Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Nov 1921, p. 12

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DIH M_ HSTL 1 ug A 11va IH I : SATURDAY, NOV. 26, 1021, ' 5 [cents higher; bulk bolognas, $3.25 to $3.50; calves, bulk vealers, $7 to THE MARKET REPORTS $7.75; stockers and feders, 15 to| 25 cents higher; bulk $5 to $6. ¥ Deposit Your C eposit Your Coupons om > y GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto, Nov, 25.--Cattle -- But WHEN you cut the coupons from your -- cher steers, choice, §5.50 '0 $6.25; | Victory Bonds or other securities, - Winnipeg. {£90d, $5 to $5.50; medium, $4 to $5; | the logical place to put them is into your | Winnipeg, Nov. 25.-- Wheat-- No. |common, $3 to $4: butcher heifers, | savings account. {1 hard, $1.12 1-8; No. I, Nor, choice, $5.50 to $6.25; 'medium, $i | 3 $1.11 5-8; No, 2 Nor. $1.08 5-5, Ito 5; common, $3 to ~§4; butter | At any branch of this Bank, you can No. 3 Nor, $1.02 1-2; No. 4,[cows, $4 to $4.75; medium, $3 to] open a savings account with your coup-. 98 1-8¢; No. 5, 91 1-8¢; No. 6,[$3.50.. Canners and cutters, $2 <o| ons, or we will cash them for you with. [83 1-8¢; feed, 75 1-8c: track, $1.06 { $2.50; butcher bulls, good $3.50 to | out making any charge. 7-8. $4.50; common, $2 to $3; feeding | | sm Oats--No. 2 C. W., 45 5-8c; Nd. |steers, good, $5 to $5.50, fair, $4.50 | 3 C. W. 43 5-8c; extra No. 1 feed, 45 [to $5; stockers, good, $4 to $4.50; | py. Fr tre es ey) . THE | 5-8¢c No. 1 feed, 41 5-Sc; No. 2 feed, |fair, $3 to $4. STANDARD BAN K {39 7-8¢; rejected, 36 3-8c; track, Calves, choice, $10 to $11; med!- ¢ 44 3-8¢c. ° um, $8 to $10; common, $3 '0 $6; OF CANADA Barley--No, 3 C. W., 57 3-4c; No. [milch cows, choice $80 to $10u; TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS 4 C. W., 54c; rejected, 47 3-4c; feed, [springers, choice, $90 to $110. Antonio :--*'I thank my fortune for it : 47 3-4c; track, 56 3-Sc. | Hoes, selects, $5.90; lights, $6.90; My ventures are not in all one bottom trusted i : on Flax--No. 1 N. W. C., $1.73 5-8; [heavies, $7.90; sows, $4 to $5.50. . Kingston Branch: . - J. F. Rowland, Marager. | _F'2 CW. $1.69 5.5; No. 3 C.W.. Nor in one place." ! $1.43 1-2; rejected, $1.43 1-2; track, Buffalo. Merchant of Venice. (Shakespeare.) ret | $169. Bast Buffalo, Nov. 25.--Cat'le, » Rye--No. 2 C.W,, 89 1-4c. shipping steers, $7 to $8.50; butch- ers, $6.75 to $8; yearlings, $9 to - Toronto, [$10; heifers, $4 to $7; cows, $1.75, Wh In t m WwW V t ure Your Pocket Toronto, Nov. 25. --- Manitoba (to $5; bulls, $3 to $5; stockers and! cn ves ent as a cn : : {wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.21 1-2; feeders, $5 to $5.50; fresh cows and In the days of the Merchant of Venice most forms of in: used as a bank has many dis. {No. 2 northern, §.18 1-2; No. 3 nor. springers slow and steady, $40 to the Dt s community were of a highly Ee Snvadeent EY 5. {thern, $1.12 1-2; No. 4 wheat not $13 ; n in the shape of ventures in trade across distant seas. It was advantages. | | Calves, $3 to $10.50. ; Y suoled oalsNb. 