Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Nov 1921, p. 19

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Se BATURDAY, NOV. 28, 192%, pl aD '% > Cl A ( 7 if { £ { FC. MATINEES--25¢c 50c 750 $1.00 : / Symphonic Score Interpretgd by a A Ct A REX INGRAM AND 3 Nights pr ~~ { =z A) Re, (Ref ORE POCALYPS PRODUCTION Harieg by A -- COM. MOND. Nov. eo [4 ALL SEATS ARE RESERVED AND NOW SELLING EVENINGS --25¢ B0o 750 $1.00 $1.50 / ALLEN MON., TUES. WED. SURPRISES MYSTERY -- THRILLS 'What the Screen Has Never Shown You Before. WESLEY (DINTY) BARRY as | Freckles, her love-sick "admirer FROM ' BOCIETY GIRL TO CARMAN THEN TO A GANGSTRESS OF THE UNDER- WORLD }| evening's entertainment. Katherine 1 "STRANGER THAN FICTION" The First Job She Had to Do Was to Rob Her. self of Her Own Jewels. That's What Starts the Thrills for This Society Girl Who Joined a Gang of Crooks A STARTLING SWEEP . OF . SURPRISES and SENSATIONS Don't Forget - WESLEY (Dinty) ' BARRY 1s in the Cast. LAST TIME _TO-NIGHT "A Virgin Paradise" "William Pitt, - ee ea. ent included Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Slit er, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Miss Whitton, Miss Fair, Miss McLeod, H. B. Law and Mrs. Law. Ex-Premier Asquith urges "he re- vision of the Versailles treaty with regard to reparations and indemni- ties, cancellation of the Allied in- debtedness of foreign states and re- moval of the tariff walls for the eco- {give nomic reconstruction of Europe, "Thurth is stranger than fiction," but it isa't mearly so convineirg. - | Theatrical Last Night of "A Pair of Sixes." i "A Pair of Sixes" has been spok- .en as one of Rex's outstanding suc- jcesses of the season... The play | aroused unusual enthusiasm in Pet- {erborough where it good off to a { 800d start Monday night. The house | was turned over to the Rotary Club {the members co-operating with Mr. {Snelgrove in providing ' a .. splendid The spec- | ial campaign waged by Rotary to pay |for a boys' camp which ey have | established at Stoney Lale, appeal- {ed strongly to Rex, and he accepted the lowest price possible for the theatre, thereby making his person- al contribution a very generous one. Kiwanlans were also present in large numbers. | Tonight is the last chance to see | this performance and next week's {show is something entirely differ- ent. It is a comedy but a genuine | romance with a delightful title "Just {Like a Gypsy."--Advt. "THE FOUR HORSEMEN." in the Marne Battle. The French village pictured in the Rex Ingram production of Ibanez' "The Four Horsemen of the Apocaly- pse" was probably the biggest set- ting ever constructed for cinema pur- poses, Nearly three months were consumed by Metro workmen in the construction of the buildings. Then the entire village, with the surround- ing farm houses and the stone castle, | wag raged under the fire of heavy { artillery used to represent the Ger- man guns in the battle of the Marne. One evidence of the care that was taken to reproduce th. battle scene with complete accuracy was found in | the rebuilding that was ordered after ia careful inspection of the village | houses by Rex Ingram. He discover- |ed that three of the -buildings had {not been made to conform with the | plans of the village sent from France. { The buildings * were immediately [wrecked and exact reproduction | erected in their places. More than 5,000 men participated in the battle scenes. Constant dril- {ing of 'the actor-soldiers--all of whom served with the American | forces abroad--made it possible to | eliminate practically all danger of {accidents such as usually mar great | "mob" scenes, an added precaution, { however, field hospitals were erected for practical, not picture purposes. I'n addition, field kitchens, mess tents and customers' shops were put up and supplied with their wares for use during the six days that the great army of actors-<and fighting men were under oanvas. | Although this was the first time | in the history of film making that the | reproduction of a battle on the scale =------------ ~~ of modern warefare bas been at- Kingston Historical Society Earl of Chatham, in War and Peace" In the Large English Room, New Arts Building QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, on. SATURDAY, NOV. 26th, at 8.15 p.m. MAJOR-GENERAL SIR A. C. MACDONELL, K.C.B,, etc,, will preside. All interested are welcome. tempted with conscientious fidelity to detail, it