3 THURSDAY. OV. 21, J CHOICE WESI1ERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street weed) L ---------- FOR MOVING OF Ereight, Furniture, Safes, Planos and | Cartage of every description-- | - A i Kingston Transfer Co. {down and quit my work; also in the | night I would wake up and my heart | would be going, I should say, about | Sone we. DAVID SCOTT Plumber Flamblag and Gas Work a speeia). ty. All work guaranteed. Addreg, 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277 || fr ------mne 01 DRAW. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun aud Wellington Streets Phone 364 mem . Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repairs Scales, Talking Machines, Bicyes { Ban; a onjans Howse. eter We ir work r and | & opal» Suaraatee | 197 WELLINGTON STRERT WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763, Res,, 1187, W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. SRN rr -- COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 } DO YOU SMOKE ' | spells it would bother me a lot. va Ww uungon Sueet. i | | mailed direct off receipt of TOO MUCH ? There are many men on whose heart and nervous system tobacco produces the most serious results. It | canses palpitation, pain in the heart, irregularity of its beat, makes the hands tremble, sets the nerves on nedge, causes shortness of breath, and logs of sleep To counteract this demoralizing influence on the heart and nerves there is no remedy to equal MILBURN"S HEART AND NERVE PILLS They make the heart beat strong | and steady, restore tone and vigor to the nerves, and remove all the evil results caused by the tobacco. St., Brantford, Ont., writes:----* had been troubled with palpitation of the | heart for a number of years, and by The { doctor told me it would stop on Sometime if I did not cut out to- bacco. When I would get a spell my" heart would pound, and I would { break out in a perspiration, and get |80 weak 1 would have to sit right {120 beats a minute. About three | years ago I got a box of Milburn's Jars and Nerve Pills, took them, and found that they did the job. I am feeling fine and have gained over | 20 pounds in weight." Price, 50c. a box at all dealers, or price by 'the T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroy ~. | 21 Main Street, SODENT PEP Is offering a ten days' sample tube FREE to convince you that it will remove the film which dis- colours the teeth and causes Pyorrhea. Clip out the coupon in to-day's Whig, fill '1 * your name and address in ink, make out a list of other things you need here, and they will all" be promptly supplied by;-- M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist, Corner Clergy ara Princess Sta, PHONE 82. P.S--~This is the ONLY uptown Drug Store distribut) th sample tubes of Pepspdint. i Don't Miss Our $1.89 Aluminum NN. Mr. Frank Lutes, 71 Terrace Hilt, me | e | worse, larger, more painful till THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | Big Campbell Rally, | Come to the big Campbell Rally in Ontario Hall on Friday night. Fine { {the truth. " ---------------- Good Sn2ppy Weathe, : ingston folk enjoyed-~gouud snap- {Py weather on Tuesday. Tho boys and girls are now anxiously awaiting | 'he skating season, and ara watching | the progress of the work on the new skating rink with much icterest. { Drove Thiry-Two Miies. { "I drove thirty-two mils to get 'here to this n eeting," remarked one | farmer to a Whig reresentative at the nomination meeting ia Harrow- 1&mith on Tuesday. Save What You Can. Money is very scarce, so if you want to save from $23 to $5 on Boys' and Men's Overcoats see our range We have a large "stock to choose from; we guarantee to save you mon- | ey." Prevost Clothing House, Brock | street. -------------- Barrister Given Five-Year Term. A sentence of five years at the pen- | |itentiary was given in the County Judge's Criminal Court, Toronto, to {John Loftus, a barrister, who plead- {ed guilty in June, 1920, to the charge | of misappropriation of clients' funds to the extent of over $5,000. Burial at Montreal. The remains of the late Rev. Will- {1am Sparling, D.D., who died so sud- {denly in London, Ont. on Monday, | were taken to the First Methodist {church where the funeral services oec- jcurred on Wednesday, and thence to ithe train, enroute to Montreal, for interment on Thursday. * He Is Still Suffering. Allan Lemmon, chairman of the Board of Education, is still sufferif | from injuries to his arm caused some | weeks ago while cranking his auto- mobile. So far he cannot use the hand even to the extent of writing. | He will be fully restored in the course of a few weeks. ¢ "Kiddies" Had Slide, Ice was formed on: some of the small ponds duripg Tuesday night as a result of the cold snap, and as a resul. the "kiddies" eiijoyed some good glides on Wednesday, The children are looking for suow so they can use their sleighs on tha hill. Harrowsmith's Big Day, Tuesday was certainly Harrow- smith's big day. Seven or eight hun- {ered people gathered for the