TT -------- ee THE TEACHERS ADDRESSED s® 2 4eeeeeseeesns jo " : at Attic cnc | » | | . |# DR. ROSS, M.p.I',, RESIGNS o ------ 3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIQ. SE THNuTOY. 3, om, ~ ee =. = a e - = = ---- EE, -- -- m-- wc ! ® | THE BSE ANE tHE CuBAboeg lo -- | By Miss Stead, Fleld 8ecre~- |, On Nov, 18th--a week ago islature, + and : |men Teachers' Absoctation held in #° A Dye-election will be neces + Qa | tary of Ontarlo Federation | : Jas ol, 4 = Ross s $ , : | i n on as 4 | SO ig en me § RE EERE 1 [vate ureeting Lards ; | At the vortler maouizg of the wo-| 4 the speaker of the Ontario leg. . | Macdonald school, Thursday after | cary to AN the vacancy, and it ¢ |Boon, the members had the pleasure |, the opinion of those who # : § * |0f listening to an address by Miss | should know that this will % ' : ane <> wm . Persian er a i | 8k on See Te 3 re Tohen. lumens gr Omatis, Su vtteee bt de 3 | NOW IS THE TIME to place orders for early and prompt E asi Saunier wi evaiderts: soccon] delivery for Private Greeting Cards. Place your orders be- r 8 The Object Of th. ro INCIDENTS OF THE DAY ore the near holiday rush commences, when delays are naty- ralse the statis of boh school and rally quite long. teacher. " This beautiful 34 tnch Coat In speaking of the value of the! Racy Local News and Items of with long shawl Collar'and »* Hi . . : : e fam wen 300 | cae se retain" Th ry) Fo Laoat Nowe iy EDITION DE LUXE and MUTUAL SERIES 2 3h k r . ' a" " Canadian, skuix. trade worthy "ot a good. teacher, bur the| pyar tehod "Diss 50s Gow Both "Made In Canada and equal to the finest products ot scarcity of qualified teachers not only 4 sr h U : d S ; | : lindsay, Limited. the Unite tates, In beautiful, glossy, smooth | in Ontario, and in Canaga, but in the Mrs H. Vannest, Enterprise, at curl, Persian Lamb Llted States and also in England, present in the General hospital. fs im. ° . a ho 18 appalling. The scarcity is Worl] ori Sample books are on display and orders are filled in from You may have a Coat made/" !wide. Does this promise well for " : ; Garry Provins, Kingsford, is in the . three to four days, to special measure, choos< the future ? - ; ing your Silk or Furriers | Even with trained teachers the Hotel Dieu, and has undergone a ser- tous operation, and is doing fine. Guaranteed Satin Lining, {tenure of office is so short that one your favorite color. {trustee sald he felt inclined to speak| S-D. Wagar and A. C, Baker have 13 INCH SHAWL COLLAR ° jot "the teaching procession" rather Pooh aphuiniog eT ntuv AND CUFFS OF SKUNK |than "the teaching profession." We [80 S ngton counc ' hd 3. Put on your Cloth or Fur 'hesitate to rust an inexperienced | Mr. Swaine, piano tuner, orders Coat just like eut shown [Surgeon or even a second-rate tailor. |Tec®ived at' 100 Clergy street w above. Why should we be willing to trust | Phone 564w. v : saprmmatlv masse w ll THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE | Sessions to an inexperienced teach- | 0 Nov. 1:7h, of Mayme Foster, dau- \ "IN CANADIAN SKUNK, for set {er.? Why not make the profession |&hter of Mr. and Mrs. John Foster, IN PLUCKED NUTRIA J {such that teachers who have gained | formerly of Newburgh, : : 91 IN RINGTAIL OPOSSUM { valuable experience will desire to Open Nights, . . Phone 9 IN AUSTRALIAN BLUE OPOSSU yf $75.00 | remain in 1t ? o>. Above quotations are for the finest quality selected pelts--the | By means of our federation we What Pp INN kind that can .not be Jmitated and that give wear and satisfac- wish to have teachers with their . tion. | specialized training and knowledge D Fi Kin i ----- | working shoulder to shoulder devel- 0 or gs on | oping a more efficient system of edu- ' 7 5 ° ® jcation. They are a part of the recon. "Give me the next five years | Struction force of to-day and the and I will bring here the ter- mi e jiosabilitiss of their organized ef- minals that' will bring here and oyYys J ~J 0 . keep here the great grain busi- 9 % Air | During the week Miss Stead h . 149 to 167 Brock Street © + . . Kingston, Ontario been working in Prince Rdwarq| Ress" county and Saturday she is address- This statement is from J. M. Ing a gathering of t h in N : Campbell's nomination speech, " . ry -- ~~ | De, of Yeachers Ia Napa appealing for election as King- 150 pairs of Boys Heavy Golf Hose--pretty colors and with fancy sy - ston's member, tops. All sizes. -A Saturday Night Bargain, ............. 