Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1921, p. 26

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THE DAILY BRITISH -- ee -- ee -- - -------- a -- | mere eer Bf B89 GRAND TO-NIGHT TH E P EOP LE 'S F OR U M = | Crossed Fish B 8 & 71E REX sTock co, Presenting oF TEDY "JUST LIKE A GYPSY" . i Vaudeville Between Acts ar nes PRICES; 20-30-10c. Gallery, 10e. Saturday Matinee 10 and 25¢. PP an + Stn en ma et St ee sgn -- i | ] : ; | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES i WANTED GENERAL ' { FOR SALB i . Flist irsertion, Ic a word Jaca i ------ | | 1 BOB SLEIGHS, | HE FINEST QUALITY IN | - » secttlve insertion thereafter ha ol a 8 N TWO SETS OF LitH' ) ibid . » 1 GRAND OPERA HOUSE cent & word. Minimum charge for, A SINGLE MAN Dsug dv gd O¥fib FOUND | New England bakery. PURE OLIVE OIL } AT ST. ANDREW'S § ALE, FRI. day afternoon, a gmall hand bag, with purge and small ~n th w one insertion, 25c; three irsertions, arm; | 4 | MALE AND FEMALE BIRDS. APPLY | 2 hyo, ECEMBER 6 421 Barrie or phone 1512J. ! TWESDAY | -- stock. aT r--------e | gL Eo 5 We use Argus Roof-proof. Prop a AE BRASS ANTIQU K.PIaARY LAMY, Learn to dance at the Gar | / MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 2.30 HELP WANTED card to F. Coventry, 5 Barrack St sum of money inside. Owner With shade. Apply Box U-2 hs om dem Hall, 111 Brock Strect, | > CAPT. M. W. PLUNK ETT'S WORLD FAMOUS -------------- eee I oh 111 Semr------ Le Sui n 3 t the | == = Clute S507 5° TT Vion Suavpenine Ars wane [BRR] ranried ts E208 SHE | 4 1) A WOMAN TO DO WASHING. APPLY | WANT TO HEAR FROM 6WNER HAV- | | : * APL, No. 5. | white enamel sleigh. Apply 7¢/ Pine |d # Walta, One Step, Fox Tree. | lo Hox 1-25, Whig Uffice | ing farm for sale, culars | | A NECKLACE OF BEADS. THE Street ra BE Hours from 7 to D every Ss Sesto a. a amv and lowest price rk ac OWneér may have same by ap- CARRIAGE N 4 x night, | en - PE x - f : H "1 KE ABY - i AT ONCE; A COMPETENT, EXPERI. | Canada stract, oy Hs, | | plying at C. W. Lindsay's. 121 | | WICKER B ARMNadG bo WE. £nCeu Maid Bs nna general Apply | lh Pn fry: | ood condition. Apply 235 Alfre §| MRS. S. COHEN, Instructor Will Offer Their Overness Revue Mrs. R. J. Rodger, 151 Xar] Street ; {1 Street. 4 Aall Phone revs 83 FF Bl. B G RN OLNG Gl oem En wo | Wo GE LEME EQUIRE COM- PEARL CROSS OFF A ROSARY, | Ee . ---- CLASS CONDI. | a . YOUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED wo. | TW EVE Ha old coun- || Wool neck searf and one. rub- PRESS SUIT Nn FIRS cL 8 cos. : Henidence Phone 7 } ROTI Ni Lk wr SANG | a ao Housework Wi 7 try family preferred: substantial ber, child's size; also friend- Phone 11795, A Serre neo PRICES: Evening 50-75-$1-31.50-82. Ma ++ +1: 50-T5-81.00 and $1.50 Hen baby ar ¥ rs. laSage, food essential; no experts at cam- ship bracelet, at Newman AUCTION SALE i-81.30-62. Matinee a Ho fo suflaging meals nee wer i : : | Hair os nped a A MAN'S GAUNTLET ON KING | ig. > 5 Street. Owner may have i = === same at 65 (Gore Street The above rates are for YI ROOF RErfiRinG HOW ABOUT When char g the : | your roof? Does it need repairing" 50 cents. ie Sa -- =| --ee -- WORKING HOUSEKEEPER W 1 pasar | for small hotel near Kingston; mus | -------- be good cook and have city refer-| - ence. Apply Box 1-20, Whig. | New Household Furalture, 161 R. &lan | Read, Monday, Dec. Sth, at 1 p.m. | an ES CR AA. i = English Mohagany Sonora Victrola i { i . v ' - IF YOU HAVE A USED CAR FOR SALE a Vicker P W.. Xe SITUATIONS VACANT ONE Fu R MUFF AND LADY'S see Geo. Palmer, cor. Bagot and oh Records, Wicker Parlor Sy a=] TT Kid Gauntlet