3 CW. 39c:| Hogs Beavs 37 10 $7.25: mixed, therefore deemed prudent not to put all one's eges in one basket, lest " Monsy carried in itis 0g) to No. 3 C.W., 50 i-2¢; extra No. 1, 50 $7.25 to $7.50; yorkers, $7.50 to the basket come to grief, : / spend on trifles or ma e lost {1-2¢; No. 1 feed, 48 1-2c; No. 2 feed, $7.60; light yorkers, $7.75 to $8; i i a Kiko Eien do pie ad eh, 414 5 ES To pen ao par i. Tome we my . | Manitoba barley--No. 2 C.W., no- $4 to $4.50. : | Securie.ce : packed y : ht © u nation, the provinces, or the } No. 2 C.W., po-, municipalities in which the risk is nil. Weekly deposits in our Savings Bank [ninal; No. 4 C.W., nominal. Lambs, $4 to $9.50; yearlings, p will accumulate rapidly. All above on track, bay ports. {$3.50. to $7; wethers, $4.50 to For thirty years Aemilius Jarvis & Co., Limited have been buying : 4.75; ew 5 ; A ; A Small or large accounts are welcome. Smee rh 2 Jetiow, Sée. Jigs; hei RW nau for and advising clients on the intricate and technical points of security ntario oats--No. , | investments, and with this long experience we are in a position to I H [A inal, according to freights outside. bs E CANAD N BANK Ontario wheat--Car lots, f.0.b. GENERAL TRADE. render service of positive value to investors. OF COMMERCE shipping points according to freights; Write for our mont] ly "In Guide." No. 2 winter, $1.05 to $1.10; No. 3 Montreal. it o Capital Paid up $15,000,000 winter, $1.02 to $1.07; No. 1 com-| Montreal, Nov. 25.--Butter--No.. . Reserve Fund $15,000,000 mercial, 95c to $1.06; No. 2 spring, {3 fresh made butter, 40c per lb.; Before you invest, consult us. Ki 98¢ to $1.03; No. 3 spring, nominal; creamery 40c per 1b.; dairy 30c¢; " Branch, & Clergy Sts. Branch JT. Brymner, No. 2 goose, nominal. {cooking butter, 26c; oleomargarine, er Ontario barley, No. 3 test, 47 lbs. 24c per lb. eq ° or better, 57c to 60c. | Eggs, No. 1, 45¢c; extras, 52c; spe- mi us | Buckwheat--No. 1, nominal, 67c cilas, §0c. Ve | to 69¢c; better 52¢ to 60c. | Ham--large size, 26¢c; smal size, Jarvis Building LIMITED 35C. Avenue, Buckwheat--No. 1, nominal, 68c 28c; cooked, 40c 1b. 103 Bay Street, ESTASLIINED London.EC2. FOR SALE to 70c. Bacon--Windsor boneless, 46¢ per Toronto, Canada. 1891 Cranoniis Ing Rye--No. 2, 83c to 84c. Ib.; breakfast, 28c to 32c per lb. . INVESTMEN 3 SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON BARRIE STREET--south side | Manitoba flour--Firet patent,| Dressed poultry--Milk-fed chick-; T BAN KERS Princess; electric lights; 3-piace bath; nicely decorated. $3,600 [$7.30; second patent, $6.80. ens, 39c to 40c Ib.; selected chickens, CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE on Colborne Street--S8 rooms: | Ontario flour--30 per cent. patent, |34 to 85c; fowls, 26¢ to 28¢; geese, 2 storey and attic; electric lights; gas; 2 piece bath--$3,700. | lots, delivered, $4.60;. mill feed, car 30c; turkeys, 45c to 46¢c; ducks, 34c Many city homes to choose from. Also some good farms {lots, delivered, Montreal freights, {to 35¢ per Ib. priced right. |bags included: Bran, $22 per ton; | Dressed hogs--Fresh killed abat-| ~~" shorts, $24 per ton; good feed flour, |toir stock. $14.50 to $15 per 100 | 5 M. B. TRUMPOUR joe: Sna 4110 so 4134, $22; mixed, ate ion peas, $4 bus.; wae THE KINGSYQN MARKET Valuable Residence. Excellent Location. 11134 BROCK STREET = . PHONE 704 or 1461w. $18; straw, car lots, $12. beans, $3.50. - Millfeed--Bran, $22.25, per tom, New York. ex-track; shorts, $24.25, New York, Nov. 25.