_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, DEC. 3. 10a1, FOUNDED 1847 You're In Luck WINTER OVERCOAT AT 209 DISCOUNT Every Winter Overcoat _ in Stock Goes in This Sale "HERE'S A SNAP IN ° Men's Suits One Hundred and Fifteen Suits--all sizes>-regular $35, $40 and $45. for $25.00 | All Sales for Cash. No Approval. . ® ® 4 Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" HIGH GRADE PRODUCTS "Ask Your Grocer About Them" Victoria Brand Creamery Butter {Wilson's Majestic Oleomargarine Belgo Cream Cheese & Anderson Bros. Distributors for Kingston and District . Phones 458--459. Wholesale 1767. | | | possible to unseat them, no matter| DOYLE--- At the Hotel Dieu Hospital, | WILL VOTE FOR LIBERALS, *" "ormesee xeon (a) Christmas Sale Held By :Home and | { . | School Club. i And Will Try and 8ave the (pe of the most successful of the Country From Conservative | Christmas sales was held Friday ev-| | De ilati {ening at Frontenac school under the | i spoilation. {auspices of the Home and School | i {Club. The kindergarten room with The following very interesting let- its beautifully decorated booths iu | ter has been sent by a Conservative ,oq and white looked very attractive | 8 n office, » B- | r ¢ bles were i--- | {sent government is asking the elec-| tn 1EirEY ot ie abit F. Hebert. | tors to entrust it with a further | yo. 0 Pound. Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. | term. The premier is endeavoring to Elftwood: candy, Mrs. OG. Pollitt, Mrs. | confine the fight to the tariff and to Murray, Miss Wilder, Miss Stgs-- | jattacks on his opponents, notwith- worth; fancy work, Mrs Hurd, Miss [standing the fact that the Liberal K. Blilolt, Miss H. Fonning: fst {leaders have again and again de- pond Mrs, Adsit Nes Newton, Miss | |clared themselves to be in favor of eon. Miss Bactor: io Mr. | [the Laurier tariff, which fs practi- Dawson, Miss Baxter; ice cream, } r | [cally the same as the present tarifr.|2d Mrs. Tugwood. Yoi t] 3 : > Mrs. Volume and | {He should not endeavor to shoulder | 11 the tea room Mrs the blame for the government's acts | Mrs. Shaver poured tea at the pret- | | i fon by entred with narcissus. Mrs. | {since the war, oti the opposition by ty table centred 8 | 7. | Potts received the fee of ten cents at | {saying: "They let it go through'; d maay} {as they were In a minority, and some ! the Joop of His ea any { |of the most objectionable measures| ore attrac e | { y an orchestra the | | were put through by order-in-coun- | fu! music played by an cil. members of which were S. Salsbury. | | No, the tariff is not the issue. The | H. Salsbury, W. Allen and M. Dor 3 | nelly, {two principal questions for the peo-| B® as} {ple are on the railway and mercan- The SA I ae a |tile marine policies. The present gov- | election, . MC > OE a {ernment should have faced the rail-| Ross were sad Preset pak, Aoi | way situation . boldly, and allowed ®Vening. he procee 0 tat | [thei the same assistance granted to|2nd much crecit is jugs RD | their railways, as they had imposed Mrs. Salsbury, and her upon our railways the McAdoo sche-|the tables {dule and amendments. If our roads |could not then carry on, they snould| HEALTHY CHILDREN {have let them go into liquidation. | | This also has been the method fol- | ARE HAPPY CHILDREN lowad in the United States. Instead | | of that, they took over the Canadian | er - [Northern Railway, arbitrated on the| The well child is always & happy value of the common. stock, after|child--it is a baby's nature to be their own experts had pronounced |bappy and contented. Mothers, ul it to be worthless; then had to pay | your little ones are cross and/peevish | ten millions for it, and the amount and cry a great deal they are(not well | would have been more if the senate|--thoy are in need of medicine = had not limited it to that sum. something that will set their bowels After taking over the Canadian|and stomach in order, for nine- | Northern it dawned upon them that tenths of all childhood ailments arise | they had got a railway in very poor|from a disordered state of the bow- | physical condition, and with no sui-|els and stomach. Such a medicine Is | {table termination. Instead of making | Baby's Own Tablets. They are a | |some working arrangements with the | mild but: thorough laxative hich | | Grand Trunk for the use of their! regulate the