THURSDAY, DEC. 1, i021. CHOICE WES 1ERN MEATS , and COOKED MEATS I McGEEIN'S Phone LL ---------- Volunteers FOR | ° | Election Day 1182 [VU citizens who have || be placed at the disposal | 282 Princess Street of Mr. Campbell, kindly K ===--<= send their names and ad-| FUR MUVING OF dresses to the Freight, ruraiture, Sates, Planos and | : Cartage of every description-- Campaign Secretary TH E DAILY RRITISH WHIG. 5 Kingston and Vicinity Re-Elected President. 1A. M. Edwards, M.A, H. James O'Neil, Cape Vincent, N.Y., | Wade, Hugh S. Eayrs, E. J, was re-elected president of the Jef- | Robert A. Hood, and others. ferson County Sheep Growers' Asso- | ciation at the annua] meeting held at Watertown, N.Y., on Friday, Moore, The French Alliance. { caise'" are achieving distinet suc- {cess with their organization and sev- eral applications have been received for membership In the Kingston branch. It appears that the opportu- [nity to improve their knowledge of {the French language is being eager- Take the Play In, Don't fail to see Queen's Dramatic Club present "The Tragedy of Nan" in Grant Hall, Dec. 2nd and 5th at $.30 p.m. Tickets $1 at Uglow's book store, Aid of Queen's Women's | Residence Fund. {ly grasped by a number of returned {officers and soldiers, who, during their perfod overseas attained a cer- tain degree of proficiency in the Save What You Can. Money is very scarce, so {if you {want to save from $3 to $5 on Boys' tongue, and are now adopting this {and Men's Overcoats see our range. | method of completing their linguis- Gerald | The man | The members of "L'Alliance Fran- | Put up a very plausible story, saying that he has been work- {ing for Watts, the contractor, whose {name was forged, and that he hed heen paid.too late to cash the cheque at {less a believer | 3 mankind, and with {ceived. This firm, none the wiser, in {turn gave the paper to the bank, the |cashier of which "spilled the beans |by declaring 'that the paper was {worthless. Thus by the same stages | {the cheque was finally re-urn.l to | [the butcher, who had first accepted { It, and he is now in a similar position | to the buck private in the army, who ed down from the coioae! to the cor- a bank. The butcher took the || {cheque in good faith, being more or | equal faith tender~d it for coal re- | alter receiving a "balling out" haad- | To Power Users We carry several sizes of Wood Split Pulleys and Bushings: Immediate delivery from stock. Prices reduced. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Plone 1415. \ -- (| DINE WITH ME AT KINGSTON'S We have a large stock to choose! tic education. from; we guarantee to save you mon-| Professor Vattier of the Royal ey. Prevost Clothing House, Brock | Military College is the president of street. | the local branch and those making {application to him for admission to 'the body are assured of a genial wel- come. The next meeting of L'Alliance Francaise takes place early in De- | |cember.and the committee arranging CPF FRPP ERE E IE d {for the entertainment of the mem- + . : bers have made splendid progress in 2 the formation of an attractive pro- gramme. poral, has no comeback, and can only vent his wrath on the regimental S---- | 4 [ LEADING dog. 2 ", og | RESTAURANT -------------- Only five per cent. of the women in India are educated. wo sfer Co. | 143 Princess Street Kingston J se see To The Electors of the City of Kingston AND THE VILLAGE OF I'ORTS- MOUTH Vapun wees DAVID SCOTT Plumber Plumbing and Gas Wer* a special | ty. All work guaramtece Address { 145 Froateaac Street. Fioue 12771. | DRAW, WINNETT 'DANTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnsun and Wellington fitroste Phone 363 Dr. Waugh 108 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repairs Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles Baby ans Mane, ete, We repalyr work ned t oa Suarantee 197 WELLINGTON STRENT The quality of their food is so excellent their waiters courteous and obliging, that Just lke dining at home. Mure expensive? Oh, nol CEs HAVE BEEN REDUCZID to the lowest possible level con istent with quality and you'll be sur. prised at the small amount of your check when you have finish. ed your repast. Come and be convinced. THE GRAND CAFE + Admitted Stealing Tools, Harry Sharp, alias J. Fowler, was {brought to the peniitentiary trom | London, '0 serve three years ior theft. He pleaded gullty to stealing tools from the Grand Trunk Ra:l- way, and also from one of the homes in London. He also burglarized no stores at Strathroy. «nd so its THE BALLOT SECRET. 