AILY BRITISH : WHIG. : THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1021. "THE ---- Te -- --- - - - Ee ---- = EEEEEEEE : CEEEREEE gH, ea T HE PEOP LE'S FO R U M | 2 oe | | THE REX STOCK CO. Presenting | Y 6" on, A PAIR OF SIXES" | FUNNIEST FARCE Vaudeville Between Acts. 3 PRICES: 20-30c-30c. Gallery 10e. Matinee 10 and 25¢. > CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES 5 WANTED GENERAL FOR SALR First irsertion, 1c a word Each con- -------- | t i secttive Insertion thereafter, halt wv KNITTING AT! MALE AND FEMALE BIRDS. APPLY | ceut a word. Minimum charge for, "MY OR GIRI ro bo T v 421 Barrie or nuone 1512] ome x U-14, Whigt one Insention, 25c; taree insertions, | aon "APP ht -- 30 cents Se ar ------ A YOUNG DELIVERY HORSE FON : * A 8 Ke. y "URNISHED APARTMENT, . sale cheap. FPnone 1698F \ nes h : ar ] VIED yunyISHED A full par. SMALL K -- | , pe { ; - a = - . ular { B-18, Whig Of- Ports: . 2 1 0 ONE BRASS ANTIQUE VIANO LAMY, | | y = ' iculars. . iy B 18, { 3 ¥ Box U-28 Whig. | : a six o'clock Tuesday « with shade HELP. WANTED. | fic -- Apply at Street Railway ree eee | % | wo \ ~ / > rom, | . T, FI RNISHED OR fice, TWO SETS"OF LIGHT BOB SLulany { r TH NI HTS GENERAL SERVANT; REFERENCES, : 3 se or fat; immo- also 5 hp. motor. New Englan Apply Mrs. J. V. : 1 2 full cular CHEVROLET HUB C Bakery. | ' cet, ply- Box. 363, } , Ont { Raglan Road wr may | TWO MATINEES ov _~ bn ® te aime have same at Brock Stréet DRESS SUIT IN FIRST cLiss Cort ' wy a & > rr - 2 ply 3 jarrie St. . . : 2.Jas. iia oD HAND kins Station Hie tt; Bunty 350 A COMMENCING MONMAY NIGHT J. Re ; ns : ful: V8 LAST, IN ot ee A Sa Be me rote 2g rears a er Shrefully; Sra inay s umbrel- | | TWO MUSK 0X ROBES IN PRIME . EVENINGS at 8.15. MATINEES I nes. Wed. Afternoons at 2.30 WORKING HOLSEILE aston | ee la and small black purss, gondition at Dolan's Harness Store, The Metro Presentation of Vincente Blasco Ibanes' Internationally Ap- Princess Street. Finn Nore) RE ~ for small hotel near Kingston; mush WILL GUARAN containing pear! rosary i be good cook and have city refer- and give go: Ply Steacy's Ltd AN EDISON MOVING PICTURE MA. OF THE APOC Al PSE Ent Bom ee fs ------ Eo ---------- handle poly one 157 = YOUNG WOMAN TO n|.__lY handled Apps ai able Rosary, with two ini- quick' buyer. Phone 187w. young child and h vi hous:-| noo : NG A ur! tials on crucifix. Owner may - - . work. Three In family. References NW? BE DARING . do our have same by applying at 11 | [IF YOU HAVE A USED (AR FOR SALE required. Apply Box H-23, Whig | We use Argus Roof-proof Crop a | Redan Street. ? | see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagot and | card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack St iui Av Queen. Phone 410J. | -- m---- -------- THANKSGIVING MON JAY, ON = R---- YOUNG WOMAN FOR GENERAL| wANTED SEWING, PLAIN SKIRTS, the University grounds. a COULD ALSO an housework, from 9 7.30, witn| Blouses, Lingerie e.. also croche: gentleman's signet ring. The 8 uck. A snap. "'alm- . Sf three afternoons e Apply work: "dainty 1 ' Camisoles | owner may have same at tha er. cor. Bagot and Queen. The Cinema Seusagien of the Century - Augmented Orchestrs ven rs ) 2, 26 da y hig ( : . : Pnngs Ms a Joline, a Hades for Christmas; Ion eas Rs Whig Office. AUG JAGHT SIX Make your reservations FRIDAY and avold disappointmen:, All eZ reel. ne " . y . ipert, 1¢ uecn , - a . A 4 : Oho % be . . a ---- -- ------ S-- | S Q A Low Row BOER, ne. LONTINE Tar i ts Sechant Seats are reserved. 