Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1921, p. 13

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« SATURDAY, DEC. 3, 152g, = THF DAITY RR 1 TIS WHICG. Garages Will Be Busy. |ana C. J. Brennan made the pres-jand one a Roman Catholic. Six dif- || We carry several sizes of Wood Split CHOICE y > @ > ® ® i» WESSHoE ATs I | Kingston and Vicinity aes Volunteers gsto Jcnuy | The garages will be kept busy on entation. Mgr. Hartigan and Miss|ferent lacguages are represented | Pulleys and Bushings. | Tuesday keeping all the automobiles | Hartigan who left on Thursday to among the residents, allhough of | | 3 {Thain for the purpose of carrying (assume his new pastorate at Pres- [course English is spoken by all wich lf Immediate delivery from stock . | ; | the voters to the polis, cott made many friends in Deseron- remarkable abil'ty. We. American |! : eC on dy | to and district. are often embarrassad by the fluency | Prices reduced, ' Resigned Position. -- een land cxtensive vocabulary of our In-| : Phone | ! Henry Lawson, who has been care- Mail for Overseas, ; [dian friends." | S. AN LIN & CO | . see [taker at Sydenham street Methodist| A very large mail for overseas left | . G Will citizens who have [taker : for some years, has resigned | the Kingston pos: office on Thurs- | The Matter Was Arranged, * ' | Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington { Automobiles which can that position. Peter Moffat has been |day night. Now is the time to post] T. H. Gothard and Lieut.-Col. By- s place. jin parcels for overseas, so.as [water got into trouble over property Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory to avoid the big rush the last few jon Trenton waterfront Mr. Gothard Phone 1415, 283 Princess Sireet be placed at the disposal /*°'zted in bi | I ¢ | of Mr. Campbell, kindly A Heavy Rain Storm. {days before the finals mails are sen: |thought he Was on government lard | | Kingston' had quite a heavy rain |off. when he placed his scales and offica | L J . > | send their names and ad- | orm on Friday. The rain was uc-| ; in their present position. The wood FOR MUVING OF dresses to the | companied by a lively wind storm, Isn't This Rich? | was placed as an obstruction to Mr. Freight, Furniture, Safes, Planos wd) jand altogether it made quite a dis-| The Napanee Express says: Rich- |Gothard's operations by Col. Bywat- |er's orders, and the work was done Cartage of every description-- | Campaign Secr agreeable day for pedestrians. {ard Joyce, Paisley House, would like etary | to have the people of Napanee un- {at night. The scrapping ensued, ore | . i . | mee | | i | . Kingston Transfer Co. 143 Princess Str eet | Save What You Can. | derstand that he did not steal 2 pair | side throwing the wood away from | i ow LEADING { | Money Is very scarce, 60 if you lof ladies' rubbers from the overcoat |the scales and the other side throw- eh 4 blhvus wees 100 Wuuugon Sueet. RIE, Want to save from $3 to $5 on Boys' | pocket of Edward Conger, son of | Ing it back. The chief of police caliet | i s = rT = | and Men's Overcoats see oar range. Willlam Conger, while travelling on |a halt and demanded the group to go w it RESTAURANT | We have a large stock to choose G.T.R. from Napanee to Kingston, | to the police station. The magistrate | X The quality of thair food is so { DAVID SCOT T T Th El ct f | from; We guarantee to save you mon- | although he was detained far two | considered the case. Col. Bywater | \ 4 | excellent tnd their water 33 0 e e ors 0 j produced the patent to the govern s { courteous and obliging, thac its Plumber ey. Prevest Clothing House, Brock | houpd: However, if Mr. Conger will } ] . . | street. { call at the office of the Paisley House | ment portion of Lot N. on which the a ; | just Mke dining at .ome. More ; Fumbls aad Sas nue ria | the Cit f st | {he will receive the money to buy an- | office stood, and then he and Mr. Rs 2 expensive? Oa, 'nol . RUCES Mas Froatemac Street. Flome 1277, |! y 0 on | Committed For Trial. { other pair or rubbers, the money he- | Gothard came to an arrangement oR rk Y HAVE BEEN