his powerful de. scription of the storm, recalling Stevenson's dictum that "the only art is to omit." 'Onco Upon ATime . . a Man." A man is only as much of adnan as he proves himself in emergensy and adveiwity. Any ship is good in fair weather. Civilization's routiue CAS . and machinery make it possible for "For Over Thirty Years TORIA which overtook the ship coniveyiag the Roman soldiers and their prison- era.quickly made clear who was the greatest soul aboard, Opportunities do not make great- ness: they only reveal it. What we are in crisis is an unveiling of wha: We have been in our innermost" be- ing. The hero's deed is but the ex- pression of 'he hero's heart. If Pau: hed not steadfastly played the man throughout the years, with all their vicissitudes; if he had not met tho common days' even's masterfully, he would not have risen to the great heights which he attained when the naked souls of the men of all hurri- {cane and danger stripped 'bare ranks, Luke's lon: and absorbing story, which comprises the twen'y-seveuth chapter of the hook of Acts, must be read and re-read to get the setting and sequence of events. Essentially, { 1s the narrative of how a man rosy | above circumstances, and stood sof- jane in the presence of panic and in the face of death. That man Pau, | was a fearless hero, as well as a | heartening saint; a king among men, because "the s'ave of Jesus Christ." The Ship Versus The Folks, Real light upon o.e of the greats" of our day's issues is shed by this thrilling adventure of the storm-buf- feted ship. It emhodies the clamor- ous question of property versus peo- ple; of ma'erial rights in relation to human r'ghts. The ship's captain, abetted somewhat by the Roman of- ficial, was all for seeking the wel- fare of the ship; Paul could cheerfui- ly order al! the cargo thrown over- board, and all the gear; and could see the stout craft splintered on the rocks, with no serious concern, ro long as the men were saved. And that is Christianity's verdict upon our present acute industiial and eco- nomic problems, If 'he welfare ot people is kep: first, all other consid- erations will in time fall into their due place. ' Early in 1918, shortly after I had left perturbed Russia, I chanced to meet Mr. Cyrus McCormick--head of the International Harvester Com- pany, whom I had seen almost a year before in Stberia. He was full of questions concerning Russian condi- tions, and the safety of forefgners there, Always he returned to the ona idea: Should the representatives ot his company be withdrawn? mi property is destroyed, that may be re- stored; but human life cannot be ra. placed." The real solicitude of this famous corporation head for folks, rather than for investments, made a deep impression upon me. For that is the spirit which is going to solve the industrial question. § It. is the Pauline spirit, it is "he Christian spirit. God's first concern with earth is not for things, but for people. -- For The Disappointed Person. As there is said to ba perfect calm in the centre of the cyclone, so in the midst of this tumultuous adven- ture of the Apostle Paul there is a message of peace for every troublad, disappointed, baffled life. All who seem to have made shipwreck of scme dear design or expectation, all who have felt "heir spirits crushed by the collapse of ambitions and dreams; all who have laid in any grave their most 'cherished hope, may see clearly, amid the darkness of the rushing storm that drove the sre missionary's craft across peri- lous waters upon rocks of disastgr, that God's purposes are large and sure and unthwartable. He leads | His own by strange ways; bu' He leads them. He carries them through mysterious and difficult experiences, but He carries them. d's goal for Faul was Rome. But it was necessary that he go there, not as a mere traveller, nor 48 an inconsequential pleader of mitior point of law before Caesar's bar, but as'a marked man, as a prov- ed nality, as a friend of law and , & loyal supporter of right | 8a Rome knew right. How could he have had all the later tokens of con- sideration, and of special vilege, that were acoorded him, had he not broved himself, in the eyes of stern soldiers, a man of hero-stuff, a virile exponent of the noblest Roman quali- ties, a real leader of his fellow men? , must stand before Caesar, said the angel to Paul; and that is the key to the whole of this strange experience, immediate need or demand, just as a foolish mother gratities new wish of her little one. The Heavenly may-seem to deny every de- 'of His children--cherishea plans are 53 di : { 1 | i | | | | This is to offer millions now enjoy, they feel means to you. It is Yiscous a oy tongue. It clings to teeth, enters stays. 