Gloves. Owner | | s ugs, Oak Cabinet, Singer - A GOOD, GENERAL SERVANT; 2 nay have same at Jackson- ' Queen. Phone 410J. f Ins (Machine, got Canadian History - . who can cook; no laundry i ! Metivie > res t J ye 1 Books, Oa 'riting desk, Electric 5 ADL andr A ING 8 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS | tetivier's, Princess § | | FORD ROADSTER, COULD ALSO LEI Statue Hall Lamp inde, and Read- | WED. : 213 - King Stree ie grecting card sample book free THANKSGIVING MONDAY, ON || used as light truck GS) snap. alm-| yng Lamps, Leather Oak Dining Chairs, ; to workers; celebrated, inexpen- University grounds, a gentle- i er. cor. Bagot and Queen Centre Tables, Hall Rack, Handsome -- ree --e -_-- sive, Royal Series; secure orders man's gold signet ring. The ey. Ts Seip EE pr TT mmm---------- - ameled Iron Bed ang Springs, Chitd- LOCAL REPRE STATIVE FOR FLLL 1 deliver later; men and wo- owner se Ere same at the 8225.00 BUYS A Goon 23 FORD fens Bed and Babv's Cot, Carriage | line of farm imple ments; tracers nen already making fi dollars up Whig Office. tour ng; tired Rew: mec Aiea] conx Sleigh, Dressers, Quebec Combination | Wagons, cream separators, ete. lh. r even In s : capital or| dition good. Palmer, corner 480 Cooking Stove, Cooking Mater als, Gem | eral commissions paid- (Good nr > us Garret- | ON KINGSTON STREET CARS, and Queen streets | Jars, Crockery, ete. 4 3 | position for wide-awake man, I 'mpany, Brantford, Ont. one cameo ring, and oneyl |= . | 4 N, the Auctioneer. | ply Box G Whig Fo : TEm-- ---- Eversharp Pencil Owners) [ PIGHONS we BIRMINGHAM ROLLERS, Telephone V > 7 7 i N. TO LET. may have same by proving | Prices right. L. Gordon, Elginbur,, LADIES--WANTED ) bo . | property at Street Kailway { R. R. No. 2. Phone 2300 r. 12. AUCTION SA sewing at home; whole or re Ht manatee | Office. | . . NO. 2, 2 . 12. | | time; good pay; work sent 1 . ANGWOOD STRE $14.00 N < + hy > | Neo. 2, Colh e S tance; charges pald am; gr Month. Apply JF. Leste. 171] A LOW BROWN RUBBER, BE- | [A FR oatng ore iyu STOVE wrth | ut ny Thurwany, Dee, for particulars. ' Nations i 1 Street. o longing to a gentleman's left | | good condition. A first class bak.! Parlor furniture (walnut and oak) | facturing Compar n erases fout. Owner may have same { €r. Apply 189 Earl Street. | bed springs, mattresses. Dressers and | _ "7 FIRST CLASS ROOM WITH BOARD: by applying to 192 Division VEN HENS. aw. | Iiands, Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Paine : ¢ © : all convenlences. Apply 376.Har- Stree, | PRIZE COCK AND SEVEN HENS, Av. | Ings ana Pictures, Walnut Couch. Gus THOROY GuLy CAPABLE MAN WirH 5 I p y | "TOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN oN | conas; must sell to make room, or; Range and Plates, Wire Steel Couch | J860.00 for best business t - aly --sus. | AUTOM ts Sara S HAIN 0 | Will exchange for small Incubator | Bed, Ideal Range, Sideboard, Dining] in Kingston Exclusive « LP ROOM, WITH BOARD IF D I'rincecs St., Saturday nignt, Apply 74 Markland Street -f Chairs and others Extension Table | Good for $300.00 month red; all conveniences. Apply Owner may have same at the | Pp x : | a » 7 : ie 3 3 Bara Oak Clocks, Curtains ang Blinds; Gar- Corporation of Canada, ami ! IKing street, or phone 2 Dom. Ta: Service | THIRTY POUNDS DAYTON COMPUT. den Tools; Tollet Sets; Crockery, Glass. --_-- chi is is é - A , pi ; BA - | ing Scale--second hand-- guaran-| ware and numerous other articles. re A _------------------------ ON FIRst OF JANL ARY, LODGE FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- pd . x . MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $16 TO sun rooms now occupied by the I 0 x TISED FREE | leed accurate two years; had 1rojford, the Auctioneer. pald weekly for your spare time 1 Apply to Cu ngham & Smith seen at 168 Ontario Street. Phone 1721. | App 43 eT | writing show cards for us. No CAN | memset eset seman mee oe Anyone finding anything and dred dollars. Terms to sult ! Vascing. We instruct and SUpply! FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: Wishing to reach the Owner may IN/ | i 0 WI HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF condition at Dolan's Harness Store, TWO MUSK ox ROBES IN FRING Princess Street, | | Ont. You with work. West-Ang toy all finprovemen's; centrally a du so Ly reporting the facts Card Service, 17 ( olborne Bld, To- ed Apply 3 ity re. The British Whig. The adver- second-hand furniture and - » c ronto. | rs si -- tisument will be printed In this | . Any person having stoves ominio A yt -------------------- AR/ 5, NEAR 20), ER 'EEN | culumn free Of charge. | and furniture to dispose of, we will Bagot Apply LQ. H R. | pay highest prices. J. Thompson, WE WANT a RELIABLE SALES » Kingston. hone 1100 rp } "Found articles" does. not in. | 333 Princess Street, Phone 1600w. | . T e agent for each RUTEPreSented COUN: | mum mu m------ | clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, . axl ty or territory. Exciusive selling NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, etc. These, if lost, may be ad- THAT VALUABLE FROPERTY OY rights; good pay to energetic rep 146 Montreal St., all improvements. | vertised for in the "Lost column, Division Street, Within the eity resentatives. Our agency is valu- I'hone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April | | limits, known ar the Murdock 5 | » able. - Write Pelham Nursery Co. 1st | & Farm, containing forty-three acres Toronto, Ont. : = Zo == | more or less, now owned by the e Hist -- Ye ta---------- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND Kingston Brick and Tile Som- a merchandise; clean and dry. Mec-| pany. For particulars as to price WANTED IMMEDIAT { Cann Agency, $6 Brock Street |... ee eee 219 tims apply to the undersign. PHONE 1 16 toners to eriter a Kegistere, 4 | Phone 326. | WILL THE PARTY WHO TOOK THE | ed solicitor for the company. J. ---- ing School for wrong umbrella from St. Andrew s B. Walkem, 93 Clarence Street: hospital Must } at leas NINE>ROOMED HOUSE AT 17 NELSON | sale, rriday, please return it to this * year of high school wo. k ts treet; three-piece bath; gas and | office. S ne | our ay Tvice equivalent. Address Lee vate electricity. Apply to Mrs, Circle, | THREE LEGHORN COCKERELS, BAR- Hospital, 179 Lake Ave, Rochester, 51 Princess Street ON WEDNESDAY EVENING BE | ron strain, from 300 egg strain N. Y. -------- eset ----. | tween karl Street ang University | hens; sired by imported Barron | Avenue, black fox fur. Reward at | cock bird from 29s hen, $5.00 eac! | -- = GUUD WAGES FOR HOME WORK--| STORAGE ron FURNITURE, CLEAN, | this office | Also one Wyandotte Cockerel, Me- | fast eanny lear ike socks oa hel | aisy. airy rooms: TaEy CLEAN. | L LEATHER PURSE With ooo | 10d strain; one of the best layime W. KENT MACNEE oor "1ast, easily-learned Knitter: 2 ey. [rost's City Storage, 299. | SMALL LEATHER PURSE WITH Sty | conte in Canada. In egg laying] . Qoagption Costuming Rarecrch under Edward Knoblocle) ibecience Unuecessary; aistance 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 989w of money, name Inside, valued as a | Seniesa In Canada i and United | Bank of ¢ ommerce Bullding, Brock ang ' 1 