'LADIES I beg to announce that 1 have accepted the nomination of tha { Liberal Party of this City, and re- | spectfully solicit your votes ang | influence at the coming election for the House of Commons. It you think favorably of my candidature and elect me, 1 will give your interests IFIRST CON- SIDERATION, and - devote my energles and what ability | pos- sess to bring about a business ad ministration at Ottawa, and to AND GENTLEMEN: -- L 3 - *+ Some canvassers for the Mei- % ghen candidate abe trying to 4 |# throw a scare into patients and | ® others connected with hospitals {% of the city and Portsmouth that -& Wilson-Armstrong Wedding | A quiet wedding was solemnized lon Wednesday at Brandon, Man. | when Mernije L., daughter of Mr. and | Mrs: Andrew Wilson, Picton, Ont., | was united in marriage to Milton { Coulter, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J make our home town a b gger | Armstrong, Alida, Sask. The young and better Kimgston. {couple were unattended. JOHN M, CAMPBELL, | | | A Worthless Cheque. A certain Berrie street butcher is | mourning the loss of three pounds of pork and the small change from a [+ if they vote for Campbell the fifteen dollar cheque tendered in |4& government workers will at - payment for same. On Saturday last, }& once know from the ballots. a would-be customer walked into his [4 Le: it be known that the bal- store and after making the above [4 ot is secret & purchase, handed over the cheque | 4 oo BIG CuT IN PRICES { which was endorsed by ome Brown. RVR hF Rb Sb pbb dpe on Maxotires and Tubes, for 10 Days 20% reduction om all sizes of Maxotires and Tubes. A few Tires at cost. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBLER Co. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. ~ T. C. Lapp, son of the late C. A. La»p, for many years editor and pro- i | prietor of the Brighton Ensign and a 0 e eC ors brother to Clarence Lapp ,the pres- | en. proprietor, has been appoin'ad | f Ki t d | editor of The Veteran, the official jean of the Great War Veterans' As- At the request of many Liberals and sociation of Canada. Conservatives, and by selection at = very large convention, I have consented | te stand as candidate for tii sti | SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORK PHONE 811. - SOWARDS COAL COMPANY ny WINTER OVERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL"S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Elected to Directorate. The annual election for the direc- torate of the Chamber of Commerce | concluded at Belleville, has resulted | {in the return of five energetic end | influential citizens. The five chosen | tuency. L stand for a protective policy, which | ¥ 11 Serve for two years. They are: will provide work for our workingmen | Messrs. H., W. Ackerman, Jamieson and keep our money at home; for sup-| " 1 port of men who have mtood by our | Bone, Arthur McGie, J. G. Moffat and Country in time of meed; for support | Mackenzie Robertson. Mr. McGle wilj of soum eadership as we have | n Right Hon. Arthur Melghen * 1" be new to the board. I solicit your vote and if elected my whole time wii] mervice, | WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fredh . flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763. uence, and be at y uz Pushing Along the Work. McKelvey & Birch, who have the sontract to build the concrete tun- nel which will enclosz tha steam heating pipes to supply the Kingston General hospital and the Queen's Un- iversity are pushing alofig the work as rapidly as the weather will per mit. The men have to be very care- ful in putting in the concrete during the very cold days. "HIS MASTER'S VOICE COPYRIGHTED. CANADA. 