50c. "You Wire Us and We'll Wire You" KINGSTON CHILDREN Held Successtul Sale. THE ELECTRIC SHOP Savina THEIR MONEY| The Home and School Club of Ri- Distributors for i Ia deau school held a. most successful % LACO LAMPS, DELCO LIGHT PRODUCER Report Sh {sale on Friday night, and a good sum aT W. 115 Brock Street. Phone 1343. he Pp ows That Large Per! on realized. . Miss H. Barney col- Ladies ool Gloves se e'alee FJ. GRACE 3 W. C. CANNON centage Are Engaged In lected the admission fee at the door. Thrift. Mrs. Hill, the president, assisted. by tua? anc ; wn Mie Grossi oaoul, Assisted by [1 Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose . we _ The question of the establishment | MS. E. Snowden had charge of the : : : . ' . HAVE YOU TRIED THE ORANGE PEKOE BLEND? ot, Penny bank system in the King. |"iSh Pond; Mrs. E. Robbs, the ice Children's Wool Mitts ,......... ston schoals, was discussed at the |CTeam; Mr. D. Wood and Mrs. Fer- last meeting of the Board of Educa. |8u90D, the home made table and Miss tion and a committee Dy Equsas Baxter and Miss Wilder, the tandy Ladies' Heather Hose TE ee ater Chairman Allan Lemmon, and Trus- | table. William Timmerman, Woods . , Mowat and Macdonald | 12nd Murray and Howard Putnam ' AT 60 CENTS PER Lp. | Were appointed to meet a deputation | 2PIY assisted the ladies. Each child Men's Silk and Wool Socks Yaa of teachers in regard to the ma'ter, |2ttending the event was asked to / It Is a High Grade Tea With a Delicious *lavor. This conference was held on Friday |Pring a pound of sugar. They did Now belag packed in yellow packages instead of red. fyternoon, with about. fifty teachors|%0: and the ladies made it up-i4°0 4 1 ] [eran wi ¥ Souhayg 3c and (bo ladies: ma . Children's Heavy Underwear . . _Geo. Robertson & Son. A post tran received showing Reserve Wed., Nov, 30th, "lI Men's Initial Handkerchiefs that pupils in the schools are at Present saving, and to a very larga To hear the new cantata "The extent, in chartered bank, post of- [Coming Messiah," by augmented fice, and other ways, and in view of [choir in the First Baptist Church. Ladies' Corsets--19 to 28 aa || the present conditions, the teachers -- ee | bao Of the opinion that it %ould not | The biggest of sea-birds is the Al- ' LF OR SAL be worth while to introduce "he pen- | batross. Men's Heavy Wool Socks . _ vas pF it | ny bank system: The matter will like.| Gall flies make protusions like Detached brick, 8 rooms and | ly be finally decided on at the next |Warts on roses, { bath, toilet separate (new fix- | meeting of the board. The trustess tures in same), hardwood floors Ii . if | Were amaz® when they were inform- S air furnace, coment eon omer BHA Poo! the savings of the children ng COATS! COATS!! \ . oh es they had no idea that a eysiem of . . . > tric light, gas, garage with ce saving had taken such a hotd gu to . Drop in and see the nobby Coats we are selling special at . . . $25.00 runways and electric | Good location. Price iu. Some idea of the conditions Stn geet or | a be sisaned from. the ropor trom Phone. | Seodiess Raisins .....3 Ibs. 70c. [ff|5chools, showing the percentage of H 4 | children saving." The report follows: $8,700--FEllerbeck Street: detach- Cool igs 1s ed brick: 7 rooms: bath and New king F ; : Macdonald = school, 73 per t.; : : & Jollet; hos gif furnace; bara; ffl} Evaporated Apples ..2 Ibs. 25. {Central school, 59; Frontenge, 61; CHRIS I MAS Rurig || [fl Choice Prunes 10¢. Ih. Bl Louise, 84; Robert Meek, 70: Vic. 4 + TO LET {ll 5 1b. pail Clover Honey . .92¢. toria, 78. SHOPPING R'dedu Street, frame, 7 rooms. [i ll 38 1b. Pail Sho ming ....50¢. s-------- - Albert street, brick, 7 rooms, B. rtening 3 it: ho lf 6 Ibs. C: M firnace. *'3550g LELt: hot air i or Mew) AWARD CONTRACTS "ety The Always Busy Store 8 for 28c¢. i | All kindy of I E hi | i d Ci FOR JAIL SUPPLI | Vleory BnaB A wna sia, [ff] Pony Mined Cake, 1. anc | = | rermiime] a [------ ss R. H. Waddell | Te Alo | Walt Mason ||| NO TRANSACTION IS T00 SMALL To RE ; Phones 326-896. 