Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1921, p. 2

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FORA FTIR B10 33 130 FMM FI 0A 0 0 Fa FoF 2 ! WHITE CONEY COATS at WHITE CAPS at WHITE STOLES at WHITE MUFFS at ° EVERY FUR IN FINE FURS John McKa 149 to 157 Brock Street y, Limited . Ee "You Wire Us and We'll Wire You" THE ELECTRIC SHOP : Distributors for LACO LAMPS, DELCO LIGHT PRODUCER 118 Brock Street, F. J. GRACE Phone 1545. W. C. CANNON HAVE YOU TRIED THE ORANGE PEKOE BLEND? CHARM TEA AT 60 CENTS PER LB. It Is a High Grade Tea With a Delicious Flavor. New being packed in yellow packages instead of red. Geo. Robertson & Son. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. PUBLIC OPINION IN ~~ COMMUNTY DISPUTES (An Address Given by.Rev. D. M. Solandt to the Cana- dian Club. | The members of the Canadian {Club were given a rare treat in the {address made by Rev D. M. Solandt, {Toronto, a the dinner held at the | British American hotel on Wedneés- {day evening. The speaker is a grad- {uate of Queen's University, and for ithe last two years has been deputy chairman of the council of industry which was formed in Winnipeg dur- ing the strike period of 1919. | The subject of the address was "Civilizing of Public Opinion in |Community disputes," the speaker |opening with a reference, halt hu- |morous, to the wonderful spirit of the west. In this country of the west, and especially in the city of Winnipeg, an endeavor has been earnestly made by legislation and ar- | bitration to settle many problems of jthe community which arise and may jotten Be dealt with to a certain ex- [tent, by an open discussion between the parties concerned. The Indus- trial Disputes Act was passed by the | Manitoba government, giving pow- fers to the council, which was form- {ed to investigate all these matters {o# they arose. In Winnipeg, so- |clalists are rather prominent at | times, and their insidious work has {often aggravated more innocent peo- {ple to ill-advised action. But the | public has a right to be informed as to the measures taken which con- cern them, so the new council sought to raise the ideal of the community las the thing with which we were all concerned, and try and bring about conditions whereby all citizens might be happy and safe. One of ihe main principles worked out was that no citizen should charge an un- | due amount for his services to the [cqmmunity, while labor must give a full day's-work in a full day's time. The speaker read extracts from the act, explained the working of 'some of the principles laid down therein, and illustrated his remarks by showing examples of how many problems had been dealt with in Winnipeg. Disputes between the 0. B.U. and some of their members; the problem of high rent; the price of wholesale fruit; the decrease in the amount of work done by the brick-layers; and many others were taken up with and settled to the mu- tual satisfaction of those concerned. A dispute arose between the jew- ellers and their employers--the coun- cil investigated into the whole mat- ter, and finally recommended that lectures should be given in the tech- nical schools to apprentices, by the most expert men in the trade, this was done, and the employers enter- ed heartily intb the scheme and al- lowed their men time off for this purpose, The act requires that the couneil Detached = brick, §& tures in same), hagdwood floors comblhation hot Water and hot air furnace, cement cellar, eleo- tric light, gas, garage with ce- ment runways aya electric on. light. Good loca and further particulars oa ap- ph $3,700--Ellerbeck Street; detach- ed bri rick; 7 rooms; bath and toilet; hot air furnace; barn; 2 | lot 66 x.132. TO LET R'deau Street, frame, 7 rooms. Albert street, brick, 7 rooms, -B, and C.; electric light: hot air furnace. $32.00 per month. All kinds of Insurance, . Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell The McCann Agency Phones 320-806, rooms and Hi th, £6ilet separate (new fix- [| Price' plication at office, not by [i one, 86 Brock 8¢. i XMAS FRUITS ARE READY Fancy Scedlens Raisins 3 Ibs, 70e. New Cleaned Curra Fancy (15 os.) Pkg. Seeded 25¢ Iv Fancy (13 on.) Pky. Seedless setae srsasnanns sees Me Ib, New Mixed Peel .... . New Lemon Peel .... New Orange Peel Shelled Walnuts, broken, 60ec. Ib. || Shelled Almonds Fancy Table Figs ... New Cooking Figs Pulverisea Sugar ... 2 tins 27e, A Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, pd There are styles- in Eye Glasses and Spectacles as well as in other articles of per sonal use and adornment. Just at present both Eye Glasses and Spectacles run to the large-sized lenses. Large lenses afford a better protection to the eyes, as well as giving a greater range of . vision. Shell frames with gold-filled mountings are quite the "vogue." suitable for out-of-door as useful for indoor use. They are especially rts, but are just f you wish to keep up-to-date, let us fit you with a pair of the Iatest thing in optical ware, : J. S. Asselstine, D0 - Optometrist and Optician, Phone 10[9w. || ation of the people. ||a certain stage of the war, shall delve into all these ques- tions, which, to a great extent, have