'iE WANT aL REELIANLE 4 us} Statism mn } ging to gentleman's t 20, ton excel ; equippe agent for each unrepresented coun- 1 -- foot. Owner may have same with new non-skid tires Apply | 25e., 50¢., Tic, 1.00. EVENINGS 25e, 80: TSe., $1, $1.50 by applying to 192 Division Boyd's Garage ' ty or territory. Exciusive selling | y rights, good pay to energetic rep- | | Street. ' FARN 108 ACRES Tn THe Te ~ resentatives, Our agency Is valu a -------------------------------------------------- rr : 3 | VN J ~ . ---- mat ~ ete Diy Pelnam Nursery Co.| FIRST CLASS NUUM WITH POLED, AUTOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN OY AE of Pliishurg. Terms part cash, ; - Toronto, Ont all conveniences. Apply 376 Ba Lrincecs St, Saturday nigat balance easy payments. Apply 14; 3 | Owner may have same at the i Cunniigham & Smith, 79 larence ' . - st | Street, Kingston, Ontario. - ale | ONE NIGHT ONLY | rie or phone 2238w. | 2 z MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $i3 TO $60) --. -- 0' Phe Dom. Ta:. Service pald weekly for your pare time | SINGLE ROOM, WITH BOARD IF DE i - writing show cards for us. No saps! sired; all conveniences Apply 2 PEREED > court MBIA ar ny Shop M p . We t ta t i { Stre ) » 2257 x | FOUN, "LE A 'ER- cycles, also bicycle ren ' \ 4 J vascing e instruc nd supply| King street, or phone 2257 i FOUND ARTICL ES ADVER baby carriage tires put ; . MORRIS ANNOUNCES you with work. West-Angus show | ) t oa while A Fo . Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, To-| A GAR AGE, BETWEEN CLERGY AND! TISED FREE you Jail Muller 8. Bicy cle w orks, . 3 ' ronto. , | Barrie Streets. Apply to 199 Wil- | , 3 871-373 King street. Phone 1032w. C7 lam Street, or ph "1515F | Anyone finding anything and CURY LOT esteem. ee mrp-------- . 3 ili. sid A Pte hr +} wishing to reach the owier may CITY LOT. #0 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 | ta feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also , GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK-- ox FIRST OF JANUARY, LODGE do 80, by reporting the facts A we need you to make socks on the | rooms now occupied by the I. O. O The British Whig. The adver Incubagor, 140 egg, and two brood- | 1758S fast, easily-learned Auto Knitter; F. Apir took aE tae 8 tisement will be printed in this ers; hot water heated. Only used | i i IN NEW SONGS AND OLD FAVOR. pply ningham & Smith , 9 , > experience unnecessary; distance -- column free of charge vihuuon, 243 Concession St. immaterial; positively no canvass- FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; 'Found articles" does not in- uear ctocla reet. { ve ~, p & Ing; yarn suppiled; particulars, sc all improvements; centrally jocat- clude lost dogs, cattle, Rorses, | | -- -------- REn ies } With a Company of Notable Artists stamp. Dept. 15-C, Auto Knitter Co., ed. Apply 243 University Ave. | etc. These, | lost. may be ad- FARM, 160 ACRES, al REE my G PRICES $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Toronto. . vertised for in the "Lost column, from J ingston, With - withoutl lowing done. it or : Seat Sale Friday. Mail Orders Now. e. Appl 1-20, Wh 1 afte > oful - = enc pply Ing after fur: * Car N REDAN STREET, A VALU- chine; Al condition; cheap for ---- J S00 as sgn . | | | | 3 GE, NE JOR! 