Ab) immaterial; positively no canvass. EE -------------------------------------- keepsake from brother in Siberia. | States have no superior. $s, Ap- < 3 ¥ " ; r Fred Ing; YArn supplied; particulars oo NE ROONED HOUSE. HOT w Reward if returned to 97 Ear] a. | ply Box F-2, Whig Oftice, King Streets. Phone 701 or 13215. Diruction unde 7 ; Talo amp. Dept. 13-C, Auto Knitter Co. | A NINE Room iD SE, T WA. Tn ember e------ A e Orthor Toroato. $ Sor furnace and ail improvements; Fon NOVEMBRE 25th, AT QUEENS 064644666 *¢40000 General Insurance Mgency Photography under Qrthr. Eason i m---------------- corner of Colborne and Sydenham | University, a rug from cay Find- | g , 3 | Writlug:--Automobile, Fire, Accident, ' SELL SOMETHING Streets: Apply Number 2, Colborne | er Kindly'return to W. Hawley, 413] 4 * That desirable property on Bar- 4 | Sickne late Glass Burglary, ete. must have. (Read this nr ree Johnston Street, and receive ' re. le Strec* now In the occupa | ncRiesenting Only Reliable Companies | + y . re 1 i 3 again ang Dots that we said must) | ward. Ag * ils none Judge ficubation of Sema aan | Ld This newest of Doug productions, this most ene t Is unique, U. 8. protecte ticle d -- | ru ls a - | i ivi i i i q FL artcio) Cr eviN. Noo Soh BRICK HOUSE, | tine | § HONIATS real, Ao _had 'on applica chanting of all Dumas' vivid stories, this marvelous vis- to NICKLE, FARRELL & t. ~~ a positive necessity because af i | + Bout hment ruling. with yearly r Just cd piste, on Victoria Strest | A BLUE DOT HOUND DURING HUNT. | § ., 194 Ontario * ualization of 'The Three Musketeers' is truly a picture peat, exclusively owaed 'ang con- 1 mode rove nts; th 18 Scason, somewhere near Lon 5 | i i trolled by us. If you are an oed garage. Possession 1st of January, Lake or Flower Station, Any ons Te tet P 0000 00a 3 g for everyone--for your family and every family. From by C4 should mak> $20 1 §30 Apply C. Wathem, 143. Nelson St found harboring same will be pre. it, the young can learn frankness, kindness, valor and + MM You are I ambitious een eens secuted. Finder lease fy Al . salesman vou will ¢ chard us Card, Verona, ont? Sage Douly A | generosity. The old can find forgetfulness of trouble Who qualify. Jerome Laadt, p . So on North Alfred street, a go. b v i , { - - ny dri brick house and eight acres of Jang. oon Tolle Wo eS bite upg WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MAIL | lieve in Life's drama, with its chapters of gaiety and. Apply to J. D. Boyd. 332 University tail and stripe in face a pawer, 2 Send a Dominion Express Money wit, owe to Dumas a debt of gratitude. Avenue, phone 1083M. Name of Sport. ' Anyone harborin { . . Se same after this notice will be pros MRS, H. s. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. | "ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL" secuted.- Notify H, C, Orser, Glen- mobile and Casualty Insurance. 420 | ocal LEGAL | vale: Earl street. Phone 1752M, For the - essen tr e------ ---------- ; NINGHAM & SMITH BARRIST. t , | ; y " and. Soffcitors Fo ARIST. FOR SALE. ANGE & STRANGE, ivse Sailors in the Nay R t t Street, Kingston. A. B. Cuspinet | ST rents: en apna, IYSURA Y | PRICES FOR THIS PRODUCTION : epresen allve ham, Cyril M. Smith DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY on. the must rellable companies repre | MATINEES EVENING | ders are on sale in five thousang | Office 95 Clarenc t y AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER offices throughout Canada, = na 9pPUsIto the pust office. --o° Blreet | Donations--large or small-- Adults....... .....85. AduMs ...,.. .. | | will be gratefully received, under Chidren ...... ....15¢c. Children ,,,,, | For full line of farm implements: and Solicitor. Law office, corner of authority from the Navy League of War Tax Extra. Jano0 ber day. Most 'aestrable | AT ONCE. A NEW SEVEN ROOM| pt' Velona Ont. NC : : Sahnection with future for those house and barn on North Alfred: lil IN VICINITY OF PETWORTH, DARK | FINANCIAL BA GS and taste its antidote for sorrow. And all of us who be- 0 8 Dearborn St, Chicago, 111, U.8.