THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Nov. 2a, om. Rorssrsesernsises GRAND TONIGHT | TH E P FE OP LE 'S F O R UM ; | es SIF nn : & THE REX STOCK CO. Presenting of vehement protest against the + NEW YoRk's "A PAIR OF SIXES" renewal of war in Ireland in FUNNIEST FARCE Vaudeville Between Acts. the event of a collapse of Irish 4 | BRICES: _20-30c-50c. Gallery 10c, Sateian Matinee 10 and 25c. a negotiations is raised by the " | morning Papers following a SUNDENSED AD ERTISING RATES ; WANTED GENERAL | I FOR SALE le meeting, of Premier Lloyd hatin -8ertion, ic vor Ach con-) -------- an ara ----F ! ~~ a 3 on Sam wo Ri iberentier, walt eer re FOUND | SE BAR, FEMALE, HSS aPRLT 3 corse With the Ulster premier : aad co FRIDAY EVENING, A RED AND : Seed Gust one insertion, 25¢; three irsertions, | 2 ed 1 ) \ 80 cents, | White spotted hound. Owner OME BRASS A IQUE #IANO LAMY,! - eee eee . An : ty 2 Thi The above rates are for cash « may have same by applying { With shade. Apply Box U-28 Whig [¢ +4 LER RRR ey +P a » Encyclopedia | when charged they are do: ING h to Mrs. Fogarty, over Sar- ee Jen charge =| 3; Bed aod Bent's drug store, Princess SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONE) ncn er n Street, ° order. They are payable every. TO REPEAT CONCERT = Sea. ' HELP WANTED. - > FERNISHED APARTH , MAN'S DRIVING GLOVE. where. L THREE NIGHTS . 4 < < i MAN : oo! TO or ---------------- . > MAID FOR LAUNDRY WORK. APPLY | toealiy: ox Bn I% hig Of- Owner may have same at TWO SETS OF LIGHT BOB SLEIGHY, At the Notre Dame Convent on Mon. ut . ApDiy ox 4s h > Ya for a 3 ; ~ . Kingston General Hospital. icy 1 | John Craig's, 281 Bagot St. also 5 hp. motor. New Englan day Evening. - TWO MATINEES ov ° Bakery. wo ------ ----e | TTERRIE On Monday eveni he Sist GENERAL SERVANT: REFERENCE 0 N FOR PUI A RAT TERRIER, ABOUT SIX - -- - ------ - Y evening the ers AT Ba AYE uEFENENCHY AE ne EY ¥ Bronce vid Jw Der may jitte DRESS SUN iN FIRST CLASS CONDI of Notre Dame, convent will present COMMENCING MONDAY NIGHT Sruck Street. 'ery hoine riefic : : = Ae Nn : i es. Biuch Yiree 2 { Stephen's riefield. Phone 1179F. for the second time the concert giv- EVENINGS at 8.13. MATINEES I ues. and Wed. Afternoons at 2.30 B ~ PETENT, EXPERI. ---- og . : a I iy Se . : CHEVROLET HUB CAP, oN | 1100 Nban or noo IN PRIMED Dy their pupils on the opening The Metro Presentation of Vincente Blasco Ibanes' Internationally z . Mimat d hodee i geural A) . Raglan Road. Owner may condition at Dolan's HarnesssStore, night of their bazaar, Everyone who Famed Novel EN AND DRAKEM BEGIN. | : s io be haudied ili; | Dave Sonn. LToSk Sted Princess Street. sa wthe exhibition of talent that ev- FIREMEN Years' experienc ening was surprised and pleased with 3 - i - EE ---------------------- oy 4 ' 2) y \ MA. ners §150. Later $250.; (which DPOB | ee e---- -------- . : AN EDISON MOVING PICTURE F ' y Cc > 3 Trks es . ON SATURDAY LAST, IN chine; Al condition; cheap for Yon) Write Railway, care sritish | WILL LUARAN TEE GOOD HE y Steacy's store, lady's umbrel. quick' buyer. Phone '1571. the splendid portrayal of the various THE : toe Shop Eo0d salistagti ke la and small black purss, characters by the different pupils. NG HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ws cuntaining pearl rosary. Ap. IF YOU HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE WonING HUvY) a ANTI ly handled. Apply ph ply Steacy's Ltd. see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagot and Jack and Jill were there in real life OF THE 4 POC AIL YP SE be good cook and have c.ty refer- ROOF REPAIRING -- HOw T ER, Du Queen. Phone 410J. {O'Connor and Mary Alice Murray. tlh Doilbanll. Booomdil | NG. = . Be ---- trois 2 ply Box 1-00. Whig. We 'uso Does it need