86 Broek st. |i I ! | The county council on Friday at- 4 J THE POET PHILOSOPHER OUR BEST ATTENTION ll | ternoon received the report of the : y Property committee whose recom- Our service comprises mendations were adopted as follows: ; : THE HAPPY MAN. City property valued--bought--and sold. Fl "That a motor pum be installed in 3 : My neighbor's such a cheerful : : the west end Levi And, pala =n skate I said to him one day, "How Fire--Life--Burglary--Accident -- Sickness--Plate Glass--Auto- - do ydu keep your smile on straight mobile Insurance 3 WwW With -J | heating purposes and that the instal Ch . d . Pits a . § | lati 11 N Christmas day is ex- what makes you blithe and gay? : What 8 i rong 1 Seve, aoe by Billo yg Jr act] f our ys Ithough I am an optimist, and Government bonds bon ght--sold--traded. Y E 2 Supplies be awarded to J. J. Lackie, f y t We ake 3 Dee . Jaa, ite, =n Rents collected--Money to Loan --Money placed out on first mort. our yes: bread; J. libert, groceries; and. P, £701 10 oTrow, always glad." My neighbor heaved gages. W. Balls, meat." 1 h 3 urge ear y sho 1 . a. gaudy smile that split his Lhe ti | This a the time to fl 5k 5 56 %| E. W. MULLIN & SON Do you suffer from headache? Do onder 1aorote of appreciation as (§ This is the time to down upan' a stile, his glad-|| ° y 'enderel the memorials comm ttee * Corner Johnson and Division Streets - - Phones 539w and 5393, 3 3 3 : ist- lain. "I 'do - not owe your eyes tire? It is a signal of over- for the good work it did in connect. |§ ChoOOSe. your Christ i Ln. 1 at ud . lon with the installation of the mem- [§ mas gifts before the Fim full of merriment, wy sot i ane work. P erhaps, . unconsciously, you orial windows and tablet. Reeve Hal- big rus} commences, soaked in mirth, I don't believe strain your eyes. Good eyesight is not liday, chairman of the committee r 3 Sliey y Y Y 8 thanked the council for its expres. Furs make the id I that any man can now elastic 1 1 i thrills, if h t walk the floor and : alway 5 strainless sight. Ey e strain i which was much appreciated. He gift and if what you plan (7 pos mann bills. No $e > 05 ® with good vision is a most common and worth the county had a memorial d t be found [J *¢!tors invade my den, to threat. y worthy ¢ ntenac. want canno oun en, bluff or whine, and when I sell dangerous form of eye trouble. The council concluded its sessions [ff © . & cow or hen, the price I get 1s mine. ; Don't tam with the Precious on Saturday morning when a vote of in our enormous | And I can drive my new green boat, Boyw' Black Hox Kip School Boots with wide toes, sewn and nall- . I a ift of eyesig Heed Nature's call Shmesiation, pus ature andes stock, there is still sad nose an soy: By yg Desagnt a Fr es Jrutuey laxuie a " cGregor rvices to - . - . 0 pa, or the goat he min Have your eyes examined cert and county during the year. time to have J jade from me inst spring.' Ler. each ANY Tam : . : . : morning when I rise, 'I owe no man What you need is proper glasses. They. ------ up to your order from §= dime,' and then I sing and swat Ladiew extra quality Spats -- English work wonders for the eye and usually pelts of your own eon. 304 Juve: a SSA Lime, 3 rrr Ju Buses. aly. tone up the whole physical system. IN MARINE CIRCLES | choosing. say, 'I'm ont of det.' and guardian We have all the facilities for testing {|§ As well as Furs we ; ! : . 'The steam ¢ dian H use . J Ladies' Fine Quality Spats--is button the eyes and fitting glasses. Montreal on Frigey cor pt hgh iy : India . lined : Se ah a kde wal. 4 veguine not see abo ti 2 of the first of the Key boats to be : Why us ut it to-morrow laid up in Kingston. Gloves or Mitts, Um- --WALT MASON. £ t ' steam * - -------------------- | J & Asselstin D 0 : Pros on ay a Seared tof brellas, Canes, Win- It is not the hat a man wears that |' ' a} ) The steamer C: : , he has under ft. oe OUIC, DU.y Blin So or ouuws ue} ter Hate and Gaps. Bore ae pant, as anette : Optometrist and Optician. : Be rato - Stiat dows M3 ) HH Mill S AN] "oat young men would rather em- | . 342 King Street. Phone 1019w. a lier India tance '& Dretty girl then an oppor- | Passed up last a tunity. Ditto most older men. Oo : =: PHONE 2216. ~ night on the way to Port Colborne MAKERS OF FINE FURS Beethoven became totally deaf ig to load grain for Montreal, . 1800. i.