THE OAILY BRITISH ER -- -- -- SOARS J. M. CAMPBELL THE MAN FOR KINGSTON Vote on Tuesday to elect a business man to parliament and secure the prosperity not only of Kingston but of the Dominion Mark your ballot thus: Mr. Campbell supports the tariff policy of the Liberal leader, as "Do you think that in framing a tariff the Liberal party calcu- outlined in Kingston, on Wednesday evening, when Mr. King said: 0 destroy our own industries? Our aim is the reverse. We seek "Do you kn much is ised in taxes this i i : queried. "Jyst $560,000, th i public debt. What is th then of rson declari ; party is concerned, no legi Fade? And I 2 on St the, i pa need fear the return to power of the Liberal party. : lor free trade use we feel that to i i ' LEAR ERA done by other means than rect taxation. "LET ME BE FRANK AND pod NOT HE 1B RAL "How can we raise it? Tr policy as I say is not absolutely : THE TARIFF NEEDS free Stade ay we must Ievise on tariff so as to get J ovetue, fol; to FEEL THAT T RE- Protect little mergers and com Ines, but to protect Canadian indus- tries and Cannon workmen. ; is TION." _Vote for Campbell, the Business Candidate | ips \ > \