repairing? | | A Eg a upnen, i FORD )ROADSTER, COULD ALSO mr:|Personified very ably in Dorothy , sais Argus Roof-proot. "| Hh fool. Uwner aay have same used as light truck. A snap. :'alm- Sylvia Menard was little Boy Blue, The Cinema Sensation of the ventury - Augmented Orchestra LADIES--WASNTED To DO pPLALN,, acd Covent inet ' h sewing at home; whole or spare card to F. Cover ry. 5 'Ba r by Applying to 192 Division | er, cor. Bagot and Queen. trumpet and all. Unity Woods hung- Make your reservations NOW and avoid disappointme: All y p y t ii -| I, > > Co 3 . - BE ie Gi Fm tonsa || SAS LI 4 Ht LMS, (EWE BX ly cating pi, mimicned on sere ar. reer. jo Lick, Notional Jam And lowest price. Joi Black, | A TT ndecs St, Saturday nignc, Ean Be ecelle equipped | Simon, Bo-Peep's lament for her lost MATS,......28¢, be, 75e. 1.00. EVENINGS 23¢, 50c, 78c., #1, $1.50 Iacturing Company, Montreal. | ada street, I £ Fall | Ownég nay have same at the With new non-skid tires. Apply sheep was voiced by Audrey Doyle, = we WANT 3, RELIADLL Ais! ---------- Lom. Ya Service. Boyd's Garage. while Mary O'Connor pleased every agent for each epresented coun- { | - - - 0 = or territory. kxciusive selling | wANTED EWING, PLAIN SKIRTS, | FOUND JARTICLES ADVER- THIRTY POUNDS DAYTON COMPUT- one .with her cute interprotation of » i . 3 a > . Scale--second hand-- guaran- rights; good pay io energetic re Blouses, Lingerie, etoh. also croct ] ing Scal <n : ! Mis resentutiven Vous agency is valu works daisy oi 2 Re oroches | TISED FREE seed accurate two years; may be Little Miss' Muffet. Two larger girls avle, Write Pelham Nursery Co made for Christmas; prices reason- A findl hi a yen atin set, un-lably represented Mother Goose and loronto, Ont. abl Mrs. M, $14 ear pyone finding anything an 0 : . v : Toronto Bireo: Irs. M. Rupert, 104 Qu | Wishing to reach the owner may Santa Claus, Dorothy Bary was the AKE MONEY AT HOME, $15 T0 $60) -- ee =====------ || du %0 Ly reporting the facts t FARM--100 ACRES IN THE TOWN- | quaint old Mother, in her long, a Pald weekly for your spare ti ¥ -- The Britisn Whig. The adver. #hip of Pittsburg. Terms Part cal, pointed hat and the rotund Santa THURSDAY, DEC. 1 Writing show cards for us. No can | tisement will be printed in this baiance easy payments. Apply lo (ONE NIGHT ONLY) vascing. We instruct and supply RE A -- | column free of charge, Cunningham & Smith, 79 Clarence was nicely portrayed by Eileen Mur- A 1 A YOu With Work. West-Angus show | NE SE, THREE-PIECE BATH; "Found articles" does not in- Street, Kingston, Ontario. ray, who had in her train this group : = E Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, Tu-| ectric light. Central Apply at clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, at - Cm gress. | . ronto. 10% Raglan Road || ete. These, If lost, may be ad- | NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA 'COZY'] of merry Frosties: D, Burke, E. Cas- " aro ! vertised for in the "Lost column. home and steady Inc onie for mod- terton, E Carty, J Beaudorn L GOUVD WAGES FOR HOME WORK--| FIRST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD; i est investment in glorious climate | te » Ha. ty, . ' . we need yeu to make socks on the all conveniences. Apply 376 Bar. With wonderful resources. No pro Christley, M. Nourry, M. Doran, K ~lei 4 ilitter; ie or phone 2235w. SRETITL - position ever ordered compares ee aniaily ned ne Koiver EW ie : : With ours. Write to-day; full par- Purtell, B. Stasack, L. Lemmon, L. immaterial; positively no canvass- | -{ ) iL ROOM, WITH BOARD IF Dp | ; Re Aine, larrison & Jlctas- Roberts, E. De La Roche, Then the Ing, yarn supplied; particulars, ic sired; all conveniences. Apply 31 » y h " " ¥ - stamp. Dept. 15-C, Auto Knitter Co., King street, or phone 