served as but one feature of the-apecial Metro picturization otf Senor Ibanes's novel, "There is a great story in the Iba- ~nez novel, and it is not the story of the war," said Jupe Mathis, "I think its true spirit has been caught in our picturization of the 'Four Horse- men' and I'am sure that nobody who sees the scréen spectagle will feel that he has been looking at a war picture, "However, I pever was more im- | pressed that I have been by the work { ot the French and rman experts who served in preparing® for the | second, 'Battle of the Marne.' We have all but witnessed the murder [ot the experts as they re-fought the battle over their maps, but they sue- ceeded in d bat no historian ever' hag do! rried_one of the biggest, moments in history to the very eye of their andlence." "The Four Horsemen" wil] be presented at the Grand Opera House for three nights co on Monday, Nov. 28th, with matinees on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.--Advt, Sir Harry La A Sir Harry Lauder, the famous Scotch s..ging comedian, who is to & program of his unique songs at the Grand Opera House, on Thurs. day evening, December first, believes in thrift. "Basy come, a5y 50" has | Pictures Five Thousand Ex-Soldicrs er Aa eg son 28 Pictutization of the internationally famoits book by VINCENTE, \ BLASCO IBANEZ = EVENINGS 8 8.18 Company of Selected Musicians PN ---- Ne ea" re r------ | Some Of his well neyer been his motto. homely maxims on thrift are worth remembering. "Mitha wadna waste," says Sir Harry, "and I would be disgracing her memory if I wasted." Here are some of his maxims on thrift: "Behave toward your purse ag you would to your best friend." "View the reckless spending of money as foolish, and shun the company of the reckless spander." "Dress neatly, but not lavishly. A bank pays a higher rate of inter- est than your back." "Take your pleasure Judiciously. You'll enjoy them better." "You can sleep better after a hard day's work than after a hard day's idleness." "Get value from your tradesmen. | They watch out that~they get good | money from you." A bank book is than most novels." Many of Harry Lauder's songs ex- | press the idea of thrift, but despite | this, those who attend his perform- jance at the Grand will discover no lack of generosity in his program, Lauder gives good measure to his audiences," and seems never to tire responding to the requests of his ad- mirers for especially popular songs. --Advt. better reading KATHERINE MACDONALD Chooses New Type of Story in "Stranger Than Fiction." Beginning Monday the Allen thea. tre announces the showing of "Stran- ger Than Fiction," Katherine Mac- Donald's latest release through As- soclated First National Pictures, Ine. "Stranger Than Fictfon" has been filmed from the original story by Charles Richman and A. 8, LeVino and was directed by J. A. Barry, In 'many respects it is radically different from the type of stories in which the screen -beauty has previously appear- ed. since it combines the elements of humor, suspense and dramatic tens sion with the necessary settings in which Miss MacDonald may have full scope to display her charms, The remarkable rise to popwiarity of Katherine MacDonald is largely at- tributed to the sheer beauty and his- tronie ability of the star; but un- doubtedly the seléétion of her stories has been a great factor. According to advance reports "Stranger Than Fiction" hes turned out to be the type of story which ideally fits her. As Diane Drexel, wealthy society girl, Miss MacDonald has a role of unique appeal. She is introduced when giving a'society ball at her home in order to screen a motion pie- ture in which she has played the leading part. Her fiance, good na- tured and rich, but hopelessly aim- less, is anxious to set the date for their marriage, but this she refuses to do until he has a set purpose in Mfe. The opportunity for her ad- mirer, which part is played by David Winter, to have a career comes rither unexpectedly when the notor- fous' Black Heart Gang make a wholesale loot of the jewels and valu- ables under the very noses of the Drexel guests. . Winter, as Dick Mason, decides that he will unearth the gang, and sels out to find them. Diane prom- izes that she will marry him when he brings the offenders of the law to justice. When she considers what a difficult proposition Dick is up against, she regrets that he hes uns dertaken such a hard job to prove himself worthy of