THE DA ANNUAL SALE BIG SUCCESS azn oe zi me ---- te business all a I { : \ bv $ - WHIG. : ) © THURSDAY, NOV, 23, 19u1, ~ -- - > - = . - er -- 8 is fully reali Large Attendance at Events in, , and I have ¢ Tula Le 7 \ St. George's Mission Hall on every hand uj tand f Kingston and t ) t ' i and at St. Paul's. At for OUT Shibrists 15 this Cab : | Crowds thronged St. George' Prion ma: ras frequently a: 4 ; ag Mr. Camphbe wa irequ i¥ a Cathedral Mission Hall on Mo rei plauded and at the close (+ tree. yi vening 1 } 8 t on Wednesday eveni cellent address he Red and orl reer r present. a Li. ; NJ . = - | were caught to the Fi brow a raft- MR P CINILEIL 20TS | STARTING 10 O CLOCK ers, the platform was a cosy tea | MR. cx p " : {room with chintz curtains and shad- | Following the pan ation of the . ' : ed lights and the visitors received a | P€Ws sent out f o 0 to the > " [cordial welcome 'from the president, | effect that the Board of Directors of | : ercoat {Mrs, Newell, and the members of the, the Canadian National Railways had & . jeircle. Miss V, Ryder was at the door. | placed orders for the repairing of | Mrs, Hallam, Mrs. A. Jarritt and {thousands bt 'freight. cars with the {Mrs. J. L. Jones were at the home- Canadian Car and Foundry Company, | | 3 ¥ Ol . . Weather made table, Mrs. W. Wolfe, Mrs. and the opening up again of the re- | : > Paflips sug Mrs. MeKay were sel. Pair shops at the different divisional . ling useful aprons. Mrs. W. Locke Ya REI} the Es rr . . ' . . N and Mrs. J. Ward were in charge of [POInts, J. M CEERe, He Lib On Friday morning every Coat in this store will bearer 4n Kingston, . : he work table |€ral standard ! A : : IS Here the on pond, aug me NE ae: at once wrote to D. B. Hanna, chair- be placed on sale --Ladies Coats 'and Children S in charge of Mrs. Fenning, Mrs. 'man of the board, pointing out that | Coats, high priced ones and low-priced ones--all to Delph, Mrs. G. Thompson, and Miss { Kingston with its locomotive works clear at one-third off. : Hilda Fenning. The candy table, all | should be considered in this connee- Come and see the red and white, St. George's colors, { tion. | + largest stock of new was presided over by Miss Hilda AS the matter Is one entirely out | Overcoats in the {Kershhaw, Miss Irene Allard, Miss os lities, Mr, Campbell took up the city {Pauline Brooks and Miss Marjorie of hn Sy ramp th board, and | -. : { Thompson. Hot tea and coffee, very | Guestion-dfrectly with the board, and /f . 9 : 1€S \ No Overcoats - car- | welcome to the visitors, was served | asked them to place an order at once | ried over last -sea- {by Mrs. Frizzell, Mrs. T. A, Silver, | for twenty-five or fifty locomotives to | son. | Mrs, Robert Anderson, Mrs. A. Fer- | relieve the labor situation here dur- All new stock. ris, assisted by Miss Marjorie McGin- {ing the winfer season. This prompt 4 \ All sizes... { nis, Miss Ethel Dickson, Miss Mildred action on the part of Mr. Campbell : ' y All models. Smith, Miss Dells Rodway and Phyl lonry goes to.chaw the active foe ot ¥ ) » J Bs \ ( oats All prices. ls Harvey. Rev. W. E. Kidd and Mrs, [ne takes in\(he city and in its work- ) : | Kidd were present, making every ors. --~ . The news of the opening up of the We specialize on our {one welcome and a number of mem- Ladies' Coafs developed Overcoats at-- bers of the other cathedral organiza- | j 3 WEA : in Velour, Polo Coating, $25, $30 and $35 | ome were to be seen buying the | repair shops at divisional points was LE 4 Normandy Cloth and wares for sale. Brig.-General Ross [announced yesterday, and a few y " Gr y, 7 7 | g Yi other lar pl We have a | vas present and gave a short ad- |hours afterwards Mr. Campbell's re- 4 all popu materia) > . | s $ S \Seasc - low as > i $45. |dress, The proceeds amounted to | questtiet the Canadalan Locomotive ! 18.,SEA50N'S New and as high as . 