'EEN | BANAC Danes 2B CORNER LEEN] stock and iplements . Apply RB SIX SALESLADIES FOR CITY TO R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22. M. VanLuven, owner, Portsmouth, take subscriptions for McCall's{ 2! ---- | 1 = = -- Ontario, 0 Magazine at $1.26 for one year Ala NINE mOOMED STONE HOUSE} -- as pa T---- 9 AAA A AANA PA AlN te rr terrane I IIT 800d saleswoman can make four' 146 Montreal St., all improvements. | = SEVEN 3 0 Ag HOUSE 5 mh . ve llars per day Fo ra *h q 3 7 wood-wo ng op tached; Jlo- ; RR at Nora B Plhione 1939 Jing 4 Vacant Apri A ROAN COW LAST FRIDAY OFF cated in prosperous village near FRIDAY . MATINER Goods store. Also sal ies to RS Str. Brockville, Finder please no- Kingston; doing good business; SATURDAY DAILY Jake Subscriptions In the surround- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND tify F. Briceland, Kingston Junc- BN Taa0ns for, picliing. Apply | Cc b I : ng Counties. merchandise; clean and dry. = M tion. hi . Gi A Play Where the Only Law is the Primal Law ve J. am e | P WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS eee Cann Agency, $6 Brock Street . 'RE . 3 < » 'hot 32 + ATC -| WI HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF Fhove 316. GOLD WRIST WATCH, WITH INI good seconli-hand furnit re and MEN AND WOMEN TO SELL TO Wo-| | tials on back. in Upera House on d r 1 and | | pen in hopes, rubber-lined Ging- 'ONE SIX ROOM APARTMENT ON Friday night. Finder please return Stoves. Any person having Stoves five years at Ottawa [44 3 9 ham Kitehdn Aprons with Hats to | ground floor; alse two houses. Ap- to Whig Office. and furniture to dispose of, We wi 1 2. - pay highest prices. J. The mpson, and he will make King- match; also white waterproof baby nly: H. T. Norman, corner Patrick a0 { 3 > . bed sheets. Can earn $15.00 daily and Cha:les Street. : 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. 5 : ; { Send $1.75 for the three fgamples - WEDNESDAY, A LADY'S FOLD RUBBER TIRE, FIVE-PASSENGER ston the grain terminal | A Story of the Jungle ang Civilized Hypocrisy, | | | and full particulars. Money refund- wrist watch, with initials "M. hack, | x 1 ied Jor ed HE samples returned. British| SEVEN RoOOMED HOUSE, IN Goon on back. Finder please notify| = ae arpa Tre auning wh . h ill b . h d PRICES FOR Ti18 PRODUCTION: Rubber Company, 232 McGill St. condition, North Victoria, near "hief strong, Fire Dept. : 3 3 Bou " Montreal, ¥ Princess. Garden and modern con. Chief Armstrong , running order; one with covered| thatwill bring here an MATINEE EVENT express body. A snap if sold at 1 veniences Apply 194 Division, 5 J : x : or NOV. 7th, FROM MOSQUITO on once. Paul & Smith, Ford Garage, keep here the great huen INCLL DED aus - Tress n JOB COMPOS R STONAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN Grindstone Lake, a red and white Napanee. : hi . | : ' IT GE FO pr! N KE, A) spotted bitch (hound), two years PE ICT TT RR - - 1 ATTEN "IE TINE ; Gray. airy rooms; your own lock old. Finder please notify H. L. «. SoRTHW ESTERN ¥ LORIDAA CO#; grain trans S 1pping' | TTEND TUR MATINEES and key Frost's City Storage, 299- Balcombe, ockmaster, Black iro ened He Tory a ol muds b . 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 9s9w Rapids Station, Ontario, WIL Wendie] 3, Florious 3 inate usiness, [55 - -------- ee ---------------------------- = RE pe = hi Las - Fie brug " - . . a " position ever ordered compares GARAGE FOR ABOUT EIGHT a tt Frite to-day: fury Bio C: , " WANTED--All-round man, 48 hours, autos or buggies; all under lock. wt FOR SALE. nae free Tile to-day Wel) far. Then Kingston Ss | TO-DAY N T R A N D TO-DAY $36.00, open shop, no discrimination. Palace Skating RR APDIY 0 -- ken. Delunnak Springs. Florida. 