1900.8Y EMILE. BERLINER ~~ Out To-day "His Master's Voice- Victor Records for December DANCE RECORDS Bring Back My Blushing Rose--Fox Trot Somewhere in Naples--Fox Trot Metropolitan Dance Players Sweet Lady--Fox Trot Just Like a Rainbow--Fox Trot Yoo-Heo--Fox Trot It's You--Fox Trot Canadian Capers---Fox Trot Biminl Bay---FoxTrot Sal-O-May-- Fox Trot Wabash Blues --Fox Trot Ross' Trot Ross' Reel "Black Face" Eddie Ross] 13815 VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL SELECTIONS I Ain't Nobody's Darlin, ] Daveer Dan . Billy Jones | 316343 Birthday of a Kin, Charles Hart Jerusalem . "Elliott Shaw | 116346 Trinity Qt ~-A. E. ROSS, BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J 8. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET Died Recently at Perth. After a period of declining health Margaret Jane Hogan, relict of the late John Murray, passed away at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. McLean at the age of sixty-seven years. Mrs. Murray had been a resi- | dent of Perth for a. great many years | and was highly thought of, Surviving | Smith's Falls, Mrs. Daniel Lee and | are three daughters, Mrs. John Kelly: | Smith's Falls, Mrs, Daniel Lee and Mrs. A. V. McLean, Perth, and two sons, Thomas, Renfrew, and John, Lombardy. 1216342 { 1216340 Imperial Dance Orchestra! ne Paul Whiteman and His Orch.! ag00 Tbe Benson Orchestra of Chicago os. C. Smith and His Orchestra 18816 The Benton Orchestra of Chicago Metropolitan Dance Players "W. R McRae & Ca. GOLDEN 140¥ BLOCK, COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal, No other kind sold by Udy BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Xard « Phone 133 Smoke T&B Recommended by judges of tobacco While Shepherds Watched; (2) Christians, Awake! O, Little Town of Bethlehem; (1) Ange!s [rom the Realm of (lor; Plantation Lullaby Male Quartet) Honolulu Honey Medley of Irish Songs, No. 1 Dozing You're Just the Type for a Bungalow Don't Throw Me Down Darky Stories i Irish Stories Walter C. Kelly) The Virgin ullaby Merle Alcock! 1 Forty Years Married. Mr. and Mrs. P, J. Furlong, Perth, celebrated their fortieth or ruby wed- ding anniversary at their home in Perth on Wednesday. They were married in Perth on Nov, 23rd, 1881, 216349 " Hed Regal Quartet} Cliarles Hart-Eiliott Shaw | 316350 Palace Quartet Charles Hawison| 316381 entholatum is gdod for cold in head and the cLest.- Apply freely. For chilblains, frost bites, chapped hands and face--it Js soothing and healing. Apply freely. i Sold in tubes, 25¢., and jars 25c¢., 60¢. and $1.00. M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. PHONE 82. P.8.-- Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks Always on Hand. 18811 45255 45287 35711 Irving Kaufman] by the late Dean O'Connor. Mrs. Fur- long's maiden name was Miss Mary The Yi 8 Lul by Olive kh 1 Lapiele Alcor y p on Tr ul v ine and Lambert Murphy | {E. McCabe. The only living relative Santa Claus Visits the Children. Part | Jk {wha attended. the wedding;fot Mr. Santa Claus Visits the Children--Part II Gilbert Girard) {end Mrs, Furlong is James Conlon, RED SEAL RECORDS * , Swingin' Vine Sophie B Gien Tay. Thomas Mitchell of the 3rd nan oS lta Bostimen So Bra concession Bathurst, was grooms- Gantanettn her TA sch ini - es le Perles Comme Au salli-Curci man. A dinfier was served to the fm Loulse--Depuis longtemps j'habitals cette chambr mediate relatives when hearty con- Harrold-Gauthier gratulations were extended to Mr. Sandlqve de Noel (0 Holy Night) Marcel Journet held | 3 Last owt Mak : McCormack and kreialer Mrs. Furlong who are held in 'alse in G flat Major (Plano) Sergei Rachmaninol | and Mre. Furlong i Oh Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) Schumann-Heink | high esteem by their many acquain- Patrie Cantabile de Rysoor (Song of Rysoor) Titta Ruffo | tances Carmen--Arag Arturo Toscanini and La Scala Orch. * Nazareth Reinald Werrenrath = J 649% $4997 66008 74718 74716 74519 87576 66007 87330 88643 FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra I Good barn. Rents for $44 pe month. Price $4,500, W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and insurance 89 Brock Street. Phone 424, pesmm--mon oem ESRI BI3T "49 74719 Ask to hear these new selections played on the Victrola Silver Wedding. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Os- terhout, Edmonton, Alberta, at the celebration of their twenty-fiftn . | wedding anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. at any "His, Master's Voice" dealers Osterhout were married in Welling: Beviiner G a Co.. Limited, Montreal ton, Prince Edward county. = They Manufactured by ner Gram -o-phone Co., Lim , Mon ; ee -- MaHoop Bros. and lived in that vicinity until ihe Agents Victor-Victrolas, 113 Princess St. spring of 1906 when they went to F. W. Coates Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Osterhout | spent eleven years on the farm aad | Agent Victor Vietrolas. Phone 301J. Women's Combinations The ideal garment for winter wear -- no sleeves, short sleeves and long sleeves. We are showing a special line of the celebrated Health make--unshrinkable-- at $3.00 a Garment 1 pr ------ Real Bargains FOR MEN AND BOYS IN WINTER CLOTHING SUITS that will please you. OVERCOATS in all shades, # MACKINAW COATS. SHEEPSKIN LINED COATS. MEN'S HEAVY SINGLE PANTS in Corduroy 'or Tweed. SWEATERS -- Slip-on or Pull-over Styles. UNDERWEAR, MITTS and GLOVES, SOCKS, BOOTS aml RUBBEKS. 1.ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafi®s Giager Mar.aslade, Wagstaf's Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstai®s Drambie Jelly, We @iso have a full line of other reliable makes of Murma- lades, Jam and Jel! fo. sale Alo Bon Marche Groéery Cor, King and Earl Streets * License No. 3-27149 Phone 1844, berms | GET IN REPAIRED | Sewing Machines, Phosographs, Guns, Riles repaire aud refitted. Parts suppited. Saws ficd, Kulves, scissors und edge tools grou: Locks repaired. .Koys fitted to Bi hands of ocks. All manes of Lave sewers shurp. 'cd sod re lh We cen repair an)aing saat 8 repalvabre. . J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydembam ° treet, Iingston In England and Wales women out- Phone 2036). number men by 1,721,000, and in i Scotland by 185,000. have been residing in the city for the | past five years. Their {friends showed | their esteem by way of beautiful gifts | of silver and combinations of silver and cut glass. Literary Supplement. On Saturday the Whig will issue a/ spécial literary supplement in addi tion to the comic section and other fedtures of that day. This will con- tain a survey of the general book field at the present tinie and dozens of articles written by prominent Can- adian authors especially for this is- sue. Besides the general informative | value of the supplement to those in- terested in books, the special articlas will give an opportunity to all to be- ccme informally acquainted with the Canadian authors of the present day. Among those contributing are: J Marray Gibbon, president of the Can- adian Authors' Association, Robert Stead, Arthur Stringer, Hopkins Moorhouse, Agnes C. Laut, Prof. W.! T. Allison, Sergt. Ralph 8. Kendall ot ithe RN. W.M.P.. Robert Watson, J. Jewelor, 158 "rincess St. R. J. Rodger VICTOR RECORDS AND NEEDLES 485 PRINCESS ST. W. N. Linton & Co. -- Phone 191. The Waldron Store. T.F. HARRISON CO., LIMITED. Phone 90. Carpets, Linoleums, Pianos, White Sewing Machines and Hoover Saction Cleaners. An effort is being made to organ- |a craze among girls and young wo. ize 'the farm women In the United {men in China. States. It is estimated that $2 per cent. of Lawn teunis has recently become [the world's buyers are women, | m--