REDUC:. to the | | Harold Dingman, Belleville, was , rs of whereby the scales will be placed in Nd T lowest possible level con istent RG iE OF P : » 2 (ing contributed by the boys of the 3 2 . > AND THE VILLAGE OF PORTS- {committed for trial on a charge of z a position that will enable Mr. Goth- | with quality and you'll be sur- town, prised at the small amount of and better Kingston. MOUTH : : : ) ard to carry on his coal business iu TR hos ~ your check when you have finish. Shectiully solicit your votes ang J} crossing Pinnacle street. who is in charge of plastering the The Late Edward Merritt, ufluence at the ¢ G { | Bp 2 Tdws sormer of Johnsun and Wellington Tor toe Huss of Coad oiection --- Walls at the new skating wink atf The faneral of the late Edward ! I | IE Gl RAND CAI E Streets SIDERATION, and devote my tween the General hospital and 10%- the 'masons and they are certainly (Earl street, to Cataraqui cemetery, No tae|/Who was held in very high esteem 106 Wellington St. Phone 250. | | | University and the General hospitsl. | win take a couple of days to do the bers of the Oddfellows and the on Maxotires and Tubes, for 10 Days 20% reduction on all sizes | SN trp ' > ' ae: street. | ove s R ars " {busy putting in the floors for the funeral. Rev. W. S. Lennon, of A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2040. 0 € eC ors Road in Bad Shape. 'dressing and club rooms. The tea Queen street Methodist church, con- n-- : ' People living on Princess stree. | room, which will be located in the ducted the service at the house, and | A tts cry 3 WINN ~ LADIES AND GENTLEMEN:-- []|negligence. It is alleged that he was | : | 1 beg to announce that I , {driving a motor, which struck Miss a satisfactory manner. . fe . . > ® { accepted the nomination 18 { g e Do v Rushing the Plastering. -- EA . $4 Your répast. Come aug be | Josephine Parker while she was H. W. Wats, masén contractor, | convinced. | | sf Commons. Phone 804 | | : ys : | Eivaidature ang elect me, 1 will All traffic on Stuart etreet be headway. This is ideal weather for teérnoon, from his late home, 215 | energies and wha - J} er Gordon street is stopped on AC- taking advantage of it. The north |and was attended by a very large| w---- a ------ i { | make our home town a i " |] | crete tunnel to connect the new cen- and the men expect to finish | {A big trench {s made across the least end of the rink. |moulders' union were represented. of Maxotires and Tubes. A few Tires at cost. Seal Talking Machines, Hicyel v ! y Ga. We | j petween Barrie and Alfred street 27% | building, will be a great attraction. | the Oddfellows officiated at the | | | Liberal Party of thi City, and re- D.INTAL SURGEON, o a If you think favorably of my | Street Is Blocked. Queen's University, is making grea: | Merritt took place on Thursday af- give your Interests FIRST CON- IX : Dr. Waugh {count of workmen putting in the con- {ana west walls have been finished |[Pumber of friends of the ese | | Dentist JOHN M. CAMPBELL [tral heating plant with Queen's {south wall by Saturday noon. 1:|by his wide circle of friends. Mem-| BI CUT IN PRIC | | 2 ha On Friday, the carpenters wer:|The Oddfellows had charge of the EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBLER Co. rriages, Lawn Mowers, ete, We rave. The pallbearers were Will-| Baby . do repair work right amd guaranmtes | f Kin Tt the Bones . satisfaction. anxiously waiting to see e Boar -- E r | 4 197 WELLINGTON STREET 0 gston dll |of Works department make some Winter in Algonquin Park. jam Saunders, John Evans, Henry SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --- ---------- Very necessary repairs to the track Algonquin Park is just the out-of- | Stratford, John Percy, Frank Ham- ; | allowance in connection. with ths the-way sort of place for a holiday, | i1ton and Thomas Mills. The chiet --and WATTS | Yorismou [made smears, the ity wil 'bo | 0% (OF Tet and recuperation fo those |MUTMers Were an only son, Gilbert, co | made imm ately, the | wh lown an od a cha | 8 -in- ty dy. Gh as 'N ! |called upon to pay damages tor | 3} Dt yun donk a 4 vest 4 