1 . ill . ! steady employment guaranteed. 'Phone, oon Stansbury, gan -| A LARGE STOCK OF ARMY pLANK.| =e E% Florida Population wi mn- | KATHLYN WILLIAMS, ROY STEWART, LEATRICH JOT write or wire at our expense. 4 . ets for sale at a reasonable price, 1 . . in A NINE ov SD HOUSE, HOT WaA- . tbard, 25% b FINANCIAL : | The Monetary Times Printing Co., ter turna e, and all improvement; SH ae La Bo bard, 289 Princess A crease, business will 66 J U S T A IF 29 rch Street, ° corner of Colborne and Sydenham w---- MRS. H. 8. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. 1 1 ET en streets. Apply Number 2, Colborne A GROCERY AND FIXTURES, oN mobile and Casualty ni au flourish and working- Adapted f + r Street. good business corner, on one of Earl street. Phone 1782M. 3 . | \ UGENE ALTERS On I. 3 SITUATIONS VACANT - the main streets. Apply" to pot men will no longer be rere SSENE GVALTE RILLIANT PLA) : PRICK Hous J-23, Whig Ofice. STRANGE & STHANGE, INSURANGE SDABBLING IN ART A FAHAMO Und 5 aC NEN BX Sern Dt ai aay -_--T---------- agents; acabiished in 1860; only idle * BIG 85 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS electric li i ¢ the most reliable companies repre. . ghts. possession at once! 4 PRIVATE SALE OF SOLID ma. Sented. Office 95 Clarence street Freeting card sample book free Apply at Surprise Store, 352 Prin- hogany table, with pie plate top. opposite the post office. Teet, in te #t qsmastnns sive. "Royal Seriea. macs BEXBEN- cess Street. | Mahogany secretary and chair. Ap. p ply Mrs. Rodger, 151 Earl Street. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ' INSIET ON THE BEST } ver later; haw ay inter, hen Ah meses ment Society, incorporated 1561. 257 RIDEAU STREET; SEVEN President WF. Nicsle, K.C.: vice- EEE = = EE a Vv me; ; a: ~ SERS etry. OAL | | ee Se GT | (ve amarmovora ave ane] | Tries BL Cunniiigha, | son Company, Brantford, Ont orne and Sydenham Btresta; Dine selections; your own' choicei $41.35. Money issued on city and farm | rooms; hot water furnace; all im- Terms $7 cash, $5. per month, C, Ww. properties, municipal and couniy | = ¥ provements. Apply 185 Queen St, Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. debentures; mortgages purchased, | 1 rosse IS ] BIGNS or phone 988w, et Ss Sod eee -- investment bonda for sale; deposits | =~ received and intere. t allowed | Learn to dance at the Gar- SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, ONCE, NEW SEVEN ROO MeLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, CosT $2,- C. Cartwright, manager, 1 i P r den Hall, nr Brock Street, : . 3 4 A arge or small, Posters, Showcards a dar on Norn tr s An 250; only run 4,000 miles; good as ence gireet, Kingston. 8 Guaranteed te lear Anthracite COAL BRIQUETTES displays a specially, by Shaw at 213 80 on North Alfred strect id Bagot Sulek sale. Palmer, corner, ==---- | Iatest dances --=--Your Warmest. Friend---- Princess Street. brick house and eight acres of Ea Bagot sud Queen streets. UPHULSTERING. HE 5 Waltz, One Step, 7 - Apply to J. D. Boyd, 332 University 5 RN ; =. s | Hours from 7 to 9 every Made in Canada. Suitable for 5 : ANTIQUE FURNITURE EE W------------------ i] might i" \--~CIVIL ENGINEERING. i = . . . : ih MRS, 5. CONEN Snitutt THE FINEST QUALITY IN Fui nace, Runge or Grate. IRVEY Finn, of Sie Baglin Antigue aL Ri aun i hg % g H "Pa 4 " vy y Fresh cars in weekly. Orders PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES -- 1. LEGAL athogael. € about December t upae t 23% Dagot Hi, : all Phone Ed PURE OLIVE OIL taken for delivery from car. 8. Scott, BA. BSc. Mem. Eng thjg2l. ya ---- g : F. W. HAROLD: FOR YOUR up. as > VEE . Inst. 123 King Street. Phone 1634, CUNNINGHAM & swiTH, BARRIST. X sShesul Drawers. holstering dnd general repairing, | ¥ RIC ES!