nomi- {nation meet'ng. There was a great {rush for dinner at the hotel there. [The crowd was so great that they had |saw thdt he was near where the fight | to stand in line and take {heir ture' |to gain admittance to tke dining | recom | | Will Take Management. Frank C. Moore, a prominent-hotel man from New York, will close a con- tract' Friday with John B. Taylor, head. of the Woodruff Hotel company, to take over the active management of the newly rebuilt hotel at Water- town, N.Y. Mr. Taylor said the de- |tatis of the contract had been agreed {upon and that the agreement would | be signed Friday. Sale of Property. The old Captain Vieger docks, coal Painful Sores On Her Ankle Healed by Hood Preparations . For two years I suffered greatly from blue veins on my leg. They started with a little sure that grew it | extended around my whole ankle, 1 decided to take Hood's Sarsapar- illa to purify my blood, with Heod's A ------ speakers will be present to tell you | The fariver made | jhouse and boat house at Alexandria! | Bay, N.Y., which were a part of the estaté of the late Col. O. G. Staples, were sold by orney John H. O'- {Brien to. M. Crawford, a contractor fof Alexandria Bay, N.Y., for $8,500 |The property will be improved and {used by the purchaser, | Church is Incorporated. | { The Apostolic church of Pentecos- | tal has received a Dominion charter | | with head office at Winnipeg. One cf the. incorporators is Clarence [Lancelot Cross, of Lansdowne, evan- The corporation has no share | gelist. {capital, Engagement Announced, | Mr. and Mrs. William Bradshaw, South Monaghan, announce the en- {gagement of their daughter, Cora May E. L., to Willard Andrew Jamie- {son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew | { Jamieson, Port Hope. The marriage | [to take place quietly early in be: | cember, To Be Relieved. Rev. Dr. S. Cleaver, Bridge street | Methodist church, Belleville, will| |remain to the end of the present con-| | ference year, June 30th Xt, and | will occupy the pulpit but the pastor- {al work will be carried on by Rev. George Brown. This step is necessi- | tated by the condition of Dr. Cleav- | er's health. At the end of the con-| ference year it is likely that he will] | seek' retirement, | | To Visit Mallorgtown School. | _ Hon. R. H. Grant's special commit- tee on education, in company with | the minister and Dr. Waugh, is to | | visit the Mallorytown consolidated | school in the course of a few days in | [connection with their efforts toward | educational improvement. A..mov-| |ing-picture operator will be taken | {along and some pictures taken for ex- | | hibition throughout the province. New Soldier Publication. A copy has been received in the |city of the new soldier publication, | {the 'Tin Hat" Review, published ir | | Toronto, with the avowed Intention | | to take up the fight for the rights of | | the returned soldier, whose cause has | been abandoned, according to one of | | their "editorials, by the existing or- | ganizations. The majority of the js- | sue is devoted to arousing the inter- est of the returned men on political matters s Was in the Mix-Up. John Taylor, reeve of the township of Storrington, who recently had his left arm amputated, due to an attack | of blood poisoning, got in the mix-up lat the noisy nomination meeting at | | Harrowsmith on Tuesday afternoon | When some of Mr. Taylor's friends Was taking place they went to his rescue and were able to get him out of the building before the stump of the arm, which is very tender, was injured. Mr. Taylor, when speaking to the Whig, stated that it was the | { Worét mix-up he had been in in about forty or fifty years. The Action Was Settled. The actiofi of Denyes vs. Brennan and the Ocean Accident Co. at Belle- | ville assizes, arose out of the case of ja motor that was burned in an acci- dent in Tyendinaga. Dr. Denyes, Shannonville, was driving a car which he had paid for. On the car, | was fire insurance, the policy con- | taining a clause that loss, If any, was | to be payable to Brennan, he havjng {at one time been the owneéf. The | cheque, afte the fire, came payable |to Denyes and Brennan, and Bren- nan would not indorse it, saying fit was alleged that he had an insurable interest" The action was settled, -- Leeds' Mothers' Allowances. During the fiscal year which end- on October 31st, the Mothers' Al- [ea | leaving for Texas |on the Cressy circuit. from duty only three days in that long period of time. As Mr. Murphy not be returning # Jones' Falls following year his fellow lockmen ors wished to show him |! rs. Murphy how much they re-| a their leaving this After refreshments were served William Glover read an address to Mr. and Mrs. Murphy testifying to the very high regard they are both held, and {Charles Dawson presented Mr. Mur- || ph» with a handsome rocking chair | from other members of the lock, and Miss Mary Glover presented Mrs. | Murphy 'with another beautiful rock- | er from the lockmen's wives and | neigh bors. YARKER METHODIST