Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Nov 1921, p. 7

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ILY BRITISH WHIG. -- _- SLIPPERS LADIES' BEDROOM SLIPPERS, IN ALL TIE FANCY GOLORS --IN KID AND FELT-- PRICES, $2.00, $2.25, $2. BLUE, PINK, GREY, BROWN, PURPLE, ROSE, LAVENDER. BLUE, PINK, GREY, BROWN, PURPLE, ROSE, LAVENDER. SATUnuAYR, Rue. So, 108, Sere n------ frou 1 HE, DA ] CALNE CHHRCH SALE|Won't Be Allowed | to Grind the People "The 'manufacturers of this country will be safe when the Liberal Govern- ment is formed. They will not be allowed to grind the people, but will be permit- ted to make a fair profit on their goods." -- (From J. M. Campbell's nomination address.) -- It Was a Fine Event and Was | Very Liberally Patron= ized. For Canadian Authors' Book Week RALPH CONNOR'S Powerful New Story "TO HIM THAT HATH" A Novel of the West To-day Surely the Big Canadian Novel of the Year. R. Uglow & Co. The annual sale held by the Lad-| les' 'Ald of Chalmers «church, drew | large crowds to the lecture hall on Friday afternoon, where they were received by Mrs, R. J. Wilson, the president, Evergreens and flags, the scarlet and white decorations on the tables gave an air of Christmas to] the scene, and many suitable gifts! were to be found on the well-laden tables. Mrs, W. H., Macnee 'was at! - -- the door and at the long work table SAFEGUARDING STEPS were Mrs. Isaac Allen, Mrs. R. N. F. a MacFarlane, Mrs. John Matheson, TO PUBLIC BUILDINGS | Mrs. George Mahood, Mrs. Halloway | Waddell, Mrs. W. K. Macnee, Mrs. And by-the-way way It Would Be| ¢ | Herbert Robertson, Mrs, F. Stewart, Good Plan For the {Mrs. McFadyen, Mrs. Yule, Mrs. | Menzies, Mrs. Norinan Miller and Citizens, {Miss Nora Macnee. All sorts of pretty woolies for the| The steps leading up to the var- | little ones were at another table with |/°Us public buildings in the city are ~|Mrs. F. Mahood, Mrs. D. W. Taylor, | Ping covered with planks to prevent | Mrs. T. H. Renton, Mrs, A. Cavin, | | the accumulation of ice, so dangerous | | Mrs. Henry Connell, Mrs, Perry Ma-|!0 pedestrians. During the winter {hood and Mrs. Roy Allen presiding. | whenever a thaw comes, the ice melt ts} Abernethy's Shoe Store | by Mrs. Hobart Dyde, Mrs W. I Pig Bong and by the same token does | ZEEEESEESNESSSEEEE lon, Mrs. W. Nicol, Mrs. G. H. Wwill- | not freeze so easily. Citizens in| 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Beil"s Veterinary Wonder 60.000 one dollar ($100) bottles Free to horsemen Who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers Listemper ~~~ etc. Send 25c for Mailing Pacvkage etc. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. DR. BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Ont. |iamson, Mrs, M. G. Johnston, Mrs. iJ. Gow, Mrs. Stuart Parsons, Mrs. r A A ------ At ang Cluster Ogilvie INSURANCE and GENERAL BROKER 281 King Street HOLD UP and BURGARLY Phones 568) and 1087 SPECIAL SALE ON |f THIS WEEK Choice Creamery Butter 38c 1b. Choice Mince Meat ...20c. In Corn Flakes ....8 boxes 28c. | | HK want to express our gratification about the manner in which ovr patrons are discussing onr satisfactory service. They speak in grateful terms' about the completeness of our service and a ¢the. perfect way we have relieved their sight aberration. If you are a sufferer from eye trouble you should make an effort to see us. J. Sirloin Steak ........20c. Ib. Shoulder Roasts ,..... . Ib. Rib Roasts : . 1b. Stewing Cuts ...5c. to 10c. 1b, Rended Dripping . 1b. Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office YOUR PROTECTION! BURGLARY INSURANCE C, 8. KIRKPATRICK 30 Clarence St. Telephope JGSw- Quick's Grocery LASTWEEK FOR 20% DISCOUNT \ (Sale Closes Saturday, Dec. 3rd) Diamonds--Watches--Jewelry-- Cut Glass--Clocks--Leather Goods-Ivory --Ebony--Novelties. 20% OFF FOR CASH SALES (With the exception of a few articles with price restrictions), This is a splendid opportunity to buy your Christmas gifts and save 20%. R. J. RODGER Jeweler 132 Princess St. {H. Cook, Mrs. W, F. Inman, Miss] Wy and Miss Driver. J A red and white candy table, cen- tered with a poinsettia, with three little maids all in red and white too, | Miss Nancy Wilson, Misses Kathleen |and Eleanor Murray, selling red| {boxes of sweets on red trays,| {was in charge of Mrs. Percy Murray, [ Mrs. J. Newlands, Mrs. Thomas Clat- er, Miss Redden and Miss Frances! Murray, ? The tea table with its Ic ely yel-| low mums, was in charge of Mrs. | Welch, Mrs. Malcolm Macgil- nr Mrs. J. C. Connell, Mrs. Rare) | low, Mrs. T. G. Smith, Mrs. G. llac- Janse and some energetic waitress- | The proceeds amounted to $425. Death of Oak Leaf Lady, Oak Leaf, Nov. 23.