18150. . | Company's works should participate | ' In this business was on its way to | BOYS ' Event At St. Paul's. | Toronto, His thoughtfulness will be | as pr A successful tea and sale w ; : ! work, while others have OVERCOATS | app a s, and if an i : {held dn St. Paul's school room on | appreciated on all sides, and | 7 | J braid trimmings. iTS ) ived for the locomo- | » sum or | °Fders are received fc C bo est Coats, tailored in a range . of pretty styles. Many hgve embroidered The better Coats are trim. med with French Beaver and Opposum. These All prices. | Wednesday evening and the : ee $104.57 was realized, The hall, | tive Works, the workingmen of King- tables and booths were a blaze ot [ston and the electorate genera Y | lar. The general color scheme was | will know whom to thank. | i @¥¥e and yellow with chrysanthe- | --_-- 1 | Coats are. all nicely lined mums, and the lights were shadad | A COMING ENT. { | \ ; with Mercerized Silk Lin- 1 | ings. | | | { l | | | | with yellow. An orchestra compose | 5 v | {Of six members-of the R.C.H.A. band | Prof. Basil Williams and William y :$ | Played throughout the afternoon Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Priced from $25 to 8125. | Avout Shree Sandra) Desire of To hear the first living authority T 1 © congregation were present, an A < /n special subject is always! v | on his own special subject is a ways | cle i {they were welcomed by the rector, la rare privilege. Kingstonians will o ar @ ® 9 Canon W. F. FitzGerald, and Miss pave that opportunity on Saturday | {M. A. Arthurs, president of tha next (26th) when Prof. Basil Wil- / I Women's Auxiliary. Members of { 3 O : ©" [liams will lecture to the Kingston ! clergy were Bishop Bidwell, Rev, J { Historical Society at Queen's Uni- 77 IRE E {O. Crisp and Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson. | versity on "William Pitt, Earl of! 75 77 BROCK S T The following ladies were 1 | Chatham." | : , charge of the tables: Work table, | pe personality of the 1 cturer is If Off Your Route it Pays to Walk {Misses M. Spence, N. Cherry, K. Mir- lof unusual interest. Mr. Williams, jon; candy table, Misses Mabel Thurs- | recently appointed head of the his- ' ton, Sybil Mitchell; home-mad tory department at McGill University, | table, Mrs. os Cockade, Vip is not only an eminent scholar, but McCullagh, Mrs. P. McConville, Miss he is also a distinguished man of af- > M. Asselstine; tea table, Mrs. M. E.ltairs, a man of action. He is no Regular Price $5.75 to $1900 Adams. Mrs. 8. J. Koyes poared tea, Imere "academic," who seeks "to , TO assisted by Mrs. Noble Thompson, {wax the studious cloisters' pale" ali! - =) Misses T. and W. Mitchell and. the his days, one who works in an intel- CLEAR 1 3 OFF [little girls of the Blue Bell Club All lectual vacuum, without relation to| Child , h . | were prettily attired. outside prectial no paaon ta 'hildren s heavy winter Coats made from such | The officers who were in charge liams' brilliant studies of historical 2 : |of the undertaking were: Miss M. A. | characters and move. cuts are rica | warm materials as Velour, Polo Cloth and Chin- {Arthurs, vice-president, - Mrs. Ff. [qq solidly and squarely on a reall chilla All ar : 1.1: _ - | Bush; secretary, Miss K. Miron, working knowledge of public affairs. : € made In cute childish styles some | treasurer, Miss Marion Seale, The subject-matter of Mr. Wil. | being prettily embroidered. There is a wide range : liams' lecture is likely to prove . i . i uding Midnight Blue, -- = . . 0 BIC PORTSMOUTH RALLY every whit as Interesting as the per. of colors to choose from, incl a' sonality of the lecturer, The life| Nl; : i (w | SON x ! 0S | and times of Chatham cannot fail to| Nigger Brown, Steel Grey, Fawn and Pr etty shades - command and .rivet the attention of! 2 o (J. M. Campbell Was Splendidly all those who are interested in. the| of Green. LIMITED | Received--His P jects story of the growth of the British | Empire, the secession of the Ameri-| N _---- for Kingston Outlined. caw ®Blonies, the rise of Prussia a A splendid rally was held in J. M. | Russia, the antagonism of Frank, NE W/ PLAID and STRIPED Campbell's committee ~ rooms at land. Britain, ete. : | : Portsmouth on Wednesday evening. Moreover a well-told biography is] There was a large attendance of lalways acceptable. 