2257, [A LADY'S UMBRELLA, LEFT Iv err - PRESTR drama, "Through Darkness to Light Toronto, A GAR A m------------------ | Some store on Princess street. Find. THAT VALUABLE Pl ERT v | Was presented by the other girls, Am- ee a ~~ A GARAG BETWEEN CLERGY AND er please leave at Whig Office. | Liivision Street, Within the city SELL SOMETHING EVERYBODY | Barrie Streets. Apply to 199 Wil- { limits, known ar the Murdock [Ong the interludes special mention must have. (Read this line ovr liam Street, or phone 13158 A HOAN COW LAST FRIDAY OFF rar, ri a pgs acres must be made of Miss Keenan's re- again and note that we said mus: ). , =~ ee. | Str. I'inder please no-| no o ess, 1 ne c § ta 8 unique, U. 8. protected article) A SMALL, COMFORTABLE HOUSE AT e, , Kingston Junc-| Kingston Brick and Tile Com-|citation; piano solos by Miss G. Pel a positive necessity because i" $15.00 per month, on Clergy West i Pens lor particulars Din ow and Miss H. McGuinness; a very v . / re-| . Chas, 211 3 'larence 8 m------ n nS a o ers - : BA TEC i ins, with hl a Shas Del i Clarence 8 A | GOLD WRIST WATCH, WITH ini. | ed solicitor ior the company. Ba fine vocal solo by F. Waugh and a Rh trolled by us. if you are an order| 62 RIDEAU STREET, STONE HOUSE, | tials on back, in Upera itvuse or B. Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. very charming action song, "Creep 4 y of Ne! ireclion laher ytu shodld 'mak: $20 to $50 8 rooms; § piece bathroom; furnace Friday night. Finder please return -- Mouse," by Tergsa Pilley, brought | WILUAM MORRIS a di if you are no nbitious and gas. "Apply 47 Rideau street, to Whig Ufrice. | n Q t saleswin you will ¢c'ea: .pward of or ANTE ET EAA ZEEE EEE TR TI ® #0 forth a storm ot applause. On Mon- With aCompany of Notable Artists 840.00 per day. Most desirable FIRST OF JANUARY, LODGE ON NOV. 7th, FROM MOSQUITO on + + i RE connection 'with fosdrs for those | rooms now occupied by the I. © Or Grindstone Lake, & red and whi 3 That desirable property on Bar. § day the entire programme will be re Who quality. Jerome Laadt Ires,, | F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith, Spotted bitch (hound), two years! % rie Strec* now in the Pecupation of & | produced. The performance is en- 8 Dearbor 3 hicago, 11 old. Finder please notify H. L. | 4 His Honour, Judge Lavell. Par- a i FIRST CLASS ROOMS Axp BOARD; Balcombe, Lockmaster, Black #4 ticulars may be had on applica. | tirely wonderful considering the ages of those taking part and speaks most highly for the ability and training of all Improvemeats; centrally Jocat- Rapids station, Ontario, B+ tion to NICKLE, FARRELL & t NDRY 2 ow | GARY NEAR CORNE EEN] oN 7. 13 N VICINITY OF N PURITY LAUNDRY TABLETS -- NEw Garay baer ok TINER HLEEN| ON NOV. 120m, IN THE VIC INITY OF (¢ dd ddd bb dpb % & + & & | the teachers at Notre Dame convent. AGENTS WANTED ed. Apply 243 University Ave, DAY, 194 Ontario St. ---------- aT AY RO : 98 AR y D. G. Hay, R Plevna, Frontenac County, a small- es eireSSmm------_ aa ---- discovery; sells 5c. a packag R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 72, 2 bite gana i ee --_-- | X seein... 8100, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 | aa ee, eller. Positive repeater, 2... : sized white hound, with | - - Sulekha rod to ROUSE ire with NINE ROOMED STONE . ears, head and legs, and black spots FINANCIAL SATURDAY'S MARKET, 15 Now on sale. ; order. 200% profit. Exclu-| d NINE " et NE HOUSE, on body, and wearing collar with Sy der Ee a 5 lee Moatieal Sty, 2h 1aprovements name. Pinder please address Wii- 3 . i on y e hone 109% ring 3. acaar Apri liam Campbell, KR. R. No. 5, Smith' E." Mfg. Co. London, Canada. 