--Following an {illness"of three weeks' duration, Mrs. {Charles Murphy, Oak Leaf, passed |away at the General hospital, Brock- | ville, on Saturday night. Deceased | was about fifty years old, and. was {a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Godkin and spent her whole life |in this section. She was a member {of Trinity church, Oak Leaf, and an | active worker in everything pertain- | ing to it. She leaves, besides her hus- | band, one daughter, Marion, and two brothers and three sisters, George and Jesse of Balcarres, Sask. Mrs, E. Murphy, Balcarres, Sask., Mrs. M. Tennant, Ottawa, and Miss Lizie Godkin, Winnipeg. Mrs. Murphy of | Balcarres arrived a week ago and was with her sister during her last moments. The funeral was held ou Tuesday afternoon from her late rest- dence to Trinity church and was largely attended. The service was | conducted by the rector, Rev. V. O. Boyle. Many floral tributes reste: on the"wcasket. The pallbearers were J. A. Flood, Wallace Johnson, ! Howard McNeil, Oscar Wills, Bryce { Warren and Lloyd Warren. Rejected the Bill, The Deseronto council has reject- ed the account of Dr. H. A. Boyce for treatment of Mrs. Susannah Barnhart who claimed her leg was injured by a fall on a sidewalk. SEPP HPF EPEREE EES FOR THE CHILDREN Commencing on. Monday an entirely new feature will start for the children in the Daily British Whig under the heading of '""The Junior British Whig." "It is merely a little newspaper within a newspaper. The shivers, and thrills of "The Saturday Special," the "One-Reel Yarns," Home Talent Plays, Riddles, Puz- zles, Jokes, Boys' Cartoons, School Yells, Dingbats, Sports andi special features like Timbling, Easy Juggl- ing, Clay Modelling, Shad- ow-graph, etc, all form a part of the Junior British Whig. 4 The young readers of the Daily British' Whig will be delighted with the Junior, It will stand out as their own part of the paper and will furnish a condensed world of amusement and instruc- tion every day. It starts EE ITT on Monday. SPECIAL | Women's Field. Mouse Grey Kid High- cut Bals with Louis Heels. All sizes. Women's Chocolate Kid Theo Ties in Military Heels. All sizes. Broken r'nes Women' s Gun Metal Bro- gue Oxfords- Chocolate Kid Bals, etc. » WHILE THE LAST ......... $2.75 Allan M. Reid SHO: STORE Watch for it. + # +* + + + * * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * + + * > PEPPPEPPIPPINPY sesssstsrtasene [ Cectober, {and Detroit Rivers, jof 9,053 trains, reached the terminal station on time. | This record is a very gratifying one | [general could take this lesson to heart, and by covering their private | | steps and walks, etc, do much to prevent the usual long list of miner | {and serious accidents throughout the | winter. WERE ON TIME. Grand Trunk Trains Make a Fine Record. A summary of the operations ot | passenger trains during the month of | 1921, shows that out ninety-one per cent. and such a performance is regarded as evidence of the efficiency with which the passenger service of the | Grand Trunk is being operated. The record for September was equally good. Meighen Responsible For Al This Mess "Who is responsible for the mess the country is in--closed factories, unemployment, every- where, finances in the worst con- dition, the gcountry swamped with debt, while expenditures are far in excess of the reve- nues? Js it not the Meighen Tory government who have been in power? What have they done? They do not come for- ward and tell us any good they have done but only what they promise to do in future," This was J. M. Campbell's re- ply to the piteous story told of Canada's position, by Rr. Ross | at the nomination meeting. SENDS CATHOLIC TO ORANGE nAaLL Alleged Trick By Returning Officer of Lennox and Addington. iy Toronto Globe. What looks like an attempt to #% compel a score of Roman Catholic voters to mark their ballots in an Orange: Hall, or to discourage those twenty electors from voting at ail because of their aversion to Orange- ism, was explained to Ths Globe yesterday by J. L." Hayéock, dustry, whose postoffice address is Adolphustown, in the riding of 1en- nox and Addington. Mr. Haycock showed The Globe a copy of the election sheet, for which