Saange [three sons-in-law, James H. Mills, | AL KEEPS SOWARDS At th t of Li | ; : . Cunuervotis an: Say by election at | Wheels of waggons and automobiles |, | is pure and bracing. All win- | Lionel Reed, and Charles Hall. The | PHONE 155. y ' very large ul 1 re © | rag PM " ¥ af People S I sumventiun, I hve Is eomatt, | catching in the ruts. ter sports are indulged in at the |taskes 33 auey Wilk 8 hi ig | » UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORB will be open |tiful collection of floral tributes, in-| to stand as candidate for tEL; consti. * tuency. --------e in him Florist 1 stand fo Highland Inn, which {cluding a large anchor from the Col-| PHONE 811. T ® protective policy, which r 9 ' any Lrevide work for our workingmen| wants Police to Investigate, fiom December 15th, 1921, until Shipbuilding Company. | and keep our momey at home; for sup- M h 15th, 1922 Th> P. & 200 | lingwood ; b | James Houuslow, a Barrie street | March 15th, 1922. > Park fs 2 Decease as v § 3 177 Wellington street. : : | ao rg of Te i ca 1th, 1027, 70s Paris 100 | Dace an El muss Sours fore- SOWARDS COAL COMPANY of sound leadership as we have it In| cheque artist a few days ego. and | miles west of Ottawa, and is reached | - re . Fresh flowers and plants daily Right Hon. Arthur Meighen. | ibid Tr ---------------------- solicit you 1 . ' $ ad G i . -- , Fupcral designs, and wedding an Ah hare sian Jnliuence A reference to which was made in Toe | By Ihe Sr Tis : Rad wy » At Lee Valley. PAA een. Whig on Thursday, wants the police | strated 0 Eg a Lee Valley, Nov. 21.--On Novem- [== ee -- bouquets to order. Phone 1763. | | service. | Res, 1187, TA: E. ROSS. [to investigate the matter. In a ie'- |about winter in Algonquin Park sent Nh "wy : : {ber 15th, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Molle- | J RT re ter to the Whig he says he was: "Vil- {free upon application to, J. P. Han- | son Sr. Kad 2 sliver wedding dene i art + a {ley > i + Sr, > AREER. P dge Wire Works laniously exploited by the pranks of | ley, C.P. & T.A., G.T.Ry., Kingston, | in the hall, A fine group of yous | ' WINTER { . | a scoundrel who committed a breach | Ont, ; and old were| there. Charles Capes NICKEL PLATING {of the law and order of vor dumain." NE -------------- brought his phonograph. Fred Root AND BRASS FINISHING - On "Hike" Across Continent. the guitar and Clifford Root a viol- oe FE Manna TE to en ronk. Burglars a Prost, esda Joseph McIntosh, who is making | in, and all had a fine time. Mr. and . z ! Border Guards, ete. {On Tuesday night i ig t 3 a "hike" across the continent, was| Mrs. Molleson received some very ' 82 KING ST. W. . . PHONE ase. | morning burglars Shivre Lee sto; a visitor at the police station on {nice presents. Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" {ot C. H. Thompson, SY 3 ar Friday afternoon. He fs travelling | Willemere are élated over the birth | {chant, Prescott, and stole a q | trom the western coast eastwarde, |of a son on Thursday, Nov. 17th. | J ® ® | Sold b {of clothing, furs, Door pl shots], got into Kingston from Nap-| They are calling him Ian Bernafd, y ° fats eh, a window in{30€e about 2 pm, and went to the| Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard Andress, | " w | police station in order to have his| Mr. Townsend, Mr, Andress and Mr. ' INSURANCE and i bor i auing & bapers signed. Mr. McIntosh is a|Carlisle have returned to their hom- | MEN and YOUNG MEN S NEW GENE | ' red | Veteran of the great war, He Ser- es. Frank Coburn, Gore Bay, has | RAL BROKER : {Toran Simbel inside 'auq Ysmeved), in one of the Scottish 'battalions, | been visiting his uncle, Sidney Co- NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES W. R McRa & Co. 281 King Street jhe utiers, E land is making his long walk in uni-| burn, Lee Valley, Sidney Coburn, | ° e -- {theiruscape. (form. He was wounded four times, | Nelse Hansen and Mr, Hamelin have | p | but is now in good health and says|sent a carload of beef to Toronto. | ¢ | y a | covmummon HOLD UP and] om mame, ,,, | i i tae ms diol be vet ta Torn 25.00, $28.00 t | r dh {much so far. He had dinner at a [iting her brother, Walter, at Moose | . 