- "TH E DAILY BRIT ISH WHIG, ero. ~ooe Editor of Women's Page, Telephone 1724; Private phone 857w. . . - The "Fairy Play" that go delighted ths audience in Grant Hall on Tues- day evening, was repeated on Wed- nesday when the-loud applause that greeted the elves as they came dan- cing on the stage, called for a repeti- tion of the fairies dance. Again the fairy princess, Miss Audrey Hughes, ' that charming little actress, with a tender grace comforted the human boy, Billy Wilgar, who mourned the loss of a mother's love and rejoiced in true boy fashion when liberated by his sister, a part taken with much icleverness by Miss Jane Waddell, who is one of Kingston's best child actresses, The living bridge, making a pretty scene as the human cards shuffled and were played, the tricks being Brought back to the winner by the highest card.- The whole affair had the charm of novelty, and was much enjoyed by he aufliénce, . .- Mr. and Mrs, T. F. Bfirké&, Ports- mouth, on Wednesday evening gave a delightful party in hongy of their daughter, Kathryn, about fifteen of her friends being invited. Mry. Burke received the guests, assisted by Miss Kathryn Burke. Merry sounds of music, laughter and the patter of dancing feet arose, all en- tering into an evening's enjoyment with a zest. Shortly before eleven, a delicious supper was served, with covers laid for fourteen. Mrs, Burke poured coffee and Miss Kathryn cut the cake and served the many dainty confections. The gathering dispersed shortly after midnight with many ex- pressions of gratitude for the hospi- tality of the hostess. . + . Mrs. J. C. Murchie, Sydenham 'street, entertained at tea on Wed- mesday afternoon when the preity rooms with their glowing grate fires 'were filled with guests in smart frocks. Yellow chrysanthemums and lovely ferns were in the drawing room and in the tea room plak mums were on the daintily appointed ten @ oa a '1 For table use- pure,rich,and / AND DYERS, Parker's Dye Worl Limited J 69 Princess Street, ingston Life's Social Side 3 table which was in charge of Mrs. W. H. P. Blkins, Mrs. R. J. Leach, Miss Alison Maecdonéll, Miss Doris and Miss Gwendolen Folger, Miss Helen and Miss Doris McKay, Miss Helen Strange ang Miss Evelyp Nickle, y . LE Lord Jaa Lady Beatty will come from York to Ottawa on Satur- day. Their Excellenciés, Lord and weas apis : ight side Coat dress Rig Center Fronl Lady Byng, will entertain at dinner | n their honor and Lord Beatty will be the guest of the Canadian Club at a luncheon at the Chateau Laurier They will go to Montreal and to To- ronto before returning to New York next week. While in Ottawa they will be guests at Government House. | } The wedding of Miss Geraldine Regan, London, to Ernest R. Blueth- {ner, son 'of Mr. ana Mrs. WwW, WwW, Bluethner, of London, will take place | Saturday in Kingston, at the home jor the bride's sister, Mrs, James Rig- |ney., x Mrs. A. N. Lyster, Gore street, was the hostess of a emall musicale Wednesday - afternoon in honor of Miss Geraldine Regan, London, Ont, . * * h » Mrs. Archibald «Young, Union street, will entertain at the tea hour on Friday, in honor of Mrs, Harold Hackett, India. A No meeting of the Badminton Club | was held on Wednesday on account |of the Poultry Show in the Armour- | es, | . * | Mrs. Alexander Macphail, street, entertained at bridge on Wed- nesday afternoon, - » * Miss Jean Barrie, Ottawa, will spend a few days this week with Capt. and Mrs, M. J. Morrison, Al- | bert street, A. H, Fair, West street, left for England to-day en route to Singa- pore, where he will spend some months, returning to-Kingston in the spring. Capt. Norton, R. turned to town. Douglas Elliott, Belleville, win be in town for the medical dance, . * " C. H. A., has re- Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Denyes, Shan- nonville, will motor to Kingston for the medical dance, and will be with Major and Mrs. F. A. Walsh, Aber- deen avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Whiting, Clergy street, left for Toronto on Wednes- day, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, wii. liam street, and Miss Hilda Smith went to Toronto on Wednesday, ajor and Mrs. Charles Hanson, who were in town with Mrs, J. Bell Carruthers, Annandale," have re- turned to Montreal, . .. 3 Prof. P. G. C. Campbell, Prof. Sec- combe and Prof. Prince will go to To- ronto on Friday for the annual Balio] dinner that evening, Mrs. H. 0. Eyssell, Kansas City, spent a day in town this week with Mrs. John Nicolle, Barrie Street, go- ing on to Toronto to visit her moth- er, Mrs. Coleman Hinckley, Miss Eleanor Lyman, who is spend- ths In Montreal, is at ing some mon the Themis Club. Miss Rita Boyd, Prescott, 4s spend- ing a few days in Kingston with her sister, ® ®. Mrs. G. A. Robinson, Albert street, entertains the Thursday evening bridge club tonight, , Mrs. H, A. Lavell, Barrie street, who went to Toronto on Wednesday will return to town on Friday, . . Premier Meighien will be with Mr, and Mrs, W. F., Nickle during his visit to Kingston, Mrs. Donald Macphail, King sireet, is spending a few days in To- routo, i Miss Pratt, Ottawa, is the guest Amn $18.00 THE MINIMUM PRICE FOR DEPENDABILITY IN A MAN'S very low-priced Watches, To pay less than Eighteen Dollars for a Man's Gola- Filled Pocket Watch is to possess a timepiece of uncer- tain merit, in which you would take but doubttul,pride. E : If a watch is to be a dependable time keeper, its" delicately adjusted mechignism must be a product of good craftsmanship--e craftmanship not found among the * This moderate nriced Watch we are selling is a sturdy, practical time keepcr,"an ornament of real beauty, a wateh well suited to gratify the most exacting taste. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street « « = aw « KINGSTON 4 3 WATCH on Clergy | the right side of also on the si rever, is for line to the wai " The collar is cut on a single layer of material and joined fo the neck by matching the notches. 56 inches wide, are two yards. Ea 5 The diagram is easy to follow but if in making the coat I shall be glad to ans at Cosmopolitan Productions, 127th S BF] Original Design RI 4 Jian Jays | a Modal ¥a 13 {of Miss Street. | Mr. and Mrs. | "Rutland House", ronte this week. j 2 | What the Editor Hears ett Mary MacPhail, King Sandford Calvin, returned from To- | That Kingston hag some clever little actors and actresses. The chil- | dren who formed the caste of "Fairy | and," put on in Grant Hall this week, were graceful, Quite at their ease, and their clear gnunciation was a delight. Miss Peggy Miller, the Fairy Queen, has a wonderful grasp of the author's meaning and an equally wonderful power of interpre- ting it, with a charm that is lack- ing in many leading actresses. That evening dress scarf sleeves are much in evidence in New York, and sometimes the scarf forms a train, which, when fastened, makes a panel back. That church sales and the elections are the chief interests of the majority of the women of Kingston at present, That nothing so annoys a man as to have a women cheer him up by proving that he's lucky, when he's enjoying the exquisite luxury of feel- ing "abused." That twelve hundred guests ae- cepted -the invitation of tho news- paper women of Toronte when they entertained at the tea hour on Satur- day last in Jenkin's art galleries, That the big basaar at the Notre Dame convent, is one of the events of the week. BRITISH WOMEN > FOR CANADA A---- = Miss St. John Wileman, who has been engaged for many years in try. ing to improve the conditions for wo vened a successful conference at the Women's Institutute, London, last week to discuss the establishment of overseas settlements for women on the group system and the manner in Which they should be trained for the various industries proposed to ba carried on in them. The settlenients, ' it is proposed, slould be located on the outlying parts of the big towns and the in- dustriés would, so far as possible play into each other's hands. All the lighter forms of farming, .such as poultry keeping, pig breeding, bae- keeping, fruit raising, dairying ete.. would be included in the programme. Also weaving, for which there. is a great field open owing to the unlim- ited supplies of flax. Glove making and fur making and finishing woula be two very suitable trades, and thes canning of fruit would be a profit- able source of revenue. It is proposed that women who are desirous of going out to Canada 1% earn their living in one one of these ways should train themselves in this country at one of the tentres Where arrangements' would be made for their reception df a course. At Kensington-on-Thames, for instance, there is a flourishing weaving insti- tution. A breeder of pigs in the country has expressed himself as quits willing to receive pupils and testifies to his belief tha: women make the best pig breeders. Other industries would provide opportuni ties for treining on similar lines. It is not propbsed that the scheme at first should apply to women with- out any means, as it would probably be necessary for them to pay for part of their training and to have 'a cer- tain sum fo* support during the fArst year of their residance in Canada, It| a A RE 0 This is uvetyn off with the new fur fabric. It is off. shades according to personal tastes. The back of the dress is cut on the fold on a single layer The dotted line indicates the center front. The material from the collar or neck men emigrants to the dominions, con- | § A Coat Dress Trimmed in Fur or Fabric and Inexpensive 1 Any Gir By MARION DAVIES, br Screen Star of = a coat dress of d | by folding back the with Astrakhan trimming or finished ective in blue, brown or black of any the lengthwise fold of Two and one-half required and of the fur or wer any questions. Address me treet, New York City, A little shaken toilet bowl! from odors into the it Free" of Duvetyn Can Make this Winter Coat by Marion Davies. "The Restl * "Buried Treasure," hates Som. ote. the material, of material and the left side to three yards of material, fabric one and one-half tg there should be any difficulties aglow with health, f AMERICAN DAMSELS OFF TO STARTLE PARIS. Photo shows Misses Claire Miriam Folger, attired in the which they sailed from New York on the Aquitania. T expect to astonish their Parisian sisters. is hoped, however, to induce the Brit- ish and .Canadian governments to contribute towards the cost of the women's passages when. improved conditions enable the Dominion goy- ernment to remove the present re- strictions ox immigration, Dr. Tol- mie, the Canadian minister of agri- culture, is much interested in the scheme which, it is understood, has his hearty approval. The ~conlerence was attended by (representatives of Women's Socie- ties, clubs, schools and training insti- STROUD'S TEA | Delicious, healthful refreshing 109 Princess St. Phone 849, DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS FOk WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delayed and Paintul Menstruation. Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by mail. -Price $2.00, Knickerbocker Remedy Co., 71 E. Front Be, To- ronto, Canada. F whether they need it or not. ing money one has made through tions on making money. A young lady in-the Middle West is making quite a little money in her spare time collec- ting information for advertis- ers. Realizing the monetary value of information repeated at the right moment she has made arrangements with a number of advertisers who pay her a flat price for her servic- es. For jnstance, she learns that John Smith intends build- ing a house, she reports the fact to the manufacturers of building materials; paint, fur- niture, and so forth. If Jack and Jill are seen a great deal in each other's company, the '| a keen intorest in thé scheme. One cup A to To-morrow's - HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble and in hey Soorenson, Anna Kahle knickerbocker costumes FRIDAY, NOV. 25. While the planetary movements for this day are of a conflicting na- " . ture, with care, business may be kept tut ; and business e ts con- ' grions; and busta Xpen |in good condition. The * danger nected with the wvaricus industries | concerned in the scheme gave infor threatening is born of a tendency to mation on their respoctive work. A esolution was passed |Bressive, with a disposition to fly to unanimous | urging the necessity for taking fur- law for redress for slight injuries in- Leited by quarrels and ash judgment. Y easures to axpedite ar- Der Fromm ri selecting, ar | There may be delays.and disappoint- 4nd settling vomen in small groups |Ments, but these may be overcome overseas ,s0 that they can support | With the passing of the baneful Sat- themselves in remunerative indus-|urnian influence, Treacherous condi- tries. tions should be met with caution. Mies Wijefan informed the Do- minion Neve fervice "hat Lady Halg Gor Whee Dietiiday h 1s have both taking 8 perplexing . year, and Lady Robertson gre calling for cool judgment and well governed conduct. They/ should avoid quarres and litigation. A child born on this day may be inclined to be hasty and impulsive and over- ambitious unless well-trained in ear- Japanese women are. ging _up smoking, due to the uplift work be- ing carried on in that country. For- be tumultuous, headstrong and ag- |. than seven cups of 3 eggs. It makes a assimilated without digestive effort. Now at all Canadian druggists 50c, 85¢, and $1.50 BRITISH--and used throughot the sc A. WANDER LIMITED, (Canadian Office) 27 Front St. E., Toronte a . Sn ur children brimmin robust Let "Ovaltine" be their daily beverage and your children will be robust er gas with active sturdy limbs, and cheeks "Ovaltine" is super-nourishment in the form of a Sejicions Lists, allsthe rich nerve ments extracted from ripe creamy milk, fresh eggs and OVALT TONIC FOOD NaproNic fo of "Ovaltine" supplies more nourishment ealth 2 th ele barley malt, cocoa. NE cocoa, 12 cups of beef extract or delicious beverage which is trial sample sent on cover cost of receipt of five packing and ---- id's Cream NI ------------ Grow Your Hair FETT ober bu, pepo che ao a Eu a ' imped You pend a Fa op FEET I die 1. ne Oriental ' > Use the classified advertisements to beat a bad augury. Use them t¢ merly all classes of women in Japan ly lite. smoked in public as well as in their p lay a good one to the limit. homes, Queen Marie of Roumania is a keen business woman and has taken upon her shoulders the responsibil- ity of rebuilding the industry in her country, Six days' rioting in Belfas. cost SIN HOW TO MAKE MONEY. « 4W women are averse to making pin money. It doesn' There is special pleasure ane' 5 re will a ar on this Each.day there pe Fach article Will give women readers of he Whig an idea that may Le turned into No. 33--Collecting Information for Advertising. aighteen lives. A Ne SN t matter in spend. own initiative and resources. € one of a series of sugges- holder to qualify. & moneymaker, Folders regarding the fact is reported to several jew- elry houses who make an ef- fort to sell an engagement ring, to be followed later with 'a wedding ring, 'And if they © are to set 21 housg keep ng the furniture uses hear of it promptly, Mothers of infants are not neglected, in fact there is always a big market for 3 these names, as baby wants a nice wardrobe, baby may re- Quire melted milk or'a sooth- ing syrup. Nothing escapes the eye--or the ear---of this bright 8irl, and to put dt in her own worde, she has "picked up® many a dollar out of the idle gossip of neighbors." There are now Electric Cleaner. prizes for the best venient, write us. THE 268 Our dealers have been su What Name Should Go Here? We will give $500.00 in_cash for the best name, and seven other prizes. It is easy for every house- pplied with Prize Contest $1,000 PRIZE CONTEST 14 reasons for buying an Ohio Six superior features-and eight names. : Ask our dealer for a copy--or, if more cone * The United Electric Co. of Canada Limited 82 Chestnut Street - Toronto, Can. - » Public Utilities HYDRO SHOP Princese Strect