--Per ton, $13.00, de- mm ers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence he ests. Leave ordersfat oF drop a card to -- livered; $1 1.00, at car. FANCY GOODS. ' Street, Kingston. nw B. Gunning- Rosewood and Walnut Arm Chairs. 14 Clergy Street rem Dinine ana Fatior Walnut Chairs. COVED wurToNs Mabe vo om. | 3 Osteopathy |W. KENT MACNMEE C. W. NEVILLE, MEMSTITCHING, FICOT EDGING, AC-|{ AMBROSE SHEA, BA. Bn 9_oh- eordion, koife and box pleating and Solicitor. Law office, corner uf Several card tables. Lpholsteriug and repairing done. | is treatment by natural znd ra- | Bank of Commerce Bullding. Brock and ham, Cyril M. Smi Mrs. BE. A. Card King &nd Brock, over Royal Bank. French Walnut Bed E. J. Goodridge, 244 University tional methods. Health without Ki Street Phone 701 or 1327) Representativ rrace, Montreal St. Money to loan. Phone 1999. -- Avenue. : by stmen He ng els 8 py phe: ative opposite Artillery Park. I pa Mahogany Mirror Frames, ete. FRATERE mre |] Ra maciustrent 'of the hu. WR mee Asner dent. || 149 COLLINGWOOD STREET ee Sai gy: a a > | 4 NE -- J ¥ . * : MILLINERY. LESSE'S ANTIQUE sHop % ra ui PALLY AND § 13 Shance aad She wid cure his Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. Phone 2362m, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, ee rere. | S-------- We buy all kinds of F i Paired promptly and guaranteeq | the broken bone. Representing Only Reliable Companies. MRS. McLAUGHLIN, 112 LOWER e duy nds of Furniture. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Prin 3t.. | Mechano-Therapy -- Electro- ---- FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST Go. William Street, will take orders Phone 1046w. 507 Princes: Street, | moe erapy ing business ho vicinity King- for making trimming and remodel- EE A. Rte . Sa------ Twelve Years' Success in ston; general and summer trade. ing hats. ; MEDICAL. Kingston Everything In first class order 000000000000 *o 000 DRS. ROBERT and EDNA Owner retiring on account of fii- . PERSON . ®| GC. K. ROBINSON, M.D., 363 BARRIER Ic : health. Apply Box R-7, Whig, . Ab > 1-That desirable property on Bar. Re Street. Hours 10.30-12 am, 2-4 ASHCROFT . % rie direc now ma the wee tion of pm. 7-830 pm. Phone t : i 3 g A COMPLETE CASH AND CARRY * Hs nonour, Judge Laver Par: So SS hone 447 NEAR FRONTENAC PARK grocery store on wheels. Own one| MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH-| o Uculurs may ve usd on appiica- D PAPER HANGING Hi] Of these In your territory. Meet- ark. RAIN Sancas ie ® lon wo NICKLE, FAKRELL & * Double, Solid Brick, seven rooms each, four bedrooms, electrie evar jh. Sensational success whe: Kinsses fitied and Farnishog oiad| 3 VAY. 10 Vawrie' st ¢| WHEN WANTING . PAINTING oR |. light and other improvements. Imniediate possession, Priced Vv ina ated. Tw hundred +> ever inaugu 0 Alar ed have falled. Goitre removed. | tebe dee thee Paperhanging done, drop a card to , | at $5750. Revenue pays 10 per cent on investment. fifty dollars net 'weekly e Easy terms, Principal payment of Eo HpSHIEnCe. | Brome J. A. Mounteer, 84 Arch Street. i complete stores to be mase n Ra. . . . : 258 Bagot