CHURCH Was Built in ®868--Anniversary on Sunday Next, Yarker, - Nov. 22--The anniver | sary services of the Methodist ¢hureh in Yarker will be held next Sunday, | Nov, 28th. This church was built in | the year 1868 The committee in | charge of building and selecting of | the site -were: J. O. Shibley, 8S. 8% Guess, William Gordon, A. McDean, ! Joseph Connolly, H. H. Annesly, | John Davidson. The mason work was done by William and Hugh Saul, car- penter work by Charles; Wilson, plas- | tering by E. Hamilton.All of the ab- ove named are deceased. The local preachers were S. Lapum, P. Caton, Seth Lyons and Jesse Lee, Lapum, Caton gnd Lyons are deceased, Jesse Lee, now over eighty years old, is | still in the work, reads without glas- ses and walks three miles from his | home to Yarker. The following are stationed here since the erection of | the church: Wilson, McCann, Davies, Kines, Winter, Jaques, Gibson, Wer- | der, Leach, Depew, Marsh, Ander- | son, Mansell, Bates, Young, Fornlin, | Canum, Clark, Adams, Buckler, Bate- stone, Farnsworth, Wilson, McMul- | len, Eveson, Down. Over half of the above are deceased. Services had to be discontinued for some few Sun- | days but the new furnace has been | put in and services have been resum- | ed. the ministers | TO LEAVE FOR TEXAS. Will Visit in Toronto Before Going | South, | Bongard's, Nov. 21.--H. C. Cam- eron, Revelstoke, B.C, is visiting, friends here and will later join Mrs. | Cameron in Toronto, where she is | visiting theifson anag@is wife, Mr. and Mre. Everett Cam@on, before and Mexico to! spend the winter. The Ladies' Aid! will hold their December meeting at the home of Mrs. C. B. Pierce, the first Thursday in the month. R Harrison and son were at Adolphus- town on Sunday. | Rev. Mr. Pettick, from near Pet-! erborough, will fill the vacancy caus-| ed by the.death of Rev. C. G. Renouf Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harrison visited with friends at Cressy recently. Glad to report 0. W. Hicks improving in Prince Ed- ward hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harrison entertained a mumber of friends at tea on Tuesday evening. A meeting was held in the town hall on Saturday evening in the In-' terest of H. H. Horsey, the Liberal candidate. | -------- The world's principal jade mine is in Burma, where the privilege of mining stone has been in the ppsses- sion of ong tribe for many. génera- tions, Hushed is the conversation of men when money talks. vicinity. || | The evening was spent with music, |{ {cards and social intercourse, Rain Protection For low initial cost, for low upkeep cost, | for long life, for warmth, the Cedar Shingle | hasallit's competitors beaten. No other roof covering, dollar for dollar, || can compare with the Wood Shingle, Prices are down, | S. ANGLIN & CO. ! Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay snd Wellington Strects, KINGSTON Out. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14135. DINE WITH ME AT KINGSTON'S LX! LEADING | RESTAURANT The quality of their food is 30 excellent and their waiters so courteous' and obliging, that it's Just like dining at home.. More expensive? Ch, no! IJICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED to the lowest possible level consistent With quality and you'll be sur- prised at the small amount of your check when you have finish- ed your repast. Come and be convinced. THE GRAND CAFE BIG CUT IN PRICES on Maxetires and Tubes, for 10 Days 20% reduction on all sizes of Maxotires and Tubes, A few Tires at cost. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBIr ER CoO. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. L -- -~ SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155, UPTOWN OFFICE--3dic GALL'S CIGAR STORM PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY ---- ---- k | WINTER | OVERCOATS | MEN and YOUNG MEN'S. NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) \ re a ---- lowance Local Board for the county Medicated Soap to wash the sore, and | y Hood's Olive Ointment to heal it. It |Of Leeds held seven meetings. Thirty- was soon apparent I was on the right | five applications for mothers' allow- | course, fur as the result of faithfully {ances were received and considered. | taking the Sarsaparilla, the sore dim- Twenty-nine of these have been ap- | inished und finally disappeared. I proved and recommended to the com- heartily recommend these remedies mission, and nineteen of those re- FRIDAY Sez our window display. FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three oubles. Storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good barn. Ss for $44 per month. Price $1,500. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and insurance Brock Street. Phone 428, -- DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafl's Ginger Mar.aalnde. Ww A's Pineapple Marmalade. Wagstaf's Bramble Jelly. We also 'have a full line of other reilable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jel! To. sale At-- & Bon Marche Grocery Cor. ing and Earl Streets License No. 53-27149 Phone 1544. paired, W what is re J.M. PATRICK | "- hae W. H. COCKBURN Princéss and Wellington Sts. : 'PHONE 216, Real Bargains FOR MEN AND BOYS IN WINTER CLOTHING SUITS that will please you. OVERCOATS in all shades. . MACKINAW COATS. SHEEPSKIN LINED COATS. MEN'S HEAVY SINQLE PANTS in Corduroy or Tweed. © SWEATERS -- Slip-on * or Pull-over Styles. UNDERWEAR, MITTS and GLOVES, SOCKS, BOOTS and RUBBERS. 1.ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. Cryelite, which is a source of al- uminum, used also in making soda and glass, is found in large quantit- , ies at Ivigtut, an Eskimo hamlet on the southern coast of Greenland. | lemon juice, to all suffering from similar Mrs John Peterson, Detroit Har- bor, Wis. LESS MEAT IF BACK - AND KIDNEYS HURT | Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid- neys if Bladder Bothers You. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known author- ity, because the uric acid in meat ex- cites the kidneys, they become over- worked; get sluggish; clog up and | cause all sorts of distress, particular {ly backache and misery ii the kid- ney region; rheumatic twinges, se- vere headaches, acid stomach, consti- pation, torpid liver. sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys areu't acting right, or if blad- der. bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then uct fine. Ths famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and combined with lithja, ae has been used for generations 0 sh clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neu- tralize the acids In the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad- der disorders. Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent Ji. thia-water drink which millions of men nd women now and then to keep the kidneys and' urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. commended are at the present time receiving allowances amounting to $600 per month. This means that nineteen widowed mothers and sixty- three'children are receiving through | the Mothers' Allowance Commission J sufficient funds to provide the com- forts of-a real home, ------ti-- Painting Coat of Arms. A recent visitor to the Royal Mili- tary College was Capt. C. C. Shaw, R.C.A., Quebec city, who has spent the last few days at the college across |the bay preparing a painting of the new Canadian coat-of-arms; which | was recently authorized by His Maj- joty the King, As Capt. Shaw has obtained leave for two months, whick he intends to spend in England, a change in the sailing date of his boat obliged him to leave the completion of this painting until his return to the college. It is also his inten'jon to carry on with the painting of the | panels of the Sir Arthur Currie Hal; with the crests, battlepatches and numbers of the Canadian overseas units, in co-operation® with Major Stuart Forbes. Great Record of James Murphy. A very pleasant evening was spent on Nov. 14th Ford Moulton's, Jones' Falls, whes friends and neigh- to Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy. For twenty-three years Mr. Murphy has bors gathered togeher to do honor]. Thin, watery blood is no more rourishing than thin, watery milk --skim milk. But you can soon enrich thin blood, overcome the anaemic con: dition and build up the whole sys- tem by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Mrs. F. G. Simmons, 42 Cur- tis St., Brantford, Ont., writes: "For about cight sears 1 cuffered rom anaemia. My circulation was 3 IS gums and lips were pale. -- hands and feet wore always cold. | was nervous and usable to loep well. | had irequent hezdacles, seemed rectiess and eacily worried or irrite's I, There was a bezzin: comd in mr ears, Indigestion was glo one of my complaint, and 1 ofien was attacked by weak spells. 1 went to a doctor, wlio told me | was anaemic, but as | did not get any bet- ter | decided to try Dr. Chaes's Nerve Food, and after the fret box I felt brighter and my headaches complitely » I continued using the Nerve Food for quite a while. | am quite well now, saffering as | did before been a laborer on the Jones' Falls locks. During that time he has heen unsurpassed in faithful attendance and good work. Mr. Murphy made the wonderful record of being adbseat Pleadid medicime" Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, all dealers, or Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto, Means Blankets We have a big stock of All Pure Wool Blankets in White, Grey and colors. Best Scotch and Canadian makes --- that are most attractively priced from $5.50 A PAIR UP 'W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. minutes liter. Larocque, who been wounded in the spine by a splinter dt the battle of had since his return to Canada years ago, been the victim of Mother; Drank Acid. Mon , Nov. 24 --After kissing kis mo goodnight, Zetique Lar- Ocque, forty-four yedrs of age. an ex- Service man of the 22nd Battalion, drank carbolic acld ani died a few mittent fits of depression.