\ rte King and Brock, over Royal Bank. | A LARGE STOCK oF ARM. "BLANK. tractors, wagons, - cream separat- Money to loan. Phone 1999. ou for akle at 3 reasonable price. FROVIENI0 LOAN AND INVEST. | 3 ee 2 utbard Pp 8 ty, - " ' ors, etc. Liberal commissions paid. OF phone i755 tard, 288 Princess nso, Nomorated apsl.1| canada, by-- ; ROP. . yr Y ; SPER Good proposition for wide-awake CHIROPRACTIC. en es on "sity ningham. | MRS. CONSTANTINE, man. Apply: -- WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Ph. C, Cor-| A PRIVATE SALE OF SOLID ma. properties, municipal and : 154 Earl Street. ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd Sogeny Jable, wits pie plate fon Presta; Mmorigages Los | . r 1 B ie St. trance, Kingston, Maho y ry ahd chair, ir nvestment bonds for sale; de BOX G-3, WHIG OFFICE Soor-Patie Su Su free. Telephone Ply Mrs. Rodger, 151 Earl S:reet. | received and interest allowed It am---- Se ---- The Greatest Novel Of All Time -- TT -- 822J. Hours 9 to 12 ara. 1 to § p.m. £.9Cartwright, manager, 37. Clar-| 5 a = ence street, Kingston. y . & ey . p % 7 det FANCY GOODS. Ae RAE DR. ETTA BLODGETT, SPECIALIST McLAUGHLIN ROADSTEH, COST ga. ee ¥ 6 A Picture For Every One TEACHERS WANTED, In Chiropractic, 585 Princess Stree:, Ee aly fm 4.000 Palle; good as BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, | HEMSTITCHING PICOT EDGING, AC Kingston, Ont Hours 1 to 4 pm. new; guic sale; almer, d¢orner a $ . | 4 Ne thy . PROTESTANT QUALIFIED TEACHER and 7 to'§ p.m. Tuesday. Thurs: Bagot and Queen streets. tretinoin. | iran, Knils 3nd, box bleating. | I SPECIAL AFTER SCHOOL MATINEE . for 8. 8. No. 5, Hinchinbrooke: dut- day and Saturday. Appoinfments -- rm ------ |X COMPLETE CASH AND CARRY | Fa EA Terrace, Monto, yard - les to commence.dan 3rd. Salary by request Brocery store on wheels. Own one 3 = rea, t. $900. Apply to Gec. A. Smith, ses. DR. GEORGE Fr tore -------------- | PERFECT, CoLUMBIA AND HYSLOW of these in your territory. Meet. | opposite Artillery Fa - » retary, Parham, Ont. DR, GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A.| . Bicycles, also a repairing; "Ing with sensational success whee. | TUESDAY--Doors Open 4 Oo clock Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and as woarriage tres put on While v inaugurated. Two hundred | CIVIL ENGINEERING, : QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street, You wait. Muiler's Bicycle Works, fifty dollars net weekly income. | NAL Uy With reference, wanted for 8. 8, No between Princess and Brock. Tele. §71-373 King street. Phone 1032w. Easy terms. Principal payment vf 7, Ernesttown. Salary $500 phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1 to} ™ i ---- colons stores to be paymes h PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES -- ™| ADMISSION vial JE, 15¢. ADULTS .» 25¢. ies to commence Jan. 3rd 6, and 7 to 9 pm. Spinal analysis LOT 5 monthly installments from profits 8S: Scott, B.A. B.Sc. Mem. Eng La : to Albert Hartman, Odessa, Ons and consuitation free. Residential] CITY LOT. 60 FET FRONTAGE; 117 derived from business. No compe- Io8t. 123 King Street. Phone 163. is b call * by appointment. Jest deop; 10 one uns eI, Als tition, ho store rxpense. Exclusive A 8 u » . > erritories being allotte, rapid 3 ---- AGENTS WANTED once." 