1st. Pp A mp 1 s 7 ------ / AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE STORAGE FOR FURNITURE * Any STRAYED al Jeas Sommission pusiness Bos merchandise; clean ang dry. Mc- | TR : your o 'y proper y ow 3 Canr A ency, 56 B oJ 5 a TR etm memes -- needs aoe of our nine hundred PoaR, aohey 6 rock Street | ONE SPRING'S CALF, BLACK AND yO cl : ] € UES WED, varieties of hardy lied Tag trees White; strayed onto the property| ee Ohice 33 Slarence street. | Every second stand was loaded with No of JW. Thomas, Sydenham. Own. | en fresh meats. Pork was offered at rosSse IS . MRS. H. S. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. Big Supply of Meats and Fowl -- | mobile and Casualty Insurance. 429 a "A ---- - Ear] street. ~ Phone 1782M. 3 Jo Sun Shimbina. ~ . Saturdsy morning's market was INSIE? ON THE~BEST | sain, oan characterized by the large amoun® of ki the most' reliable companies repre- | fresh meat and fowl offered for sale. and plants. capital needed ---------- ee eee ---- Cumplete equipment and insiru- SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, jy GOOD €r may have same by proving proy- FRONTENAC LOAN axp INVEST. tion free. Write Dominion Nurser- gondition, North Victorie, --roab "ty and paying expenses. Pont Soclely, incorporated 1s61.|14¢C and 16e. Beef sold from 6c to les, Montreal. Princess. Garden and modern con-| = ------ et President wv, of Ylexle, K.C.; Vice 12¢ a pound, and one beautiful hind ° veniences, Apply 19¢ Dj rision, A president, - o Cunning ham. jp . oh Nar ---- Visten., FOR SALE. Money issued on city ana = farm |QUArter went at a little below 8c a d ar nes MEN AND NOMEN, Nor TO CANVASS, -- Pepberties, municipal and county | pound. Lamb was somewhat higher, in . ut to travel and appoint log TEP: | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE CLEAN, debentures; mortgages purchased, rescatatives, 321 a week and ex- Giay, airy rooms; your own luck | A LARGE STOCK OF ARM: BLANK. investment bondg for sa €; deposits running from 15c¢ to 20c. 9 ; belies guaraniced, with good and koy. "Erosis City Storch, sack els for sale at a reasonable price EC Card und interest allbwed R.| Butter and eggs showed a wide THE FINEST QUALITY IN : re to make Jou 3 reel and ex. 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 95yw Call 2 ln Soutbary, 28¥ Priucess C. ee Ltwright, manager, 37 Clar- difference There was plenty of . n QuaLIT "| -- | r ni 23. t < a > 3 : Lxpurivice unnecessary [ » : | Or Phone 17 RES rest, Kingston butter at 40c and 45¢ a pound but ' The PURE OLIVE OIL iow, IneRierienced organizers orf GARAGE FOR o ABOUT EIGHY ped ght Con Dut eta wanted. Winston] "TLL EE LOR > ANC under lock, 4t| A PRIVATE SALE OF SOLID aA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, [®88s Were. very Tee 3nd brough Co, Dept. 4. Toronto. Palace Skating Rink "Apply to hogany table, with Die plate top.| T5¢ and 80c a dozen with some ask Con uest SA EE Ee John Stansbury, 16% Ragian Road Mahogany secretary und chair. Aj. THE SAFE WAY TO SEND MONEY 18| in 85e. Iyer POSITION WANTED, HOUSE, Hor wa | = Lies Rodger, 151 Earl Stoet alr Minion Express Money o fox bugs of potatoes appeared of Canaan" W. KENT MACNEE A NINE ROOMED HOUSE, HoT wa. ' Ste. 2.00 a bag. T = ree > fur y " ' s urnips, - 3 o Gp - : e---- ler Jurnee ahd all improvements: mnt: NE GRAPHONOLA A) IN| FOR SALE, Caiwioi------------ |at $1.90 and § a bag bank of ¢ ommerce Bullding, Brock ange EXPERIENCED AND COMPETENT corfier of Colburne and Sydenpees| GENUINE GRA A AND AEN FOR SALE, CANADIAN PATENT carrots, parsnips were 50c a peck, T0 NIGHT "UST A WIFE" King Streets. Phone 701 or 13274. °% = ~ na Stenographer desires position. Box , r N re selections; your own cholce, $41 American Steam Carburetor, F r- | G K-26, Whig Office. Street" APPLY Number 2, Colborne Lindes! Cash. 35 ber monta. CW | (ane gan--be made for small cash | onions 75¢ a peck, Good eating ap- MUTT & JEFY || Loree! Insurance Ageney a aes me 5 . Lindsay, Limited, 12] I'rincess St. consideration. Immed iar, ach = 75 ck | Writing utomobile, Fire, Accide dE EE eee eee aa. ---- is S necessary. John Duty 1003 Rush Ples ran from 50c to 75c a peck. Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. *~ SITU NS VACAN SEVEN 2 3 iC. Street, C ' | es for cooking were as Kebresenting Only Reliable Companies SITUATIONS VAC ANT SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, ATTIC, 3. MeLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, COST 92. Street, Chicago, 111, | Rougher grades f g dg Ble e ath; orate; siecitic lights, 250; only fun 4.000 miles; good as | low as 35¢c. © dance at the Gar- : Bas a e ve. 1t 330.00 per new; yuick sate. Palmer, cor a EW i p 4 2-~ | pam BIG 83 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS month. Apply' 284 ' Division Fon Baglt 'ahd Queen stresryc" SOTRer REXIA -- THE New TEXAS o1L| Turkeys and geese as Yet are nr BE] den Mau, 14 Brock Street, greeting card sample book free phone 409. Er gh po Fr a coRportunitle { ther backward about coming to mar- ha ogtery Io earns Hie to workers, celebrated, inexpen- PERFECT, COLUMBIA AAD ; " 3 projiy, ' . =4 y fered in = [SEES ind ne ten lessons. Bow, Moy8l Series, secure orders . : a Bieyclés, also bicycle Ie IE txiended -dafly Dy, Wells of ive ket, but other fowls were offe : Te ' %| Waltz, One Step, Fox Trot, now; dellver later; 'men and wo-| SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE at 114 baby carriage tires put on while to twenty thousand barrels dal | abundance. Large plump fowls, y Hours from 7 to 9 every \ J men already making five dollars up Stephen Street; all improvements; you wait. Muiler's Bicycle Work Large companies paying big pri bas this mornin tor J night, ~ daily even in spare time:scapital or electric Hghts; possession at once. Ita King street. Phone 1032w | forndush production. Acreage i) might be. obtained ick t 2 50 | § MRS. S, COHEN, Inatruct ~ expereince unnecessary, uarret- Apply at Surprise Store, 372 Prin- rend of development near big §1 and $1.25 and chickens for 5 . 8S iN, pe > a A -- . ete. rel : ST . % esy Street, EY T She . - ft . Wells can be had on shar basis : Hall Phone » . task Brantford, Brantford, EA -- ani SERIO = ory Te Tor casn vive ak 11; Organize home town company and to $2.00 a pair. Ducks Tan from §1 ' Take. -. Notice that "the Muniol af dB 140 egg und two brood. drul well on chosen Acreage in thalto $1.50 each. Council of the Corporation of the oh SIGNS AT ONCE, A: NEW SEVEN ROOM ers; hot Water heated Only ood, proven field, combining profit. ang | of Kingston 'PUrpuse to pass a By-la "house and barn on North Alfred; al- L ', \ » . safety. Write Elder Nance, Mexia, widening King Street from Georgd: SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, So ou North Alfred street, a good Dear Vietore Suody Concession st. Tex, = of th, Westerly to the westerly meg large or smal, Posters, Showcards brick house and eight acres of land, . The schooner Alice Phoebe, Char- of the property known ms the Wi Api } k le displays a speciniiy, by Shaw at 213 to J. D. Boyd, 352 University A COMPLETE CASH AND CARRY > e 1 Works and belonging to the estate Princess Street. : e, pfione 103351 | FARM, 100 ACRES, THREE MILES Bt tery store on wheels. Own ane | 10ttetown, P.EL, has become a tota the L. B. Spencer, sy as. to mame', eee he | -- e from Kingston, on Lake Shore, Of these in your territory. ot | wreck. It went ashore Wednesday A ~ BY LEADING Steet a uniform width of §0 feet, a Plowing dune. With op without ing with sensation - > ; OF PAINTINGS | LEADIN take notice that maiq proposed By-ia CIVIL ENGINEERING. stock and implements. Apply 1%, / inaugurated. v hundreq | N87 Port Hawkesbury. : i " will be taken up by the Council and & ------ M. VanLuven, owner, Portsmouth, fifty dollars net weekly income. Damage estimated at $1,300,000 deemed proper, passed at a meeting of IIR op " - Easy terms. Princi al pa of | i | ° * Said Counell, to be held on the 6th day. CUNNINGHAM & sMITH, BARRIST. Ontario. y PR! payment of wag caused by a fire which broke out n the 6t y y EA © Rn - N . 