'It clouds the teeth and tooth troubles. troubles have holds the acid in contact with cause decay. Germs breed by millions in it. Pa REG. IN L. T. BEST, 124 Pri M. R. McCOLL, opp. you-a'way to whiter teeth, cleaner, safer teeth. Such glistening teeth as Any dealer named below will give you the means. Get it and watch the effects. Sce your teeth grow prettier -- note how clean Dentists everywhere advise this method. Millions of homes have adopted it. Try it this week, for your own sake. Learn what it To remove the film Your teeth are coated with a dingy film, you can feel it with your The ordinary tooth paste does not effec. tively combat it, 80 the tooth brush has lefe much of it intact. As a result, teeth lose their luster. And, despite all brushing, tooth been constantly increasin The film is what discolors, not the feeth. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which férments and forms acid. It Prettier Teeth Next Week If you will now start this delightful test cause of pyorrhea. Many ties serious troubles are also traced to m. tartar, are the chief combat that film. The fon their daily use. Able autHorities them. Leading dentists JGus teeth finprove.- The effects will very soon con you what is best. Science combats it Dental science has long sought ways to ways have now been have amply proved everywhere advise The methods are embodied in a new-day wherever it may linger. t Over 5,000 new crevices and this modern m causes most Pepsodent brings thr. authorities now desire. -protecting great t there to digest starch otherwise form acid. It multi That is the teeth to They, with Made in Canada sade ADA The New-Day Dentifrice Endorsed by authorities, advised b ; 'where, and supplied by all druggists in the large Make a Free Ten-Day Test Simply present the coupon to ncess Street. MAHOOD DRUG CO., LTD., cor. Princess and Bagot Sts. 8t. Andrew's Church. T. H. SARGENT, corner Princess and Montreal Sts. long enough to, see the begutitul working out of Brovidences which he at first thought were disappoint- monts or punishments, Interwoven in this entire story, like the red threaa in British cordage, is Paul's word to his companions, "Be of good cheer; I belleve God." ' DAUGHTER ASKS COURT TO ADMINISTER ESTATE Application Made by Daughter of the Late Senator Peter Mclaren. Toronto, Nov. 28.---Mary Isobel Bsedict, daughter of the late Sena- tor Peter McLaren, Perth, who left fomething between fifteen and rwen- ty million dollars, asks for the ad- ministration of her father's estate, and the master-tn-chamlers at Os- gooce Hall has referred the matter ty a judge-in-chambers. L he late Mr. McLaren dled two years ago. Involved are mining and timber limits in Virginia, containing 87,000 acres, bought for nominal sum years 000,000." At A, and now said to be worth $20.- { immediately take charge of the af- fairs of her late father and adminis- ter the estate which so far has been entrusted to the executors her 'mo- ther, Mrs. Peter McLaren of Perth, James LP. McLaren, her brother, and George Ritchie, K.C., barrister, of Toronto, friend and confidant of the late senator lumberman, James Lyon Playfair McLaren ac- ting: for his mother and the other executors, takes the position that Mrs. Benedict has no claim to place the present executors aside, that the estate has been administered in the best possible way and that Mrs, Benedict and her sister, Mrs. Hall, of Perth, have had ample moneys from the returns. of the estate 30 far secured after capable manage- ment, ALMONTE MERCHANT VICTIM OF ROBBERS Alexander Allan Was Badly Beaten But Fought Off Assallants, Almonte, Nov, 23. --Alexander Al- lan, a prominent merchant of this town, was the victim of a daring page. e Dupont Cor- lle, ave offered hold-up attempt Monday night. Ab- out 10.30, as he was on his way home, he was accosted by two mask- ed men, who ordered him to turn his pockets out at the point of revoly- ers. Mr. Allan, instead of complying with their request, turned