'Cawson, Geated Only used] ~~ lerritories b enter a most profitable DENTAL. = UPHOLSTERING. onge. C(awson, Concession st. business' and to exclusive | ------------e EE en tommy near Victoria Street, fate Sin Your territory communis] DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE MATINEE 2.30 STRAND EVENING 730 AGENTS----GET IN A PROFITABLE CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, J. IW -- cate with the undersigned Imms- | 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w, | all year Sominlssion business of Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. ANTIQUE FURNITURE ~ br LL (narod | Denar AND SPARKS. DE. your own. "Very property owner v - « % . RK * S, ) - needs some of our nine hundred ac : . ing Stores, Limited, 404 Exch a tists, 159 Wellington street, corner and planter Mardy Red Tag trees| F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR yp. Feu iipment. of old Eoslisn, Antique Bug. Windsor, Ontario, . __ of Brock. | and plants. No capital heeded holstering and genera] repairing. h Ml ee, a ot es | | | § { LAST TIME MON, TUES, WED, TUESDAY NIGHT TO-NIGHT S I COMPLETE EARLE P ELECTION WILLIAMS in RETURNS w JIRL FROM Will Be Given In THE GIRL ] BOOK RESERVED "BRING HIM IN" | GOD'S: COUNTRY" | spams. PHONE 105 N . p Sth, 1921 DR. RUPERT P, MILLAN DENTIST, 84 Complete equipment and instru - Leave orders at or drop a card to . 3 ¥ ' tion free. Write Dominion Nurser. 104 Clergy street Mahogany chests of Drawers. KC! v Princes Surges. Fhove 1850, Uben ies, Montreal. Mahogany Ice Chests. PRESSMAKING. evenings by appointment. ST === | COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- Rosewood and Walnut Arm Chairs, MRS. A, Ww. HALL, 229 BARRIER der in all popular shapes and siz. Dining and Parlor Wa) £ . . a al t t, will t 1 DR. AYKROYD DENTIST, HAS RE. POSITION WANTED. Upholstering and repairing dows ® 309 Darior Willnur Chairs, Public at their eased to weet tne sumed practice at $2 Princess or. emt --rn------ E. J. Goodridge, 244 University Settees and Sofas. Public at their conv s 3 | YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AF. Avenue. Phone 1833J. "| Several card tables. Bias aimen Vicj2%nk i Nova Scotia." Prong! i = = 5 Ef ternoon, evening. Will do any. 4 French Walnut Bed, KERSONAL thing. Apply Box E-2, Whig. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND rik . P. N ik Mahogany Mirror Frames, eto. »/ ] ished, guns. gramaphones, eto, re. | REMIT BY DoMIn x ss MEDICAL, FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL, DESIRES paired promptly and guaranteed 'S AN ; { oney order. If los or st APRE Il ra Dosition; farm house preferred. Ap. Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St. LESSE'S ANTIQUE sHOP Money order. gat OF atelen, you : ic Club | matic Club | 8 to Mrs. Noah Wood, Colin's sms » . buy ail 2) of Fufnliure. Eel your money back. : jo K. ROBINSON, NoD3. es BARRIE - | | | -- oe cmgaco [rENDsmip CLUB, 292% p.m. 7-820 p.m. Phone 1646 y. : Broad Yo Chicago, III. Thousands DR. Po I. RUN ORE Ti BELEN 66 e rage 0 an WORK WANED AFTER 4 pM, | elong. ng stamped envelope. . PP. H. 1 > GTO i L ~ SV " ol --ee Street, Kingston. Office h : . lly. Dr pinuas man are | POWER, Merchants Hany ARCH BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, IF YOU WANT A HEALTHY, WEAL. is ame 104 poco hou: : or phone T6687. ye corner of Brock and Wellington, FOR SALW Derininon onto enbioormatiet Rave evenings. Telephone 456. Under Direction Charles A. Gates Nyon > mn » C, SEMI-DETACHED; six RICH, YOUNG Soe | "Tell § HAPINORL | So dere won Ta av maw summa GRANT HALL S--_-- ! Eleven. 