to do.with the education and recre- Itis a most comprehensive thing, and endeavors to bring a greater happiness to the people of all classes. The result has shown that both parties to a dispute of this kind are ready and willing . to lay their troubles before the counell, discuss with them a probable solution, and will generally abide by their dects- ion. One party is just as decent in {| their ideas as the other, both are striving for a fair agreement; but the ideal must be kept before them constantly that this country must be made decent and safe to conduct business. in. In conclusion, pressed' the feeling that the com- munity \had derived a great benefit from the work of the councHl, and told of an incident which had com to his attention in the black days of A large number of Canadian soldiers had gathered together just back of the MY. Solandt ex- | (line to hear a certain man address them. Rather at a loss as to just (how to approach them, and to strike {| the right chord, he remarked that he had a picture with him of the great- est thing in the World, what they cherished most, and what they were fighting for, to keep clean and dec- ent, and in a dramatic pause, he un- folded a small map of Canada. As one voice the soldiers cheered him for a full ten minutes, as memories rushed back to them of their homes and dear ones, And this is what we must also keep before us if our life in the community, the ideal of liy- ing, not for ourselves alone, but for our city and our country, as true Canadian citizens. ~ A hearty vote of thanks to the speaker of the evening was moved by Rev. Dr. Jordan, who referred to the number 'of ministers engaged in work outside of their profession, but who had peculiar abilities due to their ministerial training. Maj.- General Sir A. C. Macdonell, in sec- onding, remarked, humorously, that he would probably be accused of backing a man from the west, but he Was sure that he could back no bet- Yan. The vote was given heart- ily by the members, who appreciated the splendid and instructive address, and the gathering broke up, after the singing of the natiopal anthem. -------- John M. Campbell Will tell more truths in Ontario Hall on Friday night at eight o'clock. Don't miss his address, Other fine speakers. . When you find a lost article--ads porise #t. When you lose an article advettiss fords. . - - - Baron Korff, who is lecturing in Convocation - Hall to-night, is the guest of Principal and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, The Principal's Residence, Queen's University, : Find Employment | For Returned Men : | In his nomination ad- dress J. M. Campbell said: +"'The returned soldiers must have ~ everything to the limit of the financial strength of the country, We want ability shown in reconstruetion, in finding employment for the men, and it is unfortunate that the Meighen Government has done nothing." INCOENTS OF THE DAY Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W lindsay, Limited. Eggs at one dollar a dozen in Mon- treal puts a crimp in the domestic Budget. Mr. Swaine, piano tuner, orders received at 100 Clergy street w Phone 564w, Carl Clarke, Raglan Road, and formerly of the Victory Shoe Store, has left the city to take up a posi- tion with g firm in Sarnia, Ont. Bernard Browne, manager of the Kingston bankers! clearing house re- ports the total bank clearings for the week ending Nov. 24th to be $783,- 151.41. ' The case of H. I. Wallace, charg- ed with obtaining the sum of $200 from William McCammon, market clerk, under false pretences came up before Magistrate Farrell, in the poi- ice court on Thursday morning, énd was enlarged for a day. Mrs. W. Pecot of this elty received by registered mail on Thursday mor- ning from Ottawa the Vietory Medal and Ribbon, also the British War { Medal. She also received a short time |ag0 from the London war office a [ snap shot of her late husband's grave in Adams military cemetery in | France, Store news means much or little to | you, depending on your interest in | your buying problems. A euchre party was held in the Trades and Labor hall on Wednesday evening, There was'a largé attend- | ance, Progressive euchre was played {from 8 to 10.30 p.m., and the prize | winners were: Ladies, Mrs, H. Fow- ler; gentleman's, H. Fowler; consol- | ation, Miss Sauve and Mr, Haggerty. {The following composed the commit- |tee: Mat. Morgan, chairman; Orville Elliott and John Scanlon, To Lecture at Queen's, Baron Korff will lecture ih Convo- cation Hall on Whursday evening, Nov. 24th, at 8.15 on "Some Aspects of the Russian Revolution," and on Friday evening on "Gontemporary Russia." Baron Korft is one of the few people in this country who has first class Information on the condi- tion of Russia, He was professor of Russia at Petrograd, when war broke | out and after the. revolution, assist- ant governor-general of Finland un- der Prince Luow and Kolinsky; later he was one of the peace delegates to Paris, He has been lecturing for the last two years in the United States for the Institute of International HFducation and made a good impress sion as one of the speakers with Lord Bryce and Signor Tittoni on the sub- ject of international welfare at the convention at Williamsburg, Pa, A Big Crowd Will be at the Campbell meeting on Friday night In Ontario Hall, Will you be one of the erowd booming Kingston or not? Come, Don't miss our $1.89 aluminum sale Friday. W. H. Cockburn & Com- pany. " The Hat Store" Big Sale : of With the price reduced on all trimmed Hats, a visit to our Millinery Department may find _ for you just the Hat you want. Wonderful Hats are on sale at $5.00-~$6.00--$8.00 i and other kinds from $4 to $15 '==no higher. You can easily choose your Hat from the bis THURSDAY, NOV, 24, 1921. Open Nights. 