her. The plot then becomes more complex and leads the pretty Diane into the very lair of the Black Heart Gang. The smashing élimax comes when the leader of the Black Heart Gang, in order ta escape, flies an aeroplane from the roof of the building, Dick Mason leaps aboard just as the ° is taking off, Then follows of the most exciting air battles ever seen on the screen. A rescue from & burning plane in mid-air is but one of the thrills that add zest to this incident. . Among the supporting caat is Wes- ley Barry, the freckle-faced little fel- low of "Dinty" fame, who, in "Stran- ger Than Fiction," plays an interest- ing and humorous part as "Freckles," a litle street urchin taken into the home of the Drexel's. Others in the cast are Wade Boteler, Jean Dumont, Harry O'Connor, Eve- lyn Burns, "and Tom MeGuire. "Stranger Than Fiction" will re- . AT ALLEN THEATRE --AND---- AT GRIFFIN THEATRE ; ------HEAR : HON. W. L. MACKENZIE KING Leader of the Liberal Opposition COL. ANDREW T. THOMPSON J. M."CAMPBELL AND OTHERS Wednesday, Nov. 30th 8 P.M. The public are cordially invited to be present at en... Of the above theatres to hear the the leaders. ---------- an, the star, has an opportunity for ee ee Aerts main at the Allen theatre for three days --Adrvt. some of the best work of his motion ! picture career. As "Joe Louden" Mr. Meighan plays the part of the os- tracized youth---a member of the so- called "other half" in ® Canaan, a typical middle western town with its provincial likes and disitkes and its "'soclety." He loves Ariel Tabor, who also belongs to the same strata | of unrespectables, but life for them is a burden. Ariel's uncle dies and | she goes to Paris and Joe 'goes to study law. He returns to conquer "Canaan" and his problems give Mr. Meighan a splendid opportunity to) display his talents, Doris Kenyon | is leading woman in the picture, -- | Advt. Katherine MacDonald. Katherine MacDonald is a Pitts burgh, Pa., girl and was educated at the Blairsville College, in Blairsville, Pa. 'As leading lady she attracted the attention of producers more than a year and a half ago, and since that time she has been a star In her own Tight. Her nine independent star- ring releases have found her growing in popularity. Among her features are "Thunderbolt," "Passion's Play- ground," "My Lady's Latchkey," and "Trust Your Wife." She is general- ly conceded to be the most beautiful woman on screen or stage, and has won sixteen national "and state beauty contests in less than a year. She is generally termed "The Ameri- can' Beauty."--Advt, : \ ti EPI IHPII II II Lag * * + LAST OF BRITISH + ---- + FORCE LEAVES FRANCE ¢ Wesley Barry. He -- * Wesley Barry is generally conced- | Calais, Nov. 26.----Seven offi- + ed to be the greatest juvenile actor |# cers and thirty-six privates, last + in the history of 'the screen, and |% of the four and a halt million # plays the part of "Freckles" in |% men constituting the British "Stranger Than Fiction," Miss Mac- {+ expeditionary force, have em- 4 Donald's starring vehicle through As- [# barked for England afer an * | sociated First National Pictures, Inc., |% absence of seven years, | at the Allen, Monday. Appearing in |*® *| "Daddy Long Legs," and "The Un- [* # +2 $+ $+ ¢ 4 &us *re ee pardonable Sin," he attracted such ---------- attention that in Narshall Deane Church Services, Dov': Ever Marry," an Calvary Congregational chureh, """ ; rts. Get Rt he Was given important yarn corner Charles and Bagot streets. He became a sta Pastor, Rev. A. F. Brown, 144 Barrie "Dinty"* Mr, Neilan loaned him to > . Sao oe Rachras, Mabon Soma A1s0 Rona 1483. Seve un for the part in "Stranger Than We. (Lt. * oa Last Thing in the tion." Wesley hails from Los An- World." 3 p.m., Sundgy school; 7 géles.--Advt. p.m., opie, "The Prophets' Hand." Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting Another Beauty Secret. and business meeting. At last Katherine MacDonald has explained the secret of her beauty. The mystery was revealed when EE rrr New P. 8. Inspector. | tion," her Associated First National | release, which will be shown at the The Lanark county counoii decided to accept the application of T. C Smith, M.A., principal of the Ganan- oque high school .,as successor to Public School Inspector F. L. Miteh- ell, whose rgsignation, handed in to the council last, June, comes into ef- feot at the end of the present year. Six applications including one from Calgary, were received for the office. The salary is $3,000. Inspector Migh- oll has held the position for the past 41 years. Miss MacDonald was working on the new feature, "Stranger Than Fle- Allen theatre, commencing. Monday. One of the self-appointed travel--| ling evangelists preaching the Blue "Law moveniént got inside the Mac- Donald studios and insisted on talk- ing to the screen, beauty, saying he wea a writer and wanted to interview Ker. : "How do you account for your remarkable beauty?" asked the Blue Law writer, Said to be members of a gang en- gaged in bringing aliens into Unitad States from Canada, Robert Eagle Vincenti Cazieaski and Florence Roper were' arrested at Detroit, Mieh. Princess Mary and Viscount Las- celles were given a tremendous wel- come Friday night when they ap- peared at a charity performance at the Hippodrome In London, Eng, "Why, I go to picture shows on Sunday, don't object to harmless amusement, don't make myself a pest, and don't try to preach Blue Laws," she responded sweetly.-- Advt. At The Strand, In "The Conquest of Canaan," Paramount's picturization of Booth Miss Cecile Bartley, Hamilton, who Tarkington's celebrated nove =of spurned the dtténtions of John that name, which will be shown at|Grubb and received three bullets in the Strand theatre on Monday, Tues- | he: body on Friday has a chance for day and Wednesday, Thomas Meigh-! her Hfe. - questions of the day discussed by SPORTING NEWS Juvenile Basketball League, The S.S8.A.A.A. juvenile basket- ball league opened at the Y.M.C.A. on Friday evening when Cooke's and Sydenham met. Sydenham won out by a 8core of 21 to 6. The score at the end of the first half was 4 to 4. In the last fifteen minutes the Sydenham bays played real com- bination play which resulted in eight baskets. The teams were: Sydenham--Vince, Buck, Jolliffe, Glover, Singleton, and Tweddell. Cooke's--Stmmons, Lemmon, Reaves, Percival, Edgar, McNeilly, {and Newman. Referee--Fred Morris, K. A A A, Elections, At a well-attended meeting in t:» K.A.A A, Club rooms al 173 Welling- ton street on Friday night, the consti- tution of the elub was drawn up and officers elected for the ensuing year. Following the meeting three fast exhibition boxing bouts were put on by members of the class. ------------ Female Burglar Routed by Bulldog. Windsor, Nov. 26.--" Pete," an English bulldog owned by Jack Cempbell, Windsor, Ont., grappled with a female daylight burglar whe was caught red-handed by Mrs. Campbell taking wearing apparel from a room at her home. The dog Sprang at the woman, grasping her by the throat, and tore open the flesh drawing blood. Mrs. Campbell call- od off the dog and the woman turned and fled through the front door. She has not been seen since. Liberal Meeting in Gahanoque. Gananoque, Nov. 26.--A grard rally of the Liberal electors of Leeds was held in the Delahey the- atre last evening, and drew ou: a fairly large representation of the electorate. The meeting was opan- ed by Mayor W. J. Wilson. The speakers Included the candidate, Mg Mallory; Stuart Master, Brockville; W. T. Rogers, Brockville, and Wii« liam McLaren, Oitawa. Damage Over $12,000. It is estimated that the fire, which / broke out in the Cohen block at the corner of Princess and Barrie streets, on Friday morning, did damage to the extent of about twelve or fifteen thousand dollars. The loss of stock in the Dominion Grocery store wil amount to about six thousand dol- lars. Warden McGregor and Reeve Armstrong, who have been In the city attending the meeting of the county council, were on J. M. Campbell's platform at the meeting in Ontario hall on Friday night. PA rt ts i i © mn cmt THE REAL THING LIBERTY BREW 3 One Package Makes Almost 3 Gallons of Delicious Beer for $1.00 Under sections 199, 202, 204 of the Dominion Inland Revenue Act the regulations allow thehome brewing of Beer for family use. LIBERTY BREW IS LEGAL You can make this delightful beer right in your own home for ? yourself or your family. Liberty Beer is very. simple to. make--only grdigary home, kit- r chen utensils are required package of LIBERTY age, rich in flavor, pure and ahsolute Get a pac . en made according to BREW will give you a most nutritious bever- 5h fl from harmful ingredients. kage at your Grocer's to-day--if not in stock send to:-- ections one THE LIBERTY PACKING CO. 140 CLARKE ST., MONTREAL, QUE. J F mb Ct lL a aor vo

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