--Flour, spring | Rooled oats--Standard grades, Dairy Products. $2.80 to $2.85 per 90-1. bag, deliv-- Creamery butter, 1b. .. .42 to .45! patents, $6.50 and $7; spring clears, ford bh ta $4.50 and $5.50; soft winter | 0 y . . | Duiry butter. ........ 40 | straights, $5.50 and $5.75; hard win- | Potatoes -- Quebec, white stock, \ywyoy pyeer "00, .35 | KINGSTON AGENCIES. Li it d ter straights, $6.25 and $6.75. J5 to $1.25 per bag of 90 1bs., ex- Fggs, fresh, doz. ...... 65 to 70] i 'y mi e Rye Flour, fair to good, $5.25 to | 'Tack. Oleomargarine .. 25 J. O. HUTTON. B. G. ROBERTSON $5.50; choice to fancy, $5.50 to Toronto. Cheese ...... . 2 | Phone 703 67 Clarence Street. /1 h M y I : t t t dhe / W V Toronto, Nov. 256.--Butter, dairy 3.2 3 = : : ' ol Vegetabl 7 1 one 0 n es Buckwheat Flour, $3 to $3.20: per 45c to 800; Do. eredimery. 43¢ 10 Beats, : Tl, in es. nL Kingston, Nov. 25th For price and terms apply 100 lbs. - 53c; Eggs, fresh, doz., 90c to $1; | & We Invite a Careful Reading eranmiied $1.30 0 3 "7 cho, ope, oe tu, args ERR Bit ef fn fat 2 0 MeNamee? * Rye No. 2 estern, 92 3-4c f.0.b, |POUIUIY--chickens, Spring, 1b., 35¢|Carrots, 2 bunches ... 5! Deer skins . 10c¢ per Io. | C a 8S of This Message New York and 91 1-4¢ c.i.f. export. jo 30e tow); B. 25 > 308; Sucks Potatoes, bag sass '6c per 1b. ' Barley, feeding 61 to 55c and ES, Ds c to ¢; turkeys, 'r| Sweet potatoes, 2 Ibs, .... 28 Ginseng .. 39 ber lb. Patent f 50c to/60c; beets, bag, 75¢c to $1; | Beeswax, cl 33c perld W. C. Durant is the outstanding figure in the Automobile | Maiting 60 to 64c c.Lf. New York. |. hpages, bBL, $2 to $2.50: carrots, ' ge Fen ° Industry today. As President of the General Motors Corp. , Buckwheat, milling, 31.65 per 190 1,35 "99¢' to 31; celery, doz., large,| Bananas, doz. 50 Pomlt Bobsle h of the United States, he brought this euterprise, which |ibs. w. |B0c to 86c; do., crates, $4.50; cu-|Grape truit .. 8 onions, wT. 35 0.3 18 Oohy caha to its rs oat ae Ie i umobile Wheat, No. 8 red, 31.20 1:4; No, cumbers, hoth'e, doz., $3.50; Mush-|Lemons, dozen TE2s. -35 | Hens dressed ib: 120 to 25 Lighter draft and® the only correct Being the biggest factor a the Automobile industry theecgh 2 hard, $1.17 1-2; No. 1 Manitoba, | rooms, 11 qt., $3 to $3.50; Onions, | Oranges, doz. ... RT ' i vo ""%| ting Tor pitch holes. Ae: No. 2 mixed durum, $1.08 1-2 sack, $5.50 to $6; Parsnips, bag, . | Recommended by all who use them. c. track New York to arrive 5 0 It in 1 th de LL 2 Y . +181 to $1.25; peppers, 11 2 t » w ay u to vi 0 . » pepp ' qt., Cc tc M . ; Js +a i oh y ve : glve em a oh In January, 1021, W. C. Durant formed the Durant Motors, Corn, No. 2 yellow, 69¢c; No. 2 |40c; potatoes, Ontarios, bag, $1.40 ag | Inc. of the United States, and in 48 hours the yt white, 70¢c; No. 2 mixed, 68 1-2 c.il. [to $1.50; do., New Brunswick, bag, |. Pf' : | Bran, $24 to 326 | Cor. Princess and Alfred . stock of $5,000,000 was over-subscrihed, without public New York lake and rail. $1.60 to $1 75: tomatoes 11 at: Porterhouse steak, 1b...q : $26 10 $23 | Retdence 118 Colborne. Phone 2373w. storing. | axis sock, Jove at #14 per share, has since Oats, No. 2 white, 45¢, 40¢c to $1; do., hothouse, Ib., 25c¢ to Round Steak, Jb. ae NA 23 [Rackupiat ton ..$28.00 to FN IFRS Eee ss . ? 