bowels, sweeten the | orminals, they decided to get hold |stomach, and thus drive out cons'i- of that system, with the idea of in-| pation, colic, indigestion; break up creasing the value of the Canadian colds and simple fevers, and make | Northern, not realizing that the the baby healthy and happy. Coa- {Grand Trunk Railway is an Inter- | corning them, Mrs, Albert Hamel, veto road, about seventy per|Pierreville, Que., writes: -- Baby's {cent of {ts traffic originating and ter-| Own Tablets are the best medicine I minating in the United States. AS7know of for little ones. They relieved | {soon as the Americans know that the | my little girl from constipation when | Canadian government has finally | nothing else would and I can stroag- taken over this road, nearly all of|ly recommend them to other moth- this through traffic will be lost, as|ers."" The Tablets are sold by medi- the United States government will [cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a put through an act with this object | box from The Dr. Williams Medicine in view. Not only this, the Canadian | Co., Brockville, Ont. government representative will be | -- summoned to Washington from time French Premier Ready to time, and told what he must do { with regard to the American por- | To Meet Marquis Curzon tions of the system. This may lead | to serious international complica-| Paris, Dec. 3.--Premier Briand is tions, . . Omplia ready to meet Marquis Curson and The mercantile marine policy of |discuss Angora and other Questione the government is one for which they | existing between France and Gree! are gntirely responsible. When the|Britain. He declined to comment on war stopped government shipbuild-|the discussion concerning a morator- ing should have stopped, as in Eng-| ium for Germany, land; but here they kept on and on, -------------------- {the situation constantly i "The French minister of Interior worse and worse. Preliminary sur-|has issued an order denying C. W. veys have been made for a power|Morse the right to land and requir- and ship canal on the St. Lawrence; [ing him to return to the United | Canada's share of this will be a stu-| States by the next sailing of the pendous sum. This surely is no time| steamer Paris. Morse has asked U.| to contemplate such a scheme. |S. attorney-general to let him stay After the enormous expenditures till Jan. 5th. | rendered necessary by the war, econ- {omy should have been their policy. DAILY MEMORANDUM. {Instead of that, it has been heavy ex-|' xmas. Personal Greeting Cards, ex- penditures and fresh burdens put | clusive designs. The Jackson Press, upon an already overtaxed people. | Rat cel Nan. by Queen's Government ownership means gOV-| Dramatic Club in Grant Hall, Dee. 2nd | 5 Ticke Iglow's. ernment Interference. \ .ere the|®nd 5th. Tickets at Uglow's A ------ commissioners are appointed by the | |government, and can at any time | CHRISTMAS CARDS i {be deposed by the government they | | C aq | Beautifully printed persona must necessarily be under govern- | Ty re, | | {ment control, and if men on inde- I i | pendence, they will resign: if not, | JANSON, CROZIER & GAR| [they will become mere puppets of MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. | jue party in power. kr {| If our present rulers are allowed | { | | ) [to continue in office," they will be- DIED 3rd come so firmly entrenc { CRAIG--Entered into rest, Pec. 3rd, h 1 y hirenched, through} 1921, William Gardner Craig.: the control of 40,000 miles of rall-| puneral' Monday afternoon, Sth. inst. {ways and other hitherto privately-| from his late residence, 78 Barrie | wned t i tha : Street, at 2 o'clock. Service in St. jovhec enierprises, at it will be im- Andrew's church at 2.30. | how unwise or extravagant their ad- on Dec, 3rd, 1921. Ellen Doyle, wi-| ow of th late Patrick Doyle, | ministration may be. The policy of | So of Garden Island. { | this government is not only steering| Funeral on Monday a J Yom] 1 : ene er u » - {us on a disastrous course, but it is | jhe Te 36 Sydenham St.