10601 Saint Clair, 4 10 Roous, LATEST | la Street, Hours 10.3 m | WILL PRESENT A 1045 bey Princes: Street. RCHITEOT ---- TAC Street nd, Ohio, P PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING on DECEMBER 5th, 8.80 p.m. $6,500--BRICK improvements; central. | Smart a te---- work 5 antesd. Peter D. Brown, -- | CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY, 12 Markland Street. Phone 2397m. | | IN AID OF QUEEN'S WOMEN'S RESIDENCE pusD : $) 500--FRAME HOUSE; NORTH END; | Wing Introductions, booklet free } sEATS ..... cee. 8100 EACH, Plan at Uglow's, : } rite Catholic Correspondence | SYS aoume; large jul, room for ml Club, Grand Rapids, Mich, PALMISTRY ! CLEANER THAN COAL. -- : [ YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD, SEND PROF. ARMENDO TELLS PAST AND HOT AS COA B00 vas, -DETACHED FRAME | "dime, birthdate for: ievintul ENP future and gives adsico 87 John- La, A 3 JaST As Tong as SAL A COAL deep lotnd good Sellar 299 gus faze Hause, Box 216" tae Angers: | et am to 10 pm PUBI i MEETING $14.50 PER TON DELIVERED. $2600 FOR THE MAT A MILLINERY. E TO THE ABOVE with electric lights; both well bully | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. : - ; y ° * marks. skin cancers. scars, SiGe TO MRS MeLAUGHLIN, 112 LOWER . : 4 . ited --- moved permanently. Satisfwecory William Street, will take = orar ) ; $4400--6-ROOMED CEMENT Bn g ree. . eriels ONTARI ames *9 house, all modern, hardwood LOCK nates and Gonire hme a Petung trimming and remode.. | 7 . ¥ apd electric If, hts; 31 Foot of Johnson St. wil pangle"yy, SM MOETOr leas) 36 pare daperiages Throat. Shia Brie -- rans mucasow, | tL IAE0 Stel Fatat TL Saxe Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 8 PM BUN. fooms: good condition; 3 plece : bath; ele ity; ;| MARRY 1% NELY; FOR RESUL 1 ACTIN % 'aire Jand.. 0 rk nd sage; ry me; ant snd most succesatul ay 4 a aL ow oar | Under the Auspices of the National Liberal and Conservative Partye 5 WV] E RT IN 3 outside eit limits, me Maker; Randreds rich. ish dis: plays savechaity, by Shaw at a SP : ; x T RYT - Cia on relitie: Years sentry | FEIncoos nec 22 EAKERS: ; 4 TO RENT ence; descriptions free. "The Suc. S OVES phone gure TRAN FONTH SIDE; six Cakiand. Lag Mrs Nash, Box §i6.| PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING . F. Nickle, A. B. Cunnin gham Sergt- ; -- a p N While they last, you may have D3 coL HEMFRAME, WEST siDE, SEVEY EE Absrnenamng Gone AINTING OR jor McNamara, .P.P., (Labor Member ha 5 AD G MATRIMONIAL A Dichanging done. grop a Sard to one reasonable, as that is my [Tooms; B. and C.; electric light. "THE LE IN 3 L . Mounteer, ref ree - wh Ls -- Club™ Best, largest; established 17 for East York), Dr. A. E. Ross. alth mem- . 3 Te WIE ry phy I SCOTT a Co. 53 BEVERLY s7. HUGH DOUGLAS, Chairinan. ~ plece bath: eloctric ign o ONS 3. : and gas; . Only honorable, hangers and - J TURK Phone 705 &00d condition. Bene Tiption or both sexes need ob. too: smal, no con Orchestra in attendance. Seats Reserved for Ladies, { WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER So: write. The Old Reliable Club, | tract too large. Storm windows re. A Everybody. Welcome. i See James Selby, Contractor, 213 BATEMANS REAL ESTATE Mrs. Wrubel, Box 286, Oakland, | glazed and put oa | Bare - ee clllagton Street, Kingston Cajit. " A hr 4 University Avenve. Phone 1598w. 1 Ww * shortest notice, | '

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