40c and 50c Music 5For $1.00 These big hits all this wesk at 25¢., 5 for $1.00. While they last. Ain't We Got Fun, Angels, Al] By Myself, Birds of a Feather, Bonnie Lassie, Biddy, Beautiful Annabelle Lee, Cho-Cho San, Blue * Jeans, Carolina Lullaby, Call of the Cosey Little Home, Daddy Your Mama is Lonesome For You, Do Another Break, Dream Street, Down Yonder, F rankie, Hugs and Kisses, Morning Noon and Night, Jean, Just Keep'a Thought For Me, Just Like a Gypsy, Love in Lilac Time, Listening, Love Bird, Lord Byng, Love's Shi, The Last Waltz, Mississippi Cradle, | Want My Mammy, Mello Cello, Ma, Moonlight Make Believe, Mimi, Main Street, Pin- ing, Sentimental Melody, Rose of M y Heart, Who'll Be the Next One to Cry Over You, When Swewthearts Waltz, Mail order 5c. per $1.00 extra. Place Your Orders Now for Personal Greeting Cards, "Made in Can- . ada" and Equal to the Best in America. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Chili Bean, Monastery Bells, Venetian Moon, 'Phone 919, LS RY size border. » ¢ \ AR CAPTURED A MOOSE WEIGHING 1,200 LBS. * The Good Luck of a Hunting Party From Arden--The Fine Success. Arden, Nov, 23 -- The rain on Thursday night was greatly needed as some of the wells in this vicinity were dry. Ezra Thompson and wife and children, Harlowe, spent Friday and Thursday at Mrs. G. Steele's. Florence Steele'and Ray fcott spent Sunday evening at G. Steele's. Mr. and Mrs, G, Monds at G. Kirk's on} Sunday. Harry and James Alexander, S-anley and William Loyst, also Ross Miller returned from the north, where they spent the past two weeks hunting, bringing out their number of deer including a moose weighing twelve hundred pounds, G, Steele and family at William Steele's on Sunday, D. W, Thompson has changed his boarding place and is now boarding at C. M. Greene's. Mr. Cassada, Kaladar, spent a few days last week here with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Mervin Newton. Miss Jen- nie Johnston spent Saturday and Sunday at H. Johnston's, Henry Han- nah made a flying trip to Tweed on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bark- er, Mountain Grove, are visiting at G. M. Kirk's, : -------------- Sold His Art Collection. Dr. Howard, Carloton Place, bas disposed of his art treasures, a col- lection of rare paintings by the world's famous artists, to an Ameri- can firm, and the masterpieces have EOne across the border. The British Columbia government made over a half a million profit on liquor sales.in three months, BE. Guss Porter may not get the West Hastings seat by acclamation. KEEP WARM McLintock's Celebrated Down range of attractive patterns in Satin and Sateen covers -- all large sizes. Popiilar priced. : A big shipment of good, big size Bed Comforters--pretty cover- ings--filled with clean, Cotton Batting. Priced ......... $3.95 up. Heavy Grey Wool Blankets with dark colored border. Peres bas hall ces asin ss 35.50Up, nkets--guaranteed all pure wool--with Pink or Blue border. A beautiful Blanket and in all sizes .. ....$10.50 up, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Only the best make to show.you -- White of Grey with colored Three sizes--at lowest prices. Heavy White Bla For Bath Robes--nice, heavy quality. Size 72x90 inches. Com- plete with loops and girdle to match, Many pretty designs. $8.50 each Just received a shipment of Cushion F orms in all shapes and sizes, Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store oflfe--ventilpsed --a beautiful ' WOOL BLANKETS Large ESMOND BLANKETS * CUSHION FORMS, oul $6,000 For The Pair oo) University Avenue--double dwelling, each containing 7 rooms and bathroom; gas and electric lights; lot 165 ft. deep, with drive. way at side. Paying about 9 % on the inyestment, y + $8,100----Markland Street---detached cement block dwelling; 6 rooms and bathroom; electric lights; hot air furnace. Im- mediate possession. E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Corner Johnson and Division Streets « - Phones 580w and B39J. MEN'S-BROWN BROGUE BOOTS ALL SOLID LEATHER--ENGLISH BROGUE LAST DOUBLE SOLE--""THE PALL MALL" -A new English Brogue for the men, with heavy double : weight Goodyear welted soles and low, broad heels, A splendid Fall and Winter Shoe. for the men, giving come fort, style, and above all, splendid wear, All sizes and widths. Our big special phim ALSO ROW READY WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S SPATS~--~FAWN, BEAVER, GREY. OUR BIG SPECIAL, $1.50 '189 PRINCESS STREET :.: i: PHONE 2316 , . ER --

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