Strett. - Phone 301. in oe a a a HH. SCOTT & CO. 53 BEVERLY ST. . fief nf ft] OLE BR) an pat warn | ji a FI | THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY titlon, no store expense. Exclusive ; fators. No Job too smal, no con- . territories being alloted rapidly. If DENTAL. -- tract too large. Storm windows re- | Phones 68 and 2240m. 86 Brock Street. Jou Wish to enter a most profitable $4500--R. C. SEMI-DETACHED, six Riiitea, putted, glazed and put on i rights 'in Your 'ertitory communi: DR, A B RRAN DENTIST. Srrce Tous Ho we wa, i cate with the undersigned mm.- . hy diately. Eleven = hundred ana -- WA TARICK: 10 ROOMS, LATES: PIANO TUNING. fwenty-five dollars required. Roll-| DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEV. lmprovemcuts; ceutral ' Ing Stores, Limited, 404 Exchange Sats, 159 Wellington street, corner -- PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Bldg., Windsor, Ontario. Zot Brock $1500 FRAML HOUSE; NORTH END, work guaranteed. Peter D n, ® : : pliant ihm - . five rovins; large jut, revi or one ~12 Markland Street. Pho - DR. RUPGRT I". MILLANFDENTIST, 84 ip . 2 S PrincBss Street. Phone 1850. Upea OF twu mere buuses. ma - 4 - eC on ay ed --- AL ANNOUNCING : form@tions, curls, etc, made to or. sumed practice at 92 Princess St, tects, Merchants Bank Chambers. A New Chevrolet Model r. dies' shampooing. Mrs. F. over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone bank of Brock and \v ellington. HAIR GOODS, ! evenings Uy appoiaiment. PO ms BEML DATEAG RAN } i Baseau, 87 Johnston Street. 7402J. $2000 ron UE MATE TO THE ABOVE | mn z Will citizens who have €€ : $3 AN E v e. t . . . 4 z Automobiles which can The 490 Special All work done at shortest notice. } | © AL AROYD, DENTIST, WAS RE. house, § roums, B. ang C. and gas; A " "Hl SWITCHES, POMPADOURS, TRANS. | 0K. % deep lot aud good cellar. §3%:| POWER, 850N AND DREVER, ARCH ° . house, ail ders beramoor ex Crum is and be laced at the disposal ase Siestrie Ng; $1500 ur Jess - pe / f Ca. bell ki dl Combining all the good points of the "490," this model e --- i 0 r. : mp ' n 4 will in addition have Gasoline' Tank on rear, Yacuum Feed Sys- b ! AF FRAME BUNGALOW; 4 : send their names and ad- tem, Storm Curtains opening with doors, oblong rear curtain Sood condition; 3 bath; electricity; barn and Lo A dresses to the , light, nickle-plated radiator, nickle-plated bumper, spira: bevel- Cheaper than Coal, Give better results. 3 20. and on York Koad, just NOW FOR SALE > led pinion and gear in rear axle, and cord tires all round. 'This ; t -- 3 car ig the sensation at the Torouto Exhibition. The price ts even FRAME HOUSE, NORTH END, Five! . i rooms, no jmprovements, large sor | PHONE 1 » : $785 $785 Foot of Johnson ; ; Rn SATENANS MEAL EsTATE : "490 Light Delivery" Delivered from car $14.50 per ton. See them at our yang. TO LET, \ es 9 more Bepsational --§895.00, li | RANE DEALING WEST Ex, Lackie 5 Baker be James Swift & Co., Limited -- y : "490 Touring Regular" "490 Roadster Regular" St. : 189 MW + ¥O8 All prices F.0.B. Oshawa--Sales Tax Extra - EVERY THING STOVES || Rimi Ser = Mra While they last, you may have ~ F SE5. Hours to 12 ave Arca |The feature here BAWDEN & EDWARDS ono reasonable, as that is my : « eT ~ LTY, DR. JENNIE : ; cuxvaoLEr SALES AND SERVICE . Chiroprac lists é Nurse, 335 'Bagat PH 400, 1 Phone 705 Era MESHONME x WW o Rk WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER See James Selby, Contractor, 3 University Avears. Phone pT