3 ot 3 . . complete stores to be a. in! | of December next i Bay Boat mn ena alr hy PAT Shari of Elin el Yon ine buns diets of Avbuss, ANadan ASE six 5 rua von Inst. 123 King Street. Phone 1634. ham, Cyril M. Smith, WI HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS ov derived from budiness. No compe. Ga., Saturday. wil be hea rd at said meeting 20 18 : | Dated this 5th day of November, 1921, 1 good secon.-hand furniture anAq tition, no Store expense. Kxclusive p------ E . W. W. SANI AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER stoves. Any person having stoves territories being atlotted rapidly. tf} ET =x at BALL ROOM, CHATEAU SANDS, FANCY GOODS, and Solicitor. Law office, corner uf and furniture to dispose of, we will You 'Wish to enter a most profitable PERSONAL ' BELVIDERE i City Clerk. 4 HEMSTITCHING, OT EDGING, AC- Hn sas dias With the undersigned imme..| A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR- 133 KING STREET EAST cordion. knife and box pleating, CR diately. lieven hundred and der for five dollars, costa three COMMENCING NOVEMBER 26¢h Opposite Artillery Park. A shipment of ola English Antique Bldg, Windsor, Ontario. ATTRACTIVE LITTLE LADY WITH ee SWITCHES, POMPADOL RS, TRANS. Furniture will arrive about December] =" = money, must marry soon. Box 33, on Street s * : DENTIN E-- mr a Dir eel Mahogany Ice Ghbsts. . " booklet free. . Adress, Home Club, DR, A. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE ry CALL OR DROP A CARD Ye de 00. hy 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w, Rosewood and Walnut Arm Chairs, Gavine, upholsterer, 21 oy.) L-Box 23, Grand Rapids, Mich. "A ni T * v 4 P, WHEN WANTING PAINTING on A ax ! Sate. 359 Wellington Atreet corner Paperhanging done, grep a card tof |! Several card tables. Leavy a, repdising. Dennison. Ohie, enclosing stamp. | 1 ' * ) » A. Mounteer, $4 Arc treet. y . vi French Walnut: Bed. : <k i WOULD YOU WRITE TO A LONELY, C e S ery evenings by appointment. " : ' ; Painters, Papernanger ; LESSE'S ANTIQUE sHoPY Cphommearbopular En iad Sasa, GET MARMIED, BEST MATRINGS © PHONE . DR, KROY DENTIST, UAS RE. rators. No job too small no con- jo P * t he lo N+ 4 f Te Saul at 92 Princess St. tract too large. Storm windows re.{ We buy all kinds of Furniture. EL Josdzidke, 241 University ial Published. I'ree for Pi E 1 16 A - BATEMANS Rzai wrars, | "UII MEFAMED Avb pix. "me Urihdno ee toRe, *=20 | 24 'Hour Day Service || Osteopath : FOR SAL . Paired promptly ang Buaranteeq able, convincing trias reading. | " , P y NOW FOR sALg Oney to loan. Phone 1999. 333 Princess Street, Phone 1600w, rights in your territory communi- 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. Ing Stores, Limited, 404 Exc k Nir, on i NTAL. der. Ladies' shampooin Mrs. F, k be H. Bazeau, 57 Johpbioin Mahogany chests of Drawers, -- CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY, | -------- ma y v ie ou P.| IF YOU WANT A DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN Settees and Sofas, YOUR - yp. thy, loving wife, write Violet Rays, Ww id Add F. Wil : { Street. Phone 1880. Open ERE 7 Young widow?, ress F. . C Princess v 1880. Ope I. SCOTT & Co. 33 BEV COVERED BUTTONS MADE To OR- lard, 2928 Broadway, Chicago, 111. T'VI1 le FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. Hi King and®Broék, over Royal Bank. pay.