'By deft touches | SKIRTS jane workers, residents and return- {of anecdote and apt quotation, Prof. : . |ed soldiers, all of whom were vital- | Basil Williams has succeeded mag- | (ly 'Interested in the election and es- | nificently in his declared object of | The new winter Skirts have just arrived, show- | pecially inf what Mr. Campbell had "giving a picture .of Pitt true to life! . . . | to say. James Halliday presided and {and 'captivating the people' whom! mg a complete range of pretty Plaids and Stripes. Watch this Space for Saturday | introduced Mr. Campbell wh |b rved d 1 id." A i ' ted Mr. I 0 ex-|he served and loved. An evening } WwW. } : . Specials | . | pressed his great satisfaction over passed in the illustrious company of! These Skirts are All- ool In a correct weight for | the progress already made in Ports- William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, un-] winter Ww y : : er {mouth by the energetic committee. der the guidance of Mr. Williams | ear. The styles come In a wide vanety Ll He dealt minutely with the various will not be time ll-spent. some tailored plain--others having patch pockets, questions before the people and da- ---- hil $ . . Wl b " {clared that the present government Campbell for Kingston while the renrainder are the plaited style, i {ot Mr. Meighen has lost the confid- Come to (he pubiic meeting on : : {ence of all classes throughout the Friday night in Ontario 'Hall and $9,75 and up J . A . ' ' | {dominfon. The effect of this was | hear why Campbell is the man for | Seen in the different political groups | Kingston, £ Y all of which were organized as a re- ¢ SPECIAL VALUES FRIDAY [sult of the loss of confidence due ol Don't miss our "$1.89 aluminum . ° : . or i1able an opking Se Bideboyud protectionist policy {gale Friday. W. H. Cockburn & Com. ; h | dl R S | » . | government, the deplorable | '. ? x | Snanciar a the riot of waste | inp oO In al aw on, mite @ » {and extravagance, graft, pilferinz : - | F ish F riday 8 min Sh yt | HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR! =]. 2 | the government's friends. | 2 A ---- od "Was it any wonder," asked + PRINTERS a -- . . ker, 'that Sir Henry Drayton Halibut--Salmon--Cod -- Whita- og > could not find a seat in four consti- | 4 ~ i Cp ROE oRINE La tuencies?" He was rejected in King-| MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. : fish and ke Trout. ston, Toronto, Ottawa and Carleton, BORN: alten - and in the same manner and for tha - = DAVIDSON--In Kingston, on Nov. a3, icall h pi 2 Mr. a k 8.-C. vid- TRY SALMON SMACKS are going to fefect fhe governmont| bona snr S04 Mr 8 David , A ntl : 1 nC candidates everywhere in' this elas- MARRIED. A fish delicacy ooked ready sion. There is nothing good that can KIRBY TWIGG--In Kingston, Nov. { foserve ...... ... SiS x be said for the Meighen government: | - 2rd, 1921, y Bev. TW. vars, V. f 2 38 Oc. y farmers, returned soldiers, labor and hy Wiliam Tae 192 Barrie e new or : Liberals are arrayed against--it, but Street, to Chafles nirby, son of Mr. TERS f all, the wokingman and the work- and Mrs, T. KE. Kirby, Surrey, Eng- : N ] ' E I =~ OY . WE Worn, persons who have to de- rs -- Jie vening Seals hipt--bulk or in glass. pend upon their day's work feel the JAMES REID utter inadequacy. failure in "he face The Old Fi f Undertakers. Lettuce--Celery--Parsley . aaa problems, and are go- | 254 od 256 "PRINCESS "Sh REET. : ing to vote to put in power a new Phone 147 tor Ambulance, : 2 2 ernment that will inaugurate an | ; So ROBERT J. REID We have some very pretty Even Grape F ruit--Oranges ---- Califor- aggressive 'business policy for the L ' 3 employment of capiial, and labor and © Leading Undertaker, 4 ing Slippers, Patents, in Stra nia Grapes, Sweet P otatoes the fullest development of all our na- | Phone 577. 230 Princess Street. > tural resources" vo} : M.P.KEYES style...... seen... $6.00 up Mr. Campbell told of big projects . ; A S for Kingston, what the harbor im- . Undertaker ani Emoimer _ . Blush Suet Black Satin, White j provements would mean to the busi- | Undertaking rs, Princess St, . . . | ness men and the workingmen.|' + Ambulance Phone 1839. : an rown Satin, White Kid, J iakness rain elevators will smploy in { "La EP Er a Ra Silver Cloth and many novelties, their construction 500 men for thrae years and cost $3,000,000. In add: tion they will mean an annual ex- Wholesale 1767. penditure of approximately §400,: | ' 000. You can see readily what this ; Youlty Mkts in an industrial way, aa = i as ving real esiste values, 3 & natural result whet money is put | [heme Sot Dray a ay I rn