35c; turnips, bag, 75¢ to 80c; apples EB outs, ID cree: : at 0 % | Hay, loose, ton $28.00 | Finnan haddie, 1b. .... 13 N --- In 141 days after the Long Island plant was in operation Chicago. B.C. delicious, box, $4 to $4.50; do., Nesters Et. *s 13 | Corn; yellow fead, bush. 85 .30 | Haddoch, fresh, Ib, .... 12% they had signed Siders with deposits on hang for over $31,- Chicago, Nov: 25.--Cash whea' No. |Spy, bbl, No. 1, $8 to $8,50; banan- Pork: : gE "| Flour, standa | Halibut, 1b, veeee26 to 30 000,000 worth of Durant cars, and the wholehearted co- 2 hard, $1.10. Corn, No. 2 yellow, |as, Ib, 8c to 8 1-2¢c; cranberries, : Lewy ris, $4 to $4.20 | Kippers, pair ......... .operation of the worth-while dealers throughout the States. 51c; No. 3 yellow, 50 1-2c, Oats, No. | Howes, box, $13; do. New Jersey, Lotm: yoasts, 1b 25 to 43 { Oat:. local 45 50 | Perch, 1b, ' As a business accomplishment, 'his is a feat unheard of, but 2 white, 35 to 37%c; No. 3 white, (bbl, $25; dates, case, $5.25 to : Straw, baled, t 312 ¢ 14 | Pike, Ib and co the investing 33'3-4¢. Barley, 54 to §7c. Timothy- | $7.25; figs, 1b.; 26¢ to 32c; grapes, for Sho IE owt 25 a3 Straw. ors. ton rent 354 bike, a ib trade everywhere have in W. C. seed, $5 to $6. Cloverseed $12 to |Emperor, keg, $7.50 to $8; do., Mal- Hogs dressed, cwt. .... $14.00! Wheat, local $1.00 to $1.10 | Steak, cod, Ib, $18.50. Pork. nominal, Lard, $8.62. |aga, keg, $13 to $16; grapefruit, Deacon skins } ier | Trout, salmon, 1b. Mr Durant - is now planning to manufacture his cars in Can- Ribs, $6 to $7.50. See 0 lo $5.75; pears, case, $50 0 1-0 tv RR) wire and I" 1s = nice way to put| White fish ant for this purpose has been acquired at Leaside to $5.75; emons, Messina, case, . : . 3 ita" | Herri osh "1b. (a suburb of Toronto), and actual production will be under Minneapolis. $5.75; do., California, $6.50 to $7; For Stiff Neck 9 ji and it encourages the Wife, wo. | erring, fresh," lb. way by March 1st, 10232. Minneapolis, Nov. 25.--Flour un- ranges, case, $6 to $8; pomegran- And Sore Throat! Bato, hresktas: Fides and Wool The capital stock of this company is $3,000,000. There is changed to 25c higher; in carload ates, case, $3 to $3.50; cocoanuts, Immediate relief comes from rub: | Fronts, Ib. quarter 2 .14| Wool, per 1b., unwashed ...8 to 10¢ only one class of stock--common, with a par value of $10. : lots, family patents, quoted at $7.3b sack, $8. ~ | bing Nerviline over the chest and |fiinds. 1b quarter 20 | These shares have a valuable conversion privilege into the to $7.50 a barrel, in 98-pound cotton lower part of the neck. Rub in (yee |p "og | : t company. Of this amount $1,500,000 will be issued. sacks. Shipments, 179 barrels. Disorders which have caused |deeply--Iots of rubbing helps. Nervi- |' = Ib fg Hide Market 1 . Durant and his associates have evidenced their confl« Bran, $14 to $16.00. Wheat, cash, | twenty-seven deaths since Sunday, | line reaches the congested parts at as, Dread vein 1 Beet hides. 45 Tbs. and down. Be . No. 1.northern, $1.23 7-8 to $1.2» appear to have subsided with the ar-| O0¢e, relieves tightness, takes out a. 1b Wil 2 » | Beef hides, 650 Ibs. and up. . i" 6c 1b. 7-8; December, $1.17 1-8; May, $1.