9 ® | { i "SS BURGARLY hia. (is sonprogation down-town restaurant, and will start Lake." Hifiw. Capes hay returasd . : lular incumbent with a well-filled | for the east as soon as the Weather nome frem hunting. : i | MF. and Mrs. Steve Guild and Wil- ||] ° 4 ° r [purse and a neatly worded address. | © Tavorable. : Phones 568] and 1087 [The address was read by.J..C. Burns | liam "Root, Mallorytown, who heave | In His Favorite Car, | been visiting in Lee Valley, have re- | A nnn | -) | | Inasmuch as Sir Harry Lauder | turned home, Harry and Frank Kirk- | BUILDING P| 0 & {rides in his own Ford Sedan when he | er, visiting James Kirker during the TWEDDE 9 REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS | is at home, his joy can well be imag- | hunting season, have returned home. | . y 14 > ined when he was met at the Grand j Foitical meetings have been held in | S | Estimates given by Your Child's Bow els Need | Trunk station here on Thursday | Lee Valley by Liberal, Conservative | 131 Princess St. Cho'cest quality of Scranton J! 0. Aykroyd & Son California Fig Syrup {moon, by President "Joe" Stewert|and Progressive candidates. Welling- | J [21 Main Street. Phone 1670. . tand fellow Rotarians, with a car of | ton and Frank Coburn have gone to Coal. No other kind sold by h this type, and conveyed to the quar- { West Lake for the winter. (One door below Randolph Hotel) | un. - ters of the Kingston Rotary Club. ---------- { Furniture--Freight--Baggage | Following the club's luncheon, 8ir | * John Dwyer, Tweed, passed away ~ : «BOOTH & co. | TRANSFER Z | Harry made. a tour of the city in the {during the night on Sunday. u E Phony 133 Phone 1 776J y . . Ford Sedan, He enjoyed his stay in [own amma | | Kingston very much, and especially | WEAK HEART . : YS nt 8 "id Rr MAN his visit with the Rotarians, at lunch- | ------ SPECIAL FOR" TO-NIGHT --- Q N STREET , l eon. The members of the club also | NERVES BADLY FOR SALE | == | Daan or she Sistine | SHATTERED 9 , . should be en S Si k Dr H. { ' > | will be glad to welcome him on the | Many a woman who . A. Stewart, i | occasion of his next visit to this city, | strong and healthy, full of lite ani mt Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. | energy is bound hy the shackles of f Good barn. Reuty for 544 per || Dental Surgeon | Bn RQ ] The Late Mrs. Frederick Finch. {iLhealin, 1 titutional dis . . month. Price $4,500, , : eR ag I b ved | Some disease or constitutional id » 'll Wishes to announce ff | oaugs hus, Desh IcCIVed 0 a a mark in, the | Knitted | 1es | Ne BN a i x . attered | W. H. GODWIN that he has resumed ! 3 9 . | Winnipeg on Tuesday of a omen verbs oro 3aal an) [ 1 i | ~ |resident of Brockville in i ted condition of the whole sys- , & SON ll his practice, cor. Wel- i ENA [Frederick Pinch. Sha had been | EXhAusted cond 00 os Fatate way SE e | lington | and Princess i a a SS | her usual health until fatally strick- in . Ar rer------ Streets Phone 2092 Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful of em. The deceased was a daughter of MILBCRN'S All good patterns for . .50¢c. each l : * Jjj | "California Fig Syrup" will now thor. the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mec-| HEART AND NERVE PILLS ' . . | Dr. H. A Stewart | oughly clean the little bowels and in { Dougall and was born at Glen Elbe. [they will find a remedy that will sup- | Women s Pure Linen Hemstitched \ x | AST. ia few hours you have a well, playful {She went to Brockville early in lire| Ply food for the exhausted nerves, | . DD YOUEVRR TRY | === Enid cha ova Ts Sigh 378 os married to Frederick Flac ut (hk il srnethn tad refuns Handkarelticfs .... Ph Pr . nstipal es i 1 k= ESS mene oe | CONSID 3 ear 'tY 13 well known G.T.R. employee, who ie at hes | One-eighth inch hem. : | taste, and mothers can rest easy be- cause It never fails to work all the Predeceased her. She leaves one|" wo WW Pearse, 14 Seaton St., . She Toronto, Ont., writes: --*"I was left To-night Sanus aa Bor 25¢, | sour bile and poisons right out of (he |50n. Walter Finch, Winnipeg. Nl 0 d um | Stomach and bowels without xriping iso leaves three brothers and one| with a weak heart and in a run-down | or upsetting the child. sister, Messrs. Alex. MeDougall, | condition from the "flu." My nerves . . , i Tell your druggist you want only | Elizabethtown: James McDougall, | were badly shattered, and 1 had Women's Pure Linen Hemstitched is good for cold in hegd and the | the genuine "California Fig Syrup" | Duncan McDougall, and Mrs, 8. T. such pains around my heart I could Ini . od H 3 ." fs tiall andkerchie 8 seesces chest. Apply freely. ! whieh has directions for babies and) Wickware, Brockville, not sleep much at night. I took ser- F il | children of all ages printed on bottle, eral doctors' medicines without get- . . . el iuing, frost bites, I ara ay "Calioraia" | yy, A, Work m Indi ting any better. My husband got me Two in a box in the following chapped hands and face--it fs | Refuse any imitation. to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve sess soothing and healing. Apply fff! n 2» erating Jesovs: oF oi "on | Pills, and after I took ome box I initials only: H, M, E. L.K. treely. i 4 | fety an v © Of tae got relief, and after taking six boxes i : Sold in tubes. 25c., and jars CATARRHAL DEAFNESS | Christian student in British India, | [ have been well and not bothered Special price for box of 2-- Wagstaf'y Ginger Mar. aaiande. Wagstaf's Pineapp'e Marmalade, Waugstas Brambie Jelly. We @iso have a full Une of other rellable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jel fo. sale at-- Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King snd Earl Sireeqs License No. 3-27149 . Tw. Phone 1544. MAY BE OVERCOME {has been received in the city oy |since Only «or rr trees. 0c, ] ' REPAIRED Hl It you have Catarrhal Deafness or "Y", in the copy of a letter from H.|mailed direct on. receipt of price by . | head and ear nolses or are growing : ; , | The T. Milb Co., Limited, - | ! C. Herman, Y. M. C. A. secretary in - urn Co., Limited, Toron: -- is M. R. McColl { hard of hearing go to your druggist 'During the past thes | Ont. Sewing Machises. Fhunogeaphe, |] Prescription Druggist. strimgth), and add tc it i pint of| days," he writes, "prebably a huna- -- : C . Guus, Hines repaire and refitted. ih PHONE 82, ° : | het eth), and « little Tm of red were refused admission to one { Smoke WwW N. Linton & » * 0. | Ont i: 7 become easy and the mucus st . JM. PATRICK || orine. ie vas born n toss." |drorping lat the throat. "1 sacp|S5C% 00 the wast cons of Ini . IVA. jE . as born in 1858. to prepare, costs little and is pleasant Siice the third cen'ury. Thirteen Nakastakon, Manitoba's oldest Turks cancel all privileges to 25¢., 80c. and $1.00. Secretary F. J. Wilson, of the local Price, 50c. a box at all dealers, or | and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double, Madras. . desiring -- highend bias {fl} P.S.-- Neilson's Ice Cream | . Take 1 tablespoonful four/of the dormitories in the college | Locks repuired. Key Stied to | I Bricks Always on Hand. times a day. there for lack of room. Among the Ril Kids of wwcks. All manes wt | This will often bring quick relief | men now living in our dormitory, at Phone 191. The Waldron Store. ae eee | eee from the distressing head noises. |are twelve mein of the old Syr- Paired. repuirable. | Demase Racine, Liberal member ot | Clogged nostrils should open, hig fan church, which bas been in exist- ; ue m ' \ bos For enj 149 Sydend..m "treet. Iingston | Niagara district municipalities re- 'o .ake. Anyone who has Catarrhal are members of Protestant churches. woman, a Cree, dies at 114 3 Std 1 to . b ay oyment, fill , h years. [Christian minoritics. SR Phone 2036). | commend taking over 'the N. St. C.| Deafness or head noises should give eight are Hindus, four Mobammai- T Bluebeard of Gambais enters ap | British Liberals Saaking overtures ® T Railway by Hydro, 4 this prescription a trial. .. eos, two Brahmins, one Theosophist your pipe with T & 8B 9eal against sentence, to Labor party, ~ "ht ro

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