on them end put up a flerce struggle. The robbers battered him almost senge- less with their revolvers and his head received several severe gashes. The desperadoes became frightened at his outery, however, and fled without getting any money, Mr. Allan Is resting easily and ie expected to recover. The victim of the attempt is both lame and deaf, 'and an intense wave of indignation has swept the town, as the culprits are almost certain to be local men. Monday was pay day in the mills and > robbe naturally assumed surprising results which one quickly sees, ople daily are trying out Fights acids too It multiplies the salivary flow -- Nature's the starch digestant in t| ies the alkalinity of the saliva. ature's neutralizer for the acids which cause decay. Pepsin is also included. ni y leading dentists everye tooth paste--Pepsodent. It combats the filme In this way it brings ' ( ee other effects which spicuous benefits it E five, 5 ery application of Pepsodent brings modern authorities con- essential authorities the world over endorse it. Care- ful people must adopt old methods are not troubles and discolorments almost universal. A change now is the time to start it, Lit sooner or later, for ith them, tooth re have become must come, and Quick changes come | The user of Pepsodent quickly feeli con. i _ changes." One cannot doubt the Perhaps men who smoke see the most con- spicuous effects." Their films are tobacco- stained. ent. It multiplies e saliva. That is deposits which may children. Present Note how Women see film-coats are But Pepsodent is these film and starch vise that children use time the first tooth appears. hes th Mark the absence of the how teeth whiten as the Watch the other reasons in the book we send. them in prettier teeth, for most dingy. most important to the seem most subject to ttacks. Dentists ad- Pepsodent from the eir i pit Zoe r h viscous i. ng. film-coats disa oa coupon for e te good effects, and This ten-day test will he a revelation. It bring to your home a new era in teeth cleaning. And the benefits to you and yours pon now, tubes, at once. may be life-long in extent. Cut out the cou- Present it today so you can start J aT at this coupon, with Pepsodent. Your Name Address BN re and the tube will ee Annan, that Mr, Allan would have an extra large amount of money on his per- son, Mr. Allan did have a large quan- tity of money and managed to save it, but almost at. the cost of his life, No clue has yet been found as to the identity of the men. The hoid= Up was all the more daring as it occurred almost in the centre of the town and fairly early in the even- ing. ! . WOLVES ARE KILLING THE FARMERS' SHEEP Settlers East of Sault Ask For Government Aid--Bear Epidemic Over. Sault 'Ste, Marie, Nov. 23.8, numerous and- bold are the wolves 10-DAY TUBE FREE to any store named. It is good for a 10-Day Tube of 1000s rset inte Ws bar Ee NBR Ee EIT ease ven SE ea Te eH a Tas CaF Fes ere eens ese Out-of-town' residents should mail this coupon to The 118 Sherbourne St, Toronto, Ont., sent by mail ' .Ouly ene tubs toa family [ritjen Whig, Kingston, Ont. becoming at MacLennan, just east #al Fruit and Maccaroon, 238 Princess St, your name and address filled 5 of here, that stock raisers there are requesting relief, During the pasi two weeks about 100 sheep have been killed by wolves in a very limited 'area, which have-appesred since the bear epidemic subsided. It Is esti mated that at least 400 bears werf killed within the city and its masse diate vitinity during the fall, Reports are coming in from the Algoma Central Railway that the wolves are doing great damage there, particularly at Mile 95, where they are destroying the beaver and deer. The settlers here are demanding that a larger bounty be placed on the wolves, $25 not being sufficiently large to induce expert trappers te spend their time in an end®avor ta exterminate them, ------------------------ Salaries appear to respond more readily to reduction diets than some of the stout ladies. " mm a YE : lee Cream Bricks For Ice Cream that has the quality, order some from us in brick form, and you will be well pleas. ed. We have it in the following flavors: Maple Walnut, Neopolitan, Strawberry and Vanilla, Specs MASOUD'S Phone 980 Our Ice Cream will be sold all winter-at J. H. Jarvis, corner 2 of Princess and Albert Streets