-highest prices. Thompson, business and to insure exclusive 9 Hours § to 5.30. Mrs, EB. A. Card, ANTIQUE FURNITURE twenty-five dollars r # cents. HAIR GOODS, | __OPEN 10 AM./TO 10 Poi. a ee - ¢ formations, eurls, etc. made to or-l oth, 1921 UPHOLSTENING, Oxford, Fla. | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Dining and Parlor Walnut Chairs, HEALTHY, WEAL- - ------------ DR. RUPERT », MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Mahogany Mirror Frames, ofy. Se d .- C pondent. Toled Over Bank of Nova Scotis. Phone paintea, putted, . » i - . orresponden oledo, Ye0ia. t All work done > 1043w. 91 Irimees Street, ns RE AL : Stanton & sieeth, 35 Frincess st. 81 Lreatment. Ly natural and ra- tonal methods. Health without drugs by Adjustment of the hu- man machine. Clive ature a chance and she wii; ire even she heals the wound and knire the broken bone. Mee Hazel Hause, Box 215, os Angeles, | Cal . ® r oT ne LhETACH 3.3 > * at His Home on Visit . Vv . N Li .. ' q * 1 - BWR twa, PIANO TUNING, _ RICH, YOUNG WIDOW, PRETTY AND Ross Wilde, aft i kei daCl $6,500---DRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATES) PIANO TUNING AND RES AIRING atin 10601 Sar t "Clair, choke Ki > : 7 to 2 : 1 3 NING AN p, NG -- ven. nt Clair, Cleve- ugston undergoing treatment for a improvements; central, Work guaranieed. Peter b. Brown, Ohio. ® v al cataract on his eye, -- 12 Markland Street. Pooae 2397m is spending 4 $1 500--FRAML HOUSE; NORTH END; 2 -- ~FOR SPEED few weeks with his mother in Smith's Cheaper than Coal, Give better results. Bye Tuums; ratrbe lot, room fur ue - ARCHITECT abaolutely the best, rears; | Falls before returning to Windsor, Delivered from car $14.50 per ton, See them at our yamd. POWER, 50N AND DREVER, ARCH}. Ithy - b where he hdlds a post on the staff o: : fects, Merchants Bank Chambers fidential; descriptions free. The |th> Bank of Commerce. ' Twelve Yearw Suecens In ton Kings DRS. ROBERT and KDNA : ri ASH ) corner of Brock and W ellington, Old Reliable Club, Mrs. Wrubel, Box -------- "204 King HCBORT -- : - 26, Oakland. Calif. The losing horse blames tige saddle | "hone 447 $2600 FOR THE MATE T0 THE v; CHIROPRACTIC, LES, An n or the driver. with electric Tames. both well an, - 1 WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Ph. Cy, Cer Ee lL huge Lira, MLOCK ner Princess ana Barrie Streets, 2nd i © i : 3} floor, Barrie dt. entrance, K % * will Slestrie lights; 3 ir Ont. Consultation free. Telephone -- 822). Hours ¥ to 12 are. 1 to § p.m. $2,723.00 - FRAME aSALOW MARRY 1p LONELY; FOR RESULTS, . x ] i " d % fooms; 'good condition; te. JENNIE A. Le 3 - ST OVES EP Ye nies joiricity; barn and stevie; PE ORE LL LuCT, AEA 1 A004 must successtul NEAR FRONTENAC PARK h : "Un York Roa 3 vag : » 7 vulside city limits. -- d. Just - v a Hagor rele. TTIAg 3 i Double, Solid Brick, seven rooms each, four bedrooms, electris 5 Ri ; gst -- $tol2am. 1 to descril "The Suc. | If light and other improvements. Immediate possession, Priced While they Tnst, you may have S.CoL TO LET. m. Spinal analysis Su at $5750. - Revenue pays 10 per cent on investment. . § one reasonable, as that is my i FRAME DWELLING WEST END, aie Sonsultation tree. Residential mosto. 18588 ih fd nmi. er THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. J TURK Phone, 105 ry pre nene re Tr MRS MUAUVGHLIN, 113 Lowen Phones 68 and 2240m, 56 Brock Street. WHEN YOU WAN THE CARPENTER ! ROBIN. 363 BARRIER William Street, will take orders See James Selby, Contractor, gry BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE Hours Nessie am. 2.4 for making trimming and remode bd University Avene. Phooe 138sw. 130 Welilogten Street, Kingston, Pm, 7-58.30 pm. Phone 1646 ing bats