George tan, K.C,, of Napanee, Returning officer for that uency, is responsible. In all but one of the two subdivisigpd®* where | two polling booths are necessary tne electors are alphabetically divided! into two groups: those with the in- itial letter between "A" and +'M" and those between "N" and "Z" in- clusive in both cases. The execption is the subdivision of the township of Richmond, in which is situated the village of Sel- by. In this subdivision they a¥e divided "A" to "L", and "M" to "3", Mclusive in bbth cases. Mr. lay- told The Globe that there are two ty-three Roman Catholic voters In that subdivision, three of whom fall in the first group, and twenty in the second group. And here is Fk. the Rut- | TWICE TOLD TALES : TEN YEARS AGO, Royal Military College cadets won the intermediate and junior domin- ion rugby championships, Two hundred péople will come from Belleville for the consecration of Rev. M. J. Spratt, archbishop-elect of Kingston. W. J. Cunningham, of the Bell Telephone Co, is able to 'be around again, The wreck of the steamer John Sharples has been sold 10 a Detroit Arm. The city will be decorated for 'the visit of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Dutchess of Connaught. News of Kingston TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Burglars attempted to blow up a safe in the office of the Walsh Coal Company but only succeeded in lock- ing it tighter. The fire department demonstrated new hand extinguishers last night. Regiopolis defeated Frontenacs in rugby, "Bike" Young was hurt. Fully 500 people visited the new steamer Paul Smith yesterday, The traffic on the K. & P. was so heavy yesterday that the official ear "Frontenac" had to be placed in ser- vice. Open cars ran here zl] day yester- day and carried over 1,500 people. on the Grand Trunk | Railway System, each of the St. Clair | the | old-time leader of the Patrons of in-| proclamation | Chief | constit-| Special for This Week NOV. 21st to 26th. English Breakfast Tea 88c. Ib. Egg-O Baking Powder ...25c. , Old Dutch Cleanser. .2 for 23c. Gold Bond Soup ....3 for 22c. AT THE UNIQUE GROCERY II C. H. Pickering 490 and 492 Princess St. ! Phone 530. = mm J SY TS } 2% Le , v Fh, Jat us recharge your Ford Magne- te 'We do. it without disturbing motor. Guaranteed satisfaction or money re- funded ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1039. Res, 1537J, 7S BROCK STREET OE your In The Letter to Santa Claus There are sure to be a Kiddie Kar, Shoo Fly, Rocking Horses, Child's Brass . Three Piece Toy Set, Desk and Chair, Dolls, Bed, Doll's Carriage, Walker, Child's High Chale and Rocker--gifts that make a Baby Christmas morning brighter. EI Kar TNEWYS pPEneing JAMES REID FOR SERVICE » PHONE 147 men, €n ew Overcoats 's and Boys' Il Reduced RONEY'S, Princess St. where the rub comes in: The group "A" to "L" vote in the Town Hall |of Selby, and the "M" to "'Z" group vote in the Orange Hall in Selby. Why, Mr. Haycock asks, was the alphabetical division for the township of Richmond . made dif- {ferent from that of all the other subdivisions in that riding and else- | where? The moving of the bound- _|ary line one letter to the left throws !|all the Roman Catholic "M's" into the Orange hall group. Mr. Haycock adds that he igSure it will {not deter any of them from voting: WHOLE BUNCHES OF CAMPBELL VOTERS A resident of Sydenham street states that there are thirteen votes in his household, and all "are going to be cast for Camp- bell on election day. At a cer- tain place where forty-four men are employed; a canvass showed that forty-two are voting for ° Campbell. The Saucy lads. Three Smith's Falls boys, whose Ages were respectively thirteen, twel- ve and ten years, went out to the premises of Hugh Condle,. taking along a .22-calibre rifle, and began to shoot pigeons in the barn., Mr. Condie appearing, they made off. He followed after them in order to get their names when the one carting the rifle turned and threatened * shoot him. In police court Bn thie got off with a lecture and suspended sentence, after the $20.59. Chief Intends to on the watch against Shah a6Hous On The Pare of Sor 'and will confiscate and send to Toronte all rifles found in the hands of boys |82dér sixteen years of age. Who portrays the character of Dona Luisa, in the "Foup Horsemen of the Apocalypse" at the Grand, commencing Nov. 28th, and two days after.

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