-| rival of military reintorcements from the soreness. A bottle of Nerviline | RCA To 39 | Kups : motion stock has been or will be issued. -2 to in the home relieves a hundred ills, | >susage meat Ib, : 17 1-4. Corn, No. 3 yellow, 43 1 Dublin, internal and external. Used for | Calfskins 12¢ per Ib, , The balance we are offering to the public at $10 per share. 44c. Oats, No. 3 white, 29 3-4 to 31c. Montreal coroner asks suppression nearly half a century, as a general When one considers the phenomenal success that has at- Flax, No. 1, $1.77 1-2 to $1.86 1-2. of names of poisons and implements houdehold remedy. Large bottles [Cod, 1b. .............. 15 to 12% | If you abuse it, credit is & thing | {tended Mr. W. C. Durant's efforts, the tremendous domestic --_-- used to take life. 35c., at all dealers. | Eels, | MRA +- 12% | that will not stay with you long, ' "and export market for a moderately-priced car, and the Chicago. L | atin support the investing public have given him, we feel justi- Chicago, Nov. 25.--Cash wheat -- 3 - ; af fled in stating that we consider this offering an exceptional No. 2 hard, $1.10. & -- * : ¥ PPoniey. : Corn, No. 2 yellow, 51¢; No. 3 yel- Early subscriptions to this issue lead us to believe that it low, 50 1-2e¢, a . ill be well over-subscribed. WW¥ therefore suggest action Oats, No. 2 whits, 35 "t 37 1-2 a if you wish to participate in this offering at present prices. No. 3 white, 33 1-2 to 35c. u Orders may be telephoned egraphed Rye, No. 2,83 to 83 3-ic, i our > ot eb Barley, 64 to 37°. : at expense, - the. application fi below 1s & convenient method of ordering. Timothy Seed, $5 'o $6. ) Clover Seed, $12 tc $18.50, Pork, marke: nominal, Rictiaro ON, SHEPPARD & Thorson Laci, feds, = a - MITES eo NVESTMEN SECURITIES LIVE, ua : i" ROYAL BANK BUILDING, TORONTO. rr 7) A circular and complete information will be mafled upon request, Montreal, Nov. 25.--Cattle--But- tr : cher steers good, $5.25 to $5.50; i 7 CLIP HERE medium, $4.50 to $5.25; common, BES VALU E FJ R eT Er nee amma ~ n= [$3301 $4.35; Butcher heifers, Date. ..ccvveiisiiiiiiaisennses i 1021 [cholce, $5.00 to $5.50; medium, Richardson. She pard 2 Yharhubn, 144, $3.75 to $4.75; common, $2.25 to . Royal Teron $3.50; butcher cows, choice, $4.00 to Dear Sirs ns shares of Durant Motors of Canada, | 34-50; medium, $2.50 to $3.75; can- Capital Stock, at $10.00 per share. Please find enclosed cheque fo ners, $1.50 to $1.75; cutters, $2.00 to Limited, + |$2.25; butcher bulls, common, $2.50 to $3.00. Grass Veal, $2.50. . NAME (i.iiseessvivsrtensencrsesssnnnersssanansenes' Ewes, $1.00 to $3.50; lambs, good ' $8.00 to $8.25; common, $7.00 to ADDRESS ....oiivnenssnssiossion $7.50. The general quotation for Please write platnly. : hogs was $9.25. SE | oT co, FINEST QUALITY -- , -- top beef steers, $10; weight- f FA 8 quite likely that you and Ty It is said that most fish, but trout bo bulk, ha to eraas . ® would have more charity if weiin particular, know what the wea. cher she stock, largely $3.50 to $5 ° : ip. Oftener imagine ourselves in|ther is going to be 3%: : ; y ; Rich-R Mell Vi inia Ce te on avn, TH an meyee: | Kich-Ripe-Mellow Virginia Tobacco 5 3 . | sauiisiieassnss, Dolng 25% of total amount. It is understood that the balance will be paid upon delivery of the stock. J v or fellow's place. four hours in advance, bulk, $2.60 to $2.75; bulls 10 to 15 -

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