| {in direct. opposition to Conservative | to St. Mary's Catiledral Shore i i y i { n requiem mass w De § | principles. What we want in this Bad Nena rE ai country is the freest individualism soul. te fatand | Sa Interment at Wolfe Island. : | possible--not collectivism Which] Jnterment at Noite in papers Please] {18 the policy carried out in Russia . copy. to-day to its fullest extent; KNIGHT--At Inverary, om~Dec. 2nd, | Although a lifelong Conservative, 1921, Robert' Knight. aged 32 -------- a ---- A ea tte et, eat ae Ld . Te AFTER SUPPER Starting 7:30 o'clock S ALF Starting 7.30 o'clock For to-night the thrifty shoppers will find a great many special bargains that would be appropriate for Yuletide gifts. All will be placed on sale at the given time and the prices that will prevail is worth considering. ¢ LADIES" WHITE 'Stamped Night Gowns TO-NIGHT . . $1.35 EACH Ladies' Fine Nainsook Night Gowns-- white only --- stamped in a range of pretty patterns. What would be more suitable than one of these for a Christmas gift? - Hand worked articles always give satisfaction. 10 Dozen Ladies' Vests Regular priced $1.00. TO CLEAR ve 75¢. EACH 10 dozen, Ladies' Fine Ribbed Vests, Dutch Neck and Short Sleeves--a medium weight suitable for winter wear. This is a $1.00 quality. To clear at this low figure. 29 Doz. Children's Ribbed Wool Hose Winter approaching and the children all need new Winter Stockings! Here's your chance! 25 dozen Child- * ren's Black Ribbed Stockings--a Stocking that is suitable for school and will stand the wear thereof. Sizes 7, 71, 8, 8} and 10. ONLY ........... 49s. PAIR BOYS' V-NECK > - Pullover Sweaters Sizes 26-28 Sizes 30-32 $1.49 EACH. $1.75 EACH Boys' All Wool V Neck Pullover Sweaters, in the colors Garnet, Navy and Cardinal, Cardinal and Green, Oxford and Cardinal, Brown. Pullover Sweaters TO-NIGHT . $1.35 EACH Children's All Wool Scarlet Pullover Sweaters --a heavy rib--warm--button at the neck -- Scarlet only. Regular value $2.00 and $2.25. Sizes 20, 22, 24, 26, 28. The DELINEATOR-- Yearly Subscription . $1.50 A special rate for the coming week allows you to subscribe to the Delineator at this reduced rate, the regu- lar price being $3.00. It contains articles on home sew- ing and cooking, home decoration and also plates show- ing the newest styles, short stories and serial stories, \ John Laidlaw & Son, Limited f+ years. I feel it my duty to vote for the Lib-| Funeral will take place Sunday, Dee eral party. jin. i Holiness Six ement Shuren, nverary, to San cemetery. --C. H. GODFREY | Please omit flowers. ---------- JECKELL~--In Kingston, on December id . Victorian Order of Nurses, body . t his lat 'The monthly meeting of 'he Vic- Te magne, 3% brbnenac Sireet. Ser torian Order of Nurses was held on ars Slctet by Ley. Suiien Flu Thursday with a fairly good attenl-| in Ciiarncniay afternoon, at ance. - The report of the nurse show- Friends and acquaintances respectfully ed 435 visits made 'during the mont} Ee ure of November, 181 child welfare vis- JAMLS REID its, 26 telephone consultations, 23 The Utd Firm of Undertakers. social service, 4 advisory and 3435, ong 206 PRINCESS SIICKET. free visits, tie religions demomina- Phone 147 for Ambulance. tions being: Protestants 23; Roman AA Catholics, 4. Donations: Clothing. ROBERT J. REID linen, money, etc., from Miss Black; The Leading Undertaker. Miss Mowat, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Parkins, Phone 577. %50 Princess Street. Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Youlden, Mrs. Singleton; Mrs. Corbett, a friend, M.P.KEYES Girl Guidés, K.C.I, and Mm. T. Undertaker and Emsaimer - Davidson. . Undertaking Pariors, 32:28 Princess Se. Amovulance Phone 18380. "Cosy Nook," Wellington, early) JOHN CORNELIUS on Thursday was found to be on fire. Undertaker and Kmbalmer Mrs, J. W, Grier, who spends the Parlors: 274 ssinc. es Street. summers - there, was alone and iost' Phone some very valuable clothes and fur- y \ niture. The building was owned by Miss Edith Stinson, ua ONAN Phone 356, t-1 23% Baget § Rented Fair Grounds. Ca't night i day promptly att aded | Prescott council has leased its " fair grounds to Thomas J. Bilis, cies- |. H. J. KNIGHT v terville, for three years at a rental ot | NOERTAKER $200 a year, a rie Patimg rivsiam.] : ¢ 5 BOUDOIR SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS We have comfortable, warm, Bed- room Shoes ™ Pure Wool Jaeger at... ... . $3.50 Felt Boudoir in colors at . . . .$2.00 Kid Boudoir in various colors at...........$2.00 and $2.50 Indian Moccasin Slippers--fur trim- nied and beaded Toes . $2.50 up. j Daintiness and usefulness are com- bined in these beautiful Boudoir Slippers.